the final countdown. climate change - solution. we must act - now! or, we'll perish

Post on 22-Feb-2017






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Now – What more can you and I do …?

Re: The Main Issue – Our Planet Earth is fast deteriorating. Can we solve it?

The Correct GUT & TOE in the Perspective of Nature’s Blueprint – What for? [What more can we do to solve it…?]

1. The Invitation for a Crucial Joint & Unified Move to act to Solve the 36 Global Crises, &

2. My Two Global Projects for the Ultimate Solution Proposals to our Earth’s True Condition

& Make This World A Place to Live and Not to Survive – for the Sake of ALL Humanity

The Earth is sick? That is a fact … A human force – EM is A once serene creation … becomes disturbed also … Why? How come? Is also disturbed …

The Facts of Phenomena:

There are only 5 major Global Mass Extinctions in Earth History – but all these 5 extinctions took place

according to Earth’s natural bio-ecological rhythm phenomena on account of hidden Mathematical Chain Principle No.:5

<<MCP-n5>> that operates deep into the heart of the Universe. However, the so-called Four-Position Foundation

of human existence which links this highly delicate Earth’s bio-ecological balance mechanism to the mathematical existence of the Cosmos centering on Adam (a Man) and Eve (a Woman) has been severely disturbed, damaged by the irresponsible human acts contrary to natural laws.

To this connection, beyond human knowledge, the facts have it that the WHO [World Health Organization] has

identified 5 Major Global Health Issues consequently triggered by Climate Change alone to affect most delicately

global human life conditions @ worst cases of morbidity & mortality… Whereas, the Global Risk Index strongly

suggests 5 Major Global Problems that can facilitate ecological holocaust within decades, or earlier: Air Pollution,

Water Pollution, Poverty (incL.:Land Pollution;Health), Nuclear Power Plant & Global Warming.

To understand all these, pls read attach: “The Issue – Our Planet Earth is deteriorating …! What more can

we do to solve this…What about the GUT & TOE?” The content is holistically based on facts; the truth is

derived based on natural operating phenomena. The ultimate Solution is revealed from the perspective of Nature’s

Blueprint. Who would have thought that what we are looking for to solve the Climate Change & the rest of the 35

Global Problems are mathematically tied up in the correct GUT & TOE? Also, pls refer to Addendum A.: The 15

Greatest Puzzles facing humanity today…! <This has clue in the correct GUT & TOE (Grand Unification Theory &

The Theory of Everythng)>. The 4 attachments show these how, what, why, when, & who…

The 15 Greatest “un-solved” Puzzles … ? The Clue … One of Bernard Rementilla’s Formulas to solve GOD’s Equation of TOE & GUT [of the Universe]

The Conclusive Proposition of this Nature’s Final Warning:

The Correct GUT & TOE in the Perspective of Nature’s Blueprint!

The Truth & Facts of How’s & Why’s of the Solution Proposal(s)…

“ Go back to Nature! And Live @ Zero Point of Human Existence …,” Nature warns!

To Solve All the 36 Global Issues & Stop the 6th

Global Mass Extinction:

The worsening developments in practically all aspects of human life conditions @ global scale are but the strongest messages of

global warning, to all of us from nature – from GOD: to wake up us all to cooperate, to act with correct Objectivity3,

correct Direction1, correct Degree

2, and correct Intensity

4, of every human action [GTA’s & GTR’s] the world over.

Straight to the point: We must & need to know Nature’s Blueprint…. in where the above four (4) human parameters of

restoration<repair> are found to exist @ Zero-Point of human existence through which they are designed to operate correctly;

etc. – to be able to succeed. That is: we all must go back to Nature… we must know the Zero-Point …

The Truth is:

All human acts <<the GTA & GTR of human history: cultures, civilizations, etc.>> are mathematically linked to Earth’s

environmental systems. All 13 human being’s major biological systems are mathematically tied up with/to every bio-

interactive energy & force mechanism of the Earth1, Solar System2, Galaxy(s)3, Universe4, & Cosmos5…

Each Human being has all the mathematical formulae [in himself/herself] that GOD – the Absolute Being - applied by

which configuration design He created the Cosmos [=Spirit World] & the Universe [=Physical World] w/ all biological elements in a span of more than 26 billion years!

The Earth – A One Human Planet The Earth’s Black Hole – The Key to External A mathematician who can complete very fragile, very delicate … Solution to Climate Change which Nature’s Formulae Riemann’s Mathematics is the Missing does complete Bernhard Riemann’s Non-Euclidean Link referred to below and is the KEY Mathematics to penetrate the Core of Nature’s to Harness the Earth’s Black Hole Unified Balancing Inter-active GTA & GTR Forces! to Solve Climate Change

The 4 Position Foundation of human life [the essence of the Duality Principle of Life on which all biological systems of

creation do depend] is mathematically tied up in the dual-mode 52-dimension configuration of water in which every

biological function & structure of force & energy GTA & GTR Principle operates. This means human life is the

central vector operator of all dual life force & life energy balance mechanism of the Universe & the Cosmos pair. [Any disturbance or violation of universal principle or law that is caused by human activity critically affects the balance

duality system of the Cosmos. The result is simply an artificial (man-made) equation of chaotic biological activities which account for natural disasters, development of harmful viruses, diseases, etc., on Earth.]

How come?

The Unsolved Puzzle of GUT The Unsolved Puzzle of TOE How can we solve it? Is the Puzzle connected to Climate Change and the Unity of Mankind & All Religions & Sciences towards achieving true peace on Earth – permanently?

The Missing Link ….?

There is water deep into the heart of the Universe: connecting the smallest lifeform to the biggest lifeform in the

creation. Oceans on Earth mathematically connect every nature’s biological system to the heart of man’s dual biological balance vector mechanism. If each human act violates nature’s law then this balance of Nature’s biological energy & force <CiDM & CHP> mechanism is consequently damaged resulting to much more devastating & disturbed bio-

ecological conditions totally fatal to human life on Earth.

Straight to the point: We must stop to be pride-ly metalogical in our human point of view; we must

learn from history’s mistakes. Nature is giving us this dual-purpose global Solution Proposal(s) to melt

down @ Zero-Point the 5 walls of human obstacles to true global peace: religion, races, peoples,

nations & cultures – by which transcending & re-solving completely @ Zero-Point their internal conflicts

provides us complete & concrete solution to 36 Global Issues: the Nature’s Blueprint of Global Project#1 Solution Proposal is the 1st step and the Global Project #2 Solution Proposal is the proof

that we can do it as we enter the ultimate human civilization of the Pacific Rim via the Aquarian Era of Global NRE Human Culture to eliminate global poverty permanently & provide mankind with the

true wealth of humanity that comes from the Oceans. How are we certain that this is the correct path? Pls

see Annexes # 1 and #2. What about Water?

Missing Link?

Roger Penrose’s Road to Reality. Isaac Newton’s Bernhard Riemann. Albert Einstein to Relativity

Puzzle on The Bible’s Genesis & his Non-Euclidean Principle of Nature. BUT of Creation – The Code Mathematics links what links Relativity to Higher Dimension of Natural Phenomena, Including Quantum & other Natural Phenomena …?

A great modern-age mathematician, Roger Penrose, author of one of the best Books on Science and Mathematics Applications: “The Road to Reality,” admitted that there is a need of new perspective, new approach to solve scientific problems with impact to Natural Phenomena; an approach that is all scientists, mathematicians have missed because that thinking perspective is totally new…

Dr. Roger Penrose

[This is the Point in what Bernard Rementilla is revealing to us all – a New Perspective of Solution Approach, a New Perspective of Thinking ... which is presented here in this paper.]

Oceans – The Earth’s Powerful Black Hole of Human Life Bio-ecological Breathing Mechanism:

We are entering the Ocean culture & Ocean civilization - the most critical part of human development history to be able to start

to heal the wounds of Earth’s bio-ecological breathing [mathematical] mechanism - naturally. Earth’s oceans power [nature’s

natural CiDM & CHP interactive 4-Position Foundation of Earth’s Bio-ecological Breathing Mechanism] is the key to the restoration of global energy balance in the Physical Realm Phenomena; and stop the 6

th Global Mass

Extinction & control the future of the world in true global peace. We must not waste this once in a lifetime chance to survive

this global turmoil & then live in true & permanent global peace – in true life, true love, & true lineage @ Zero-Point.

The Dual Solution of Climate Change: A CiDM & CHP Ocean Current Power Technology

Bernard Rementilla, in one setting figured out above, presents the Solution to Global Warming which is encapsulated in a single but complex global issue: Climate Change, which is until now still not completely understood by human Perspective. That Solution is a dual solution – One Internal Solution: Nature’s

Blueprint (of Creation); and the other One External Solution: The World’s 1st

NRE Ocean (Dual) Power Plant – A CiDM & CHP Combined Ocean Current Power Technology that unifies & balances the three (3) Basic Biological Fields of Nature:

1. Earth Field <Solid Realm> 2. Water Field <Liquid Realm> and 3. Gas <Air Realm>.

This can be concretely done in the Mechanics Solution found in Nature’s Blueprint. Therefore, we must

know the Nature’s Blueprint. The Final countdown begins…NOW.

I must repeat: all natural catastrophic phenomena: climate change, pandemics viruses, tsunamis, hurricanes, heat waves,

earthquakes, etc., are not theories but fallen realities of our sickly disturbed Planet Earth. Global Studies & Surveys on earth

phenomena: Stern 2006 Review, WHO 2006 Global Report, UNDP 2006 Report, WB, ADB 2006 & IMF Global Economic Survey, IPCC

2007 Report on Climate Change, US & UN Survey Report 2007, and recent separate Survey(s) are exact warning for us all – not from theories but from actual Earth’s conditions. They give proofs of evidence to this dual purposed global Project Solution Proposal I have been introducing to you all. Kindly let me repeat: what I have been revealing to you does not come from me … it

all comes from Nature.

Now, let me ask you in all honesty: What more can you do? What more can You and I do … ?

“We are living in the most critical time of human history because of one most delicately serious global problem: Climate Change & today is the most crucial for all of us to make decision. Any more delay is fatal…We need to ACT Now…”

Thank you all for giving your time to read my Two Global Solution Proposals; and to know this my Conclusive Proposition… How I wish I could in 1 setting provide you more than 2,600 Figures, Drawings, Diagrams, etc., in the present from the previous

only 1,500 Diagrams, Figures, etc. in 2005, as annexes to understand these Nature’s revelations I am giving you - from heart.

Thank you. GOD BLESS YOU ALL... GOD BLESS us all – to live and not to survive… Thank you.

GPW Bernard Bautista Remen-tilla.(26): May 2010, Quezon City, Phils.

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