
Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Jevon HayesCI350

Dr. BlancoTwitter

Following the CI350 class on twitter allowed me to see what was going on in the world of education outside from Marshall. I hardly get to watch the news because I am at school and then right after that I go into work. Having a twitter account that post links and keeps people up to date is helpful for someone who is on the go. Anytime I needed I could check on the twitter profile and see what the scoop was for the day. One link that really interested me was the one about the little girl who didn’t stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance. I can understand other young children scolding her because she is different but the fact that the facility did the same thing is disgusting. I also agree with the statement that it should be more of teaching students how to think not what to think.

Following WiseinWV showed me a lot of new things going on around this area and just in general. The person who created this account seems to be an activist and a progressive person because of the ideas that they tweet. It’s just obvious because they show compassion for people as a whole and if they weren’t progressive then the tweets would be in a more negative view of things. One tweet that caught my eye was the fact that 40 percent of youth who are homeless are LBGT, it was a retweet from a different account and doesn’t show anything about education but it can still relate to the classroom in a way. In my opinion some of those youth are probably running away from home because of what is going on inside their home and also how they are being treated in school. Teachers and administration can help put an end to the bullying and the suicides we see today.

Another account I followed was @Dwight_Carter. He is a principal and is an advocator of no office days. This means he likes to go around in the school and observe what is going on and see what changes need to be made. The majority of his tweets are uplifting and making sure the page stays positive. One of the

links he posted was pretty interesting and reminds me of something we heard in our class.

The link is about how education is always changing and teachers need to follow up. This link recognizes that teachers already have enough on their plate but its time to try something different, scrape off what you know and pick up another meal pretty much. By doing the same old thing you are used to you are hurting yourself but the most important thing is you are hurting your students.

The second person I followed on twitter from the video was NMHS_Principal but it has switched to @E_Sheningen. By far he is the most active person from everyone else I have followed and he is another principal. I decided to follow these principals because I want to get into the administration level of education as well. This account has a little personal use and also is a link for the parents to see what is going on in the school and he is so active that they are getting information multiple times in a day. One thing I did notice about the video we watched was that there were no history teachers at all in the mix which I find pretty odd because there were so many different types in the list of names.

The third person I decided to follow on my own was The History Channels own twitter account. In my opinion there is not enough history going on with the account. We get a bunch of “this day in history” this happened or that happened but the majority of it is overran by pawnshops, ancient aliens and viking shows and I’m starting to remember why I slacked on watching it. But I still get a little history and every now and then you will find some actual historic facts and learn something new that you usually don’t learn in the classroom.

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