this ain’t your mama’s classified ads: digital marketing

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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For Creatives & Small Business Owners

STEP 1Figure Out Your Goals

➤ All Goals (Including Marketing Goals) Need to be SMART

➤ Specific➤ Measurable➤ Attainable➤ Relevant➤ Time-based


➤ Who is involved with the goal?➤ What do you want to accomplish? What needs to be

considered?➤ Where where will the activity take place?➤ When will the goal will be started and accomplished

by➤ Which obstacles do you need to overcome?➤ Why do you want to accomplish this goal?

Specific Goals

➤ Bad Example: I will increase engagement on social media

➤ Good Example: I will increase engagement on Facebook by 8% using adorable cat videos

➤ Take a few minutes to write out a specific goal. Think about your benchmark for success? Is it 50 or 500 followers? And on which social network?

Specified Goals, cont.

➤ How will you know when your goal is accomplished?➤ What are the indicators for success? ➤ Are these indicators quantifiable?

➤ Bad example: I will increase my reach on social media

➤ Good example: I will increase my Facebook reach by 200 followers per month

➤ Take a few minutes to write out a measurable goal.

Measurable Goals

➤ Facebook: Page likes, Post reach, Engagement, Page impressions, Shares

➤ Twitter: Engagement (replies, Retweets and likes), Organic impressions, Followers, Messages sent, Response rate & time, Mentions, Profile visits, Tweets linking to you

➤ Instagram: Followers, Engagement (likes and comments), Engagements per follower, Engagements per media, Clicks to website

➤ Pinterest: Impressions, Viewers, Average Repins per Pin, Pin reach

Sample Metrics:

➤ Think about: Is your goal even possible?➤ Take inventory of your knowledge, skills

and resources to ensure you can accomplish your goals.

➤ Your social media goals need to challenge you but not stretch you too far to where they are not attainable.

➤ Bad example: I create 50 posts in a month (despite having a full time job)

➤ Good example: By December 1, I will create and schedule 15 Facebook posts to help increase the awareness of our company through social media.

Achievable Goals

➤ Deadlines keep you accountable➤ When will it start/end?➤ How long before we check for success indicators?

➤ Bad example: I will increase my Facebook likes by 1 million

➤ Good example: I will increase my Facebook likes by 1 million in Q4

Time-based Goals


➤ Define the objective you’re trying to achieve with social media marketing. (Want to grow your brand’s voice? Want to sell art, products or services? Want to become more well known?)

➤ Choose goals to help you achieve your objective. (Increase total engagement: replies, Retweets and likes by x% in x months)

➤ Write down the steps you need to take to accomplish each goal. (Ie: Post on Facebook daily, participate in at least five Twitter chats per month)

➤ Do a SWOT analysis of your current social media activity

➤ What are your strengths?➤ What are your weaknesses?➤ What are the opportunities out there?➤ What are some threats?

➤ Write this down.

Choosing Your Goals

➤ Branding Objectives: improving brand consistency, reaching a new demographic➤ Sample Goals: creating content, doing outreach,

increasing followers➤ Customer Service Objectives: building relationships

with customers, resolving issues quickly➤ Sample Goals: faster response rate, higher

engagement➤ Lead Generation objectives

➤ Sample Goals: Increased web traffic, interactions

Example Goals

Write down: ➤ The daily, weekly and monthly tasks you need to

complete.➤ Milestones you want to meet while trying to achieve

your goals.➤ Who is involved for each step.

Without outlining the steps you need to take to reach your social media goals, you could easily wind up wasting time doing meaningless tasks that won’t get you to your end goal.

Achieving Goals

➤ DO NOT join all the social media platforms right away. ➤ Join one or two and test them to see how your audience &

you like that platform.

➤ Determine which sites are most beneficial to post to and when to post to them. Some social platforms work better for some people, while others work better for others.

So…which Networks?

➤ Monthly Users : 129,658,552 (as of March 2016)➤ More than 1 billion people use Facebook daily➤ 71 percent of American adults with access to the

internet use Facebook

Facebook Stats

➤ 83.6 percent of Facebook’s daily active users are outside the U.S. and Canada

➤ All Ages: 82% of online adults ages 18 to 29 use Facebook, 56% of online users ages 65 and up use Facebook, 79% of those ages 30 to 49 use Facebook

➤ Gender: 76% of all female-identified U.S internet users use Facebook while 66% of all male-identified U.S internet users use Facebook

➤ 72%of Facebook users have incomes of over $75,000➤ 74% of Facebook users have some form of higher


Facebook Demographics

➤ Driving online sales➤ Increasing local sales➤ Increasing brand awareness➤ Promoting your app, product or service➤ Finding leads➤ Social customer service

What is Facebook for?

➤ Use Groups to connect with likeminded people/possible customers, but don’t be spammy! Provide value regularly

➤ Google the Javascript code to invite all people at once to an event

➤ Engage friends by asking questions!➤ Add a Facebook pixel to the pages of your website

where conversions happen, like the checkout page, and you'll see who converts as a result of your Facebook Ads.

Facebook Tips

➤ 1.3 BILLION accounts BUT, only 313 Million Active Users

➤ 550 Million people have sent at least one tweet➤ 500 million people visit the site monthly without

logging in➤ 500 million tweets are sent DAILY➤ 79% of account are from outside the US➤ 23 million (estimated) active users are bots

Twitter Stats

➤ Twitter offers a peek into the minds of industry leaders, allowing you to see what they are reading, sharing, and thinking about any topic, at any given time.

➤ Potential customers are on Twitter, and are there with the intention of engaging with you

➤ Twitter allows you to discover what’s happening right now, with your customers, industry, competitors, and community

➤ Twitter helps you increase your brand awareness➤ Twitter is a great tool for providing social media

customer service

What is Twitter for?

➤ 92% of companies Tweet more than once a day, 42% Tweet 1-5 times a day, and 19% Tweet 6-10 times a day

➤ 77% of Twitter users feel more positive about a brand when their Tweet has been replied to

➤ The average Twitter user follows five businesses➤ 54% of users reported that they had taken action after seeing a

brand mentioned in Tweets (including visiting their website, searching for the brand, or retweeting content)

➤ 50% of users visit or shop at the website of an small or medium business they follow

➤ 60% of users bought something because of something they saw on Twitter

Twitter Marketing

➤ Countries with most Twitter users: United States, Brazil, Japan, and Mexico

➤ Twitter is for the young: a third of American teens use Twitter. High-school-aged teens are the most active age demographic on the social network: a full 42% of online youth aged 15 to 17 use Twitter.➤ 32%of internet users aged 18 to 29 use it but only

13% of those aged 50 to 64 use Twitter.

Twitter Demographics

➤ In the United States, urban teen girls are far and away the largest demographic segment.

➤ 21% earn less than $30,000, 19% earn between $30,000 and $49,000, 25% earn between $50,000 and $74,900 and 26% earn over $75,000

➤ Black Twitter

Twitter Demographics, cont

➤ Twitter is great for memes & conversations➤ ADD IMAGES: Tweets with images receive 18% more

click throughs, 89% more likes, and 150% more retweets.

➤ RESPOND TO CUSTOMERS IN LESS THAN AN HOUR: 60% of consumers expect brands to respond to their query within the hour, but the average is 1 hour 24 minutes.

➤ Twitter’s a great place to reach out to journalists: Journalists make up 24.6% of verified accounts

➤ 82 percent of active users access Twitter on mobile devices, so the content you share through your Tweets should be optimized for mobile viewing.

Twitter Tips

➤ Find out who the influencers and experts are in your target area(s) and interact with them on a regular basis.

➤ Ask followers to retweet, mention or favorite your tweets -- or to share content with a fresh tweet.

➤ Use images and videos. Photos and videos drive three to four more clicks on Twitter.

➤ Engage with people by retweeting and favoriting tweets

Ways to use Twitter

➤ Monthly Users: 400,000,000➤ Daily users: 75 million➤ 26% of adult internet users use Instagram➤ 75% of users live outside of the U.S.➤ Instagram’s per-follower engagement rate for

brands is 58 times higher than on Facebook and 120 times higher than on Twitter

➤ Instagram users are “two and a half times more likely to click on ads than on other social media platforms”

Instagram Stats

➤ 53%of Instagram users are aged 18 to 29➤ Income: 26% users have incomes of over $75,000, 52%

of user have incomes of over $50,000➤ 26% of adult internet users use it. 55% of online adults

ages 18–29 use it, along with 47% of African Americans and 38%of Hispanics

➤ 21% of entire adult population uses it➤ More popular with nonwhites and young adults than

Facebook and Twitter➤ 59% of Instagram users are on the platform daily

Instagram Demographics

➤ Passionate Community— those on the platform are engaged and active.

➤ Creative Context—users go to Instagram to view beautiful or interesting images, so placing your business’ content here means you are presenting to a creative, image-driven audience.

➤ Visual language—with the focus on images, Instagram offers an easy-to-digest and aesthetically pleasing arena for your brand’s visual content to take center stage.

Benefits to using Instagram (according to Instagram)

➤ Provide your target audience a peek behind the scenes➤ Promote your brand through engaging visuals➤ Build a community/Host photo contests (with a hashtag of

course!) (ex: WhatADoctorLooksLike)➤ USE HASHTAGS!! Google ones for your industry➤ Great for promotions & announcements➤ High quality photos only! Think of Instagram as a glossy

magazine➤ Fashion, food and home décor brands tend to do well on

this social network but anyone can benefit from being on it!

Ways to use Instagram

➤ Monthly Users : 66,933,192 (as of March 2016)➤ 28% of adult American internet users use Pinterest➤ More than 14 million articles are Pinned daily➤ More than one-third of Pinterest users choose

Pinterest over Google search.

Pinterest Stats

➤ More even distribution of ages: 34% of Pinterest users are aged 18 to 29, 28% are aged 30 to 49, 27% are 50 to 64

➤ Women users: 42%of all female-identified U.S. internet users use Pinterest (as opposed to just13 % of all male-identified U.S. internet users use Pinterest (the most rapidly growing demographic for the site)

➤ 34% of Pinterest users have incomes of over $75,000, 64% of Pinterest users have incomes of over $50,000

Pinterest Demographics

➤ People referred by Pinterest are 10 percent more likely to make a purchase on e-commerce sites than users of other social networks

➤ Pinterest provides long-term web traffic: The half live of a tweet on Twitter is 24 minutes, a Facebook post is 90 minutes of interaction in the Newsfeed. Pinterest is a whooping 151,200 minutes!

Benefits to Using Pinterest

➤ Great for fashion, photography, design, DIY–related businesses, and home décor

➤ No Hashtags!➤ Pinterest boards should:

➤ Share who you (or your org) are➤ Build your expertise➤ Connect with others that share your passions➤ EntertainInspire

Ways to Use Pinterest

➤ According to Neil Patel (co-founder of KISSmetrics) Tumblr is a social network that happens to have a blogging platform.

➤ 200 million blogs publishing 80 million posts per day➤ 34 million Internet users contribute to or use Tumblr

on a monthly basis. Nearly half of those users are between the ages of 16 and 24.

Tumblr Stats

➤ Tumblr uses “Do Follow” links, unlike many other social networks. This is fantastic for SEO.

➤ Build and maintain a blog with minimal effort➤ Great for content discovery: Tumblr is a treasure

trove of geeky people writing about their favorite things

Benefits to Using Tumblr

➤ Have fun with your content. Tumblr is for weirdos! Don’t don’t go overboard for your brand. Anything you say, even if it’s silly or weird, needs to fit your brand’s identity.

➤ Experiment with different types of media, such as images, GIFs, videos, quotes and audio clips.

➤ Use tags to manage expectations. Tagging posts helps people find your content and those who aren’t interested steer clear.

Tumblr Tips:

➤ Google+➤ LinkedIn➤ Snapchat➤ DeviantArt➤ Behance

Other social networks

➤ Hootsuit: Schedule tweets & Facebook posts➤ Buffer: Create a “queue” for posts➤ Mention: social monitoring➤ Followerwonk: see when followers are online, find

influencers➤ IFTTT: Set-up recipes to save you time. If you don’t use

one network much, you can create an IFTTT recipe that auto-posts my blogs to this account! (Google+)

➤ Unsplash, Death to Stock Photo for free images➤ Canva: design fancy looking images for free or cheap!

Tools You Can Use

➤ Here’s a list of optimal sizes for your social media images.➤ Facebook:

➤ Profile Photo: 180x180 pixels ➤ Cover Photo: 851x315 pixels ➤ Post Images: 1200x630 pixels (for when you are posting just an image)➤ Link Images: 1200x630 pixels (when you create blog graphics)

➤ Twitter: ➤ Profile Photo: 400x400 pixels ➤ Header Photo: 1500x500 pixels ➤ In-stream Photos: 506x253 pixels

➤ Pinterest ➤ Profile Photo: 165x165 pixels ➤ Pins: any size, but the taller, the better! 735x1102 is great.

➤ Instagram · Ideal photo size: 640x640 (for best resolution)

Speaking of Images:

➤ Types of content: should mostly be either informative, entertaining or different

➤ Optimal frequency of posts: it’s impossible to know for sure, you can just predict and measure

Other Considerations:


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