the matrix proyect #116b. the story of the human herd

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Música: AguirreAutor: Popol Vuh

“The truth is denied to people because it will set them free.”DAVID ICKE


This daily “war” in the psyche brings into conflict that part of us which recognises our infinity and uniqueness,

and the conscious level which seeks to deny such feelings because it fears the consequences of expressing uniqueness in a world of programmeduniformity.

These two levels of the psyche are what I term “I Am Me, I Am Free” and “Oh My God”.

I Am Me, I Am Free, wishes to express and celebrate its uniqueness. Oh My God, is terrified of what that will mean in daily life.

“Oh my God,

what will my family think if I say what I believe?

What about thefellahs at work?

And the guys down the bar?

They’ll think I’ve gone mad.

Oh my God!”

If you want to be free, stop living a lie. Stop denying yourself. You are a unique aspect of all that exists, the sum total of all your unique experiences since you first became cC)nscious an infinity ago.

That is a reason to be joyous. There is no aspect of consciousness in all creation that is like you. You are special, as everyone is equally special.

But instead of being joyous and proud of that specialness, we have allowedour uniqueness to become something to fear.

Oh my God! Because we fear being ourselves, we are uncomfortable when anyone around us decides to evacuate the Hassle-Free Zone and express their uniqueness.

Their dash for mental and emotional freedom makes a statement about us and our own mental and emotional prison. People don’t like that and they react accordingly.

“He’s mad” or “She’s bad” comes the reflex action, standard issue cry from the herd when it is faced with someone determined to be themselves and not a programmed clone.

And do you know what people are really sayingwhen they shout “mad” or “bad”?

They are really saying “different”. Such is the scale of the conditioning absorbed by the human collective mind that people can’t cope with anyone who dares to be different.

“If I’m in prison, mate, you have to be too. It’s only fair.”

We also succumb to the myth about the “ordinary man and woman in the street ‘ or the “common people”, the idea that the masses are just ordinary”

and only the few who are “extra-ordinary” achieve anything in life.We are “ordinary”, so we must know our place, this belief system contends.

In truth, there is not an “ordinary” man, woman, child or blade of grass in the whole of creation, but people are persuaded to believe the myth and so they play out the role of being “ordinary”.

It’s an act which they are conditioned to perform, like an actor on a stage. Ordinary is not what we are, it is merely what we choose to believe we are.

But it is very powerful in diminishing our sense of worth; another motivation to give our minds away to those we believe to be our “betters”.

It is part of the conditioning that includes the claptrap that we are all born sinners, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.

Think about the consequences for your life and the planet that resultfrom this frar of being YOU.

If we give our minds away to others and allow them to tell us what to think and do, and if we concede our uniqueness to the fear of being different,

we give control of this world to a tiny Elite who use their power and manipulation to dictate the limits of the Hassle-Free Zone.

Whoever decides the point at which a view or lifestyle is inside or outside the Zone (the point at which you meet ridicule or condemnation), also dictates the limits within which billions of people live their lives because they are terrified of being different from the herd.

Again and again people say they support what I am saying and doing, but they dare not say so for fear of the consequences.

Well it’s time to summon the courage, because the consequences of keeping quiet are going to be far worse than speaking out and being proud of what you think and what you are.

What’s happened to us, for goodness sake?

We have taken on a mass schizophrenia in which we have become both the prisoners of the Hassle-Free Zone and its police force.

Because we don’t respect our own right to be unique, we conform to the limits of the Zone and become a slave.

Because we don’t respect everyone else’s right to be unique, we become the police force or the farmer hassling and herding the other slaves into acquiescence.

The ridicule and condemnation can only reach the levels required to frighten people into submission if the masses, the other slaves, play their part in dispensing it.

We are not frightened by what the presidents, prime ministers and global bankers think about us - it is the reaction of our friends, family, and workmates that concerns us and frightens us into conformity.

The reaction of the other slaves!

The mental, emotional, and spiritual police force which controls the masses is itself peopled by the masses.

It is like having a cell full of prisoners and whenever one of the prisoners finds a means of escape, all the other prisoners run to block the exit.

Prejudice is the vital word here.

People are conditioned to be prejudiced against other members and groups within each culture and society, and these different forms of prejudice are used to divide and rule the herd.

The prejudice may be racial, religious or political, or based on background, income, job or lifestyle.

Either way you have different aspects of society conditioned to instinctively ridicule, oppdse and condemn the views and life experiences of each other. And the prejudice is rarely only one way.

Those who see themselves as victims of prejudice are so often prejudiced themselves against other people, lifestyles and groups.

This allows the manipulation of the mass consciousness to flourish and yet if we stopped seeking to impose our version of right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral upon each other, we would remove the means for such global manipulation.

We need to let go of all prejudice - now!

In addition to how bad it is to impose our vision on the others, it is more difficult to educate or to discipline the persons when they come to the ripeness.

Then, the persons (or groups of persons, even the entire Humanity), as the coins, are indivisible and they have two inseparable sides:

virtues and shortcomings, aspects that we like or displease us, and only we can do two things: to accept them in spite of his shortcomings,

exercising the tolerance for a major communion of the persons between yes and with God, or to push them back in spite of his virtues, serving to the interests those that they want to divide and to separate the persons.

We have given up our own unique identities to such an extent that we judge ourselves and others by the ‘lobs” that we do and the dogmas we cling to.

How we and they serve the system that controls us has become our sense of identity, the symbol of who we are! What are you? Oh, I’m a Christian, a Muslim, a Socialist, a Republican, a Pagan.

We have to be something instead of being someone - ourselves.

We also ask people we meet what they “do” for a living because we think this will give us a fix on “who” they are.

“Oh you’re a stockbroker and you’re a miner, and you’re a road sweeper. Right, got that - success, rough and dirty, complete failure. OK, I know you all now. Drink anyone?”

We judge people and ourselves, not by what we are, but by what we own or by what we “do”.

This judgment corresponds with the system’s view of reality because we have conceded the right to express our own uniqueness.

Someone who makes millions by abusing the planet and great swathes of humanity every day by decisions they make in the global stockmarkets (casinos) is deemed to have “made it” to be successful.

While others who do no-one any harm, and indeed may strive to help people and give love to the world, are considered a failure if they happen to work in a low-paid job or be “unemployed”.

A friend at school was always being laughed at because his father emptieddustbins for a living.

This is an example of our topsyturvy view of “success”. Who would we miss most if they did not work for a month, the footballer or the garbage collector?

But those who laughed worshipped famous footballers.

The latter, of course, because the streets and our homes would be full of rubbish and, eventually, disease.

This attitude ofjudging each other by our “jobs” is to ignore and deny who we really are.

We are not “stockbrokers”, “miners”, or “road sweepers”. These are merely roles we play on the stage of life.

A stockbroker today could bea pauper tomorrow. Our “role” is not “us”, just as the character that an actor plays is not the actor’s real person.

Our jobs and “roles” are a temporary vehicle for experience, that’s all.

We are evolving consciousness on an eternal journey towards greater love, knowledge and understanding, but we have forgotten this and we have been encouraged to forget it.

We are like actors who think the movie is real and we have taken on the personalities described in someone else’s script.

We think the role is “us”. It isn’t.

But we have the actor playing the stockbroker looking down his nose at the actor who is playing the road sweeper when, in another life, another movie, those roles may be reversed.

It’s only a game, but we think it’s real. That’s why it has degenerated into such a mess.

We are taking the game too seriously. It’s just a movie and it is supposed to be fun.

The same force controls, directly or indirectly, every major political party andmovement.

It created most of them. When you vote at an election, you are choosing between different aspects of the same force.

The money and the media decide who becomes president of the United States and the money and the media are owned and controlled by the same people. Let us write the following in letters 20 feet high:

Democracy Is Not Freedom.

30 people telling 49 what to do is not freedom. In fact, most governments are elected by a minority of the population and they still call it a “democratic” election.

Freedom is the right of all people to express who they are, what they think, and how they wish to live their lives: free from imposition or hassle from anyone.

It is to be able to celebrate our individual uniqueness without rules, regulations, ridicule and condemnation from those who seek to impose their view of life upon the rest of us.

Until we respect our own, and everyone’s, right to be different, to make our own choices,

and create our own conscious realities free from imposition and pressure to conform, we will remain in a prison of our own making.

We will continue to be both the policeman and the prisoner. And a handful of people with a deeply unpleasant agenda will continue to run the world.

The choice, as always, is ours. We can accept the prison or we can walk out to freedom. And freedom is but a thought away.


“It is me who Is, I am free” David Icke

Video: Conferencia David Icke en Oxford Union

 To David IckeAnako And Ruben










“Es detestable esa avaricia espiritual que tienen los que, sabiendo algo, no procuran la transmisión de esos conocimientos”


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