tidings july/august 2012

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The magazine of Banstead United Reformed Church


Page 1 Tidings, July/August 2012

The magazine of Banstead United Reformed Church


Page 2, Tidings, July/August 2012


Our Family Worship is held every Sunday at 10.30am a crèche is provided.

Junior Church for children aged 3-14 meets at the same time,

and we have a music group which meets at 10.10am.

Holy Communion is normally celebrated during our morning service on the first Sunday of each month.

Please see the diary sheet or website for details of

Evening Services.

The Prayer Circle meets every two weeks.

Please note: Monday is the Minister’s day off.

For details of future events and important dates for your diary please see the monthly Diary Sheet or check out our Website:


Tidings is edited by Linda Richards.

Address: 3 Breech Lane, Walton on the Hill, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 7SQ

Tel 01737 813617, e-mail burctidings@hotmail.co.uk

I am happy to receive your contributions, ideas and suggestions for Tidings at any time but copy for the next edition should be

with the editor by

Sunday, 26th August 2012

Page 3 Tidings, July/August 2012

Dear Friends

Two major events start in July – one that will be followed by countless millions of people in the UK and throughout the world, and another that will be followed by far fewer people, but which is maybe of greater, and of more lasting significance to them. The Olympic Games begin on 27 July and last until the end of August. The URC’s General Assembly takes place over a mere four days, beginning on 6 July.

Assemblies now occur only once every two years, and the numbers attending have been significantly cut, so that for many of those who do get to attend this will be a once in a lifetime occasion. However, the profile of some of the issues being discussed seems to be increasing, rather than diminishing.

Finance and budget have traditionally been the sessions where many representatives find they will be more usefully employed catching up with colleagues outside the conference hall, rather than attending to the presentation and discussion. This is in spite of the ability of John Ellis, the URC’s Treasurer, to present the topic in terms that are straightforward, realistic, and humorous. This year, attendance will probably be significantly greater than usual, as the URC is faced with making significant cuts to the budget. And as the greatest part of the budget is spent on stipendiary ministry, this is something that impacts every church, whether they have a minister, or are hoping to have one.

Another major item for discussion is the registration of Civil Partnerships in churches. As a denomination we seem to have been discussing human sexuality formally and informally for many years, without having come to any conclusion. And it seems to me, whatever the outcome, the more time we spend talking about it, the more insular and disengaged with the realities of society, and God’s love, we show the church to be.

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There are many other reports and resolutions facing Assembly which directly impact the life of the local church – i.e. us, and those with web access can read all the papers by following the link on www.urc.org.uk. Gone are the days when each church received its own hard copy – economy again!

This year, one of the Southern Synod representatives is Linda Richards, and we pray for God’s blessing on her as she fulfils this important role in the life of the church and look forward to hearing her feedback from Assembly.

Assembly is not all about reports and resolutions. There are opportunities to meet new people, and learn from the wider church. Worship and Bible Study form a central and inspirational part of Assembly, threading its way through the gathering, and informing the debates and decisions.

Assembly is about enabling and inspiring local churches to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Paul describes the life of faith in terms of an athlete who trains for a purpose, so that their efforts may win them the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24). General Assembly gives us the opportunity to look at what our purposes are, and what we need to do to fulfil them, and to learn more about the resources we can draw on from the wider church.

There are only a few days now before Assembly so please remember Linda and all who are involved this year, and encourage them by your interest and awareness of the business that is before them.

Yours in Christ



Sometimes, hope is what makes us smile, other times a smile is what

brings us hope.

Page 5 Tidings, July/August 2012


In our thoughts and prayers …

During August several of our young people will be receiving important exam results, pray for them, and their families, as they make decisions about their futures.

******** Many of you will be aware that Jenny Houghton is marrying Rob Lewis in our church on Saturday 8th September at 12:30pm. Cliff and Jenny warmly invite all church members and friends to attend the service, it will be wonderful to see you all. The service will include a medley of songs from 'Greater than Gold' - the musical of the story of Mary Jones and her Bible which was performed by the church while Jenny was a teenager. We are looking for people to sing in the choir for this. It doesn't matter whether or not you were present at the original performance - David will teach the music from scratch. It is a fantastic sing and it would be lovely to have a strong choir to bring it to life. The plan is to rehearse on several Friday evenings leading up to the wedding. If you are interested or would like further information please contact David on 01737 351143 davidhoughton88@hotmail.com. Jenny Houghton

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For the Torch Relay - Loving God, as this torch travels our nation, preparing us to celebrate the skill and determination of those competing in the Olympic and Paralympic Games,

strengthen us to love you and serve our neighbour with all the skill and determination you give us, through Christ, the light of the world. Amen. As this light travels our nation, may your light, O God, shine in the hearts of all who gather to celebrate the energy, skill and dedication of others. Send your Holy Spirit to light up our lives and set our hearts on fire with love for you; through Christ our Lord. Amen. In preparation for the Olympic Games - Eternal God, Giver of joy and source of all strength, we pray for those who prepare for the London Olympic and Paralympic games. For the competitors training for the Games and their loved ones, For the many thousands who will support them, And for the Churches and others who are organising special events and who will welcome many people from many nations. In a world where many are rejected and abused, we pray for a spirit of tolerance and acceptance, of humility and respect and for the health and safety of all. May we at the last be led towards the love of Christ who is more than gold, today and forever. Amen

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As those of you who were at the last church meeting will be aware, we are due to have a Local Mission and Ministry Review (LMMR) starting later this year. LMMR replaces the previous District visitations which took place every five years. LMMR takes approximately three months. The Pastoral Profile, which was previously just produced during a vacancy, is now to become a living document, which will include mission priorities and objectives.

In summary, LMMR works like this:

When a new minister arrives the Pastorate Profile is reviewed by the minister and the local church, and new priorities and objectives are set

Two years later, the church conducts its own internal review and amends the Pastorate Profile in the light of changing mission priorities

In the fourth year, an external review is arranged by the Synod Area Pastoral Committee. Banstead URC is due to have an external review later this year.

So before our LMMR takes place we need to update the facts and figures in our Pastoral Profile with reference to Synod Mission criteria and then see if we want to develop or enhance it in any way

We want the whole church to have the opportunity to comment on both the pastorate profile and the church's mission criteria so over the summer both these documents will be available on the members section of the website, in the library to borrow, or you can request a hard copy from Jenny or Kevin. Please take the opportunity to do this and feed your comments and suggestions back to Jenny by 31st August. After that we will convene a small group as agreed by the church meeting to develop versions which will be submitted to church meeting for approval.

Kevin Dinnage

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RIO +20 EARTH SUMMIT The UN conference on sustainable development in Rio, Brazil was held on 19 -22 June. It was meant to chart a new path for sustainable development to raise people out of poverty and protect the natural world. But the leaders of The United Reformed Church, The Methodist Church and the Baptist Church have voiced their disappointment about the outcome. Their response included the following comments: Climate Change - World leaders have largely repeated previous climate pledges, rather than pressing forward. The summit has declined to identify a timescale or plan of action for the phasing out of subsidies for fossil fuels. The lives of future generations will be affected if we fail to act now on climate change. Transport - We welcome the $175bn fund pledge to boost sustainable transport in developing economies. However, developed nations must now find innovative ways to resource a Green Fund to help developing countries create low carbon economies. Poverty - The summit recognised the plight of the planet and the lives of many living in poverty, but there is a lack of clear action coming out of Rio+20, Sustainable Living - The world is only slowly waking up to the fact that our present consumption levels are unsustainable. Churches should not only call on governments to live more sustainably, but set an example in how this can be done through reducing our carbon footprints.

Recycling - Between April and June, 827 batteries and 376 printer cartridges were recycled from the recycling

boxes in the Spencer Hall!

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Back To Church Sunday 30 September 2012

Millions of people who don't go to church would say ‘yes’ to an invitation from a friend. What if you were that friend? Whom would you invite? Back to Church Sunday has caught on in churches everywhere because it is so simple. Since 2004 a quarter of a million people have said ‘yes’ to the prayerful invitation of a friend. Each year more churches take part and more people come back per church. In 2011 across all denominations about 77,000 extra people came to church. And at its heart it is the oldest idea of all, the one that made shepherds leave their flocks, fishermen leave their nets, and tax collectors climb out of trees. Someone invited them. Of course you can invite your friend to church any Sunday and every Sunday. Back to Church Sunday can help you take the shortest step in evangelism: inviting someone you know to something you love. Taking part is as simple as 1 2 3:

1 Register your church 2 Order your invitations 3 Prepare to invite

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NEWS FROM AROUND THE URC The Olympic Torch - Free breakfasts from Yeovil URC!

At 7.40am on Tuesday 22 May the Olympic Torch arrived in Yeovil in Somerset. A group from Yeovil United Reformed Church fed the multitudes gathered to watch the Torch pass through the town. Church volunteers were out in force at 6:30am preparing to feed the masses and, as hundreds of residents began lining the streets of Yeovil to welcome the Olympic Torch, Princes Street United Reformed Church offered them an impromptu, free, breakfast – a bacon butty and cup of tea

The Olympic Torch arrives in the Borough of Reigate and Banstead on Friday 20th July, arriving in Redhill at 14:15, Reigate at 15:47 and moving on to Dorking at 16:10. Church Meetings – A Precious Gift Moderator of General Assembly, Mrs Val Morrison, recently visited St Andrews URC, Roundhay, Leeds, and attended their Annual General Meeting. There was discussion about their Church Life Review which showed how the visitors had found a vibrant, friendly and welcoming church but one thing which exercised the meeting was the problem of low attendance at Church Meetings. Mrs Morrison commented as follows, “In this they share a problem with many of our churches. The Church Meeting is such a gift – the opportunity for everyone to participate in and influence the life and witness of the church, but one which many of our members treat so lightly. Maybe it is one of those things which we only value when we find we no long have it. I suspect though, that there are sufficient people for whom this precious gift is just that – a precious gift – to be defended in ecumenical situations and championed in churches where interest diminishes. I do hope so.” Stop blaming the poor for poverty, say the Churches The United Reformed Church, the Methodist Church and the Baptist Union of Great Britain are accusing the government of continuing a trend of blaming the poor as new proposals to redefine poverty are

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Saturday 14th July starting at 2pm Further details available from John Mason.

announced. Simon Loveitt, the public issues spokesperson for the URC, said that focusing on changing the definition of child poverty will do little to change the daily reality for the growing numbers of UK residents who are being forced to make difficult decisions about buying food for their children or paying their energy bills. The government needs to focus on policies that work, like the living wage, affordable childcare and early education programmes targeted at low-income families that allow children to get the very most out of school. The government’s proposals risk further stigmatising the poor in the eyes of voters and the media.

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Driving down to Marsh Green for the Cluster walk, tea and service, the sky changed from brilliant sunshine to threatening dark clouds several times so we were unsure what to expect for the walk. Most of the walkers were well-equipped with wet weather gear, but a couple of optimists were not!

We set out across a field of wheat in single file, with some sizeable muddy puddles making walking interesting for those without boots. However, by the time we got half way round the walk, a lot of the wet weather gear was being carried and the optimists had a smug look of satisfaction on their faces as the weather stayed dry and bright. The trail led us through a mix of country lanes, pastures and crops and the 30 of us were quite spread out by the time we were back in sight of the Church.

A welcome cup of tea, with sandwiches and cake awaited the returning walkers, and we joined the people who had stayed behind to relax in the garden for a chat before the service began.

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It’s always a good sign when you have to bring more seats into the Church to accommodate all the congregation, but eventually we were all seated and the service began. The Bible reading was from the first chapter of Revelation with mention of the seven churches of Asia and the seven lampstands of John’s vision – very appropriate as there are seven churches in our North Downs Cluster. During the service representatives of our seven churches lit candles and each one was remembered in prayer. It was a wonderful afternoon of fellowship and a chance to get to know some of the folk from the other churches. Hopefully it will be repeated, perhaps at a different church next year. Maybe we could even host it, here in Banstead. Ken Richards

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DIAMOND JUBILEE LUNCH – 3RD JUNE 2012 As part of the Queen’s 60th Jubilee celebrations 50 people enjoyed a splendid lunch of Coronation Chicken followed by a choice of Lemon and Ginger flan with strawberries or chocolate flan

The Church Hall was decked out as a Jubilee Street party. After the meal everyone took part in a Royal Quiz. This time Cliff Houghton was unable to be in the winning team as he was the question master. The celebrations concluded with the singing of some old favourites.

The only sad note was that a day or so afterwards the Union Jack which had been displayed outside above the Church Hall door was stolen.

Very many thanks to the organiser, Olive Worsley, the Catering Supremo Chris Harris and her family, Ruth Leake for the Diamond Jubilee cake and all the other helpers for a most enjoyable occasion. Alan Kirby

More photographs are now on the website -www.bansteadurc.org.uk

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and throughout the year ...

The Open Door Coffee Shop, The Orchard, High Street Drop in for coffee and a chat,

Monday to Saturday 10.00 am to 2.00 pm Light meals also served

The Banstead Five Executive Committee meets on 12th

September and 14th November If you have any issues that you would like to be raised at these meetings or for more information on any of the above events

please contact your B5 Reps, Fiona Cole and Jo Patel, or any of the Elders, or the Minister (355026)

For information on B5Y (Youth) events

see the B5Y notice board, or contact Beverley Kent

What Where When

Basically Bible St Paul’s Nork 26 June – 10 July. See poster for details

Taize Service All Saints’ Sun 1 July, 6.30 pm

Stall at Village Day The Orchard Sat 14 July, 10.30 – 3.00

Quiet Afternoon United Reformed Sat 21 July See poster for details

Holiday Fun Week The Drive + Please pray for all involved

Celtic Service All Saints’ Sun 2 Sept, 6.30 pm

Service to mark 1662 and our joint witness since then

Guildford Cathedral

Sun 23 September, 6.30 pm

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Winchester was England’s Anglo-Saxon capital and is for ever associated with King Alfred the Great. His statue stands proudly in the centre of the city and, for good reason, he lays claim to be the only English king to be called “Great”. Resting in the magnificent cathedral lie many early Saxon kings, also the body of the Danish King Canute and William Rufus, William the Conqueror’s ill fated son. It was here that Mary Tudor married Philip of Spain and where Jane Austen lies buried.

We journey to Winchester via the Hog’s Back and through the peaceful Hampshire countryside, avoiding the motorway. On our way we pass Jane Austen’s home in the tranquil village of Chawton before arriving in Winchester for a short tea/coffee break. Blue Badge Guide, Geoff Marshall, will then take us on a conducted tour of the Cathedral to view its outstanding Gothic and Norman architecture. We see the grave of Jane Austen, the splendid Tournai marble font, 12th century wall paintings, the shrine of St Swithun, hear about William Walker, a diver, who saved the Cathedral from collapse and much more.

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We then break for lunch...in the cathedral self service restaurant, in local pubs or cafés – the choice is yours. Then, in the afternoon, it is either free time for you to explore the city or alternatively, Geoff will lead an optional tour around the city to see Jane Austen’s home (she retired here to be near her doctor) and Winchester College, founded in 1382 by William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester. We walk past (if open) the ruins of Wolvesey Palace, home of medieval bishops of Winchester, the most powerful prelates in the land and enjoy a stroll along the serene River Itchen. Meet the coach at 0845 at the Horseshoe, Banstead or at St Paul’s Church, Warren Road at 0900. (Please indicate your choice when booking). We return to Banstead by 7pm. What does it Cost? £25 (plus a donation to Winchester Cathedral - collected on the day) Cheques made payable to St Paul’s Church, Nork and tickets from: Jill Bakker, 12 Parkwood View, SM7 1JH 01737 210241 jill.bakker@gmail.com Deidre Jackson, 134 Ruden Way, KT17 3LP 01737 350967


What is the big story of the Bible texts? How does it all fit together? How did we get our Bible?

Why do we have four different Gospels?

For answers to these and other questions come along and enjoy the remaining two illustrated talks at St Paul’s Church, Nork. Tuesday July 3rd and 10th 8-9.30pm. All welcome.

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THE OTHER GUYS, Scotland's premier a cappella group, will be presenting

an evening of song and ‘suspect’ dance at Reigate Park United Reformed Church

Friday 13th July 8pm Tickets available in advance

from Reigate Park Church Office

Venture 2012 Saturday 7th July to Sunday 8th July.

Details from Beverley Kent

HARVEST THANKSGIVING We will be celebrating Harvest on Sunday 30th September 2012. Look out for further details on the Diary Sheet, website, notice-boards and in the notices on a Sunday morning.

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Saturday 21 July, 2.00 – 3.30 p.m.


Mid-summer can be a time of significant change for some while for others it is a time to pause and rest.

This Quiet Afternoon is an opportunity

to reflect on where we are, and pray for ourselves and for others.

All are welcome

feel free to come and go in your own time. This event is arranged by Banstead URC Worship & Faith Committee

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Minister: Revd. Jennifer Morgan, 01737 355026

Church Secretary: Kevin Dinnage 01737 356380

Copy for the next edition should be with the editor by

Sunday, 26th August 2012.

Email: burctidings@hotmail.co.uk

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