this is why your hair isn’t growing

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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This Is Why Your Hair Isn’tGrowing

On average, each hair on your head grows at the rate of between 0.5cm and 1cm per month. There are three stages of growth – growing, resting and shedding. Hair growth can stall due to factors such as genetics,age, time of year and diet and lifestyle.

Some of these factors are outside your control, but there are measures you can take to naturally stimulate hair growth once you are aware of potential problems.


Genetics plays a big role in the way your hair grows. Male pattern baldness is known to run in families, and women often take after their mothers in the hair stakes. Whether your mother has thick, glossy hair or fine, flyaway locks, it’s likely that you’ve inherited it.

You can’t do much about your heredity, but dietary changes may improve the way your hair grows.


The aging process affects the way your hair grows. Most babies havefine, wispy hair that doesn’t grow very quickly. During adolescence and your twenties, hair growth is strong, because you’re in optimal physical condition.

By the time of the menopause, there may be gradual hair loss due to a drop in oestrogen levels. Since oestrogen facilitates hair growth, this is perfectly natural. Dietary changes or supplementation under medical supervision can address this problem.

Diet and lifestyle

Diet and lifestyle are the main areas where you can influence the way your hair grows. Like the rest of your body, hair needs the right nourishment and hydration if it is to stay healthy. Include plenty of protein in your diet, and make sure you drink enough water.

This will help moisturize the scalp and stimulate hair growth. Avoid fast foods and fried foods, and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and healthy fats such as olive oil. B12 and turmeric can also aid in hair growth.

Time of year

Hair growth slows down during autumn and speeds up in the winter. In autumn, the atmosphere is dry, while in winter,there is more humidity. Dry hair can break off and fail to grow, but humidity promotes hair growth.


Some chemicals contained in shampoos and styling aids may impedehair growth when used excessively. Aim for natural, chemical free shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products. Better still, make your own products from natural ingredients, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your hair.

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