teaching and learning with technology_create_1204

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  • 7/31/2019 Teaching and Learning With Technology_CREATE_1204


  • 7/31/2019 Teaching and Learning With Technology_CREATE_1204


    Digital Media: New Learners of the 21st Century

    "If we teach today's students as we didyesterday's, we are robbing them of

    tomorrow." John Dewey


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    Learning Why

    Standards NETS*T National

    Educational TechnologyStandards for Teachers &Students

    Partnership for 21st CenturySkills

    Digital Equality


    Students need to be able to use new and emergingtechnology to learn 21stcentury skills and

    knowledge. Partnership for 21stCentury Skills

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    What Teachers Need to Know

    International Society for Technology in Education(ISTE) Standards




    Technical Support

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    National Educational Technology Standards andPerformance Indicators for Teachers (ISTE, 2008)

    1. Facilitate and InspireStudent Learning andCreativity

    2. Design and DevelopDigital-Age Learning

    Experiences andAssessments3. Model Digital-Age Work

    and Learning4. Promote and Model

    Digital Citizenship andResponsibility5. Engage in Professional

    Growth and Leadership

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    National Educational Technology Standards forStudents (ISTE, 2007)

    1. Creativity & innovation2. Communication &


    3. Research and

    information fluency

    4. Critical thinking,problem -solving &decision-making

    5. Digital citizenship

    6. Technology operations& concepts

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    Student Observables

    PreK to Grade 2 Students can successfully operate computers, VCRs and

    other technologies

    Students use multimedia software such as Interactive

    Books, Integrated learning System, content appropriatesoftware

    Students work cooperatively when using technology

    Gather information with the support of teachers, parents

    or student partners

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    Student Observables

    Grades 3 to 5

    Students use word processors, spreadsheets and simpledatabases to communicate information

    Students use Internet to gather information Students use technology resources for problem solving

    and extended learning activities

    Students evaluate the accuracy, relevancy and bias of

    electronic information

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    Student Observables

    Grades 6 to 8 Graphing calculators

    Project Based Learning

    Design, develop and publish products

    Select and use appropriate resources to solve problems

    Apply productivity and multimedia tools for learningthroughout the curriculum

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    Student Observables

    Grades 9-12 Students routinely and efficiently use online resources for

    collaboration, research, publications, communicationsand productivity

    Students use technology to compile, synthesis, produceand disseminate information and other creative work

    Students collaborate with peers, experts and others tocontribute to a content related knowledge base

    Demonstrate and advocate for legal and ethical behaviorsas it relates to technology use

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    Question for Discussion

    H O W C A N T H E S T A N D A R D S H E L P Y O UD E T E R M I N E W H A T Y O U N E E D T O K N O W T O

    I N T E G R A T E T E C H N O L O G Y I N T O T H EC U R R I C U L U M ?

  • 7/31/2019 Teaching and Learning With Technology_CREATE_1204


    P-21 Framework (Partnership for 21st CenturySkills, 2007)

    Global Awareness

    Financial, Economic, Business, EntrepreneurialLiteracy

    Civic Literacy

    Health Literacy

    Learning & Innovation Skills Creativity, critical thinking, communication & collaboration

    Information, Media, & Technology Skills Information Literacy

    Media Literacy

    ICT Literacy

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    Planning (TIP)


    M. D. RoblyerIntegrating Educational Technology intoTeaching, 4/ECopyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458All rights reserved.

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    When? Technology Integration Planning (TIP)

    Phase 1: Determine relative


    Why should I use a


    What is the problem I amaddressing?

    Do technology-basedmethods offer a solutionwith sufficient relativeadvantage?

    M. D. RoblyerIntegrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 4/ECopyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458All rights reserved.

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    When? Technology Integration Planning (TIP)

    Phase 2: Decide objectives and


    How will I know students

    have learned? What outcomes do I

    expect from using the newmethods?

    What are the best ways ofassessing these outcomes?

    M. D. RoblyerIntegrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 4/ECopyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458All rights reserved.

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    When? Technology Integration Planning (TIP)

    Phase 3: Design integration


    What teaching strategies

    and activities will workbest?

    What kinds of instructionalmethods are needed?

    How can technology best

    support these methods? How can I prepare students

    adequately to usetechnologies?

    M. D. RoblyerIntegrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 4/ECopyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458All rights reserved.

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    When? Technology Integration Planning (TIP)

    Phase 4: Prepare the instructional

    environment Are essential conditions in

    place to support technologyintegration? What equipment, software,

    media, and materials will Ineed?

    How should resources bearranged to supportinstruction and learning?

    What planning is required tomake sure technologyresources work well?

    M. D. RoblyerIntegrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 4/ECopyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458All rights reserved.

  • 7/31/2019 Teaching and Learning With Technology_CREATE_1204


    When? Technology Integration Planning (TIP)

    Phase 5: Evaluate and revise

    integration strategies

    What worked well? What

    could be improved? How well has the

    technology integrationstrategy worked?

    What could be improvedto make it work better?

    M. D. RoblyerIntegrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 4/ECopyright 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458All rights reserved.

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    Learning What

    Computers Digital GamesComputer

    Software/HardwareMobile Devices Simulations Virtual Reality

    Netbooks Tablet PcsInteractive

    WhiteboardsSocial Media Blogs Wikis

    Podcasting Websites Podcast Online MediaCourse


    Virtual Worlds

    Internet VideoConferencing/Chat PresentationSoftware Research Websites Publishing Tools Bookmarkingwebsites

    File hosting andsharing

    Intelligent TutoringSystems

    Im calling for investments in educational technology that will help create digital tutors that are as effective as personaltutors,educational software as compelling as the best video game.President Obama

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    Integration Inventory

    Review the integration inventories that have beenposted on the Wiggio, work in groups to complete theintegration inventory indicating the type of activitythe technology is used for:


    R (Research), and/or

    E (Enrichment)

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    Technology Evaluation

    Discuss a technology, you evaluated that appears tohave the most potential for use in your classroom and

    which support the New Blooms Taxonomy andcurriculum standards (5 minutes per person) Which, if any, of these technologies have you used or are you

    thinking about using for instruction? How are you or would youlike to use the technology?

    Which, if any, of these technologies do you have concerns aboutusing? Why? What might you do to address those concerns, if

    appropriate? Do the activities meet standards at your grade level?

    How would you assess student learning?

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    Considerations for Lesson planning

    Goals What do you want your students to be able to do after they complete the activities in the center? List the state

    standards and benchmarks that your lesson will address.

    Overview Write a brief description of the learning station that provides a general overview for another teacher who is

    interested in this lesson. How does this station enhance the curriculum?

    Objectives: Identify your student learning and performance objectives for the center.

    Prior Knowledge Describe the prior knowledge and prerequisite skills that students will need before they take part in this learning


    Materials What software and/or Web sites will be used? What additional materials are required, besides technology? List the

    materials required for the lesson. Include student and teacher resources and any advance preparation for theteacher.

    Procedures Create a detailed, stepbystep description of how students will use the software or Webbased activities. Will you have students work independently, in pairs, or in small groups?

    Management Strategies How will you ensure that all students, regardless of their learning needs, have equitable access to the computer

    learning station? How will you track students' sessions, including how often they use the center and how long they stay?

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    Considerations for Lesson planning

    Identify 5-7 curricular activities that can be used inyour own classroom that may have the potential fortechnology

    Review Examples- http://add-it.coe.missouri.edu/ts/ts.html

    Create a lesson plan and post the plan on the Wiggiofor other teachers in the group.
