top 10s

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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very funny pa microsoft


Top 10s:Modern DictaDors

Welcome fellow dictadors

What is dictatorship

A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic form of government in which the government is ruled by an individual: a dictator. It has two possible meanings:

A government controlled by one person, or a small group of people. In this form of government the power rests entirely on the person or group of people, and can be obtained by force or by inheritance. The dictator(s) may also take away much of its peoples' freedom.

In contemporary usage, dictatorship refers to an autocratic form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other social and political factors within the state.

Shall we begin…


Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina


Established a military dictatorship in the Dominican Republic in 1930. Trujillo always showed concern for Haitian immigration to the Dominican Republic, pursuing a policy of racial discrimination in the country. He says his "anti-Haitianism" was addressed to the inhabitants of the neighboring country for its black heritage "lower" (excluding the Dominicans), but in reality were other factors, both political and economic that led the tyrant to decide the implementation of the genocide. During his rule more than 30, 000 people perished.He was assassinated on May !961.


Muamar Muhamad Abu-minyar el Gaddafi


In 1969 he took part in the revolution that overthrew the monarchy of King Idris. Counting under thirty years of age, took command of the military junta, the Council of the Revolutionary Command. On 17 February 2011, major political protests began in Libya against Gaddafi's government. His military forces allegedly killed rebelling civilians, causing major uprising of most of the population. People criticized Gaddafi for the killing of many innocent people across Libya and the use brutal force by the army to implement fear among the people. On October 20,2011, Gaddafi was captured and killed by rebel forces.


Slobodan Milosevic


Responsible for thousands of deaths , crimes against humanity , and genocide. In May 1989 he was elected President of the Socialist Republic of Serbia. In the context of the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the three wars that occurred, there were episodes of deliberate attacks against civilians, which have been classified as crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing, and Milošević had the responsibility for being President of Serbia, was called, by some media for much of Western public opinion, as well as Serb political opponents, the Butcher of the Balkans.


Kim Jong-Il

Kim(1942-2011)Kim Jong-il has been the focus of criticism from governments and NGOs from around the world, becoming dictator branded estalinista.17 Specifically, his regime is accused of human rights violations and to make nuclear weapons contravention of both international law ("non-proliferation Treaty") as its commitment to making the Korean Peninsula nuclear-free zone. Western media insist on the existence of concentration camps like Hoeryong ("field 22"), which would be the largest concentration camp in North Korea. In it are prisoners to 50,000 men, women and children accused of political crimes. According to British newspaper The Guardian there would be committed serious human rights violations such as the murder of children born in prisons.


Saddam Hussein

Hussein(1937-2006)Under his rule Iraq went through many struggles, including the Iran Iraq War and the Gulf War. He was captured by US forces in 2003. On November 5, 2006, after two years of trial, Hussein was convicted, along with two other defendants, "to be hanged" by the Iraqi High Criminal Court, which found him guilty of committing a crime against humanity, for the execution of 148 Shiites from the village of Dujail in 1982, Hussein ordered done in retaliation for an assassination attempt made during a visit to the village by the opposition Islamic Party guerrillas Dawa. He is also credited for his responsibility for the Halabja chemical attack (1988), the crushing of the Shiite rebellion (1991) mass graves (1991), the war against Iran (1980-88) and the invasion of Kuwait (1990).


Francisco Franco


After the Spanish Civil War Franco established a military dictatorship , that lasted until his death in 1975. After the Civil War on April 1, 1939, there was the exile of some 400,000 Spanish abroad of which an estimated 200,000 remained in permanent exile. In Franco's jails after the war came to crowd more than 270,000 people in inhumane conditions, and executions must be added the deaths of those who died in prison because of these conditions. The repression was exercised in many areas, not only were the executions and long prison terms, all this and more created a society in which the vanquished were excluded from the political, cultural, intellectual and social life.


Saloth Sar( Pol Pot )

Pol pot(1925-1998)

Pol Pot is responsible for over 1.5 million deaths during his rule in Cambodia. He believed in a Communist industrial Cambodia, and anyone who was able to read or any intellectual among the Cambodian people had to be executed to prevent any uprising. This caused the killings of more than 200,000 people including children and the creation of the famous killing fields around Cambodia.


Benito Mussolini


Being the Prime Minister of Italy, Italy suffered greatly during his rule. He established a fascist dictatorship that lasted until his in 1945. He like Hitler believed in the perfect race and helped in the capture and mass execution of the Jews , and imprisoned or executed anyone who opposed him. During WW2 Italy was Germany’s ally in Europe….dah. The first order which includes the use of chemical weapons in Graziani comes from Mussolini on October 27, 1935, for the assault of Gorrahei. Mussolini was executed along with his wife on April 28,1945.

Letters are in italics ma nigga

Yeah, ima

gonna do it


Adolf Hitler


Hitler was the Prime Minister Of Germany. He believed in the perfect race, the Aryan race . During his rule there were over six million jews killed or died in concentration camps. He was responsible for the deaths of over 50 million people because of WW2. His belief of a thousand year Reigh and a Germany on top of the world was his downfall for in the last days of the war In Europe, when the Russian red army had Berlin surrounded Hitler killed himself and his wife Eva Broun.


Joseph Stalin

Stalin(1878-1953)This guy is just bad ass. During his dictatorship in the Soviet Union, he believed in a fully industrialized Russia. In order to maintain absolute control he deported, imprisoned, and had killed anyone who opposed him. Stalin ordered the construction of labor camps across Russia to make his dreams of a Advanced Industrial Russia come true, but at a heavy price. Millions of Russians died in these camps and those who refused to work were called traitors and were imprisoned or executed. During WW2 Stalin used drastic measures in the defense of the USSR, many young men and some times teens were sent to the front lines with absolutely no training and anyone who refused to fight was shot. In the end he did won WW2 and expanded the Soviet Union to become a Global Super Power. Stalin is responsible for over 60 million deaths.

Thank you for your attention

You mad bro..

I did nazi that coming

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