the case for mobile first marketing

Post on 11-Jun-2015






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Full Podcast Available Here: Mobile First Marketer explores a major shift in our lives. It is a shift which has huge implications for businesses and business professionals—especially marketers. But because it is so new, most of us haven’t figured out how to reformulate our thinking and our doing in response to the shift, and as you will hear from some industry experts, that puts you at risk of being beaten by your competitors—both in business and in your career. I am talking about the shift to mobile as the primary way people communicate, get answers, and consume media.


The Case For Mobile First Marketing

Succeed and thrive in a world where customers demand to be serviced on their mobile devices

A realization that most of us have had …

Mark Kersteen, Incite Marketing and Communications

Someone was telling me today that ‘I am constantly thinking about mobile, and how to get our content on mobile’.

Most of us grew us experiencing the internet through our desktop browser, so it is hard to imagine it is turning into something only “grandpa” uses.

The desktop browser is becoming the radio of our generation.“

I barely ever look at my laptop anymore. I communicate with people more because I have so many channels to connect with people.

Now I find my whole life being shaped by what I can do with my phone.“

Another example that illustrates the role of mobile devices in our lives …

by Ted Schadler, Josh Bernoff, and Julie Ask

The Mobile Mind Shift

Available at Amazon and other bookstores

INTERMISSION: What is Mobile First Marketer All About?

Publisher MobileTechCreate

@brockbutlerbrock at mobiletechcreate dot com

Brock Butler, Creator

Back to The Mobile Mind Shift book and our shifting behaviors resulting from the rise of mobile devices …

Anything we need will be available anywhere, at any time, on our smartphones. Your ability to control your personal sphere, the things you care about both in your life and in your work, has dramatically improved. Your mind has shifted to expect all that and more …

… and you have made the shift without even thinking about it. Your control over things is so ubiquitous and natural as to be invisible. You expect to have apps (and mobile sites) that empower you with information and service as a fundamental privilege of living. (The Mobile Mind Shift)

It means it is not just a nice-to-have—it is a need-to-have for any

business who serves people, which applies to customers and employees for just about every

business in existence.

Mobile information and service as a

fundamental privilege of living!

Photo by niXerKG

Your sales efforts must acknowledge a powerful customer who can choose from a virtually infinite set of suppliers. Your marketing must be focused on utility. And your decisions must acknowledge this shift in power. In short, you must become customer obsessed. (The Mobile Mind Shift)

Mobile is the biggest, most pervasive, most powerful, and most global trend driving us toward the age of the customer. It creates demands not only on customer-facing parts of businesses, but also on the systems that technology managers own. (The Mobile Mind Shift)

The Case for Mobile First …

Everything at Facebook is mobile first, with mobile engineers integrated in every product team so we can think consistently across every platform …

“Ted Zagat, Local Product Marketing Manger at FacebookSource: Technorati

Twenty two percent of all mobile time spent is spent on Facebook and its sister company, Instagram. That’s bigger than all the others combined. It’s mind boggling how fast it is happening and the broader implications for every business.

“Ted Zagat, Local Product Marketing Manger at Facebook

A surprising number of U.S. Internet companies still operate without a real mobile-first strategy, though nearly everyone thinks they have one.

“Alec Oxenford, CEO of OLX, from an April 2014 article

Whether they know it or not, their businesses are on a respirator, especially if they have any thoughts about growing outside the U.S.

“Alec Oxenford, CEO of OLX, from an April 2014 article

In emerging markets, consumers aren’t shifting from desktop computers to mobile devices like we’ve seen in the U.S. Instead, for many of these populations, mobile is the Internet, and often provides their first online experience.

“Alec Oxenford, CEO of OLX, from an April 2014 article

Mobile has moved beyond a ‘channel’ and become a behavior. A verb. A necessity. It’s safe to say that if you haven’t moved to mobile in some form — advertising, app, responsive site, you name it — you've fallen way behind.

“Ashley Eckel, VP of Marketing for Crossboard Media, CMS Wire

Something to keep you up at night …

A mobile moment is a point in time and space when someone pulls out a mobile device to get what he or she wants immediately, in context. If a customer wants information or service in a mobile moment, that is your moment to shine …

…. Be there, and your customers will come to depend on you, deepening their loyalty and providing valuable information that your company can use to further improve the relationship. (The Mobile Mind Shift)

Serving customers now means serving them in their mobile moments. If you are absent in those moments, they will turn to someone else who is providing a better mobile service. Who is ready to serve them in a mobile moment? Increasingly, it is an entrepreneur. (The Mobile Mind Shift)

Your customers now spend more time on the phone screen, and have higher expectations for that, than ever before. If your thinking is still stuck on the PC, the Web, and traditional media, some entrepreneur or competitor will swoop in and take over that mobile moment. That's what should keep you up at night.

“Josh Bernoff, SVP of Idea Development for Forrester Research

You, as a business leader or marketer (or both), have the ability to adapt and learn fast. Faster than your competitors. There is still some time to be among the first to truly understand and succeed with mobile marketing.

With every disruption comes opportunities

Photo by Olearys

INTERMISSION: What Can You Expect From This Podcast?

Lessons on mobile marketing that aim to be useful, relatable, and hopefully somewhat entertaining.

Relatable, Entertaining Lessons

We are aiming for 20-25 minutes in length, and a frequency of one episode every two weeks.

Podcast + Article + YouTube Video + SlideShare Presentation


The latest news, advice, and expert commentary to deliver fresh and relevant information. If you want to contribute to the podcast, please feel free to get in touch on twitter or email.

Live interviews and many contributors

Back to Mark Kersteen, Content Manager at Incite Marketing and Communications

At Incite, we have been trying to push this data driven journalism thing, so to do that, we have been doing a lot of surveys with our audience. We send out an email once a week to our collaborators. The list is a couple thousand …

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

… It is a quick survey we send out over email and we keep it really short — usually three questions on some marketing topic. We have recently done surveys on content, marketing channels, and we have one on mobile next week …

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

… It is our way to find out what our audience is interested in, what they respond to, and what they want to learn more about. We filter that information and share it with the rest of our audience. It provides valuable information that people can’t really get in any other place.

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

Mark’s latest survey-based report asked marketers about the channels they felt most confident using.

Confidence Level With Marketing Channels

Source: Incite MC

What we found was that, in terms of what marketers are most confident in using, it was a three-way split between Traditional (TV, radio, outdoor display, etc.), Digital (web, blog, etc.), and Social (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), with Mobile in distant and dead last …

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

The majority also said they were “least confident” in mobile. Across all channels, people felt digital was where they could deliver their most consistent messages. Again, mobile was last in this category.

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

Traditional, digital, and social channels all had about 30% of the audience stating it was their most comfortable channel. Mobile came in at under 5%.

It Wasn’t Even Close

Source: Incite MC

I didn’t expect mobile to be the most confident channel, but I didn’t think it would be so far behind.

Marketers were just not into mobile, at least not the ones we were speaking to.

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

This isn’t the only data point that suggests marketers are struggling with the mobile mind shift.

Wait, There is More

While a whopping 91 percent of the advertisers polled by data company Jivox said their companies will spend more on mobile ads this year, many reported feeling frustrated by new technology and the need for better insights.

“Melissa Hoffman, AdWeek

Marketers are not capitalizing on the changing consumer mobile behaviors

Why Not?

Tracey Stokes, a Forrester analyst serving CMO’s, from Forrester blog

Mobile’s marketing moment has not yet arrived. While consumers continue the rapid shift to mobile, marketers have not yet realized mobile’s brand building potential — because for too many marketers, mobile remains a tactical underfunded offshoot disconnected from a CMO's brand building efforts.

Succeeding In A Mobile First World …

In every little moment of our day, we can turn to our mobile devices to solve a problem, get information, entertain ourselves, and get things done.

So what does it take to engage people on their smartphones and tablets?

Re-engineering your company’s technology platforms, business processes, and the way people work is like moving a mountain—it’s where the bulk costs lie. But you have no choice. (The Mobile Mind Shift)

A preview of what tends to separate success from failure, from my email interview with Josh Bernoff …

Josh Bernoff, SVP of Idea Development for Forrester Research

The mobile mind shift requires a completely new way of thinking . . . thinking in terms of the mobile moments in the customer journey. The ones who fail start by trying to ‘mobilize’ some element of their existing Web site …

Josh Bernoff, SVP of Idea Development for Forrester Research

… Those who succeed do so by thinking in terms of points of friction or opportunity in their customers' lives and relationships with the company. The people I've seen succeed often have a background in customer experience (or strong connections with a customer experience function) rather than traditional marketing.

You already know that your succeed depends on putting customer experience at the forefront of your efforts

Don’t Worry Marketers

Just one last quote from Mark Kersteen that reinforces the need to be customer centric

Don’t be creepy, marketers. Now you have to think when you are sending messages to mobile, or through email, that those messages are coming to me, not my house. My person …

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

… Now that you have this information of location, habits, and the times I do things (and it is the coolest space for marketers), please don’t be creepy with it. Respect it. Because it gives you a lot of power …

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC

… It gives you more power than you every dreamed of. You need to respect it. Every phone is attached to a person. Don’t make your customers uncomfortable.

“Mark Kersteen, Incite MC


A transcript, including all links is posted at I would love your feedback via the comments there, on twitter (@brockbutler) or via email.

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Other Ways To Get Mobile First Marketer

More great information is lined up for the next episode, and I’ll also be doing some international travel where I will get the perspective of marketers in China and India, among other places.

What is Next?

All shows and articles are posted at

Where To Get It All

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