the birth of kehfab

Post on 17-Nov-2014



Art & Photos



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First we found the perfect location right in the Steinbach Industrial Park

Then began the building layout

The equipment arrives

Preparing to unload

Excited as kids on Christmas morning

Looks like rain, better un-strap and get this stuff inside

Carefully unloading each machine and placing it in it’s new home

Quick and carefully, got to beat the rain that is sure to come

Along for the ride to make certain there are no “accidents”

That little Hyster is working harder then we are

Half done now

Look at that sky, how much time do we have?

Trailers just about empty

Almost made it, rain has started and the little Hyster stepped aside

Racing against the rain

Preparing the lift

And off comes the Rotodie

Will this thing fit through the door?

One way or another it will

A little skillful maneuvering and it’s in!

Starting to take shape

Testing the machinery

Metal arrives and what do you know it looks like rain again

Move the truck right up to the door so metal doesn’t get wet

That should work

Few more skids

And it’s all in, nothing got wet

Organizing metal

Done now lets get to work

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