to watch the dvd video, instead of

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 To Watch the DVD Video, Instead Of


    To watch the DVD video, instead of reading it, click on the link below:

    I am Eric Williams or Eric WhoRU, depending on where you might have heard ofme previously.



    I am going to talk to you about the two primary topics addressed by AaronRusso in his terrific informative eye-opening documentary DVD, America:Freedom To Fascism, in which Aaron does an absolutely outstanding job oftying together all of the many insidious facts about the Income Tax and theprivate ownership of the Central Bank of the United States, known as TheFederal Reserve.

    If you have not yet watched Aarons wonderful DVD I certainly do encourageyou to do so as soon as you can after absorbing the solution I am going topresent to you here but if you have not yet watched Aarons presentation thenyou are, perhaps, luckier than others because many of those who have alreadywatched it have come away very disappointed - an unfortunate result ofnothing more than Aarons very wry sense of humor - that is what we are goingto overcome here in this Solutions presentation.

    Aarons purpose was to get your attention and make you really think about andtalk about these two most serious problems and to consider various possiblesolutions to the income tax and the Federal Reserve. What I am going to dohere is present you with The Rest of the Story -

    Here in this video, I am going to present you with thee - one and only trulyviable solution - the Solution that Aaron Russo has not only prepared you toaccept, but which Aaron has gotten you clamoring for, a Solution for whichAaron Russo has done a marvelous job of paving the way.

    Please note here, that I am speaking in the singular, because there is justone single Solution to both of these very serious problems, a single solutionwhich will require the combining of both of these two problems which willresult in the resolution of both.

    The two problems are (1), how to eliminate not only the income tax, butactually all taxation at every level of government, and a way to fund the

    government by a different and much more appropriate means, and (2) to re-organize the ownership and operation of the Central Bank of the UnitedStates, known as The Federal Reserve, in order to totally eliminate the boomand bust recession cycles with their inherent rampant foreclosures on homesand other mortgaged collateral.

    You heard me correctly, ths Solution I am going to present will allow theelimination of all taxation at every level of government in the entireFederation and will not require the elimination of any government fundedprograms and will not disrupt the economy in any way - to the contrary - whenthis Solution is fully in place - this economy will flourish as neverbefore!!

    I am 72 years of age. have studied the Federal Reserve for 40 years, I havedelved into its darkest secrets, I have read every book I could findexplaining its organization, its origin and how it functions, I have

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    presented hundreds of lectures to students eager to learn more of thisinsidious privately owned central bank.

    I have appeared on my own radio show on RBN-Live and as a guest on many othersuch shows. I have answered thousands of the same old questions time andtime again and in all of this studying and lecturing never before have I everhad the pleasure, and the opportunity, of presenting such a marvelous

    solution such as I am going to present to you here on this DVD.

    I have been encouraged by my friends and supporters to present you with allof my many past achievements - to woo you into my camp with my veryimpressive resume - but I respectfully decline -

    If I were to set forth an extensive list of accomplishments which wouldoverwhelm you with awe, and then, based on my impressive credentials, askedyou to believe me when I informed you that 2+2=4, would you then believe myrevelation because of my impressive pedigree - or - perhaps - merely becauseyou could understand such a simple solution for yourself without any inputfrom me ?

    This then is the basis of my modesty - that truth stands on its own merit andis in no need of an advocate - merely someone to present it - that is mymission - here on this DVD!!

    Likewise, I do not ask you to merely believe in what I am going to present toyou - I do not ask you to accept it on faith - but rather - I ask you toseriously consider the possibilities on their own merit - because what I amgoing to present is self evident and I plead with you to use your ownreasoning; your own intellect, to put aside previous notions with which youhave been intentionally indoctrinated all of your lives - to listen verycarefully to what I have to say and that whenever a doubt creeps in -

    whenever a question presents itself that seems insurmountable - that whenthat happens to you - because it will - that at those times - that you thenreturn to the basic fundamental Premise of Freedom because the basic ofFreedom is indeed, fundamental, like a granite rock - the truth of whichcannot be denied - and then start again to seek the means of implementingthis great Solution that you will hear me present to you on this DVD.

    The Great Premise of Freedom is this:

    How is it that the people of the United States call themselves a freepeople, and how is it that they teach their children that they too are free,when the very government that they created to protect their freedom fundsitself by pointing its guns at them??

    There is something drastically wrong with this picture and it is long pasttime that some serious changes be made!! And Aaron Russo has created themomentum and now it is up to us - to you and to me!!

    In all my 40 years of studying these issues I have yet to read or even hearof anyone other than myself, actually sitting down and designing a solutionto both of these two problems, so very well pointed out to everyone by AaronRusso in his AFTF DVD -

    When and where has anyone previously actually taken the time and expended theeffort to work out the numerous serious details entailed in the design and

    creation of a Central Bank money and government funding system suitable for atruly free people??

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    The word taxation being nothing more than a euphemism for armed robbery,if, indeed, there were no other way than taxation, taxation would still betotally unacceptable as the means of funding the government of a truly freepeople - any other consideration, is a mere self delusionary whitewash!!

    You will be astounded to hear what I have to offer - that this Solution willcure all of our economic ills - it will eliminate all taxation at every level

    of government without curtailing any government programs, and will replacetaxation (armed robbery), as the means of funding government, by, instead,using interest collected on loans extended by the reorganized PeoplesCentral Bank, loans made to private sector borrowers, which loans are alreadyin place in our every day lives, so we will not have to pay out any moremoney than we currently are, and, actually, we will have all of the money weare now paying out in all kinds of taxes, remaining in our pockets for us topurchase all those things that we really want and need.

    The implementation of this Solution will not cause any economic disruption,either domestically nor internationally. The economy will continue,seemingly as it is now, all of the changes will be behind the scenes, but

    the positive economic benefits enabled by the re-organization of the FederalReserve into the Peoples Central Bank, will be quite noticeable.

    This is obviously a response to Aaron Russos DVD, America: From Freedom ToFascism - in which Aaron Russo paved the way for our presentation andimplementation of this marvelous Solution.

    I have been putting the finishing touches on this combined solution to bothof these problems for the past fifteen years with never a hope of ever beingable to introduce it widely throughout the country - until now, until AaronRusso stirred up all the attention he has with his presentation of his eyeopening exposure of both the fraud of the income tax and the insidious natureof the private ownership of the Central Bank of the United States, known as

    the Federal Reserve.

    The solution I have devised is basically very simple and, as previouslystated, would allow the phasing out of all taxation at every level ofgovernment without eliminating or curtailing any government programs andwould at the same time cure all of the problems inherent in the privatelyowned money lending system that is currently in operation at this time in theUnited States.

    It is very important to keep this basic premise in mind while consideringthis plan because we have been conditioned to believe that we must havetaxation in order to have a strong military - actually - the way the systemof the United States operates it is the other way around, the purpose ofhaving a strong expensive military is so that the government can have anexcuse to impose taxation -

    With Congress acting in concert with the private owners of the FederalReserve who create what they call money out of thin air, with absolutely nosubstantial backing behind it, and then lend what they created out of thinair to the government - at interest - so that they can later fleece theunwitting tax-payers to repay the so-called loans.

    Without the Solution I will present here - as a supplement to Aaronsrevealing documentary - we will wind up with Congress imposing what theycall a Fair Tax on the people of the United States - how does a sane person

    put the word FAIR together, in conjunction with the word TAX??

    Fair Tax - Give me a break!!

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    And, replacing the Income tax with any other tax is a step backward, in thewrong direction, and will not only not solve anything - we will - as usual -once again - be worse off than we are now - when has it ever been differentwhen politicians have been allowed to devise a solution to problems.

    Consider this, again, as I previously stated, and keep this thought foremost

    in your mind - please:

    How do a people call themselves a free people, and how do such people teachtheir children that they too are free, when the very government they createdto protect their freedom, funds itself by pointing its guns at them??

    And again, I want to once more remind you, that the word, TAXATION isnothing but a euphemism for armed robbery - there is something drasticallywrong with this picture and it needs to be changed and it needs to be changednow!!

    This Solution will fund government by an alternate means, already in place

    and functioning, and will enable the total elimination of all taxation, thisSolution will, at the same time, eliminate and put and end to the boom andbust economic recession cycles we have experienced for the past 70 plus yearsand also put an end to the rampant home foreclosures - all of which arecaused by the private lending of money, inherent in the private ownership ofthe Federal Reserve itself and not at all, actually, because of the use of apaper money system - because - of much more importance and of the utmostsignificance - is the private lending of money at interest - and theoperative key word here is the word private - not the word - lending -when this problem is fully understood - then it becomes clear why usury iscondemned in the Bible - as it should be - and I do likewise fully agree -but the lending of money at interest and usury are not necessarily always oneand the same thing.

    Usury is a lending system where the lender will, as an inevitable aspectthereof, become the owner of everything and of everyone!! That is what it isthat constitutes usury - I have overcome that very serious deficiency, as youshall hear.




    Many people in the country are currently clamoring for a return toConstitutional gold and silver coin, and although that sounds like amarvelous idea - there are some very seriously insurmountable problemsinvolved which I will explain as I continue.

    First - every country on the entire planet is using a similar privately ownedpaper money system as is the United States - and the economy of the UnitedStates is irrevocably intertwined with China, Korea, Japan, India and severaldozen other foreign countries - if the United States were to go to gold andsilver money system - then would the United States not have to pay all ofthese foreign obligations with gold and silver??

    How long would it be before all of the gold and silver of the United States

    was transferred to all of those foreign countries - and then what would weuse for money in the United States??

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    The foregoing is merely one of the most obvious problems with the US going togold and silver - before we could do that though - we must answer thequestion - where would the gold come from??

    Oh, there are those who say that there is plenty of gold out there - well -that may very well be true but just exactly what does that mean?? OUTTHERE??

    And who, exactly, does all of that gold that is out there belong to?? Icontend that the vast majority of that gold out there belongs to theprivate owners of the privately owned Federal Reserve, the same bankers whoare robbing us blind now!

    Others say that the government could buy the gold - sounds good to me - butwith what and from who?? If paper money were being phased out and beingreplaced with gold - what would the government use to pay for all the goldthat it would need, that it would have to buy, for distribution to the peopleof the country??

    Or to pay for any gold, for that matter??

    What owner of gold would sell his gold to the government for a paper moneythat was being phased out??

    Then, even if this impossible - impossible - impossible

    barrier were overcome - how would the gold then be distributed to the peopleof the country - and what of the trillions of Federal Reserve Notes held inforeign countries - how would they be exchanged - or would they just beignored??

    In addition, there seems to be a great misunderstanding in regard to the

    governments participation in the gold and silver money system as set forthin the Constitution and as to how that system functioned in the early yearsof this Federation.

    Under the Constitution the government of the United States did not everissue money (whatever issue means - most usually issue means thegovernment merely prints the money and spends it into circulation - thatsprint, like in paper - not coin as in gold, as did Lincoln print and spendhis Green Backs into circulation - during his so called Civil War).

    Under the Constitutional gold and silver money system, the Federal Mintreceived raw gold and silver ore from private miners - that is - from privateowners - and the government mint then refined this raw ore down to its purestpossible form and minted that refined metal into coins and then returned thegold or silver coins to the private owner who brought the raw ore to the Mintin the first place - the government never ever owned any of that gold.

    The governments only source of revenue back then, was through taxation justas now - always by the means of armed robbery!!

    There is no provision or authorization anywhere in the Constitution for papermoney to be used in the United States - but be that as it may that was in1787 - this is 2007 - that is 220 years - whether we like it or not -whetherit is Constitutional or not - things have changed!!

    And, as you shall learn here - it is not nearly as bad as we have convincedourselves; that is, paper money is not nearly as bad as we have been led tobelieve.

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    There is an important axiom to keep in mind here:

    In order to get to where you want to be you first must start from where youare - not from where you might have been if things had been done differentlyin the past.

    And, in doing that - it is very important - crucially important - to beentirely honest in acknowledging just exactly where you are - presently!!

    But - I have been saving the best reason for not going back to Constitutionalgold and silver as the last reason!! And this will surprise you I am sure.

    With a gold and silver money system you will still have usury - usury isinherently inevitable in a gold and silver money system, where the lending ofmoney at interest is always by private bankers is the means whereby borrowersacquire money!!

    Whether the borrowers are government or private sector borrowers!!

    Someone might ask, Well. If the lending of money by the Peoples CentralBank is so good, and actually does overcome the usury problem, then why cantwe then have the best of both worlds and just have the Peoples Central Bankloan gold?

    Gee, why didnt I think of that - well - actually - I did - I wrote thescript for this DVD - but - to the point - where would the Peoples CentralBank get the gold to lend?? This is not a small problem - and it is totallyinsurmountable; it is important to understand that the most significanthordes of gold are privately owned - there is no reasonable way that thegovernment can ever acquire possession of all this gold - and neither shouldthe government be able to do so - where could it possible get any authority

    to do so??

    It is quite obvious that gold cannot be created by the government nor by anyother entity. The lending of gold will always be under the ownership andcontrol of private lenders - this will always result in usury!! The ownershipof the borrower by the lender.

    The Peoples Central Bank, owned by the People of the United States, cancreate paper money to fund loans to private sector borrowers and, under anopen ended system such as I have devised - usury will never occur - that is,the lender will never become the owner of the borrower.

    And then we must continually go back and remind ourselves of theinternational commercial economy the United States is intertwined with - withhundreds of other nations all using paper money.

    It seems to be commonly believed and accepted that the cause of all of oureconomic ills is paper money; so why not a return to Constitutional gold andsilver coin??

    Yes, why not?? This may indeed seem to be a desirable and viable option butbefore I continue my examination of that possibility and address theinsurmountable problems in doing so, or present the Solution I have in mind,I want to further explain why our money system has failed time and time againover the past 200+ years as the country has gone back and forth between paper

    money and gold and silver coin - and what has it been that has always seemedto re-set the stage for a change from one to the other - back and forth fromgold to paper and then - forth and back - from paper to gold and then back

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    and forth again, over and over??

    One basic and entirely overlooked fact is that no matter whether the moneyused was gold coin or unbacked paper - the lending of money to both thegovernment and to private sector borrowers has always remained under thecontrol and private ownership of private bankers.

    A close examination reveals that this private ownership and control of thelending of money is the basic cause of all of our economic problems!! Thatis, the boom and bust recession cycles, with their inherent foreclosures onhome mortgages, is an inherent aspect of a privately owned and privatelycontrolled money lending system - no matter if the money used is unbackedpaper or 100% pure gold coin. Whenever a change is made from one or theother, it will only be a matter of time until the economy is once more insuch a state of economic chaos that the only solution will seem again - to bea switch from whatever is then being used back to gold or back to paper, asthe case may be.

    The reason this is inevitable is because in all of these instances in the

    past - the lending of money to both the government and to private sectorborrowers has always remained under private ownership and under privatecontrol. Private lenders only lend principal - that is - when a borrowertakes out a $100, 000.00 mortgage on his home, the lender creates (or loans,in the case of gold money), only enough money to supply the principal of theloan - in this example the lender would only advance to the borrower,$100,00.00 dollars (be the money gold or paper), but the borrower agrees,over the 30 year course of the mortgage, to pay back more than $300,000.00,where does the additional $200,000.00 come from, whether it be gold orwhether it be paper??

    The only possible source borrowers have is for all borrowers to use principalmoney brought into circulation when other borrowers take out loans - I call

    this, Musical Mortgages (after the game, Musical Chairs).

    When borrowers then make their monthly payments the principal portion of thepayment, of course, is deducted from the outstanding balance and taken out ofcirculation.

    At the same time the interest portion of the payment is also taken out ofcirculation but the borrowers obligations are not reduced by the amount ofthe interest portion of their monthly payment and when private lendersreceive the interest portion of the payments from the borrowers, the privatelenders put the interest portion of the payment in their pocket (whether itsgold coin or paper money - it makes no difference), this causes thecirculating supply of money to shrink faster than the reduction of theobligations of all of the borrowers,

    this causes an unnatural imbalance in the circulating money supply, resultingin recessionary bust cycles and inevitable home and other foreclosures -foreclosures are the one and only means by which a private lender canactually take a profit - interest - as a profit - is merely smoke andmirrors. It is mathematically impossible for a private lender to make aprofit called interest - I will explain this more in a moment.

    This is true no matter whether the money used is gold coin or unbacked paper- this is why the Bible forbids usury! It is important to understand thatinterest and usury are not necessarily always one and the same. Usury is

    the lending of money at interest in a manner where it is totally impossiblefor the borrower to pay both the principal and the interest, and mostimportantly, where the ownership of the borrower by the lender is an inherent

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    aspect of the scheme!!

    Why has this been the problem and how does it cause the money system used, bethe money gold coin or paper, to always fail?? The failure is inherent whenthe lending of the money is under private control and under privateownership, when the lending of money is privately owned.

    This is because it is impossible for a single source of any item to receiveback more than the single source created and provided to the generalpopulation - I call this, The Single Source Doctrine.

    As an example, All Chevrolet automobiles are manufactured by General Motors;neither Ford, Chrysler, nor any other manufacturer produces Chevrolets. So,if General Motors were to do a general recall of all Chevrolets then thetotal number of Chevrolets received back by General Motors could be no morethan the total number of Chevrolets manufactured by General Motors in thefirst place - as I previously mentioned - I call this the Single SourceDoctrine - Understanding this Single Source Doctrine is very important..

    This same Single Source rule applies to the lending of money - when aborrower borrows $100 dollars the total provided to the borrower by thelender will be exactly $100 dollars and not one penny more; so the most theborrower could repay would be $100.

    This will clearly be true with paper money but no matter if the money is goldor unbacked paper, it is still true, as the lender is for all practicalpurposes, the single source of the gold coin (I will explain that further ina moment), and the private lender is most certainly the single source of theunbacked paper money, the lender cannot actually make a profit calledinterest - the lender can only take a profit through the inevitableforeclosures built into a privately owned closed ended money lending system -which is usury!!

    At first it will seem that what I just said does not make sense because thelenders of gold do not create the gold and there is certainly additional goldall over the planet, or at least that is what we have been led to believe.

    So how does this work?? Lets say there were three borrowers who eachborrowed just $100.00 of gold money at 10% interest; so the total lent andborrowed would be $300.00 gold coins but the total the three borrowers hadagreed to repay to the lender, was $330.00 - so where can the extra $30.00 ingold coins come from, to pay the interest on the gold loan??

    With three borrowers, each one owing $110.00 gold dollars, it would bepossible for two of the borrowers, through normal commerce, to acquire andrepay $110.00 gold coin money each which would indeed show on the books ofthe lender as an interest profit of $10.00 on each of those two loans but asthese two borrowers had repaid a total of $220.00 there would then only be$80.00 gold coins remaining in circulation for the third borrower; so whenthe third borrower repaid those $80.00 gold coins the third borrower wouldstill owe $30.00 more twenty of the original loan and ten of the interest butas there were only $300.00 lent in the first place, the third borrower wouldbe unable to repay even the $100.00 that he had borrowed so the lender wouldhave to show a loss of $20.00 gold coins on the third loan, and, of course,no profit on the third loan, and actually, the best the lender could havedone on all three loans, taken all together, would be to have come out evenlyon the three loans.

    This indicates that it is mathematically impossible for a private lender tomake a profit called interest - this is especially true when the money used

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    is paper but this principal also applies to loans of gold, which I willshortly demonstrate.

    In this example the lender would have received back a total of only $300.00 -gold coins - which was exactly the same amount lent in the first place - sothe bottom line on the lenders books would indicate the lender had brokeneven on the three loans - no bottom line profit through interest - but that

    is not the end of the sad story, because the third borrower would havepledged his home as collateral and when the third borrower defaulted on hisloan the lender would foreclose and take the borrowers home!!

    The only way, the single one and only way - that private money lenders cantake a profit is through foreclosure on pledged assets and it makes nodifference whether the money be gold coin or unbacked paper.

    As I mentioned earlier, I cal l this The Single Source Doctrine, or, if youwill, Musical Mortgages. I also refer to the private ownership of thelending of money as a closed ended money lending system - the Solution Ihave in mind will eliminate these problems inherent in a privately owned

    closed ended lending system, by crediting the interest collected on loansmade to private sector borrowers, to the treasuries of the various levels ofgovernment, enabling the interest to be spent back into circulation toreplenish the circulating supply thereby ending the boom and bust recessioncycles and the rampant profit taking foreclosures inherent under theprivately owned closed ended lending system we are currently saddled with.

    My point here is that when the lending of money is in private hands thelenders will soon, inevitably, wind up owning everything and everybody - evenwhen the money used is 100% pure gold coin.

    Some will say, and quite rightly so, that when gold coins are used as moneythat as the lenders of gold coin do not create the gold they lend that there

    are other secondary sources of gold coin from which borrowers can acquire thecoins needed to pay the gold coin interest on their borrowed gold coin loans.

    That this is true is undeniably self evident - at least it is true at thebeginning of a gold coin monetary system cycle - as it is undeniably truethat borrowers can indeed acquire gold from such secondary sources - forawhile - but as the interest on such loans is repaid such secondary sourceswill be severely diminished because, as the gold lenders receive suchsecondary gold as interest on their loans, the gold lenders will take thatgold out of circulation - put it in their pocket - or - lend it out to otherborrowers - again with an additional interest surcharge attached; payable inadditional gold coin!!

    it is also true that during these early stages of a gold coin monetary systemcycle, that the money lenders will actually make an interest profit asmeasured in gold coin; but this bubble will not last and will burst when thelenders have finally acquired all (or at least most), of this secondarysource gold through interest payments received on their loans of gold coin -

    then the foreclosures will begin to occur - such is inevitable as it is aninherent aspect of a privately owned closed ended lending system, when thelending of money is under private ownership, and this is the fundamentalmeaning and definition of usury and this is why usury is condemned in theBible while all other profitable enterprises are Scripturally encouraged.

    Please par particular attention to the words, when the lending of money isunder private ownership.

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    The Solution I am going to present will overcome and eliminate this problemby eliminating the closed ended private ownership of the lending of money andwill place the lending of money under the ownership of the People of theUnited States.

    The Solution I am going to present is so simple that the vast majority of thepeople of the United States will not even know that it has been put into

    operation - everything in their daily lives will seem to continue as before,all of their credit cards, mortgages and other financial obligations willremain as they are now - the only difference they will notice is thattaxation is being phased out by all levels of government - that is alltaxation - city, county, state and federal will be made obsolete - notmerely the replacement of the income tax with some other tax as will be theresult of Aaron Russos DVD if we dont implement the Solution I ampresenting to you here at this time.

    As a preamble to revealing this marvelous solution I want you to once morevery carefully consider these words, How is it that we call ourselves a freepeople, and how is it that we teach our children that they too are free, when

    the very government that we created to protect our freedoms, funds itself bypointing its guns at us??

    There is something most definitely wrong with this picture and it is longpast time that we devised a way to actually establish that we are truly freerather than merely mouthing empty words!!

    Unfortunately, whether we like it or not - government is a necessary evil.If we do not create and establish a government of our own design and of ourown choosing then we can rest assured that a government that we wont likewill be imposed upon us by any number of foreign tyrants.

    In this modern world governments have grown to be unimaginably expensive and

    ours is undoubtedly the most expensive government on the entire planet!!

    And we, as a people, have stood by and watched while our Federal government,the Congress of the United States, has used the privately owned Central Bankof the United States, known, as the Federal Reserve, a privately owned forprofit corporation, to borrow and squander untold trillions of our future taxdollars to the point where we are literally facing imminent Federalbankruptcy - so what can be done to correct this situation??

    Simplicity in the Solution to our economic ills is of the utmost importance -considering that we have some 325 millions of people living in the UnitedStates who are all presently using paper Federal Reserve Notes for theirdaily purchases of all of the necessities of life - imagine the continuingconfusion in the market place if this economy were to go to a gold and silvermoney system overnight where everything now paid for in paper money were thenpaid for in gold, with the balance of the countries of the world still usingpaper money - how would the rate of exchange ever be resolved?? How couldmarket prices ever stabilize??

    How long would it be before, through its billions of dollars in sales to Wal-Mart, China would become the owner of all of the gold of the people of theUnited States?? Then what would we use for money?? And this is just one ofthe problems with going to a gold money system in 2007.


    But before I present the Solution there is another point I need to mention.What is inflation and how does inflation take place??

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    Classically, inflation was understood to mean an increase of thecirculating money supply caused when the government spends more money intocirculation than the government collects from the taxpaying population. Thegovernment does this by inflating the money supply with printing press money.Inflation of the money supply by government spending causes prices to rise.Rising prices are a symptom of inflation - not the cause.

    We frequently hear that the Federal Reserve just pumps money into circulationand that inflation is the fault of the Federal Reserve - although the FederalReserve certainly does play an active role in the inflation of the moneysupply it is none the less totally impossible for the Federal Reserve to putmoney into circulation (to inflate the circulating money supply), without theinstigation and participation of the borrowing government - this is asimpossible for the Fed to do as it would be for General Motors to putChevrolets on the roads without voluntary customers purchasing automobiles!!

    The Federal Reserve is NOT the primary culprit - the primary culprit is theCongress of the United States acting as borrower!! Of additional importance

    here is the fact that it is not the fault of paper money - paper money has noreasoning capabilities - it has no wishes nor dreams - after all - it is justpaper.

    Paper money is just paper - how much value can a 2-1/2 inch X 6 inch piece ofpaper, with so much ink on both sides that it is almost impossible to findroom to write a phone number on, how much can it actually be worth?? Sohow is this scam able to support itself and continue in operation?? How isit that paper money, created out of thin air - unbacked by anything otherthat the purported good faith and credit of the government of the UnitedStates - and thats a joke - essentially nothing other than worthless IOUs,which happens to be the classic definition of fiat money, how can it beperceived as having any value what-so-ever??

    A fair analysis of the money system of the United States will reveal that weactually have two money systems operating at the same time - one for thegovernment and one for the private sector. The Federal Reserve provides allof the paper money for both of these two systems - the problem is that thepaper money the Fed provides for both systems is identical in appearance.

    The very significant difference between the two money systems is that themoney created for the government is indeed worthless unbacked IOU fiat papermoney - while, on the other hand, the paper money created by the FederalReserve for private sector borrowers, being identical in appearance to thepaper money created for the government, is backed by the sincere promise ofthe private sector borrowers to create goods and services equal to the valueof the money created for private sector borrowers. The money created forprivate sector borrowers could not actually have better backing - after all -why do we want to acquire money - is it because we want the money or is itbecause we want what we can get for the money?? Even gold money - is it thegold that we actually want - or is it not, what we can get for the gold??

    So, what we actually want to do is to be able to acquire goods and servicesfrom our fellow economic community members - whom, for the most part, we donot even know their name - so what we have in the private sector are more orless anonymous borrowers who back up their loans by providing the goods andservices that we actually want and need - this enables us to then exchangethe money created to fund these private sector loans, for the goods and

    services that the loans enabled to be created in the first place - how couldthere be a better backing for money than that?? What we need to do to insurethis is to take federal oversight of the central bank away from the Federal

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    ended lending system which will totally eliminate the privately owned closedended lending system and will totally eliminate the boom and bust profittaking through foreclosure recessions we have been subjected to for at leastthe past 70 years.

    The implementation of this Solution will place all commercial lending ofmoney under the authority of the Peoples Central Bank. All lending of money

    for commercial purposes by any private lender will be subject to an interestsurcharge equal to the interest charged by the Peoples Central Bank. Allbank notes (paper money) will be imprinted with the words, As a condition ofacceptance the holder in due course agrees to not loan this note at interestwithout PCB license.

    Privately owned and operated credit unions and similar organization will beable to loan money under license of the Peoples Central bank.

    The rate of interest charged will be set by the individual levels ofgovernment (city, county and state), The city government will determine and

    add its surcharge, the county and state governments likewise, with thesurcharge for the Federal Government to be determined by the legislatures ofthe Several States - NOT BY CONGRESS!!!.

    The interest surcharge allowed to be added for the benefit of the FederalGovernment shall be the highest agreed to by 75% of the legislatures of theSeveral States (with 50 states that would be 37 states). The level suggestedby the lowest 25% of the state legislatures shall be ignored and the PeoplesCentral Bank branches in all states shall charge and pay the same percentageof interest on its loans to private sector borrowers, over to the FederalGovernment - (this section shall not be construed to prevent any state frompaying an additional amount).

    This provision is recognized as being the most unsettled point in thisSolution and may need further revision depending on how high the setting ofinterest surcharge is determined in actual practice by the various levels ofgovernment - it may be determined (through practice), that municipal andcounty governments are not capable of wielding this awsome responsibility -in that event the state legislature of such communities would assume thatresponsibility.

    It is of course acknowledged that the total interest rate agreed to may be inexcess of the interest rate that private sector borrowers might be willing topay - which will require the various levels of government to re-considertheir options. The State legislatures shall have final control over theinterest rates set by all levels of government (counties and municipalitiesand others of whatever designation) within and under their separate statejurisdiction.52.03 xxxxxxxxxxxIn the event that a particular governmental level determines it necessary oradvisable to change the interest charged, such change will not serve toincrease the interest charged on existing loans should the rate be increasedbut in the event the interest rate would be lowered, the interest charged onpreviously existing loans shall also be lowered; and in the event thatinterest is then later increased, any loans where the interest rate had beenlowered, would also be increased but not to a rate higher than originallyagreed to by the private sector borrower.

    In no event will any agency of the Federal Government be allowed to exerciseany control, jurisdiction or oversight in regard to the Peoples CentralBank, nor shall the Federal Government (or any level of state government)

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    ever be allowed to borrow money from the Peoples Central Bank or from othersource.

    This restriction shall not be construed to prevent any level of stategovernment from offering and selling bond issues - bond issues will not beallowed at the Federal level. The Federal Government shall never be allowedto borrow money from the Peoples Central bank nor from any other entity,

    foreign or domestic, or otherwise.

    The power and authority to declare war is also hereby removed from theFederal Government and from the President of the United States. All suchpowers heretofore residing in the Federal Government are hereby reclaimed bythe Several States.

    In the event of an actual military attack by an identifiable recognizedforeign government or entity, upon agreement of 75% of the then viable statelegislatures, a state of war will then be deemed to exist and the presidentand Congress notified by electronic or other suitable means.

    At the same time the same state legislatures shall determine an amount ofmoney to be credited to the Treasury of the Federal Government for thepurpose of funding the war, by the Board of Governors of the Peoples CentralBank. In the event that more money is later required the amount to beadvanced to the Federal Government will again be determined by 75% of thethen viable state governments.

    The Board of Governors of the Peoples Central Bank shall never beunilaterally authorized to advance additional funds to the Federal Treasury;all such advances will be under the control of the several state legislaturesand these emergency advances shall never be construed to be loans, to beinterest bearing loans, to the federal government.

    The determination that such hostilities have ended shall be achieved when 25%of the then viable state legislatures shall so determine.

    It is self evident that such emergency monetary advances to the FederalTreasury will be indeed be inflationary. After the hostilities have ceasedthe Board of Governors of the Peoples Central Bank shall gradually withdrawmoney from circulation by withholding credits of interest collected anddesignated for credit to the Federal Treasury from the Federal Treasury; thiswithdrawal shall be under the direct supervision and authorization andcontrol of the legislatures of the Several States, by agreement of 75%thereof (currently, 37 states).

    In the event that any member of the Board of Governors is suspected ofcorruption such member may be immediately removed from his or her positionwhen 25% of the state legislatures agree. Conviction of corruption by amember of the Board of Governors shall be punishable by public execution by afiring squad!!

    Please understand, that in the original Coinage Act, signed into law in 1782by George Washington, provided therein, the death penalty for any mintemployee who was found guilty of corrupting the coinage of the mint.


    Another substantial benefit of this Solution is that it will allow the

    gradual elimination of all taxation at every level of government in theentire Federation - Taxation (as I have previously states), is nothing buta euphemism for armed robbery!! As I mentioned at the beginning of this

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    How is it that we can call ourselves a free people, and how is it that wecan teach our children that they to are free, when the very government thatwe created to protect our freedoms, funds itself by pointing its guns atus??

    There is something most definitely wrong with this picture and it is longpast time that we devised a way to actually establish that we are truly freerather than merely mouthing empty words!!

    One more point before I explain the Solution (if I havent already given itaway); there are a lot of ideas out there about how to fix the mess we arein that call for a return to the money system set forth in the Constitution.This does indeed sound like a reasonable and wonderful thing to do but whenwe sit down and try to design a plan to do this we find it virtuallyimpossible for several reasons, some of which are based on a misunderstandingof how the economy actually functioned in the beginning.

    In the beginning of this Federation, the vast majority of the people in thiscountry lived on their own farms and were totally independently selfsufficient and did not have much need or use for money; borrowing of moneywas virtually unheard of - so gold and silver coin worked quite well.

    Today, in 2007, the vast majority of our population lives in cities, and arenot in any way self sufficient and have no ability to become self sufficientand these city dwellers need to use money to acquire every single item theyneed in order to live - borrowing and using credit have become established asa normal way of life and, right or wrong, it is not likely to change.

    Additionally, there is a widespread misunderstanding as to how gold andsilver coins got into circulation after the Constitution was adopted. Under

    the Constitution money was not spent into circulation nor issued by anyagency of the government.

    As I previously mentioned, private individuals mined or panned for gold andsilver and then brought their raw ore to the government mints where the goldor silver was purified and made into coins and then the coins given back tothe private individuals who had brought the raw ore to the mint in the firstplace.

    At no time in this process did the gold and silver ever belong to thegovernment - the gold always belonged to the private people who brought theraw ore to the mint to be made into coins - the government did charge for theservice but that amount was merely to cover the actual cost of coinage andwas not a profit to the government.

    Then there are those who suggest that all of the gold in Fort Knox could beused and made into coins - it is widely believed that there is no significantgold in Fort Knox but even if there is - how would that gold get intocirculation?? A long nagging question in my mind has been, and is, where inthe Constitution is there any provision whatsoever, providing for orallowing the government to tax the population in order to acquire a largepile of gold to be put into Fort Knox - or for any other purpose??

    Remember the axiom, In order to get from where we are to where we would liketo be we first must recognize where we are.

    Remember the axiom, In order to get from where we are to where we would liketo be we must first recognize where we are

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    We are in an international commercial economy. A substantial level of oureconomy is internationally based - the entire world is functioning on papermoney - how do we go to a gold money system in the United States while therest of the international economy is using paper?? How long would it bebefore China, Japan, India, Korea and all of our other international tradingpartners acquired all of our gold, when we pay them with gold?? And then,

    what would we use for money??

    Try to imagine how a transition from paper to gold could be undertaken in apopulation of over 325 millions - and what of all the trillions of paperFederal Reserve notes throughout the planet - how would they be handled??And that is not the end of this problem.

    In presenting the Solution I have in mind I am not going to go into detailand explain where the money will come from to pay the tellers in the PeoplesCentral Bank or the janitors who sweep the floors - I will tell you that allof these incidental expenses will be paid from the interest collected onloans made to private sector borrowers just as is currently the case.

    So what is this Solution, quite simple actually, we Federalize the FederalReserve and take its operation totally away from its private owners andCongress. Members of the Board of Governors of the Peoples Central Bankwill be nominated by one of the governors of the Several States with thestate selected through a lottery type selection process on Public TV, andthen the nominee will be evaluated for confirmation by the legislature of yeta different state, with that state also selected through a lottery typeselection process on Public TV.

    The natural jealousy of the Several States will provide the best insuranceagainst corruption achievable with men involved. The Board of Governors ofthe Peoples Central bank will not have much to do actually - mostly book-

    keeping and publishing of monthly reports to the states and to the public.The Board of Governors will NOT set interest rates as is currently thepractice.

    I mentioned earlier that the Solution I am presenting can be set forth in 22words; the 22 words needed to set forth this Solution are:

    1. Eliminate all taxation throughout the entire Federation and fund alllevels of government with interest collected on loans to private sectorborrowers.

    Or, stated the other way around, still with 22 words:

    2. Federalize the Federal Reserve Bank and use the interest collected onloans to private sector borrowers to fund all levels of government.

    Think of it - no more taxation in the entire country - no more income tax, nofair tax, no flat tax. No sales tax, no gasoline tax, no property tax, NO TAX- NO MORE ARMED ROBBERY!!! And again, how does a sane person put the wordfair together with the word tax??

    And this will spread internationally to all other countries, can you imaginewhat will happen in England, Germany, Yugoslavia, Russia, China, everycountry on the planet when they learn that taxation has been totallyeliminated in the United States and that all government is funded by loans on

    interest charged to loans made to private sector borrowers??

    Some will say that charging interest on loans is a form of taxation - this is

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    at best a spurious argument. The fact that taxation is a form of armedrobbery cannot be denied. Taxation is always enforced with the threat of thegovernments gun. No borrower has ever been forced to borrow at the point ofa lenders gun.

    Others will argue that sales tax is likewise voluntary as no one is forced topurchase items upon which a sales tax has been levied, that people can make

    their own clothes and shoes and grow their own food in order to avoid salestax - tell that to the millions of people who live in cities - how could suchpersons possibly make all or any of the items which they require to sustainthemselves on a day to day basis? And how could they acquire the rawmaterials without paying sales tax on the cloth, leather, seeds andincidental materials and implements needed??

    In addition, the implementation of sales tax requires an intrusion of thegovernment into the private affairs of sellers of goods and services, whereotherwise it is none of the governments business to inquire; and sales taxesalso require the providers of goods and services to volunteer into acondition of servitude - isnt that just a little enigmatic??

    How can a person be required to volunteer into a condition of servitudewithout such a situation constituting involuntary servitude?? Of course suchpersons can avoid such servitude by staying out of business but that is mostcertainly an undesirable alternative for all concerned.

    Others will argue that the borrowing of money is likewise unavoidable sointerest on loans is likewise actually not voluntary - that economicpressures will force persons to borrow.

    On the surface this argument does appear to be valid, as it is certainly truethat all persons living in cities require at least the use of money in orderto be able to purchase the items they require to sustain themselves on a day

    to day basis - however what is required is the use of money - not theborrowing of money - many people do not have to borrow money themselves inorder to be able to use money, even under the current system.

    There are millions of people who live their entire lives without borrowing.One of the basic contributors to the design of this Solution started andoperated his own business for 22 years without ever borrowing even one dollar- employing as many as 80 persons - so the argument that borrowing isnecessary or required is simply not true. And making the argument thatinterest is a tax would require the same argument to be claimed of all profitadded to the offering of all goods and services - a grocer would have tooffer all of his groceries at his cost as his added profit could very well beclaimed to be a tax which places his products beyond the economic reach ofpoor people.

    It is certainly true that under this Solution that all money in circulationwill have entered circulation as the principal of some borrowers loan butthat is precisely the same as what we now have under the privately ownedclosed ended Federal Reserve System, and as far as this point is concerned,there has never been a shortage of money in circulation for the use ofpersons who themselves never borrow money.

    The only time we have a shortage of money under the current evil system, iswhen the banksters are taking their profits through foreclosures. That willnot exist under this Solution.

    Additionally, if the claim that some persons are forced into borrowing byeconomic circumstances were true then those persons will, most likely, not

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    qualify for a loan from the Peoples Central Bank anyway, for if they couldqualify for such a loan the person must not be in as dire an economiccondition as imagined by those who make this argument.

    So how do we implement this Solution - this DVD is not copy protected - thetext is copyrighted and may not be altered but everyone is authorized andencouraged to make as many copies of this DVD, as it is presented. I

    strongly urge all of you to copy this DVD and distribute it as widely as youcan - especially where Aaron Russos DVD America: Freedom To Fascism isbeing shown and distributed.

    The printed text of this presentation is available - you are urged to download and print it out andpass out to those who are not inclined to watch this DVD - in addition -there is a tri-fold brochure posted on the same web site - download thatbrochure, print it out and pass it out. This Video will be on Utube andGoogle - urge your friends to go there to watch it. Then urge everyone topresent this Solution to both their State and Federal Congress persons withtheir marching orders that we, the People of the United States, demand that

    our representatives adopt this Solution and amend the Constitutionappropriately for its implementation as their first order of business afterthe 2008 elections.

    Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has introduced some 12 bills into Congress overthe past 24 years - calling for the elimination of the Federal Reserve - withCongressman Ron Paul never ever presenting any plan of how such should bedone - Paul is now going to run for President in 2008 - it is time to put theheat on Congressman Paul to make him put up or shut up!! Make Presidentialcandidate Ron Paul support the Solution that I have laid out on this DVD!!

    And likewise, give your marching orders to your state representatives and

    state senators, to start the enactment of legislation for the amendment ofthe Constitution of the United States, so that this Solution can beConstitutionally enacted.

    Here is my proposed 28th amendment to the US Constitution

    Proposed 28th Amendment to eliminate taxation at all levels and tofix the monetary system:

    It being recognized and acknowledged that "TAXATION" is nothing otherthan legalized armed robbery; and that the utilization of electricityhas made gold and silver coin inappropriate to be used as money; andthat the interest surcharge attached to money lent by the People

    sCentral Bank should be the property of the People of the UnitedStates, it is hereby resolved that:

    The purpose of this amendment is to eliminate all taxation in theentire Federation; Federalize the Central Bank and fund all fourlevels of government with interest collected on Central Bank Loansextended to borrowers in the private sector by the People

    s CentralBank.

    To facilitate the foregoing:

    A Central Bank to be known as The People

    s Central Bank is hereby


    The Federal Reserve Act is hereby dissolved;

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    All monetary obligations and transactions agreed to prior to thisamendment shall continue in effect as agreed to, as though theFederal Reserve System were still functioning. All Federal ReserveNotes now in circulation shall be honored by the People

    s CentralBank. Such notes shall be replaced from time to time with notesidentical to Federal Reserve Notes with the exception that they will

    be imprinted across the top with the words "People

    s Central BankNote" and other minor technical changes. Notes issued asreplacements for Federal Reserve Notes shall be valid to be receivedas payment for all obligations previously entered into under theFederal Reserve System, however no new loans may be made lendingnotes of the People

    s Central Bank without a prior license procuredfrom the People

    s Central Bank. All new commercial loans will berequired to bear an interest surcharge payable to the People

    sCentral Bank; (mortgage loans, business loans, credit card loans andloans of every nature, other that loans to family members of thefirst degree, are deemed to be commercial loans).

    Except as hereinafter modified, all monetary activity heretoforeengaged in by the Federal Reserve System are hereby assigned to andassumed by and will be continued as parties thereto had previouslyagreed, by the People

    s Central Bank;

    All facilities previously owned and operated by the Federal Reserveare hereby Federalized and will hereinafter be owned and operated bythe People

    s Central Bank.

    There is hereby created what shall henseforth be known as "The Boardof Governors of the People

    s Central Bank". Those men who arecurrently serving on the Board of Governors of the Federal ReserveSystem are hereby appointed, should they choose to accept such

    appointment, to serve on the Board of Governors of the People

    sCentral Bank, with the same rate of remuneration as previously. TheBoard of Governor

    s of the People

    s Central Bank shall have noauthority to regulate interest rates nor to engage in any functionwhat-so-ever with out direct specific instruction from theLegislatures of the Several States. The Legislatures of the SeveralStates shall have full, one hundred percent control over theoperations of the People

    s Central Bank, in every respect. Neitherthe Federal Governmnet nor any of the legislatures of the SeveralStates shall have authority to borrow money from the People

    s CentralBank for any purpose what-so-ever;

    The following articles and provisions of the Constitution of theUnited States of America are specifically repealed and/or modified asset forth herein below:


    Article 1 Section 1 Clause 3 - Providing for direct taxes to beapportioned according to population, is replaced as follows: Theinterest percentage rate surcharge to be attached to all loans toprivate sector borrowers shall be determined, from time to time, bythe legislatures of each of the Several States, by the locallegislatures of each level of government of each local community, asdetermined and in accordance with rules established by the State

    legislatures of each of the Several States. This Section shall beliberally construed to accord each level of government as muchautonomy as is reasonably possible any interference thereby by the

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    state legislatures shall only be asserted upon a request presented bymeans of a petition signed by thirty percent of the property ownersof each community so petitioning. The interest rate to be assessedto provide revenue to the Federal Government shall be determined bythe legislatures of the Several States - NOT by the Federal Congress;


    Article 1 Section 6 Clause 7 - Bills for raising revenue shalloriginate in the House of Representatives, is replaced as follows:Revenue to support the Federal Government shall be raised as follows:The State Legislature of each of the Several States shall determine arate of interest percentage to be attached to each and every loanextended by the People

    s Central Bank to private sector borrowers ineach of the State Legislatures own state. This interest percentagerate may be unique in each state with no consideration to theinterest level set in any of the other Several States;


    Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1 -The Congress shall have power to layand collect taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises is replaced asfollows: The Congress of the United States shall nave no authorityto raise revenue. All revenue apportioned to the Federal Governmentshall be determined by the legislatures of the Several States, eachState determining for itself the level to be provided to the FederalGovernment by its state. When the collected monies are collected andpaid over to the federal Treasure, then and only then may theCongress of the United States appropriate such monies for Federalexpenditures;


    Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1 - [Congress shall have power] to borrowmoney on the credit of the United States is replaced as follows: TheCongress of the United States shall hove no power what so ever toborrow money from any source what so ever. If any lender were toextend credit to the Federal Government of the United States, letsuch creditor be hereby advised - such loan will not be repaidthrough revenues collected on interest surcharges laid on loans toprivate sector borrowers in any of the Several States of thisFederation. Any such lender will have full recourse to sue anymember of Congress who applies for any such loan, on a personalbasis, in order for such lender to recover such loan.

    Neither shall any state legislature of any of the Several States, norany sub entity thereof, have any authority whatsoever to borrow moneyfrom any source whatsoever and any lender who were to extend any suchloan to any level of government of this Federation may attempt torecover the principle thereof as previously set forth in this sectionabove, by suing the legislator, but only in his private capacity;


    Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5 [Congress shall have power ] To coinmoney, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin is replaced as

    follows: It being recognized that the electrification of humansociety has forever made gold and silver coin impractical as a mediumof money, the use of gold and silver coins is replaced by the use of

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    paper money to enter circulation as the principle of loans extendedby the People

    s Central Bank to borrowers of the private sector,backed by the promise of the private sector borrower to create goodsand services equal to the loan principle advanced, together with theinterest surcharge agreed upon, and as from time to time regulated bystatute of each States Legislature, but such interest surcharge isnever to be increased to a level above that which was agreed to by

    the private sector borrower at the time and on the date the loancontract was agreed to.

    Nothing in this Amendment shall in any way be construed to in any waypreclude private parties from engaging in agreements to be paid ingold and/or silver coin (or other agreed to medium), and suchcontracts may be enforced in courts of the United States inaccordance with the terms of the subject contracts;


    Article 1 Section 8 Clause 6 [Congress shall have power ] To provide

    for the punishment of counterfeiting ... current coin of the UnitedStates is replaced as follows: [Congress shall have power ] Toprovide for the punishment of counterfeiting ... current papercurrency of the People

    s Central Bank of the United States;


    Article 1 Section 8 Clause 11 [Congress shall have power ] To declarewar is replaced as follows: The war declaring powers of thisFederation are hereby reclaimed by the Legislatures of the SeveralStates.

    In the event that the United States or any or its possessions are

    attacked by an identifiable foreign power, and the Legislatures ofSeventy-Five percent (75%), of the then surviving Several States thenin Body Assembled shall so declare, then and only then shall theUnited States be deemed to be in a state of war. In no event shallthe President of the United States or the Congress of the UnitedStates have authority to engage the military or any other forces ofthe United States in any sort of armed conflict with any foreignpower or other foreign entity without the declaration of war approvedby Seventy-Five percent of the then viable State legislatures aspreviously set forth herein. In the event that such a condition isdeclared - the same percentage of Legislatures of the Several Statesas previously set forth herein, shall instruct the Board of Governorsof the People

    s Central Bank to credit the Treasury of the UnitedStates Government with an amount of money as such Legislatures shallat that time, or subsequently thereto, deem appropriate - in no eventshall the Congress or the President of the United States haveauthority to order the Board of Governors of the People

    s CentralBank to advance funds to the credit of the Treasury of the UnitedStates. Such advancements, when approved by the legislatures of theSeveral States, shall not be construed as interest bearing loans noras loans of any nature - such advancements shall be construed asadvances on what will be the Federal Government

    s portion of interestcollected on future revenue from interest collected on loans toprivate sector borrowers extended by The People

    s Central Bank;


    Article 1 Section 9 Clause 1 Congress may impose a tax or duty on

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    imported persons is replaced as follows: The Congress of the UnitedStates and the legislatures of the Several States are hereby foreverprohibited from imposing a tax or duty on any transaction of any andevery nature what-so-ever;


    Article 1 Section 9 Clause 4 Congress given the authority to lay adirect tax based on apportionment of population is replaced asfollows: The Congress of the United States and the legislayures ofthe Several states are hereby forever prohibited from imposing a taxor duty on any transaction of any and every nature what-so-ever;


    Article 1 Section 9 Clause 5 No tax or duty shall be laid on articlesexported from any state is replaced as follows: The Congress of theUnited States and the legislatures of the Several States are herebyforever prohibited from imposing a tax or duty on any transaction of

    any and every nature what-so-ever, and likewise, no state shall everhave any authority to lay a tax or duty of any nature what-so-ever onany entity what-so-ever;


    Article 1 Section 9 Clause 6 No preference shall be given by anyregulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state overthose of another: nor shall vessels bound to, or from one state, beobliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another is replaced asfollows: No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerceto the ports of one state over those of another: nor shall vessels

    bound to, or from one state, be obliged to enter, clear, or payduties of any nature to another State or to the United States. TheCongress of the United States and the Legislatures of the SeveralStates are hereby forever prohibited from imposing a tax or duty onany transaction of any and every nature what-so-ever;


    Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1 No State shall .... coin money ... makeany Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in payment of Debt isreplaced as follows: No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance,or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin or printmoney; emit bills of credit; make any thing but notes issued by ThePeople

    s Central Bank a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill ofattainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation ofcontracts, or grant any title of nobility.


    Article 1 Section 10 Clause 2 No state shall, without the consent ofthe Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, isreplaced as follows: No state shall lay any imposts or duties or taxof any nature what so ever on imports or exports;


    Article 1 Section 10 Clause 3 No state shall, without the consent of

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    Congress, lay any duty of tonnage is replaced as follows: No stateshall, without the consent of Congress, keep troops, or ships of warin time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with anotherstate, or with a foreign power, or engage in a war, unless actuallyinvaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.

    Why is this solution and amendment needed?


    The following is the basic underlining problem that is at the root of all otherproblems today, so what is the solution? Watch the solution video.

    Self evident irrefutable facts about interest charged on loans (1-12 + example).The following has nothing to do with predatory lending because they are inherent with all banks and all loans.

    Once the following is understood you will know why it is inherent in the bakingsystem to have wide spread foreclosures, boom and bust inflation and recessioncycles in the economy,

    1. From the many publications that the Federal Reserve prints on its policies and procedures on loans, accounting, how money is created, and by its many examples provided, it is clear that all money circulating in our economy today, came into existence because someone borrowed money that was loaned to them from a bank.The publications all demonstrate that all of the dollars in existence today areprincipal money or the money which was originally loaned to someone, who some one still owes and has not paid back yet to the bank. Thus interest money does no

    t exist. Interest money meaning the finance charges, and fees associated with having any bank loan. The Federal Reserve does not demonstrate how the interest money is created and placed in to the economy in any of its publications because the interest money is never created, and doesnt exist!

    2. In any bank loan, including credit cards, since the interest money that is charged to the borrower on the loan amount, also called the principal money borrowed, is never created and so the interest money is never in our economies circulating money supply, then of course the interest money charged to us by the bank on our loan simply doesnt exist.

    3. So the borrowing of money or credit from any bank at interest makes the loanagreement mathematically impossible to perform as the loan agreement specifies.As the bank when approving a loan creates the principal money loaned to the borrower but the bank does not create nor provide any means, whereby the borrower can acquire the additional interest money to repay the principal money together with the added interest. As there is no source to provide the interest money, there is no possible way a borrower can acquire the interest money.

    4. All so called interest charges on a loan can only be paid by collecting otherborrowers principal money (borrowed into existence) spent into circulation, thus further reducing the money supply.

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    5. As when a borrower pays interest, the interest portion of the payment reducesthe principal money supply in circulation, as the entire money supply that exists is always principal money, which was the original loan amount borrowed into existence, who the borrower then spent into the economy.

    5A. As interest payments are paid on loans, the entire circulating money supplyor principal money is reduced by the amount of interest money paid, thus defaults and foreclosures on loans are inherent in the Federal Reserve central bankingsystem amongst borrowers. The issue here is a mathematical one.

    5B In order for borrowers to pay the interest portion of the loan, they must first pay more then they borrowed and so more then was created. So for borrowers to

    pay their entire principal and interest obligations, they will have to obtain it from other borrowers interest money spent into circulation. Thus, causing thetotal circulating money supply to shrink or the economy to contract faster thenthe total obligations of all borrowers, at any single moment in time. So now there isnt even enough money circulating for all of the borrowers to even pay backthe principal amount either at any single point in time. Thus making it mathematically impossible for all borrowers to honor their loan agreements, and pay offthe balance of their loans at any single point in time. Thus why a mathematicalpercentage of loans inherently are due to default at any given moment in time and thus the meaning of usury and why it is outlawed in the bible.

    6. The most a bank can get paid back is the amount loaned to the borrower in thefirst place, It is impossible for the borrower to pay what was agreed to as theagreement terms specified because of the single source doctrine.

    7. Single source doctrine states that when there is a single source (producer) of a product produced then the single source (producer) can never collect even one more product then the total number of products that the source produced.

    8. Since the word interest is defined as or denotes a profit, then the word interest is a deceptive, made up word, and a con job. Because as the single source doctrine shows there can never be a profit from collecting interest on loans since only the principal money is created and exists in circulation. To ear a profitor interest would mean a lender would have to collect more money then is created and exists, that would be of course impossible.

    9. The Federal Reserve and all member banks create money and lends it at interest and all of the borrowers are lead to believe that they will have the means orcapability to pay the principal along with the interest. Again, the bank does not create or provide any means whereby the borrower can acquire the additional mo

    ney to repay the principal money together with the added interest. As there is no source to provide the interest money.

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    10. And by the bank collecting and withholding the interest money collected fromthe borrower, intentionally, knowing full well ahead of the time that it will cause an impossible aspect to manifest itself, then doesnt it seam reasonable toconclude that the bank has really only placed itself in a bind because it cannot have any just claim on the asset of the borrower because it is the bank who

    has caused the borrower to default purposely by collecting and withholding the purported interest money from being in circulation, thus causing a short supply of principal money and causing the economy to contract. That is the principal money or the amount of money borrowed, due and owing, is cause to be in short supply in the economy by the very bank the loan was taken from.

    11. With the principal money and credit in circulation being in short supply, the only way for the borrower to pay off a existing loan is to simply borrow moremoney, because it is the only source of expanding the existing money supply available to borrowers to pay off their previous loan. Soon there after, the borrow

    er will have to take out a 3rd loan to pay off the 2nd loan and so on. In most cases this just prolongs the inevitable default at a increasing pace since the interest on the new loan is ever accruing. For many of the borrowers who default on their loan obligation is because it is inherent of the Federal Reserve centralbanking system. The borrowers who do pay off the principal and interest over the life of the loan do so by collecting principal money in circulation borrowed into existence by other debtors, thus further reducing the money supply or the amount of money owed total in comparison to the amount of money in circulation atany single point in time.

    12. So all borrowers are competing for a ever dwindling money supply in this eco

    nomy without ever being aware of it since it has never been disclosed by the bank.

    For Examples:

    Lets ay a $100K is borrowed at interest for 30 years at say $833.33 a month, for360 months, which totals 300K. That is $100K principal and $200k interest, it would be reasonably possible for a buyer to pay off that loan if properly qualified, given longevity and income expectancy pan out. But the bank only lent out orcreated and placed in circulation$100K, but the borrower owes $300K, so where is the other $200K needed to satisfy the entire loan supposed to come from when only $100K exists and is available in circulation, sine that is all the bank created? In our real world, there of course exists many billions of loans made at various time frames. In the early months of the loan repayment only a tiny fraction of he minimum monthly payments due are applied to the principal, all the restis interest. So now even after just the first months payment, there already is not enough money in circulation to pay off the total principal amount due. Sol lets say out of the $833.33 monthly payment, $800 was interest and only $33.33 applied to reduce the principal amount due. So out of the $100K in circulation, $833.33 is used to make the first payment, so there is only now 499166.67 left in circulation, of which $99,966.67 principal amount is left outstanding, still due

    and owing on the loan, making the loan already impossible to satisfy in full. Asthe installment agreement gets older, a greater portion of the monthly paymentwill be applied towards the monthly principal, However this does not make any di

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    fference, because all the borrower can pay and all the bank can collect is a total of $100K that is in existence.

    Simple example, yet just as true as any real world complex scenerio

    Principal loan or loan amount payment made interest paid Principal loanor loan amount still due money existing in the entire economy$100,000 $833.33 $800$100,000-$33.33=$99,966.67 $100,000-$833.33=$99,166.67

    So after just one payment, out of all the money left in existance, $99,166.67,$99,966.67 is still due and owing while. So in this example of just one borrower, and after just one payment, $800 more is already owed then there exists in theeconomy! This is what is meant by the economy is or has contracted, in this simple case, by $800. Now if there are hundreds of millions or even billions of bor

    rowers, then just multiply this simple example by hundreds of millions or billions, and you will see the results are the same, just on a much larger scale. Thisis why it is so important for the banks to keep loaning more continuously and so printing more money into the economy, or else a collapse or a implosion of theeconomy is imminent and just a matter of time.

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