teaching and learning with microsoftonenote

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Teaching and Learning with Microsoft OneNote

Getting Started with OneNote Your Notebooks run down the left

hand panel. The Sections of you notebook are

allocated at the top of your page. The Pages of each section run

down the right hand side of your page. You are also able to have sub-pages also.

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Creating Notebooks

1. Click the File tab, and then click New.2. Under Store Notebook On, select My Computer3. In the Name box, enter a name for your new notebook.4. In the Location, type or browse Notebooks for your notebook to

be saved.5. Click Create Notebook.

Saving your workOneNote automatically and continuously saves your work while you take notes, whenever you switch to another page or section, and whenever you close sections and notebooks.

To save a copy of a section of your notes to a different location, do the following:

1. Click the File tab, and then click Save As.2. Under Save Current, do one of the following:3. To save only the current, open page in your notebook, click Page.4. To save the current, open section in your notebook, click Section.5. To save the current, open notebook, click Notebook.6. Under Select Format, click the file format that you want to save

as.7. Click Save As.8. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the location where you

want to save the file.9. In the File name box, enter a name for your notebook.10. Click Save.

Obtained from: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/onenote-help/basic-tasks-in-onenote-2010-HA101829998.aspx

Lesson Structure

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The topics you cover


Emailing Lessons

To email missed work to students you are able to highlight one or many pages.1. Click the File tab then select Send.2. Send your pages as an attachment so that students are able to open and store them in

OneNote. Alternatively, the pages are able to be sent in other ways.

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TaggingTags can be used to tag certain words or paragraphs in order to find them at a later stage using the “find tags’ feature.

To tag a section in your notes you must first highlight what you need tagged and then select a desired tag (or you can make a custom tag).

To locate all tags in your notes you can select where a list of your tagged items appear.

The ‘find tags’ lists all you tags and then highlights exactly where you have tagged the information in your notes.

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A list of tags that you can choose from or alternatively create your own with customize tags.

Linking Information

Information presented in class can be all accessed from you OneNote Page. Worksheets, Videos, links to the web, diagrams, etc. can all be included in you lesson page. Here is an example:

The Insert tab contains an array of various options which allows you to embed the above options easier.

Screen Clips Web Links Files Recordings Equations and Symbols

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Links to the web

Examples and Annotations

ExamplesThere are a number of features that can assist students (and teachers) to solve and answer certain problems that are posed in class.

For mathematical problems, …

OneNote is able calculate equations for you. Just type in your equation such as 75/5= then just hit enter!

English or literacy related exercises such as:

The Review tab contains the button which helps contains a dictionary, a thesaurus (in three languages) and a few research sites.

You are also able to translate words to a number

of languages using the button.

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Research Projects

Research projects can be broken into different parts in order to make research projects clear on expectations.

It can be broken into five subpages:1. Project overview: overview about the research, a rubric and some videos2. Research/Investigation: students are able to fill in their own research while OneNote keeps

track of the sites visited.3. Collaboration: students are able to work with others collaborating online at any time of the

day (when synchronized).4. Drafts: Students are able to insert the drafts they are working on5. Final Product: students are able to store their final draft or teachers are able to keep their

students' final submissions on the one page.

A great feature of OneNote is the feature in the Review tab.

When taking down notes and researching online you simply click on the button and select the page you would like to insert your notes.

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This side panel enables you to take down notes while you browse through documents and the Internet.

It keeps track of all the sites you visited as well as documents that you opened and read.

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Onetastic Add-on

The Onetastic for Microsoft OneNote can be added (for free) from the following link: http://www.omeratay.com/onetastic/

MathematicsThe Mathematics tab in Microsoft OneNote ensures that you are able to write equations, solve for x and y and graph your functions (amongst other things).

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Write your equations with this function.

Graph your functions using the ‘Graph’ function. You’re also able to embed your graph in your page.

Solve for x and y.

For multi-page printing it clears the comment ‘One or more pages…’ when deleting one or more pages.

A calendar that lists all the pages that will be done on the days that have been dated.

Creates a shortcut on your desktop for a chosen page.

Allows you to customise font styles.

Sharing your work

Synchronising your Notebooks can be done either when the notebook is set up or after it has been set up.

When setting up:

1. On the File menu, click New.2. Under Store Notebook On, choose where the new

notebook should be stored:

Click Web if you want to be able to use the notebook from any computer or from a Web browser. You will need to sign in or sign up for an account, after which you can control whether your notebook can be accessed only by you or also by other people.

Click Network if you want to share the new notebook with other people on the same computer network or on a SharePoint site (for example, at your work or at your school).

Existing Notebook:

1. On the File menu, click Share.2. Under Select Notebook, select an existing notebook that

you want to share with other people or between other computers that you will be using.

3. Under Share On, choose where the notebook should be shared

Click Web if you want to be able to use the notebook from any computer or from a Web browser.

Click Network if you want to share the new notebook with other people or computers on the same network or SharePoint site (for example, at your work or at your school).

From: http://office.microsoft.com/en-au/onenote-help/share-notebooks-in-onenote-2010-HA010386952.aspx

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The share option allows you to synchronise your work with others.


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