thinkla adu: account planning 2014 - larry lac

Post on 08-May-2015






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I never planned to work in social media, strategy or advertising.

And here’s exactly how I wound up in it.

Thursday, April 17, 14

chase whatever drives you

Thursday, April 17, 14

chase whatever drives youit will always pay off.

Thursday, April 17, 14

I said no to an engineering scholarship, to go into debt as a film student.

Thursday, April 17, 14

but I learned about the world it takes to tell a great story.

Thursday, April 17, 14

find the truth

Thursday, April 17, 14

find the truthand how to wield it

Thursday, April 17, 14

Film degree in hand, I realized something about the working world,

I had to eat.

So I turned a minor in screenwriting into a foot in the door for journalism - covering digital/entertainment beat.

Thursday, April 17, 14

“Frankly I just don’t get it or use it, but its what

the kids are doing these days.”

- David Stern


- his publicist

Thursday, April 17, 14

learn the rules

Thursday, April 17, 14

learn the rulesso you know how to breakthem.

Thursday, April 17, 14

I moved from journalism to PR - at the bottom of the barrel, as junior assistant publicist.

I learned all the traditional principles of public relations from a legendary NYC firm.

Thursday, April 17, 14

and disregarded most of them.


Thursday, April 17, 14

sometimes I regretted it.


Thursday, April 17, 14

put it all together

Thursday, April 17, 14

+ +

Thursday, April 17, 14

= what virality looks like

+ +

Thursday, April 17, 14

Thursday, April 17, 14


and one more.

Thursday, April 17, 14

Thursday, April 17, 14

thank you.

Thursday, April 17, 14

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