teaching web design to high school students1 what to teach students how to teach it sample projects...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Teaching Web Design to High School Students 1

Teaching Web Design to High School Students

• What to Teach Students

• How to Teach it

• Sample Projects

• Audience Sharing

• Questions and Answers

Teaching Web Design to High School Students 2

What to Teach

• The foundation of Web Design is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language).

• Web Page Construction Software– DreamWeaver– FrontPage

• Graphic Design Tools– Adobe Photoshop– Adobe Illustrator– Flash

• Programming– Javascript (Dynamic Web Design)

Teaching Web Design to High School Students 3

How to Teach Web Design

1. Instruction – Educate the students through notes and examples

2. Application - Have the students demonstrate their comprehension through independent guided assignments

3. Expression – Let the students express their creativity and passion for Web Design through structured projects.

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How to Teach Web Design

• DO NOT MAKE STUDENTS MEMORIZE CODE!!!!!– It is important that students understand the

meaning of the code, and understand how to use the code.

– HOWEVER, making the students memorize code will frustrate them and often make them feel negatively towards Web Design.

Teaching Web Design to High School Students 5

Instructional Tool:Code Busters

Web Design I Code Busters #2

Name:________________________________________ Date:____________

Directions: There are three errors within the HTM L code below. These errors can include missing tags, incorrect tags, missing information, and misspellings. C ircle the errors in the HTM L code. Then write down the error correction on the numbered lines below the code.

<html> <head> <title>Code Buster 2</title> </head> <body> <h2 style= “text-align: center”>Refrigerator Items<h2> <ul style= “lit-style-type: square”> <li>milk</li> <li>eggs</li> <li>cheese<li/> </ul> </body> </html>

Correction 1: ________________________________________________ Correction 2: ________________________________________________ Correction 3: ________________________________________________

The Code Buster is an instructional tool to help students analyze code.

A large part of Web Design is being able to “de-bug” errors in your code.

By using Code Busters on a regular basis, students will learn how to independently analyze and fix the problems in their code.

Code Busters will also help reinforce the students’ understanding of HTML

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Sample ProjectsPersonal Profile

• In the age of Myspace.com and Facebook.com one project idea that really captures student interest is creating a Personal Profile.

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Sample ProjectsClass Schedule

• Have the students turn their class schedule into a list using HTML. This is a great project to introduce to the students at the beginning of the year while their still trying to learn their schedule.

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Frames Project

Students design their own “Resource Center” for courses they are enrolled in.

These stay on the server for use in the library!

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Table Project

Students design a schedule using a calendar. They may use a team schedule, band concert schedule

Must contain links to other pages.

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Audience Sharing

Look for these projects online at www.btanys.org

Teaching Web Design to High School Students 11



Teaching Web Design to High School Students 12

Thank You!

• Contact information:– Fort Plain High School

• Kathie DeKalb (kdekalb@fortplain.org)

• Nicole Weimer (nweimer@midtel.net)

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