the cold war early years 1945-1963 review by: michael crews

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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The Cold WarEarly Years 1945-1963


Michael Crews

Planning the Post-war World• Yalta Conference

– Established free elections in postwar Europe– Established the United Nations

• Every country in the world could have a seat in the general assembly• Real power lies with the UN Security Council

– U.S., Great Britain, France, Soviet Union (Russia), and China all have permanent seats

– Outlined plans for an occupied Germany• Germany would be split into 4 sections each controlled by one of the

four major Allied Powers• Berlin would also be split this way

– Determined the fate of a liberated Poland

• Potsdam Conference– Truman met with Soviets and accused them of breaking the agreements of

the Yalta Conference– Germany and Europe now slipped into deep seated rivalry between

democracy and communism– Germany splits into East and West Germany, so does the city of Berlin

The Cold War Begins • Truman was reluctant to deal with Stalin

– Relations between the U.S. and Soviets cooled off considerably– U.S. took an increasingly anti-communist position

• Stalin cut off western access to and from Berlin• Truman ordered the Air Force to drop thousands of pounds of food

and supplies to West Berlin (Berlin Airlift)• U.S. shifts to a policy of containment

– U.S. believed that if communism was kept inside the current Soviet Borders it would eventually die out

– Truman Doctrine = financial aid and military advisement to countries trying to resist communism in their borders

– Marshall Plan = financial aid to rebuild the economies of Western Europe after WWII– North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) = alliance that would support each other in

the event of a Soviet invasion• Canada, U.S., France, Great Britain, and Germany among the countries involved

• U.S. recognized Israel as a country in 1948

Korean War• Korea divided @ 38th parallel after WWII• Soviet backed North Korea invaded the American supported south• MacArthur’s forces pushed the communists back all the way to the

Yalu river– The Yalu river forms the border between China and North Korea– Chinese troops swarmed across the border and pushed U.S. forces back south

of the 38th parallel

• U.S. then regained territory to the 38th parallel– MacArthur wanted to invade China– Truman fired him

The Cold War at Home• Truman’s Fair Deal

– Stronger civil rights laws, including a ban on discrimination in hiring federal employees

– Higher minimum wage and extension of Social Security benefits– Funding of low-income housing projects

• Second Red Scare– Americans became increasingly fearful that communists had infiltrated

American institutions– Americans were growing more afraid of communism for the following reasons

• China became communist under Mao Zedong• Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of providing the Soviets information

regarding the atomic bomb• The Soviets now had nuclear weapons• Communist forces had nearly overwhelmed the U.S. in Korea• State Department official Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury

– Related to his espionage trial– Joseph McCarthy = McCarthyism

• He accused anyone who disagreed with him of being communist• He accused the Army of harboring communists

Eisenhower and Prosperity• Funded projects like St. Lawrence Seaway and Interstate Highway

system• Gross National Product more than doubled from 1945-1960• ‘Baby Boom’ also fostered a need form more consumerism• Cheap fuel, good roads, and affordable housing allowed for the

growth of suburbs • Advertising and ‘white-collar’ jobs increased in volume as heavy

industry declined• Consumer economics became the driving factor of the economy• People began to buy on credit

– A dramatic shift in thinking from pre-war spending thrift

Cold War of the 50’s and 60’s• This time period was marked by an escalating arms race

– ICMB’s, fall-out shelters, atomic bomb drills– Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) or Massive Retaliation

• The U.S. and Soviets would virtually destroy each other if attacked by the other one

• Space race– Soviets launch ‘Sputnik’– U.S. forms NASA and vows to be the first to put a man on the moon

• Eisenhower warns of being influenced by the military-industrial complex

• Kennedy takes office – Extends liberalism

• Forced states to realign electoral districts to match population• Provide legal counsel to accused criminals who can’t afford it• Require law-enforcement to read suspected criminals their rights• Worked to limit religion in schools

– Vows to approach the Cold War differently• Forms the Peace Corps

• Moves away from Massive Retaliation to a more ‘flexible response’• The Bay of Pigs was an attempt by the U.S. to counter a communist

regime in Cuba– It failed and became an international embarrassment ruining relations

between U.S. and Cuba

• Cuban Missile Crisis– The closest the world has ever come to nuclear warfare– U.S. blockaded Cuba – Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba if the U.S. would not invade

Cuba– Led to the signing of arms control measures beginning with Nuclear Test Ban


• JFK gets assassinated– Lee Harvey Oswald– Many conspiracies abound

Cold War Continues

• Elements of the Cold War continue up through the 1990’s

• It ends with the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union

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