technology action plan and staff development

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Week 4 Assignment, Part 2: Professional Development Planning

Session Purpose:

Teach core teachers at RHS the SIMS program to aid in the RTI process and analyze data for each of their classes and students.

Learning Objective to Be Addressed:

• To inform teachers of how to utilize the SIMS (Student Intervention Management Systems) program to help in the intervention of students grades, benchmark scores. (SIMS) is able to track student academic grades, TAKS, benchmarks, AEIS, at risk, and LEP status.

• Improve/Increase teacher usage of SIMS program as discussed in week three’s assignment there was a distinct need for intervention with our students this new program in our distinct this allows for this need to be addressed.

Approving Principal:

Charles Pickitt

Presentation Date:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Grade Level:

All core teachers by subject area

Facilitator: Deborah Wiechmann-Reese

New Teacher Specialist



Computer Lab

Start Time:

8:30 A.M.


9:15 A.M.

Learner-Centered Activity

Purpose Description Steps Estimated Time

Ice breaker (opener)

To encourage the interaction of teachers.

To spark their interest on SIMS acronym meaning.

Ask teachers around your computer what they believe SIMS stands for.

Sign in as they walk in the door.

Log into computer

1-2 minutes to answer on their own

2-3 to ask for volunteers to share their responses

5 minutes total

Review Norms To review the norms of a staff development session so all can receive the information they need and to create a friendly working environment where learning can take place.

Review Richardson High staff development and meeting norms.

Review Norms from Power Point slide and agree on all and add any as needed.

30 seconds

Activity To instruct teachers of how to utilize the SIMS

SIMS (Student Intervention Management

Teachers will be in computer lab.

30 minutes

(Student Intervention Management Systems) program

Systems (SIMS) is able to track student academic grades, TAKS, benchmarks, AEIS, at risk, LEP, and filter students based on any demographic make ups: grade level, classes, Special Education, gender, ethnic, teacher and so many more

Allows teachers to log interventions, such as disciplinary referrals, Saturday School, referrals, tutorial attendance, modifications, benchmark recovery, and class recovery.

They will log on to their user account.

They will be provided a step-by-step instructional Power Point presentation and handout with steps.

Describe how to obtain a user name and password.

Discuss the various functions and buttons within the SIMS program.

Locate students, interventions, reports, SSI Reports and PGP. Explain the purpose and use of each of these areas.

Ask the teachers to utilize each of these areas to become comfortable with them.

Review the next area of SIMS including; student data and information. Ask teacher’s to look up a fictitious student’s name for training purposes and discuss data that was found.

Have teachers practice inputting intervention on fictitious student’s information to understand how each tabs works.

Discussion To review material Walk around As the concepts Continuously

taught so far and check for understanding of the concepts before moving on to other steps with the SIMS software

computer lab facilitating and answering questions that might arise while working through the program.

are taught first check for prior knowledge, then and check for understanding as these new or reviewed concepts are taught before moving on to other steps with the SIMS software

throughout the staff development


Check for Understanding/


To check for understanding of the material that was presented.

To ensure all core teachers are familiar with the SIMS program and how to use throughout the year while they are planning successful lessons and inventions as needed.

Conclude the SIMS training.

Ask teachers to open their reflection journals (provided by RHS at the beginning of the year) and write a reflection on what they learned in the staff development session.

Have an open discussion to discuss teacher reflection, questions or comments on the activity just learned.

5-7 minutes

Evaluation This will provide feedback for me as a presenter of what areas I need to improve on, what areas the new teachers still have questions on and what to add in our future meetings.

Richardson ISD has an universal staff development evaluation form that is used for all staff development sessions.

Pass out evaluation forms

Review instructions and purpose evaluation form

Ask if there are any questions on the format of the form

2-3 minutes

Follow up activity:

Core four Department Meeting in afternoon to analyze data that was found by learning how to utilize the SIMS software.

Learner-Centered Activity

Purpose Description Steps Estimated Time

Activity in subject areas of what they learned in morning session

To analyze data that was learned earily in the morning of how to utilize the SIMS software.

During respective department meetings with English, Math, Social Studies, and Science teachers will review and discuss the data that they were able to pull from SIMS that pertain to their students and their individual class.

Gather as a group in designated room

Request teachers pull and print data form the SIMS program ad directed bu department head need)

Team collaboration with data collected, which may include intentions that are needed.

Discuss strategies to assist students for their success.

45 – 90 minutes

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