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Post on 20-Jun-2020






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The Home Page

First Presbyterian Church, Hastings, Nebraska 68901-5175

Vol. 25.05, Weeks of March 1 and March 8, 2020


Notable Notes

From Kili Wenburg

Dear First Presbyterian Church Family:

Did you know that we have a "Lydia Room" in our church? "Lydia Room" is now the official name for the classroom on the first floor of the education wing, first door past the church offices. This room was used as a nursery by both Pooh Corner and First Presbyterian up until the summer of 2017.

At that time, the nurseries for both organizations moved to other locations, and the room was repainted and re-carpeted and began to be used as a classroom. This classroom primarily housed the Forum classes, so it came to be known as "the new adult education room."

Fast forward to winter of 2019/2020....since it's no longer "new" and since it's not the only place where adult education takes place, it seemed appropriate to give the room a new name.

To explain why the name Lydia was chosen for this room, it is helpful to know that the Wenburg family dedicated memorial money from Rogene Wenburg's funeral for the purpose of furnishing this room. Rogene was a faithful Christian, a dedicated church worker, and a lifelong learner, so the family felt that she would be glad to be associated with a room in this church that was dedicated to making people feel welcome, at ease, and able to learn. Because memorial money from other individuals also supported this project and because Rogene's humility would not pair well with naming a room after her, we sought a name conveying Rogene's spirit. With Pastor Greg's guidance, the Wenburg family's support, and the official seal of approval of the Trustees, Lydia was chosen as the namesake for this room. Lydia is described in the book of Acts with characteristics phrases reminiscent of Rogene: eager to learn, hospitable, and dedicated to God. (Check out Acts 16:13-15 for more about Lydia.)

Currently, the Lydia Room is being used for Retreat in the Real World gatherings, Forum classes, grief group meetings, dulcimer practice, and more. The room features a calming gray and aqua palette with black and wood grain accents. Decorative elements include birds, circles, and rocks, all of which were chosen in memory of Rogene. There is classroom seating for up to 28, a coffee and treat station, and an intimate corner with arm chairs and a small couch. If you have not had a chance to see this room yet, please check it out! It has been a labor of love to plan and decorate this space in memory of my beloved mother-in-law and friend, and I hope that our congregation can enjoy this lovely space as much as I have enjoyed preparing it for you.

Though the majority of the project was funded through gifts given in memory of Rogene Wenburg, additional memorials were used and are gratefully acknowledged in warm memory of Lillian Baumann, Ellen Dwyer, Edith Farham, Kathryn Hocking, Oriel Kinley, Penny Lungren, Thelma Sole, Del Swingle, and Edith Willcock.

Need a ride to church on Sundays? Call Deacon Moderator Joan Shaw at 402-460-8195 or the church office at 402-462-5147. The radio broadcast airs during Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. on KICS 1550 AM.

Sunday’s service will be broadcast live on Facebook at on Channel 181 Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. and

Sunday at 9:00 a.m. at Good Samaritan Village, the service will be

broadcast on Channel 3 on Sunday at 12:00 noon and on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.

"When working with your attorney to update your will and estate plan, please consider including a gift to the First Presbyterian Church Foundation.”

`--Dave Dirks, Moderator of the Foundation

HOSPITAL REMINDER Due to hospital privacy regulations, for the church to know that either you or a family member will be hospitalized or have been admitted, please take a moment and call the church office at 402-462-5147. Remember, we don’t always know what’s happening unless you tell us!

Hastings Food Pantry-Donations Needed On the first Sunday of every month, please bring items to place in the blue

bins in the Donation Station located in Fellowship Hall for the Hastings Food Pantry. Non-perishable foods and paper products are always

needed to keep the Pantry resupplied. Deacons will deliver the items to the pantry supply center.

A copy of any Sunday service is available on DVD disc upon request at no charge. Contact the church office at 402-462-5147.

Dear Fellow Partners in God’s Mission,

As you engage with Presbyterian Mission, you get a glimpse of God--a vision of what God is doing around the world. And so, on behalf of your Presbyterian Mission, please allow me to express our appreciation for your faithful support in December 2019. We received $306.30 for the Hunger Fund. Your support changes people’s lives and helps others receive a glimpse of God around the world.

-Bill McConnell, Mission Engagement Advisor, Office of Mission Engagement and Support

Lost and Found Reminder Did you know the church has a lost and found area? In fact, there are two places to look! We have items ranging from sweaters and lonely gloves to neck ties and glasses. Please check the Lost and Found by the Pop Machine and also check the wood shelf in the hallway by the office. I will be sorting through it soon and either discarding or donating.

Help Us Celebrate… Joyce Harrenstein is turning 99 years old on March 14th. Please help us honor her with a card shower. Cards can be sent

to 2525 S Wabash Ave; Hastings, Ne 68901

Ben & Joyce Ore FPC Prayers for: Georga & Duane Ochsner

Jim & Mary Jeanne Cooke Melba Trehern (Lisa Unger’s Mom) Jane Horton Jim Duval Jim Harrenstein Jeff Howard Cheryl Ann Elfond Kristine Cook (Katharine Davis’ sister) Family of Virginia Malouf Celia & Wayne Ganow Irina Erickson’s Mom Family of Tracy Pettit Jim Hahne Chris Wheeler (Carol Wheeler’s son) Family of Al Behl Everly Hogan Jack Stinson (Julie Thomsen’s Dad) Family of Richard Viglicky Janet Schawang Gretchen Lainson

Elaine Schumacher (Vicki Howard’s Mom)

Family of Byford Metzger (father of Linda Johnson)

Family of Zelma Fobben Family of Norm Giesler (father of Melissa Davis)

Please let us know if you would like to be added to, or removed from, the prayer list by calling the church office at 402-462-5147.

March Communion Offering goes to the Middle School Garden.


If you receive an email or a text message that looks like it is from Pastor Greg, Pastor Damen, or one of the other church staff asking you to buy gift cards, please ignore it and report it to the church office. The phone number and email address will be incorrect.

Someone is sending these emails and text messages masquerading as Pastor Greg stating that he is visiting someone in the ER or the

hospital and needs help to order or purchase a gift card. Pastor Greg will never ask a church member to purchase a gift card by sending you an email or text message, so please don’t respond. Always pay attention to the return email address and check it for accuracy. Thank you.

Brooks’s Bookshelf Our son, Brooks, was born on October 10, 2018. Three days after his birth, he was diagnosed with Trisomy 21: Down Syndrome. He is a happy, strong, loving, unique individual and a true blessing to our family. He makes our lives better every day!

Brooks’s Bookshelf was created in celebration of our amazing son. He is an inspiration to anyone who is lucky enough to know him! The bookshelf is a way to share the joy of reading and also spread the awareness of Down Syndrome. Bookshelves, where children are welcome to take a book home, will be located throughout our community!

Each bookshelf will include books of all interests with some specific books focused on kindness, on compassion, and on individuals with unique differences. Books to range from picture/baby up to early readers.

Every story and every person is unique and beautiful. We hope that you’ll find it in your hearts to donate a book or send a monetary donation to help us in this celebration.

Check out our Amazon wish list under Brooks’s Bookshelf and other places to donate on our website at Follow us on Facebook & Instagram! -Kindly, Brooks Borrell & Family

FPC is starting a medical equipment library from which members can borrow equipment that they need on a temporary basis. These items will include walkers, bath chair, crutches, toilet riser, knee scooter, etc. If you have any equipment cluttering your basement that you would like to donate or if you have a temporary need for such an item, please contact Erica Brooks at

The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be Monday, March 30, 2020, from 12 noon – 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Mark your calendar now! To donate or volunteer your time, please call Erica Brooks, FPC Parish Nurse, at 402-469-9285 or sign up at

Register NOW for 2020 Summer Camp--3rd through 12th Grade, PLUS Intergenerational & Family camps for adults/children age 5-12! Highlands Presbyterian Camp & Retreat Center Summer Camp brochures are now available on the wood shelf next to the church office door. Scholarship Applications are also available. Please contact Stephanie at with any questions.

Benefits of Christian Camping…

Campers can grow in their spiritual development in a fun, positive environment.

Camp is an extension of your local church ministry program.

Campers engage with others, building on the connectional strength of the reformed tradition.

Child development experts believe that residential camp experiences help children and youth mature socially, emotionally, intellectually, morally, and physically. This is supported by research conducted by the American Camp Association.

Those interested in receiving food should bring boxes or bags. To volunteer, simply show up on the date of the next distribution and check in at the volunteer sign-in table. Volunteer shifts are 9:30-12:00 and 12:00-2:00. Plastic bags can be brought to the church office and donated to the cause.

What’s Happening at FPC --- March 1 – March 14, 2020

Sun, Mar 1 8:30a-9:30a Contemplative Taizé-Style Worship with Communion in the Chapel

9:15a-10:15a Sunday School All Ages 10:30a Traditional Worship Mon, Mar 2 8:15a-9:15p Walkers in PEACE Center 1:00p-3:00p Pickle Ball in PEACE Center Gym 1:00p-4:00p Food from the Heart Food Prep 6:00p-8:00p Mexican Dance Troupe in PEACE Center 7:00p-8:00p Scout Troop 200 7:30p-8:30p Chorus of the Plains Tues, Mar 3 8:15a-9:15p Walkers in PEACE Center 10:30a-11:30a Staff Meeting 12:00p-1:00p Bible Study in Anderson Room 1:30p-4:00p Quilters meet in P.E.A.C.E. Center 5:30p-8:00p Pickle Ball in P.E.A.C.E. Center Gym 5:30p-6:30p WAM Meeting in Anderson 5:30p-6:30p United Harvest Board in Kessler Wed, Mar 4 7:00a-8:00a Bible @ Breakfast in the Parlor 8:15a-9:15a Walkers in PEACE Center 9:30a-10:10a HC Chapel at French Memorial Chapel 11:00a-11:45a PW Coordinating Team in Library 11:45 a-2:00p PW Luncheon 4:00p-6:00p Pre-K thru 5th Grade Bible Study, Recreation Time,

Choir/Bells (WNL) 6:00p-6:45p WNL Family Meal Time

All are welcome! 6:20p-6:50p WNL Calvin Middle School and Westminster High

School Bells 6:30p-8:00p Wood Carvers meet in Church Basement 6:45p-7:30p Chancel Choir 6:50p-7:30p WNL Calvin Middle School and

Westminster High School Choir 7:30p-8:15p Chancel Bells 7:30p-8:15p WNL Bible Study and Fellowship: Middle School

(6th – 8th) Youth Group Thurs, Mar 5 7:00a-8:00a Retreat in the Real World in Adult Ed Classroom 8:15a-9:15a Walkers in PEACE Center 12:00p-1:00p Soup Group in the Library 5:00p-6:00p Grief Group in Lydia Room 5:30p-6:30P Christian Ed in Parlor 5:30p-8:30p Pickle Ball in PEACE in Center Gym 6:00p-8:00p Mexican Dance Troupe in PEACE Center NE Classroom 6:00p-7:00p Spanish Class in PEACE Center NW Classroom 7:00p-8:00p Cub Scout Pack Meeting in Fellowship Hall Fri, Mar 6 10:00a-12:00p Mahjong Ladies in the Youth Room Sat, Mar 7 TIME CHANGE TONIGHT

Sun, Mar 8 8:30a-9:15a Contemplative Taizé-Style Worship with Communion in the Chapel

9:00a-9:45a Sunday School All Ages 10:30a Traditional Worship Service Mon, Mar 9 8:15a-9:15a Walkers in PEACE Center 1:00p-3:00p Pickle Ball in PEACE Center Gym 6:00p-8:00p Mexican Dance Troupe in PEACE Center 7:00p-9:00p Scout Troop 200-Boys/Girls 7:30p-9:30p Chorus of the Plains Tues, Mar 10 8:15a-9:15a Walkers in PEACE Center 10:30a-11:30a Staff Meeting 12:00p-1:00p Bible Study in Anderson Room 1:30p-4:00p Quilters meet in P.E.A.C.E. Center 5:30p-8:00p Pickle Ball in P.E.A.C.E. Center Gym 5:30p-6:30p Congregational Life in Parlor 6:00p-7:00p Trustees in Anderson 7:00p-8:30p Knit Wits in Parlor Wed, Mar 11 7:00a-8:00a Bible @ Breakfast in the Parlor 8:15a-9:15a Walkers in PEACE Center 9:30a-10:10a HC Chapel at French Memorial Chapel 4:00p-8:00p NO WNL Activities 6:30p-8:00p Wood Carvers meet in Church Basement Thurs, Mar 12 7:00a-8:00a Retreat in the Real World in the Adult Ed Room 8:15a-9:15a Walkers in PEACE Center 4:30p-5:30p Mission in Parlor 5:00p-6:00p Grief Group in Lydia Room 5:30p-8:00p Pickle Ball in P.E.A.C.E. Center Gym 6:00p-8:00p Mexican Dance Troupe in PEACE Center 6:00p-7:00p Spanish Class in P.E.A.C.E. Center, NW Classroom 7:00p-8:00p Cub Scout Pack Meeting in Fellowship Hall Fri, Mar 13 10:00a-12:00p Mahjong Ladies in the Youth Room Sat, Mar 14

December 2019 Giving Update

Budget General Fund Giving PC(USA) Communion Offering Joy Offering

$47,917 $104,872 $178 $688 $3034

January 2020 Giving Update

$47,917 $29,944 $162 $847

First Presbyterian Church-Hastings has an “APP” for you! Our

directory of names, contact information, and corresponding family photos is ready for you to create your login at Use the email address from your 2018 listing to gain access. Only members will be able to create a login and load an app on their phones from the app store.

Pickle Ball? You are invited to come to the FPC P.E.A.C.E Center located at 7th and Lincoln Ave. Pickle Ball is a fun blend of ping pong, racquetball, and tennis. It is designed for all ages as a healthy activity for young and old alike. It is lower impact than tennis but just as fun! Equipment is available; you just need to show up!

Food from the Heart Program The women of our church have started a mission of giving to our friends and families. Our plan is to get together on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of each month at 2:00pm. We will prepare the food for casseroles to be placed in the church freezers. Everything will be ready to go when volunteers arrive. It would be nice to have 5-6 peo0ple help prepare the meals. To let Nancy Grams know you are coming to help prepare the casseroles or if you have any questions, call or text at 402-705-8179. The finished casseroles in the freezer are for anyone to take and give away. Feel free to share with non-members also. We care about everyone, so enjoy.

Shop Hands Around the World for your Fair-Trade Items

Our products come from artisans who live in poor areas around the globe. Purchasing their goods helps them to feed their families, send their children to school, and improve their lives by becoming economically self-sufficient. Handcrafts include baskets, scarves, jewelry, woolen hats and mittens, holiday decorations, gourmet chocolates, spices, teas, coffee, and more. Purchasing products from the store also supports our local mission, United

Harvest. We give $100.00 from the store each month to this outreach, which helps to feed those in need in our community. We are open from 9:00-12:00

every Sunday.

Donation Station Has Moved Looking to donate items to Hastings Food Pantry, Happy Nappies, Pine Ridge, Brooks's Bookshelf, and/or SASA? The Mission committee has moved the ongoing collection tubs for these projects into the Fellowship Hall. If you stop by to take a look, you'll find clearly marked bins with lists of the items for which these agencies are looking. Thank

you for your continued support of these vital ministry partners.

Heirs Apparent Adult Sunday School Class meets at 9:15am in the Anderson Room. Grab a cup of coffee and join us.

Bible @ Breakfast meets every Wednesday at 7 a.m. in the Parlor. Come join us for coffee, conversation, and study.

Forum Adult Sunday School Class meets at 9:15am as scheduled in the Lydia Room (Formerly the Adult Ed Room).

Writing From Faith, Feb 23, March 1, 8: Three-part series on learning to express our own faith using common biblical forms

Soup Group for Women meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 12:00-1:00pm in the Library. Bring a sack lunch if you wish for lunch and Fellowship.

Knit Wits. Join us for our knitting/crocheting fellowship group, the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, 7:00-8:00/8:30 p.m. in the Parlor. Bring whatever project you're currently working on. Join us for refreshments, fellowship, and fun!

Presbyterian Women meet for food, fellowship, and programs the first Wednesday of the month at 11:45am in Fellowship Hall.

The March luncheon will be Sermons a la Carte at St. Mark’s Episcopal. The next luncheon will be April 1, 2020. Please RSVP to your Circle calling chairman and to the Office by March 30th. The program will be given by Susan Kloke on “Angel Gowns”

Circle I will prepare lunch and provide kitchen helpers.

Circle II will set tables, provide centerpieces, devotions, nametags, Hunger Cups, and act as Cashiers.

Circle I will meet March 18-9:30am in the Parlor (Hostess: Elaine Specht & May Wierenga, Lesson: Flossie Sanderson)

Circle II will meet March 18-9:30am (Hostess: Sally Smith, Lesson: Betty Kooy)

Circle III will meet March 18-1:15 pm in the Library (Hostesses: Nancy Grams, Lesson: Sue Medsker-Nedderman)

Presbyterian Women and Church Women United are collecting items for the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Emergency Cleanup Buckets. Information can be found at the table in the Memorial Room. Questions? Call Nancy Grams for the answers.

First Presbyterian Church

621 North Lincoln Avenue Hastings, NE 68901

Phone: 402-462-5147, Fax 402-462-6818



Address Service Requested

The Home Page

A publication of

First Presbyterian Church

621 N. Lincoln Ave.

Hastings, NE 68901

Senior Pastor: Greg Allen-Pickett

Publishing Guidelines: The Home Page is a

twice-monthly publication for the people and

mission of First Presbyterian Church.

The newsletter seeks to inform, instruct, and

challenge its readers to become engaged in the

ministry of FPC.

Articles will be accepted by the Thursday prior

to publication. Submissions may be edited for

length and suitability. You may send articles to

the church office: or call


28Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

The Lord is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and

increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary,

and young men stumble and fall, 31but those who hope in the LORD

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles,

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31

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