the eggplant

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Jacqueline Barnwell

Jaclyn Dickriede

Rachel Duque

Neda Kashenian


What is a Superfood? A natural food that is especially

beneficial because of its level of

antioxidants and health-protecting


Slice up and add to soups,

sauces, and casseroles

Slice it ½ inch thick and grill,

bake, or sauté

Leave the skin on to keep the

nutrition benefits

Put it on sandwiches, chop it

up and put it in stir fry, spa-

ghetti sauce

Cook in a bit of olive oil and

season to liking!

Eggplant A Superfood

TIPS Cost Saving Tips

If buying in a grocery store

Avoid organically grown eggplant. These are

more expensive and do not differ nutri-

tionally from the other types!

Look for


Nutritional Content Good source of Folate - (good for a healthy

pregnancy and baby development!)

The skin contains Dietary Fiber- Binds to bad cholesterol and removes it

from the body!

Great source of POTASSIUM, manganese, copper,

and thiamin (Vit B1), Vit B6, magnesium, and

niacin—ALL are needed for a healthy body!

Contains Antioxidants, which are cancer preventing agents!

The eggplant

originated in India

and was originally

thought of to be

poisonous. It is closely

related to the tomato.

The growing season for the eggplant is late

summer to early autumn and it is easy

to grow at home. Eggplant is a

fruit that can be used to help lower blood cholesterol.

Eggplants prefer fertile, well-drained, slightly acidic soils.

Require a warm growing season.

The crop is often heavy so staking may be

necessary to support the growing plant.

A few weeks before the first frost pinch off the blossoms so that the plants channel energy into

ripening existing fruit .

Do not plant eggplants or other tomato-family crops in the same location to prevent plant disease.

Eggplants are harvested at their peak ripeness

when they develop color, but before they lose their shine. Seeds on over-ripe fruit turn brown.

Check for maturity by pushing on one side of the fruit with the ball of the thumb. If the

fruit does not spring back when released, it is


Cut the stem with

pruning shears and leave

some stem on the fruit.

Where to buy

In the produce section of your local grocery store, or farmer’s market!

Choose a firm, smooth-skinned

eggplant that is heavy for its size; avoid those with soft or brown spots.

Gently push with your thumb—If the

flesh gives slightly but then bounces back, it is ripe.

If the indentation remains, it is overripe and the insides will be mushy.

If there is no give, the eggplant was

picked too early.

Make sure an

eggplant isn't dry

inside, knock on it

with your knuckles.

If you hear a

hollow sound, don't buy it

How to Eat Keep eggplant in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing near apples, as apples give off a gas

that causes eggplant to ripen too quickly.

If you require a longer storage time,

place your eggplant in a plastic bag and put

it in the REFRIDGERATOR. Never eat raw egg-plant since it contains the toxin solamine., which is destroyed by cooking.

History of the





How to Choose a Ripe Eggplant

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