youth spot easter issue

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  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    March 2009 Issue

    Youth Spot Easter Issue

    Picture sourced by Vivian Ip

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    BookReviewThe Same Stuff as Stars

    By: Katherine Patterson

    Angel is a girl with a father who is a thief and murderer now locked up in

    jail. She has a mother who doesnt really care for her kids so she and her

    brother are taken and left in their grandmothers care while her mother

    runs away with another man. Angel soon finds a Star Man who shows

    her the beauty of the universe.

    This book is really touching because it shows how a little girl tried her

    best even when it wasnt going so well. Abandoned by her mother, she

    found happiness when she was with the Star Man learning about the stars.

    Angel was a character I really liked because she was smart and caring.

    She never gave up hope that her mother would come back and that they

    would have a better life.

    Teen Idol

    By: Meg Cabot

    Jenny Greenley is the schools secret Ask Annie, who gives people

    advice about their problems. However she is soon asked to help the

    famous Luke Striker fit into school while keeping his identity a secret.

    I really enjoyed this story and it was really funny. The main character hada really likable personality and had really funny thoughts. I was confused

    when I first read the book because there were Ask Annie letters on

    every other page but later I found them really interesting to read. The

    story showed the meaning of friendship and secrets and how you have to

    stand up for yourself. It really makes you wonder what kind of

    personality one really has.

    Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul

    By: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger, Mitch


    This book is filled with personal experiences from teens with themes from

    love to family, this book has it all. When I first read this book I thought it

    was really boring. But, now that I am older and have read it again, I found

    that it is actually a really good book. It has stories about things that

    everyone has to face and the people who wrote these stories share their

    experience and how they dealt with their problems. It is really worth


    Youth Spot Easter Issue

    Read and reported on by Jenny Xu

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    Fun Zone


    Lawyer: I have some good news and some bad news.

    Client: Well, give me the bad news first.

    Lawyer: The bad news is that the DNA tests showed that it was your blood they found all over the

    crime scene

    Client: Oh no! I'm ruined! What's the good news?

    Lawyer: The good news is your cholesterol is down to 130!


    A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party.

    Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking

    the doctor for free medical advice.

    After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, "What do you do to stop people

    from asking you for legal advice when you're out of the office?"

    "I give it to them," replied the lawyer, "and then I send them a bill."

    The doctor was shocked, but agreed to give it a try.

    The next day, still feeling slightly guilty, the doctor prepared the bills.

    When he went to place them in his mailbox, he found a bill from the lawyer.

    Sourced by Saras Wong

    Youth Spot Easter Issue

    RiddlesIf a fifty cent piece and a quarter wereon the Empire State Building, whichwould jump off first?


  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    Random Eater Facts

    1) 90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are made for Easter each


    2) Each day, five million marshmallow chicks and bunnies are

    produced in preparation for Easter.

    3) 16 billion jelly beans are made for Easter (thats enough to

    completely fill an 89 feet high and 60 feet wide plastic Easter

    egg about the height of a nine-story office building!)

    4) 82 percent of Americans say they would prefer a chocolate or

    candy bunny for Easter, while only 4 percent say they would

    prefer a live rabbit (can you blame them?!)

    5) 63 percent of Americans would most like to receive a chocolatebunny on Easter morning, followed by marshmallow bunnies

    (10 percent).

    6) The worlds largest jar of jelly beans weighed 6,050 pounds.

    7) 75 percent of kids are willing to do extra chores for extra

    Easter candyWritten by Gabriel Wong

    Random Easter Facts and Easter history referenced from:

    Youth Spot Easter Issue
  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    The history of the Easter Bunny

    Have you ever wondered why at Easter kids go hunting for Easter eggs?Well, this tells you the history of the Easter bunny.

    There are many legends about the Easter bunny. In one of them, legend tells

    of an Anglo Saxon Goddess called Eostre. She was always seen with her pet

    rabbit. It is said that this bunny laid the first coloured eggs. Which started the

    tradition of hiding Easter eggs.

    Bunny History Youth Spot Easter Issue

    Written and sourced by Andrea Battad

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    Italian Easter Cookies Recipe

    These are a traditional cookie fromItaly flavoured with vanilla and

    almond extracts. They are tied inloose knots and baked, then frostedwith tinted icing.


    1/2 cup butter

    3/4 cup white sugar

    3 eggs

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1 teaspoon almond extract

    1/4 cup milk

    1/4 cup vegetable oil

    3 3/4 cups all-purpose flour

    5 teaspoons baking powder

    4 cups confectioners' sugar

    1/2 cup butter, softened

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1 teaspoon almond extract

    3 tablespoons milk

    3 drops red food coloring



    1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

    (175 degrees C). Grease cookie


    2 In a large bowl, cream together

    1/2 cup butter and white sugar

    until light and fluffy.

    Beat in the eggs one at a time,then stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla and

    1 teaspoon almond extract, 1/4 cup

    milk and oil.

    Combine the flour and bakingpowder, stir into the wet mixture.

    Roll dough into 1 inch balls. On a

    lightly floured surface,

    Roll the balls out into ropes about

    5 inches long.

    Tie into loose knots and placecookies 1 inch apart onto the

    prepared cookie sheets.

    3 Bake for 5 minutes on the bottom

    shelf and 5 minutes on the top

    shelf of the preheated oven, until

    the bottoms of the cookies are

    golden brown.

    When cookies are cool, dip theminto the icing.

    4 To make the icing, cream together

    the confectioners' sugar, 1/2 cup

    butter, and 1 teaspoon vanilla and

    1 teaspoon almond extracts.

    Beat in 3 tablespoons milk, one

    tablespoon at a time, then stir in

    the food colouring if desired.

    Makes 48 servings

    Recipe sourced by Nicole & Peggy from


    Youth Spot Easter IssueRecipe Spot

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    The prefects are a team of 8 Year 12 students, consisting of,

    Marissa Wong,

    Vivian Lau,

    Rosalie Kwai Pun,

    Janet Wong,

    Jeff Li,

    Wesley Wong,

    Gary Lui and

    Key Sing Lam.

    What do prefects do?Their job is to organize and manage activities that have a direct benefit to us students. Also, to take a leading

    role in peer guidance programs which assist students academically or provide opportunities for sport.

    Examples are, the basketball club and they are also assisting the students, from younger grades like Year 7s,


    Prefect Code

    A prefect will:

    take a leading role in demonstrating our school values

    show respect, honesty, cooperation, caring and achievement

    value and keep our school rules

    provide a model of behaviour for other students

    be helpful to school teachers and visitors

    be courteous at all times

    be reliable and responsible

    be helpful and kind

    report incidents and concerns

    care for school property

    avoid all forms of discrimination and prejudice

    If you ever need any help, just go and ask them!

    By Vivian Ip

    Youth Spot Easter IssueWho are the prefects?

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue



    Saving resources onto the CLC can be a

    great way to save that project youre

    working on, just in case you might have

    computer problems.

    Its also a great way of sharing stuff with your


    3)Once you have uploaded the

    Resources page, you will see

    a number of folders on the left

    side. These folders are for you

    to put in projects, files, pictures,

    wikis, forums and links.

    4)The menu on the left will allow

    you to create or delete new

    folders to separate your

    materials by class or category.

    6) In our example, we have chosen to upload a file. File in the information so that

    you will be able to remember what the file is before downloading again. When

    finished, click the U load button.

    Upload filebutton

    5)The bar in the middle is a

    menu that gives you a choice

    of what you would like to

    create or upload.

    Youth Spot Easter Issue

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    Congratulations! Now youre finished.

    To view your file, find the link on the right

    side menu titled, My Homepage.

    From your home page, click on the

    Resource folders submenu on the top ofthe page.

    Clicking the upload button will bring

    up a window or prompt that asks

    you to find the file you want to


    Use this to navigate your folders until

    you find what you are looking for.

    Once you have found the file, click

    the O en button.

    This will take you to your

    resources folder, where you

    will see a copy of file,

    provided all went well.

    Created by Key Sing Lam & Mr. Brewer

    Youth Spot Easter Issue

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    FIFA 09

    Release Status: Already out

    Genre: Football / Soccer

    Price: HKD 299 (ToysRus)

    Platform: Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PSP, PC and NDS

    Ratings: 4/5

    Review: FIFA 09 is a must-have game for all soccer fans on all the platforms, from beautifulgraphics to unbelievably realistic game play. FIFA 09 is extremely good at making you feel like

    youre in control of everything on the pitch. Fully customizable tactics, plenty of depth in the game

    play and of course the Be a Pro mode allow for realistic game play. Unfortunately, the game does

    have its flaws, the AI is extremely good at getting the ball away from you, which makes new-

    comers to the game annoyed. The goal keeping of the AI is also a bit dodgy, playing online does

    suffer from lag frequently and worst of all, the Adidas Live Season which updates the game hourly

    costs a lot for Xbox Live and PS Networks subscribers.


    Release Status: Already out

    Genre: Stealth Shooter

    Price: HKD 496 (HMV)

    Platform: PS3

    Ratings: 5/5

    Review: Metal Gears Solid 4 is another must-have game for all PS3 owners. Why? Because itis said to be The Greatest Game Ever Made The game excels through the story line and game

    play. The game basically lets you complete the game in anyway you want. The game also has a lot

    of mind-blowing audiovisual presentation, tight shooting mechanics, and lots of cool gadgets you

    can use. There are only two bad things about the game and those are, the story-line is heavy-

    loaded, basically meaning that if you havent played MGS before, then you wont understand the

    story at all. The second thing is that this game is the last of its series.

    Youth Spot Easter IssueGAME REVIEW

    Reviewed and written by Keith Sunderland

  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    Skate 2

    Release Status: Already out

    Genre: Skateboarding

    Price: HKD 299(HMV)

    Platform: Xbox 360 and PS3

    Ratings: 3/5

    Review: Lots of EA Skate fans found Skate 2 extremely disappointing. They have said that it wasnot worth the long wait and the main reasons was the game play. The on-foot movement was filled

    with glitches and was not realistic at all. One classmate said, It was like watching a robot ice-

    skating on concrete. As well, the pedestrians on the street get in the way almost every race you

    play in the game. The story line is also a bit weak. But there are some good points in Skate 2, there

    is a big gain of tricks, like the hippy-jump and the hand-stand. Exploring the city is also pretty

    fun, specially when you find new skate spots. And, the races in the game are pretty fast and fun.

    Overall, Skate 2 is a decent game but not as good as the first one, I wouldnt recommend you to

    buy this if youve played Skate 1, but if you havent, this could be the next new game for you.



































    Youth Spot Easter Issue

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  • 8/14/2019 Youth Spot Easter Issue


    Pictures by Wesley Wong & Duncan WongWrite up by Nicole & Peggy

    Final team results:

    Yellow House:

    1st place

    Red House:

    2nd place

    Blue House:

    3rd place

    Green House:

    4th place