the illusion of 'other' -- a journey to wholeness

Post on 07-Apr-2017






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The Illusion of 'Other' JOURNEY TO WHOLENESS

Pure Consciousness = is-ness

When Consciousness becomes conscious of itself, the notion of other is born.

This is “maya", an illusion… there is no other.  There is only the oneness of Pure Consciousness

This world of multiplicity is the world of others, of things, of separation, of illusion.

Yet it is exquisite… beautiful… an exploration of the magnificence of Oneness

interacting with itself to create relative existence.

Yet because this world is based upon the incorrect notion of other, there is some imbalance,

some distortion, some “dosha" permeating it.

Underlying this world is a perfect structure of consciousness interacting with itself,

but not losing itself to the illusion.

To evolve is to gravitate back to wholeness, perfection.  As we evolve, the cobwebs clear.  The distortions subside.

In time, the distortions become so minimal that one’s awareness reflects

the perfection of the underlying structure.

Then one’s awareness ‘clicks’ into alignment.

The Absolute, the Transcendent, the field of Pure Consciousness cannot be touched.  

It cannot be grasped.  But it can be mirrored within an individual’s awareness.

That is called the great awakening.

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