tiffany sauder winning inbound brand

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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Creating a winning brand is a tricky proposition. You have to understand what sets your brand apart and how to effectively communicate it. Element Three President, Tiffany Sauder, explains the path to creating a winning brand; one that establishes a deeper connection by communicating not just what you do, but why you do it.


  • 1. HOW TO BULD AN INBOU ND BRANDTHAT WINS EVERY TIME Tiffany Sauder President, Element Three @tiffanysauder

2. POP QUIZ 3. WHAT COMPANY IS THIS? 1. Commodity turned cultural icon and luxury brand 2. In 5 years, brand of choice with 60% market share 3. Promises premium sound entertainment 4. LeBron James has an ownership stake 5. Recently purchase by Apple for $3B 4. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? 1. Every one already has a pair 2. You can get them for free 3. Mediocre sound quality is acceptable 4. Isnt the design kind of hair smashing? 5. You want to charge what? 5. OUR BODIES PROCESS INFORMATION 70,000x FASTER THAN OUR RATIONAL MINDS 6. A BRAND CANNOT ACHIEVE MORE THAN THE VISION OF ITS LEADER 7. BRANDS MUST FIND THEIR ONE THING 8. The Brand is the Product. -Lee Clow 9. BUILDING A BRAND IS EQUAL PARTS GUTS AND RESTRAINT 10. YOUR BRAND IS LIKE A PERSON 11. SHARE YOUR BRAND WITH THE WORLD 12. HOW, EXACTLY? 1. Know what you are great at, and how it helps others 2. Embrace that you are a media company 3. You are the content, but its not about you 4. Feeling is the greatest essence of authenticity 13. NOW, LIVE IT 14. A B E S T C O usiness First wesome Comes Standard tay Curious motional Intelligence reative Swagger ransparent wn Selflessly 15. WHERE TO BEGIN? 16. How does Brand influence the decisions we make as Inbound Marketers? 17. (Most brands) want to be all things to all people. They want their brand to be a male brand and a female brand. An upper-crust brand and a plebeian brand. And in their greed they almost always end up with a brand which has no personality of any kinda wishy washy neuter brand. -David Ogilvy The Unpublished David Ogilvy 18. DO YOU KNOW YOUR ONE THING? @TiffanySauder

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