the benefits of google authorship for your website by: mickey mellen

Post on 17-May-2015






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Digital Atlanta 2013


authorship is tied to g+

how active are you on Google+?

two ways google will rank your authorship: ●  your previous content ●  your g+ authority

benefits of Google Authorship

“Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles will be ranked higher than content without such verification, which will result in most users naturally clicking on the top (verified) results. The true cost of remaining anonymous, then, might be irrelevance.”

- Eric Schmidt, from “The New Digital Age”

faces in search results

higher ranking from pages that your connections share

search advantages

●  pure search results may not yet be impacted ●  the more connections you have on g+, the

more people will be impacted by your g+ behavior

●  instant indexing

most g+ posts pass link equity

advantages to fight duplicate content

attribution in Google Image Search

downsides to authorship

●  Perhaps a waste of time to get it set up. ●  Limited effectiveness ●  Single author per piece of content

hard to use on faceless corporate blogs

rel:publisher will help a bit

setting up authorship

●  is yours set up yet?

set up g+ account

You need a real name and a human photo

add your site as a “contributor to” item

link from your site to G+ with rel=author

Do it manually, or on WordPress using a theme from StudioPress or a plugin like WP SEO

- or - verify your domain-based email with Google

check Rich Snippets testing tool

how to use it as a business

<a href="" rel="publisher">Find us on Google+</a>

<link href="" rel="publisher" />

how to use it as a business


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