task 1 fashion photography

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer:Paste 6 images here include the name & date of image







Theme or focus of images 1- In the focus: alternative fashion aimed at a high street audience. Image was shot in a

advertorial style with topshop as the brand image inspriation and the target audience was females aged 16-20.

2- focus: japanesse lolita fashion, highlighting the branded dress and well put together co-ordinate ( matching beret, tights and shoes) image was aimed at a typical japanesse magazine. Location was a alice in wonderland tea room in mancehster.

3- focus: image was based on pre raphaelite sisterhood relating how to change art work into a more recent “hip” showing the analogy between the two images.

4- focus: japanesse lolita fashion, highlighting the branded dress and well put together co-ordinate, this time more alice in wonderland, hence the posture of the model to be shown ‘running away’

5- focus: a high-end elegant shot that represents a woman as elegant rather than degraded whist being naked. Changing the medias views from being negative towards how woman are portrayed in the industry

6- focus: fashion aimed at a high street audience. Image was shot in a advertorial style with Riverisland being the influence but changed up with a bit of a darker lighting hence adding more mood.

(Most of the above was written by me, but scene as I know the photographer, I asked him about key points of his images, and certain aspects, like brand names and clothing styles.)

CompositionIn these photos most of the photo’s the photographer is taking the picture from a standing height. Not really changing his posture or position. But on picture 5 the photographer had to kneel down next to the bath while taking the picture.

In most of the images the background is very environmental. And the differences between the all make them all very abstract. The lighting on the images is very good apart from number 5. This is because the glow sticks, although they were a cool idea, they didn’t give off enough light.Techniques usedThe shutter speed, F-stop and ISO levels for these images are completely different the other 2 that I've done. This is because these Images are for fashion photography and it’s all about taking your time, and capturing the best images. the shutter speed for most of these images would have been not to height but also not to low, this is because of the light levels. The ISO could have changes quite a bit in the series of Images I chose. this is because the lighting In the are very different. 2 are outside, 2 are on a solid back drop, and 2 are in a set. The outside would require a low ISO, where as the 5th images, in a set, would need a heigh ISO because the model Is in the bath and there isn't much lighting.Strengths & WeaknessesStrengths:

• I like the way the photographer changes his posture a lot and gets images from a lot of different angles.

• I also like how thought through an images is, or a set.


• He doesn’t mix up his models, he always uses his girlfriend, this gets boring because shes in early all the images he takes.

• Some of the angles he uses don’t work with the images.

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