theend handout week 5 conflict

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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the fifth week in our study of Revelation handout... discussion of dragons, women, and babies... what do these symbols mean? what is the future for us now?


Furthering the Main ConflictSo after learning of the witnesses and the beats last week we read the centerpiece of the conflict portion of Revelation. It is summarized in this weird episode in the sky. John sees a shiny woman about to give birth when a great red dragon

So it’s not the end of the world.... or is it.. sometimes it is hard to know with everything going on, governments failing, nations warring, children starving, people hurting, babies crying, fish drowning, rivers spawning mutant animals... yup the world may not be ending but everything seems to be changing... so what do we do... where do we turn?... is this the end? WEEK 5 Conflict- Woman and Dragon

THEEND To Do:Week 5- BabyWeek 6- NearingWeek 7-Newness

Dragon Woman Baby

Woman and Child“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth”(Revelation 12:1–2 ESV)

The comparisons between the “sun-clothed woman” and mary have to be drawn. The 12 stars are obvious indicators for a Jewish or Apostolic connection. The birth of a child indication a new reign, a new king, a new messiah to be born. Much like the origins of Jesus so this child will to be born to a world in turmoil, with a fiery opponent seeking to destroy him.

The statement “rule with an iron scepter is no doubt an allusion to the prophecies of Jesus” The symbology is clear the Messiah is child before king, born before savior, meek before powerful.

It is a wonder if this event is foreshadowing things to come or things that have already been... all the characters and events seem to have a historical basis and cosmic viewpoint

Behold a Great Red DragonA Dragon- the seeming nemesis of the ages. The dark force that must be slayed. Whose blood must be spilt by a great warrior, knight or king!

The Dragon is the foe of Revelation, the serpent tail and crashing force that knocks 1/3 of heaven’s stars to the ground!“Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” (Revelation 12:7–9 ESV)The Dragon get his tail whooped by Michael and the angels and is sent crashing to the earthit is interesting to wonder if this event is a recapitulation of what has happened or if it is the sign of things to come because itbears a strong similarity to the Birth of the Christ, in a cosmic way

Art/Film IntrigueSo much has this scene been depicted in art and film. The powerfulness of the dragon and seeming powerlessness of the woman and her child. The nasty gaping jaws of the villain about to snatch the shining son-heir to a great throne.It is this scene that capitulates/captures/summarizes the unsuspecting nature and power of God. That through unexpected forms comes leadership, light, and love.

Clash/Conflict!The Two Trinities are about to ClashThe witnesses and woman/child in the blue corner and the beasts and dragon in the uh red corner

Witness the great cosmic conflict!The great battle after birth as the two great powers collide!

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