the great pyramid of giza

Post on 12-May-2015






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Great Pyramid of Giza

The History About How it all Started

IntroductionThe great pyramid of Giza (also known as the pyramid of Khufu), one of the most famous structures on the list of the seven wonders of the ancient world. A structure that is in shape of a pyramid and that's located on the outskirts of Cairo in the country, Egypt. What makes this famous man made structure one of the most recognizable ones? Not only is this pyramid the one of the oldest structures ever made, but it is the only structure that still remains today. The Great Pyramid of Giza used to be the tallest man made structure in the world for over 3800 years. Even though this pyramid wasn't the first pyramid built, got all the fame and glory due do its size and was marked as one of the most remarkable structures built. No wonder why this structure was made to be on the list of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Reasons for it being built/made

Now how did this all start? What made this unique building exist? This pyramid wasn't just built for the sake of it. It is known that pharaoh Khufu who ruled Egypt from about 2547 - 2524 B.C., ordered a building that would be built over on the Giza plateau. While planning, his brother, Hemienu overlooked the project and restructured the plan so that the building would be the home of his tomb and all of his possessions afterlife of Khufu.

Construction of the pyramid

The construction of this pyramid took 20 years and contained 2.3 million limestones that equal about 5,500 pounds. 800 stones a day were placed by 20,000 to 100,000 Egyptian laborers. It took awhile for archeologists to find out what kind machines were used for moving stones and for raising them and have said that there was boat that went along the Nile River and then when the stones were on land there was use of levers, wood sleds and and ropes made of the papyrus tree to pull the blocks along ramps to their location.

The pyramid is located in Giza, the third largest city of Egypt in an area that is known as the Giza plateau which is a famous and popular location in Giza not only does it have the great pyramids of Giza but the Giza Plateau is the home of other popular attractions such as the great sphinx, monuments and temples. Facts The Giza Plateau is a dessert at the end of the Giza. A plateau is a flat surface on a steep hill.


Things that are located on the Giza Plateau

How it was used before and now

In the past, The Great Pyramid of Giza was used for storing Khufu's body and his possessions. Now today, they use The Great Pyramid of Giza as a tourist attraction and for archaeological investigations.

Significance I think the Pyramid of Giza is really something special. We have never gotten a chance to see the olden days, how it looked like or the lifestyle. It's so great that we have an opportunity to see a structure that was built in that time and how Egyptian laborers made one of the worlds largest buildings without any modern tools. Another reason is that is was the largest building for over 3,800 years which is quite long. It's so surprising the pyramid hasn't been damaged in a place that has lots of sandstorms. The pyramid represents the Egyptian citizens. It makes people want to travel from home to see the pyramid and makes the Egyptians feel proud that people come from all around the world to see what their ancestors have done. All that hard work really paid off.


In conclusion it's a truly amazing story of how it is one of the largest buildings that exists. It's a remarkable building that has lots of beliefs and theories to it and gets people excited and really interested to learn about the great pyramid of Giza.

Inside the pyramid

Cross section of the pyramid


Kings chamber

The kings chamber was where his body and possessions were kept.

Khufu's sarcophagus where Khufu's body was in

(Sarcophagus, it's a coffin made out of stone)

Queens chamber

The Queen's chamber is just called that but is unlikely for

any queen to be buried in here because Khufu's three

wives were buried in the three tiny pyramids in front

of the Great Pyramid.

Thanks for reading

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