the story of st. faustina and divine mercy · 2020-04-14 · the story of st. faustina and divine...

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Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Sunday April 19th, 2020

The story of St. Faustina and Divine Mercy

By Hannah Brockhaus, Catholic News, 2019

St. Faustina Kowalska was a young Polish nun born at the beginning of the 20th century. Over the course of sev-

eral years she had visions of Jesus, whereby she was directed to create an image and to share with the world reve-

lations of Jesus’ love and mercy. St. Faustina received her first revelation of the merciful Jesus in Plock, Poland

in February 1931. At the time, she had made her first vows as one of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. In 1933,

after she made her perpetual vows, her superior directed her to move to the convent house in Vilnius. She stayed

there for three years and this is where she received many more visions of Jesus. Vilnius is also where she found a

priest to be her spiritual director, the now-Bl. Michael Sopocko. With the help of Fr. Sopocko, St. Faustina found

a painter to fulfill the request Jesus had made to her in one of the visions – to “paint an image according to the pat-

tern you see, with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You” – and in 1934 the painter Eugene Kazimierowski created the

original Divine Mercy painting under St. Faustina’s direction. In its creation, St. Faustina “was instrumental in

making all the adjustments with the painter,” Archbishop Grusas said. The image shows Christ with his right

hand raised as if giving a blessing, and the left touching his chest. Two rays, one pale, one red – which Jesus said

are to signify water and blood – are descending from his heart. St. Faustina recorded all of her visions and con-

versations with Jesus in her diary, called Divine Mercy in My Soul. Here she wrote the words of Jesus about the

graces that would pour out on anyone who prayed before the image: “I promise that the soul that will venerate this

image will not perish. I also promise victory over [its] enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of

death. I Myself will defend [that soul] as My own glory.” When the image was completed, it was first kept in the

corridor of the convent of the Bernardine Sisters, which was beside the Church of St. Michael where Fr. Sopocko

was rector. In March 1936 St. Faustina became sick, with what is believed to have been tuberculosis, and was

transferred back to Poland by her superiors. She died near Krakow in October 1938, at the age of 33. “St. Fausti-

na, because of her illness, was brought back to Krakow by her superiors. But she left the painting in Vilnius be-

cause it was the property of her spiritual director, who paid for the painting,” Grusas explained. Jesus, in one of

St. Faustina's visions, had expressed his wish that the image be put in a place of honor, above the main altar of the

church. And so, though St. Faustina had already returned to Poland, on the first Sunday after Easter in 1937, they

hung the image of Merciful Jesus next to the main altar in the Church of St. Michael.

The history of the image

Archbishop Grusas explained that many people have only recently learned about the image because it was hidden

for many years, and it was only rediscovered and restored within the last 15 years. During World War II, Lithua-

nia was under Soviet occupation and in 1948, the communist government closed the Church of St. Michael and

abolished the convent. Many of the sacred objects and artworks were moved to another church to be saved from

Soviet hands, but the Divine Mercy image was left undisturbed in St. Michael's for several years. In 1951, two

women were able to pay the keeper of St. Michael's church and save the image. Since it couldn't be taken across

the border to Poland, they gave it to the priest in charge of the Church of the Holy Spirit for safekeeping. Five

years later it was moved to a church in Belarus, where it remained for over a decade. In 1970 this church too was

shut down by the government and looted, but miraculously, again the Image of Divine Mercy was untouched.

Eventually it was brought back to Lithuania in secret and again given to the Church of the Holy Spirit. In the early

2000s its significance was rediscovered and after a professional restoration it was rehung in the nearby Church of

the Holy Trinity in 2005, which is now the Shrine of Divine Mercy. So though it is a more recent arrival on the

international scene, the painting “is also probably the most profound of the Divine Mercy paintings,” Grusas said.

“It has a very deep theology, very closely tied with St. Faustina's diary.”

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Sunday April 19th, 2020

Esta es la Verdadera Historia de la Imagen de la

Divina Misericordia por Catholic News, 2019

La imagen de la Divina Misericordia le fue revelada a Santa Faustina en 1931 y Jesús mismo le pidió que se pinta-

ra, explicándole luego su significado y lo que los fieles alcanzarán con ella. Pero la imagen más conocida de esta

devoción es la tercera que se realizó. Esta es la historia de la famosa imagen. Tras la revelación en 1931 de Jesús

a Santa Faustina y la petición de que realizara un cuadro mostrando la Divina Misericordia, la religiosa pidió a Eu-

genio Kazimirowski que lo llevara a cabo. Éste lo hizo siguiendo las indicaciones de Santa Faustina y lo terminó

en 1934, no obstante, Santa Faustina lloró al ver que la imagen acabada “no reflejaba” toda la belleza de Jesús,

pero Él la animó. El segundo cuadro fue hecho por encargo de la Congregación de la Hermanas de la Madre de

Dios de la Misericordia en 1942 y por el artista Estanislao Batowski. Sin embargo, durante la insurrección de Var-

sovia, la capilla y la imagen fueron consumidas por el fuego. Por eso se le encomendó al artista pintar otra para la

Capilla de la Divina Misericordia en Cracovia. Por entonces el pintor Adolfo Hyla llegó a la casa cracoviana de la

Congregación con la propuesta de pintar un cuadro como voto por haberse salvado en la guerra. Le dieron una es-

tampa de la Divina Misericordia y las descripciones de Santa Faustina. El pintor terminó el cuadro en 1943 y fue

bendecida en la capilla por el P. Andrasz, confesor de Faustina. Más adelante llegó la imagen de Batowski, pero

solo el cuadro de Hyla se quedó en la capilla por recomendación del Cardenal Adan Sapieha, quien lo eligió por-

que había sido pintado como voto. Como el cuadro de Hyla no entraba en el altar a la Misericordia, en la capilla,

el pintor hizo una imagen más pequeña, que fue bendecida el Segundo Domingo de Pascua de 1944 también por el

P. Andrasz. En 1954 Hyla repintó el lienzo, eliminando la pradera y el matorral que había puesto, y colocó el fon-

do oscuro con el suelo bajo los pies de Jesús. Esta imagen de Hyla se hizo famosa por las gracias que recibían los

fieles y es la más difundida en el mundo. De esta manera se cumplió el pedido de Jesús a Santa Faustina: “Deseo

que esta imagen sea venerada primero en su capilla y en el mundo entero”.

La Revelación

Cuenta Santa Faustina en su diario: “Al anochecer, estando en mi celda, vi al Señor Jesús vestido con una túnica

blanca. Tenía una mano levantada para bendecir y con la otra tocaba la túnica sobre el pecho. De la abertura de la

túnica en el pecho, salían dos grandes rayos: uno rojo y otro pálido”. “Después de un momento, Jesús me dijo:

Pinta una imagen según el modelo que ves, y firma: ‘Jesús, en ti confío’. Deseo que esta imagen sea venerada pri-

mero en su capilla y [luego] en el mundo entero”. Jesús le señaló: “Prometo que el alma que venera esta imagen

no perecerá. También prometo, ya aquí en la tierra, la victoria sobre los enemigos y, sobre todo, a la hora de la

muerte. Yo mismo la defenderé como mi gloria”. Otro día, estando Santa Faustina en oración, Cristo le dijo: “Los

dos rayos significan la Sangre y el Agua. El rayo pálido simboliza el Agua que justifica a las almas. El rayo rojo

simboliza la Sangre que es la vida de las almas”. “Ambos rayos brotaron de las entrañas más profundas de mi mi-

sericordia cuando mi Corazón agonizante fue abierto en la cruz por la lanza. Estos rayos protegen a las almas de la

indignación de mi Padre. Bienaventurado quien viva a la sombra de ellos, porque no le alcanzará la justa mano de

Dios”. Santa Faustina contaba todo esto a su confesor, el actual Beato P. Miguel Sopocko, quien designó al pintor

Eugenio Kazimirowski para que realizara la imagen según las indicaciones de la santa. “Una vez, cuando estaba

en [el taller] de aquel pintor que pintaba esa imagen, vi que no era tan bella como es Jesús. Me afligí mucho por

eso, sin embargo lo oculté profundamente en mi corazón”, escribió Santa Faustina en su diario. “Fui a la capilla y

lloré muchísimo. ¿Quién te pintará tan bello como Tú eres? Como respuesta oí estas palabras: ‘No en la belleza

del color, ni en la del pincel, está la grandeza de esta imagen, sino en Mi gracia’”.

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Sunday April 19th, 2020

Both Images of the Divine Mercy /

Ambas Imágenes de la Divina Misericordia

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Sunday April 19th, 2020

Tithing /

Diezmo Tithing has been a integral part of how we give ourselves back to God since the beginning of recorded history. Scripture

speaks about Cain and Abel bringing offerings to the Lord of the fruits of their respective labor. We do this by offering our

tithings along with our time and talents. However, during this time of absence from many of our sacraments, we must re-

main vigilant to our responsibilities to our Lord. Here are a few of ways to continue your tithing during this time.

Vamos a proveer tres (3) maneras para dar su diezmo a nuestra iglesia querida durante este tiempo raro.

Online Giving Today, many people take care of their bills online due to it’s convenient nature. However, this is also an ideal way to take

care of your tithing as well. By giving online, it ensures that your “first fruits” are exactly that! Simply visit our church

website,, and click on “Give”. Fill out the information and just like that, your tithing is done quickly,

securely and efficiently from the comfort of your own home. Definitely consider online giving.

Donaciones Electrónica

La manera más recomendada para dar su diezmo será hacerlo por nuestro sitio Web. Solo hacer clic donde dice "Give",

llena toda tu información, la frecuencia y cantidad de su diezmo y terminaste.

Mailing Tithing to the Office You are all still welcomed to send your tithing into the church office. Please do not send your tithing envelopes to the

church office without placing them inside of a security envelope. We will check the mail daily. Our address is:

Sacred Heart Church

921 N. Merriwether St.

Clovis, N.M. 88101

Envía por Correo

Pueden mandar su diezmo por correo si quieren. Si lo mandan por correo, por favor pon su diezmo dentro de un sobre de

seguridad. Vamos a chequear el correo cada día. Nuestra dirección es:

Sacred Heart Church

921 N. Merriwether St.

Clovis, N.M. 88101

Devotional Candle Offering Box You are also welcomed to drop off your tithe into our devotional candle offering boxes located by the votive candle racks on

the East and West sides of our church. Please ensure that you label your tithing as such prior to placing them into the boxes.

We must still be able to distinguish which donations are for the candles and which are for tithing. The boxes will be

checked daily so this is a safe and secure alternative.

Cajas de Velas Votivas

Pueden dejas su diezmo en las cajas que usamos para donaciones de velas votivas dentro de nuestra iglesia. Estas cajas

son seguro y vamos a chequear las cajas cada dia. Antes de dejar su diezmo en las cajas, por favor marquen su donación

como tal.

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Sunday April 19th, 2020

Weekly Readings Monday, April 20th:

ACTS 4:23-31 PS 2:1-3,4-7A,7B-9 JN 3:1-8

Tuesday, April 21st:

ACTS 4:32-37 PS 93:1AB,1CD-2,5 JN 3:7B-15

Wednesday, April 22nd:

ACTS 5:17-26 PS 34:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9 JN 3:16-21

Thursday, April 23rd:

ACTS 5:27-33 PS 34:2&9,17-18,19-20 JN 3:31-36

Friday, April 24th:

ACTS 5:34-42 PS 27:1,4,13-14 JN 6:1-15

Saturday, April 25th:

1PT 5:5B-14 PS 89:2-3,6-7,16-17 MK 16:15-20

Sunday, April 26th:

ACTS 2:14,22-33 PS 16:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11 1PT 1:17-21 JN 24:13-35

January 1st - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

May 21st - Ascension of our Lord

August 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

November 1st - All Saints Day

December 8th - Immaculate Conception

December 25th - Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ


Days of



Sacred Heart

Prayer Warriors!

If you or someone you know

is in need of prayer, please

contact Mary Shockley (575)

799-6402. She will place that

individual that is in need of prayer into a circle of

prayer. Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church will then

pray for those individuals to Almighty God. This is a

wonderful ministry and privilege for us to be able to

pray for you.

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Monday April 20th, 2020

9:00AM For the intentions of the celebrant

Tuesday April 21st, 2020

9:00AM †For all who have died from the


Wednesday April 22nd, 2020

9:00AM †Barbara and †Christopher Timmons

Thursday April 23rd, 2020

9:00AM Healing for all ill with the Coronavirus

Friday April 24th, 2020

9:00AM †Roberto & †Francis Marquez and

Vivian Trujillo (Birthday)

Saturday April 25th, 2020

6:00PM All attending Seminary and Diaconate


Sunday April 26th, 2020

10:00AM †Barbara & †Christopher Timmons, †all

who have died from the Coronavirus,

protection to medical staff and Priests

from the Coronavirus

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Divine Mercy Sunday April 19th, 2020

Remember folks, NO CASH will be accepted! Ensure your contributions are

done so by check or money order. Also remember that the amount of the contri-

bution is not as important as participating!

¡Recuérdense, NO EFECTIVO! Solo aceptamos cheques o giro postal. También

recuérdense que participación es más importante que el tamaño de su contribu-


Archdiocesan Goal / Objetivo Arquidiocesana- $3,000,000

Parish Goal / Objetivo Parroquial - $34,500.00

Total Pledged / Total Comprometida - $22,076.00

Total Paid / Total Pagado - $16,636.00

Shortfall / Déficit - $17,864.00

Registered Families / Familias registradas - 1,322

Families Participating / Familias participando - 62

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