techniques powerpoint

Post on 28-Jun-2015






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I took my original image and increased the exposure and contrast this darkened the shadows I wanted, to make the model stand out better. The exposure made the image lighter and the colourful bits more vibrant.

I also increased the saturation and temperature to make it a little bit more brighter where the white bits where, this lifted the image and made it look less dull.

Here I chose to make my image black and white, all the colour was stripped from the photo and I was left with a plain image, I didn’t want all of this picture to be black and white so used the ‘reverse effect’ to make his suite into colour, I thought this was quite effective as the model was quite clearly dressed as Elvis and the suite was a significant part of his trademark.

I chose to work with Picnik because I felt comfortable with this software, I went to the ‘Create’ section where I was able to use all the different effects.

By clicking on the ‘effects’ section I was shown a variety of different features I could use to edit my photo.

I used photoshop to design the layout for my final magazine cover, I used the text button to create text boxes around the page for my writing. I was able to change the colour using the colour filter box. I used red and White to do this around my page on the black background.

This button I taught myself how to use when designing my final piece, I was able to move things around using this by targeting the image or text and pulling it across the page.

I used the crop button a lot when designing my final piece, I was able to cut things down easily and make things fit more comfortably when using this button.

I was shown how to use this tool by one of my teachers. I chose the square shape to put behind my text I then changed the opacity which made the square more transparent and brightened up the text on the busy background making it a lot clearer to read.

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