the lounge group trend report 4: all about me

Post on 24-May-2015






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This month The Lounge Group addresses the theme of individuality in our latest trend report from our Insight and Strategy team. 'All about me' is all about brands putting the individual first, viewing consumers as unique individuals rather than generic targets to create one of a kind campaigns that emotionally engage with consumers and often use innovative technologies to appeal to them on a highly personal, one to one basis



landmark projections, personal museums, musical changing rooms, secret airwaves and your own skincare collection/ a lounge group inspiration report on all about me.

This month’s inspiration report is all about brands putting the individual first, viewing consumers as unique individuals rather than generic targets to create one of a kind campaigns that emotionally engage with consumers and using innovative technologies to appeal to them on a highly personal, one on one basis.

Integrated/ Aviva “You are the Big Picture”

Insurance company Aviva recently launched a global campaign which puts real stories of their actual customers in the spotlight to demonstrate Aviva’s personal relationship with its customers. As part of the campaign, customers were asked to upload their photo via Facebook with a description about what matters most to them along with their personal experience of Aviva. They then received a free digital picture of their face made up of a collage of their own words. A selection of these were even chosen to be projected in various landmark buildings all across the world, for example, at London’s National Theatre. Videos of the projections were uploaded to YouTube as well as being sent back to the participants to serve as a lasting memory.

Lounge view/ This activity serves to challenge a category in which distant, generic and functional communications have become the industry standard. By featuring real customers at the centre of their communications campaign, Aviva tackles the category’s impersonal nature, by adding a genuine human touch, and connecting with consumers in a way that their competitors can’t.

Social Media/ Intel’s Museum of Me

Intel has successfully appealed to our inner narcissists by creating the hugely successful Facebook app “The Museum of Me” as part of an interactive campaign for the launch of their Core i5 processor. Upon starting the app, users are prompted to give Intel access to the personal data held on their Facebook page. This data is then turned into an online film featuring a gallery of images of you and your friends, followed by a text “installation” featuring words and phrases found on your wall. The film is packaged to look like a museum featuring slick graphics and music to add to the entertainment value, and can then be naturally be shared with friends via Facebook.

Lounge view/ Intel has used social networking as a tool to facilitate the creation of personalised branded content. The highly visual nature of the museum is also relevant to the brand, whose core message is about creating immersive visual experiences, which is undoubtedly reflected in the Museum of Me.

Retail/ StarHub’s Musical Fitting Room

Various clothing stores in Singapore revamped their fitting room experience with unique state of the art technology, bringing together fashion, music and individuality. Online music store StarHub fitted clothes in the stores with RFID tags and then fitted RFID readers into the changing rooms. RFID is the technology that uses radio frequency to transfer data from electronic tags to readers. The readers picked up on what style of garment was being tried on from the clothing’s RFID tag, and then played songs associated with that style into the changing room. Proximity SMS (where mobile users’ proximity to a particular place is detected and they are sent targeted ads, messages and deals) was then used to inform the consumer what they were listening to and lead them to the online store where they could download it.

Lounge view/ Star Hub has improved the retail experience of their consumers by taking advantage of individual style and how it proves to be a key factor in how their target audience make brand choices. Starhub are redefining behavioural targeting as fun and non-invasive by integrating it seamlessly into the consumers’ everyday experiences providing value and introducing them to new music they are most likely to be interested in.

Point of Sale/ All Good Bananas Fair Trade “Listen To Your Conscience”

As they walk down the fruit and veg aisle, Auckland’s supermarket shoppers experienced a sudden attack of conscience! All Good Bananas used innovative “audio spotlight” technology, which isolated a narrow beam of sound to focus a message to shoppers telling them to buy their Fair Trade bananas over other brands in order to help growers feed their families and support their communities. The innovative technology means that the brand can ‘speak to’ just one person at a time, targeting and surprising each shopper on a truly one to one basis.

Lounge view/ The innovative technology used surprises and entertains individual consumers, guaranteeing engagement and forcing them to stop and listen to an important message which might otherwise have been ignored. It was also a creative way to draw attention to a brand in a parity market like fruit and veg where there is little differentiation between the different brands.

Experiential/ Nivea 100 Years Skincare for Life experiential in Australia

Nivea’s global “100 Years Skincare for Life” campaign celebrates a century of the iconic German skincare brand. Nivea Australia recently launched the world’s biggest skin advisory campaign which aims to provide 1.7 million consultations with individual skin analyses, giving back to their consumers by helping them achieve “better skin for life”. This is as part of the billion Euro investment in the brand – the brand’s most expensive campaign ever. Nivea developed a specially designed skin analysis application and trained brand ambassadors who acted as the “Nivea skincare team”. They used the app to provide 60 second skin analyses in order to determine the best combination of Nivea products to suit the individual. The experience toured high traffic and visible locations such as shopping malls throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Lounge view/ Nivea has recognised that different individuals have different needs from their products. Consequently they have invested heavily in the campaign to better understand specific skincare needs. They have made use of experiential marketing and take advantage of this face to face communication between brand and consumer to drive that message home.

a lounge group report on all about me all about me is all about connecting with consumers by offering human and personal interactions. Consumers feel that brands understand them, leading to greater engagement and recall. This includes the following: •  Providing individuals with personalised branded content to

make them feel special and provide them with a lasting memory.

•  Engaging with consumers in unexpected ways on an emotional rather than functional level to enrich everyday experiences.

•  Using innovative technology to deliver relevant and un-intrusive messages to consumers based on their personal wants and needs.


For Consumers: We want brands to value us and listen to what we have to say, rather than being dictated to. A faceless organisation talking at its audience en masse lacks any element of an individually tailored personal engagement, so consumers are likely to be turned off. Content that’s ‘all about me’, and individually tailored rather than heavily branded or generic, appeals more directly to consumers’ wants and needs, giving them a genuine reason to engage. For Brands: Brands putting the consumer first is nothing new. Innovative technology and social networking means that brands can now go one step further to deliver unique experiences for their consumers at an individual level. Face to face communication through live brand experiences is still important in establishing an individually tailored rapport between consumer and brand.

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