the sun. (new york, ny) 1883-02-24 [p ]. · u the sun saturday february 24 1883 i 7 t1ik...

Post on 24-Mar-2020






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nu uottutx wvs nnittt trCTVin OFins IKH TK-



edtieiill n r Ike Mr xv Xe>t Deil rubleVumiln flkonlil be TriilB d I > hi True to

her Hunt nnil Not Tinlue4 In Vote Mdto rIihtl d I ii j la llniluia-

IIIlio IMiKatloii of Wonimi for her Woik-


din subject of thn Itov Dr MoriMli Dlvsthird lorliiro of his Lonteli soring Jt was do-

llurod Ilfitro n Inree nuillenro In Tilnlty-Cliiipul tostcrdiiy utliTiinon After a In lot m

tat unIit of thii lino 11 ariiiunout dovulojiud In4 tlio nicnnd leilinn IIniinW tto Istnbllsh lift re-


wllu thu unfolding subject tho Imture-rwnt DM tlo siy tUnit IItt Is clour front t lit tititscttlmt tim vlow tnkcu b iiuiy ono rcipoctlnie theeducation of vromnn iniit boeovctned by hisronrlrtlons If ho has such respocilntfhoi plnfo-

in tlin universe mid IIIT mission to societyVomnns CHlucntlon has not only been dlscutm-r4

td1lt taint IKOII as tluy aro fond of imtlliiklt-nultntrd Nuwnpni hao taken It In hand

reporters Inivo bcsloi id uromlnunt men fortheir vlows on It ut Ipastono public incutlni-hs4 boon hold lo create n dlioct public opinionabout It rlsovvhoro 11 has also tboon nmilowhat men call n living IKHUO of tho day Amongtlm sound which iipiintratn our oars from tillsliubbuh two words are numt audible higher edocut Ion anil cocducntlon Tim lecturer ncc ptnd thiisn patch words ps huh marks for n brieftturvoy of the strife

Jlu lllglior JMuiMitlou of Women Ab-Btrnotly vlio could object to higher mlucatlonof women or anon or an > till lit nimble of beingtimtlit 1ut corn to think nltout It and Inqnlrn what It moans and the ihra puts on adubious aIr V lint Ib miant by IthisI T lieromparitlviMhKriMsiiiiHestsaiiutstlonjhlKlur-tluui w hatV higher tlinit whom higher tliitnthat of met V A blKher than that which womenreceive nt piiMnt Somewhat confused tutulintiiiall by a term esMiitlnlly vauiio and mi-

nhlatiioMilnln Itself woask tiioiiiotnllientnd-ocatesof this socalled higher education what

they mean niul It apionm that thuy have anIdea not elcnrly eomevtd In tutu word Itselflund that a term no Innocent uo haimlo thatno onu WOO II thinkt of object I UK to ItI i IslunnliiKly used to ninik a theory of-


education ulgil I hut which thesimalerfor nun illdim It bin iluty tu entiM-f folfinn and nurdmln iirotcM Thu-muliii ediieitlon ndviicatitii todiy anyears tto bu tthu education of women on thehuRtle linn tilli men tiainiiiK them to thinkmons tloiuhtH and to do mons work Andlhit thlsH Intended lo tlm inoio evlilent l o-

cnihii tlm iteniiuil for lilslur oilucatlon ltI

couplid viHliI a hot litr naiieh for incdticaIou JIIiut IIIIMIIH that ti youth of both Sixeskhuiiid lut tMitiht hue lathe thlnirx In thu saniu-lilutos out u1 the H line booiH by thu tune11ailieis and In thu company ol eaili otliei-hiI t iai fly allkn iuihi their tialnlni tu Ib1 thit-llnioinl eost wilt bu nierilnrlouhh Mixed hy-

ilnlnc tlm Koik of luitli Heuh IuittultiuueiuiyNor It It u matter of Ibury ionljI y it lm > txen-lut In pii tle Thi H tstttl him men tried Inniironn Ohl lit ry till INI rut ii ii it aio lauded tothe skIs It In vull Knovli that a pn suru-Inislnen Iliroiiuht to bear iiinin Itint tiuxteet ofLolit flu luIu Lolluuo wllhI I a view to inax teiMi orfrkhlii them Into HIM Intioduetlon of a > s-

1em of IOediiratlon Into lhit enerabln Institu-tion


ltccentlyM hae been tutu that thu elitedinicult In thu nay that of tint liuxlni I

urite eluak roums and tIiou lug rooiin fur theKtuduntsofI Ithu ttno Mixes titus bueu u uiuii out

a liy tutu enlarKenient nf the building HO that tbnthIngs desired miild Ibo beuun at tune Ub-viously tthem wits no Ken eof doep nit II tnesof Itliu it tot wroniiii of tint whole Idea tlieinly thine Niipposi d to Maud In tlm waj wasthe Watit of meeliinlcil and struetuial eon> uaiencus dktated b a duo ret trd to outwardIiropi lety ami dccono

his t lieu huron ru to be liat the nulveit usft hIgher odiieiitlon urn drlvlni at Inderthat pliuwllilti toi in they aim at tleiitini tillsas If theyI oro only a kindI of in iul I flu d U > gtint essentiallyt Ithu salon tilingI nod t rat ningthem nil together ttho woman to hau Itie sniniiteachIng as the titan I iud not point out howeiicllyI ilils nils IIn wIt Ii thu uonular Hehemuiof woman rlahtu and fomalo Minruce nnd-ilroBslni woinon partly In the garb of nun Inhurt tlio ohm of thosu fanatics who wouldpractically ubollsb distinctions hotvrutm thunoxes nnd confound nil xoclnl dlNilnctlonn Inono at KyniTiitltm I do not say that the ad

ocatesot thltf higher education so called npprovo Iof thnsit tutu tltt to deelopments hut 1 dopay anti claim that thes > lewn of educationyrork Ilnollably IIn that direction

Nou lie uttiettluin Isonuht this kind uf odu-ritlon thlsfiuxleos Hachlnc to bu spoken ofiw n lilchnr titClI lOg Would Iteloxateorwould It degrade Would It bless or would Itcurse To some oxtuul thovi iiuoslioiirt luuu-nlrjidy beun utiswerod hut let us coinidirthem What loitdticatinai It In not theI cramniltiu tlio mind with fnctt nor the ttufllni hisinumory from text honk Mon have teal tiedlintter Thoy know that the proems of a truo-ediiMillon proowdtt from within outward Itluiinns thu unfoldhitf of powers gi Its of I ioutnlread 1 IIn Itho child the draw Ink forth IIntel-lectual

I ¬

and mornl forco and tuaehlnt It thobest nieim of application the cuItiMitlon ofthe physical nlxo that It may bo a strongIiitaltliful comnotuDtMililclo for the Hiiliitua-lIo duolop fduco an immortal intellIgenceto lit a pnrsonal moral agent for dutyin that state of life in which ItIwlonti tills la education Anti hot i

lociirs till former iiuostlon What lo that stateof life that social position education be-no inure mochanlcal prmvpH but tlio noblerwork 1 liaMt described then must the toucherknow thu cluiractei the bulnir br whcwu tmln-ini lie Is responsible If ho hits two Iuhligt totrain his Mrst duty IH to know whether theydiffer and in what way and until ho knowsthti ho will act an a blunderer If ho trios totrain theso alike If lot has cltvon theso twobclims different places and niiBMlons In thisWorth to snub a dIstInct and complct furni-ture


of nhllltleR nail endonninntfl intended tofiroilueu such exquIsite harmony an U made bydlveme fobS from dIvers htrlnuS ho Isrulpa-

anilbit sinnIng before iod who overlook ullthis nnd clumsily thinks to deal with them an ft-

tiatiKht of thin worn Iron Wo Insist upon thisrtejts dhtisronie and distinction between the

eoxis and that It Is Innate and exuulslteund dhlneltr ordered and tlivrofoto ouoon and hold thud a trite education do-mancN anti exacts a power of discrim-ination


between things unllkn a most deTout and rollulous recognition of the Inunenn-thulinpasbftblodifitanee between tlin HOCS in-Hxedbt the hot it the Creator sad hoeurnil bypntiiral unit stul rItual laws wh lilt cannot bobroken with Impunity Therefore wo protestpalnst coiiducatlon and denounce it as mis

C ilet otis The Biixes oiitht not lo be udueat > d-

tocother unlem all distinctions between themIM ahollslied and If they cannot bo IIt lIs morequackery to attempt the education of tlio two

oxen on the Kama linoAnd hoeondly as a practical iiuoRtlon we

hold It to be radically wronir Nature herselfforbids coeducation and piotosta against ItThorn ato physical reasoiiH for not Hiibjectlncgrowing clrln to n prossura which younu-Jnon easily enduro There are social

Jf reasons for not throwing young men andI young women together at an Hue whan the tots

jilntm are strong and the Inteirst In caeh otherIs InevItable Thvrn are domestla reasons foruotuxiioHliiRi girls to thu gaze and hcrutlny offount turn it large partof whom are bout iii itchmore on amusement than hard xtiiily Dfienoypropilety dulleaey demand for the maidenthu piolectlon of her niotliorH prnsenco I at

A t< iih no aluo to the toitlmoin liorno by on-thu liKln to the entire harmlessncfs of tIlt sys-tem


as now In practical workingI IIn utirta IiiIilnees therii IH quIto as strong ovid tice to Iliecontrary whIch however It would bolndlscrest to trinities Hut let the thIng ito on andtime will show what mlsehlof It tins wroughtnlready and how ns has been well obsenedtutu olliramun of Athnno Into our college hallswill tie followed inevItably by the ndtont otJHwroillto

f In presentlnt tho posltho side of hIs argo-

IIntuit Ir Dlx saul Tile educntlon of the

I iiMuiii woman should IMI first an educationfur homo life and homo duties It depends on-lntr social position how far that shall uo ho-riild Inenuillty Is the law ot the proaent worldU alwats hits lbeen Italwnts must he the solenltcrnitlvn tscomniiinlBm whleh muansn leIghnf turn nndiiiK IIn chaos As man dllTeientJoeiai criU s as there may be so many nro thu

lit the woman lbut traIned tInt so usto Ixi trite tn her homo and able to make It allthut It Is eaphblo of lielnK Hare Is scope forcurl nrlelyI and crude ol ciii t II rut fur IIn IHods-flilht


all homes front Iho hIghest to the huntMest nrn sacred If man lie the bruid wlnnur-jvomin Is Ihis homo in tike r To stud tho-liltor > trueture thin necessltyof thin homu-vould IIn my opinion bu moro urrilt table thanlilly iimount of abstract seluncp Woman shouldlknow the homo science from bejliinlnc to endTho homu Is the dlvlnoly founded Institu-tion


fur eontltuilne ami traIning the humanI riieu it IK the iiimtunr of love and chistlty

It Is the school of sweut and valuable disciplineIt Is Ithn predestination of children Shame ontlm woman who tails an > oducatlon hiuherlimn tutU whleh iiualllles her for liar place ns-

rixnnt IIn itch n domainI nsthntlt I Let bur llrst-tI taught her duties ns head of that wondrous

I littlo leilnit nnd secondly IfI f she must for anyI rftluiO i outside of Us protection lot liar ree lIst Unit tIn larger s > stein Is ono lu which the

limio Ii rinlicdihid that Ii tn substantially anS nccrecato of humus Oui social life our civil

irgiuul l7tt ion Is hut nn expiuislon off homes a-

al4t network holdlnc them in It AccordlliK toS their witI 01 IIIII leliiL I hut Stub Is sunuronr-

In peril The woman may have work outsldiOut housii and In the broader Hold but still

l Minll It bn the womans work and helpfulformhow to thin homo idea It cannot bo liarI nl Ito net and stilMI I ii IIn Itho streets lo ota

¼ Jo Unlit In gui hilt biiiinuss but stilt to buI run lo herself tool her sex and tiuui hnr innteh

jSH inllueneit ID m ilnt tin the eonimnn faith-sIhti n which her iwu wulfaro sLid tbu wet

faro ot all ot u depends lot mo present twoconcluding thoiiuhts That wino If over thopresent sytutlt nf IhlliKs nhall hate pan edaway amid strifet bloodshed anarchy and a-

roMilutlon tutor horrlhlu than any Ithu worldIns > ett MOM IItt willI I be became hiss loin lintceaed to bu iiMTeniid nnd dnfendcd ns thiseimtiK the curia eellnf eMIIwitliiii and of allthat is lest worth hiavltig tint keepIng

And thu second Is Ilids IHint Ithere U not Insociety today rt Inoru dincerou public vnoinythan tlm woman who under tlm Hellish Idea ofIllftlioI I her elff upI IInto u hluher IIntellectual po-


or of llndlniI another nnd n forvlxn fieldfor ttlie ereulsu of her powem dallhenitely tinIlls hursvlfI I fur social and domestic duties andliersiiades others to follow that tunmplc nnd-tn make of thcuiseltcs such rharnoters that nohomit Ioiild bo Ilirifliter better or bnppler fortlutlr piesvnco nay mote that no home couldIruld tliuiii Ihero itt a nil Hues of womanniuonit us nnd aomu most wretched Milnfihuloiis foolish women t women who stintto llvo with no hluher onjoct sooerIbut simply for I hut r ouii nmusuinetit nnd-plca me women who ttliouuh they have Itottuslipalc them up by their own unconiincrnlilofully or their wa > watd lles who turnnelthtr true wlxes to their husDand nor truemotlivnt to their children these do harmenough no tongue em tOIl the mIschIefwroueht by them Hat worse by fitrltsho whokillsI I the home tibia In Cold Iblood and holdssuch s lows i it IlifeandI spinnds such opinionsabroad IIhnt tinder her prompt Hnd exnniploallI must IInoUtnbly end tn a cold anti sterile indhlduallsm lent log nuiiulit lure which Isworth nn tlfl ort tot rescue front eterri iii lust I Ittnot listen lur a moment to thu horrid snu-unstlun of this time that love end retuieiiii fl hit ului tuit lou Ito woman IIs no longerIn order nmoiiR men Theo sentiments maynot IM IIn fashion yet till the sit lint tthuy existdeep IIn moo its hearts IIllst said tthat now no-bodyI full IIn listit HiRtI thu age of Hontlment t IUpast Ithat the vounu Ilook on IlifeI unit on eacholior in a practleal niureintliu sidilt lidhelp Ilie MKMity In wlih h IItt comos to Ithat I YetthiuoU some llamu below thu riimku somu-1round for tliesj repionches but lure tiedwomen lUst leuluon il hilt for them Thefnct that we hear encoring and sarcu> ticspeeches nunlnst tInt sex followed byretm t < fruit them proves simply thatwomen lotto lost theIr power Let mo siippoautthat thuy Ihnvo lost or lessened It IIn two wimott his r by deurndini themselves IIn tlie ev ofInon b > a siipieme dtnotloii to thliiLs leastworthv of their nttontlon nnd lby InlldflltyI I I towoman H lofty duty or else In iniod iinniire-by hirdelillur theiiMehes nftei tIn lllislclof thumalili pusUInK to tho fiont by Leuplni U-PIncesanl nulcr about Ihidr rluhN nnd iue-loifntlM nnd thus pnnokliii men dIslikeand despir0 tliuiu otliliik ean uMtr tnke u-

womanpliei to a man If she N trim lo her-self


shu willI I hi nil Itint tt be always it nil eter-nally


true If sit milsllcutu liel Ithrone tncutliutier placi In hits heaitI he sun ho will never tryto Hnd Hiiothnrto lilt It nor over conns to niomnfur hut

IlhIVJ loifutn 1 cuIflflOILSIA lVoio llliin llml the rlrnlvd ICnllronil-

oinimnlp< it III ll > rii TniliijTho stilt of 1loeph W IIluriilinm niul1 Jacob

Horn a stocklioldois of the MetiopolilanI I Kl-evatid llallrnad ompiny nualiist HIM Mnnhat-tnn II illvMi Company nnd others was ealledfur trial jesteiit In SupiTmuCouithiiociilTel m before Jiuliro Van Vorst The action Isto Set aside tho modilled tease hg roe uiieiit ol-

OctolhM ISil bttveeii thu elevated Iauralcompnnles Mr Iliiinhiim dejlied towlthdinvfrom the Oils < ounsj fr Mr Hurry objectedCounsel for the MetropolitanI Compmy askedthat the case to ovui until this trial of the simi-lar


suIt In hut Common Ilead In which IhuMetropolitan olit phi y IIt IplalntllTI I Alter ndesultory thluettshctit In tutu hihi It wns stutedthat n meetlncof the thieu Il llloid eompnllleswould bu hilt inday tutty tosottle tliemattots-In illiuito In tween Ihuiii an ndjitutntneiit as-dlieelud until Mundnt 1InIK Van Vmst siltthiMn must Im n doliilto dl posltiiin nf the east

Mr lluiiihiim said lnt evening that he de-sired


ti tvithtiti tin fnm tho suit because theilremn tnnci In which hu biouuht it huLlchincod I Slneo hn In iri ttho suit Ithe stockholdeis nf the Metropolitan Cuiipiiny haveolectid n IISoird of DiiicloisI tlmtI iepieentthem nnd through tlmt li nrd n suit hits l en-beuuii In thu mime of tlu eimpnnv of tIn samemitiirii ns the lluinhnni and lleriy suIt M-lItuinliam ilu of thu uplnlon thai it is unneiv-sirytitplOiecutot i I t ttwo suitsI Imvinu ihu am poutin vlinviiinl iliil now that lN follow btockhold-eri enn uinduet such an netlon iis ii eitmptnyit lsunneceiry fit indlvl luil st1 nliholdeis tu-uress tlm suit In trillh 1m i a titiitithr

Miniover Mrt Itunihnm t IIn fiilvi r of nc-ceptlntf the proposition of compromise nowpuntIng tietweeii ihit elevated toad ompiiniesThe prop Itlon U to make tlm Metiopolltnn-sioek SMI ond profeired stock with a six pereent cumuliillvii dividend uiiarunteod hy the-M an Iei t tilt Conipan allI nurplun carol ngnfter the pnvmentof n six inr cent dividendupon thu fllodtiOim of Mnnlnttnn commonstock to In divided pro rat u upon the stoodprefnned and common stoik An option Isextended to Ihit Hitit piefeiicdI stock to shi are Ittthu sinpliis eunints and by it Ilint st k nnd-tho Metropolitan would b plafid upon thinsnmn ltsls with six pei cent eumulitivo dlvl-demU KUirantecd on both Tlm iiirplu nfterpat I tic sx PII tent on thu eomimn vouldthen be dltided pro rataupon Ihe prvfurrudandcommon stocks

A confetence butwuencommlttet < of tho Man-hattan


and MetropolitanI Co iii in It his with tho-luwof ducting a compiomiio will take phico-

thii evening

NnlTlnl ni the llnillntor-Salvlnl iiiiulo his last niipcutnuco In Amor

lea ns the UlaJialar in thu cndemy of Miulclast evening He hal a large and fashionableaiiiliincc Ho never performed with morncivo antI powur lliiprnledlr was he called

before thu curtain At his larewull bat tntuthis nttui noon ho will appear ns Knrj lmr

n tit Inn TroubleNtohtlngno Brother silk mnnufacturers at-

Int r Dii tI ins Sui York tomtuUHloii tOte tu a ntnrf h fctrcct Inn P mitt their erf lltura for an cxttn ttv-

iof i iK nmth th ir cinuiiUion nirnJinnKlt IK miJ-

Iiatt nmJf he ny ahancvn on flock ami Ihu unit I slit11n tilt tttiflr nLCmint nnnii slit lu onlii1 tulo i o ro-

iulrc tttcmit tliiif emttliL linn uhfclilm I

Luilis flie his uue4 IliMl lme lint betu imlil lhut-It IIP ireprltlI tlntl arrniirtiiditrt nro bt luif little to tikeCult I rntiiut s i t i Mftiii Itt iiif clithiu 1ht t nJIt-nr kft in rnllv f sir tie f xtui l n Thf tnttintMit sitItlltlnl titl tli J rUIIOl itlKi lilttllititMOf Hlilllt XMltn iiHihl iiuui1Ti sluti lianiinnl ifivtit of > i Ui J lietnut iiHiutl Ithf mill irtierIi iiacliliivrv sick tartof uim It h 0 IuthvL it ml fur stlm biIIij retchnt Ahl IHtitroa-

llniiuhnt tu Itndhcr itll bier nuil riitru nf Uicti-nioiu Vn lullS an ttfiiinciit r iirlnr UIllitlc-r mt n l rjm irelVrr1 drill f4J I I i ThulOire ilu Ill rliuiluI tu I < siulitlicl in New Yorkulr ro twit ear airu IOu > rtal> tUtt H H ttrench hou it-Jl Mnirat ftriHi-

tUitinit f kt tulorf f Tincon Arironn hm mmlf nniuilniii nt KiltI M JruolHfrir Itin liiftltof Inn rs1Horn without prcfreim IHII ii lniillillni art lOti>

ilia n vtirii hutiittrtl lu em vel Itlmt aiitouut

Mr M uric Man Ills Stall la kit Private HomeThe motion In Salmi Mores suit ngninttt the

heart of Iollce to rsiraiii tue Puliue oniinhe-

lnuera trout liilertertiig ii itht ihie iloposut tilt

lrri rctueuural I his ti ChIlE nf I he laisioii lla ii as-

iurgiieh clerltui lii Siireine ion lieliters leftsJ illgC lsiuolue Mr Mrsi iiiisil suit that hielihluilSMith ruin I lip huciulit if I nraiiu iii ii In re-

Ii I in uuauilii uuiiI I lue luyulr Iii tlcuiisi I his halt It it a-

Iceiruil lu eiuul IS lie I elcirsilu alit iiiahu-yliii isuTu liii ii it In utluul lie fili tres rutunrsul i4iiit-ut iltiiii Pt i atil flit uuiInltrs uI lii uloiphTie lisle ivtutre I iii ii ri icc I rehuiiriui u at In be cii rutI titil lip a i tirilire it M r N re reSilIencea tier lie STile lull ieLh till ti tithe ill ritlil In utoIn tilt home tthat 5lr Hiidtrtltt or an > oilier diitln-Kiilheil ellUrn mlhl do In hit

i nr oration Ill ii id Vndrrtti argued tbit what ittM erse propnKPd In do tta not only a Inllnn of lawbut aim an initrazpi upon the fecllntfiof tne Christianlonimuiillj licitIon tta Inert ci

Rccovcrlnii SIOOOO In n Lurid InlerTulThe PennsylvanIa Ilnlhond ferryboat Hud

Slit City and tIe > ott York and Sorttkh Trannportatlon-Cnmpanj 8 hound itiamer sty of Non lehu ii err In collitlnii In Fibrnar I 540 John M Martin ii ai n pa en

eel on the ferrtbn t A irt flsttirc fell on tilt leadThe lion sit alTei ted hl nilnI thittltwav noreiar > touiitIl tie htm In a tnnnUo asylum from which he tintlut n tenth nli tvd Ille md both compnnledn Jndue-Larremore court for 5ibiii dainncp slit > i tirdn-hereovered i5 I 55 llettai a itne < al IHie trial billhis ttlfPletlnM Ithat on tie nlbt uf lie Iii on whichlie bn I IcMlnrd bo knocked tier dutvu and list to be putunder restraint niraln-

onI IHilt leitlmonv Mrl 1otn M Scrlhner for the ute

fenilant aikid Hint thus > ult Ihe dluontliiiud beiaun tho-lnlntlllttn > li iiaiie Mr lonpph II Chonie Itt lUlnlllln-

Rkpil for pi mil ion Ilo liars tie theilnim fur nainajfidfront fJiCii to luooi Doth inollon Ii ItO dtnied

ugsni IncludedUnder the recant Court of Appeals decision

Iollcemnn John SiiKont ha recotend In a suit In theSiipn me intuIt fl ai bl salary ttlillp he wn IIn irIson on s ri tree ol comi Icily In HieI rol berv of tin ManhalliuiSHtin i Inilltullon nn ttblcll be wasatnuitted

lli e Wore it TVrciilk of HoaeeSlip hnd the jilmplnif liiotharlie-

II IIP nnrht tt lieu tlrt trp met lHi r fit ttaimurkiil ttlih nnniilililit uuu mill teau Strut ttii

I told herltrr list lusIaln hiiter tu iii hut tliiil

To sure the juini Imr tnoiliaiAnd take atta > hi iiinif-

ftixt evcnlni vrhen 4 saw herI aiked her till t on net

TlalbollleofI Illn kltlrfhaiti ttti1ilrlitbil Ill let u4Jp

Nnrnk llernk riJli alxiltriilrre FoedornHead theilur of thliiireal tragic drama now attract

liE crnuls nUlitl In 1irln In to morrnwi iiimiiiy-

Heifiiry In nu romance of mudcrn tlinei U there tvuvtiiIgnIter io many emotional ejUoJti In 10 realillc a

inunner Ml1

hinnIt Rtraoparllhs his trlflitcned ntMa a dull cyttilt Itig taeLO

iVriik Jrrit Mole Eyes urni Iiirliimeil Kjrlldisi > i c rapldlt tnridb n > liiKir Iliekeriralebral-

ippotl nllaliam loll 10 nil ruuiggisls n H in crytSvFor Thick IlejHde-

llenty fttrnnacliit billon condition Well Mar AppleIVUmitl bllDui inlhurtlit 1K alIt

Thtnu inl of vtompti bleit HIP iHy nn ttblch firInrtii IntnrlH Ireicrlpllori vtai inado known lo-

ihem In all Ill useul ruiitiiiuu his i iuinic he-

ilrnitirliK down nall nu hI tS ills nnd general debiluytII Iis u situ teitii renu dv wi ilbinif slid bcallnMprutitles reiiilprltof Ihe ntmii i ails lo la lit iiiiterimcfrom Inurnal fetcr iuiur iiun InilniiiiiiatUn or-

nUerattou 11 uhrtiggiill i lir

Ani iIiuii mi Pr C U hlsteuut Silo CurtIi a iiff 1lhcgt ruJ ci aul ttuitdy 111

The lleennn Sa en iup Umentof Hie Illutlralnl Timtlhue link IIn a work of ill tu ipnrtinif man should be-

vtithoiitlt her sale 13 lull nevt i dealer Irlce 10 ethIcThe V Ir Jlluiirnfrrf rinses II Murray it N tIiis

ScirM ttnnl nnlrihlrl 5 teSt talun In city flT0double ur > ailu4 MKIIMO iw Cardigan lac kit uU barlalni J W JohnitinJ ioilranl iit shin his titli it 411

HereI U gust pies a tY K llninnian dnifnrlht hattonta it ruts lust Kl > n Cream Halm cured my suit ofcatarrh IrUe lt cvnt nf ilrnrtflu Atlp-

Pr llrniuir Coleri and Clivnnmlle Illll conqueredmy hciIaciij Ker U T IWatr LviUe Uliij 4ilp

spfia1 ottrA MOHAVa KXPKKlKKtK



llutllslthhibeOn a recent trhli ti > a rcprewititltf nf lIlt piper fhi

the city of llarerhlll Man s lilt Imnnrtint InoMenlincurred us hulk cannot fish In be of tie itreatr Inlnreball and especIally to our ladt readir The tiswpaher man met a laity a trlilo > t middle age u llh haitilOut male hair that conlriulid ilrlkli jll > ttlili piercingblack eyes slip pnMtiitdl n Mrulnlit I full lath itnman-ly but inminandlnit imnbliipd ttlih inannir whollylad > like cit i it proiionticod Any acute jjudiro nf humini nature iiinld su c at once Ilint he tta inihoI preonce of an umiual luriotiaire one deiHntM In acinm-pllili moro limn mint of IHT rex and tn PX-

erl an liitluenre fist rrachliiK In lu imwir Thinlull vtna tin M W It hIde Alninl fromiliildhoiKl ihe lies taken a pei lal Intercil illitt lilly trouble cf her fox tilt has protialIe been more lucopiful In tpllivlmf ittfferitiK slutsee liii hit ep than am other tinman In Ameiloa IIndi Pit bp ascii In bnte ten to ttnmen u let Floreneq-Mitliilmiiloand Hnrolh Dlx wire Ito Site untriiK sotuhluts The lnt slur ofttnmtn it Iii U err In t be tIrciulistairont nnd np nrenllt bponl Ihp reich ofblnnanaldthat ilin ha riHond to bealtb nutI tieiiiitsn site almntI-nnnnurnldo lout II Ma r nlr nntnrnf Ithat Ithu lorlbn-lioiild In CIIIIIP sisItlii Inn reich and it Mi lo convene

wllh her more In di tallllotv bug hate ton b> n eliftaiftil III the hrltet ice of-

midlilne Mm Inutilehrt

inon IIhnnU I i ir-A lonir limp oprlalnl IHow ilid ton happen loonier

Ihp hell at that enrlt hay when tninin In the profeaSill tti ro fjieclallv frottnid dottn upon

I think f si listt natp Inherited n l heir fmni ni falher-Irnf J C WnoU nf I tutu urt CnlliKo Ilie ii use einimntIn tIle profusion nb ird worker nut iiutlli parnpi In-hi reorentloni Me bunted onnvldottblt und I temein-bpr when enlv nine tpnr old t IIIPI Ito dliipLl IHIP blrland anlinnl Ilie bud killed I foil Infatuated stIll tellcat t Ii noo even tthen and the Infatuation hue continuedtill to Ithe prei lit Hun 5

And did j mi bpitiii t our HinUm SI pnrU In lifeI cats hardlt C n > ic lieu I bexnn fur I cnniiot relllMll

her it Itch I did not rial medlonl Illurntnro Yontrnuld acnrceb believe it but 1 vtm a ilender girlnut did not iteigli over Uu p unt > but I teed In-it up unlit shier IllICit nnlll 1 mlock In lie

niorninif pnrlint oter int itudlo Slit let Cr driamInn of this Illntit jt time 1It itemed Iti thoiutlimil fnr niv llfiidince r n tIn sick nltrtt s centiuioiit Itch I lortnlnly taiinnt fl ii tthpdato ttlun I linthptfnn prnclUltuf IOf onnro iinst of Tilt ptild ntnvtoretinmen nnd the tmlnrnl eimpatlit I full Inr my erg baaInironMd dnrllK nil thiec tiir v leli 1 hatV bopu-briiititbt 50 closol In rnntnit vtllli IHIPIII nnd battlenrnod to luitklpMc heir lirci nil inipnthlc viithIheir Curt rlioft Aflir Ilie tile Ii lug of IIhc niion Me IUnl Cnllpire I Kpimred liters the fitfully I aneil ex-nmlnatinn Slit rei plvid n dl lomn I halI prnitl od furi stre Ire iii ltn hut nine hilt IhmiKhl II doxlrable tur11J e Cud Iiur diploma ttliich 1 tIll vtltboul cay ef

lIlt cxpi ripncp will the mnm Slit erlrindlcacof ttnnien btitln IIPPII so oxpiiito inimt ntno bo i alilaide Can von uite inn Konio feds riirnrdlmr them

I Inil tHint ttoninn ppoinii born toMitTirlnif nil wltcra-ihe ntoli Ihit It I ib > renion of souls ear on tier part nrottltiK to uinp epi i lal reid iliC potter IIII Iho true iitmo-wonieii itt Hirniinb lllo without itnutiml iiilIerlnK butthey nre none the lInSn in ilanirpr for tin ro sue criticalporiod all nloiti Ihelr pathttnt tt IIPII tIe ntmnl procaiilloit reiiuind The innumerable loiiiplnititii callcilfpinale is ituivup tHIP lrrp < ularltlt of lifo nnd i litiicpa-of the s I let nil IndUntii Ihp prrl vtliloli bninr useriveo tMnnniri career nnd vtlikli itnliki utltiided tothus result dlntrotilt-


Iis tin rp now uuy by which Itbcie terrible troublecan I p minded

hid itutt Ibien tie problem for > oar TIP hntill aflife and IIbedi iniind of fiiKliinii nre ilearlt attvurttithi

thohinllh of ttiiniiii I hits IIPOII perhnim inuiiinllyP-IICCI sufnl In mt troatmrnl of Iheir trouble till IlienlIfts I been inntit rOils that einid eppilillt 1uhhnrn-II reonll ono In pttrtlcnlnr I hot i xhnnlod all HIP nnnleq bell uTile ill HIM results is ire not aiiiifntKiry Ibetnine ttorriid nter IHIP cine nut nnllt did notknott ttlmt Iloilo lull iiiLlutl Hionuhl I ttoiilif irt homuituluig till of lie uoiiul IIIIP I loud lipard i ci thai runsb rn iniiin ndtd vi rv hUhl > and n I lrCI ret itomo-an I mtidoi n t mlcal nnnlt ii nf it I found II scsi herfiptl pnn nnd Hint lie InittedlPiUiwi inininntlt tatiliblp so I brirnn Klvlmi II lo m > lbfllii Ill linntiitK Itbolt tor tilt a bollli iflnt ottn In mt trial jot ItiKctnod lo iou an ntmoul Immpdinti ilTui Suit ft coiitpulp ouri ttn i In rpHiili snite Ithen I have inch It i on-etantlt In mv irtet lee nitt linvp Cli tel i vorv form of fe-initte ttenkneii Ce well at dlplni i tnent droplcnt-tntnori i elludropv cut nil tills trouble 1 hnte shinlined It KlththeneM of renll incaKtmif prunanoy-nnI iceiitiUoii IIlutetd 1 bat c fnMid It of untold valuealit teflttll-

IIIlntpton clue objection In eltlnj me the Imbue ofHit rpinedt of tvblch > on iienk

None ii hates er I11I In W eras suft Kl lacy andliicreuroitMivllml lhe n itoiri lot nu Hein-elVrlnliiltbin it lint of Hint I lint P lilt one end In

view In tie treatment uf mt putient nniiplv their retoratlon to health In Hit nccompHi liniiiit nf thf end I-

Ii triile tt lull I In lit IP to be lu ni Hi lul lie matur whattin jirofi lonl cult inn nip ma > Ibo-

inolin In Iho Nut York np rM Ihot lr IHammondI

Anneit nnd oilur jrulliii unit phtlclaiK tire takIng alliulir atmnl Mr wlliKn-

tie slit sit Indepenlent Ililnker In the profpivlnnare bound IIn do n I HIII hotvcver on the leil sIt tentwith mj pmfolonal brethrpii at i eli can lie and tiltlady prndnciil1 u henlllllnl tnld lilldnl mnnnled III Ithefruit of it bodice vthiih Itch Sell proM titfd her by IheMedlcnl hoclilv Iknown lii IIbo Kutlini nf illS Ilumbihiunlly if wlilcli she It it lriiitilelut liumler Ifler ox-ainliilinrlt obinlttliprii orter remarked thai the modi-i al proftioilon etldptltlt were prnnd of vthnt hlt hnd-iloin ui tv is < ll might be In Ithe lOistttkui of nidi aInpdnl-

II nm proud of Hun he rj Ill mil I vtm nlheplinitd a ilinrt tllnelnii il rests e alt iutter at a lurir-inlnrj to Ink liii Iruf It orbliln II lies imitlri iolHie al Halbi Wall on Hip Im tic i unit di Tint knowlioir IIIlucy beard of me sill IHiero tag I wu oldlued to de-cllne their ofli r-

And an In our txerleuce vtllli hue dUpane of-woniin vim bate found success Suit IHint Warners SafeClirp hue boi n n inoit etllPlont roniiitj-

iv a I bile bad iiniiinnl incvi C enl the remedy ofwhlchoii peak luau hell proven of ertnt buiem 1 lu erannhnttitpr inmeliiiioimitnllon uif It 10 lu found luIIhemnrkiltluii arebul and houllI bo molded butthe ccniilne loidt liono of Hi virt but

And hi not I lie lrautice of jour profemlon Lijnred-

Nos lii leehili 1

I lii Itt It r how IHmn otorbeforo In mv life Ifroze mv limb Intll winter while rIling one cold nightIn tee a patient nnd tin obliged Inn main Indoor forotir iwomoiilh liiiuio lee I am lieallht cc toucanKPO bt hulk jug nl me

And luuuy I puhllih liiis Inti ri lew Mr Wlnxnte VVn If what I luis e told toll ilmiilI Ibe tie nipali of

allttlnianr wnimn who IlIad be iiillerln I shell beIIlrtCllb ttllllnittohatult Ituihi this uI

LOCK KII ix ii iiT vviiM n


iTHAVULLEliSI Mr Spiaker I silt 0ilbOssl lo the drawback action

It would take lnouoi w out nf Hie Tnaiur In fivejean A few men would be nIle to manipulate Ihei-

Mill Unit of hlpi This people of thus Weil Are IIn no moottn bo IllIcit city longer lhy ilionil oIl a and when theyfully nttako to the iUt Hon the will crush tilth outfierce lion the thlevel who rllle their pockets

So suit ConKniimaii Ineiiihcr of Wlicoimlu In thellonie dnrlnic tile Islets on the Shipping bill

ConcirnltiK another rqually Iniportniil nuttIer howovir Mr llm ntlirr lilt n diddid dliTrrcnt opinionIn a hale letter be Ms I havit infferid fir tcnri willItxliitkt mid find llKNONri CAICINK Iomils IlASTIll > hlrfhl binellclal So oilier titernnl remedy cItesme in much relief I never leave home without havingthem In my tttlle

It IIi an lenient of hIghh practical ttUloin net er to harail ihit nnprepartd for an enuriri Whometer alwai cnrrln nu umbrella Ii perpetual renlv for ailiower Now there are In title country ilininandH ofmen constant trnulllns nbont on bn < lnt Si or forpleasure Strainto bid drnuKht tarn Hiidltn changenfweatbir and all the rest ot t Ito chapti of ncclleiileund Incident lie In wall In maketheie people sick underconlltloiKin 011111 Oil I 1101 se runodt at blind Ii wortha tlionivid flril chats ph slclani In Intnironla

Are s ou about shun tTit lii II itrip S litI out for half Adoin IIISMIS CAIUMi limilli Ilvsllthis anasup iliiui In ainonif tour lit r Itujitis Viii ill curryniithlliir cleaner or plrntanur Diet lire oillok lo notsuit nro Ilo help Other lIre site iitI nm erliln llaI ircfiul II Ccl tll Irtuillute Look for tile Slid CnpClll-atthith Iis ilit In HIP ilniir Irii e ii tunic-

S vlil in A J ii I Nit is llueiiisI s New Yorkro ouit IA inll-

ilimilirllileliaalllKNit J4 I Ils

SAIIlFVIrilAI fir cuerTitliliVfi111 tilt out sri iliihtlEis 11 HILOVt

I l tile SiStI tt jiltlilt lOIIMss hNMIA MMMPAT

Ili a ft ut it Ihtl lllil IHIlTCIirH-nnif lntlTinSsof aliklni ar leinotel II ffllNliillAY HAI in ii Us N v If IMI enn HI it ivi riim Psthe COVIIUXION iiitlI II Iis Illlh IA II khhillEnSII silo nevir full toclin IllilLl IIIIIHu III UtIi I ut s I lN I hit Cult lull STi I Si Ith


i Id hi I NTItilt Alti 17111 ii ItSlhI stIlt iui WIJiluiIJr Aiii I TlR t lTl Ii i i 1 lii I NIl I r nh our druggistkusii iltlehssiTi clAhi

SIS oiioiio tl iiiVi STTIlomnii MIUIi expiun In lit lllipt nnd limit nrlUllofnrnnten klnlif vuilllll viosvicnnd illvss tiltSVICfiirI > llMUIMi slutI IIICOII rillvi tiles nio tcHIli First iliin nferinct

lI Il4 it U 11511 hit Krmnnenllt uiredlat radicalainl hannliia intlhoit Is rile for ilnnUr and referclue Hr II tlKIN AT slli4ion ae

JIIA NA Haln nUnllllc trentUe for IHaiimarried pioplp Irli e 2j oeni111 UN 1 Ill 21 Clinton place New York

ANK F IK A vTiT SA itMAiTicrinTsill do nm b < jtrsundol lo taku un oilier Soil b aldruigfil11111 IMtulls AM lit flit hAYS uiohrid by

mil hWciDIi M Innaniainounhbuio raiiln I17 IninnrqE-


rw llbIitttioit-


IMF AIIIiA BAI-InicnpTioxorTiiipoiinniJANnToit iiiciiB8

Tin vsiiisiios nvTTKrtv-


CUEUK ciioniiiR vTvH cotnr LVFAMSTTE




JJ AUYlMI IAUIKM IADIKSMl-Do jrril want a lovely Panel Picture CaD Inchee

printed In ten colors moiuitpl on cardioard bevelledaol gilt idee FOIl Mlllllsur1 If so eahi your netridealer for supplement ediilon of Ieopiri Uluary NoJi conialnlnir IMar > of a tlihat ilosslp

Price trltli picture lii SellsMaihul Ii Cli ahuirvm Ill IJrcilllvJ b 001LVIH

1 CO Illbluhn Jl h se st gs York



WILlewlitudGurrlisg 55d5 is it lawHrraurkiorMr fkunillrr n > InililllnllliIt-rilKiintlou lromitli Nenl end Accepted

WASHINGTON Fob 23rllo 1rcsldctit to¬

day uccoptod the rcsleiMtlon ot Ileutcnuiit-Couimnndor Henry II Qorrince The followI lit Is the correspondence between the Hocro-tary of tho Navy and LieutenantCommander-Oorrlnuo which led to tilt resignation

Nosy lie rAlirtati WiSllllaTOf Pet 5Ills i Tht cillfiillon of the il itlmcLt lts Item catlad

toMir IMtm nt jiubllnliFl In the Ntw York XfnlnyStill In cii orncy of free ililp Vmi will please Informthe lUitartmrnt wtirtlifr or not you hftrr engaged In any

tiilnM mit Mrniir nixrnt Irofepainn unit It to what-and


thtlhrr use ire touter any tinpUiymcnt hyI or otil-

lf tlou lo other IntvrnU ur ir In any rrUtlnn ihrrtto-or hftvu rcicUtil r c inct to rictus city coiojitucftUuii-IIllreaeuu tit cii > titch iiniiln> audit cilillcAtluu or rtU-tlon Very re fitfulty tss K Ciuirtm-

Kfrtvlnrv of tin NavyTo Iirlilrnant loinniiuiiler It II lOKiuxut V 8 Navy

Xrw York cit-yIltiutsilaittCowmander Gorrlnc sent the

following rPMNew i out Feb 71553-

7Se SIms IF r fftjTMfir fvcrrlnry flftkf tfnry-Km In ri ljto our helter il Kth S I kmo the honor

tn rpllfrlfull Ihfiirm UK drpartlilvllt Dial I hues l rf n-

and BUI nnw rinplojeil n ft ruiiiutllitit inglntur 1 tiiivt-

rtcvltcil Hint t t xpict to rocrlrx conip n itlnn tII r anou-

of Mipti iinplnjrinitit My titter of Julie IJfl In muwff-to thus ile irtnirnli helter ot Juno 24 contHin th-

f olloti lug Ktatviiieiil t I tin not nnw Know what businesswill orcnpjr me itiinnn Hit riluinlun of mloujh thit 1

lull If It l grnllel hut Kfnurullx liSt tiC rviliftuKllitf iru-

irlnri r IIn IHIP us tnt nf in forming 1iu mi iut rnnnfCIlulls Hint uoillil lnlrrlire III it reiluli degree wllh tnyitntlm tm nn omctr t utinuM rnniillv IIptnlrriiit 051lK-

Ii it Ion In ruphy lIi IIluti t ri i Itnl on Inn JS lull iUnShIll If nit Iiirlmli mull Aiiii I Imj I HUM nut in 5 rt-rnniKil ltii > hifr i minn UMIIH Mint VKII Inlrrft ro In 1-

1nniolfiOrifrev 5111 niyiloih tui an oilIer anil when IdotI elicit ilnIlibif leflIhel r inv rtilKhiitlon In furtheranniicr In ynnr 11 Itt of Tii 9 I rsicuifiihly Ii formtile il inrtimnt tnnt wllh Ime txcrlitlon liFrHniiftrrOiled I am nut umlr SlY rniitnyiiiriil ti> t roiilluBlion In nn other Inten or hi any reid Oil tlieritonnr tinvi T rrci ipil tiorilT I p rot to rrrf ire itnr SOilliftivnllon IIi rinMtu of os pnili tlailotnii lit oMUalion nrlnlirept I h i x N PIlli Ii nit nnhlotnifiil 10SiI aHill iKlnirr lir IIlr II Ml k rvHillU fnrwill h I rxinct Ito recihi stl intltf Ilint nf itiuit DIItill oniili thn nf nit ri port If tir II In coinf rotn-ili Iril I t H uil in rmnplPU hues rri nrl u Ithili It n ihIli n

null n lioinp illnrOIl rn im tin i IntTfirr1 hate thiS honor to J e S tr riiitLttill tnurtliv Hint

5cr lullHi slit II foiti iHdir lioiitpnttnt Coininninlr-

rTo titI t letter t3ccictttry Cht hid Ic r nimto thofollowing teply

Aiiinfini I li In l5tMil nnrlillrr rf iiIn Till In m U In lit illmrl-

in ntNlilurof liifMh rtcHiol rn liuinlrt of H-

iflpirtniipt Crete fmni Hit tniriotloii ihnt yile 55 errtnijtintf I hyr rMrt ninur obliKtilon or tn relationIi uutrraim lit Am r Cli Aiiimini Hint toll chile-uiulit nrfttlti4 nu niiijt elliot i nitnt ol 1lkatl > n or-

n Intlnii all I Kmi iii soldI jour iifly m nu f hIltSilur mi oiii itinu t thi iiiiilu loire illii lit hutn ttitl I flit or oft MM nnl iirolin4 II 01 luioiii on MI nlijirtnf xunrul Inc nFl I ir > rv > r irnllt

is M I0 CIIA S III 11 Sash I irt of Itie N icyIIMII liiumT Icr II II linirnv 1nllil Slulti Naty

Ntw murk tillIluutCoinmandei I nth lige I ittil led

Sni Vii h IMi III l1tflltn

lOtir 1 rin fVr t tftii1ttirtltAnrtt

Mil I havr tlu honi r In ft imuUilLi Out rpoclpl oftnur hillIer nf tel lit nmrntliu 111011 Hip rrjtt ninlI-KI inn nn > ilit 7 in lIlt luttmnili Ifllir of SdMv lell rof il l T ttn < ii ii hiti i Ic I IliiiniMUti n1 MHT-

in liuu Ihat tin nr huts e Lrcn i nil tnvtl lis or PhI orlifts h n iinilcr nliluitinii r In rlitu n iiliint llllau-tlit iiit rUnn I hail iiit iupi I in hid nn > urh fii-iftinn In1 l i n lint mull I riMiitnlI ti nrlrilir of-

rtliI in II tin I pen lli iitinin n > II l < HIP nlitlun-trulilol flirt if th I nilil Hf lieu Nut tnrtlt tinplu lilv upon liii ili ptrimpiii fir t roll rilmi ilutIflii slitifpi tloiiH nil tunuu Hit irrc luiihlll I nt nore 1011 milI ziq Pniilllint tin i IinrPi ntttii ri nn r i > ont litH i vnuilnttii1 r fin nlil ilriitirt Iron HiiN i iniloin iiniiIcr tic Mil rulii lof iitud ifHi r i tin SI tttr ui lo

ill that tat titriifiloi ti huh h i llfii or ISOP intpiil ilIto com l ptiill In iillIiilIi In tin Inlliiinilot lh it I lntn-ttpr i rtvM it t lii Ih i l jiliilon in Ihp Intirittt nr int iinptitniiht ir l i ill ni niii in Ot notA nn n mi is H I tMtnllt mt etiiti mi in r npi n-

Minu iiln > upontli Mruli h I Iits Hi niirIII InlinK Mt rrlilt cf 111 7 In tnlir lillcrnf Itelttn nnh iMtiitittM in f rniklt unit prmni tlr nnmti hueIn rri il Iilililiil Him in tthcit I iuu In nit r h-

nf Itel 7 i lOSt thf hnlinr lln tl PIllMlltnl Ittlltrh il 5 hill lis nI lit on rlniuhii I Iiii i r niiiit witii nit 1 HirlnilnMl pnrtini nt of-Ilinir 11 lf sj inuiiiiiilhi Hi Iliusili i if H iiin nlllli-

i luiim r hill In no nihpr Inetn su Tli itIll lilt in I litHi uhr of all vnl lot nu nu 111 iiihtitloiM nrt pit liytill l lilt SrI iiui15 t Il ihl Iff nil i nillumel itihllli rn-

if or CitIes ul iIi mo ur lit Illuiivrtlili if IUK ult

It H M lie i MimM that nit IljhIflli n it riniiHliff-iiuin hIt in r 111 ti nniipr int tliuiI i iKpnltiirp-

T hillS ni iiII of iloMtr si lilt not h itp Iitch noiuht-hn I It lircn ilpelrh or nulrl that iuiy nplnlon-ir I II i nrt Ii I J nr liuihItiiu niI 115 puitntnrt nineUpr-tlnlf

bbs nujtion fiat nit ojtnlon crnM tls thn eor-rnpll1 Inrtitinor t cell only lintv IICPII inn Ir niirt t ntpr-Inliinl In iliu nintiiifr tinr liller nf lull lu sett i forthlj II riirrilpt uncriiinloiu anil tunlii iou tilS itt ttlioiiut nrfl iitluri rt it t ill Dill nrntt ninttl If tniKlnrilllntil not thIs rlllt tn I irvlto It I ihl hue llinitotill Mi < i tltn1 Mil tills blue AAlclil In mint theUinitln tub huac olTliMnllt lnfnmu l nu Ihnt t nph uiitiuuhbt ln tlieli nni tittp I tint nllprnitlti Hmn Ito-

it ppitfuttt pinl lure nllf irin t Hinl HIP ftnititfllon-lu If nut till esih lice prtr tn Hm nl initport H ti nn much itin oVinrt nint I wlI lee ninplnl-ii cilon nf Kli it SlIt hut IIP eniiiiitnnlciiiil tn nu ttiUiou-tUtt MI I nn opportunity nfluriJiil iriu of nnetln IHIP

ncr uIii lIlh-itii nnlilpiiilflirt rpcoril nf tn cnty Itt o t pars nf ncrrtco-

In pvnPe an I In wit i ulilltm inc I think Itn thai muchIrotpptlort trill HIP ileritrtnipni I hatp thp honor tolip 5cr rtpectfult ol r Outui jell uprvfinl-

llfVHT H HoititlNn-rIleiit oinman ter CnltMMatri N ry-

Tho Hecrotaiy then hnnt lie folluwlm-W llirTn rib 17 1K81-

SHI Von ttill rnitpi1 nt suit iirili at t nntcmmro tn-

Wlvhtnirton riporl to HIP Chief nf Hitii Ilnrrttl of Natl-snilui


ninlilfflrvitt Ioliill unl nnmln In Wa < hlnitoiiuntil filth lit wUr tr > rich rUnll-


ti I K TMANPLVH scrrflar-lIcnl

of the NnsytoininanUer IIiMtr II lolituiiii-

Corrhngitwnhtt tloW hinKton and thcro wroteto the Ircsldont as follnnn

WAJUIISOTOH Feb 21To Iht Irll Irnt ntt tnllKl itiUj

Mil lit sit ie Nr I hate lint lionnr lo I tfiiili litriti nitrpfl nuilm as a Iii ttieiuiiul Iomniauilpr in HIP nltpitSlate > it to tako irTfttt iiinnrilniuh I resputi

iuhli rOinrM that tin lionnliliv hpirilar nfHIP Nntt he rninrnUil tn Inform Ithu lrmlil it-

tvhrUipr or not Hirrt are any hurjrea pnllng-iiiuliifl tile Sill ttliPthpr nr not Hirre 14 eitItii-uce on record In Ithe ilrpHrtini or ttlihin lila

ILnntt Irdnp nl nnv in I or eipp ii n of mine Hut Hinn-MII lot liiklnl prior lo I lii eIeiiIltiuthi out ni rnknatIlt IIf MiUi txlftr I ri IPPI Iifnllt 11511 ton 10 ti her afull uiil foniplptp ins I ittioii prior Iin I hi initptania-n iuii rpMlun Hiin MI Hint lilt niithl rn nril of I ItvintHIM ycari iit1 titn nionlliit In ptpr cnpncll from thatof nn enlifti d fpnnittn lo llml IIIf HIP ronnnniiinnir nltlter-al ihfTprttit tulle of Hiirtppii tthei cull ti eia of huenat > Inttnrunli In pcup nut IIIKII n < nl a hunoralilyI-IH U ha I11511 nialntailipil I hatf the lionor to lip s cryruvpeitfull your obcttitnt sets mil

IttNUr II OoltHlSC-KIIpnl l oinnmnilir tlilttd Si airs > avy

On the nnmn day Secretary imndlersent twobrief notes to Mr Oorrlncu Tho first Informedhim tlmt his ririlKuntlun was aeeent d Thosecond enclosed the acceptance of the reaicnoion and addedYour reiip l hunt cprtaln Information shah bo given

the IrcMlitent ttlll bo rninpiied wit Ii

fleerotnryriiindlorsald tonlKht that lu rocarded Mr Oorrlnijo as an excitable irrItableanti Insubordinate otllecr who haul hoiiiint no-toriety


In ussiilllnt hilt Hiiporlor Sir Chand-ler


added Mr OoninuH resltned In a litof lInger and now proposi to halationaecoiintH by vltuiHjratlni thin Knerntary ofthin Navy liii Is a prlinlo tIilzen nowout of oUts and he has fits sumo rluht of vltu-poritlon that any other prl ato eltlen line Itool not tthe slightest ilijnetlon to lilo fUliiKthe society In New York lilt thesis tiiuoit fritrails and free ships an n naval Ulcer hut Idid object folds doing hut in Ilrltlnh employThu Hucrntai tthun sit II Ithat IInformation hadprnlously readied himI of IIho probability thatMr ion IIntro was nipreientlnuI llrltiHh rattierthan American IInterests and hit hnd eilledupon him to explain hut conduct which waxthe occasion ot tho coricapondencu and of theofllcer ruslicnation

Denlk of Irealdent CliMtthonrnePresident Iaul A Chadboiirne of tho MaBaa-

cliiuvtu Slate Agricultural Collcjt died at noun cilrrillS at thehonipof hU brother In Intr Mr Allen ilcileitrk1JU Fifth avenue HP came to thii elI host tterk toatleitl ill funeral of sa Unv Monan and was takin vlo-

lenll III nn the train The lhhuiuithhith8l ran > e of ileathWas pcrltnnlll Mrs IlinllHiiiniu ttnk Suit Iltoilell aolthe vtaninniUntl nt her hiiilialiit tillS until IHID endIHPI ins cc itlwi a feon and daughter There ss Ill lie privatefiunriil service lit HIP lion 5 loiln flip lioily KillI


Itaken lo Am-Snmlii

et Stats lucre Ilists ss ill ipanprtli i onii tile i baprl of thus Auni nllllal-

iCiulieg e and wilt

Ihpii lie riini-Pr

itl In Illlanntott n for burlttll hailln-

OUobrrwit lIPS In North Kirttlrk Me la

I sl IHeI tterkid i lure on a fat in nnd In n tntitS ihuiIii ttuilkd inidlclli aflrrttunt In ii real

VaIN N H andthpn was hued fir rillis nt Iliillliiii-ArmlHiiv In ISIS he wan gtsi tinT ud nt HIP hi ad ot binI MK III llllMIIM Illll 111 Hlllillll tllllllllfi iBIlrlt-


> HE Ill lllll I 111 IIIIK I lallKOil ptpral fpliool nnd In IKM hipuille profumir of

I inltrt Chit natural bluior In Mlllinn l ollviie In-SVJI he 1took u rlitulnr rlialr In lloniloln IoHoic nnd

fir ft iii year In Id both tiistlee tenitiliiii-InI Herkelilr MpiIlPttl ColliKe and Iiclnrlin-tn Mount llolvoku SpitUtiar In IHVI he tlnlipi-

lnrop and unit to I ru boil tn sllud ii Ct5 and Sinlalto In toll Ii tini iirrpnland In IMI he was

iieilel lo the ihiiihihilrlls M nnte and tt lull In thatholy hp wa made tic lhrIt Irpfnlpnt of HIP lisle Avrl-iillurat < nl < ffp the wnnext rho < n Crpvldent of tile

1nltpriily of IHOOIMIH nuul lite vearn later Prenident-nf Mlllainilelle e I III nnire he luld nine est liift-narS hi ttaiaiiilnepclid I Iriildpnlnf the Agricultural

olieirp HP wet an ardent KLpnlillcnn a IimtorI o-filvlnlla

fII I optor of tatt p nnd a tioptor oft Midicln-

eitrtottnirnf ttvn rottnn mill at Wllllfiintonn nnd a-

nipinbpr nf HIP MaKiiihtiNplM Ilivinruul iiei and thusCi penha < en lloyal soilett of Niirtlitrn A litihiuli jet


A IUely rtskl Between Cal sed PHlllUUwIth NulllTaMi a tttftrttD-

CMTUV Feb 2IA light with bard glovesfor a subscription purso of t300 took placehero tonlLht In tho Crlbb Hall between Ihochampion colored heavy weights Prof V-

Hadloy ot Drldircport Conn backed by FrankHtevensou of Now York and Charles Godfrey ofllOdton hacked by James Kconnn Tile menwuto to fight according to the Marquis ofQuoousberrv rules tho flcht to last six roundsat the ovplratlon of which tie ono who html theboat ot It was to bu declared thin winner Therewcrofull MO persons preftont and at OU thopreliminaries all huUnu been arranged themen appeared In full ring eontume

This contest lleteroe John L Bulllvnn an-


lis to bo a square standup flfiht nohugging wrcBlllne the round to llast threeinlnutcK each with one tuluuto rout botnooneach blInd

The riot was pitched In the mlddlo of tbohall nnd wits surrounded by pcttoennnd clialrnIn which wcro xeuted merchants brokers andpoliticians and leading oportlni men from tillparts of tin country llettlnc was at the rateof IU to 10 In favor of lladloy

lieiievorythlnu was in readiness Btllllvan-ordvrid tho Welt tutu tIle rliiK lladloy was thohint to thy hilts castor In with his second SoapMelplnn lodfrey jumtiad Into the rIng coonnflerunrd Ho was waited on by Irof halleytIbo wellknown olitti too colored cliamplonThey were reeelxed with npplaiiso Tlioy wonta line lookingI pair of huugl lets Illadloy Is VH

tears old 5 foot 10 l< Inn line IIn lieluht andolfhod 1711 pounds lodfrey Is 5 feet hUs

Indict In heluht 27 ears old and tipped thebeam at 170 pound

Time was iilledI for the flint round at 9iWhim thn mOlt fated ascii other they hail a loathlook In heIr ss After tliaklnu1 hands In anhungry manner lladloy rtinhed at Uodfrey likea Hind bull pendlni In plledrhlni blows andeliaxluc his iinlaKonlst all over tutu stage buttlodfley kept rtml and on the defensive ooiinsrl tic IlladleyI with slednelianimrr blous Thu

men then clinched and htmuud ono an-other


llle liars Kullhnn nhoutltiK DniikhOld star Ihut IIt WIIH UHolen8 and he had Ui-

Hteii IIn and Ill oak IIlioni apait When Ilime wasculled IKith men wuru weak amid lladley witsbleedlliK Imdl-

In tlm Hicond round the men agaIn HUirtledthe spectntorM Its Ihun vIgor ttttlt which they doI It ti red llutlr shitiliIlllithlt nor blows lodlreyn-diickln mrprl ed lladluy H wan blow forblow all around tho rim

InI the1 thirdI I tillS liii lliulloyaHliouihi I severelypunished canm lo tlio Hcraleh Beemlncly n-

slrnnuurinan than Oodfioy Tlm fourth flIntIl flIt rounds st oro desperate flliiLulni inateheH-nnd hoiiect tr8 Iwcamoeraniij with oxcitu-iiient Thu bliitts itiiUiiftMi like whip HlinpaTlmrui wan BO much IIOHO nnd coil fititlon IthatMillhanI I i nald lelitlomen IIff you do tint slojtour shoiilnikI I tImId hollering I will tttop ihulight llndluy In tho llflli round wits sicknnd weak as n kitten holnc terribly punlsned-

InI tin nlxtli and laIt round IliadloyI did till hoooiild IIlko a uimo oh huts lIlt tho IlidoI hail setIin iuiul lust him lie kept hutoliiK Clodfrey i Ike-a lunar and blow Ilkn n porpoise At lonuth-Ciiidfiey in tlm rapid exeliunieH lot nn aliu-memlousrlchltmndortelllniadloj face luston the SHIKII When Im hit nn hilt lees nciilnliitnnehed two dteliinnniur btiutss rightand lull Vthlch knocked him out of thou Miuniluliut nut leilored lodfiewiis deelatud thewin n< r and wan cheeredI bvhlslJnHtoiibaiI i I kern

AllI I cixnl jjtulRes say that this lint thit was thomost hit rrltlc IS or seen IIn I ii isbn lrclnustut-hlj llKht the elmmplnn of Ainorlua John L-SiillmtnI I ii huh I1eto JliOoy ut Nutty Jersey caoa-Mliiillllidlil lyof tin i n rou mix Ilium Car-roll of Noithuuilon and 1mf J llauloyofI-tOHtonI had I ii rue tilaili I lug rounds Haxoyloeii bull DiMciui Smith of Itnstnn had threo-llMly mid haidfouuht roiimlH In n hleh bothreceivedI a baek eye Ilorry IMillinerI of anadnand luck Onui of lloslnn hnd thieo lauuliablorounds the tatmdlan Riilnc In with eyesHluit and ritnliK heiy blown all over Outersface eaiuliiK blood to llnw Whrn they retliedthe house was coiiMilsed with laimlitiir Hilly1iiier th llchlwolilil ehampion of Newlnulind chnlleiiKed IKriink White of New ork-In Ilklit him fir tllIl it tiny lITtle nnd place

I he nthei match fur s2riiI a Mdo anaimed toltiluo lihiee btMen IVIn MiCoyof NetvlerseynndI lamesI lorinirI of llosionI was declared offhy iin on ofI Iloilm IlireakinuI lute arm IIn a re-cent


chico Ii titer


Tke Ttvn Ilixtllila NliiEKlnff Knrk Other nt-mi KxklliltlmtI lit Ilielti more

llAiTiiiiiii Feb 21 Mnoo nnd Static linvo-ll en g tI lug nluhtly oxhlbltlonn inI this city thisweek nnd durlnu thin dntlme hint boon pioiu-enadlm the streets ostensibly to coo thoHlLhlsbut reall with the view of nihortlslnn thulrshun Thou two lliiglhletju cot it Illtlo nicllod onMonday niclil and trot to xlukKlnR ouch otherii ii Iti lit ci y 3Iite got in a brilliant tinder cutthat nearly knocked Ihue Maori off his fret nndmade his m e blued The pollen InformedIthem IHint IItI nn > mom haul blown wero struckthin eillotlon would hbe stopped

loniislit Mrlt K Kox addrurised thin crowdnt tlm theitrt nssertlnu Ithe MnorlH anxiety totIght Sullhan and clalminj that Die littler andIhis frlonds would nut uiimu lo timeI Mndu BIIVHthut he will ilu whatever Maco tells him andwould flulit any man foi Iho eonls Ithe da aftertomorrniv If lorn salt so Tint veteran howeer wants the fljlit to lake plnco nlxmontlmfrom tIlt sitfnlne of artIcles anti wont hnvo Itlilly other way

1 here me iiulton number of sPorts In towntillI of whom hao put upat I haroti ins Tho

combination to which Ithe two Hunters IlieloniIoxldentlyI run us it hitish hess enterprisennd tIlt shloit isspurud tn keep tile twit tutorseoiistantlyI l si fur the public Tho wholn crowdwltnesiedI n polleo lIt hi hethut ehihition hern on-WudnuKdlj and Inxs iiRimt offeiod amediil for a match between Million HieI cham-pion


I I police UricoIonian1 tvrtst Iii r and thinchampion of ttho Nnw z irk force Thin slortsKO to WiiHhlnctnn nnxt week for two days andthcncoto to 1uniiHylwinla

Seared by a FiddleIris Ike CrlilJIfia Isiultr

Awry nmuslnc noono which Illustrate theii prutltlon nnd lunorancu Iii thus colond ppoplp nn HIP

Ifiilnnula iitiurrtdln tIle kllPbtnnfn botrl at Mllford-it fwtt nlirhlii ego A lad lIst been plarllib a few InneM-nn an old tlolin anil the othcrK lieu been danclnn M hli-niiuli In a nu rr niooil Miitibiil1lniparrltidllielotI

Inline Its II lilknenr a ttlnilon stilt ill win In lilt sit of-rilirlnl it Inn billS Irillni were Iiuiuiuh to IIHIIP from IHm-II IIk tthlih vim unlnllihed lit human hand Ibprnt-tiiH at nine n ireneral iitaiiippde from tile hnne Into tiltMiniv unIt CrIes III it the flddln Ii Ill bewltcliid IOnu-l flirt In in Mid II tt nl HIP hii > t nt Xalinlpl Maon whottnw ill rilerii a fin stitkpuun nlMilfiiril 511 5IliIii Purrdpi Unl IHIHI In bud rpcoirnltd Ilie nhnde nf hi ilradfather fmiillt HIP bravet pprred Inlo the kltehen ami-IIeard the llddle ltll making this niyMerlnn toll 111111 andiiililutI It PhI bu knnikpdil from tho nail cud humidIIIII juisil ci lilt liirllanfathpr of Npttr Rnidand liiliil > hidttlli In lull none of Ithe ciihired people would Shell Ii-


IhoI house lot nluht IIIII is plrhnp linneci fnr to chitthat a current of itt tt ec playing upon thus s lolln

Inl Stealer Gunsfrom the Ultlmort bun

Messrs Williams nnd Kemp cut up three pot-hunter Klin In llaltlllmni 5 elerda trhlrh bad bepnlapliirtdnn rhurmlHt near Illavrede draco IIhUninkiapven tfnn led trntpil Hilt pafon b the aifpno nf IIhullalllmorospuriiunna A ssuie llon If HIP Ibnerapthee of hal ttpok I1111 wrre loaded guns The gunMareonorinoiult di utrilcllt t and rnlcillateil In u horl tt hllo-In llluuiiiuthiiic Ills hicks uhlih tin t aren rdtn tdaiiKhlrr-hr ttrholeate lie lulls vrelirh IIHt pnnnd IlieS are IIIfret InniftinI tnrr > nboul I 3 uoundnof hot hull nenrly-a pnund of pnttdi r Ihe bore In about nn Incb In nlaniptpr tintI the barrel Iic IB In S of an Inch Iblik Tile trimecu UN ilI rn n pltnl till arp lahod tn the boat llmneon be great uionirh In and IHIP boat bnck mI fnII

ilie Shill ii nf Ills uun IIa tin aine cc an nnllniirt PHKP

ban ft fbolifiin tilth ttalnut shuck and pen nlnn lockA hlimlo ills large nf a well almid weapon of Ilug sort-S Ill lrlnif down nt mug rantre fKJU to WJii s diipk IPlus

ltliharxo In a Rood Iuiys work Honietlini the buntfrom wlilrb Its weapon lhe fret will not unlce lo holdthe dead blnle tn > ay notlilngof the multitude of trilltiled and maimed ilnckt tvbkh are left helping cud sat

In Hie water

Adam Werleia NerreT-

IOIII flit MunlSftf VmoornfLast Tuesday Mr Adam Werlo of rinrport-

MUli i this chopllnil wood on this link part nf tiefill irs farm lollul n larue dead tree and on irolnif toIlust top tn Itrim Its 5 cIte iinderbnifh wa oonfronleil-by a large In ur tt blrh leisurely ttaddlisl from an shelltug In hue hIlton tip mlii coin wee s rr drip SOil liiluir flarted ISis n hut ehuI > motid n few steps when it-

t II rIltIt around Sill SIlttuuuu upon the Itree nnVlikh MrIS The ttaftanillinr It rote utii tIll Its ilmt IIK vihenttlHiin Iitn feet of Wrrlo dud iirinontid a S try ugly Sliditpllanl look Hut Adam a is not Ihe man to gel upi auntdiut undtr uch iircoiuusl suIt Pot a futv moment11150 st eiuulu ttir kleIn lulled 111 iii lusi millI II russ it lii I lie ilCarS fsus TIus best cinsileul it es itli tileflr lals 5 hUt iii I Si lutiru rettivcil the lhiuiihu ofhIts an III iii side i Ills iitik ntiitiu sent It ruulliuug

ft Iiuii ilue hoar It ss lea Sliluit uheallatu liii ieI Ii iiriuilfill it-Ii iii maul anti tiuelt strut ho hO hoUse and got iussluiunc-

tui haul it iii

Sieved l y his Iloreee TailIron Ilif Sail title Tribute

Albert noiiLliei ono of the drivers IxHwoon-flrrtn Illtti mid IIIK Siuid who tta Vault In theMonn r 15 W edniPtlay tenlny and la out In theloeniidI

Hiintt forty iluhthnnri ttailmnitbt In to nlirlit bt pitS ills thus C SIllS llolivhprly wa nnalde lo mount ItholinfM after abindonlliK lilt > Uie and hue set be

intIuliell IllMirllllnr tva Ill fiillotti He look hull oflIlt riivni Ion animal lieu niul let It drag him Whenpttr his band bei nine SI litiiiinilirit Dial Mi could nn-

lb llhi r rttaln lit ifrawp i

ttouldliil Hip animal tall Hiu animal

slIp and nine np-

lioutlnriill him shill iiatlrntl till until

I lull a nln ilIwlilsil his liaiiils In Hit tall55 lit ii iIhe bor e ss lilt ii refiime the Jnurne



Polluted Air sad flIrt Keea e at I U H-Ialuclrnnljr

>Kerrulla reaM ICe Iomba Tke

Message Hill of lay of a tllntoai ConvictALIIANV Pub 23Dr Hiram Barber

physician ot Sing Ulna prison told the Assent ¬

bly State PrIson Committee today that tho nlrof the prison Is tory unwholesome nnd tIlecells are barely larco enough to nccomtnodatoono person property The air Is very bad Intlio cells when the prisoners leave thorn In themornlutf The forty ball mon who are sup-posed


to ventilate nnd olcanso tho coils neglecttheir duhhis The straw tlckson which thu con-victs


the are nover washed antI sri not changeduntil they wear pull lie advised the Introduc-tion


of hot and cold water for bathIng pur-tiosos The food Is nutritious but ofInferior quality When convicts ontor theprison they lire carefully oxniiiliiod as to theirability to perform wont Hundreds of men aohorn the Tombs to SIng Blng In n very filthyeondltion ThowltnniMprit gtgtilittit somelog youths to State prison whore they weroeuro to bo mentally and physIcally ruined Theonly prison In this conntry which has a lowerdeath rate than Shag HI tic IH the WUcoimlnStale prison In drafting prisoners to BO to theClinton prison the weakest men are chosenwhich may account for tho large death rate inthat prison

JameH Mooro a former keeper at the Clintonprison Instilled that the punishments ho lundemployed wore tho dark culls the screen oollthe pnddlr and tho crown Thn crown IB nnIron conirtxanco wulKhlni front lour to twelveoumis fashioned to lit around tho neck withrom throe to live pronirs extondlm upwardourllfths ot the mortality In Clinton prison U-

iimonK priKonnrs transferred from Slug HinirMichael lIilgerty hall keeperal Clinton prison

thinks paddllnii Is preferable to tIle turk cellKomo men cotuo tIlt of thin dark coil aftnr eightdays lookIng hadly but unsuNlued They arethen paddled until Hulslued The wItness outpulled a convict named llcsslcr out of Ills cellmold ordered two convicts to driuz hInt totIle Luanihouso Ho was dragged by thefoot with his head and back on theground had put Shot In this dark cullHo WflM given broad anti water Witness pun-ished


inxun lot named Howull for feeding Hessher Ho haul gltnit llessler water nnd an appleWitness wont to Husslers cell and ato tIle ap-ple


outside hits door but not with tile thoughtof aggravating hut Tlm yoke was put onHosHler wIlt MIB deformed Witness told auother ionvlet that ho might put n rat In Hosslors cell Witness stood opposite HcHslerscolt and saw him pat thin rat When Messierwon lid on bread and water ho proposed Vn witnoss if ho would cIte him hosplUil faro hewould ci it himI n diamond stud n watch nndmoney Witnesst infused llessler had hrtilxedhimself to excite ronipiRslon and got rid ofwork and cut himself with u spoon ground toan ndgo out nf pure meanness

Titiiv Ieb Siierliilendont licker re-oontlv authorised tile statement that laun-dresses


sixteen years old In Tniyworo ablo toIron twentynine shirts n day nnd ho thoughtconlcls thuuuit hit bu nhlu In lion Well ttsI xshirts n lilly Tho lending shirt manufactmurHhero suit Ithat most girls of sixteen cannot IIronmore tthan llfleitn shirts IIn that timeI althoughHomo nf tlm best hands can llnlsh as many asthIrty Bhlrls a tiny


New York t4lck ErhustnreMisle Feb 3-tvelysr STays STOOF AlI culT eoIi Ihu EtOiOs-

lii lb Pt 44s c t lI 1k Teni coup 414 ti ruin i Su 7u472i 5 lpull lie 4J7 Ohibolie 141 IlN-

CiihtoAll Shill TuSH soiltel is EllYlo-II AllA isle let I ltl Shot AProiu 12h

Iii lilVch t 1 5 Mel 10 iti5s4yttiv a 011112 Cliis 5 0 ci A hli7 I I suthnu let IlXiJciCh-

hr lIis ii hl laitr4I iJ N 0 5 iae telIS lhiue till lit 1st 43 N V SI 8IS 5th I SI te lull lIuulT tel 7575I-

II ili lN1k tuui hiLt1 I NJ tsiut ipi 111214 Cniu si I stlSfltt1 I N iCill alljul-iii iii luc g itits 32 NY LEA S-till lnl Oiah t sl 7Mrtii 11 lIta hi 5 It ltt liS S Nih A flee I h5-

IS Deli A it I 5 NY eli ii 3 lul-hlllnil I W I S g

KiiI A tisi4tci 01 N i Ih 2 st-

UOIilnAlit irk 1 1155 7J-UI

1s lett 1 Trim t A U I vim IM-

fIns tO 9W-I

llliallilJI It Weil 2itf I s-

II III Ohio lilt Ilit iIiii >

I II A HI In run in HiT t Olild Nil UI HOIIJ IIron Ml C A IY U7t-

UIll tituhllu HI M-

JlOriKunjut A III N II c S-

rir IUt ui

ham Iac i iiiti M1-

H5 ItolntW Ulrx > 71-UIKkliAllankrul i Ii 11 1 104-

Kitat iii5KIIIIN A T i mi 7SU7U-

Illtkli A III ilrli rtul5

Knn T il rivi-k11 SI P AS v Ut 11-1IlStS r A Nnr K ILtosbst IM A ttUI

20 iIi K AW ui IM lIck ix KHVIS log cnll Vl UH 4 Itt I A H KI 2it-


II Liun i

itX II l lIt lit SI I 5 is gatiltei

3 M A SI I Ut I It 0 8 8 hun

04 IP ilClIMA

8 I II II 2 luSI IP hit UTrl IMI D J7IWotwi-

HIIj A I VVd DIU Til A 15 irinlp SOI471-II ilI A M ut-

II Tug Cell UI lId

I A II Se M tII Wall b P iiIit7t4iti jCull lInAC ACD 10115 SiuAlul-

ltlilrn1I Sc iiui7S lueo4R164ill Mi 5 Sulsi itt 111151 ortC iifkcOu1t-iLi All t II tb7 Ittihuu 5rvnr-iui AA r II If tttEll1 sit gtnu lfl4441jlC3i-4W nIl iauibti ai4i tel N V Cultssuoot 1 I 7I 11 ltitulihal 01 1 I I ii4 IOS tthi 4 hi I J

441Stl lisuu liiilll tIll iC° I 1 titUs lliuaiile 4SufiII-J7JIIHIInmio ueuit N J 7lMilH-

nlIf 107 tinul-

ItllOI I I rno sojjulli riiKKIhliiA ti ice iIIKKiJI


IVrlii All id till Out A w jiiKjifi-

VJOhlotlillti 1 IIISUJII7-CliM

tent ttl lcti2151 A soli-

cmsJO Ililii South H

21i A ItI Utif JO-Clicl

SIlo Or A Tram HJIMHIIMil A O Ill ItCh Pro IDAK 31rw J422 hail lce Mall 4t4a40T-

isTIIIVI iiii Ii t44 Illll CL Co Illinll7lolicil I AW-


lIt 4ll ououick If 4iv iiiI I iLel huh A 1111 4 I islut 401lllich A 0 5ijlTMi-


Iiuaeu lrlFKOIll WaJil Ito A litl IsaiHil-UniKwIliKlido h Tenn a-

AI U uil


tiYb54 Iris hock 1st iiiMiiii4itI T nn Va 10 I hitch Wh3j2If4A llaI pt 1 5cJst1SHFpr 4u-

iiti II A SI Jo-prff

klliom iauii liii li4iM-iUUSIMltRl Iaul Lf H7i-

1700SICYiilllhlil A tSV27 i P If-


514ul III Im lliaHJJ4i-TiOKan

I II iilu41l1A T 1htur4i111 rftt Itutuu Tuhiiih 54

eeui K A Writ STViJt-lIrxi

hrteeurex 5 tue u41uI7-II Ink c hihu 11111141117-1llV

3 iii tal ttl 149 P-

II toil A N MIiaViU-IHlUincI1

75 Wait 5 iae 2 e274sil5 550111 Wnhu 5 tpf47 uklt4

100 Mil Ihi H

W175 Wsl tYTeh Nl55ilnnf llnt2 llanl-

lrnirrrr21100 tIn Iuc hislu 57VI tilth Urn-

JllManllllltlOlltil luinnlltlriital I1211

Ills I17 H Vlinalilllr 115-


I4151IVrin A Ill-UKMolllA

17 tiib irnpiiilleoSt Colorailo il3iOlzresses

lOOVIlinlll A St-I

21 Ami rlcaii 51L1iIJisI nn f M-


Niirf AV f 40fjnH1 2ittl Ilomrmaar-Tntnt

IOihId NaCil A Ill 17i 7S lalin 44li75577UN t 0eilt UVnllC-

UIIilMl1 1X illS illilid


iMoKlull Klnl-

III 114 AiIM

H 11 tti4 hut 4 Tx suli 3llhIll H rn at J1 lon MnhlleA Ohio tIII-


I itIr H ii r 111 ii3-I

hut 5 Essex l1hi 122Ilb h 41a r Iii1 IU > > h 4 Chat t1111 retI s 41 r tin1I iiiZ-It

N 1 Crnt 71 711


M 4 l I liii ll-Culorailn

ili N VCI 5 hInd Its l2sCoal Ml R-

CanwlaN T Klrratvil Ii hiT

Snnlli Ul1 I iS V-C

Norf 4 wrjiT Sit 44114lb 4 I C B-

I51 Nut Pacllli 47i 47s

Ilb OI51 5 Iml 70i 73 Nit Iac pf sjV-l

P141Illlc II Ay 1 t7j 1IH-


iJ toPar soJ Ho-

Chlot44l mi-

ui2A Alt I1O 11O-

Ditilt A Welero 251 2a1

I I A Writ 121 tIlt Ohio Vntral-Orr

IDIlil A Ilililloll llil tic on Trans It 1Urn A lllo ii 4 114 41 llhlii A M-

lIarlniMall11 u

I rli-llrlv

n no 4l Ji-

tXI i nn li4 its Koik IiliiuU-

ItkhI 4iui

Han AS Jo 415 A llanv-Kuill

52uHan A lit Jo nt si 42J APIIti-


4 Tri 11 71 74 0Lull A Naih-Iakr

5l r8t St Iaul 4 Om-SI

47J-HJ7iIK A W-

IIIIP27 IP A Still f lltl7


liSt tt San fralu iaro liiiKl-

Mi4i > J


r Han Kran ti-fTnai

211SI 40imp ImtI ito to PadtlcI-


Milnn A tIucs 17-

Mlinonrl40 Parlrtc-

Waliaihloll inHI

Iac lesi llOti-H2J5

A Pat uuI IMlrh Crnl liJ Wall A Im pf 47 JMil 4 HI Paul IIII his H Wit tIll Tel SI4 HIS-


Mil AM P if lid 110

Feb 23rTho stock market opened nt bettor prices

with a more conlldent tone itppnrent hut Mis-souri


Paclllo antI Knnsan and Texas did notsustain tile early nihame IDehiwnio andLackawanna wits very active nod buoyant andthe other coal shares lmproed on tIle openingllgurcs hut tilt dealings generally were notlargo Diitwuun noon and 2 P M nrlcos con-tinued


to Improve with Onmlm common andpreferred and Northern Pnolllo iiroforrcdoxci Ill Iniiiull y liuojnntt In the last hour part oftIle early advance wns lost by tlio wholeila hut tllii lliiuil close was ntthn stronghhio illore Iuiipornnt ollamigeut for ho ulay wereat fol hots Ad uuu uteollCalhbluilI Snot hutit-

illt nil Illelhli I 3 1tuhawarea Laekattuuii hitsniul VPeltOrll li 1olawtei ii tttiil llItISuill II Ia liver it ltd Itho rhi ntIs t ErIe s I lii hlhtItia-niiih St lo hireferrolh I li I ltaputatu iintl lexuia-

i I LilllIiillhhfl iunui Nashtthhho I Iakn Shore1 MIchIgan Central I iitehtvhlio utnil Chiattanoogli 1 Northwestern common IPNorth1-

1aelllonrn common 1 Ia Northern raclfle profwrmd 1U I New York Central Now Jerseytntral 2 Omaha common J Omnlm proforred 3Y 1 Ohio Central rnclllu Mall iiIllchinond and lanllln au Heading 1 ft-Iaul common 1 l Texas rnclllo F Union1iiclllc Yahash and Pitch tIc common 1

Vabish nnd 1nellle preferred J I Wuateri-iJnlpn Tolegriiidi jOrfgon nnd T 0 211Hock Island I1 C 11 anti QuItter PliocheBtor and rittMiiirgh L-

Oo nrnment tint Hints lionds wore dull Hallroad lioiiils neru moderately active and gener-ally


lIthIum with material advances In Krlo 2d-Ht tOol Ohio Central lulu hut Kast Tonnonsoo-Ineonies worn weak

Sterling txclmngo dull sIght drafU 1854-tl8li bUday bills IIHJUdHMBaMoney on call MIJiJl V centIrirgt amounts of motley ieinm to ho goIng

front thIs oil i ttt thIn Stuct 11iio Chtlengo Jjbi-iiclsaysi lutshutrn nxihtangn lie sutsauly hIltlist in I bho hint ttuiit hehuig atoutilt 118 low nut It

can go hales wern made Uilween Unlikent a d Iscount of 80c per tlUOO and more moneyIis being iiiderud hero front Now York Thucurrency now lilnir received horn from lie

seaboard Is nearly nil gold that being morehplentiful Ithan papor Thu Ku Loula-Jtfiminat

<Gluebesnys Now ork oxchangn tin Ixi

bought In any nmounts nt shipping rates asIho principal hanks IIHAO boon receiving East ¬

era bllla freely frm Uio country and iiuo car ¬


nod much heavier lot than lIe absorbed bythe counter domnnd

AdoDUtatlon crow Winnipeg yesterday cornplated noitotiatlons for a luau ot 1250000 totho city of Winnipeg

HocolpU from Internal royemiB trtdny IS2IBrie customs 11II4MC UHtloaal bank notes furredemption 5150iH-

JVarlsadlces uuoto 3 V cents at 8015 andoxclmngo on London 2524

BrItish ln > cstors nrn preparing for rates ofInterest lower than thin lowwit that hate overyet prevailed In the United Kingdom and thereIs talk of this Oovornmcnts rediielng the Intercot nn consols to 2li V cent Thorn Is n smallamount ol Jii V emits already Issued nnd somoInstitutions lure buying them lu prolurcnco totIle 3 V cents

Thin gross earnings of tho Norfolk anti Vcsle> rn Hallroad for January viro f2iNIH7 nndtho not earnings 177HH4 being an Incrcaso of

11811 as compared with tho coricMiMjndlngmonth of lust > ear Tho dlruetois today docidod that It would bo tinwl n nt thn presentUruitto dechire ndUldendI as tho company hasneed ot considerable money to itumptutu Ihobotlermeiits tend Improvemonth and to providerolling stock

Tho directors of the Cincinnati and BaltImorellnllrniul Company hao called a mooting ot tilestockholders tor March 20 to vote on thIn con-duct


for tho sale nf tho road tn tIle CincinnatiWashington nnd llaltlmoro Itallroad Companyaccording tn tho forms of agreement for roorganizIng the Marietta and Cincinnati Mallrond Cunuiany

Tho mnnncttfH ot tIle Kentucky Central Hallroad hnvo negotiated bonds to tile amount ofM800000 thus ntallrlng enough to tty thebonded Indoblednom due on March 1 nnd leaven biilanoii sufllcloiit to complete tlm road toconnect with the Knnxvlllo extension of tIleKiist Tennessee Virginia and Ucorgln Bistom

Application has luau iiindo at the Htnlo De-partment


in IlHrrisburg 1ii for u charter tothin Clearfleld nnd JeHei son Itallroad CompanyIthe line of which stIlI tUtu from a point IIn ClearIbid county at the terminus ot the Hell lapHnllroud Company when completed to Iunx-Hiitawnoy Jefferson county n dltnnco of thlitytwo inllos Thu capital stock U 1000000

The stockholders of the Hoosstonlcllallron-dataniuetlng In llrldgeiiort today chose thinallowing director Willlnm II ilarnum of-Iimo Hock Willlnm K Down ol Derbv EdwardAavltt John II 1oek and David K Drmior of

Now York A 11 Mjruatl of Now Mllford lloracoNichols WD flltuhtuip and Cnarhea K Avorillofllrlduonort At n Hiilmoiiuint ineinlUK of thedirectors William II Ilarnum wits elected 1resdent David H Drniier Vlco1nmldont andJharlos K Avurlll ISoerotarr antI Treasurer

The Iuhleh nnd Hohuylklll Coal Uxchnncei-havn agreed to make uo change In pricesduring March

New York MarketFBIIIAY Feb 21riour stolid hut stonily

Nil 2 5275afh ill eulltriluue illVg4 illtiIutuug itraiS I irSji uriu lileuei llltilbtI uii unil iiTiil tieilI-

HAIH WhrM WhO Httf lesser CCII fairlv sIRe hliHirculnllon sPilt aalri Jlolio inuh alliin ufl JTi forred IncludliiK I ll Jatfll JlV fl Jl ilrllnrnl Sill N-nItilili 21035141iv il innrulii nuil < II10 HJH furvtlnlil-niliiillnir No I at tl 17i4ll l7I ami No 2 at SI 0711 4

lleui nt iiplliinl lain 4212uiai liiiMi > n 2 riil al-ft JJWtl 2J fur rrlirnnrt i2JtiSl J44 fur Miirrh-

ll Jlisl 2J rot April l JVUI tIlt lint Siltfl JIIMI Ji for turn coil a luau of hi l ttliu furMarch at tilt Kt anil liarlrr linn but iliilithOle hUlirr iHlrl lJKll lutlili nl diitAi2u furinlmd nnil ili M p for while nf ttliuli n 2itl 4l3 5I IC fur ii sul 1i1425l fur st lou e-

iihsu NI 2 it lied III for I 4rluirt 11-

ttIC fur Mist Ii IttitI 1it for Ahurih luIr-il t lOll SI i lur i ilute lieu I

ipsi Ii 1151 lIlish sit TI l 17i Ii for uuw s Ii 2 liii si-iiittliiS for No 8 lius ilI3 4 lit flIt ui ChIt liii huhsill iilI72 fur uugruluIsl lund 725 ft pilftiultr 5 I I

low t of lpliorus tmhse 21124 5 ii iililu Nii 4 ltuliel a-

iq7l I fulr SrIIrilni S 7li I Pd flr 3 hurt I 7u171 5 Fr AprIl uie t lr May 7ihi47hte for

111111 After iuangewluia closed ulriuu Ni 2 teul winIcr raau SI 21 leluruaty 1121 tlartii-II 2IVI April lJVi4 tIny JiTs Jrni 2il Cornlinn No Jniliml raih 7Ji4c fur new dolitirrl Krbrusty 71c March 71151 April 7Jc May 71cJiinn 7li Oils lIrhll letiruarj ic MarchiycApril5l h5C Mayiic Jiinefil

ilinuKitiKRUliironro on hue e liii ss es serb firm al RW

S4sc fuul flit ciltCuIeeu ollitlillul iiiiuir ahi Hjiuiiaulats Hie for No 1 fur Itliirili llliiitil 7m fur No 7 On-UKk fur irll 7uv 7IUi fur SIli s 7 in fur ihint7mc fur Jul7i VM fut iuiuIsr inlll urmtcs In Innerill Miami sales Illiil liui4 VlarmiiilKi nml l1eu liga a-

Kiiatrann Ii t 111cc sues iiiiit lIlt llrm Ness llrloinI-noUBKci ttaailllM al lliii5uulc I til Ilr > t nlllllllK iillliliilu-ii llatr unrar SItS In unoil ilrtiianil ami higher al C-

4f7 fur fair tu tihucl nlllillirnalri I7 illihil > sill 1155

llies ut 7f7 III Ills hut i tnlrlfiu il riilunl ilrinirhitril u tii u1 ilnwlinl 5 Mirtiii

ritniiMoN Inrk ttdMOtilPt an l p pntUllv tincliinirid-nn i NuiitpilI al f niJ ti f Itirpi suihes tnrlv if I lu lid n-tfllirii flliI W for future iMhn no rnli niul irisiiilt notnlnnl llai nn onlpt nt IilOc lot lonirUinrhalf and half lu login 15 Slut mint tech and lIeham wore qnlM loud nnthanirtd Iiitrdopi npd ml tIltlilt renotida fee ilnn Inti r In Ihu ilat the fielhi-Kttuor > Head > cults cii iIbo pol IIHU ti e prime tltt-III 2ilo wil Ihue do HcMirn III7IMII 7o 11011 liV-rellind for Ihe Conllmnl III Tor smith Ainprloa11 HIC for future dilltirt culled luunii let in-olmllui Mnnli IIII 7ir > IllI Hi April I 1011 I I 7rMay III UIHIItHpi j June tIIi hhStliiic silllily IIIMMI2PI I ilonlmi wiaksManhI t1171411I I 7JoApril IIlt4Je1 May t1111100 Juno III115k Jnlt III liTr-

Atutnit III I 74Ut Dreapd hoki nrini tilt bovt toIliiht u jii oi iiUnci Wentern sc ftiiltor qulel-


thil iitenuh 5 itIluhu rreuiiiero 2144 II C tilt iouaI In fciuy-ilcIrs half itrkbuts till ftnd tills 2110515 litlulIl 5-

ts2ii tteKlrrltlhirhiit25t uulirt 13tZJit mliiI ilur2e Iii flit eel hull 51511 Stile fuetir

4I 0r Ohio do iera I il c rmimeM Si5 l4t IErg-is irt wtnk Jpnw lilt ill sue Irniiv niilii nn l M-irhtini jmjiiJTc 5 51ltrti frtili ttjiJtiic southerni

iftiiSet Caiiillitii IMgjJc lie IIOUBO MHC-Iliix M 141215-

tbOyynlriipuiis were hiiIh inlddlln nplnnrtl 10 H llcsdo Uulfi lii 7 IlLs nhs 4loini > rulurea THrlableliIlStilli lUster ill 1111 for Kebrunry liiiiofor Marchtrill for April Kl7o for May lunc for June Iu7ifor J uho innt flIt A ulglst 111171 for ellteihllit lo Jlifur luiuhiuct nnd lo Im for Nopmlnrinlr 71 lu lucksKPIlpt nt the Puns ililli balm

Suinnin Itinln htilt nnd quid itralned to Roodftralned l iVrifht 72J splrill lurni mine lower nnddull nl 52ti2e In s aol Juhihiiug lola Sir lltniuill-iplrnlpnm qnlu Bt7o fur IIIOJ and Ho tut 70 ° rtboine trade loll Uji Crinte certlllcatea as ere bittir-nnd t lIe pet nlallon nnlv allied lijouno hillS nt Si lui-Ml

iiIS llgl5iu rlimliiK l°iic Iill Ant Isis

sated Tallow dull und went aaKa IIceuI-il

iirlnie hVHi4c hli nrlne qulpt primeIllicI oleomaruartne ll 4llv Initiil toppir u rator tiles 4tiuiisi Its Lake 17saisi and llalllmnroIHlMliii4cI 1iiriUn fruit old IIJT auction lie fnllott t-

lTllsi las >lpmina and 1nlprmo nrainip fl 7iuflr4i-47oodo il leniiinaH7iI li44 I ills iiulit hut ntpndOioan freights littter nnd quiet both for 11 rlh slut bartprrooin irrnln lu Mtprpiml tit ittamnd i ottonIIHHI Hour 17 ill g2iSo bacon tMCMo lil ibronp-

t ltd sOu Kraln In Hull bt linni ipl dii to lnidon quotpd 7d do to HlaiKnnr l VI rellitpil pitrnleum-In Alit ss eri or llrrnipn Hi Itraln from Ihllndelplila to-llnbon by nail do In Hi timer Marih from Itchlimore to Cork fur orders 5 id V q-

rII re Hluck MurkntN-

KW YonK Friday Feb 21 Hocolpts of beefcatllolnrlhelaHlttnilaj Illiiar lual hr liri hpadNo lin nrtant cbaini lu itltiig rail but n titlli fii hugand i firmer loll tt lilt a told oliarnnoo Coinmon to-iirlmp Steer tit at from im H It loilrr hr1 lis upl-oUo to dr S7 ft lxporUr Lucud OIH hhipnunti111 live cattle

Hiioelpu of abeep and tanib for tttn dnv 7s oarload IT IUiJilienil A fitt oliolte Mucii hull lambtteremildat fair jirlci but rail ttero rlntt and Ithepen tould not be cleared it en nt n reduction ef i o fthi Sails of slueiu 55 Cue at 4Iuti7u Vt lb sIll ot Iambinl l14 71ip 55 lhii il ill liii nuinbrr also

llei olpti nf hoff4 tar load or 7t51I head Nono forlale alite Nominally iteadt at 17 Ioi7ti 5 hal t-


HUTUBI AtHANAC Till PATSun rise U 42 I Kim Sets 5 40 Moon rIses S 33

MHH wATrn THIS oarBandy Hook U 10 tOot liland II no Hell title 114-

0ArrlTedKinnir Feh 21-

Ri Amiterdain Ilira Amiiterdain Feb iits Aniprlqup sanlplll llatru Ieh lo-s Werra llarre Ureiiun lib I11 and hontliniiudou

1 uh-Hi The Queen Cochrane Ion Ion Fob n-

H Womlii2 Douglas Liverpool reb 10 and Olleellllow ii I Ill

S 5 Ithlnpla 1ainpbell fllaiitow Keb 1 lent Mot lIelull

55 Ir Calami muShier llotierdani Jan i7-sI Saraifoa Warren llalllinor-es llonntl I lletlIs SantoHi W lomlnit Croi ker Ililladelphla-sailulf Mrenni Inuram Ilinlnntonship cnduine Canulnif IlterpoolA-

UHIYKli OUTH Canada from New York off the Mranl Feb aHi liiditate Hill frnniNevt Vnrk at Lniidnn-H Itollerdain from fiew York hai pmcd nn Hie

ChannelSi em Han from Netv VnrkI at Mtprponl-h orkililre from New York nt London

mm rHim inHhiGi riiKTf-Ha nattlP from gnpeniiott n for Now YorkNi Anchnrla from llinntT for New York

MtltltlMIR-KAIE IU BOIH IOn TneMaj Feh 7u l al llndion

N 5 bt Ithe IKet K ii IMiilnbirrp Illiatieu Ir r llpale-Jo this XirKirel DII lint daiiiililtrot his late Henry A

IlIliallhMAItrHT IhCK Al MllUtone N J on rnenlar

Keb in by the flay i T Cnrttln IltvKI M Demnrenl ofIlalnflpldN JloI Mri fcllabplh H IVck of Milltn-iKNTWISTIhdllASrln letsiy lily Wfdiiedat

Fib Jlal lberp > ldent iif the Stiles filter by tbu lIesIC II liariioi Frank llniitliu of Jeriej Ill ti > 111HI liranlot Norlb Ka lMdlull hucsItl 11 on Tburida Feb 2J at ht

Auituiilun ihaprl lit ihe hey Otr llallelt Herbert UIcll to Kalberlnii I Krrnoilian

IIIKll-lirMinilT At MamarnllPCk Feb 31 Iftsl nielillIlinedltl ion of Aaron H Henedlct In tbuaiit tear of

tuis lee-rViierch aert Icci at tlio Mamaroneck M K Church attdl I NCHiiKK Feh 23 11485 Hu ciie SlIt of Julio and

Martart rote In Hit 171k year ulf tile aeThe friend slit tilcl ice of this fanillt tend Ihoe lfliliS mil lei William J Chill John MrAiiliflr are respect

fully his in d to attend till funeral from hIs lair red ldpnoe t4A hsaiii hsutii ci set 4 elliot

DOW IIVI Tie friend and Matlti 5 nf > l hutch Pott-lliiK etc roiim tied In tHi nil III funeral at Ihi hrnlhrr InIsis s rpnldeln0 lleruenlUlc at Lnlun Tultnihlp N J-

on sundat Fib J IInn ILUhTAfiHAI Fair Haven on RhrettHmrr lOser NJlpli JIMurj A belond tvlte of Joiipli lluilan In

tlipiiTithjearot hit ageItelatlte nnd frliintii of Ith fimllt are rennpited to at

tend Iihe Cu littll from M Intent drrer I liiirih Illh-it cult lpxluiilon ar on Scull rle at mI m A M wherea loleinn Mail of requiem tt 111 be nrTernl l thenon tn Calvery Cenn Ivry liy reqileit of deceased plva e omit

rKKIiliK On Friday Fell 21 Tereia daujbler ofIatrn leirlck akidI lycari lend u monthMineral on Mindaj Keb Vi at I clink M from

8 17 IPeal Hftlh it-

JUCAIIItANFeh 3J 1883 FrancIs McCirran in thesih yparof bli age

lunerat will lake place Sunday at J oclock from Iiilate rpiidenee 17 hnrlli Hlh il llrooklyn K 1> nenia-

McsillllhyCnII relalltriarolntltpdln altend

On feb JI lino tt 39 Bridie IItDrookln Mary A McHorley

A mail HI rwiuleni will be offered for her repine at HiJaiiuii Cathedral on Saturday this ailtl at IDA Mfrleniti are Invited lo meet al her late rciIJtuce at U

A M loallend funeral limit tlowereltUugtYLttAt uu Iulut Cuiufurt Ti Tutclt

Fel al 1SS3 of pneumonia Katharine A YtlJoir of thlate lamei 1 Hockwell ft llronklrn-

r sets tics at lust lale realdence 4 Montague ter-race on Htlurdat tIle 4IU Hut at II u cU ik-

Tleaie itmll lowe-rWIIITIIIKAItFnleroil Into test IlhlltSulS Ieb M-

Hiuaii is lIe if Itlchtrd U Wlilttluad nrffl Miar JInitnthianitlJilaii

The rrlalheaand ricotta nf the famll nlio Ithe numeriof Manballan IIHVP ir F and A M and Manila

leti loiiiiiiaiiili > No ilHrorepioifull Intlled In atIt nd the funeral lOTS tee fmni her lale rvMiiiie llnd-nn it corner I I rose it on Slit ii rIut es elliOt HIP mill

lost atHocluik IIntirmentHiindat nioridiiif It II t 5-

iclfUhiy rriiuiited that no 1100 itS np Sell

top related