the social circle domination

Post on 14-Apr-2015






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How to Infiltratea Social Circle

and Gain Sexual Access to

Every Woman In It.

>> SoCIAl CIrClE



by Matt



Social Circle DominationHow to Infiltrate a Social Circle and Gain Access to Every Woman in it

by MattCopyright 2008 Vin DiCarlo, Inc.


How to Infiltratea Social Circle

and Gain Sexual Access to

Every Woman In It.

by Matt

hen I moved to my current city about 2.5 years ago I knew zero people, not even one. I went out for 3 months

practically on my own. Considering that I’ve spent at least half the last 2 years traveling, either to other cities in Australia or around the world, its pretty amazing the social circle I have built up and now currently have. My current social circle is massive.

Now in this book I thought about giving some revolutionary concepts for building social circles quickly, and being able to have sexual access to a massive amount of women (pretty much all of them) by use of your status and identity within your social circle.

For starters after you have cut your teeth doing cold pickup, social circle game is like so much easier. A woman who may put on her game face in a club and be a bitch, is often sweet and open to being fucked if you meet her through your social circle. Women have a natural resistance to being another notch on someone’s belt which is why she will often reject players in a nightclub even if she wants sex, but through her social circle its more socially acceptable for her so she will be more willing to hook up with a guy.

My game is a bit different to many other pickup artists I have met. For me getting good at the game was about meeting super-hot women, but it was also about making good quality friends and mates, and creating long lasting friendships. Social circle expansion was a natural extension of pickup for me, and my game is fairly strong from a social circle aspect.







tHE BASICSRemove yourself from any social circles where you get teased, picked on, laughed at, or otherwise have low social status. You can come back to them later after you have done some transformational work.

Go out with a goal of making one new friend per week, on top of your normal pickup goal. Just one per week, is not hard, but at the end of the year it adds up to over 50+ new friends. You don’t need to be best friends, just be a good friend. I’m personally in the habit of getting the number of one new guy per week, sometimes its more, sometimes less, but that’s an average.

A large social circle can actually hurt your game. Many awesome pickup artists don’t even have a social circle. Solely hanging out with your social circle can prevent you from really pushing your comfort zone and try crazy shit like dominant kino, its difficult to break stereotypes on who people perceive you to be, and this effects your behavior and makes you more conditioned, and its also way easier to get stuck in the friends zone if you have not got your personal sexual conveyance down. So, mix it up, hang out with your social circle some of the time, but also go out solo, and with new friends some of the time. Balance is key. And a large social circle can dramatically hurt your chances of having multiple girlfriends.

Don’t discount the effect of just being a cool guy that women would date. You are probably in reasonable shape, dress okay, are enjoyable to hang out with, have some hobbies, have some friends, and although women may not throw themselves at

you they are open to dating you because you are fairly low maintenance. Just getting those basics down will help your social circle game immensely.

Look at your lifestyle. Many guys who would naturally be amazing at pickup aren’t because they work too much. You don’t want to be like Australia’s richest man under 40 who died from a heart attack because he worked too much. Put value on time with your friends, and I’m not just talking Friday and Saturday nights. If you social circle is completely crap, either you are shy and a hermit and you don’t go out enough, or you are social but you work too much. So change your lifestyle, get smart about it. You can change anything about your life.

You must get on Facebook, and start adding friends. Its perfect for social circle management, and planning events.

I have a mindset that everybody wants more good friends, and everybody doesn’t think they have enough. So people are very open to making friends with people who bring value to their life.

ConnECtorSIf you have ever read the book “The Tipping Point” they talk about a type of person called “the connector”. The first – and most obvious – criterion is that The Connectors know lots of people. They are the kinds of people who know everyone. All of us know someone like this. A connector is much different from simply that person who knows lots of people, they are an extreme version. Their social circle could give the population of a small town a run for its money

Connectors will do stuff like keep on their computer a roster of 1,600 names and addresses, and on each entry is a note describing how they met, and the circumstances. Connectors are completely natural at this, they don’t even realize that making 1,000s of friends, staying in contact with them, remembering their birthdays and other information is not normal.

Connectors are important for more than simply the number of people they know. Connectors will form friendships in many different industries, with a wide range of people. They manage to occupy many different worlds, and subcultures, and niches. They may switch between different industries with work, or try many different things in their lifetime, but they tend to act as a link between many different sections of the community.

My social life went off like a rocket when I met a Connector.

We became really great friends, and we hooked up one night after a fun night out on the town. It didn’t progress to anything, and we





stayed friends. She’s got a boyfriend now and he’s cool. but she is a connector in the true sense. She knows literally everyone in my city. And such a wide range of people.”

I instantly by hanging out with her for a couple of months, massively increased my social circle. She seemed to know everyone, and she literally put women in my lap who wanted to fuck. She knew like so many of them. I made friends with her friends, and it was like social circle game at 100s the normal speed.

I’m now good friends with 8 connectors, I now know how to pick them. This means that my social calendar is always full, and I’m going to parties, and functions, and a-list stuff, and also just hanging out on a midweek night. It takes so much less effort now to make friends, and meet women, and to have fun socially.

It’s probably too much, I’m unable to walk down the street without people knowing me, and I’ll find myself going to do pickup in places further away so no-one knows me.

So, make friends with Connectors.

tUrn-KEY SoCIAl CIrClESRecently I got a job teaching salsa part-time, like its going to be 3-4 hours a week. But what I get apart from $70 a week, is an instant massive social circle.

The term Turn Key is used in business for when you buy a franchise and they set everything up for you, so you simply walk in and everything works and its ready to go, as opposed to building it from the ground up.

If you think that this is impossible for you, as an experiment I emailed a couple of dance studios in another city, and they were willing to hire a new instructor who has never danced before and train him from scratch because of the shortage of male dance teachers. Its so funny to me how guys often never try many new things, especially things outside their comfort zone, when 3 months of training could change their life.

I get invites to parties, loads of women introduced to me, social status, events to attend, and new friends with the staff. And dance staff tend to be the coolest people ever, especially compared to the people I’d meet working in finance. At a recent salsa party they had 500 in attendance.

Before I’ve done jobs like being a cocktail bar attendant part-time (like two to four nights per month), and its the same deal. And when you deal with a wide range of people you tend to increase your social knowledge as well. And if this is outside your reality,







all it takes is a weekend course for $150 and they guarantee a job. And the women you meet doing bar work...

I’m not sure what skill you may have that you can leverage, or maybe you want to volunteer, or become a DJ, or a wedding singer, or who knows, but we all can access a Turn Key Social circle if we want one. I mean, I certainly got one becoming a Pickup Instructor, I’ve got friends all over the world now. I think I could stay in 30 cities around the world, and have an instant social circle, and crash on a couch.

tArGEtED nEtWorKInGI am always on the lookout for guys that are my type of guy.

My type of guy is someone who is personally strong (never uses excuses), is masculine, is good at something (perhaps a master), has a decent level of social awareness, and is fairly alpha and dominant, and independent, and fairly self-confident. I can pick this guy fairly quickly, and I’ll make a special effort to make good friends with him. I just know we are going to have a similar mindset, because thats how I certainly project myself.

I also look out for guys who are into outdoor adventure sports like surfing, snowboarding, rock climbing, or camping, because I’m into that as well. If I’m talking with a guy and he projects that he is into that stuff I’ll number close for sure. Same goes for creative guys who are into music, art, dance or something, so long as they are masculine as well.



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I know myself fairly well, and I’m confident that I can hold my own with these types of guys. But you know, people are busy, maybe I gave a bad first impression, you can’t expect to hit it off with everyone. But I know the sort of people I like to spend time with, and I can pick them quickly.

Last week I was walking and I saw a guy who was dressed well, and he had these funky boots. I started a conversation, and it so happened that we are remarkably similar. I got his Facebook and phone number, and we are going to hang out this week.

Just when meeting guys, talk about picking up women, so he doesn’t think you are gay.

Sometimes I feel like a woman who is aiming to pick these alpha males, because I am too.

Now, I’m not sure what you are like, but be searching for people on your level, and with similar interests as you. Always aim slightly higher, so network with people a little bit more successful than you, or more wealthy, or better with women, not too much or you will probably get tooled, but just a little bit better so it challenges you to become a better person.







This is easy, once you know how.

This is going to be devilish, so I’m warning you in advance.

You need to be able to be good at pulling off different channels. So, say for example you get a woman from her social circle, and have sex, next time you are in a social situation, I’d keep it completely secret, so that no-one would ever guess. I’d give some silly reason why it needs to stay secret, and then look to isolate another member of the group, and do the same thing.

Women will be surprisingly open to sharing you, so long as you don’t get clingy, and all boyfriendy, and get weird. Be good in bed, and socially strong, I mean, be able to go to a party, and socialize like a politician. You need to be emotionally detached, and even when you fuck friends of each other, you need to not say anything to anyone. Women will get off on fucking someone who their best friend likes, so enjoy being that guy, but be discreet.

Be prepared to only fuck some women once, especially ones with boyfriends. But stay friends, and act like nothing every happened.

Your real aim to is to be the 1 out of 100 guy. You don’t want to get in the trap of comparing yourself to others, but you want






to certainly want to be in the running for the top dog spot. I went to the zoo, and I saw the top dog phenomenon in real life in the African wild dog enclosure, there was one dog, and he was the top dog, and all the other dogs followed him no matter where he went, so he just ran around all day with the other dogs following him.

Now if you are the 1 out of 100 guy, and there are 100 guys and 100 women, you will have sexual access to 90 of the women. This only applies where a guy is really dominant, not where all the guys are fairly equal. So to be that guy you need to be stronger at pickup than the other guys, be more masculine, and better at being dominant in social situations. When I join a social circle I immediately aim to take that top spot, while being super friendly to size up what you are up against.

I like to have a quiet sense of confidence, and if there is ever a time when there is any sort of competition, I aim to win. I’ll train in secret, cheat, or generally be unsportsmanlike to get over the line, get coaching whatever. You do not want anybody dominating you in anything. I’ll let someone be better at something that I don’t do, but I won’t even put myself in a situation where I am competing.

Now its surprisingly easy to the 1 out of 100 guy. Often that position goes to the happiest guy, the one with the most positive

mental attitude, the guy with some courage and some balls, and you’ll find that the average standard is actually quite low. Guys in social circles are often scared to escalate, don’t approach, are trying to be the nice guy, and the women are wanting to be bent over. It’s money for jam, or like taking candy off a stranger.

I can enter social circles and be dominant instantly, and I’m not the life of the party guy. I just share myself around, number close lots, and am not scared to escalate, or build sexual tension. I’m kind of well known as a total pickup artist, and this helps me immensely. Instead of as guys think women get put off by being a player, it actually makes them want you more, and you have to do actually way less pickup techniques, they expect you to try and pick them up so when you don’t, they hit on you.

I just want to impress the importance of projecting a mental image of yourself that is fairly high status, and not making elementary social mistakes, like going to a nightclub and running around, being all fidgety, because social circle game can be a little bit shallow.

For guys who were not cool at school social circle is your opportunity to be the captain of the football team as it were, and dominate a bit. Try and not be like everyone else, and when you get good at cold approach you will find that it will be easy to dominate social circles. Like really easy. You will understand social dynamics, and people, and female psychology, and social circles will come easily for you.

BEFrIEnD tHE PlAYErSA key element of social circle game is to identify the major players and befriend them. When I traveled to Auckland, New Zealand, I went out out solo, and met a guy who ran two of the best bars in town, and I had instant credibility. Free entry, free drinks, instant service, and that gave me instant status.

If you are good with pickup these guys will cling to you and be your boys. I am talking about rich guys, music executives, nightclub owners, whatever, if you can supply women they will supply you with lifestyle. I’ll build social circles with women, and then roll in with 5-15 of them, and let the guy have a crack. He loves me for it. Often these nightclub owner guys are Average Frustrated Chumps (AFCs), but they get ass though exposure, and they’ll do anything for you.

I have a free room a local karaoke bar whenever I want it, and free entry to many venues, just on the strength of my ability to bring women, and let introduce the owner to them. I’m like a sort of Pimp, who has this network of women, and because I’m totally open with introducing women I have picked up to each other, I can really put together a group of women. You know, I’ll take multiple women who don’t know each other on dates, and when I bring this dynamic to a club, and they get free drinks it goes wild.

So identify the players, become their friends, and demonstrate your pickup ability, and supply women.





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