the art in our daily lives

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. “

Pablo Picasso

Most people don`t realize just how much they rely on art and all forms of it, in our everyday lives. While we might not be aware of it, we are surrounded by it and use it on a continual basis. It might sound exaggerated, but it is very true. We always have some form of art in our home, whether it is visual art or musical. Not all visual art is purely for looking at, a lot of it is functional and this is particularly true when it comes to our homes. Everything from that photograph to painting on a wall, a quilt on the bed to a woven area rug can be considered a form of art. But the question is why it is important? We could get along just fine with essential items that were non-artistic. We could survive just fine without music on our stereo and that is the reason that is it so valuable. While art may not be vital to fulfill our basic needs it does make life joyful. Dale Carnegie articulates it very beautifully that,

“The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure.”

When we look at the paintings we have chosen to hang on bedroom wall, we feel happy. The sculpture or figurines in the kitchen window create a sense of joy and create the atmosphere that we want to live in. It might seem very simple, but the fact of the matter is, music and art affect most of what we do. Everywhere we go, art is evident. The parks use sculptures to add interest and to inform people. Posters on walls give information and motivation. Music plays on the radio to keep our energy levels up. It`s something that we literally find ourselves immersed in most of the time. Thomas Merton says,

“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”

The art we are surrounded with, have an impact on us in an emotional sense. Some art is very dark and can cause disturbing emotions, anger or even depression. Other art, visual art or otherwise, can affect our mood in a more positive method, making us feel happier, calmer or even inspired to do something, it’s a very powerful thing.

To sum up, we can see that art is everywhere. We are influenced and affected by it on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not. Pablo Picasso concludes it like,

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. “

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