task 3 portrait photo shoot proposal form

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic PractiseProject Proposal

(P2, P3, M2, M3, D2, D3)

Candidate name: Theme: Music Magazine Portrait Photo Shoot

Predicted final outcome

My final outcome for this will be a max of 50 photos of which I will choose 10 final photos to edit. The photos will be showing that I have an understanding of portrait photography.Reasons for selection of theme (including inspiration from the work of others)

I will be taking photos similar to nick fancher, David Woolfall and Taylor wessing because I like the kind of portraits they do.

The photo imaging equipment and medium that will be used and why

The camera I will be using will be my own Nikon D310, with either my 18-55mm kit lens or my Nikkor 55-200 mm lens depending on the type of photo I want, I also will be using my tripod so I don’t have to hold my

camera still.

Techniques that will be used and how they will help convey the visual message

I will be taking portrait photos which will be inspired by the 3 photographers I have shown above. The shutter speeds, aperture and ISO will be varied depending on what I will be taking photos off they all will be around the middle though because we will be shooting in day light, I might need to change a few settings depending on whether I am shooting inside or not.

Location of shoot My images will be based on the music magazine Q I am going to take photos in a similar way to the ones taken in this magazine, the locations will be a mixture of inside and outside depending on the weather because I want to show that I am able to take portrait photos, I am still not sure on the except location the photos will be taken as I haven’t decided yet.

Risk and health and safety considerations

I will complete a risk assessment

Risk and health and safety considerations

I will complete a risk assessment

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