to keep your job or not

Post on 12-May-2015






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Cosmic Coaching Centre Corporate & Individual Career Solutions for Mid-Level Professionals & Executives


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5 Ways of Knowing If Your Job Is For Keeps

You look forward

to going to work.

Starting your day

with a smile is

sometimes an

effort for people

whose jobs have

sucked the life out

of them. If you find

yourself raring to

go to work and to

get going with the current project you are working

on, it is a great sign that you enjoy your job. A happy

worker is a productive worker. If this job makes you

want to bring your breakfast to work, not for the

reason that you do not have the luxury of time to eat

it at the breakfast table but because you are excited

to get on with your job, then hold on to this job; it

fulfils your need for self-actualization.

You have a happy bank account. One of the basic

requirements of survival these days is to be able to

afford our very basic needs. If you barely break even

with what you currently earn, then that is somehow

considered as a job not worth keeping. But if you get

to afford you basic needs like food, clothing, and

shelter, pay the bills, and get to have a whole lot of

extras for savings, you are definitely working in the

right place. Being able to afford life's necessities is

already a hallmark of a good job, but having

something extra to save as well means that your

compensation package is really a generous one that

you should really hold on to your job.

You work hard for career opportunities that seem to

be within your reach. Attainable goals make you want

to work harder for it because you know and see that

it is possible to achieve. Employees seek career

progression because mainly, they do not want to be

stuck in the same position for the rest of their lives.

Advancement in their career is one of the things that

motivate workers to perform exemplarily. So if you

are feeling the buzz and excitement to keep moving

forward because your goals seem to always be at

arm’s reach, your job is definitely for keeps.

You are rarely stressed. Stress is our body's reaction

to pressure and other negative stimuli. It is

detrimental to our well-being and it keeps us from

performing to our utmost potential. If your job gives

you stress, it won't be long until your body gives in to

the tiresome condition of being stressed. However, if

you rarely feel pressure at work and are able to be in

control at all times, this job is an amazing job – keep


You get to enjoy your personal life. Some people get

so muddled up in their work life that they cannot find

the distinction between their work life and their

personal life. If you still find the time to be at your

kid's play or his little league game, take your wife out

to dinner regularly, spare some time to play golf and

exercise to stay fit, it shows that you are able to do

the things that keep you happy and that your job

does not deprive you of these things.

While everyone might have a different priority when

it comes to happiness, these are merely guides to

determine that you are on the right career path. It is

different for everybody but surely if you experience

being two or three or all of these things, then that job

is a keeper.

Is It Time To Quit Your Job

We can all agree that quitting your job is perhaps one

of the hardest and most stressful decisions you can

make in your life. Why? Because first and foremost,

aside from your family, your job defines you as a

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person and it’s something that you can’t just easily let

go no matter what circumstances you’re into.

However, if you can’t take another sleepless night

because your heart is battling with your mind on

whether you need to quit now or do it later, then we

can probably be of help. Here are the top 10 signs

that it’s time to quit your job:

1. You hate it – hate is such a strong word and

doing a routine out of something that you hate causes

you to dig your own grave early. Although leaving

your job is a difficult proposition, it still doesn’t

change the fact that staying is just as difficult too.

2. You feel like an outcast – if you find it hard

to fit into your company’s corporate culture because

you refuse to be a bully, then you shouldn’t think

twice about quitting your job. Every company has a

culture that may not be acceptable to some people

and if they are willing to change all that for you, then

you must be very lucky! But that can only happen in

your dreams.

3. You are not getting ahead in your career –

why do people stay in their jobs aside from getting

paid? Yes, because they have goals they want to

achieve. They seek better career opportunities that

can help advance their careers, and if you don’t get

that from your company, well, there is nowhere to go

but out.

4. You aren’t learning –even at work, you still

need to learn and be given the chance to enhance

your skills. What advantage would you have for a

promotion if you don’t grow and develop as an

employee? If your knowledge is limited and your

skills are just average, what chances have you got

against those competitive applicants who have

prepared for your dream job?

5. It is too stressful – we all know that stress is

inevitable but being stressed because of doing so

many tasks at an allotted time is not right and doing

this everyday will eventually lead to your ruin.

These 5 signs should not be ignored because every

second counts and the longer you stay in your job, the

harder it is for you to leave. You might not be aware

but quitting your job is a career move that will

eventually lead you to a job you deserve. Do not let

your job ruin your chances to be successful, control

your destiny and live the life you have always

dreamed of.

Redefine Yourself For Better Job Opportunities

There will always be

opportunities for progress,

be it in the same

organization you are

currently in, or in an

entirely different setting,

probably a rival company,

or a call to work abroad.

Your chances to be eligible

for these opportunities are

going to be great if you know how to prepare yourself

for it. It goes without saying that even if you do not

intend to be the ultimate employee sought after by

countless firms to have in their own, you will have to

perform equally well in order to advance with your

current employer, or at the very least, keep your job.

There are certain attributes that employees look for

in a professional and in the event that you exceed

these expectations, you are sure to be noticed not

only by your current employer, but possibly by other

head-hunters as well. Find out what you are good at

and work on it, but never forget some of the most

important values that may make or break the

reputation you are working so hard to achieve.

Loyalty Loyalty comes in so many forms, but basically loyalty

is something that your current employers will very

much appreciate. You can look or listen to what

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others may have to offer you but let them know that

your loyalty lies with your current company. If they

present you with offers that are better than what

your current employer has to offer, tell them you will

think about it and that you'll get back to them.

As you ponder on the decision that will change your

life, if it is possible for you to talk it over with your

current employer, try to present them with the offer

being presented to you. It might do you good as you

might be offered the same proposition, and maybe

more, if they recognize your true value to the

company. You'd also come across as an individual

who is not easily convinced by attractive offers in

exchange for your principles.

Employability Keep yourself employable by upgrading your

qualifications. Some people need to renew their

licenses annually even if they do not need it in their

current jobs. If you have one of these things that need

to be updated, do so because you will never know

when you are going to need it.

As you go on through your work life, always think of

a goal to achieve because your future must not simply

end on where you are right now. Move forward

towards the direction of progress. With the right

career moves, you might just achieve financial

freedom and a comfortable retirement someday.

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