the morung - 2012 easter issue

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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The sweet refreshing fragrance after the rain that spells the end of a long dry season brings memories especially of home and beckons us home. Even childhood photos have this effect that takes us back to the past and makes us hope to relive those days again in future. Our

senses that take us through time signify that we are alive. But what does it mean to be alive in Christ? It must be when all our senses are tuned to God: we see God’s hand in His creations, hear His still voice, feel His touch, sense the sweet scent of His presence and taste His goodness. This possibility of being alive in Christ was made available for everyone through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus two millennia ago. In Christ we live life to the fullest for we know the reason we were created and our purpose in this world. We have the assurance that He is always near to carry us through the unknown future.

In this edition, we look back and count the blessings showered upon the NCFB family. We also have some wonderful and inspiring testimonies of God’s faithfulness and blessings in the lives of our brothers and sisters who have fulfilled their purpose here in Bangalore and are heading home. In addition, catch the recap of the recent youth camp “Alive 2012” through the photos and the campers’ experience. We hope that the readers will be encouraged and ascertained of the greater things God has in store for each one of us.

~ The Editorial Team


ENCoUNtEriNG tHE riSEN CHriSt (Luke 24:13- 35)

The two disciples were returning to Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, when Jesus appeared to walk along with them. But they failed to recognize him (vv. 15, 16) because they were so busy discussing about what had happened. In other words, the disciples failed to see Jesus!

Jesus asked them, “What are you talking about?”(v. 17). Most probably, they were discussing politics. Reasons

being, those days there were many parties - the Romans, the Jews, the militants of Zeus and Jesus’ party. The disciples expected Jesus to redeem Israel from its enemies. They expected a political king and not a Messiah that would redeem them from slavery to sin. Therefore, when Jesus died, they lost all hope.

When we encounter the risen Christ:

We become powerful mouthpiece of Jesus: The disciples of Jesus went through spectacular changes in their lives after they encountered the risen Christ. They were tested and refined into new beings. The encounter with this risen Christ took Saul of Tarsus and turned him from being a persecutor of Christians into a powerful missionary.

Peter, the betrayer of Jesus became a powerful preacher and there was a rapid growth in the ministry (Acts 2:47, 4:4, 5:14,

16:5). All the apostles had their profound transformation only after their face-to-face encounter with the risen Christ. The encounter had such a deep impact on them that even persecution could not stop them from sharing the good news of Jesus (Acts 8:1-4).

Our community life is enriched: They invited Jesus, a stranger to come in and dine with them and go back the next day (v.29). Such hospitality is slowly diminishing from our society for the spirit of individualism rules our hearts. Whereas the truth is, Jesus made himself known in that community of hospitality. The believers in Acts 2:42-47 lived a community life. They recognized and helped one another in every way possible.

In our ordinary day-to-day lives Jesus comes along, but we are prevented from seeing Him. Jesus is present at our homes, work places, and market places. Sadly, to many He passes by like trees we see from a moving car or train (blurred and distorted) only because we are so focused on our priorities, disappointments and problems.

If you have been raised with Christ, set your minds on things above (concern for others, ministry of compassion, justice, righteousness, integrity, etc) and not below (greed, self-centeredness, lust, etc.) Col.3: 1&2. Such earthly pursuits will keep us away from recognizing God.

Think on this! Can we be a Christ encountered community that attracts people to Him? The power of the risen Christ is contagious!

~ Rev. Zhabu Yimsung

PaStor’S CorNEr

You are always very energetic and full of life! Where do you get the

motivation from?

Knowing that I am saved in spite of still being a sinner frees and elates my spirit. My restless nature and crave for fun contribute to it too.

Your contribution to the NCFB ministry has been tremendous. What

has your involvement in the ministry taught you?

With the world pressing hard to take its toll on the youth, churches should evolve too to welcome, gravitate young people and wake them up from their illusions. I testify that God is real and He truly has wonderful plans for us.

How has your experience been like here in Bangalore? What would

you miss the most?

Totally a zigzag graph! There

were the unending demands of the corporate routine, then the rewarding weekends with NCFB: practice, the football match, Sunday service followed by supper at pastor’s table and much more. My colleagues envied me because I would always be excited looking forward to the programs in the weekends.

I will really miss setting up and dismantling the sound system with the Worship team.

What are your future plans as you head back home? Is marriage on the cards?

I have not finalized what or where to begin with so I am praying and looking forward to discussing with the family members.

Marriage definitely is something to consider but the good news might not come around too soon.



Finally, few words of advice/ encouragement to the young people of


Do not just watch yourself grow old. It is so satisfying, enriching and educative to participate and be involved with the church. I believe the best years to serve God is when we are young, free and energetic.

‘If you are not with the church you will definitely fall with the world.’

I love you NCFB!

UP CloSE aNd PErSoNalhumbling experience. Thank you NCF for the countless blessings.

How do you feel about the growth of the NCF Ministry during your

stay here?

NCF Bangalore has grown so much over the years and it is evident from the different activities that are being carried out such as Youth Camps, All Night Prayers, Festival of Praise just to mention a few. The fact that we had to move on to a lot bigger church, projects like the Church Building are massive keeping in mind that NCF is not a very big fellowship or a church are all evidences of God’s blessings and how the ministry is growing. I am fully confident that NCFB will continue to be a life changing ministry.

What is your perspective of the young Nagas in

What brought you down to Bangalore and how would you describe

your Bangalore chapter as? Do you feel you succeeded in achieving your goals and your purpose?

I came down to Bangalore to gain some work experience and to pursue my studies later on. I was privileged to have worked with Accenture HR services for about 5 years and it had been a very good learning experience. I definitely gained more than I expected so I am happy and satisfied.

Tell us a little about your involvement with the NCF Ministry?

I have been involved with the NCF ministry since my stay at Shillong. It provided me spiritual guidance and made me who I am today. At NCFB I was given the opportunity to serve God through the Sunday School Department for 3 years and it has really been a

Bangalore? What would be your advice to the youngsters who face a lot of distractions and temptations of city life?

I think Nagas are extremely gifted and talented people and those in Bangalore are no exceptions to that…we need to give our best in whatever field we may be in and always put God in the first place. Never lose focus and your purpose here in the city. Most importantly stay connected to the church and its activities.

You are on the verge of beginning a new chapter in your life. Can

you tell us something about what you have planned for the immediate future?

I am heading home with a plan of setting up something of my own. I hope things will work out and my plan will materialize very soon.












I often feel inadequate and unqualified to be in places where God takes me and meet the people He brings into my life. Though it’s quite a humbling experience, I’m learning to walk in faith, trusting His wisdom more than mine, be content with what He helped me achieve and be excited about what He is yet to reveal. Serving in NCFB as an executive member is by far the best learning experience spiritually and personally. NCFB will forever be very close at heart.

If you are at your 30s, single and want to forget your age, look out for NCF activities ☺

If you think your job is boring and you have forgotten to live your life, be involved with NCFB activities. A lot can happen over the Coffee Fellowship.

If you are told its all uphill to climb out there NCFB’s ANP will help you believe all things are possible. The list goes on and it is much better to experience it yourself than be told.

Concerning my future plans, the time seems right in both my career and personal life to embark on a new path and face new challenges so I have decided to take up a new job in Pune. I am glad Bangalore is only an overnight journey from Pune so you will be seeing me often ☺

There are two questions anyone can ask at any point of time: ‘Why me Lord? Do I deserve this pain or failure or shame?’ Or you could ask ‘Who am I Lord that You love me so much?’

Focus more on “Who am I Lord” and God will put to rest all your concerns with a comprehensive answer: Because, my child, you are fearfully and wonderfully made and I am not done with you yet.

The Naga Christian Fellowship, Bangalore strives to witness, nurture and train men and women to be true disciples of Christ through prayer, fellowship, teaching and preaching of the Word of God.



God has blessed me immensely through NCF Bangalore. I have made so many friends here and have been inspired by the lives of many. God has His own ways of bringing us closer to Him, and I believe through NCF Bangalore, He has done just that for me. I am grateful to God for the opportunity I got to serve Him through the NCF ministry in different departments during my stay here in the city.

I will fondly remember being a part of the NCF Sunday services, the All Night Prayers, the Coffee Fellowships, Choir and the Youth Camp. For me, fellowshipping with Christian believers is very important where ever we are. That is how we can help and encourage one another, uphold each other in prayers and grow together in Christ. May God bless NCF Bangalore and may it continue to be a blessing to all.

After almost seven years here in Bangalore, i’m leaving with a lot of good memories. I thank God for His faithfulness and His many blessing upon my life. I specially want to thank the NCFB family for all the love and support you have showered on me all these years. I request you to remember me in your prayers as I move on to a new phase of my life. I am getting married on the 18th of April 2012 at Kohima and after that I will be based at Tezpur, Assam.

Goodbye friends, and till we meet again, God be with you all and hope to keep in touch.

kEzHaSoNo mEYaSE



World SUNdAY School dAY SoNGS ANd-WorShiP PrAiSe

FEStival oF PraiSE

The World Sunday School Day was celebrated with the NCFB Sunday school kids on the 6th of November 2011. The children presented special songs and Tiala Imkong read the scripture. The word of God was shared by Mr. Kaihrii and gifts were given to the children after the service.

World SUNdaY SCHool daY

The 8th Edition of the Festival of Praise was celebrated on the 20th of November, 2011 at Richmond Town Methodist Church, Bangalore. One of the most awaited and exciting events in the calendar of Naga Christian Fellowship Bangalore, it was an evening marked to celebrate God’s faithfulness through songs and worship. The church was filled with many ardent worshippers who had come to witness this special program. The evening began with a meaningful time of worship followed by some power-packed performances from some of the most talented and beautiful voices of NCFB that left the congregation in awe. Pastor Rev. Zhabu Yimsung concluded the program with an exhortation from the word of God offering Jesus to all those who were ready to befriend Him. The evening was a huge success and everyone was blessed beyond expectations.


advENt CHriStmaSNCFB celebrated Advent Christmas on the 27th of November. The program began with the praise and worship team leading the church into singing carols. Special songs were also presented by Ms. Kezieno Seyie and Ms. Ketu Nagi. Mr. Reihe Poumai shared the word of God.

Carol SErviCE

Ushering in the season of love NCFB had its carol service on the 18th of December, which started with singing popular carol songs led by the worship team . The church was favoured with a special song by the Imchen brothers. Mr.Renbi Rangthang delivered the messsage and the service concluded with the congregation singing the hymn “ Joyful Joyful”.

all NiGHt PraYErAll night prayers were held on 16th December and 3rd February. Like every other all night prayers many people turned up sacrificing a night’s sleep to pour out their hearts to God and get closer to Him. Aso, Julie, Lisathung, Pangsha and Adam shared and testified of God’s faithfulness in their lives and how they have been blessed through the all night prayers. Everybody had a blessed time praying and praising the Lord and each person was touched in a special way. Look forward to more all night prayers held every alternate month at SAIACS and come feel His love.

god rest Ye MerrY

gentleMen santa’s goodies season of love feast

The Christmas celebration at NCFB saw a large number of people coming together to worship Him. As part of our tradition Mr. Kaihrii, an elder of the church welcomed the congregation and delivered the Christmas greetings. The NCFB choir led by its director Mrs. Asen presented a beautiful melodious song “Carol of the bells.” One of the best male voices of NCFB Vikedo and friends came up with another amazing performance with their song “God rest ye merry gentlemen.” Pastor Zhabu once again enlightened and encouraged the church with his powerful Christmas message. The celebration ended with a sumptuous Christmas feast. The little ones were delighted by the presence of Santa and his bag full of goodies.

orPHaNaGE viSitOn the 22nd and 24th of December NCFB ministry decided to share the love and happiness of the festive season with the little ones at four different orphanages in Bangalore, singing carols and distributing gifts to 120 children and making them feel special and bringing in the season of love into their hearts. The lives of the children touched the hearts of all who went to share and came back richer with an experience of a lifetime.

CHriStmaS SErviCE

Worship promise Card aLiVe praYer YoUth Light to the WorLd

In a quiet and undisturbed corner a few miles away from the hustle and bustle of the city, in a wonderful Christian Retreat Centre called ‘Claret Nivas’ on Sarjarpur Road, the NCFB dined in the bliss of companionship, sharing and learning together - An evangelistic camp held from the 9th to 12th of February with the theme ‘Alive 2012.’ It was attended by 92 campers including children, youth and key senior figures in the NCFB ministry. The camp director was Mr. Ranglung Salie who was assisted by Mr. Richard.

The camp started on a powerful note with a skit on the theme ‘Alive’ , directed by Mrs. Tosang Yimsung and acted out very entertainingly by some of our talented brothers and sisters. This skit set the tone for the rest of the camp.

The resource persons for the camp were Rev. Zhabu Yimsung, Mr. Renbi Ranthang, Ms. Talichila, Dr. PC and Ciby Matthew, and Mr. John Varughese. There were six sessions in which the resource persons dealt with very

CamP (alivE 2012)

CamPErS’ rE-UNioN

On the 31st of March the campers of ‘Alive’ had a re-union at KROSS (Karnataka Regional Organization for Social Services) which was attended by 50 campers. The day began with breakfast followed by a time of praise and worship. Pastor Zhabu exhorted and encouraged every camper to keep the fire for the Lord burning and never to give up. The campers also got together with their group for a short time of sharing and prayer. The day ended with a recreation time and a special authentic Naga lunch.

CamP FiNaNCE Expenditure

1 Camp Site (Claret Nivas) Rs. 1,28,250 2 Books for group leaders Rs. 10,140 3 Stationery Rs. 6,904 4 T. Shirt Rs. 22,040 5 Gifts for guest speakers Rs. 12,000 6 Sweets and Refreshment Rs. 17,420 7 Transportation Rs. 10,600

Total Rs. 2,07,354

1 Registration Rs. 54,600 2 Donation Rs. 12,100 3 Sunday Offering Rs. 5,940 4 Misc Rs. 6,736

Total Rs. 79,376


relevant topics and issues concerning the youth. The sessions were followed by enthusiastic Q&A hour. The evening gospel services were led by Pastor Rev. Zhabu Yimsung. The Praise & Worship team led many rapturous, powerful and meaningful time of worship.

The campers were divided into 12 groups. There was intense competition among the groups to emerge as the overall champion and in the end, Gethsemane group was declared the winner.

On the concluding night there was a solemn candle light service where each camper made a prayer and commitment to be a “Light” to the world. Many campers shared their testimonies and spoke their hearts out to their ‘new family in Jesus’.


The NCFB ushered in the New Year 2012 with a worship service. Many people turned up to seek God’s blessings for a new year and thank Him for His goodness throughout the past year. Mr.&Mrs.Temsu blessed the congregation with their beautiful song ‘Press On’. The NCFB choir also presented a special song. Pastor Caleb Kent delivered the message after which each member was given a promise card.

I’m thankful to God as well as NCF Bangalore for the amazing Evangelistic Youth Camp ‘Alive 2012’.I never thought the 4 days camp would turn out to be such a wonderful and thrilling experience.

It showed me the way to quality spiritual direction, learning practical skills and sharing methods. Besides, meeting lots of new and wonderful friends, exciting games and fun added to the camp’s endeavour and gave us all a life challenging experience.

Albert Bozeh

CamP EXPEriENCEGethsemane

CanaI am blessed to be given this opportunity to share with you the grace of Christ that I experienced in the camp. I especially enjoyed my active participation in the camp as a member of the Praise and Worship team. Through all the various sessions and activities like photography, quiz competition, treasure hunt etc., I am hugely enriched and encouraged. At this point let me also share with you my delight in being a part of ‘Cana’ group which was placed in second position overall. I am motivated and inspired to serve my God with what little I am capable of. It is my desire that whatever I have gained from the camp will enable me to be a better person and that I remain steadfast in my humble and simple faith.

Keduokhrietuo Üsou


“ALIVE 2012” helped me build a stronger relation with God. By the grace of God I will not fall again. I had wonderful experiences with my group Nazareth. We were like a family; we shared our joys and sorrows, we laughed and we cried together. As a whole we have been blessed. Thank God for we are ‘Alive’. A big thank you to NCFB for being a source of blessing.


JerusalemIt was last minute that I decided to attend the camp. My only prayer while going to the camp was “God this few days is just for you”. My greatest joy being in the camp was saying yes to Jesus again, connecting with Him and becoming alive in His spirit. Now I will take every opportunity to say yes to Jesus as in Him alone we have victory.


CapernaumDespite being reluctant to attend this camp for so many reasons, I have been so blessed. I’ve realized how special each one of us is and have learnt how to pray for others. I have learnt the joy of giving praise. Thank you my family (CAPERNAUM) for all your prayers and NCF Bangalore for this wonderful camp.

Let us tell the world that we are ALIVE in Christ.


BethlehemAlive 2012 was a time for me to withdraw from the busy and stressful life and spend quality time with God. I also got connected with many new friends and realized that I am never alone. The worship and sermon really encouraged me to search my heart and to rededicate my life to Him. During this camp I received great healing. I gave my hurts to God and asked Him to heal me. And He did and I say with confidence that today, I have this immense peace in my heart. Now everyday is a wonderful new adventure as I read my Bible and discover things from His Word. It is my prayer that I will continue to crave the sincere food of the word of God and thirst for Him as the very source of my existence. “Are you thirsty? Try Jesus. He satisfies!”

Aren Longkumer.

Bethsaida The freestyle worship experience, the prayer time that the Worship Team had, the games and the photography competition, the practical sessions and the gospel services, the family time- it was so amazing, powerful, full of fun, inspiring and lovely. It is an experience which will be cherished forever.

Love you all Bethsaidians and everyone. Let’s always remain ALIVE in CHRIST.


ALIVE 2012!!I am truly blessed to have been a part of it and to me the ‘BEST’ moments were Praise & Worship, sessions on Relationship, Knowing God’s Will, Time Management and the Gospel Services not forgetting that I made a lot of new friends and learned many new things. Most importantly by renewing my relationship with God I found hope and comfort in Him even as I look to a year ahead of me with unfulfilled dreams to fulfill. Thank you NCFB for all the wonderful blessings as I am heading home with my bag full of love from you guys. :)

Theja Meyase


BethanyEven though I have attended a number of Youth Camps in the past “ALIVE 2012” was the most special one because through this camp I witnessed the love of God. It was the last night of the camp during the gospel service, people were praying, singing and crying but deep within my heart I was praying “Please God Please God if it is your will”. Suddenly I was touched and at the back of my mind I was wondering if this was really happening to me. The next moment the Holy Spirit came upon me and surrounded me with God’s love and divine energy. It was magical and the most wonderful experience ever. I am really blessed to be a witness of God’s mighty love through this camp.

Avikuonuo Pienyu

This camp was a special one for me as it helped me grow closer to God. I have learned a lot, not just in knowing more about God but also learning how to live as a son of God, to be an example to others and to live accordingly. My faith was never lost but there were questions in my mind about certain things as to how God looks at our life in the relationships and ways of modern life. Alive camp not only answered my questions but also taught me how to deal with it and how to look at it in God’s perspective. I also made lots of new friends and meeting such strong and enthusiastic believers was an encouragement. Thank you all for the wonderful experience.

Khriebu Liezietsu


syCharALIVE 2012 was a time to experience His blessing, love and faithfulness once again in my life through the various sessions, prayer time, praise and worship and family time. I got the privilege to meet lots of young people. Preparing tea late at night, the fun time, chatting with friends are some of the memories that I will cherish.

God bless you all.


GalileeEverybody needs spiritual nourishment irrespective of one being a theologian, pastor, missionary or for that matter any human created by God with soul, senses, curiosity and sensibility. There is a longing in every soul to be enlightened or to refrain from what one naturally thinks is against the will of the Almighty. As for me I had been in need of something that would quench my thirst and my pursuit for it was unending. ALIVE 2012 came my way.

It was an immense blessing for me as it gave me yet another platform to experience the nourishment from the Lord. It taught me to LIVE ALIVE and not to LIVE DEAD. The experience has given me strength, shelter and a hope to look forward, confident towards my career and no doubt, it made me believe once again that the Lord still Loves me- JUST AS I AM! Thanks to God and NCF Bangalore.


CamP PHotoGraPHY ComPEtitioN

Camp Photos

Axe effect Valentine

Lady Gaga

The Naga Christian Fellowship Bangalore wishes

Pastor Caleb Kent and Bo Kyong a very happy and blessed married life.

God bless you.

NCFB conducted a volleyball tourney for the ladies on the 24th of March at St.Joseph’s ground. There were four teams from all corners of the city. There was a positive response not just from the women but men too, who cheered for the teams enthusiastically. The married women’s team emerged as champions after some toughly fought matches showing that experience wins over youth.

WomEN’S vollEYBall toUrNamENt

NCFB had a special Sunday service for its outgoing members on the 11th of March. Ranglung who himself is a product of NCF Shillong and NCF Bangalore spoke of how we unknowingly influence people in many ways. Thanhorla shared her experience in Bangalore and how she learnt to serve God wholeheartedly without expectations. Both of them spoke of how the church had played a great role in moulding them and playing an important role in their growth. Anung and friends sang ‘Whispering Hopes’ and roses were given to all the outgoing members and a special prayer said for them by Pastor Zhabu. Mr. Kaihrii shared the word of God.

oUtGoiNG mEmBErS’ SUNdaY


Editorial team: Betty Takam, Pito Kiba, Meguonuo Rio & Richard Asoso

The Morung is published by the Naga Christian Fellowship, Bangalore.You can find us in Facebook –NCF Bangalore

Kindly send your suggestions to morungnl@gmail.comLayout Design – Sirawon Khathing

Special Thanks to

Vikedo Terhuja

for your help and contribution to the team.

We will miss you.

The Morung Editorial Team

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