the violet | spring 2012

Post on 12-Mar-2016






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The Violet's Spring 2012 Issue


SPRING 2012 | 1

SPRING 2012 | 3

Contentsopen Director’s Letter 5live Do Something! 12 Let Her Go 14create Make Something! 18 Blossom: Lilacs and Lavender 20nurture Be Well 24 Discovering Self Compassion 26explore Take Me to Greece 30nourish Spring Meal38 Community Supported Agriculture 47 Sandwich Cookies 50play A Sense of Community 56embellish Subtly Spring 65 Rainy Day Up-Dos 78 Beautifully Bright 80love Five Spring Dates 84 The Pursuit of Togetherness 86muse The Road Less Traveled 90 Do Something that Scares You 96close Back Story 100


*remove the covers or wrapping from

SPRING 2012 | 5

With this year’s spring issue, we’re celebrating our 1-year anniversary! Um,

wait… how did that year fly by so quickly? Since I wrote the first of these

letters 12 months ago, a lot has changed for me, personally. I moved, got a

full-time job, and scored a handsome husband. And when I take a moment

to look back at the past year, I’m so grateful for all of the ups and downs

(there were many) and for the fact that we were able to successfully publish

four issues that we can be very proud of.

I like to think that we’ve grown up a bit at The Violet. Last year, we were all

about being bright and bold, and, don’t get me wrong, we still very much

appreciate that message, but now we’re beginning to embrace a more subtle

and understated spirit. It’s always a good idea to allow oneself to reinvent

every now and then, and what better season to do this than spring? We’ve

taken on quite a few more contributors than usual with this issue, and they

have brought beautiful, important stories to share with us all. We’ve created

two new sections (one of the benefits of an online publication) - Explore,

where we’ll share stories and advice on traveling near and far, and Love,

where we dive into relationships of all kinds. We’re excited to see these sec-

tions grow and flourish.

Even though I find myself looking back quite a bit, I am also very focused

on the future. It’s been a learning process here, and we’re still smoothing

out some of the bumps as we strive to turn this small online magazine into

a solid brand. We want to be a space for ideas and creativity, a place where

we can come to share our hopes, dreams, and even fears. And after reading

through this issue (several times), I am 100% convinced, not to mention

inspired, that we are well on our way to achieving just that.

Happy Spring!

Director’s Letter

Camilla Salem

Contributorsmeet the rockstar team behind this issue of the violet!


Molly Yeh is a

writer and percus-

sionist living in

New York City. She

is a recent gradu-

ate of The Juilliard

School and assistant

editor of The Juil-

liard Journal. In

her free time, this


enjoys tap dancing,

eating, yoga, rock

climbing, and bik-

ing. Her refrigera-

tor is home to

approximately 50


Blog: My Name

is Yeh


A curly-haired,


girl split between

Ottawa (journal-

ism school) and

London (home). An

apple lover, dinner

party enthusiast &

bedroom balle-

rina, Emily enjoys

picnics, baking,

80’s post-punk and

reading Heming-

way. She loves boys

with glasses, John

Hughes movies,

and listening to

other people’s sto-

ries. Idols include

Anne Shirley and

Tina Fey.

Blog: Say Anything



Jackie lives in New

York’s Hudson

Valley with her two

dogs, Rocco and

Suzette. Known as

“the resident pa-

parazzi”, it was no

surprise that she’s

ended up making

her living as a pho-

tographer. Jackie

likes hiking, sushi

and she is among

the small percent-

age of people in the

world who actually

enjoys hanging out

in airports.

Blog: JacPfef




Jasmine is a

southern California

native living in

Long Beach, CA,

with her super-

hot, hair stylist

husband, Levi, and

their kitties, Gretel

and Lily. True to

her Gemini nature,

she values


and likes to dabble

in anything that

strikes her fancy.

She appreciates

good food, good

coffee, and good


Blog: An

Experiment in





Ashlee Gadd is an

aspiring writer &

amateur photog-

rapher residing in

Sacramento, Cali-

fornia. When she’s

not making lists

and guzzling Go

Girl energy drinks,

you can find her

at your local thrift

store, yoga studio,

or most likely,

frozen yogurt shop.

She’s a self

proclaimed joy-

chooser, smile-

creator, and truth-


Blog: Where My

Heart Resides



Camilla is a 6’0 tall

California native

who enjoys food (a

lot), yoga, creativity

and daydreaming.

She is a graduate

of U.C. Berkeley’s

department of

Peace and Conflict

Studies and admits

to having amassed

an embarrassingly

large collection

of magazines...

so, naturally she

decided to start her


Blog: Champagne


SPRING 2012 | 7


Celeste is a Bay

Area native whose

life dream is to

travel the world.

A recent Stanford

graduate in English

and Classics, she

loves her ukulele,

film photography,

stargazing, and Mr.

Darcy. She splits

her daydreaming

equally between

food, Europe, and

what to be when

she grows up.

Blog: Wanderlust


Ashley Miracle is a

natural redhead and

makeup enthusiast,

and recently she

started sharing her

passion for beauty

on Youtube. Ashley

lives in the great

state of Virginia

with her handsome

husband, Jeremy.

Her secret loves

include the salad

bar at Ruby Tuesday

and the television

show Storage Wars.

Blog: That is All


Kenza is 17 year

old with a passion

for Shakespeare

and all things old

fashioned. She finds

herself looking at

life through some

seriously dramatic

lenses and like so

many teenagers

considers herself

well beyond her

years. She’d much

rather be having

steak frites with Ba-

doit in France than

going a high school


Blog: My Treasure



Britty lives in

northern California

with her husband,

dog kid, and fat

cat. She works by

day in community

benefit and by night

is a slave to the pen.

Britty enjoys sweaty

yoga, dark coffee,

homemade bread,

morning light,

music with soul,

and sharing a table

with friends.

Blog: The



Sarah is a mother,

wife, and owner

of a garbage-eating

coonhound. She

lives in Northern

Virginia in a 1958

rambler in constant

need of updating.

When she’s not

chasing her tod-

dler or blogging,

she can be found

at Body Step or

cycling class.

Blog: Sunny Side



Caitlin is a girl who

followed a dream

to Paris. Finishing

graduate school in

May, she currently

spends as much

time as possible

wandering Paris’s

streets, getting lost,

and eating as many

baguettes and tartes

as possible. Caitlin

also dreams of

making words her

full-time work as

a writer someday


Blog: Porch Swings

& Sunsets



Rhiannon lives in

Chicago where she’s

working towards

her M.A. in Writing

and Publishing. Her

first love was the

White Sox. She’s a

better person after a

nap/run/coffee. She

believes kindness

and sassiness are

equally important,

and that lemon

makes everything

better. Her motto:

more fun, less fear.

Blog: Chicago Girl

Moves On



Kimberly grew up

in Kansas, but has

been living in Port-

land since 2001.

Her Mid-Western

roots give her a

unique outlook on

living the storied

“Left Coast Life”.

She is a prop and

lifestyle photo

stylist and also

works as a Design

Manager. When not

working, Kimberly

spends time with

her scientist hubby,

greyhound, Lazlo

and tuxedo kitty,


Blog: BilleDe




Chelsea is a

letterpress printer

who loves

drawing patterns,

the sound of print-

ing presses and

getting inky. Daniel

is a bartender who

enjoys experiment-

ing with inventing

new cocktail

recipes and master-

ing the classics.

They live together

in Portland, Oregon

with their two cats,

love working in the

garden together,

making things with

their hands, and

hosting friends for

evenings of drink

and food.

Blog: Standard


Do you have an idea for a piece? Send a 300 word pitch to us at

More Contributors

SPRING 2012 | 9


*remain alive

SPRING 2012 | 11

Do Something!By Emily Rack



Try scrubbing your bathtub with a grapefruit

instead of a harsh chemical cleanser. It sounds

crazy, but the acid found in grapefruit can actu-

ally eat away at the grime that collects in your

tub. All you have to do is cut a grapefruit in half,

and scrub it all over the bathtub, squeezing as

you go. Leave the pulp and juice to sit for about

20 minutes, and when you rinse it all off, every-

thing should be spick and span. Not to mention

it will smell completely AMAZING.


Summer is coming up, which means bikini sea-

son. Take your fitness into your own hands (or

just up your current ante), and show that bathing

suit who’s boss. The wonderful online fitness

community has made it easy to find a fabulous

and extensive range of workouts to do at home.

No intimidating gym, no hefty price tag, but you

still get all the benefits of taking a group fitness

class. We love videos from Pop Pilates, Tone It

Up, and even oldies like 8 Minute Abs. Another

easy solution is to do a web search for “zumba”

plus “warm up,” “salsa,” “flamenco,” “belly

dance,” and “cool down.” Use the videos you

find to put together a full booty-shaking class.


A classic pillar-box red is our tried and true

favorite, but spring is the perfect season to try a

pretty shade of pink. It looks just as put together

as red, but a little sweeter and easier to pull off…

if you get the right shade! To avoid looking too

much like Barbie, we’re loving either a soft rosy

pink (like Maybelline’s Pink Me Up or Mac’s Lus-

tering) that you can dress up with a little blush

and some major lashes or a super high pigment,

wow-factor fuschia (like Carthage from NARS

or Sephora’s Love Test 11) to wear fresh-faced for

springtime glam.



Starting to plan in the spring is the easiest and

most relaxed way to put together a dreamy vaca-

tion without bankrupting yourself. Before you

begin, decide what’s most important to you and

what you can compromise on. If it’s important to

you to eat out every night, see all the sights, and

SPRING 2012 | 13

collect souvenirs from your travels, maybe you

don’t need to stay at a hotel. Instead try a service

like Airbnb, where you can rent beautiful rooms

or apartments from people all over the world for

much less than even the cheapest hotels. The site

is safe and fun, and you can meet new people

and discover a city in a completely new way

every time you travel.


Whether it’s flowers, veggies, fruits, or even just

herbs, watching some little green shoots poke

out from the earth will make you so proud!

Take the time to cultivate your green thumb this

spring whether you have a big garden or just a

little window box.

What’s easy to take care of this season? Arugula,

sugar snap peas, broccoli, and carrots are all

simple veggies to plant and relatively low

maintenance to care for. You can sow all the

seeds at the beginning of spring and should see

lots of progress in about a month. This sweet

little garden will provide you with lots of salads

throughout the summer, all just a few steps away

from your kitchen.

Let Her GoBy Rhiannon Falzone

My highest weight was 293 pounds. I weighed this by the time I was 17. I

wore a size 24 dress to my senior prom.

I didn’t just like food. I loved food. I loved, hated, and feared it, all in the

same breath. A person does not reach 293 pounds because they “like”

food. I binged. I binged until I sobbed and my entire body ached. I ate

everything in front of me. I ate to the point of physical pain, where lying

on my bed, crying, and rubbing my belly was my only source of comfort.

Then, I wouldn’t eat for an entire day. I tried to make myself throw up; I

could never do it. When I was 17, the highlight of my week was finding

Arby’s coupons in the Sunday newspaper.

Today, I see a social worker who helps me with my food issues and my non-

food issues. His name is Jim. I love the simplistic irony of the fact that two

of the biggest influences in my life right now are Jim and the gym.

I wake up at 4:30 a.m. so I can go to the gym before work. I trudge through

my apartment. I turn on the coffeemaker, the living room lamp, the com-

puter, the morning news. This time is for me, no one else. I make a whole

wheat English muffin with peanut butter or high-fiber maple and brown

sugar oatmeal with blueberries. I drink water and coffee and grab a banana

for the bus ride.

The gym feels holy. A spinning class where you spend the majority of the

class in the dark is holy. It’s a gift to have an instructor tell you, “Our bodies

are capable of more than we think; our minds get in the way. Learn to train

your fear.”

I am not just a girl who struggles with weight and body image. My life is

not that “easy.” Nobody’s is. Nobody’s struggle is simplified and pulled

word for word from a health textbook. I am a girl who works daily at lov-

ing, accepting, and forgiving herself.

I know how hard it is: getting to the gym when it’s too cold/hot/early/

far from home, taking care of yourself, gaining and losing close to one

hundred pounds, not wanting to allow a man to touch or look at you. But

I also know what it’s like to want to run, to reach for my gym shoes and

not food, to go to a boxing class because it’s been “one of those days,” and

if this is the best thing I can do for myself, I need to do it. I know what it’s

like to feel healthy and to crave that feeling all the time. I know what happi-

ness feels like; happiness is the exhaustion and calm you feel after a run, the

joy after you and your body do more than you thought either could. I know

how it feels to leave a therapy session feeling lighter. I know what it’s like to

feel that none of these good things are possible. They are.

At the end of our sessions, Jim almost always asks what I’m thinking.

Sometimes it’s, “Jim, I’m tired, and I’ve just spent a good part of the last 60

minutes sobbing in this green leather chair. I’d like to go to the bathroom

and throw water on my face.”

SPRING 2012 | 15

I’ve spent my entire life until now numbing myself with food. I fix things,

and I take care of people. Taking care of people makes me feel good, but I’m

in that green leather chair to work through all of that, and I can’t do that if

I numb myself again.

If I’m sad, I will feel sad. If I’m anxious, I will feel that too. I will breathe,

write, and call my friends. I will walk through it to the other side.

I’m learning what it’s like to feel all of these things instead of reaching for

food at the first sign of discomfort. Sitting in Jim’s office, answering his

questions, I have come to realize how many different versions of that word

exist, discomfort.

“You’re doing too much at once,” he tells me tonight.

“It’s what I do,” I joke.

Nobody laughs.

“You are not going to wake up one day having gained back all of that

weight. It’s not who you are anymore,” Jim says.

“I’d like one day here where I don’t cry,” I say.

It’s not who you are anymore.

“It’s hard to let go of who we were for so long,” he says.

I walk down the hall to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see a pink

face and tired eyes, but I like how I look after crying - alive, like I can see

everything better. I feel everything better. I feel.

After meeting with him, I don’t like to talk to anyone. I need the quiet

to collect the things he’s said - words that are heavy, but somehow never

weigh me down.

I take the train home. I turn my key in the door. I collect my mail from the

third step at the bottom of the staircase - another magazine I don’t have

time to read. I walk to the top floor. I hear Ruby purring on the other side

of the door, my door. I shed a coat that’s entirely too big, but I love the

belt and the color; I like myself in green. I feed Ruby; I feed myself. I try to

only eat healthy things, but I listen to my body. Tonight, my body wanted a

sandwich and a root beer float.

I light the lilac candle next to my bed and pour myself a big glass of cold

water in one of my favorite mugs, a beautiful white and blue cup with red,

yellow, and green flowers, like something I’d see in a Spanish garden. I

can’t wait to see Spanish gardens.

I climb into my bed as Ruby curls up next to my left leg, as close as she

can get. I turn on Mary Chapin Carpenter, Patty Griffin, Etta James. Strong

women. Their energy changes me. I feel their words change me.

Tonight Jim asked, “What was the last thing you did to make yourself


This forces me to pause. I need more moments throughout my day that

force me to pause.

“I bought myself running shorts on Monday. On Saturday, I flirted with a

man, a man who was kind and made me laugh. A man who asked about my

writing and my life.”

“Good, you don’t do enough of those things for yourself,” he says.

Today, I’m a size 10. I’ve lost nearly 100 pounds, and I’m not done yet.

Tomorrow, I will wake early. I will drink coffee from my favorite mug. I

will eat an English muffin while I watch the news. I will read on the bus. I

will run. I will be thankful for the day.

I will show myself compassion.


*bring (something) into existence

SPRING 2012 | 17

Make Something!

We’ve got terrarium fever here at The Violet, but

we know that buying fancy glass homes can cost

upwards of $30. Here’s a D.I.Y. method that is

guaranteed to please both your wallet and your

creativity! We recommend visiting your local

nursery to pick out succulents, and heading to

to the thrift store to hunt for affordable glass


For this project, you’ll need:

❉ Wine, beer, or any thrifted glass container

❉ Indoor succulents

❉ Cactus soil

❉ Moss, pebbles, and twigs for decoration

❉ A spoon

❉ Chopsticks

Spoon in a thin layer of soil at the bottom of the

wine glass. Place your succulent on top. Use the

spoon to add soil to any empty space between

the sides of the plant soil and the glass. Add

moss, pebbles, twigs, and any other decorations

you’d like around the succulent. If you’re having

a hard time moving the pieces within the nar-

row glass, try using chopsticks. If there are any

pieces of dirt on the remaining portions of the

glass, wipe away with a dry towel.

Maintenance: The beauty of succulents is that

they don’t require a lot of maintenance. In gen-

eral, these plants thrive well in indirect sunlight

and with sparse waterings. Using a spray bottle,

water the plant every 1-2 weeks.

By Celeste Noche

tWo easY crafts to briGhten uP Your daY

SPRING 2012 | 19

There’s something elegant about a message in

a bottle - the mysterious meaning, the journey

it took, the unknown sender. Imagine putting to-

gether your own messages on display for friends

and visitors to think about.

For this project, you’ll need:

❉ A glass container (preferably a bottle)

❉ Paper

❉ Writing utensil

❉ Twigs, moss, dried flowers for decoration

Cut or rip your paper so you’ll be able to fit and

read it inside the bottle. Write yourself a mes-

sage - a word, a quote, a drawing, whatever you

want. Place the paper in the bottle, making sure

your message is legible from the outside. Add

flower petals and any other decorations you’d

like inside. You’re welcome (and encouraged)

to sprinkle in fresh flowers and leaves - they’ll

just dry inside the container. If you’d like to use

already dried flowers, you can expedite the dry-

ing process by hanging flowers on a wall upside



By Camilla Salem

SPRING 2012 | 21

BlossomIt’s no surprise that at The Violet, we are drawn

to purple-hued flowers. Two of our favorites,

lilacs and lavender, make an appearance every

spring, and we want to take a moment to

appreciate these magnificent blossoms.


Perhaps one of the most convincing signs that

the spring season has arrived, woody branches

of lilacs begin to appear around April or May

each year. The tiny purple blossoms breathe a

strong, sweet, and memorable scent that alerts

many to the change in seasons and the onset of

warm weather. Throughout history, lilacs have

been thought to symbolize love, and they even

play a significant role in Greek mythology - as

a nymph, called Syringa (the lilac’s botanical

name), running through the forest trying to

escape Pan’s affections. This spring, do your best

to get your hands on some if only to bring this

sweet season into your home.


Though it may be most commonly associated

with spas and relaxation, lavender has been an

important flower, scent, and color throughout

history. It has been long thought of as a healing

herb and has been a popular perfume scent since

the time of the Greeks. It’s known to represent

purity, silence, and luck (and couldn’t we all

use a little luck?). While fresh lavender brings

a beautiful scent into any household, dried

lavender is quite potent as well. Let your bunch

dry naturally, and collect the buds into a small

muslin bag, which you can tuck into your

pillowcase or lingerie drawer.


*care for and encourage the growth or development of

SPRING 2012 | 23

We Recommend

BOOK – Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert

From the same woman who wrote Eat, Pray,

Love comes Committed, which focuses on mar-

riage and all that it means. Through interviews,

historical research, and personal reflection into

her own relationships, Gilbert delivers a study

on an age-old institution that will have you

laughing out loud and looking at marriage in a

way you never have before.

ALBUM – Some Nights by fun.

fun. is made up of members from the Format,

Steel Train, and Anathallo so it’s no surprise that

their second album, Some Nights, has been on

repeat around here. Each song on the album is

powerful and catchy (it will have you singing

along in no time). With lyrics like “Tonight we

are young so let’s set the world on fire. We can

burn brighter than the sun,” fun.’s “We Are

Young” is a shoe-in for this season’s anthem.

MOVIE – For Lovers Only

For Lovers Only is a Polish Brothers film, set

in Paris, about two former lovers who run

into each other and rekindle an old flame. It’s

modern meets classic filmed beautifully in black

& white. If the steamy romance between the

main characters isn’t enough to add this to your

Netflix queue, the flawless styling and brilliant

cinematography should help.

By Jackie Pfeffer

SPRING 2012 | 25

Be Well

My sweet tooth, I’m sure, comes directly from

my grandma… a woman known to drink con-

densed milk and golden syrup straight from the

can. I’m not joking.

This Achilles heel of mine lies more in the way

of homemade baked goods. Give me a dense dark

chocolate brownie, a cinnamon bun gooey with

frosting, or anything, anything, with salted cara-

mel, and I’m yours. But let’s face it - I won’t say

no to a handful of crystalline sour candies either.

Shame, shame on me. Why can’t wheatgrass be

so addictive?

It seems, however, that I am not the only one

with an intense sweet tooth. According to the

United States Dieticians Association, the average

American’s added sugar intake is around 32

teaspoons every day.

Hang on. Let me get my megaphone. Tap, tap,

tap. Is this thing on?

I’ll say it again. 32 teaspoons. Yikes.

The World Health Organization suggests that

this number should actually be a maximum of

five teaspoons every day because all those extra,

empty calories lead to problems like obesity,

heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 Diabetes. This

is pretty scary if you ask me and definitely not

worth dessert every night.

A recent report in the science journal Nature

even suggested that added sugar is so toxic it

should be regulated the same way as alcohol

and tobacco. Age limits, specific retail hours,

and higher prices for sweetened products are

all looming as people discover more about the

dangers of sweet treats.

As a generation of Westerners who rely heavily

on processed foods, one of our biggest issues is

that we’re often unwittingly consuming sugar

in almost everything we eat. Sugar is the most

commonly used additive in the world. It sneaks

up on us in bread, cereal, ketchup, store-bought

salsa, boxed rice, canned veggies, yogurt, peanut

butter, deli meats… the list goes on. Checking

the labels on most of what we buy at the grocery

store is becoming increasingly necessary. If you

see sugar listed close to the beginning of the

ingredients list (fructose, in particular), it might

be worth finding a healthier, homemade option.

A big part of The Violet’s philosophy is getting

back to eating foods in their natural state, cook-

ing from scratch, and understanding what we

eat. In all of our issues, you’ll find beautiful,

simple recipes with no scary additives.

We believe everyone can nourish herself or

himself well inside and out, but we also believe

in moderation. So while I’ll be cutting out most

of the processed sugar in my life to try to clean

up my body, you’ll still find me in the kitchen

occasionally dipping my finger into some home-

made cookie dough.

By Emily Rack

SPRING 2012 | 27

Somewhere in my 20s, I got this idea that I wasn’t worthy. It was a painful

period of disenchantment and tough realizations. I felt lost, lonely, and vul-

nerable. It was at this time, when I was raw and open, that I found myself

susceptible to negativity. Negative words from others and negative self-talk

penetrated me, cutting deep and becoming part of my bloodstream.

Once I let negativity in, it was there to stay. I put myself down. I wasn’t

smart enough, pretty enough, ambitious enough. Everyone else was better

than me. It created a spiral. When I received criticism or made a mistake, I

decided I was always making mistakes. I never did anything right. I would

end up as a failure. I’d never amount to anything.

It was my own negative train to nowhere. And once I got on, well, I was on.

All those rides on the negative train made me doubt my abilities and ques-

tion who I was. My confidence was obliterated.

I spent a good deal of time on that train, chugging along to my negative in-

ner dialogue. Then I started losing things - connections with friends, faith,

and, most devastatingly, my ability to write, to craft sentences that poured

out of my heart.

Things have always made sense when I write. It’s as if all the synapses in my

brain click together and force me to realize things that weren’t clear before.

I couldn’t let that part of me die.

But I got so used to the negative voices, I didn’t know how to turn them off.

When something becomes part of your being, how do you get rid of it?

So I decided I wouldn’t get rid of it; I’d change it. Instead of negative self-

talk, I’d replace it with positive self-talk. When I heard myself say, “I’m

a failure,” I stopped right there, took a clearing breath, and changed my


I’m not a failure. I’m struggling today. I’m stressed. I need a break. That

does not make me a failure; that makes me human.

At first, it seemed trivial - working to turn my inner dialogue from nega-

tive to positive. Would it make any difference? Yes. Absolutely. It seemed

insignificant, working to reframe my self-talk. But, once I did it a handful

of times and then another handful of times and then more and more, I

changed how I think. I don’t get on that negative train anymore. In fact,

there isn’t even a stop for that train. I ride an entirely new train, a train

filled with positive self-talk that frees me. And now I’m replacing the things

I lost. I’ve gained connections, formed new friendships, reached out, said

yes, and re-found my words and my voice.

Be kind to yourself. Don’t let those negative words pierce below the surface.

Keep them at bay, repeat words of positive self-talk, work every day to

encourage yourself. It’s easy to let those negative thoughts slip in, but it’s so

much more valuable to set yourself free.

Discovering Self-CompassionBy Sarah Bagley


*travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn

about or familiarize oneself with it

SPRING 2012 | 29

Take Me to GreeceBy Ashlee Gadd

SPRING 2012 | 31

I can’t remember exactly when my love affair with Greece began… proba-

bly sometime after seeing Mama Mia if I’m being totally honest. At the risk

of sounding dramatic, there was something about watching Meryl Streep

dance across the blue and white calderas that spoke directly to my soul.

On our second wedding anniversary, my husband and I sat down to dinner

in Capitola and crafted a pre-baby bucket list on a cocktail napkin. We were

half joking and half serious at the time - throwing out a combination of

wildly unrealistic and silly ideas to accompany the legit tasks we wanted to

accomplish before becoming parents. However, our number one item on

the list was always non-negotiable in my eyes.

“There is no way I am getting pregnant until you take me to Greece,” I told

my husband confidently.

He rolled his eyes and smiled. He could see the determination on my face

and knew better than to try to talk me out of it. A few days later, we set up

a special “Greece” savings account and started setting aside $25 a week.

When bonuses and tax refunds came around, we always stuck a portion in

our Greece fund. We’ve never really been the type of people who adhere to

a strict budget, but saving for that trip quickly became a top priority.

Almost two years later, we stepped off a plane in Santorini, hand in hand,

eyes wide open. I couldn’t believe it. Thirty minutes later, a taxi driver

dropped us off in Oia where we would spend our first three nights. Irena,

the innkeeper, welcomed us with a warm smile and a voice that sang when

she spoke. She treated us like we were her own children, and I’ll never

forget the first day she brought us breakfast.

“Gooooood mooooooooorning!!!” she sang, swiftly entering our room

with a tray full of fresh croissants and fruit.

My husband and I stared at each other, stifling giggles. We had never met

anyone so... happy. For the remainder of the trip, we sang “good morning”

to each other every day, as a small tribute to our sweet Irena.

The 12 days that followed were a blur of beautiful sunsets, delicious food,

and scenery so perfect that it looked fake at times. Not one piece of trash

could be spotted on the ground. Every potted plant was watered and

blooming. The color contrast between the crisp white walls and bright

blue doors was clearly the mark of a professional painter. One could tell

just from roaming the streets that the people who lived there took pride in

their city - enough pride to spend a few minutes every morning sweeping

the sidewalks and watering the plants. I remember thinking how different

my own neighborhood, let alone my own city, would look if I (along with

everyone else) cared enough to do the same.

As we indulged in souvlaki and gelato on our last night in Santorini, we

stared at the sun disappearing behind the Aegean Sea in awe. I wasn’t ready

to go back to reality.

“Was this everything you hoped it would be?” my husband asked quietly.

“It was better,” I answered honestly.

We did it. We crossed Greece off the pre-baby bucket list, and it was worth

every penny. The next morning, I felt light tears stinging my eyes as we

boarded the plane to return home. All good things must come to an end,

and Greece was certainly no exception. Yet, there was something forlorn

and disheartening about the finality of knowing our adventure was over.

Little did I know, three short months later, a whole new adventure was

about to begin. It all started in the bathroom, with a positive pregnancy


SPRING 2012 | 33


*provide with food or other substances necessary for growth,

health and good condition

SPRING 2012 | 37

Spring Mealembark on a culinarY adventure abroad With this mediterranean-insPired lunch menu

By Camilla Salem

SPRING 2012 | 39

Take your tastebuds on a trip (spring break,

anyone?) to the Mediterranean. Flavors like gar-

lic, wine, tomato, olive oil, and caraway contrib-

ute to this colorful meal. It’s one of those meals

designed to be enjoyed casually, accompanied by

really good conversation and great music.

This isn’t meant to be a formal meal. Set your

table in casual buffet style. Stack your plates,

and group your flatware in mason jars. Display a

pretty stem of lilacs in an old clean wine bottle

for a simple touch of spring.


Spicy Shrimp With White Wine

and Tomatoes

Moroccan Spiced Carrot Salad

Steamed Fennel With Garlic


Crusty Bread

Strawberries With Greek Yogurt

and Brown Sugar

North African Mint Tea

SPRING 2012 | 41

Moroccan Spiced Carrot Salad

A dollop of harissa in the vinaigrette is the secret

to this potent and satisfying side dish. Thinly

sliced carrots are blanched and then tossed in a

simple combination of oil and vinegar. Parsley

adds another fresh flavor component that takes

this entire dish to the next level.

Spicy Shrimp With White Wine and


This recipe is a favorite in my household. The

flavors go together naturally and without much

effort. It’s bold, bright, and saucy — perfect

for bread dipping. It takes just minutes to come

together, yet, as you enjoy this dish, you’ll feel

like you’re celebrating.

SPRING 2012 | 43

Steamed Fennel With Garlic


Up until very recently, I’d only ever experienced

fennel in its raw state. I’ll admit that while I am

fond of the licorice flavor, it’s rather strong and

not exactly the subtlest of ingredients. However,

when quartered, steamed, and doused in a

healthy amount of garlic vinaigrette, it takes on

a new identity entirely. That licorice flavor steps

into the background and is complemented by

the acidic vinaigrette wonderfully.

Strawberries With Greek Yogurt and

Brown Sugar

Dip strawberries in Greek yogurt then in brown

sugar and you will find yourself with the most

decadent dessert of all time. Trust me.

North African Mint Tea

Hot, sweet, mint tea is a perfect post-meal treat.

The mint helps to calmly digest all of the food

you just ate, and the sweetness makes it feel like

an extra dessert. It’s possible that this tea will

become your new after-dinner indulgence.

SPRING 2012 | 45

The Recipes



Serves 4 to 6

1 pound of shrimp, peeled and deveined

3 tablespoons olive oil

5 large cloves of garlic, minced

Pinch of hot pepper flakes

1/4 cup of parsley, chopped

4 canned san marzano tomatoes, chopped, and

1/4 cup of the sauce reserved

1 1/2 cups of dry white wine

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Heat olive oil and garlic in a large sauce pan

over medium-high heat. Once the garlic begins

to sizzle, add shrimp and hot pepper flakes and

cook for about a minute Add chopped tomatoes

and sauce. Cook down for about 3 minutes. Add

wine, parsley, salt, and pepper and cook for 10

more minutes, until wine has cooked down a bit.

Serve hot with your favorite crusty bread.


Serves 4 to 6

4 large carrots, peeled

4 tablespoons olive oil

3 tablespoons red wine vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 heaping teaspoon harissa

1/4 teaspoon caraway seeds (optional)

1/4 cup parsley, chopped

Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil.

While you’re waiting, very thinly slice carrots on

the diagonal (a mandolin works really well for

this). When water comes to a boil, drop carrot

slices in and blanch for 2 to 3 minutes. Drain

and put into a bowl. In a small bowl, whisk oil,

vinegar, harissa, and caraway seeds together

with a fork. Pour vinaigrette over carrots and

top with parsley. Mix everything together until

evenly incorporated.



Serves 6 to 8

4 bulbs of fennel, tops cut off and quartered

3 cloves of garlic, grated

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

4 tablespoons olive oil

4 tablespoons red wine vinegar

In a large steamer, steam quartered fennel for

about 20 minutes, or until tender when pierced

with a fork. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk

together garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil, and

vinegar. Pour over steamed fennel. Garnish with

chopped fennel leaves.



Serves 4 to 6

2 pints strawberries

1 cup Greek yogurt

1 cup brown sugar

Serve strawberries along side a bowl of Greek

yogurt and brown sugar. Dip strawberries into

yogurt and then into brown sugar.


Serves 6 to 8

1 heaping tablespoon gunpowder green tea, or

4 packets of green tea

1 large bunch of fresh mint leaves

3 teaspoons sugar

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. In a large

teapot (ceramic or metal), place tea and mint.

If you’re using loose gunpowder tea, it’s a good

idea to do a rinse the tea in a strainer with hot

water to get rid of any bitterness. Place the bunch

of mint leaves in the teapot. Spoon sugar in and

fill with hot water. Stir with a spoon, then let

steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Serve in small glasses

for a more authentic experience.

SPRING 2012 | 47

Documentaries such as Food, Inc. and Forks Over Knives, are bringing attention to our diets like never before. Both films address the seemingly obvious yet crucial question: do you know where your food comes from?

Last summer, my husband and I planted our very first backyard garden, reaping the fruits of our labor (pun intended) for a solid five months be-fore the weather changed. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn’t bring myself to maintain a winter garden. Harvesting lettuce in the pouring rain does not appeal to me, now or ever. Not wanting to give up our regular allotment of fresh fruits and vegetables, I sought after the next best thing — a CSA box. In case you’re not familiar with Community Supported Agriculture, here are the basics:

T Consumers can purchase a “share” of the crop directly from the farmer, which typically comes in the form of a weekly or biweekly box of sea-sonal fruits and vegetables.

T Consumers know exactly where their food comes from, are exposed to new produce, and develop a personal relationship with their farmer.

T Farmers spend more time harvesting and less time marketing, receive payment early in the season, which helps with cash flow, and form relationships with the people who eat the food they grow.

Talk about a win-win! Now, every other Tuesday I receive a big box on my doorstep full of fresh fruits and vegetables, straight from the farm (see: slightly covered in dirt). Doesn’t get much fresher than that! For more information about CSA programs, visit

Interested in signing up for a CSA box? If you’re in Northern California, we recommend Farm Fresh to You. Use promo code 6164 to receive $10 off your first box when you sign up online, and tell them Ashlee Gadd or Camilla Salem referred you!

Community Supported Agriculture. . . AND WHY WE’RE HUGE FANS

Words by Ashlee GaddPhoto by Camilla Salem

almondmilk2 cups raw almonds

Water for soaking

2 1/2 cups filtered water

Cover almonds with water in a bowl. Cover

with a towel and let soak overnight. The next

day drain almonds and place in a blender. Blend

for 1 minute, until almonds are chopped up and

begin to become somewhat creamy. Pour filtered

water into the blender and let everything blend

together for 2-3 minutes. Place a few layers of

cheesecloth over a mesh strainer and fit over a

bowl. Strain almond mixture. You can dry the

leftover meal and use for baking. Pour the milk

in a jar, cover with plastic wrap and store in the

refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

peanutbutter2 cups unsalted roasted peanuts

1 1/2 tablespoons salt

In a large food processor, chop peanuts for about

5 minutes until they begin to clump together.

Add salt to chopped peanuts and mix for 5 more

minutes for crunchy peanut butter and 10 more

for creamy. Store in your refrigerator.


By Camilla Salem

SPRING 2012 | 49

coconutmacaroons2 cups unsweetened coconut flakes

1 tablespoons powdered sugar

3 tablespoons flour

2 egg whites

1 teaspoon almond extract

Preheat oven to 325°F and line a baking sheet

with parchment paper. Mix together coconut,

sugar, flour, egg whites, and almond extract in

a bowl. Spoon drops of coconut mixture on to

baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes or until the

edges begin to turn golden brown. Enjoy warm

or cold and for added sweetness, dust with extra

powdered sugar.

smokehousealmonds2 cups raw almonds

2 teaspoons chipotle chili powder

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

2 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons olive oil

Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix togethr almonds,

spices, and olive oil in a bowl until almonds are

evenly covered. Lay almonds in an even layer on

the baking sheet. Roast for 25 minutes. Enjoy for

up to one week.

Sandwich CookiesBy Molly Yeh

SPRING 2012 | 51

Sandwiching is unquestionably one of the great-

est actions on earth. Being sandwiched by your

best friends, having a midnight grilled cheese

sandwich, sandwiching a puppy with your

arms... it is almost as great as taco-ing. Whoever

first applied it to sweets deserves a cookie!

From the stroopwafel in Belgium to the whoopie

pie in Pennsylvania to France’s macaron, cultures

all over the world have their signature sandwich

cookie, and they’re all very tasty. It goes without

saying that a good sandwich cookie has a pleas-

ing ratio of filling to cookie, satisfying flavor

combinations, and filling firm enough that it

doesn’t all ooze out in the first bite. Bonus points

if it can withstand an Oreo-style “twist”.

The possibilities for sandwich cookie combina-

tions are endless (it’s your tummy space you’ll

have to conquer). Following are a few recipes

to make your own. Some are easy, some are a

bit different, but I can’t think of a more perfect

way to kick off Spring than with some gorgeous

sandwich cookies. So get sandwiching!


Out of all of the possible food combinations

in the history of food, one of the all-time best

is apples and peanut butter. These sandwiches

use peanut butter cookies that are unbelievable

easy to make and a blended version of Charoset,

which is a traditional Passover dish with apples

and walnuts. Plus, they’re gluten-free.

Peanut Butter Cookies:

1 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup white sugar

1 egg

A splash of vanilla

A pinch of salt

A pinch of cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350°, and line a baking sheet

with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine

all ingredients. Divide into 1-inch balls. Place on

baking sheet. Press down with a fork to create

the traditional peanut butter cookie train tracks.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Charoset Filling:

1 Granny Smith apple, cored and chopped

Juice from 1/2 a lemon

2 tbsp brown sugar

1/2 cup walnuts

1/4 cup sweet wine

1/4 cup raisins

1 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Blend all ingredients in a blender. Sandwich a

spoonful of Charoset between two cookies once

cookies have cooled.


If there’s one thing that will complement the

sweet, wholesome taste of corn bread, it’s the

acidic, spicy, badass-ness of jalapeños. Here’s the

combination in cookie form with a buttery, not-

too-sweet corn cookie.

Corn Cookies:

2 cups cornmeal

1 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

A pinch of salt

1 lb butter, softened

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

2 tsp vanilla

In a medium bowl, whisk together cornmeal,

flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside. In a

large bowl with an electric mixer, beat butter

and sugar until fluffy. Add egg and vanilla. Add

dry ingredients, and mix until just combined.

Divide into two equal parts, wrap in plastic

wrap, and refrigerate for one hour.

Preheat oven to 350°, and line a baking sheet

with parchment paper. Roll out dough between

two sheets of waxed paper to ¼-inch thick. Cut

into desired shapes, and transfer to baking sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Jalapeño Jam Filling:

It’s best to make this the night before so the jam

has time to firm up in the refrigerator. But if you

simply can’t wait that long, go ahead and form

the sandwiches with the warm jam. They’ll be

messy but still yummy!

2 cups white sugar

1 tsp pectin (available at many grocery and

cooking stores)

1 cup chopped and seeded jalapeños

1 cup vinegar

1 1/2 tsp calcium water (comes with pectin)

Combine 1/2 cup sugar with pectin, and set

aside. In a large saucepan, bring jalapeños and

vinegar to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer,

covered, for five minutes. Stir in calcium water.

Continue stirring, and add the sugar/pectin

mixture. Stir fast for two minutes. Add remain-

ing sugar, and stir until dissolved. Remove from

heat, and chill in the refrigerator until ready to




If you’ve ever made macarons, you know that

these take time, patience, luck, and maybe a

cocktail to reward yourself if they come out

correctly (or one to drown your sorrows if they

don’t). They’re fussy little cookies, indeed, but

incredibly tasty, dainty, and worth all of the


Meringue Cookies:

1 cup + 2 tbsp powdered sugar

1/2 tsp dried lavender (available in the spice


1 cup sifted almond flour

3 egg whites (that have been resting, uncovered,

for 24 hours)

SPRING 2012 | 53

A pinch of salt

¼ cup white sugar

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, and

set aside.

In a spice grinder, blend two tablespoons of

powdered sugar with the lavender. Sift, then

whisk together with the remaining powdered

sugar and almond flour. Set aside.

In a separate, large bowl, beat the egg whites and

salt with an electric mixer until foamy. Continue

mixing, and gradually add the sugar. Beat until

stiff peaks form.

Fold the dry ingredients into the egg white

mixture, and mix until smooth (peaks should

not hold their form).

With a piping bag, pipe 1 ½-inch circles onto the

baking sheet.

Let rest for 1-2 hours, until skins form on top.

You’ll know this has happened if they remain

totally unscathed when you poke them lightly.

Preheat oven to 350°. Bake with the oven door

propped open (use a wooden spoon) for 10

minutes, rotating pan after five minutes.

Dark Chocolate Ganache Filling:

4 oz dark chocolate

1/2 cup heavy cream

Melt chocolate with the heavy cream over a dou-

ble boiler until smooth. Refrigerate for an hour,

stirring occasionally.

Sandwich a small spoonful between two cooled

meringue cookies. Refrigerate cookies until

chocolate has hardened.


* engage in activity for enjoyment

SPRING 2012 | 55

A Sense of Community

What do you get when you combine simple recipes, handcrafted cocktails,

a big table, and good friends? A sense of community, and one gorgeous

dinner party!

Meet Daniel and Chelsea - the printers and makers behind Standard Author-

ity in Portland, OR. During college, the couple worked together at a little

bistro café called the French Bear, set in the northern area of the Willamette

Valley Wine Industry. The Bear, as regulars referred to it, was co-owned by

Matt and Holly Kinne of McKinlay Vineyards, whose honest and good-

hearted perspective taught Chelsea and Daniel the fundamentals they

cherish when working with food today. They learned that creating food

was more than just developing recipes; it was also about embracing your

personal identity and relationship to your community.

Today, Daniel is exploring everything from craft cocktails to making his

own vermouth, while Chelsea is working on a line of print and textile

work. The two hope to develop Standard Authority into a small publishing

and print operation that melds their love of quality design to the food and

beverage community where they feel at home.

+ Sea Salt and Pepper Crackers

These easy-to-make pepper crackers are a new staple in Chelsea and Daniel’s

kitchen. They are perfect for meats and cheeses and are a delicious addition

to any soup. Adding herbs, like rosemary, to the seasoning is a fun alterna-

tive for additional flavor. (Recipe - Epicurious)

Photos by Sara GrayWords by Kimberly Brandt and Ashlee Gadd

SPRING 2012 | 57

+ Hollandaise sauce: ‘Blender Hollandaise Sauce’

This blender hollandaise is a quick and simple sauce that works for dinner

and breakfast. (Recipe - Epicurious)

+ Cedar Grilled Salmon

Grilling salmon on cedar planks is a delicious and traditional Northwest

method. It adds a smoky flavor and soft texture to the fish. Prepare the cedar

planks by soaking them in water for two hours. Remove any fish bones and

skin, and cut the fish into individual fillets (typically around 4.5 oz). Mari-

nate the salmon by brushing each fillet with olive oil, Meyer lemon juice,

salt, and pepper. Let marinate for one hour. Several minutes before cooking,

start preheating the grill at medium-low. You should be able to hold your

hands over the grill for four seconds to know that it’s ready. Keep a water

bottle on hand in case the sides of the cedar planks catch fire. Cook for 20

minutes or until the fish flakes apart with a fork.

+ Grilled Spring Asparagus

Par-boiling asparagus is a simple way to ensure that the asparagus’s texture

is consistent. Bring a pot of water to boil. Set asparagus in vertical bunches

base down in the boiling water, and cook for 4-6 minutes. Remove from

heat, and let stand at room temperature. Minutes before serving, grill the

asparagus on medium-high heat for three minutes. Season with salt. Lay out

the asparagus, top with salmon, and drizzle hollandaise over both. Garnish,

and serve.

SPRING 2012 | 59

+ Coconut Milk Panna Cotta

This recipe is an easy way to provide a simple dessert for both your vegan

and gluten-free friends. Daniel substituted a whole vanilla bean sliced in

half lengthwise for the vanilla extract. Pairing it with the blood orange

syrup provides the right amount of bitterness. (Recipe - Natural Noshings)

+ Blood Orange Simple Syrup

This blood orange syrup’s ratio is three cups juice to one cup sugar. Add

three peppercorns and the zest from half an orange, and bring the juice to

a boil. Simmer until the sugar has dissolved. Refrigerate until cold. A boozy

variation substitutes one cup juice with one cup blood orange liqueur.

+ La Floridita (variation)

This classic cocktail is delicious, and the addition of agave syrup is perfect

for pairing with the maraschino liqueur.

In a mixing glass pour 2 oz. light rum, 1/4 Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur, 1

1/2 oz fresh lime juice, and 1 teaspoon agave syrup. Add ice, and shake for

10 seconds. Strain into an old fashioned glass with crushed ice, or add all in-

gredients to a blender, measure ice with an old fashioned glass and blend*.

Garnish with a full lime wheel.

*Blending this drink means whole pitchers can be made by increasing the

amounts while keeping the ratio the same for larger parties.

+ Deep Sea Diver

This is a highball styled drink with the body of a cocktail. The club soda

along with the citrus cuts into the sweetness enough to make this delicious,

long-sipping drink perfect for meals.

In a mixing glass, pour 2 oz. citrus vodka (Daniel used Ketel One Citron but

any citrus vodka will do), 1/2 oz. lime, 1/2 oz. blood orange syrup, and 1/2

oz. Roi Rene Rouge Cherry Liqueur. Fill with ice, and shake for 10 seconds.

Strain into a Collins glass filled with ice. Top with club soda, and garnish

with a full lime wheel on a pick.

SPRING 2012 | 61


Photography: Sara Gray Photography

Styling: Kimberly Brandt

Menu Design + Hosts: Daniel and Chelsea Parker Guidry

Napkin and Menu Printing: Chelsea Parker Guidry

Flowers: Petalos

Hair + Make up: Kendra Stanton

SPRING 2012 | 63


*make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative

details or features

SPRING 2012 | 65

Subtly SpringPhotos by Ashlee GaddWords by Camilla Salem

this season, We’re all about soft and subtle colors

SPRING 2012 | 67

EARTHYTONESIncorporate organic, earthy tones

into your outfits. Colors like beige

and mossy green go well together

naturally and exude an effort-

less air. Our look: a long beige

cardigan over a simple black tube

dress, accessorized with a soft

green scarf.

SPRING 2012 | 69

HINTSOFSPRINGEven if we are keeping things

subtle this season, we still like

to be playful. A butterfly or flo-

ral printed scarf over a mustard

dress is relaxed and fun. For

those rainy days, cover up with

a button-up shirt and a classic

clear umbrella.

SPRING 2012 | 71

WEARFLOWERSINYOURHAIRWhile this white blazer and

graphic tee combination is

sharp and somewhat edgy, the

floral pin perfectly positioned

on a pretty bun helps to soften

things up. This detail brings a

bit of spring into the lives of

everyone around you.

SPRING 2012 | 73

SWEETTOMBOYChannel Rosie the Riveter with

rolled up boyfriend jeans and a

t-shirt. But to hold true to your

femininity (which we fully be-

lieve in), add a bright belt and

a chunky scarf. Finish the outfit

with a scarf tied in your hair.

SPRING 2012 | 75

MIXEDTEXTURESMixing textures suggests an

easygoing demeanor. When

leading a full life, who wants to

spend time matching every-

thing perfectly? We paired a

shiny silk dress with a soft

coat, and the result had great


STAYRELAXEDFor those days where you just

don’t feel quite like yourself

(we all have them), don’t turn

to sweatpants. Loose linen

pants and a floral sweater will

help set you straight. We love

how relaxed and comfortable

this look is, ponytail and all.

SPRING 2012 | 77

Rainy Day Up-dos

By Emily Rack

Spring showers bring to mind images of ador-

able rain boots, gardens blooming, and rows of

little ducklings waddling through puddles… but

they also make me think of the unruly hair that

comes with dashing through the drizzle all day.

Let’s face it, that may be super cute when you’re

all singing in the rain but less so when your hair

slowly drip-dries into frizzy, tangled strands

during a meeting or on a date.

Rainy days spent inside are the perfect time to

practice some pretty, sprinkle-resistant up-dos

that are perfect for spring and all that comes

with it.


If you haven’t gotten the hang of the fishtail

braid, it’s about time you learned. The fishtail

braid is more sophisticated than the basic

3-strand variety and so versatile that it works

with a prim and polished look but would also

perfectly suit a flower fairy. Here’s an easy

tutorial to get you started on the basics for this


1. Part hair down the center, and divide into

two sections.

2. Fishtail braid both sides, all the way to the

very ends (secure with small elastics). Click here

for a helpful video.

3. Prepare a handful of bobby pins, and start by

wrapping one braid along the nape of your neck

and up to the crown of your head.

4. Pin the braid flat against your head the whole

Send us pictures of you in these hairstyles. We’d love to see!

tWo simPle hairstYles that Will survive the rain

SPRING 2012 | 79

way up, tucking the bobby pins under so they

don’t show.

5. Repeat with the opposite braid, crossing over

slightly above the first one.

6. Finish the look by teasing some of the

un-braided hair, and spray with your favorite



Oh, the sock bun - a recent favorite of blogger

girls everywhere. Admittedly, it is a lot more

pulled together than the old, chaotic topknot

we’ve all thrown on top of our heads (‘fess up -

you did it too). The sock bun is simple, secure,

and looks flawless if you master the technique.

Our secret for this darling ‘do? Use a section of

nylon or tight material instead of a sock. It won’t

give you that giant I’m-smuggling-a-sock-in-here

bump, and it’ll be easier to roll up. Follow these

easy steps for this classic look.

1. Roll up your section of sock or nylon into a

donut shape, securing the ends. Not too thick, or

you’ll never be able to roll it.

2. Brush hair until smooth, and fasten in a high

ponytail on top of your head. Make sure you

leave out any wisps you’d like to frame your face

in advance.

3. Pull the ponytail through the sock donut, and

slide it up about an inch away from the ends.

Begin to evenly tuck your hair around the donut,

making sure the fabric is all covered by hair,

and start to roll it down towards the base of the


4. Pause throughout the process to make sure all

strands are tucked in and rolling under evenly.

You’ll know it’s time to stop when your bun is

sitting quite tightly atop your head.

5. Loosen up any areas that are too tight by

gently pulling with your hands.

6. Finish by wrapping a silk scarf or some rib-

bon around the base of the bun, tying in a knot,

or fixing with bobby pins.

This spring is all about nudes and neons. What

better way to experiment with this combination

than in your makeup routine?

A classic spring makeup look is neutral, barely-

there eyes paired with a bright lip. Every girl

needs a good neutral palette in her collection.

Two perfect options are the Naked2 palette from

Urban Decay and the Nude ‘Tude palette from

theBalm. These neutral shadows are very flatter-

ing and allow you to create dozens of looks.

With the rest of your face acting as a blank

canvas, it’s time to have some fun with lip color.

Two cult-favorite lipsticks are Girl About Town

(blue-based fuchsia) from MAC and Heat Wave

(orange red) from NARS. Now, if the mention

of bold lipstick fills your mind with images of

Beautifully BrightBy Ashley Miracle

lipstick on teeth and stained collars, have no

fear. Revlon’s new Lip Butters pack the punch of

normal lipstick without all the upkeep, and the

healthy shine they leave on your lips is perfect

for spring. Check out Candy Apple (orange red)

and Raspberry Pie (magenta).

Can a ChapStick-and-out-the-door girl partici-

pate in this trend? Of course! A perfect comple-

ment to a bare face is bright fingernails. Some

great nail polish options for spring are Deborah

Lippmann’s Daytripper (pink melon) and Butter

London’s Primrose Hill Picnic (pink fuchsia). If

you really want to commit, try Butter London’s

Cheeky Chops (buttery yellow).

Here’s to a beautiful and bright spring!

Visit That is All for even more incredible makeup advice.

SPRING 2012 | 81


* have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).

SPRING 2012 | 83

Spring is upon us, and if you ever watched

Bambi as a child, you know that it’s the season of

love. What better way to spend the season than

with your significant other or, if you’re single,

perhaps a new prospect? When it comes to dates,

it’s really easy to get repetitive, which is why

I’ve compiled this list of five great spring dates.

Whether you’re a hopeless romantic or a sports

fanatic, there’s something for you.


One of the best parts about spring is the weather,

so spend some time enjoying it with your guy.

Grab a blanket, pack some wine and snacks

(check out some of the recipes in our Nourish

section), head to your favorite outdoor spot,

whether it’s a park, field, or your favorite hiking

trail, and stretch out for the afternoon.


Channel your inner 5-year-old, and spend the

afternoon at a local fair or carnival. You can play

bumper cars, challenge each other to carnival

games, and chow down on fair food – plus, what

better place to kiss than on top of a Ferris wheel?

Five Dates for SpringBy Jackie Pfeffer

SPRING 2012 | 85


Coffee is my first date go-to. It’s nice to be able

to sit and chat to get to know someone without

the distraction of a movie or worrying about

whether or not you have pasta all over your face.

If you’re meeting someone for the first time,

make sure you find a good coffee shop that’s not

standing-room-only or worse – closed. Getting

to know each other while awkwardly standing

on a sidewalk isn’t nearly as much fun as sitting

in a cozy café.


I recently discovered that there are several in-

door rock walls in my area and thought going to

one on a date would be really fun. Of course, if

you’re as uncoordinated as I am, you may spend

more time laughing than actually climbing, but

that’s perfectly acceptable. But if you’d rather

keep things simple, just get out and explore your

natural environment.


Baseball season is upon us, and even if you’re

not a die-hard fan like most of the people in

my area of the U.S. (go Yankees!), you can still

have a blast at a baseball game. Something about

being around so many sports fans cheering for

the same team is kind of infectious, and I guar-

antee you’ll be shouting and dancing at every

homerun in no time.

In a technology-driven world powered by Apple products and smart phones,

it can be difficult to carve out quality time with the ones you love, sans noise.

We hope you find this enchanting tale of one couple’s anniversary trip in the

wilderness to be as inspiring as we did…

We took great delight in driving slowly with little more in mind than the

pursuit of togetherness. Most of the drive was spent in silence – not an awk-

ward, tension-filled silence, but more of a quiet comfort and appreciation.

We zipped down Highway 1, tucked away in the winding road, peeking

and booing around corners with deer, cattle, and the occasional passing car.

After a few hours, we arrived at the cozy little loft we’d call home for the

next couple days. Nestled between trees and rolling hills, the loft over-

looked a tranquil turquoise sea. Its crashing waves fostered a rhythm with

the inflow and outflow, quieting the mind and anchoring the soul.

We gathered our belongings and settled indoors just as the sun began to set.

The rest of the night was spent reading by candlelight, a fire roaring and a

cup of tea brewing as our favorite records serenaded us. The next morning

we woke to the calling of the sun, its rays peeking in through salt-stained

windows. Warm sheets kept us in bed a little while longer as we laid watch-

ing flocks of waterfowl fly in formation and land softly on the blue glass of

the bay, taking turns to dive for morning nourishment.

We found comfort in the familiarity of this place we’ve been so many times

before. Here we spent our first days as a married couple and many days

since. Now we returned to celebrate one year of wedlock. While we’ve

accustomed ourselves to this sleepy seaside town, we wandered with fresh

eyes, finding beauty in the little moments we may have missed before.

The following days we spent in tandem, exploring the hills and the connec-

tions forged through the experiences we shared. Our clothes and hair were

branded by the scent of crisp, salty air as we hiked the coastline, stumbling

upon herds of elk and views of blue unbound. Returning later to our lofty

digs, we dined al fresco on cheese from local creameries, oysters caught

outside our door, and a bottle of old grapes from a nearby vineyard.

While rejuvenated by the fresh air and open skies, it was not the destina-

tion that provided a respite for our souls, but rather the companionship that

bound us. For the boundaries of home transcend the four walls that regu-

larly shelter us out to the experiences we share together. The other person

becomes our anchor, amplifying that notion of home.

We spent our last evening on the dock, seated close, hands clasped together.

Mouths and minds silent, reassured by the company and the love we

shared. The tide moved in and out as did the breath from our lungs. The

sun set, the sky darkened and slowly became glittered with stars as the wine

from our glasses vanished.

The next morning, we reflected on the last year over a dark roast and toast

The Pursuit of TogethernessBy Britty Wesely

SPRING 2012 | 87

with honey. We lingered. Stared awhile at the water below. Our hesitation

to pack was soon diminished as we remembered that this feeling of togeth-

erness we cherished on this trip was not something we’d leave behind. This

venture simply contributed to the collaborative history of us, the shared

experience that solidifies and grounds who we are collectively. We took that

feeling with us as we left and on every journey since.


*be absorbed in thought

SPRING 2012 | 89

The Road Less Traveled

Words by Camilla SalemArt by Jody Salem

lookinG at What it takes to risk it all and folloW Your dreams

Wake up. Shower. Coffee. Breakfast. Coffee. Commute. Work. Coffee. Commute. Wine. Sleep. This is the American dream, right? For some,

it may be since it offers security, stability, and, most of the time, health

insurance. Those things are invaluable in this day and age when jobs are

increasingly few and far between. But what happens when you find yourself

dissatisfied with this steady schedule and all that it has to offer? What do

you do when you feel a calling towards a more creative lifestyle or a profes-

sion devoted to helping people? Do you ignore it so as not to disturb your

current lifestyle, or do you risk losing all of that security in order to feel

more fulfilled?

While the possibility of such a leap is completely dependent on your own

set of circumstances and values, I do believe it’s important to consider the

possibility that a change might be in order. Yes, it’s important to proceed

with caution, especially with all of today’s uncertainties, but how liberat-

ing is it to even imagine being able to do what you truly love day in and

day out? I’ve managed to get four women to sit down and share their own

experiences with massive career shifts. Each shares her own set of worries,

frustrations, and considerations that came with making a life-altering deci-

sion. Getting to know women who have undergone such a transition makes

the possibility of living our dreams all the more attainable.

SPRING 2012 | 91


{Linnea Paulina Photography}

what transition did you make (which job to which job)?

I have spent the past two years preparing for the transition I am about to make. Next week will be my last wearing the Coast Guard uniform - a uniform I have spent the past nine years of my life wearing and one that I have been honored to wear. I am currently an Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard and will soon be a full-time wedding and lifestyle photographer.

was there anything that prompted you to make the change when

you did?

My getting stationed in Houston, TX, in 2010, initially prompted mak-ing this transition. Prior to my move, I had been working and living in Portland, OR, and had just met a fantastic guy named Zachary (whom I’m lucky to say is now my husband). I was contractually committed to my job for the next two years, and Zac had just started a new job and purchased a house. Knowing that I had two years ahead of me to prepare, and wanting nothing to hold me back, I went for it. I attended a business workshop at the library, did lots of research, and began.

what, if any, reservations did you have about this shift?

Initially, I did have reservations that were financially focused: why would I leave a job that gives an excellent salary, benefits, and a retirement for life after you work there for 20 years? This fear was toppled, however, by the peace of knowing that I was doing the right and best thing for Zach-ary, me, and our future family. Beyond having a positive outlook, I knew that I would have to pair this with something concrete, namely, setting myself up for success by bolstering my savings and retirement accounts. Zac and I also spent a lot of time together planning, budgeting, and find-ing ways to lower our monthly expenses.

did your family and peers support you?

I am lucky to say that my family and peers did support me 100%. What has meant the most to me is having Zachary and my parents believe in me and share my excitement. I think that other people respected that I was taking myself seriously and investing in my business and myself.

what are the most important things to consider when making

this change?

I think the most important thing to consider is that you do it in a way that allows you to consistently take care of yourself and others. In order to not drive yourself bonkers, make little changes that bring you toward the goals you want to achieve and the direction you want to travel. Also, it doesn’t hurt to have your finances in order before making a transition like this: pay off any debt beforehand, and build up your savings.

how do you feel now about your job?

I am so excited to take on this new job. I don’t have any illusions that it will be easy, but I do know for certain that I am ready to pour my heart into being the best photographer I can and running a business that cre-ates a remarkable experience for my clients.

what advice would you give to people who are in the process of

contemplating such a transition?

If I could give any advice, it would be to research and learn as much as you can, but don’t forget to actually do and take action.

what are the most important things to consider when making

this change?

I always knew that this was what I wanted to do. Being true to myself was very important.

how do you feel now about your job?

I am amazingly blessed to be a midwife.

what is the best thing you’ve experienced as a result of this


I have learned a lot about what’s important to me in terms of ownership over my life and how making transformative change not only impacts the person making the change, but also those around you.

what advice would you give to people who are in the process of

contemplating such a transition?

Listen to your heart.


what transition did you make (which job to which job)?

I was an Executive Director for a social service agency in the U.K., and I am now a Registered Midwife in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

was there anything that prompted you to make the change when

you did?

There were a number of things. My three daughters were getting older, and I felt that going back to school full-time, and the subsequent de-mands of being a midwife, were going to be manageable. Being a midwife means being on call 24/7. That kind of lifestyle did not fit well with the kind of mothering I wanted to provide while my girls were little. I made the decision to change careers during a family vacation. We were in Ma-laysia traveling on a long boat on our way into the rainforest. Being so far away from home in somewhere so foreign gave me the space I needed to reflect on what I wanted. I just realized that if I did not make the change now, I never would. I realized that would be a regret I would always carry with me.

what, if any, reservations did you have about this shift?

I had wanted to make this career change for a very long time. I was nerv-ous that the reality might not live up to the dream. Luckily, I was wrong.

did your family and peers support you?

My family was incredibly supportive. There were times during my train-ing that were really challenging emotionally and physically. I had to live away from home for long periods of time so that I could access various clinical experiences. My family was amazing. My husband and daughters just said, “Go. Do what you need to do. We love you.” It made it so much easier knowing they were behind me.

SPRING 2012 | 93


{Ashlee Gadd Creative}

what transition did you make (which job to which job)?

Last November, I quit my job as a full-time Marketing & PR Manager at a boutique hotel to start my own business as a freelance writer, photogra-pher, and creative consultant. I switched from an 8-5, high-heels-wearing cubicle job to a work-from-home-in-my-sweatpants gig.

was there anything that prompted you to make the change when

you did?

I hit a breaking point. I wasn’t content with the work I was producing be-cause I was trying to do too much at once. I felt like I was spread too thin across the board and wasn’t 100% dedicated to anything. That eventually led to frustration, anxiety, and overall unhappiness in my work life.

what, if any, reservations did you have about this shift?

I had plenty of reservations about the shift - fear of failure, making less money, what other people would think, not being happy, etc. .

did your family and peers support you?

Absolutely! I was overwhelmed at the amount of support I received after announcing my plan to start working for myself. It really gave me the confidence I needed.

what are the most important things to consider when making

this change?

I think one of the most important things to consider is your dedication and willingness to pour your heart into your dream. Without solid dedi-cation, a dream is just a dream.

how do you feel now about your job?

I wake up every morning feeling incredibly blessed to work for myself. With a baby due in five weeks, I can’t imagine a better situation for me and my family. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work from home, set my own hours, and do what I love as I enter motherhood!

what is the best thing you’ve experienced as a result of this


Freedom. It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in a single week when you have the freedom to do what you want to do and go where you want to go. I’m not chained to a desk or an office building all day, which has really helped my creativity thrive.

what advice would you give to people who are in the process of

contemplating such a transition?

Make sure you’re ready! Prepare yourself mentally and physically to be your own boss - it’s not all fun and roses. The “business” aspect is a lot of work: getting a business license, paying self-employment taxes, learning accounting, creating a website, etc. Managing yourself is not for the faint of heart.


{Nakate Project}

what transition did you make (which job to which job)?

My transition was actually more of a switch from one plan to another since I was graduating, and didn’t have a job yet. I was planning to move to Washington DC. I had a part time job lined up, with an interview for a full time position scheduled a few weeks out. It was the end of final exams, the week before I graduated, and I decided to give up my plan to begin writing, and start a social enterprise instead. I moved in with my parents, launched an online store, and began selling off inventory I’d brought back six months before from a trip to Uganda. When I began to realize just exactly what I’d taken on, I felt crazy. But, almost a year and a half later, there’s no doubt in my mind that I made the right choice.

was there anything that prompted you to make the change when

you did?

I spent the last summer of college in Uganda reporting for a nonprofit in a village where abuse and prostitution was rampant. I came home tired of the things I’d seen, and never really wanting to go back. Four months later, I was in a class where they were showcasing the work of students from the past semester. One video highlighted prostitution in South America, and I sat in this dark room with all these other exhausted students clutching my americano and bawling. I knew that those women didn’t need me to partner with them or come in and change their lives, but I was suddenly overwhelmingly aware that I wanted to be part of their stories, and I wanted them to be part of mine.

what, if any, reservations did you have about this shift?

My biggest fear was being a joke, and not having the career I hoped for. When I was a little girl, I always imagined myself working in international

business - but I never thought I’d start out that way right out of college. I didn’t think it was possible. So, when I did, I was terrified of disappoint-ing that little girl inside me that had hoped to be a certain kind of woman when she grew up.

did your family and peers support you?

My family has always been incredibly supportive. I’ve always felt that, as far as my dad was concerned, I could do anything I set my mind to. And, my mom has been much the same way. A lot of my friends made it clear they thought I was crazy. That was hard. But I was in a relationship when I launched Nakate and, though we went our separate ways some time ago, my then boyfriend was the drive that kept me going during our first year.

what are the most important things to consider when making

this change?

I think it’s key to know what opportunities are in front of you, and which ones you don’t want to miss - opportunities for your happiness, your congruity as a person, your contribution to the world and to society and to yourself - what do you want to know you accomplished in your life?

The second set of questions have to do with expectations. Are you ready to fail over and over again? Are you ready to see a thousand opportuni-ties you’re counting on fail to work out? Are you ready to have a vision of your head of where you know you want to be eventually, and make the sacrifices you will have to to get there? For me, that meant moving in with my parents for almost a year, selling a lot of my things, and getting a part time nanny job to pay my bills.

Lastly, I think you have to know if you can find the right people to do it with you. Nakate launched without seed capitol, and the only reason we’ve been able to keep afloat is because of the people involved - my core team, Mike, Shannon, Antonio, Gina - they’ve made this project possible.

how do you feel now about your job?

My job changes my life on a daily basis. It’s constantly educating me, pushing me, challenging me and moving me forward professionally and personally. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but by far the most rewarding.

what is the best thing you’ve experienced as a result of this


Meeting with women from a different culture, with foreign struggles, issues and circumstances, and - together - crossing cultural boundaries and making an international business work, is something I don’t even know how to put into words. It’s exhilarating, it’s terrifying - and it’s something I can’t imagine having lived my life without while I worked for someone else.

what advice would you give to people who are in the process of

contemplating such a transition?

I think May Angelou said it best: “Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: ‘I’m with you kid. Let’s go.’”

SPRING 2012 | 95

I would own my own bookstore. I worked at one for 4 years and it will forever be my

most favorite job. Books hold a special place in my heart; there’s nothing like getting

caught up in a good story with a great cup of coffee in hand. No job seems as fulfilling as

sharing that feeling with others.

— Sophie, Blog: Just Live Into It

Professional person-who-talks-to-other-people-about-books-all-day. Is that a job? Can

we make that a job?

— Sarah, Blog: To Build Books and Castles

If I could have any job in the world, I would love to sit and listen to children talk all day

long. The way they think and see the world is astounding to me, and I always wish I could

get in that mindset again. I would love to sit and watch them play and then play with

them-fully immersing myself into their fantasies and relinquish all thoughts of reality. In

my future career, I plan on doing my part to preserve a child’s innocence as long as possi-

ble, so that they can enjoy the world as they see it and encourage them to see the beauty

in everything, even when times get tough.

— Lauren

Your TurnWe asked You: What is Your dream Job?

If I could have any career or job in the world, I would be a literary agent or an editor at a

publishing house. I would love to be a part of the process of helping a writer achieve his

or her goal of getting their work published.

— Natasha, Blog: Small and Charming

I would give anything to work in the Smithsonian museums! But just generally I would

love to work in a museum as a curator and the amazing thing is since I’m just going into

college, that is what I’m going to work towards - being an archaeologist and working in a


— Karman, Blog: Talking Chapattis

I graduated from college without a clue of

where I was headed. At the time, perhaps only

second to my love of words was my love of

Paris. As a double writing and French major,

I had been a Francophile since the first day of

seventh grade French class, but I simply wasn’t

that girl – not the brave, adventurous one who

could leave everything familiar to discover

something unknown. At least that’s what I had

always thought. Yet as I spent one afternoon after

another stressing about my future, I’d wonder,

“What if I’m wrong?”

Several months later, I stared down at an email

acceptance letter for graduate school – in Paris. It

had taken several tough-love conversations with

my parents and their full-throttle encourage-

ment, but voilà, I had my ticket to a life I had

only ever dreamed about - I was moving to

Paris! A fe w months later, as my plane landed at

Charles de Gaulle Airport, I wasn’t just nervous; I

was terrified. For the first time, I was completely

on my own. I didn’t know a soul in the city

where just about every corner looked the same.

Getting lost was an (unintended) daily exercise

and the French that buzzed in my ears was ter-

ribly different from what I had heard in college

classes. Oh brave new world, what had I done?

I’ll never forget, though, the first time I was

asked for directions… in French. I probably

beamed for hours. There were moments when

I felt like I must be living in a dream: pink and

orange sunsets burned behind the Eiffel Tower

as friends and I picnicked into the evening, a

stranger sketched me at a café while I unknow-

ingly studied and then left it on my table with

a wink and a smile, grocery store trips entailed

passing a 300-year old cathedral. Life was thick

with beautiful details and rich moments that

stole my breath.

But it was also a challenge. In the early days,

sometimes all I wanted was a hug from my par-

ents or at least the ability to call them. However,

counting back seven hours, I’d realize it was

only 3:00 a.m. in Texas. I was forced to dig deep

and do things for myself like never before. Each

of these moments – be them difficult or sweet –

was teaching me and forcing me to discover the

real adult Caitlin.

Do Something That Scares YouBy Caitlin Rodgers

SPRING 2012 | 97

Even now, more than a year after I arrived, my

heart still beats wildly as I wander through

streets: everywhere I look there are people,

buildings, and corners filled to the brim with

character that I could savor for hours. It’s in these

hours that I have come to understand that you’ve

got to follow your heart – not just because you’ll

always think “what if?” if you don’t, but because

it has the potential to make you the person you

were created to be. Paris has taught me that the

risk is worth it and that the unknown isn’t some-

thing to fear, but to chase.


*bring or come to an end

SPRING 2012 | 99

Photo by Ashlee Gadd

Back Story

It might surprise you that this picture

from this issue’s Embellish shoot makes

our hearts really happy. Why? Because it

represents the truth that at the end of the

day, we’re not perfect. Under all of the

thoughtful styling and carefully applied

makeup, sometimes you’ll find a pair of

mismatched socks. Behind the glossy pages

of this 1-year-old online magazine sits a

group of women who do the best they can

to live full, healthy, happy lives but some-

times struggle. And we’re not the kind of

people to hide that fact. In a world where

we compare ourselves to one another more

and more, it’s kind of nice to be reminded

that it’s okay to embrace our imperfections.

Our lives aren’t always going to look like

they came straight out of a perfectly styled

catalogue, but who really wants that? If a

pair of mismatched socks brings a smile to

your face at the end of the day - or while

you’re reading this - then we’re gonna go

ahead and support that. CS

SPRING 2012 | 101

So long as a person is capable of self-renewal they are a living being. — Henri Frédéric Amiel

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