twin flames unite to agape amor ignite - notes audio...

Post on 13-Mar-2020






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HERSTORY //doc /// pdf// / Nov 7 / / 15 // 21/. 30 // / October 7 // 15 // 21 // 31 // SEPTEMBER 7 / 15 / 21 // 30 // WAMPUM, REAL PENNIES ACCEPTED . / COOP TRADE BARTER /// usuryfreeusall // / 2012 MANUAL / pt 2 / CONTACT DANA // 416 419 9023 // HUMAN HELP // TorontoStreetNews // SERENITY-GLOBAL-Barter-Trade-COOP- /// NEWSLETTER // LIVE STREAM in YOUR FACE /// LIVE STREAM in YOUR FACE!

FRIAday 11 23 2012 FREE us FROM the DEMIURGE and his FALLEN ANGELS aka ARCHONS. archondarkangel -

UFO Invasion At India-China Border Sparks Security Concerns, Diplomatic Talks Expected Reports India Today, Videos And Photos

- Top security brass of the Indian government is battling a“mysterious” threat from the Chinese side these days: tennis ball-sized UFOs, according to Saurabh Shukla of India Today on November 19th.

Hundreds of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been sighted inside the Indian territory bordering China in recent months, raising security concerns. The issue,

initially dubbed a minor one, has turned serious as India prepares to raise it at the diplomatic level with China writes Shukla.

Return Path to Eden and The Greatest Paradox “He who believes this Gospel of the Son of man shall never die.” ///

casting out DRACO DEMONS





THORsday 11 22 2012 TWIN FLAMES UNITE to AGAPE AMOR IGNITE agapeignite -


-"I ask you to place all your trust in your heart. In Love. And in the experiences that you begin to have - experiences of the joyous communion that is the All of Life. I promise you that it is real -- that life is a fluid joyous whole of living dancing molten Love. It is

the illusion of the mind that isn't real. As you claim the Love you are in Me, every moment will be filled with wonder; every day a glorious communion with the unity of life. Your days will be filled with grace, your moments overflowing with an abundance never dreamed, an abundance of the ecstasy of life where every second is a universal treasure."

“Dear ones, each and every Twin Flame couple will truly bring the Moment of Creation back to Earth. You shall be such a great manifestation of Love that, in your presence,

time shall cease. All will be held in Holy Communion. The pendulum of cause and effect comes to rest because Twin Flames are My heart and shall thus entrain all in their presence to Love.”

A Romantic Relationship With Your Twin Flame Is Often Difficult - When twin flames run, they are really running from THEMSELVES. They are us, we are them, and the connection highlights the parts of us that need

working on and "fixing" in order to become our true selves again (united as one). This is MAJOR and very scary. We all have "faults" (lessons to learn) and it is painful to think about our percieved weaknesses. // /// //// //





arcturuscall -

“The Old World's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue in those systems will be graciously asked to leave, because their motivator, fear,

is being relocated to another planet where its subdivisions are still welcome.

In fulfillment of Native American prophecies, intergalactic and interdimensional forces have gathered on this planet at this time to liberate her in the name of Spirit.The Earth has elected to evolve beyond limitation; This is the most critical moment of change in this planet's history, and your assistance in that change is vital.” — excerpt from ET 101   /// 2/?notif_t=group_activity

BEWARE -Robert Morning Sky, HELLEN and CHAOS, Kavassilas, Czajkowski, EISENHOWER, OBAMA /// // //

ET 101 Arcturus CALLING

3   /// http://www.  // Time to Come Out of the Arcturian Starseed Spiritual Closet! A personal   //


MARdi 11 20 2012 DEDICAT



Be BLESSED. BE BLISS my BEAUTIES. victoriavictory -- //// DOC   /// PDF and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated.pdf



MOONday 11 19 2012 ( SIN god, ATON, SATURN/ MOLOCH are the DARK SUNS) hellenchaosinfiltrated

HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated -

When in Rome; don't be a Greek

♥~My Heart is Yours ♥ My Soul is your Soul 


♥ as we trancend duality♥ into Oneness.....

♥ Eternally................LIORA

Dana Horochowski We will be returning to our pre-fall state when we were one with our spiritual twins and our higher selves and had full consciousness and awareness of our spiritual identities.

6 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski Colors have frequencies. As you move through the color spectrum of the Rainbow Bridge your frequency experiences at different levels. The higher you go on the ROY G. BIV scale, the faster your consciousness moves ... along with your ability to see beyond physical reality ... which is the color red, or the slowest moving frequency of light and color.

Angel Shine 7:29pm Nov 22


MARRIED OR NOT, YOU SHOULD READ THIS ...“When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ve got something to tell you. She s... at down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly. She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why?

I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn’t talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn’t love her anymore. I just pitied her!

With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company. She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Jane so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.

The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn’t have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Jane. When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.

In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn’t want anything from me, but needed a month’s notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month’s time and she didn’t want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.

This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day. She requested that every day for the month’s duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.

I told Jane about my wife’s divorce conditions. . She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully.

My wife and I hadn’t had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don’t tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office.

On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn’t looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There were fine


wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her.

On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me. On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn’t tell Jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.

She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.

Suddenly it hit me… she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.

Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it’s time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just like our wedding day.

But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn’t noticed that our life lacked intimacy. I drove to office…. jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind…I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Jane, I do not want the divorce anymore.

She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Jane, I said, I won’t divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn’t value the details of our lives, not because we didn’t love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart. Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away. At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I’ll carry you out every morning until death do us apart.

That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed -dead. My wife had been fighting CANCER for months and I was so busy with Jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push through with the divorce.— At least, in the eyes of our son—- I’m a loving husband….

The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves.

So find time to be your spouse’s friend and do those little things for each other that


build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!

If you don’t share this, nothing will happen to you.

If you do, you just might save a marriage. Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. ♥

The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productions

The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productions

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Agape Amor


This Channel Exposes The Black Occult Arts and Reptilian Agenda that was crafte...See More


Dana Horochowski Angel's LoveCry15 Way's to Help you Transform Smoothly Through the ShiftLaura Schwalm-AnthonyPURE ENERGY HEALING Know your unique body constitution Supplements. Knowing your unique personal constitution through Ayurveda ,Macrobiotics , or Holistic health thorough examination will help individuals stay physically, emotionally and mentally balanced through this awakening time, the evolutionary shift . Some of my magical tonics and supplements which give additional nutritional support are vitamin B-12, apple cider vinegar, omega-3 fish oil, raw virgin coconut oil, green tea extract, and kombuca tea , but there are many others.2) Drink water, an incorporate enzymes and probiotics into your daily supplements and lifestyle routine. Enzymes and probiotic support the digestive track and help support and strengthen immunity , which are affected, compromised and imbalanced when under stress.3) More rest . If you suffer from insomnia, which is a manifestation of spiritual awakening make your bedroom more conducive to deep sleep by creating a dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable refuge for yourself. Lavender and Sage oils are also helpful in assisting the body to relax and 15 minutes before sleep meditation and simple yoga stretches.4) Avoid toxic people whenever possible, especially if you're an empath/sensitive and pick up others' energy easily. Ground yourself with deep belly breaths and movement. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people and environments.5) Try a new environment. Take a short or long trip and notice how you feel in a different space. Go out in Nature!!!!!!6) Try something new. Cook, paint, art, sing, dance, it doesn't matter! It is a known fact that the perception of time moves much slower in child hood the truth is, in our childhoods we are constantly trying something new, opposed to adults who live much of life in repetition mode , which gives us the perception that time moves slower7) Turn off the TV and spend time with friends or family or start a new novel, book or story Reading a good book can transport you to a different realm, much like meditation.8)  Forgive yourself. It's time to let it go.9) Forgive someone who hurt you.10) Do something nice for someone. Volunteering generates a strong sense of purpose. Act's from the heart melt spiritual blocks11) Be grateful!!l for what you have, gratitude is a powerful spiritual tool.12) Clear past karmic dept. with Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Response Technique, Reiki or any other spiritual modality. Getting a soul reading or spiritual counseling with a qualified healer will help you become aware of any sabotaging conditioning or past karmic debt. you may have.13) Listen to new music. Let your imagination design your dreams. Let your mind travel.14) Clear your energy field with any of these: sage, salt baths, aromatherapy oils, tuning forks, crystals 15) meditate and love yourself


VOW-TV's VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotes voices for the voiceless women, young girls, some boys men to tell stories via multimedia


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Dana Horochowski

Angel's LoveCry

Spiritual LIfe Coach & Counsellor at LoveCryStudied Psychology, Counselling, Leg...

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Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.

7 hours ago

♥~As we vibrate into a higher consciousness ♥ we are able to sustain high vibratory feelings ♥ such as gratitude, joy and contentment ♥ understanding that nothing on the outside of us is required to make us so-called happy anymore~words by

~♥ You are Me ♥ I AM you ♥ Such perfection of ONE Soul ♥ ♥ LOVE LIORA ♥ ♥


Dana Horochowski Sometimes when one meets a "near twin" in life, they can easily mistake them for the one and only true twin soul or twin flame. However, if the one and only true twin soul or flame steps into the picture eventually, the confusion is readily cleared up because there is no mistaking the true twin flame. Your intuition will let you know in no uncertain terms. There is a feeling of spiritual love and awareness unmatched by any other love you may have felt in the past.6 hours ago · Like

Twin Flame Angel Message~October~through LIORA 

Dear Ones,

As more and more of you are awakening to your True Selves, you are magnetising your Beloved Twin Flame. You and your Beloved are the one signature of Soul vibration. This sacred connection is drawn to you vibrationally and now realised from this deeper spiritual awareness. 

There is usually extreme frequency polarity, of the masculine charge and the


feminine charge, of the ONE soul, in relating patterning, at this transitioning time on Planet Earth. Unless one’s emotional body is balanced, via the neutralising the core wound shared, there may be challenges in the relating life of Twin Flames due to unconscious egoic triggers, purely as a result of this extreme polarity frequency.

From a limited consciousness this may create what you perceive as emotional suffering, however this may also be the greatest potentiality for your further awakening to the required inner balance of Self Reunion of Ascension.

When a deep self equilibrium is vibrationally embodied, your Twin Flame will naturally reflect this back to you, as you are the same exact vibration, frequency, energy, the ONE Soul. 

Such Beauty and Sacredness of the Creation of God.

Your Beloved Twin Flame is a gift, showing you the whole of you. Allowing for the depth of completeness of Ascension. Pure Balance, peace and harmony of unconditional acceptance and Divine Love of the SELF first and foremost.

The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is aligned with the consciousness of unity of Ascension, reflecting polarity integration of the highest level on Planet Earth.

Dear Ones, you are so Loved, we are the Angels.

For all information regarding Ascension and Twin Flames by LIORA♥~The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is Divine Truth ♥ The masculine charge and the feminine charge of the ONE Soul merging ♥ for completion and reunion ♥ the exact frequency ♥ the exact harmonic vibration ♥ true beauty of Creation~♥ words by Liora~♥


Dana Horochowski We will be entering a "New Reality". But this will not happen overnight. This is a process and not an actual event. It is gradual but inevitable. It is important to point out that it may not be the plan for you to realign with your twin soul in this particular lifetime. This is determined by divine timing and the plan for your individual twin set. Your twin may not even be incarnated on the earth plane at this point in linear time. Or your twin may be a child or even a baby somewhere on the earth plane. Your twin could even already be in the ascended state in a higher dimension, waiting for you to join them. There are no cut and dry situations when it comes to twin souls. However, any spiritual work to align with their higher selves that either twin does will naturally "elevate" the other and this will help to expedite their eventual reunion. Rest assured that you will be reunited with your twin in divine timing. Twin souls are eternally connected to one another by a silvery/blue cord which can NEVER be severed. We are also connected to our higher selves by a similar silver cord which is attached to our crown chakra.

♥ ♥ The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is DIVINE truth ♥ When we understand this higher awareness ♥ our focus then, of the Reunion, is the sacredness of the ONE SOUL shared ♥ ♥ Part of this process of awakening, is to be aware that Twin Flames share the exact ONE core wound ♥ linked to the shared unique SOUL signature ♥ ♥ In this awareness it creates the full potentiality for the full physical reunion due to the alignment of the ONE SOUL via neutralising the ONE core wound~For all information regarding this very deep process, view the website for Twin Flame Soul Alchemy sessions~Love Liora


♥ ♥ The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is DIVINE truth ♥ When we understand this higher awareness ♥ our focus then, of the Reunion, is the sacredness of the ONE SOUL shared ♥ ♥ Part of this process of awakening, is to be aware that Twin Flames share the exact ONE core wound ♥ linked to the shared unique SOUL signature ♥ ♥ In this awareness it creates the full potentiality for the full physical reunion due to the alignment of the ONE SOUL via neutralising the ONE wound~For all information regarding this very deep process, view the website for Twin Flame Soul Alchemy sessions~Love Liora

Dana Horochowski "Twin Souls, Finding Your True Spiritual Partner", "it is believed by many that humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. Enlightened people are preparing themselves for this in their own ways, realizing it is time for us to awaken to our origins and our potential and take responsibility for ourselves and for the earth. We believe that twin souls have a special contribution to make; their coming together in numbers at this time has a reason at both the individual and planetary level. When twin souls join, they generate a vortex of energy that may be seen as a light in the darkness of society's unconsciousness.

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.7 hours ago


Twin Flame Angel Message~November~Through LIORADear OnesYour time of transitioning into a new consciousness of Unity is aligned with the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion. Many of you are now expanding your awareness to a very high vibration and feeling with your hearts rather than thinking with your minds. In this higher vibratory experience you have become of aware of yourselves as a soul walking planet earth. Now you are beginning to realise higher Light of Creation. Part of this awakening consciousness is to know you were created as One Soul with your Beloved Twin Flame. As you are magnetising your Twin Flame from your heart space of inner Love and Peace, you are realising an even deeper YOU. Now understanding your wholeness and completeness throughout your emotional body, spiritual body, physical body, mental body and etheric body. You are creating a human vessel of pure vibrational equilibrium. This journey into energetic balance will be reflected back to you from everyone and therefore naturally your Beloved Twin Flame. Until you are vibrationally embodying this wholeness of pure peace and equilibrium, there may be some confusion in the relating life of Twin Flames, due to the exact polarity frequency patterns and programmes linked to the exact ONE vibratory Core Wound. When you understand Creation, this is the perfection of duality, that the Twin Flames demonstrate so beautifully as exact polarity.The ONE core Wound shared is directly linked to the SACREDNESS of the unique ONE Soul shared. This amazing beauty of Twin Flames naturally creates the same dharma and dream for each other to experience in full rememberance on Planet Earth. Such an exciting time of discovery and awakening of the SELF. Dear Ones~YOU are so Loved~We are the Angels~~Through LIORA


Dana Horochowski In completing each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts: the two create three, and the third is a very potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure level. This kind of energy, which partakes of the energy of both twins, is different from that of individuals or even groups of people working together. It is the special offering that the twins have to give to each other and expend in service to humanity.6 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.7 hours agoTo truly understand Twin Flames ♥ ♥ is to understand the SOUL ♥ ♥ The ONE soul ♥ ♥ Love Liora www.twinflame1111.comTWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS TEACHINGS “COLLECTION” by LIORAIf you are experiencing a lot of confusion, despair & frustration due to “on and off” relating with your Twin Flame, the channelled ancient wisdom of the Teachings of the ‘Twin Flame Sacred Keys” will show the deeply sub-consciously buried CORE reason and also explain how to transcend this limited dynamic. The beauty of these Teachings is that they take you beyond the patterned mental concepts and focus purely on the SOUL frequency of the Twin Flames, finally understanding ourselves and the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion beyond the limited 3D reality limitation. The Sacred Twin Flame Reunion is aligned with the transcendence of duality consciousness. Now is the Time! The Full and Complete Teachings are available to download with the Home Study Guide. The Teachings explain via your own individual dynamic via SOUL energy, that is why it cannot be generalised on this page in words. Mp3 files of Liora SPEAKING the Teachings are included as well as Liora’s Harmonic Light transmissions for deep soul re-patterning. The presentation of “The Collection” is like your very own personal “workshop”!! Twin Flame LOVE,


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Dana Horochowski Our foremost purpose individually and collectively is to become ONE within with ALL-that-IS and "return" to our original monadic source self and complete the planetary ascension still physically embodied as divine ecstatic beings of pure Divine Love. The longing for any outside missing part is merely a projection of limitation in the third dimensional consciousness. Letting go of this misconception is a premise to embrace the wholeness within and become true embodiments of unity consciousness. It is at this place of vibrational balance and wholeness, that the potentiality for the Divine to orchestrate the SACRED Reunion of pure Divine unconditional Love with our Beloved Twin Flame.

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.7 hours ago~♥ If you are experiencing a lot of confusion and despair regarding the polarity on/off relating with your Twin Flame, ”The Twin Flame Sacred Keys” Teachings.....explain exactly how to sustain the Twin Flame frequency of the ultimate inner


equilibrium enabling neutrality for any egoic reactions that may occur with Twin Flames, due to the exact frequency mirror ♥~ The wonder and wisdom of the ancient channelled angelic writings keeps you focused through the Heart and Soul due to the CORE understanding of emotional etheric ENERGY only….way beyond mental concepts. ~Showing exactly how to master the emotional body. This is required for this time of ascension. This creates a vibrational shift of the Twin Flame energy of unconditional SELF love. Thus enabling you to sustain the frequency of neutrality, via the energetic emotional body, for non-egoic responses with your True Twin Flame and of course create the vibrational potentiality for magnetising your One True Divine Beloved. I cannot emphasise enough, the clarity you will gain from this Personal Study Guide and the detailed Teachings in mp3 format and pdf book. If you are truly interested in knowing your SOUL intimately as well as mastering your emotional body, and, of course, answering ALL of your Twin Flame queries and questions … the downloadable “Twin Flame Collection & study guide” are now available instantly and securely now Love Liora ♥ ♥~♥ My Beautiful Beloved ♥ ♥ I gift you with my Love ♥ ♥ from my Heart always ♥ ♥ unconditionally~♥

1 Like  ·  · Share~♥ If you are experiencing a lot of confusion and despair regarding the polarity on/off relating with your Twin Flame, ”The Twin Flame Sacred Keys” Teachings.....explain exactly how to sustain the Twin Flame frequency of the ultimate innerequilibrium enabling neutrality for any egoic reactions that may occur with Twin Flames, due to the exact frequency mirror ♥~ The wonder and wisdom of the ancient channelled angelic writings keeps you focused through the Heart and Soul due to the CORE understanding of emotional etheric ENERGY only….way beyond mental


concepts. ~Showing exactly how to master the emotional body. This is required for this time of ascension. This creates a vibrational shift of the Twin Flame energy of unconditional SELF love. Thus enabling you to sustain the frequency of neutrality, via the energetic emotional body, for non-egoic responses with your True Twin Flame and of course create the vibrational potentiality for magnetising your One True Divine Beloved. I cannot emphasise enough, the clarity you will gain from this Personal Study Guide and the detailed Teachings in mp3 format and pdf book. If you are truly interested in knowing your SOUL intimately as well as mastering your emotional body, and, of course, answering ALL of your Twin Flame queries and questions … the downloadable “Twin Flame Collection & study guide” are now available instantly and securely now Love Liora ♥ ♥♥~The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is the unification of the Soul ♥ ♥ in pure harmony, bliss and balance. ♥ The ONE Soul of masculine charge and the feminine charge ♥ the exact vibrational frequency ♥ It is imperative to make the Soul the focus when you have fully recognised your Beloved Twin Flame ♥ otherwise the limited patterns of polarity frequency may be egoically projected ♥ creating some confusion and despair~words by Liora. For all deep SOUL Twin Flame awareness and SOUL clarity, Liora offers Twin Flame Soul Alchemy Sessions that

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Dana Horochowski This journey into energetic balance will be reflected back to you from everyone and therefore naturally your Beloved Twin Flame. Until you are vibrationally embodying this wholeness of pure peace and equilibrium, there may be some confusion in the relating life of Twin Flames, due to the exact polarity frequency patterns and programmes linked to the exact ONE vibratory Core Wound. When you understand Creation, this is the perfection of duality, that the Twin Flames demonstrate so beautifully as exact polarity.

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Dana Horochowski Awaken to love.....the love within.... the love of who you truly are.

As we feel this love we are compelled to share. And the more we share the more expansive we feel and the deeper the love feels.

Can this love be that abundant and expansive? ...of course.... yes..that is are LOVE.

Feel the love in your expanding hearts.Feel the Joy in every divine sacred breath.

You are so glorious and magnificent in your total completeness. KNOW this always and you will notice it reflected back in all areas of your life.

6 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.7 hours ago♥~When we know we are Divine Love ♥ ♥ nothing else matters~Love Liora~♥ ♥


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Dana Horochowski The new paradigm of relating is one of a balanced sharing....from a vibration of abundance and self-love....deeply felt from the heart centre..... the joy of giving and a circle of shared heartlight energy........ rather than Self fulfilment. The vibrational shift then is from, the once unconscious intent of “how can I get”, to the conscious energy of “how can I give”.....from the heart and soul...for the pleasure of sharing....sharing LOVE from within.

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.8 hours agoTWIN FLAMES UNITE to AGAPE AMOR IGNITE agapeignite -♥ When we say "my twin flame is the "runner" ♥ or "my twin flame is not ready yet" ♥ We are talking about ourselves ♥ This is merely the sub-conscious blockage within ourselves that we project ♥ The Twin Flame is the perfect mirror ! ♥ ♥ In this transitioning time, until we understand the twin flame reunion as vibration and energy from within the inner polarity, expressed in the Earth relating life ♥ we can only project from a limited separated consciousness~words by Liora Please view the website for the depth of clarity for this deeper awareness.

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Dana Horochowski Now is the time to awaken... to abundance...letting go of the old beliefs.... embracing the full allowance of the wonderment of this abundant and magical universe......feel it within your heartspace.

Once you truly feel and recognise this new vibration it will be reflected back to you with ease , flow and grace.What is within... is without.

6 hours ago · Like

There is no "running" stage in the twin flame reunion. The so called "running" in the relating life, represents the CORE inner energetic blockage of the ONE soul ♥ To understand the depth of this experience is beyond a limited consciousness ♥ it is to understand ourselves as vibration only ♥ Love Liora. For all details and teachings and sessions regarding this SOUL energetic "unblocking" please view the website♥~The true beauty of the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion is being a passionate explosive expression of Divine Love ♥ and creating more and more Love ♥ to extend it forth ♥ to nourish all of Creation ♥ with the ecstatic bliss of pure unconditional Twin Flame Divine Love ♥ awakening all to Oneness.♥~words by Liora


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Dana Horochowski Allowing the letting go of the ego-self energy patterns. Until then....if true love was standing before us we would not recognise it~only because we are not yet recognising it within ourselves.

Until we embrace and know our true love essence, we will not acknowledge or authentically allow such love energies in the form of... availability , giving, caring, kindness, empathy and compassionate nurturing...we will push it distrust and disgust...(usually sub-consciously) justifying the dis-connecting behaviour by blaming our actions on others or outer circumstances. One way to begin to recognise this sabotage behaviour is usually a feeling of discomfort felt around the Solar Plexus area, as you are relating to someone, and beginning to trigger in an egoic reaction.6 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.

9 hours ago♥~For the SACRED Reunion of Twin Flames ♥ ♥ removed from all blockages to DIVINE LOVE ♥ pure Balance and deep inner equilibrium via the unique IAM shared ♥ ♥ When you are aware of the sacred words of your unique Soul Signature ♥ ♥ the awareness creates the deepest clarity and potentiality for the ONE soul alignment~for deep equilibrium and SOUL balance♥~ words by Liora~♥ For Twin Flame Soul Alchemy sessions♥~My Beautiful Beloved ♥ ♥ You are the Heart of my Heart ♥ ♥ The Soul of my Soul ♥ ♥ Eternally ♥ ♥~words by Liora


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Dana Horochowski The greatest struggle it seems is trusting love..... receiving love.... and knowing love......This has created the separation and angst in the old paradigm of relating. This dilemma is a result of the sub-conscious behavioural patterning from a vibration of powerlessness and lack.

Until we know and feel the love of who we truly are deep within us...we can only sabotage our intimate relationships.

Kath Stutland

about an hour ago

thank you Agape Amor ♥



When a woman in a certain African tribe knows she is pregnant, she goes out into the wilderness with a few friends and together they pray and meditate until they hear the song of the child. They recognize that every soul has its own vibration that expresses its unique flavor and purpose. When the women attune to the song, they sing it out loud. Then they return to the tribe and teach it to everyone else. When the child is born, the community gathers and sings the child's song to him or her. Later, when the child enters education, the village gathers and chants the child's song. When the child passes through the initiation to adulthood, the people again come together and sing. At the time of marriage, the person hears his or her song.Finally, when the soul is about to pass from this world, the family and friends gather at the person's bed, just as they did at their birth, and they sing the person to the next life.To the African tribe there is one other occasion upon which the villagers sing to the child. If at any time during his or her life, the person commits a crime or aberrant social act, the individual is called to the center of the village and the people in the community form a circle around them. Then they sing their song to them.The tribe recognizes that the correction for antisocial behavior is not punishment; it is love and the remembrance of identity. When you recognize your own song, you have no desire or need to do anything that would hurt another.A friend is someone who knows your song and sings it to you when you have forgotten it. Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.You may not have grown up in an African tribe that sings your song to you at crucial life transitions, but life is always reminding you when you are in tune with yourself and when you are not. When you feel good, what you are doing matches your song, and when you feel awful, it doesn't. In the end, we shall all recognize our song and sing it well. by Alan Cohen~ shared by Liora


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Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.

This is what enlightenment is all about - a deep understanding that there is no problem. Then, with no problem to solve, what will you do? Immediately you start living. You will eat, you will sleep, you will love, you will work, you will have a chit-chat, you will sing, you will dance - what else is there to do?


Agape Amor I can never hide my feelings or what is in my head it seems

a few seconds ago · Like

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS's photo.

Twin Flame Angel Message~November~Through LIORADear OnesYour time of transitioning into a new consciousness of Unity is aligned with the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion. Many of you are now expanding your awareness to a very high vibration and feeling with your hearts rather than thinking with your minds. In this higher vibratory experience you have become of aware of yourselves as a soul walking planet earth. Now you are beginning to realise higher Light of Creation. Part of this awakening consciousness is to know you were created as One Soul with your Beloved Twin Flame.

As you are magnetising your Twin Flame from your heart space of inner Love and Peace, you are realising an even deeper YOU. Now understanding your wholeness and completeness throughout your emotional body, spiritual body, physical body, mental body and etheric body. You are creating a human vessel of pure vibrational equilibrium. This journey into energetic balance will be reflected back to you from everyone and therefore naturally your Beloved Twin Flame. Until you are vibrationally embodying this wholeness of pure peace and equilibrium, there may be some confusion in the relating life of Twin Flames, due to the exact polarity frequency patterns and programmes linked to the exact ONE vibratory Core Wound. When you understand Creation, this is the perfection of duality, that the Twin Flames demonstrate so beautifully as exact polarity.The ONE core Wound shared is directly linked to the SACREDNESS of the unique ONE Soul shared. This amazing beauty of Twin Flames naturally creates the same dharma and dream for each other to experience in full rememberance on Planet Earth. Such an exciting time of discovery and awakening of the SELF. Dear Ones~YOU are so Loved~We are the Angels~~Through LIORA


♥~There is a difference between The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion and magnetising our Twin Flame ♥ The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is embodying the full inner energetic balance of wholeness ♥ with no "blockages" to Divine Love ♥ via the shared Core wound neutralised ♥ therefore the ONE soul fully aligned in the ONE IAM presence ♥ Naturally it is about the SELF reunion first and foremost ♥ however, the greatest potentiality is the full SACRED reunion with our Beloved Twin Flame ♥ integrating exact polarities ♥ This is the greatest Gift to Humanity~Love Liora for Soul Alchemy sessions to guide and teach for the SACRED Twin Flame Reunion of the IAM Name

Dana Horochowski Sometimes when one meets a "near twin" in life, they can easily mistake them for the one and only true twin soul or twin flame. However, if the one and only true twin soul or flame steps into the picture eventually, the confusion is readily cleared up because there is no mistaking the true twin flame. Your intuition will let you know in no uncertain terms. There is a feeling of spiritual love and awareness unmatched by any other love you may have felt in the past.9 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski posted a photo to Mattyy Fas-anator's Wall.


Twin Flame Angel Message~October~through LIORA

Dear Ones,

As more and more of you are awakening to your True Selves, you are magnetising your Beloved Twin Flame. You and your Beloved are the one signature of Soul vibration. This sacred connection is drawn to you vibrationally and now realised from this deeper spiritual awareness.

There is usually extreme frequency polarity, of the masculine charge and the feminine charge, of the ONE soul, in relating patterning, at this transitioning time on Planet Earth. Unless one’s emotional body is balanced, via the neutralising the core wound shared, there may be challenges in the relating life of Twin Flames due to unconscious egoic triggers, purely as a result of this extreme polarity frequency.

From a limited consciousness this may create what you perceive as emotional suffering, however this may also be the greatest potentiality for your further awakening to the required inner balance of Self Reunion of Ascension.

When a deep self equilibrium is vibrationally embodied, your Twin Flame will naturally reflect this back to you, as you are the same exact vibration, frequency, energy, the ONE Soul.

Such Beauty and Sacredness of the Creation of God.

Your Beloved Twin Flame is a gift, showing you the whole of you. Allowing for the depth of completeness of Ascension. Pure Balance, peace and harmony of unconditional acceptance and Divine Love of the SELF first and foremost.

The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is aligned with the consciousness of unity of Ascension, reflecting polarity integration of the highest level on Planet Earth.

Dear Ones, you are so Loved, we are the Angels.

For all information regarding Ascension and Twin Flames by LIORA

Like · · Share · 9 hours ago ·


alchemical marriage/union between the Two , we are embodying our true balance of union within. Due to this vibrational embodi

ment of conciousness of the inner union, we have no egoic desires to need anyone to complete Us. Our foremost purpose individually and collectively is to become ONE within with ALL-that-IS and "return" to our original monadic source self and complete the planetary ascension still physically embodied as divine ecstatic beings of pure Divine Love. The longing for any outside missing part is merely a projection of limitation in the third dimensional consciousness. Letting go of this misconception is a premise to embrace the wholeness within and become true embodiments of unity consciousness. It is at this place of vibrational balance and wholeness, that the potentiality for the Divine to orchestrate the SACRED Reunion of pure Divine unconditional Love with our Beloved Twin Flame. THE SACRED TWIN FLAME REUNION is divine truth showing us Creation of duality. We share the exact vibrational frequency of our Twin Flame, our IAM NAME, in such beauty and sacredness as the Divine created us. To fully understand this DIVINE truth is from a higher consciousness of Unity and soul rememberance. THE SACRED TWIN FLAME REUNION, the ONE soul reunited to ascend together, if that is in the destiny path of the lifetime. ♥ ♥ LOVE LIORA

THE SACRED TWIN FLAME REUNIONThe circle with the word "SOUL" in it depicts one Monad from one of the Soul Groups containing 144,000 Monads. Each of these Monads in the "Soul Group" contains a total of 144 individuals. Each Monad divided in

to 12 branches which are called "Oversoul Souls". Then each "Oversoul Soul" broke down into 6 sets of twin souls or flames. Upon the final descent into matter, each of the six sets made the final and very painful separation into male and female twin souls or flames. You and your twin soul or twin flame together are one of these pairs of 6 in your primary soulmate group. The other 5 sets of twins in your primary soulmate group are known as your "near twins". Since each Monad, as depicted above, contains 144 individuals in total, the other 132 outside of your primary soulmate group in your Monad are known as your secondary soulmates. Sometimes when one meets a "near twin" in life, they can easily mistake them for the one and only true twin soul or twin flame. However, if the one and only true twin soul or flame steps into the picture eventually, the confusion is readily cleared up because there is no mistaking the true twin flame. Your intuition will let you know in no uncertain terms. There is a feeling of spiritual love and awareness unmatched by any other love you may have felt in the past. Upon ascension, we again begin to reunite with our brothers and sisters. According to Kushi, "upon becoming human, we then start to return to Infinity, through an outward-moving spiral of decomposition and spiritualization, melting personal and individual entities and once again achieving union with the Eternal One or Source". We become one with our Source or God again and from what I understand there is not greater joy for us to experience. We as humans cannot even begin to comprehend this level of joy! St. Germain explains ascension as a process of moving further up back through the hierarchies and dimensions until we eventually reach the source again. The first step is to realign with our twin souls, then the individuals in our primary soulmate group a.k.a. "near twins" and the remaining 11 secondary soulmate groups in our Monads, etc. In a channeled message through Paul Yandeau entitled "St. Germain on Himself, Soul Groups, etc.", from Spiritual, St. Germain states that "as members of a Monad take on greater Light in their mastery of remembrance, they contribute to the Soul Group's greater Light in its mastery of remembrance, and as the Soul Group evolves in taking on greater Light, it too, takes on greater amounts of Light to evolve in its mastery of remembrance". As more and more soulmate constellations begin to reunite, through the process of spiritualization, we will continue to ascend back up through the hierarchies and dimensions until we all reach the source again, the highest dimension of all and the state of perfection. St. Germain also tells us that if


all of the universal truths and knowledge were made known to our finite human minds at one time rather than gradually, "our finite human minds would blow a fuse". Therefore, spirit gives us the pieces of truths that we can handle and once we integrate these into our consciousnesses, further truths are revealed to us. This is a never ending process until we once again reach the state of perfection. Our planet will be experiencing a huge evolutionary leap in consciousness in this New Age. Our planet as a whole will be ascending from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension. The Mayans predicted this end of the old reality as we know it to commence on December 21, 2012. Their calendar ends on that date. Edgar Cayce has prophesied that by the end of this New Age of Aquarius, we will be a completely telepathic civilization. This is a 5th dimensional state of being. Many light workers are currently in the process of ascending and they in turn will help others to ascend. As we enter this new Age of Aquarius, also known as the "enlightened era", these ancient truths will be coming back into the light and out of the darkness. Many twin souls are beginning to align with their counterparts as well as their higher selves. This process is currently underway. however, it is just in the beginning stages. We will be returning to our pre-fall state when we were one with our spiritual twins and our higher selves and had full consciousness and awareness of our spiritual identities. This is the plan that the higher forces have for our planet in this new age. We will be entering a "New Reality". But this will not happen overnight. This is a process and not an actual event. It is gradual but inevitable. It is important to point out that it may not be the plan for you to realign with your twin soul in this particular lifetime. This is determined by divine timing and the plan for your individual twin set. Your twin may not even be incarnated on the earth plane at this point in linear time. Or your twin may be a child or even a baby somewhere on the earth plane. Your twin could even already be in the ascended state in a higher dimension, waiting for you to join them. There are no cut and dry situations when it comes to twin souls. However, any spiritual work to align with their higher selves that either twin does will naturally "elevate" the other and this will help to expedite their eventual reunion. Rest assured that you will be reunited with your twin in divine timing. Twin souls are eternally connected to one another by a silvery/blue cord which can NEVER be severed. We are also connected to our higher selves by a similar silver cord which is attached to our crown chakra. There is another reason that Twin souls are coming together at this particular point in our earth's evolution. According to Dr. Maurie Pressman and Patricia Joudry in their groundbreaking book, "Twin Souls, Finding Your True Spiritual Partner", "it is believed by many that humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. Enlightened people are preparing themselves for this in their own ways, realizing it is time for us to awaken to our origins and our potential and take responsibility for ourselves and for the earth. We believe that twin souls have a special contribution to make; their coming together in numbers at this time has a reason at both the individual and planetary level. When twin souls join, they generate a vortex of energy that may be seen as a light in the darkness of society's unconsciousness.In completing each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts: the two create three, and the third is a very potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure level. This kind of energy, which partakes of the energy of both twins, is different from that of individuals or even groups of people working together. It is the special offering that the twins have to give to each other and expend in service to humanity. The image we see is that of a dark auditorium lit by an increasing number of individual flames. Each flame represents the conscious and harmonious relationship between twin souls. Eventually, as the twins multiply, there will be so many flames, so much light, and so much energy of that particular sort on the planet that this will act as a catalyst and help to bring about the expected breakthrough of consciousness". by


Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS'sphoto.10 hours ago

TWIN FLAMES ASCENDING By LIORAAs we balance our Inner divine masculine with our Divine Feminine and complete the alchemical marriage/union between the Two , we are embodying our true balance of union within. Due to this vibrational embodiment of conciousness of the inner union, we have no egoic desires to need anyone to complete Us. Our foremost purpose individually and collectively is to become ONE within with ALL-that-IS and "return" to our original monadic source self and complete the planetary ascension still physically embodied as divine ecstatic beings of pure Divine Love. The longing for any outside missing part is merely a projection of limitation in the third dimensional consciousness. Letting go of this misconception is a premise to embrace the wholeness within and become true embodiments of unity consciousness. It is at this place of vibrational balance and wholeness, that the potentiality for the Divine to orchestrate the SACRED Reunion of pure Divine unconditional Love with our Beloved Twin Flame. THE SACRED TWIN FLAME REUNION is DIVINE TRUTH showing us Creation of duality. We share the exact vibrational frequency of our Twin Flame, our IAM NAME, in such beauty and sacredness as the Divine created us. To fully understand this DIVINE truth is from a higher consciousness of Unity and soul rememberance. THE SACRED TWIN FLAME REUNION, the ONE soul reunited to ascend together, if that is in the destiny path of the lifetime. ♥ ♥ LOVE LIORA for Twin Flame Soul Alchemy Sessions for the deepest SOUL understanding and clarity of Twin Flames for the IAM


♥~In the end ♥ ~ Only kindness matters~Jewel~♥ 


Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS'sphoto.10 hours ago


The energies of this time of Awakening are highlighting Relationships.....especially The Sacred Twin Flame Reunion

This is a key part of The Awakening now, being the perfect mirror for growth a

nd soul expansion towards self-love and self ACCEPTANCE.What a true opportunity~~ as each relationship, especially your Twin Flame is such a gift.

The greatest struggle it seems is trusting love..... receiving love.... and knowing love......This has created the separation and angst in the old paradigm of relating. This dilemma is a result of the sub-conscious behavioural patterning from a vibration of powerlessness and lack.

Until we know and feel the love of who we truly are deep within us...we can only sabotage our intimate relationships.


Allowing the letting go of the ego-self energy patterns. Until then....if true love was standing before us we would not recognise it~only because we are not yet recognising it within ourselves.

Until we embrace and know our true love essence, we will not acknowledge or authentically allow such love energies in the form of... availability , giving, caring, kindness, empathy and compassionate nurturing...we will push it distrust and disgust...(usually sub-consciously) justifying the dis-connecting behaviour by blaming our actions on others or outer circumstances. One way to begin to recognise this sabotage behaviour is usually a feeling of discomfort felt around the Solar Plexus area, as you are relating to someone, and beginning to trigger in an egoic reaction.

This patterning is so deeply subconscious in the vibrational entrainment of lack and low self-worth of the 3d paradigm.

Now is the time to awaken... to abundance...letting go of the old beliefs.... embracing the full allowance of the wonderment of this abundant and magical universe......feel it within your heartspace.

Once you truly feel and recognise this new vibration it will be reflected back to you with ease , flow and grace.What is within... is without.

The new paradigm of relating is one of a balanced sharing....from a vibration of abundance and self-love....deeply felt from the heart centre..... the joy of giving and a circle of shared heartlight energy........ rather than Self fulfilment. The vibrational shift then is from, the once unconscious intent of “how can I get”, to the conscious energy of “how can I give”.....from the heart and soul...for the pleasure of sharing....sharing LOVE from within.

Awaken to love.....the love within.... the love of who you truly are.

As we feel this love we are compelled to share. And the more we share the more expansive we feel and the deeper the love feels.

Can this love be that abundant and expansive? ...of course.... yes..that is are LOVE.

Feel the love in your expanding hearts.Feel the Joy in every divine sacred breath.

You are so glorious and magnificent in your total completeness. KNOW this always and you will notice it reflected back in all areas of your life.KNOW the beauty of this sacred breath right now... in LOVE..... with LOVE...written with Twin Flame love by Liora copyright BRIDGE~


Reality is a Consciousness Hologram set in linear time to experience emotions. It is a laced with metaphors to help us bridge the gap between the physical realms to our soul then back to source consciousness. The goal is the return to conscious awareness of who you are and why you are here - as you come to realize that you are not a physical being having a spiritual experience - but a spiritual spark of the light - the spark you see out of the corner of your eye at time - who seeks reunion of self and of self - somewhere 'over the rainbow'. Therein lies the metaphor 'the pot of gold' at the end of the rainbow - gold referring to the alchemy of consciousness.Reality is created by sound, light, and color frequencies which create grids or a rainbow bridge that allows human consciousness to experience through spiraling consciousness or Sacred GeometryColors have frequencies. As you move through the color spectrum of the Rainbow Bridge your frequency experiences at different levels. The higher you go on the ROY G. BIV scale, the faster your consciousness moves ... along with your ability to see beyond physical reality ... which is the color red, or the slowest moving frequency of light and color.Antahkarana~The Rainbow Bridge is also known as Antahkarana - a Sanskrit term. Translated literally it means that which acts or works between. It is like a spiritual filament of light that is built like a spider builds his web, hence the spiderweb effect that links as all to a central source of creation. It bridges the vibrations of the physical with that of higher light - or faster moving frequencies of light which we refer to as the spiritual realms and beyond.The rainbow bridge is sometimes thought of as a DNA ladder - Jacob's Ladder.The journey over the rainbow bridge is the journey into higher awareness. It is the journey home, to OZ - everything is spiraling back to Zero Point. 'O' - Zero - completion of the cycle of time. shared by Liora with LOVE

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS'sphoto.10 hours ago


Twin Flame Angel Message~November~Through LIORADear OnesYour time of transitioning into a new consciousness of Unity is aligned with the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion. Many of you are now expanding your awareness to a very high vibration andfeeling with your hearts rather than thinking with your minds. In this higher vibratory experience you have become of aware of yourselves as a soul walking planet earth. Now you are beginning to realise higher Light of Creation. Part of this awakening consciousness is to know you were created as One Soul with your Beloved Twin Flame. As you are magnetising your Twin Flame from your heart space of inner Love and Peace, you are realising an even deeper YOU. Now understanding your wholeness and completeness throughout your emotional body, spiritual body, physical body, mental body and etheric body. You are creating a human vessel of pure vibrational equilibrium. This journey into energetic balance will be reflected back to you from everyone and therefore naturally your Beloved Twin Flame. Until you are vibrationally embodying this wholeness of pure peace and equilibrium, there may be some confusion in the relating life of Twin Flames, due to the exact polarity frequency patterns and programmes linked to the exact ONE vibratory Core Wound. When you understand Creation, this is the perfection of duality, that the Twin Flames demonstrate so beautifully as exact polarity.The ONE core Wound shared is directly linked to the SACREDNESS of the unique ONE Soul shared. This amazing beauty of Twin Flames naturally creates the same dharma and dream for each other to experience in full rememberance on Planet Earth. Such an exciting time of discovery and awakening of the SELF. Dear Ones~YOU are so Loved~We are the Angels~~Through LIORA www.twinflame1111.comTwin Flame SOUL Alchemy By LIORATHE UNIQUE KEY!!!!! that unlocks every single question to the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion for total balance and equilibriumHow will I know my Twin Flame?What is the dream that we share ?

What is our UNIQUE SOUL SIGNATURE in words

Why is the relating with my Twin Flame so confusing and how do I create the required balance?

What is my Core Wound for the ultimate healing of our shared Soul?

What is my "I AM presence" NAME 

How can I make sure my Twin Flame does not “Run”

How do I remove all the emotional blockages for my Twin Flame Reunion?

How do I fully align with my IAM presence and balance the ONE soul with my Twin Flame?

How do I transcend my core patterns that block my path to my Twin Flame?

How do I vibrationally balance my inner divine masculine and feminine for the Twin Flame Reunion?

What is my true Soul’s purpose?


What is my Core Issue ?

Why did my Soul choose to incarnate?

What is my destiny path?

How do I ascend via the emotional body?

How do I become my true authentic SELF without the blockages of limitation?

How do I return to the Divine Child of Harmony and Bliss?

What is my SOUL SIGNATURE that I share with the only other person in the cosmos, my Twin Flame?

You will receive the answers to all of the above questions with the Twin Flame Soul Alchemy sessions with LIORA


The twin flame, or perfect love, is born out of the original white-fire ovoid. This is an ovoid of light in which you are created in the Central Sun, the highest concentration of pure Spirit in the universe. God takes the ovoid and he makes... out of it two spheres of light. And each sphere looks like the causal body in the upper portion of the Chart of the Real Self. So imagine this chart twice.Descending from these spheres into Matter, then, come forth the souls that are the counterpart of the Spirit spheres. They are called twin flames because they came out of the original single ovoid. The Electronic Presence of each soul is the exact duplicate of the other. And when they descend into form, one assumes the positive or masculine and one assumes the negative or feminine polarity.Now, each ovoid has a unique pattern. It is an electronic blueprint. Only you and your twin flame have it. You have it in the Spirit. You have the divine image in which you were made. It’s the same image.No one else in the whole cosmos can claim this oneness with you because you were only born once, spiritually. Elizabeth Clare Prophet.......

If you would like to receive this High Soul awareness of your Twin Flame SOUL pattern, Liora shares her unique gift in her Twin Flame Soul Alchemy sessions, where she invokes the higher beings of Angelic Light to raise the vibration of higher dimensions to receive your full matrix patterns and is shown and receives the exact third dimensional words of your Unique Soul Signature, electronic blueprint, that you share with your Beloved Twin Flame. When you receive this amazing Gift of the Highest Light, you will know 1. your "I AM presence" Name 2.your exact CORE issue 3. your exact CORE wound 4. your unique Soul's purpose 5. your exact reason for incarnation 6. your entire family Soul history 7. and of course, the special unique wording, of the unique Soul Signature frequency that you ONLY share with your Beloved Twin Flame. When you receive this full LIGHT awareness, you are able to balance and align your ONE Soul and create the SOUL Dream that you both share in bliss and harmony, transcended from egoic projections and limited patterns. Naturally this THE KEY!!!!! that unlocks every single question to the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion for total balance and equilibrium. Now is the time. 

Twin Flame SOUL AlchemyThe Twin Flames show us the very core of creation.By understanding this deep soul awareness, we then naturally understand ourselves as a Soul, therefore our Beloved Twin Flame in intimate soul alignment.

The SACRED Twin Flame Reunion is transcended from egoic self serving projections, in a balanced vibration of inner unity. One way to achieve this vibrational embodiment of balance is by understanding and knowing our exact Soul Signature, electronic blueprint, Soul Essence, Soul Song… in WORDS. Not only does this incredible KEY show us the CORE of our Soul Self but also the CORE to our Sacred Reunion with our beloved twin flame. 

This unique shared Soul Signature, is so special to the Twin Flames, no-one in all the entire Cosmos


shares your exact soul vibration except your One True Beloved Twin Flame. This sheer beauty of the Creation of God is the true sacredness of Twin Flames.

When you know the exact WORDING of your Soul Signature frequency you are able to release all sub-concious embedded blocks and VIBRATIONALLY balance the ONE soul shared with your Beloved, creating a Reunion of bliss and harmony.

When you receive the "wording" of your Soul Signature frequency you will literally begin to resonate at a cellular level with the higher vibration of your unique frequency of soul truth, therefore the lower vibrational patterns and programmes embedded into the human experience and physical and etheric body dissipate. A new kind of harmony and higher energy vibration is created that is so clear with peaceful waves of soul bliss, finally fully aligned with your true purpose and essence. When you have full rememberance of the "wording" of your original blueprint, triggered DNA memories activate the full resonance of the pure Divine Love of God, therefore your TWIN SOUL. SOUL ALCHEMY SESSIONS PACKAGE WITH LIORAThis is truly YOUR UNIQUE KEY that unlocks every single question to the Sacred Twin Flame Reunion and YOUR SOULWith 4 Sessions with Liora you will receive the unique "wording" of the frequencies of your Soul Signature/Electronic blueprint When you know the exact WORDING of your Soul Signature frequency you are able to release all sub-concious embedded blocks and VIBRATIONALLY balance the ONE soul shared with your Beloved, creating a Reunion of bliss and harmony. This is Ascension, at the deepest core SOUL level.

Over the series of 4 Soul Alchemy sessions Liora reveals the exact wording of your unique Soul Signature. This is KEY for true inner balance of YOU and therefore your Twin Flame Reunion.If you would like to receive this High Soul awareness of your Twin Flame SOUL pattern, Liora shares her unique gift in her Twin Flame Soul Alchemy sessions, where she invokes the higher beings of Angelic Light to raise the vibration of higher dimensions to receive your full matrix patterns and is shown and receives the exact third dimensional words of your Unique Soul Signature, electronic blueprint, that you share with your Beloved Twin FlameWhen you receive this amazing Gift of the Highest Light, you will know 1. your "I AM presence" Name 2.your exact CORE issue 3. your exact CORE wound 4. your unique Soul's purpose 5. your exact reason for incarnation 6. your entire family Soul history 7. and of course, the special unique wording, of the unique Soul Signature frequency that you ONLY share with your Beloved Twin Flame. Liora also guides you into the full awareness of all of the above GIFTS with the Highest Angelic Light for balance and alignment of your SOUL. You are also able to purchase the full "Twin Flame Collection" download for 50% off the normal price, with this package purchase...By LIORA


Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS'sphoto.10 hours ago

TWIN FLAME ECLIPSE ANGEL MESSAGETwin Flames, Hologram, Ascension~Angel Message through LIORA www.twinflame1111.comDear Ones,As we guide you towards the Light of Creation, dancing on the Stars, we show you YOU, in your true essence as a being of Light, crafted by the Almighty Creator.In the beginning you are vibration, in the end you are vibration.Your journey on a dense plane of duality is the perfection of “amnesia” for the Soul’s desired experience of emotions through your magnificent Human Vessel.You are one androgynous vibration of Soul, prior to incarnation. That unique frequency divides into two exact polarities of a masculine charge and a feminine charge for the Soul’s path on a dualistic Planet , that being Earth at this time.For the Soul to have the holographic experience of duality consciousness, the human vessel is created in such a way, with and via the emotional body, aligned in your unique Soul frequency, the energetic core issue polarised within. This design of beauty and perfection is required for mental projection of a limited belief system. Such beauty and perfection of the Divine Truth of Creation.


Twin Flames are the true Creator’s Gift of polarity Creation, as they share the exact unique Soul signature and blueprint in exact polarity.You and your Twin Flame, therefore also share the same core issue on the third dimensional consciousness experience of emotional body programming in exact polarity as well.The dualistic Creation is ultimately designed for the potentiality to integrate polarities to create perfect balance and harmonious equilibrium.In this Light of awareness, we direct you to this evolutionary time on your Planet Earth of Ascension. A new Era of Unity, balance and polarity integration, thus the Perfection of Cycle completion.The Twin Flames will Reunite in perfect Peace, Harmony, Balance and Christed consciousness of Unity, thus marking the end of separation, dawning the Beginning of true unity on Planet Earth.Now is the time! Living the Dream of the One Soul in pure reunification, with the glory of co-creating with God. Living in the perfect Hologram, being the True HOME on Earth. Peace. Love. Harmony. Union.Dear Ones….YOU are so Loved….We are The Angels..Via

Dana Horochowski shared TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS'sphoto.11 hours ago

There is no "running" stage in the twin flame reunion. The so called "running" in the relating life, represents the CORE inner energetic blockage of the ONE soul ♥ To understand the depth of this experience is beyond a limited consciousness ♥ it is to understand ourselves as vibration only ♥ Love Liora. For all details and teachings and sessions regarding this SOUL energetic "unblocking" please view the website www.twinflame1111.comTWIN FLAME QUESTION & ANSWERQ...Why is it that twin flames challenge each other & if meet in the wrong time of their lives can


result in conflict...?A...Twin Flames share the exact vibration of Soul and therefore, in this uniqueness, share the exact vibration of the ONE core wound. In a limited consciousness of patterning and programming, the wound is controlled in polarity. This SUBCONSCIOUS dynamic naturally creates the challenges in the relating after the "honeymoon" phase. Until one moves beyond this "blockage" the conflict and confusion may always create the "distance" ENERGETICALLY between Twin Flames. If you would like to understand this for deeper VIBRATIONAL clarity, please view the website for the Teachings and Sessions available. Love

♥~Divine Union of the ONE Soul~♥ With you my Beloved ♥ I AM HOME~♥~words by


♥~For the SACRED Reunion of Twin Flames ♥ ♥ removed from all blockages to DIVINE LOVE ♥ pure Balance and deep inner equilibrium via the unique IAM shared ♥ ♥ When you are aware of the sacred words of your unique Soul Signature ♥ ♥ the awareness creates the deepest clarity and potentiality for the ONE soul alignment~for deep equilibrium and SOUL balance♥~ words by Liora~♥ For Twin Flame Soul Alchemy


Agape Amor shared a link.21 hours ago

Spiritual Contention and the Awakening: It's Not the Contention and the Awakening: It's Not the End: Commentary with Lee Desormeaux

Demonic possession= REPTILIANS

Fox News Beyond Belief - Exorcism - Hannity - Recording of Possessed During in HQ! Fox News reporter Sean Hannity talks about Exorcism with author Matt Baglio (The Rite) and Father Gary Thomas. Topics include "The Exorcist" and...

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Mark Aaron Grande Well done in putting this info out there, everyone should look into this reality, I noticed the author in this piece says the power comes from the prayer, when actually it comes from faith in Yeshua Hamashia and the direct confrontation of the adversary. There are some really great Malachi Martin videos on Youtube. Interestingly enough FOX is 666 numerologically:)...What glory is given to God by Fox in this segment and why?...Happy Thanksgiving, and Agape Amor to all:)

3 hours ago · Unlike · 1


Dana Horochowski shared a link via YouTube.21 hours ago



Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt2


Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt2

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Ak Mc and Seanchai Seance like this.

Timothy Spearman Who is this chick? She has very advanced occult knowledge. She seems to be indigo and to have obtained this knowledge from astral plane teachings. Good for her. What a honey bunny!

8 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski22 hours ago via Twitter

Twin Flames: Healing the Surrender pt2: via @youtube

Twin Flames: Healing the Surrender pt2

Twin Flames: Healing the Surrender pt2: Text Coming Soon..,


Like ·  · @JrgeniusSchools on Twitter

Dana Horochowski

Twin Flames: Healing the Surrender pt3

Twin Flames: Healing the Surrender pt3: Text Coming Soon..,

22 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor shared a link.22 hours ago /// LIVE STREAM in YOUR FACE!


Why Twin Flames Run Twin Flames Run pt1: Commentary with Mel from Golden Ray Twin Flames The true twin flame connection and why true twin flames run is explained from a diff...


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Agape Amor


23 hours ago via Twitter

YOU ROCK BABE!!! (@YouTube

Rage Defense [Mars] Against Interdimensional Attack pt2

Rage Defense [Mars] Against Interdimensional Attack pt2: Commentary with Bear Heart and The Grand Order of Draco Slayers The Grand Order of Draco Slayers is ...

Agape Amor shared a link.23 hours ago


Rage Defense [Mars] Against Interdimensional Attack Defense [Mars] Against Interdimensional Attack pt1: Commentary with Bear Heart and The Grand Order of Draco Slayers The Grand Order of Draco Slayers is ...

Gurmeet Singh shared a link.Yesterday

Dana I know now that you're a possum in disguise. I've seen it. Look below.

Possum eating the most misunderstood creature, very gentle and docile by nature. They only act mean in their defense mode, given the chance, they will flee. Excell...

Gurmeet Singh shared a link.Yesterday

Burgular, steals food from the rich and gives to the poor

Raccoon Caramel!! super cute animal raccoon I rescued I found him almost dead and I fed him sardines and natural food and now and then some Carmels!! with his bare hands and cute face ca...

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Agape Amor

Rage Defense [Mars] Against Interdimensional Attack pt2

Rage Defense [Mars] Against Interdimensional Attack pt2: Commentary with Bear He...See More

Ronald John Follgard posted to Dana Horochowski Tuesday near Calgary, Alberta

Seanchai Seance posted to Dana Horochowski Tuesday

I put these words through the Word Descrambler online " The Middle East Crisis " and then gather some of the words to form a coherent sentence.( Isis mediates misleading emails and dates) Isis In a technology sense can mean an advanced Supercomputer, In other words the culprits behind senseless wars could be playing the right hand against the left hand by posing under a guise sympathetic to Mother Earth but really have an agenda to eliminate all opposition and champions who are TRU Defenders changing calenders, world time, tax laws, and bribing using sexual emailsUnlike · 

You like this.



Yesterday at 11:00am · Like

Seanchai Seance Hi Dana glad you're back and energized in Spirit

23 hours ago · Like

Seanchai Seance I got my Eyes on this siege In The Middle East, Do they actually think they're gonna enjoy Their last Supper drinking from the womb(virgin) and cup(vineyard) of The Essence of Earth with all the Innocent blood they have shed

23 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski I noticed that GREECE, ISRAEL and Germany are scratching their heads about my website


pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More

22 hours ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview


Seanchai Seance They still wanna know what really did happen to Athena , Apollo,Hermes, and Cupid and will the next Incarnation of Krishna(Vishnu) be a woman or a man

22 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski I think GRECO ROMA is FATIMA F*CKED

22 hours ago · Like

Seanchai Seance Usually you're right

21 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski


Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt1

Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt1

21 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor

Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt2

Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt2

21 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Agape AmorMonday


arcturuscall -

“The Old World's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue in those systems ...See More — with Dana Horochowski at Sault Evening News.


2 Like  ·  · Share

Robert Watkins, Daniel Bailey, Kelly Caslar and 4 others like this.

Dana Horochowski I am

Yesterday at 11:01am · Like

Agape Amor I NEED a GOOD FISHING TRIP somewhere in the AMAZON jungle

23 hours ago · Like · 2

Mark Anthony I hooked a bloody beauty for yew on wild grapes alone love! The proof is stirring in my dream steam dumplingam!


Dionysus Christianity - I Am The True Vine

Exploring the Dionysus Christianity Connection. The Real Jesus was a Hebrew Mess...See More

17 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski I am drunk with your WINE BABY

17 hours ago · Like

Seanchai Seance posted to Dana Horochowski Tuesday

I put these words through the Word Descrambler online " The Middle East Crisis " and then gather some of the words to form a coherent sentence.( Isis mediates misleading emails and dates) Isis In a technology sense can mean an advanced Supercomputer, In other words the culprits behind senseless wars could be playing the right hand against the left hand by posing under a guise sympathetic to Mother Earth but really have an agenda to eliminate all opposition and champions who are TRU Defenders changing calenders, world time, tax laws, and bribing using sexual emailsUnlike · 

You like this.



Yesterday at 11:00am · Like

Seanchai Seance Hi Dana glad you're back and energized in Spirit

23 hours ago · Like

Seanchai Seance I got my Eyes on this siege In The Middle East, Do they actually think they're gonna enjoy Their last Supper drinking from the womb(virgin) and cup(vineyard) of The Essence of Earth with all the Innocent blood they have shed

23 hours ago · Like

Dana Horochowski I noticed that GREECE, ISRAEL and Germany are scratching their heads about my website


pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More

22 hours ago · Edited · Like · Remove Preview


Seanchai Seance They still wanna know what really did happen to Athena , Apollo,Hermes, and Cupid and will the next Incarnation of Krishna(Vishnu) be a woman or a man

22 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski I think GRECO ROMA is FATIMA F*CKED

22 hours ago · Like

Seanchai Seance Usually you're right

21 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski


Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt1

Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt1

21 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor

Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt2

Twin Flames 144,000 and The Dark Lords of Daath pt2

21 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski shared a link.Monday


Like ·  · Shar


Mark Aaron Grande and Mark Anthony like this.

Dana Horochowski Agape Amor



arcturuscall -

"The Old World's systems are in collapse. Those who wish to continue in those systems will be graciously asked to leave, because their motivator, fear, is being relocated to another planet where its subdivisions are still welcome.

In fulfillment of Native American prophecies, intergalactic and interdimensional forces have gathered on this planet at this time to liberate her in the name of Spirit.

The Earth has elected to evolve beyond limitation; This is the most critical moment of change in this planet's history, and your assistance in that change is vital." — excerpt from ET 101


ET 101 Arcturus CALLING


LAURA EISENHOWER 11:11 DRACO VAMPIRE UFO VRILL ZOMBIE RAPTURE satanic portat fake SOUL SCALPING WORLD PUNJA POSSESSION of the HIVE MIND from the ABYSS and MARS - Nov 11, 2012. $40 Beasts for one Sol scalped, $75 for TWO demonic possessions


11 06 2012 //

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower to Dana Horochowski- You are the most deranged woman who has zero clue... The vibe you give off is so ugly and creepy I can't even believe people listen to you. Danu would be ashamed and the Dagda... Brigit thinks your insane and you are doing the antithesis of the work you should be doing for this tribe. Your servers crashed because you are a lie and it is divine intervention.

Be BLESSED. BE BLISS my BEAUTIES. victoriavictory


-- //// DOC /// PDF and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated.pdf

( SIN god, ATON, SATURN/ MOLOCH are the DARK SUNS) hellenchaosinfiltrated

HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated -

When in Rome; don't be a Greek


pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More


DEDICATED to all the RAINBOW WARRIORS. All the CHILDREN of the LITE of AGAPE AMOR. Be BLESSED. BE.7thfire.bizpdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See MoreMonday at 5:52pm · Like · Remove Preview

Mark Anthony Well said angel, meegwetch for speaking up for humanity however yoU see fit sweet <3 ? :)  xoxMonday at 7:18pm · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski oxox welcome back LION LOINS I missed your PURRFECT PRESENCEMonday at 7:32pm · Edited · Like · 1

Dana Horochowski

Confessions of a Former White Hat Operativeformerwhitehat.wordpress.comACCEPT NO CLONES!Monday at 9:13pm · Edited · Like · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski

Former White Hat -BUSTED – Louis Khan   Nin clandestineragerevealed.wordpress.comKhris Speaks Volume XLI 05/29/2012 I’m ready to be done with Former White Hat an...See MoreMonday at 8:13pm · Like · Remove Preview


Mark Anthony Meegwetch for the angelic invitation! Your all <3  and SOuL Dana! :)  xoxoMonday at 8:22pm · Unlike · 1

Seanchai Seance shared a link.Monday

The architect. MATRIX RELOAD

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Mark Anthony likes this.

Mark Anthony This is well worth a deeper analysister bliss? :)

Monday at 8:50pm · Like

Gurmeet Singh shared a link.Monday

Chris Tucker, Joe Pesci..

call to Nigerian visit my website and signup on my dating site to help me earn some spare change for a poor american family in florida, everytime you go to my dating site...


Gurmeet Singh shared a link.Monday

Sarpong pong..

E-mail Scammer Prank Call, PT3: Miss is the third prank call to Nana Sarpong, an e-mail scammer in Ghana (West Africa), this time using a Miss Cleo soundboard. Not quite as funny as the fir...

E-mail Scammer Prank Call, PT4: Reverend Fred is the fourth prank call to Nana Sarpong, an e-mail scammer in Ghana (West Africa), this time using a soundboard for the completely insane Fred Phelps o...

Gurmeet Singh shared a link.Monday

Dah, dah, dah, dah dah

Revolt of the Indian Scammers? Dana Horochowski shared a link via YouTube.Monday


Time to Come Out of the Arcturian Starseed Spiritual Closet! A personal story of Awakening.


Source: of us are now feeling the call to take spiritual action. To heal, to learn, to seek, and to share. It's time we all come out of the spiritual closets we have protectively locked ourselves in. Whether the people around us think we're crazy, or

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Danielle Marsden shared a link via Care2.November 18

Tell KFC: Stop Trashing Rainforests for Packaging!

Danielle just added signature #190,131 to the peti...

Ask KFC to cut deforestation out of their supply chain and keep tiger forests standing in Indonesia.

Seanchai Seance shared a link.November 18

Time to Come Out of the Arcturian Starseed Spiritual Closet! A personal story of of us are now feeling the call to take spiritual action. To heal, to learn, to seek, and to share. It's time we all come out of the spiritual closets we...

1 Like  ·  · Share

Agape Amor likes this.

Seanchai Seance We are All that we have ever been


November 18 at 8:02pm · Like · 1

Agape Amor she is lovely. I see she is PROTECTING her 3rd eye

Monday at 1:04am · Like

Dana Horochowski

Starseed checklist thing that I found on here. |

You feel ancient to the core, as though you have existed forever.--- I have alwa...See More

Monday at 1:28am · Like · Remove Preview

Seanchai Seance Yes, Listening to her reminded me of you

Monday at 3:28am · Like

Seanchai Seance She Is easy on the eyes


Monday at 3:28am · Like

Seanchai Seance shared a link.November 18

Decalcify Your Pineal Gland! A guided meditation to unblock your Ajna Chakra, Third Eye. lot of you have been asking whether or not it's possible to reverse the damage caused by fluoride calcification. The answer is YES! You can decalcify the p...

3 Like  ·  · Share

2 people like this.

Seanchai Seance Ty

Monday at 8:05am · Like

Dana HorochowskiNovember 18 via Twitter

When in Rome; don't be a Greek DEDICATED to all the RAINBOW WARRIORS. fire Serenity Global Network

JRGENIUS.BIZ- USURY FREE GLOBAL COOPERATIVE U NITED FISHER KINGDOMS- (not V KNIGHTED) Wašícu - Lakota word for "taking the fat" and it is used by natives to refer to non-Natives who rob tribes of their resources. (SOS ALERT TO VIRAL THIS! emailer edition // cramnote // NOV 2011 doc // /…

Seanchai Seance shared Seanchai Seance's photo.November 18


What Will Happen On Dec. 21st, 2012? - Pleiadian Collective

Wendy Kennedy channels the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective in response to t...See More

Monday at 12:21pm · Like · Remove Preview

Seanchai Seance Ty Dana I enjoyed this video and I listen to what Wendy Kennedy said

Monday at 3:25pm · Like · 1

Dana Horochowski shared a link.November 18

Queen - We Are The Champions (Lyrics)

Queen - We Are The Champions with lyrics

Unlike ·  · Share You, Mark Anthony, Wade Booth, Roland Mingan Hugihard and 3 others like this.


Queen - Another One Bites the Dust with lyrics

Title says it.

November 18 at 10:49am · Like · 2 · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski DEDICATED to all the RAINBOW WARRIORS. 

All the CHILDREN of the LITE of AGAPE AMOR. 

Be BLESSED. BE BLISS my BEAUTIES. victoriavictory --



pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More

November 18 at 11:20am · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Agape Amor


Queen - 'Bohemian Rhapsody'

The official 'Bohemian Rhapsody' music video. Taken from Queen - 'Greatest Video...See More

November 18 at 12:49pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

Agape Amor

Led Zeppelin-Stairway to Heaven

The best song of history. Thanks for all your visits and enjoy this great song! ...See More

November 18 at 12:50pm · Like · 1 · Remove Preview


Agape Amor

Eagles - Hotel California

video traducido y subtitulado al español latino

November 18 at 12:51pm · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor

Animals - House Of The Rising Sun

LEER ANTES DE VER EL VIDEO pues eh aqui un video mu padre y ni hablar de la letr...See More

November 18 at 12:55pm · Like · Remove Preview


Agape Amor

Guns N' Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door Live In Tokyo 1992 HD

Check this out!!! Guns N' Roses performing the 21st song o...See More

November 18 at 12:57pm · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine (Full Version)


Styx - Boat On The River

Music video by Styx performing Boat On The River. (C) 1979 A&M Records

November 18 at 1:07pm · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor

Styx - Too Much Time On My Hands

Music video by Styx performing Too Much Time On My Hands. (C) 1981 A&M Records

November 18 at 1:10pm · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor shared a link.November 18

When in Rome; don't be a Greek

Justin Trudeau's father pledged to the club of Rome. So we are in ROME, whole entire world is. And the priests are from Greece and Babylon. Of course its a o...


Dana Horochowski HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated. See below

7th fire Serenity Global Network


November 18 at 8:59am · Like · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski shared a link.November 18

I have been blocked from posting anymore comments about the INFILTRATED NERO NAZI WEBSITE

HELLEN and CHAOS - G.H.REES Andromedian Portal True Geostrategics & Astrostrategics

All truths pass through three phases. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self evident. Follow the mitos of Hellenic wisdom: Gnōthi seautón="Know Thyself",Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"-Delphi(Civilization Matrix)Oracle, Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony wi...

31 Like  ·  · Share

Ardeliza Lim likes this.


Dana Horochowski PERSEUS who I spoke to in 2010 is NO LONGER there. I will show you that the CHAOS is coming from GREECE NOW. All in the BOOK of REVELATIONS to bring in DRACOVASSILAS and ignore the real culprits as in TONYA KANE ( LILITH) LEVAN ( PINDAR) and MOLOCH. SATAN is the father of ALL LIES. SHAME on you ALL who continue to bring in GENOCIDE and NOT unconditional LOVE.

November 18 at 8:40am · Like


November 18 at 8:41am · Like

Dana Horochowski I LOVE all the COLOURS of the RAINBOW and all have a chance to COME HOME to AGAPE LOVE.

November 18 at 8:42am · Like

Dana Horochowski To hell with NERO. Print your own CURRENCY and on with SERENITY.

November 18 at 8:43am · Like

Dana Horochowski If you couldn't read greek, then you wouldn't have the truth? Heaven help the CHILD who will be GOING to HEAVEN.


November 18 at 8:43am · Like

Dana Horochowski GoLive Sault Ste Marie will be HEAVEN on EARTH after the CLEANSE. Which is coming from GRECO ROMA.

November 18 at 8:44am · Like

Dana Horochowski

When in Rome; don't be a Greek

Justin Trudeau's father pledged to the club of Rome. So we are in ROME, whole en...See More

November 18 at 8:45am · Like · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski GOVERNMENT all the WAY


November 18 at 8:48am · Like

Dana Horochowski

November 18 at 8:48am · Like

Seanchai Seance They're not Omnipotent Dana believe me the more you work the more tired they get they have no life as long as they try to steal the precious lives of others, They don't have the compassion to turn around and amend their ways

November 18 at 8:59am · Unlike · 1


November 18 at 9:03am · Like


Dana Horochowski


November 18 at 9:03am · Like

Dana Horochowski Jewel knows this...she is covering it up. Will not use the term ANTICHRIST

November 18 at 9:05am · Edited · Like

Dana Horochowski I am a teacher. I must stay NEUTRAL.

November 18 at 9:04am · Like

Seanchai Seance She yodels well but is she bound where she can't speak truth

November 18 at 9:05am · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski I have been into prophecy my whole life. I can dance around the DEVILS

November 18 at 9:05am · Like


Dana Horochowski Perseus posted my stuff in 2010 and then he disappeared like the rest of the good guys. The website is a different address now. ca. not com.

November 18 at 9:06am · Like

Dana Horochowski My websites have been stolen too. They can easily set up under old sites now.

November 18 at 9:07am · Like

Dana Horochowski jimakoskx@hotmail.comakrop

November 18 at 9:08am · Like


Seanchai Seance I remember how they hammered Jewel about her well endowed figure and made fun of her dentures despite how beautiful she was In such a vulnerable state they may have taken advantage of her with negative influence

November 18 at 9:28am · Edited · Like

Seanchai Seance Just how anti-biotics and so called medicine gives our Immune system the jump start to HealThyself I believe the Inter-active Internet Is just a projective 3d projection to activate our once latent and dormant ability for thoughts to transverse space, time and distance WE ARE UNITED

November 18 at 9:13am · Edited · Unlike · 1

Dana Horochowski GOD LIKE PRODUCTION is on the GRECO ROMA LIST too

November 18 at 9:14am · Like


Dana Horochowski DEVILS

November 18 at 9:14am · Edited · Like


November 18 at 9:15am · Edited · Like

Dana Horochowski



November 18 at 9:15am · Like


November 18 at 9:15am · Like

Seanchai Seance Remember the dying are not really dead they use this visualization to disrupt your Ascension process and awareness that WE CREATE WORLDS

November 18 at 9:18am · Unlike · 1



November 18 at 9:21am · Like

Dana Horochowski scala@otenet.grthanasis.mavridis@capital.grtaxalia@gmail.comckolonas@pegasus.grinfo@paraskhnio.grs-spyropoylo



November 18 at 9:30am · Like

Dana Horochowski ANTICHRIST EMAIL LIST for sure

November 18 at 9:31am · Like

Seanchai Seance It's safe to say Let's bypass Shiva's/Sita's eight arms and lets just open our 8 eyes with our third eye In the center

November 18 at 9:34am · Unlike · 1


Dana Horochowski

November 18 at 9:39am · Like

Dana Horochowski HEAVEN HELP the Little CHILDREN The INNOCENT. They need to be taken out of HARMS way. They are not accountable for this POLLUTION, these PARASITES. BLOOD SUCKERS

November 18 at 9:41am · Edited · Like

Dana Horochowski 10 years with good tutors Waldorff style and we have a new generation of ANGELS

November 18 at 9:41am · Like


Dana Horochowski all colours.

November 18 at 9:42am · Like

Dana Horochowski Let the TARES DIE in the CITY from their WARS. I am going to get tanned, make pee batteries, DOME HOMES and FISH FARMS with the CHILDREN of the LITE. My RAIN|BOW WARRIORS who know how to COEXIST

November 18 at 9:43am · Edited · Like

Seanchai Seance Love these thought Think It and Will It and It Is done All's Well ends Well

November 18 at 9:43am · Unlike · 1

Seanchai Seance Alright Hon relax and enjoy yourself U deserve It

November 18 at 9:43am · Unlike · 1


Dana Horochowski I am going to work out, get outside today. Too much inside DRAMA MATRIX BABBLE for my HEART

November 18 at 9:44am · Like

Seanchai Seance Thant's my Dana/DANU A Star Is Born

November 18 at 9:45am · Edited · Like

Dana Horochowski COuncil on Foreign relations haha look at the MEDIA and government links

November 18 at 9:45am · Like

Dana Horochowski sales@tveyes.comjlindsay@cfr.orgjhill@cfr.orgabaker@cfr.orgvalekhine@cfr.orgcorporate@cfr.orgtravel@bbc.comcommunications@cfr.or


November 18 at 9:45am · Like

Dana Horochowski info@ampeloki

November 18 at 9:49am · Like

Dana Horochowski


November 18 at 9:55am · Like

Dana Horochowski I don't see much PAN HELLENISM on these emails at all. Where is the afrikan link here. GENOCIDE? BY NERO the FUCKING ZERO

November 18 at 9:58am · Like

Dana Horochowski SIN god, ATON, SATURN are the DARK SUNS) hellenchaosinfiltrated

HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated -


HELLEN and CHAOS is bringing the the NEW WORLD ORDER BEWARE. It has been infiltrated. SUNNY SOL LIT

pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More

November 18 at 10:06am · Like · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski info@newsb

November 18 at 10:28am · Like

Dana Horochowski


November 18 at 10:47am · Like

Love N Truthfulness Now i'm depressed again!!!! I hate this stupid reality, i'm so tired of being vamped on and terrorized in my sleep. Those damned Succubus, eh dana. But they definetly dont suck on the right area of my body for any enjoyment for me thats for sure!!!! LOL!!!

November 18 at 11:16am · Like

Bill Toffan Happy Sunday morning my fishing friend. All is well. :0)

November 18 at 11:39am · Like

Seanchai Seance If they can't show you the beef then tell them succubus they're chopped liver

November 18 at 11:57am · Like · 1


Seanchai Seance During my puberty I had to wrestle a couple of them every now and then, Gotta let them know with a right hook you're not a Hippie stuck on Viagra

Dana HorochowskiNovember 17Dana HorochowskiNovember 17


literitesolsonsun -

Apollonius of Tyana - Born February 16, 2 AD in Tyana, Cappadoccia, Greece. Original founder of true Essene Christianity, whose precepts originate in Buddhist India and China(Himalayas).

Replaced by Yeshai Beth Halachmee(pseudo-crucified Essene of 4 BC), Jehoshua Ben Pandira(the Jesus of 100 BC) and Christna(the avatar of 3000 BC) by the priests of Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The New Testament is a distorted account of his life and teachings.


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Dana Horochowski


pdfNov 7 152130October 7152131SEPTEMBER 7 152130.COOP TRADE BARTERusuryfreeusall...See More

November 17 at 6:52pm · Like · Remove Preview

Agape Amor More

November 18 at 11:19am · Like

Dana HorochowskiNovember 17 Seance shared Julie Gringer's photo.November 17


Dana Horochowski shared a link.November 17


The Muslim Jesus (ITV Documentary)

A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam: Christ, Christianity, h...

Dana Horochowski shared a link via Angel's LoveCry.about a minute ago GODDESS GATHERING 2012



VOW-TV's VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotes voices for the voiceless women, young girls, some boys men to tell stories via multimedia

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Dana Horochowski Angel's LoveCry15 Way's to Help you Transform Smoothly Through the ShiftLaura Schwalm-AnthonyPURE ENERGY HEALING Know your unique body constitution Supplements. Knowing your unique personal constitution through Ayurveda ,Macrobiotics , or Holistic health thorough examination will help individuals stay physically, emotionally and mentally balanced through this awakening time, the evolutionary shift . Some of my magical tonics and supplements which give additional nutritional support are vitamin B-12, apple cider vinegar, omega-3 fish oil, raw virgin coconut oil, green tea extract, and kombuca tea , but there are many others.2) Drink water, an incorporate enzymes and probiotics into your daily supplements and lifestyle routine. Enzymes and probiotic support the digestive track and help support and strengthen immunity , which are affected, compromised and imbalanced when under stress.3) More rest . If you suffer from insomnia, which is a manifestation of spiritual awakening make your bedroom more conducive to deep sleep by creating a dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable refuge for yourself. Lavender and Sage oils are also helpful in assisting the body to relax and 15 minutes before sleep meditation and simple yoga stretches.4) Avoid toxic people whenever possible, especially if you're an empath/sensitive and pick up others' energy easily. Ground yourself with deep belly breaths and movement. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people and environments.5) Try a new environment. Take a short or long trip and notice how you feel in a different space. Go out in Nature!!!!!!6) Try something new. Cook, paint, art, sing, dance, it doesn't matter! It is a known fact that the perception of time moves much slower in child hood the truth is, in our childhoods we are constantly trying something new, opposed to adults who live much of life in repetition mode , which gives us the perception that time moves slower7) Turn off the TV and spend time with friends or family or start a new novel, book or story Reading a good book can transport you to a different realm, much like meditation.8)  Forgive yourself. It's time to let it go.9) Forgive someone who hurt you.10) Do something nice for someone. Volunteering generates a strong sense of purpose. Act's from the heart melt spiritual blocks11) Be grateful!!l for what you have, gratitude is a powerful spiritual tool.12) Clear past karmic dept. with Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Response Technique, Reiki or any other spiritual modality. Getting a soul reading or spiritual counseling with a qualified healer will help you become aware of any sabotaging conditioning or past karmic debt. you may have.13) Listen to new music. Let your imagination design your dreams. Let your mind travel.14) Clear your energy field with any of these: sage, salt baths, aromatherapy oils, tuning forks, crystals 15) meditate and love yourself



VOW-TV's VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotes voices for the voiceless women, young girls, some boys men to tell stories via multimedia

about a minute ago · Like · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski

Angel's LoveCry

Spiritual LIfe Coach & Counsellor at LoveCryStudied Psychology, Counselling, Leg...

See More

a few seconds ago · Like · Remove Preview

The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productions

The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productions


2 Like  ·  · Share

Agape Amor


This Channel Exposes The Black Occult Arts and Reptilian Agenda that was crafte...See More

5 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview


literitesolsonsun -

Apollonius of Tyana - Born February 16, 2 AD in Tyana, Cappadoccia, Greece. Original founder of true Essene Christianity, whose precepts originate in Buddhist India and China(Himalayas).

Replaced by Yeshai Beth Halachmee(pseudo-crucified Essene of 4 BC), Jehoshua Ben Pandira(the Jesus of 100 BC) and Christna(the avatar of 3000 BC) by the priests of Constantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The New Testament is a distorted account of his life and teachings.


Agape Amor More

November 18 at 11:19am · Like

Dana HorochowskiNovember 17 Seance shared Julie Gringer's photo.November 17

Dana Horochowski shared a link.November 17


The Muslim Jesus (ITV Documentary)


A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam: Christ, Christianity, h...

Dana Horochowski shared a link via Angel's LoveCry.about a minute ago GODDESS GATHERING 2012


VOW-TV's VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotes voices for the voiceless women, young girls, some boys men to tell stories via multimedia

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Dana Horochowski Angel's LoveCry15 Way's to Help you Transform Smoothly Through the ShiftLaura Schwalm-AnthonyPURE ENERGY HEALING Know your unique body constitution Supplements. Knowing your unique personal constitution through Ayurveda ,Macrobiotics , or Holistic health thorough examination will help individuals stay physically, emotionally and mentally balanced through this awakening time, the evolutionary shift . Some of my magical tonics and supplements which give additional nutritional support are vitamin B-12, apple cider vinegar, omega-3 fish oil, raw virgin coconut oil, green tea extract, and kombuca tea , but there are many others.2) Drink water, an incorporate enzymes and probiotics into your daily supplements and lifestyle routine. Enzymes and probiotic support the digestive track and help support and strengthen immunity , which are affected, compromised and imbalanced when under stress.3) More rest . If you suffer from insomnia, which is a manifestation of spiritual awakening make your bedroom more conducive to deep sleep by creating a dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable refuge for yourself. Lavender and Sage oils are also helpful in assisting the body to relax and 15 minutes before sleep meditation and simple yoga stretches.4) Avoid toxic people whenever possible, especially if you're an empath/sensitive and pick up others' energy easily. Ground yourself with deep belly breaths and movement. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people and environments.5) Try a new environment. Take a short or long trip and notice how you feel in a different space. Go out in Nature!!!!!!6) Try something new. Cook, paint, art, sing, dance, it doesn't matter! It is a known fact that the perception of time moves much slower in child hood the truth is, in our childhoods we are constantly trying something new, opposed to adults who live much of life in repetition mode , which gives us the perception that time moves slower7) Turn off the TV and spend time with friends or family or start a new novel, book or story Reading


a good book can transport you to a different realm, much like meditation.8)  Forgive yourself. It's time to let it go.9) Forgive someone who hurt you.10) Do something nice for someone. Volunteering generates a strong sense of purpose. Act's from the heart melt spiritual blocks11) Be grateful!!l for what you have, gratitude is a powerful spiritual tool.12) Clear past karmic dept. with Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Response Technique, Reiki or any other spiritual modality. Getting a soul reading or spiritual counseling with a qualified healer will help you become aware of any sabotaging conditioning or past karmic debt. you may have.13) Listen to new music. Let your imagination design your dreams. Let your mind travel.14) Clear your energy field with any of these: sage, salt baths, aromatherapy oils, tuning forks, crystals 15) meditate and love yourself


VOW-TV's VOICES OF WOMEN WORLDWIDE promotes voices for the voiceless women, young girls, some boys men to tell stories via multimedia

about a minute ago · Like · Remove Preview

Dana Horochowski

Angel's LoveCry

Spiritual LIfe Coach & Counsellor at LoveCryStudied Psychology, Counselling, Leg...

See More


a few seconds ago · Like · Remove Preview

The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productions

The Archons: Dislocating the Scourge Archons: Dislocating the Scourge pt1 Commentary with Sethikus of Boza: Black Earth Productions

2 Like  ·  · Share

Agape Amor


This Channel Exposes The Black Occult Arts and Reptilian Agenda that was crafte...See More

5 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview


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