trainee assessment undertake self-care · spiritual dimension like making time for reflection,...

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Trainee Assessment

Undertake self-care

Unit standard Version Level Credits

28537 Undertake self-care to maintain and enhance personal wellness in a health or wellbeing setting

2 4 5

Your name:

Your workplace:

Your date of birth:

Your National Student Number (NSN), if you know it:


I was told about and understand the assessment requirements and appeals process.

I have prepared my answers myself.

Any evidence I have provided as my own, I produced myself.

I understand that this assessment may be used for moderation and quality control purposes.

I understand that when I achieve this unit standard my result will be registered with the New

Zealand Qualifications Authority.

I confirm the above declaration: Yes No Date:

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 2

Assessment summary (completed by assessor)

Trainee’s performance summary

Assessment tasks Assessor’s signature Date achieved

Task 1: Identify personal wellness factors

Task 2: Develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a self-care plan

Unit standard results

I have assessed the trainee and confirm that the requirements have been met to demonstrate competency in:

Unit standard Version Level Credits

28537 Undertake self-care to maintain and enhance personal wellness in a health or wellbeing setting

2 4 5

Assessor’s name: Assessor’s number:

Signature: Date:

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 3

Trainee information

Before you start

• The assessor/observer will talk about what you need to do.

• You may have been observed doing some of these tasks already, or there may be workplace

documents you have completed, such as a workplace incident report, which documents

what you have done at work.

• You may bring evidence of what you have done already, such as your induction training log,

or proof of competency from a course you have completed, eg a marked assessment or

project. This may be recorded as evidence.

As you go

• Follow the instructions for each task.

• Answer all questions.

When you finish

• Make sure you have completed any parts where the assessor/observer has said you need to

do more work.


If you wish to appeal against the assessment result or process, talk to your assessor. If you are still not satisfied, you can appeal to Careerforce by completing the assessment result appeal form that can be found online at


Careerforce regularly reviews our assessment and learning resources. As a user, we would appreciate feedback on how you found it. Feedback can be provided to Careerforce via:

• our online feedback form at

• email to


Self-care refers to strategies and/or activities undertaken to support personal wellness in nutrition, exercise, rest, management of anger and stress, education, training, career development, conflict resolution, emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual healing, grief resolution, and changes to the balance of lifestyle between family/whānau, friends, leisure, recreation, and work.

Wellness is a holistic concept and implies emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 4

Task 1: Identify personal wellness factors This task requires you to identify aspects of life that affect your personal wellness.

You will develop a self-care plan to minimise the impact of work and/or adverse personal factors on your wellness.

You’ll start by identifying your personal wellness profile and what life looks like when it is good.

You will then consider what supports you in achieving a good life, and what restricts you in this.

Make sure that what you write down you are OK about sharing, as your workplace observer or assessor will read this and may discuss it with you.

Life is good when …

It is often said that a balanced lifestyle between family/whānau, friends, leisure, recreation and work is good for health and wellbeing.

Think about what makes you feel good, for each dimension of your life. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Physical dimension like good nutrition, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and rest, taking time off when sick, getting regular health care.

Mental/emotional dimension like being valued, feeling loved, taking time away from phone, email and the internet, resolving grief or conflict, managing stress or anger.

Spiritual dimension like making time for reflection, spending time in nature, contributing to things I believe in, finding a spiritual connection or community.

Family/social dimension like spending time with others whose company I enjoy, scheduling regular activities with my family and children, staying in contact with friends.

Professional/work dimension like taking at least one break each workday, making quiet time to complete tasks, investing in education and training for career development, valuing co-workers.

1 Life is good for you when …

On the next page, fill in the “Life is good when …” column in the table, giving at least one example for each dimension of wellness.

There are some ideas written there to help you.

The rows expand, so write down however much you wish.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 5

2 What supports or restricts you feeling good?

Fill in the “Life is good when …” column first, then think about the factors in your life, that support you to achieve the good life.

Next, think about the restricting factors in your life that get in the way of the good life you’ve described.

Write down at least one factor per row, for each of your “Life is good when…”. Try to include a mix of personal and work factors if you can.

You don’t have to have both a supporting and restricting factor for each dimension, but if you have, write them both down.

The rows expand, so write down however much you wish. There are some examples to give you some ideas.

Wellness dimension

Life is good when… Support factors Restricting factors

Physical I get at least 7.5 hours sleep

a night.

I wake in the middle of the night going over

and over a problem I have with a colleague.

Mental and/or emotional

I feel loved by people

important to me.

My husband is my rock. He would do

anything for me.

We’re so short-staffed at work that I don’t

always feel I’ve been able to do my best.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 6

Wellness dimension

Life is good when… Support factors Restricting factors

Spiritual I get outside in nature at

least once a fortnight.

My new job is next to the park so I can have

lunchtime strolls.

I can’t walk in the hills now my heart is

getting worse.

Family/social I see my grandson and talk

to him at least once a week,

I don’t get on very well with my daughter

and she can stop me seeing him.

Professional or work related

I am working on tasks that

are exciting or rewarding.

I don’t get time to complete tasks.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 7

3 What are you doing now for self-care?

Use this table to describe at least three coping strategies you currently use. Write how this affects your wellness - both the good things you’re already doing for yourself and the areas that are not so good and might need some more attention.

There are some examples to give you some ideas. Fill in your own three strategies in the table. This will form the basis for your self-care plan.

Self-care coping strategy Effect on wellness

Positive Not so good

I keep a notebook by the bed and when I

can’t sleep I write everything down and

deal with it in the morning.

It really works. I usually go back to sleep


If I’ve had a bad day at work, when I get

home I have a few glasses of wine to

relax; sometimes more than a few!

It feels good at first but it’s easy to have too much

and I end up not eating a proper dinner and

falling asleep on the couch.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 8

Task 1: Assessor’s feedback to trainee

When the assessor agrees that you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 9

Task 2: Develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a self-care plan This task requires you to develop, implement, maintain, enhance and evaluate a personal self-care plan to minimise the impact of personal and/or work events and to enhance and maintain health and personal wellness.

You need to identify your own health and wellness strategies and record your outcomes over a period of at least four weeks.

Look at what you are doing now, as identified in Task 1, and how well this is working for you.

The strategies that have a positive effect on wellness, you should maintain and keep doing.

What should you be doing in the areas that are not so good? How can you enhance these?

Does your self-care focus on some areas, but not on other areas? Should you be attending to these areas or different dimensions? What can you implement?

Ask your manager or supervisor or another person who has seen you implement self-care strategies over a period of at least four weeks to complete the observation form.

Give the evidence you collect over the four week period to your observer.

There are three parts to your plan.

Part 1: Select three strategies

Select three self-care strategies to minimise the impact of life events, personal and/or work, and to enhance and maintain your personal wellness.

You will use the three strategies, document and record the findings and evaluate the impact of your strategies on your personal wellness.

If you can, give one strategy which you will be maintaining, one strategy which you can enhance, and a one new strategy which you will implement.

If you need some ideas, think about the dimensions of wellness from Task 1.

In the unit standard 28537 self-care is defined as “strategies and/or activities undertaken to support personal wellness in nutrition, exercise, rest, management of anger and stress, education, training, career development, conflict resolution, emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual healing, grief resolution, and changes to the balance of lifestyle between family/whānau, friends, leisure, recreation, and work.”

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Part 2: Implement self-care strategies

Once you have chosen your strategies you will record them and your findings in this assessment.

For each of the three strategies, every week for four weeks, describe:

• what you did to minimise the impact of life events, personal and/or work, and to enhance

and maintain your personal wellness.

• what went well.

• what didn’t go well.

• what you will do differently.

As you implement each strategy, gather evidence that you are doing so and show this evidence to your observer. Types of evidence could include items like those below:

• wellness charts, appointments with a personal trainer, supervisor, doctor or nutritionist.

• a gym timetable, electronic diary or similar.

• art or craft work you have created.

• tickets to exhibitions, events or shows you have attended.

• journal, diary entries, minutes from meetings, discussions, activities and so on.

• inspirational articles, blogs or books you’ve read or podcasts you’ve listened to.

• entry forms for any events you take part in (for example, fitness activities like walking,

biking, running, swimming or dancing challenges or competitions; craft activities like flower

arranging competitions, sewing challenges, spin-ins, cook-offs.)

• photos, videos, scrapbooks of experiences with family and/or friends.

• posters, photos, Facebook, Renren (formerly Xiaonei) pages documenting events you’ve

been involved in, in your local community or cultural or spiritual group.

• urls of pages from interactive online communities, gaming groups, or similar showing what

you are involved in.

You can use other types of evidence too.

Complete three strategy templates in total.

Part 3: Evaluate self-care strategies

Once you have implemented each strategy you must then carefully self-evaluate the success of your strategy and state how you believe it impacted upon your personal wellness.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 11

Strategy recording template

Complete this strategy recording template over a period of at least four weeks.

Provide details of how you selected, implemented and evaluated three self-care strategies to minimise the impact of life events and to enhance and maintain your personal wellness.

First strategy:

Part 1: Select a strategy to enhance your personal wellness.

Provide a detailed outline of your strategy:

Part 2: Implement the self-care strategy

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the first week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the first week.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 12

What will you do differently next week?

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the second week.

Describe what went well in the second week and what didn’t go well.

What will you do differently next week?

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the third week.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 13

Describe what went well in the third week and what didn’t go well.

What will you do differently next week?

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the fourth week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the fourth week.

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Part 3: Evaluate the self-care strategy

How did this strategy impact on your personal wellness?

What will you do differently in the future?

Assessor feedback to trainee for first strategy:

When the assessor agrees you have successfully implemented and evaluated this strategy, they will provide you with feedback on your strategy.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 15

Second strategy:

Part 1: Select a strategy to enhance your personal wellness.

Provide a detailed outline of your strategy:

Part 2: Implement the self-care strategy

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the first week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the first week.

What will you do differently next week?

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 16

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the second week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the second week.

What will you do differently next week?

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the third week.

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Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the third week.

What will you do differently next week?

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the fourth week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the fourth week.

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Part 3: Evaluate the self-care strategy

How did this strategy impact on your personal wellness?

What will you do differently in the future?

Assessor feedback to trainee for second strategy:

When the assessor agrees you have implemented and evaluated this strategy successfully, they will provide you with feedback on your strategy.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 19

Third strategy:

Part 1: Select a strategy to enhance your personal wellness

Provide a detailed outline of your strategy:

Part 2: Implement the self-care strategy

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the first week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the first week.

What will you do differently next week?

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 20

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the second week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the second week.

What will you do differently next week?

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the third week.

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 21

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the third week.

What will you do differently next week?

Provide information and/or documentation on what you did in the fourth week.

Describe what went well and what didn’t go well in the fourth week.

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Part 3: Evaluate the self-care strategy

How did this strategy impact on your personal wellness?

What will you do differently in the future?

Assessor feedback to trainee on third strategy:

When the assessor agrees you have implemented and evaluated this strategy successfully, they will provide you with feedback on your strategy.

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Observation Ask your manager or supervisor who has seen you implement self-care strategies over a period of at least four weeks to complete the observation form below.


Note to observer:

You have been asked to complete this observation as you have observed the trainee working over at least four weeks.

The trainee is required to provide details of how they selected, implemented and evaluated three self-care strategies to minimise the impact of individual life events (personal and/or work) and to enhance and maintain their personal wellness.

You need to be confident that the information they have provided is correct and that they have implemented self-care strategies over a minimum period of four weeks. You will also verify that they continuously recorded their implementation and evaluation processes.

If you agree that the information that the trainee has provided is correct and that they meet the standards, please tick the boxes below. Please comment on the trainee’s performance. The assessor may wish to contact you to discuss this observation.

As someone who knows and works with the trainee you have been asked to answer the following questions.

Did the trainee select a strategy that is likely to enhance and maintain their

personal wellness?

Please comment:

Did the trainee select a strategy to minimise the impact of adverse

personal and/or work events?

Please comment:

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 24

Did the trainee implement self-care strategies for a minimum period of

four weeks? (They will provide evidence that this is the case.)

Please comment on the evidence provided. Include the dates of the four week period:

Do you believe the strategies outlined in their self-care plan helped to

minimise the impact of adverse life events (personal and/or work) and

enhanced and maintained personal wellness for the trainee?

Please comment:

Please add any further comments you wish to make:

Observer name: Designation:

Signature: Date:

Contact details (phone/email):

Undertake self-care (US 28537 v2) Trainee Assessment © Careerforce – Issue 2.0 – August 2017 25

Task 2: Assessor feedback to trainee

When the assessor agrees you have completed this task successfully, they will sign it off on the assessment summary page at the front of this assessment.

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