teen game manifest

Post on 12-Mar-2015






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WHO AM I?My name is Lucas, and I am only 15 years old, and I've been doing 'game' since I was about 9 years old.

I know what you are thinking, “NINE?!” Yes, nine. Now that's not to say that I am an authority on this subject, because, by all means, I am not. What I am though, is someone who knows, really knows what is going through your head when you read all the 'game' literature out there.

What that is, is “HOW DOES THIS APPLY TO ME? I'M A TEENAGER!” Correct? I thought so.

Before I answer that question, and the rest of the questions surrounding teen game, I feel that it is necessary for you to know some about me, and my evolution as a pickup artist.

This story goes all the way

back to my earliest memory – following the girl I liked when I was three years old. Yup, that's right, I went were no other toddler had gone; I liked girls at 3.

I was always a sensitive guy; probably spouting from my extensive soap opera watching with my mom as a baby, and I distinctly remember crying about a girl when I was four years old. Her name was Emily, and I liked her, a lot. We were best friends and did everything together. My most recent memory of her is when she called me over, I complied, and she kissed me. Best. Day. Ever.

I, at the age of 5, moved to Washington state, and got every girl in the entire class to like me; not an east feat at age 5. Though, I was still not satisfied, I needed a method, a guidebook for getting girls to like me.

At age 7, I began writing a book. I titled it “Girls”, it comprised of a few short paragraphs and one, very extensive, flow chart, with percent chances of different outcomes based on different conditions. I was miles ahead of my classmates.

But in a second I went back to Zero.

At 9 I moved to England. Everything was completely different. It was no longer fart jokes, and rugrats. It was “Let's make fun of the American!”... me.

The grade was 5, the feeling was shit. I had 3 friends, and had been rejected by 3 girls.

This is when my dad, in his

wisdom, turned me on to a man, you may have heard of him; David Di Angelo. I consumed his emails as fast as I consumed chocolate (which is a lot.) I learned cocky + funny and came back to school in 6th grade with a new heir about me.

The first half of sixth grade was my golden time; I systematically got every girl in my class to “fancy” me. I turned down two, at the time, very attractive, girls. I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it: get the hottest, most popular girl in the entire school. None of my friends thought I could do it. I assured them that I knew what I was doing.

I went over to her house one night, it was a Monday, to “ask for help with homework.” Which crudely translates to “I've come to game you.” That night I could feel it was on.

I went back that Wednesday to finish the job. She had had a boyfriend this entire time, so I could not ask her out; although, I could have her dump her boyfriend.And so, that Thursday, a mere 3 days after starting gaming her, I had gotten the hottest girl in the school.

I then moved back to America and had to re-adjust to American humor and girls. It took about half a year and I was back to 6th

grade me.

I started at my current school in 7th grade and near instantly had 13 / 28 girls in the grade liking me.

I rode through 7th and 8th

grades with little trouble. Helping friends with girl problems when needed, dated a few girls, et c.

Then came my prime so far.The single greatest experience of my life.

A summer program in New Hampshire at a very prestigious school. There, my game exploded!

I had girls opening me!

I had people yelling “Hey, Lucas!” and not knowing who they were!

I had so much social value, I could start walking alone from my dorm to the cafeteria, and by the time I got there, I would have over 20 people around me.

I took this experience and began learning from it, developing theories from it, and most of all, began craving more because of it. I started reading every piece of legitimate pick up literature I could find. I began teaching officially at the beginning of freshman year, last year.

(My personal success ratio is sickening, and I will not publish it, send me a personal email or message if you really want to know it.)

Still, after reading all the 'game' books, one question remained in my head, unanswered: “How do any of these books help me? A teenager!”

I sought out to answer that, and other related questions. This is the manifest of my teen game knowledge; these are the answers.

TEEN GIRLSWhat is it that makes teen girls so much different from the older girls (you know, the ones that every other pick-up instructor teaches about)?


Now, take a second and let this soak in. Okay, are we good?

As the infamous Mystery says so often “Fully socialized girls...” There! That's it! That is the only difference; older girls are “fully socialized” Now, what does that mean?

It means that older girls have been hit on thousands and thousands of times, they know not to like nice guys, they know what they find attractive, they know the difference between cute and hot, they know that they have to give or they wont get, they know the game.

The only thing separating girls our age from those generally taught about is their socialization level.

Most girls our age; however, are not “fully socialized,” they are “barely socialized.” They have been hit on maybe

a hundred or two times, not a several thousand. They do not know many of the things listed above. This is our gift, and our burden.

Since most girls our age are “barely socialized,” they usually fall under two categories; prudes, and purds.

Prudes are girls characterized by an extreme concern for decorum, and are perceived as being more uncomfortable than most with sexuality, nudity, drug use, alcohol, and mischief.

Purds, on the other hand, are characterized by an excess enjoyment of sexual activities.

Now, I am not saying that every girl you meet your age will either love or hate sexual things, but they will fall on or between these two extremes, this can be

seen on a simple gradient scale (one may refer to girls on the far 'Prude' side as P0s and girls on the far 'Purd' side as P10s, with P5s in the middle.)

Picking Up girls whom are close to the center of this Prude/Purd scale will be similar to picking up a fully socialized girl.

This is all new material to all of you I am sure, and so far it must seem that I have only inspired more questions, not answered already existing one, but have patience.

Now that we have a base understanding of what separates girls our age from older girls, we can begin to

see why all those 'methods' and 'models' do not work the way they should – they were not designed for us.

So all we need now is a new model. Simple right? Eh, not so much...

First, we need a system of determining whether a girl is a Prude, or a Purd, or where in between the

two she is.

Second, we need a specific method for picking up each type of girl.

Teen Game IDeterminingPrude or PurdThe only way to get a teenage girl is to first determine if she is more of a Prude, or more of a Purd.

Anytime a meet a girl, I

have to be able to quickly figure out if she is a Prude or a Purd. I have to do this quickly because if it takes an hour, I will be so far in that I wont be able to adapt my game and get her. Make sense?

So how do I do it? Well, to be honest, it's more of intuition – how touchy she is; if she talks about guys a lot; the clothes she wears; if shes had a boyfriend before; if she has kissed anyone before; how many times? Et c.

So for me it happens very similarly making an opinion about someone's personality; it just happens as you talk to them.

Alas! I cannot teach intuition, and so I have developed some formulas and methods for you! (Got you all kind of scared there for a minute, thinking I wasn't going to teach you. HA!)

Formula 1 : The General Idea# of people she has kissed/# of past boyfriends

If the result is below 1 (meaning she has had more boyfriends than people she has kissed) she is more of a Prude, and if the result is greater than 1 (meaning she has had less boyfriends than people she has kissed) she is more of a Purd.

Formula 2 : The Specific Idea# of switches/ # of people she has kissed

Switch : the act of changing whom one is kissing; for example, kissing Bob, then John, is one switch; while kissing Bob, then John, then Bob, then Adam, is 3 switches.

If the result is below 1 (meaning she has a greater number of people whom she has kissed than switches) she is more of a Prude, and if the result is greater than 1 (meaning she has a greater number of switches than people whom she has kissed) she is more of a Purd.

This formula lets one know how long the girl in question likes someone for, and how decisive she is.

Make sure that when a girl tells you how many people she has kissed, she includes mistakes, dares, and girls.

The bad part about the previous two formulae is that one cannot gather this information until he has known the girl for around an hour.

So how does one determine whether a girl is a Prude or Purd if one has not known her for a long period of time?

The Quick AnalysisIt comes down to three main categories : attitude, company, and outfit (not in order of importance). To determine a girl's Prude/Purd level, a Venusian artist may quickly analyze the girl's traits in the three areas above.

Below are lists of questions one might ask himself when analyzing a girl.

AttitudeIs she loud? (Purd)

Is she respectful, and respectable?(Prude)

Is she drawing a lot of attention to herself? (Purd)

Is she acting as if she is better than all others?(Purd)

Is she keeping to herself and/or her group of friends? (Prude)

CompanyIs she hanging out with guys?(Purd)

Is she hanging out with girls who appear to be Prudes, or Purds?(Depends on her company's outfits)

OutfitIs she covering up/dressing conservatively?(Prude)Is her midriff showing?(Trumps most anything, if this is

showing, there is an 80% chance she is a Purd, despite an otherwise Prude appearance and attitude)

Is she wearing a low cut tang top/shirt?(Purd)

Is she wearing a short skirt?(Purd)

Is she wearing full length pants/jeans?(Prude)

Keep in mindA girl's Prude/Purd level is not determined by one or two of these questions; however, it is determined by clusters of these. Similar to IOIs, and expressions through body language, Prude/Purd Indicators, or PPIs, must be observed in groups of 3 or more.

For example, a girl may be loud, keeping to her group of friends, and hanging out with all girls, and she is probably just a immature Prude, who has never been

kissed, and is just now becoming attractive.

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