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“Being & Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Glory of God”

Middleton Baptist Church111 Commercial StreetMiddleton, NS B0S 1P0Tel 902-825-3537


Presented to the Annual Church Business Meeting held Sunday 31st January 2016

Table of Contents


Preface for the 2015 Annual Report_____________________________________________________________________1

Staff/Leaders 2015 Church Year_________________________________________________________________________2

In Memoriam:______________________________________________________________________________________________3

Ministry Through Pastoral Staff__________________________________________________________________________4

Lead Pastor’s Report_______________________________________________________________________________________________4

Pastor of Congregational Care_____________________________________________________________________________________7

Pastor of Family Ministries Report________________________________________________________________________________9

Youth Group Financial Report____________________________________________________________________________________12

MBC Youth Group Financial Report 2015_______________________________________________________________________12

Audit of MBC Youth Group Fund_________________________________________________________________________________13

MINISTRY THROUGH GIVING___________________________________________________________________________14

Treasurer’s Report-Income & Expense Statements____________________________________________________________14

Balance Sheet______________________________________________________________________________________________________19

Bank Accounts/Cox fund_________________________________________________________________________________________21

Head Teller_________________________________________________________________________________________________________22

Offering Summary/Contribution Range_________________________________________________________________________23

Auditor’s Report___________________________________________________________________________________________________24

MINISTRY THROUGH GOVERNANCE BOARD__________________________________________________________25

Governance Board Report________________________________________________________________________________________25

Clerk’s Report_____________________________________________________________________________________________________26

Deacon’s Committee Report______________________________________________________________________________________27

Missions Committee Report______________________________________________________________________________________28

Muriel Bent Mission Fund Report Year Ending Dec 2015______________________________________________________30

Audit of Muriel Bent Short Term mission fund_________________________________________________________________31

MBC Finance and Stewardship Committee______________________________________________________________________32

Committee of Property Management____________________________________________________________________________34

MINISTRIES OF THE CHURCH__________________________________________________________________________36

Sanctuary Choir Report___________________________________________________________________________________________36

Middleton Baptist Church111 Commercial StreetMiddleton, NS B0S 1P0Tel 902-825-3537

Table of Contents

Mom2Mom Group_________________________________________________________________________________________________37


Usher’s Report_____________________________________________________________________________________________________39

Muriel Bent ABW Annual Report________________________________________________________________________________40

Social Committee Report_________________________________________________________________________________________42

Social Committee Financial Report______________________________________________________________________________44

Church Library Report____________________________________________________________________________________________45

New Business____________________________________________________________________________________________46

Middleton Baptist Church Budget Report_______________________________________________________________________46

2016 Church Year Prposed Governance Board Positions______________________________________________________50


Preface for the 2015 Annual Report

Once again it is time for the Annual Report which presents an opportunity to review the work of the

Church Organization over the past twelve months

The Church is a living organism, a body, but it moves forward through organization as well as by the

direction of God’s Spirit.

As you read these reports you will see both the evidence of organization and the Spirt of God.

Read with thanksgiving and let your reading lead you to thinking and planning for greater

effectiveness in a New Church Year.

We express the gratitude of the Church to the ones who did the mechanical work of these reports to

get them to us on time. Our thanks too, to all who prepared the reports. This is a historic document

in the life of the Middleton Baptist Church.

May God continue to show His blessing upon us.

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Staff/Leaders 2015 Church Year

You will find below a minimal listing or nominal roll of staff and/or leaders that have served the Church this past church year. For those that have moved away, the Middleton Baptist Church truly appreciates the effort and dedication shown to the positions held. We would also like to pray that God will bless you in your future endeavors contributing to the building of God’s Kingdom by His mighty work in and through you.

Church Year 2015

Lead Pastor: Rev. Danny Smith

Pastor of Congregational Care Rev. Robin McCoombs

Pastor of Family Ministries Pastor Holly Gosbee

Organist and Music Director Joey Gosbee

Administrative Assistant Jamie-Ellen Earnshaw/Dan Simoneau

Church Treasurer Helen Rodgers

Church Moderator Derek McCoombs

Church Custodian Rob Haynes

Church Clerk Diane Thurber

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In Memoriam:

We want to always rememberThe beautiful life you lived

And keep alive the memories we haveThrough remembering what you did

For you're so special to all of us,A wonderful person indeed

Your love, laughter and warm smileReflected a heart that believed

Although we miss you so very muchWe know we'll see you once more,

For this is the hope we have in God,Being re-united in the Lord

Members/Adherents who passed away since January 2015.

Theta McGill Leeland Cox Marion Cox Edith Newton Billie Marshall Myrna Cyran

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Ministry Through Pastoral Staff


Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ,

2015 was a year when much of the world was focused intently on the rise of ISIS in Syria/Iraq and the refugee crisis that ISIS and civil unrest in both of these nations have left in their wake. I began 2015 admittedly very ignorant of the plight of refugees around the world. I cannot say I am ending 2015 with the same level of ignorance. For much of the year the topic of refugees has been at the forefront of many of my days and weeks.

In June our church took the courageous step of following the lead of the Paradise Baptist church and wading into this refugee crisis by choosing to sponsor a family from Iraq. I have had the privilege since March of working with a very dedicated committee of individuals who have worked tirelessly with help and financial support from our own congregation, Emmanuel Congregational Christian Church, Nictaux Baptist Church, Harmony Baptist Church, Kingston United Baptist Church, and the Middleton Rotary Club.

I want to say how proud I am of the selfless step you, as a congregation, have taken to offer a chance at a new life to our sponsored family. They will need your love, prayers, and support throughout 2016 and beyond.

Some of the highlights from 2015 for me are: Congregational growth (spiritually and numerically). Vibrant children’s and teen’s ministry. God’s continued provision over the year financially. Two excellent choir cantatas. The Prayer Conference with speakers Claude and Phyllis Bonnell. The series on Worship. Mark Reece as our guest speaker for our anniversary The Men’s Retreat!!!! Start of a monthly Men’s Night Out Group The privilege of continuing to work with Holly, Robin, and Joey. And last but certainly not least each of the people I baptized this year, but especially the joy of

baptizing my son Josh!

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2015 saw Jamie-Ellen Earnshaw conclude her position as administrative assistant at our church. We were sad to see her leave this position and move to Halifax, but we were very pleased to welcome Dan Simoneau to the position in her place. Dan has been a great addition to our office staff.

It has been a joy and a pleasure to serve you during 2015 and I look forward with anticipation to the year ahead.

As always if you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our church and my role in giving leadership in it please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Rich blessings in Christ,

Pastor Danny Smith

Summary of 2015

Sermons Preached – 40Funerals Conducted – 9 (includes two family funerals) Weddings Conducted – 0 Baptized - 5

Other Activities Inside MBC – Deacons’ pot luck, Senior’s Talkback Session, attended family fun events, lead a station at In-service Enrichment Days, Hosted the fall kick off at our home, Christmas Caroling to Seniors, Hanging of the Greens Service, Christmas Eve Service, Worship in the Park with Emmanuel Congregational, served on the Refugee Sponsorship Committee, Lead Governance Board retreat, MBC Prayer Conference, mentored Jeff Baggaley for ADC Mentored Ministry, etc.

Other Activities Outside MBC - Heart of Valley Nursing Home service, regularly The Well Annapolis Valley, planted the Well Wolfville, Attended Oasis, Video a talk for Aaron Ministries to be distributed to other provincial Wells, Chapel at Mayflower Unit at SMH, spoke at the ADC Simpson Lectures, Continued work on DMIN thesis, spoke at ADC Chapel, attended induction service for Heather Pearle-Gillis, mentored Jennifer Smith in preparation for ordination, etc.

Regularly Attended Throughout the Year:

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2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORTGovernance Board, Meetings, Mission Committee Meetings, Weekly staff meetings, Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Men’s Floor Hockey, Maintained church website, Part of Grafted in the Vine worship team


Just a few highlights for the year ahead:

January – Welcome the Al Manani family to Middleton February – February Fun Date, Alpha beginsMarch – 2nd Annual Prayer Conference with Claude and Phyllis Bonnell, Danny travel to Grand Rapids to Calvin Theological Seminary, Mike and Melanie Waddell (CBM Field Staff – Philippines) as Missions Sunday guest speakers, Holy Week and Easter Cantata July – Combined Service Emmanuel Congregational, VBS, VBS SundaySeptember – Anniversary Service

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REPORT – 2015

Moses proclaimed: Oh, praise the greatness of our God!  He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. - Dt. 32:3-4. What a great privilege and honour it has been to serve this amazing God of ours this past year. And strongly steeped in the privilege and honour is great responsibility and a huge need for loving and trusting our faithful Lord.

As part of my visitation ministry, I visited 139 people this past year, including hospital, nursing home and shut-in visits. As in previous years, I try to accommodate those I visit as best I can and meet with them whenever and wherever it is most convenient. Part of the visitation I do involves pastoral counseling and visiting those who are struggling or going through a particularly difficult time as well as regular visits. I often have several repeat visits throughout the year. I am very grateful and appreciative of the visitation of our shut-ins done by our Deacons Committee. Your help in this area is invaluable.

We are very blessed to have a small group ministry at MBC which runs, for the most part, like a well-oiled machine. This is due in large part to the dedication, commitment, gifting and faithfulness of our small group leaders. Thank you to each of you; you are greatly appreciated. There were a few changes in our small group leadership from the winter/spring groups to the fall groups. Some of our faithful leaders “retired” yet the reins were picked up by other leaders, including a couple of our newer family members. It’s a great blessing to see our new folk connecting, growing and taking ownership of the family life. Our small group ministry also runs well because of you who are part of a group. I am so thankful that you desire to grow deeper in your relationship with the Lord and with others as well as care for, fellowship with and pray for each other.

After the fall sign-up, there were 10 small groups plus 3 prayer groups. We had two main sign-up times for the small groups in 2015. One during the month of January and one in September which began on our Fall Kick-off day. We also enjoyed 2 potlucks with many of our small group attendees and leaders in January and in May. On a personal note, I led 3 small groups in 2015 plus led a study on-on-one with 2 different ladies. I also filled in on occasion for the small group that runs at Sunset Meadows.

As part of my welcome ministry, I take great pleasure in welcoming you to church on Sunday morning and connecting with new folk and guests. It is vitally important to staff that you fill out a blue slip weekly and it is of extreme importance that we all wear name tags as a way to show love and hospitality to the many new people we continue to see in our congregation. They have many names to learn and it helps them immensely when they can look at a face and see a name. Thank you for graciously welcoming our newcomers to family life at MBC. I hear many reports from our new folk when I visit them about how much they are made to feel welcome and at home among us. What a wonderful way to show Christ’s love to each other.

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My ministry in 2015 also included:

Preached 13 times; 3 of which included team preaching with Pastor Danny Led worship several times Preached/led the services 7 times at Grace Haven Preached/led the services 3 times at Heart of the Valley Nursing Home - (Thank you to Claude

Bonnell for looking after the services several times at both Grace Haven and Heart of the Valley Nursing Home)

Organized the Easter prayer vigil Organized the summer prayer ministry Organized the Hanging of the Greens Service Organized Christmas carolling Attended newcomer’s lunch Attended Prayer Seminar and most monthly Prayer Meetings Met several times with deacons to interview perspective members/baptismal candidates Was available Monday mornings to meet with those who are in financial need (e.g. food vouchers) Regularly attended the Well Attended a Pastor’s Retreat in June Attended a Spiritual Formation Group with other pastors Involved in an Emotionally Healthy Spirituality group and Emotionally Healthy Leader group with

5 other pastors Meet monthly with the Female Clergy group of Annapolis/Digby Association

I praise the Lord for the calling he has placed on my life to serve you once again at MBC. It is a joy and privilege to minister to our church family. Thank you for your prayers, patience, support and encouragement this past year. May God continue to draw you into a deeper relationship with him.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Robin McCoombs

Pastor of Congregational Care

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Middleton Baptist Church is a place where children and youth are welcomed, loved and accepted for who they are. Thank you church family for making children and youth know they are a vital part of the family. They are the church of today, and will be the pastors and key ministry leaders of the future. There is great importance in investing in their lives and coming alongside parents for support in their spiritual nurture. Thank you, church family, for your support and leadership in the different ministries to children, youth and their families. I give thanks to the Lord for all He has done in and through our Family Ministries this past year. Below are highlights of our year together as we look back and see all that God has accomplished in and through us as a church.

Children’s Church: Our Sunday morning children’s ministry ran from January 4 – June 28 and again from September 13 – December 27. Children worship and learn God’s Word together through stories, games, crafts, drama, and songs. We provide families with three different groups for their children: Pre-school, Grade Primary -3, and Grade 4-5. During the summer months, we provided our Summer Junior Church ministry which ran from July 5 - September 6. This was a combined group for preschoolers’ and elementary age children. Approximately forty- five children took part in either of these ministries this past year.

Our Children’s Church & Summer Junior Church teachers and helpers this year were: Jill Cox, Kathy Reesor, Angela Harvie, Connie Lewis, Carmen Smale, Juanita Annis, Leah & Holly Morrison, Tim & Eileen Prosser, Amy Gesner, Judson & William Luttmann, Shauna Grimwood, Robert Prosser, Lisa Smith, Juanita Annis, and Joey & Holly Gosbee

Youth Group: Our Wednesday night ministry to students in grade 6-12, took place during the school year from January 14-June 10 and again from September 16-December 10. We meet each week and begin our time together with worship in the sanctuary followed by small group Bible study. This past fall we walked through the ‘Youth Alpha Film Series.’ After small groups we have a time of gym and church wide games, and end with a snack. We had roughly 40 youth take part this past year.

Our Youth leaders this past year were: Kirk and Diane Thurber, Ric & Jen Morrison, Joey & Holly Gosbee, and Ira Hatt. Lindsay Miller, Shauna Grimmood and Garion Henry also gave us a hand when they were home from Kingswood University which is greatly appreciated.

Baptism: Children and youth made public professions of faith in Jesus this past year and were baptized. Holly Morrison was baptized at Zwicker’s Lake on August 16. Josh Smith and Annie Miller

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2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORTwere both baptized on Easter Sunday at MBC. We celebrate with these young people as well as others who were baptized this past year!

In-Service Day program: Each month our church hosts this program so that working parents have a place to send their children when there is a half day of school. I am thankful for the adults and teens that have helped with this ministry to families this past year. We have seen families connect in other ways through this program, whether that be through Sunday morning worship, Day Camps, VBS, Youth Group, Children’s Church, etc. The following individuals have offered leadership in this program this past year: Janice Miller, Joy Hartlen, Helen Rodgers, Danny & Lisa Smith, Brenda Ellison, George Amirault, Karen Roop, Jamie Earnshaw, Kirk Thurber, Scotia Taylor, Sam Hatt, Shauna Grimwood, Jackie Thompson, Judson & Will Luttmann, Garion Henry and Joey & Holly Gosbee. Thank you for serving families in our community!

March Break Day Camp took place on March 16&17 for children ages 3- grade 5. Children from our church and community came to learn and worship Jesus in fun interactive ways. We had a great group of children out for this camp.

Tidal Impact took place from July 11-18 in Saint John/Moncton NB. Our group was partnered with St George Baptist Church near Saint John and spent the week in that area leading VBS, food drives, community service projects, community cleanup and other ministries. We joined together for worship and heard from our speaker Jason Ballard, who co-hosts the Youth Alpha Film Series. Those who took part in Tidal Impact were: Leah Morrison, Holly Morrison, Scotia Taylor, Sam Hatt, Harold Feener, Shauna Grimwood, and Joey & Holly Gosbee.

The Community Easter Egg Hunt was held on April 4, which has been a great way to connect with families in our community who are not connected to a church. We had well over 100 children attend this year, along with their parents.

‘Everest’ Vacation Bible School took place July 27-31 at MBC. We had a wonderful week ministering to children and ended our time by having Joanna Doak come and share with us on Sunday, August 2nd for our VBS celebration service. Thank you to those who helped make VBS a great week for the 96 children who took part!

Our Spring Youth Retreat took place June 5-7 at Kingswood Camp. We had a great group of students in grades 6-12 attend and our speaker for the weekend was Brent Dongell from Kingswood University. His wife Natasha and two girls also joined us for the weekend. Lindsay Miller and team led us in worship.

Performing Arts Camp, led by Jennifer Smith, ran from August 5-14. The group worked on the production called ‘Go Go Jonah’ and shared in church on Sunday, August 16.

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2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORTYouth led worship services – Teens from our youth group led the worship service for us on May 10th and November 22nd using music, dramas, skits, art and other forms to bring us closer to Jesus.

Anniversary Service took place on Sunday, September 13th and we had a special treat for our Children’s ministry which included a Bounce Kingdom to help kick off Children’s Church for the fall and provide a fun event to invite friends to.

Weekend Conferences with teens – Our teens took part in two weekend events this fall. Challenge took place at New Minas Baptist Church from October 23&24 and Encounter took place October 2&3 at Kingswood University. These events really help us focus on Christ and what it means to surrender our lives to Him.

Our Children’s Christmas Concert took place Sunday, December 13th and the children did a beautiful job sharing what the true meaning of Christmas is – Jesus.

Fellowship together as a church family – the Corn Boil at Danny & Lisa’s house, the February Talent Auction and the meals shared through that event, our Corn Maze trip to Evan’s Farm, and other events at the church all draw us closer together as a church family.

On a different note, a few personal highlights this year has been the time Joey and I have had to travel to PEI and for summer vacation time to go camping at Keji. I have also enjoyed taking in a children’s ministry conference called ‘Next Conference’ this past spring. This coming April, I am looking forward to joining in for the Canadian Baptist National Youth and Family Ministry Forum in Niagara Falls, ON where twenty pastors chosen from Atlantic Canada will be joining others from across the country to talk, pray, and connect with one another about how we might better serve the Kingdom of God here in Canada as we work with young people.

Joey and I appreciate all your support and encouragement, especially in these times with Joey studying at Acadia Divinity College. We look forward to serving alongside of you once again this coming year and anticipate great things for our church and community!


Holly GosbeePastor of Family Ministries

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Opening Balance on January 1, 2015 $1383.44

Received from MBC $2000.00

Fundraisers/Other Income $1750.00

Total Revenue: $5133.44


Youth Group Supplies/Material $162.01

Special Events $696.58

Retreats $1591.52

Tidal Impact/Missions $1759.16

Bank Service Charges $24.00

Gifts $131.98

Visitation $218.24

Total Expenses: $4583.49

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Audit of MBC Youth Group Fund for Year Ending December 31, 2015

I have examined the applicable records of the MBC Youth Group Fund including bank statements, deposit slips and receipts for the year ended December 31, 2015.

I have also examined the MBC Youth Group Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2015.

All accounts and disclosures are in order and the MBC Youth Group Financial Report is accurate and correctly discloses the financial records.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Robin McCoombs

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Holding Account Holding AccountValley Credit Union Valley Credit Union

2015 2014Balance Forward $ 7,656.12 Balance Forward $ 10,543.21Bank Interest $ 7.66 Bank Interest $ 8.57

Broadcast Income $ 335.00Broadcast Expenses -$ 3,230.66

Closing Balance 31 Dec 15 $ 7,663.78 Closing Balance 31 Dec 14 $ 7,656.12

Memorial Account Memorial AccountValley Credit Union Valley Credit Union

2015 2014Balance Forward $ 488.21 Balance Forward $ 7,566.49Memorials of Church Members $ 1,130.00 Memorials of Church Members $ 415.00Bank Interest $ 0.43 Bank Interest $ 6.72

Transfer to Operating Account -$ 7,500.00

Closing Balance 31 Dec 15 $ 1,618.64 Closing Balance 31 Dec 14 $ 488.21

McIntosh Youth Ministries (CoxFund) McIntosh Youth Ministries (CoxFund)Valley Credit Union Valley Credit Union

2015 2014Balance Forward $ 99.70 Balance Forward $ 99.64Bank Interest $ 0.31 Bank Interest $ 0.06Transfers from Baptist Foundation $ 2,500.00 Transfers from Baptist Foundation $ 600.00To C/A re Kingswood Camp Bursaries -$ 600.00 To C/A re Kingswood Camp Bursaries -$ 600.00To C/A for Youth budget -$ 1,900.00Bank Charges -$ 2.00

Closing Balance 31 Dec 15 $ 98.01 Closing Balance 31 Dec 14 $ 99.70

Shares RBC Shares 800 CIBC Shares 150

Cox Fund Request Cox Fund Requestinterest only to be used interest only to be used

2015 2014Balance Forward $ 149,380.54 Balance Forward $ 135,612.50

Repaymeent $ 10,000.00Transfers from Baptist Foundation Transfers from Baptist Foundation to McIntosh Youth Acct. -$ 2,500.00 to McIntosh Youth Acct. -$ 600.00Interest Jan-June 2015 $ 2,222.29 Interest Jan-June 2014 $ 2,142.39Interest July-Dec 2015 (estimate) $ 2,100.00 Interest July-Dec 2014 $ 2,225.65

Closing Balance 31 Dec 15 $ 151,202.83 Closing Balance 31 Dec 14 $ 149,380.54

Bank Accounts

Cox Fund Bequest Cox Fund Bequestinterest only to be used interest only to be used

2015 2014Balance Forward $ 149,380.54 Balance Forward $ 135,612.50

Repaymeent $ 10,000.00Transfers from Baptist Foundation Transfers from Baptist Foundation to McIntosh Youth Acct. -$ 2,500.00 to McIntosh Youth Acct. -$ 600.00Interest Jan-June 2015 $ 2,222.29 Interest Jan-June 2014 $ 2,142.39Interest July-Dec 2015 (estimate) $ 2,100.00 Interest July-Dec 2014 $ 2,225.65

Closing Balance 31 Dec 15 $ 151,202.83 Closing Balance 31 Dec 14 $ 149,380.54




Things during the past year have gone very well. I wish to thank each and every one of you who were tellers for the first time or continued on again as teller for a month, during the year 2015.

The teller's job involves one month a year to count the Sunday morning offering and I am always available to help out should one run into any problems on any given Sunday. Having said that, I wish to appeal to any one or two people who would like to do this for one month out of the year. I am in urgent need of 5 tellers right now, due to ones who have either moved away or do not wish to continue on. I would ask that you please prayerfully give this position your consideration and if you feel led to be able to help out, please either leave your name and phone number at the office or call me at (902) 825-6614. Thank you!

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda HinesHead Teller

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Head Teller Report2015

Contribution Range # of Contributors Total Given Average per Contributor$ 0.00 to $ 100.00 57 $ 2,678.90 $ 46.98

$ 100.01 to $ 200.00 16 $ 2,382.10 $ 148.88$ 200.01 to $ 300.00 7 $ 1,870.00 $ 267.14$ 300.01 to $ 400.00 7 $ 2,536.00 $ 362.29$ 400.01 to $ 500.00 8 $ 3,671.49 $ 458.94$ 500.01 to $ 750.00 18 $ 11,315.00 $ 628.61$ 750.01 to $ 1,000.00 8 $ 7,312.00 $ 914.00

$ 1,000.01 to $ 1,500.00 30 $ 36,642.81 $ 1,221.43$ 1,500.01 to $ 2,500.00 17 $ 32,884.48 $ 1,934.38$ 2,500.01 to $ 5,000.00 22 $ 72,897.00 $ 3,313.50$ 5,000.01 to $ 118,708.56 13 $ 118,708.56 $ 9,131.43

Total 203 $ 292,898.34 $ 1,442.85



Head Teller Report2015

Contribution Range # of Contributors Total Given Average per Contributor$ 0.00 to $ 100.00 57 $ 2,678.90 $ 26,627.12

$ 100.01 to $ 200.00 16 $ 2,382.10 $ 148.88$ 200.01 to $ 300.00 7 $ 1,870.00 $ 267.14$ 300.01 to $ 400.00 7 $ 2,536.00 $ 362.29$ 400.01 to $ 500.00 8 $ 3,671.49 $ 458.94$ 500.01 to $ 750.00 18 $ 11,315.00 $ 628.61$ 750.01 to $ 1,000.00 8 $ 7,312.00 $ 914.00

$ 1,000.01 to $ 1,500.00 30 $ 36,642.81 $ 1,221.43$ 1,500.01 to $ 2,500.00 17 $ 32,884.48 $ 1,934.38$ 2,500.01 to $ 5,000.00 22 $ 72,897.00 $ 3,313.50$ 5,000.01 to $ 118,708.56 13 $ 118,708.56 $ 9,131.43

Total 203 $ 292,898.34 $ 1,442.85

Monthly Contribution Totals

January February March April May JuneTithes andOfferings $ 15,662.00 $ 13,308.00 $ 19,499.00 $ 23,182.00 $ 22,218.00 $ 17,740.00 $ 111,609.00

United inMission $ 988.00 $ 825.00 $ 1,090.00 $ 1,078.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,019.00 $ 6,100.00

$ 16,650.00 $ 14,133.00 $ 20,589.00 $ 24,260.00 $ 23,318.00 $ 18,759.00 $ 117,709.00

July August September October November DecemberTithes andOfferings $ 16,562.00 $ 19,522.00 $ 16,876.00 $ 20,929.00 $ 21,632.00 $ 26,074.00 $ 121,595.00

United inMission $ 1,094.00 $ 1,131.00 $ 833.00 $ 871.00 $ 1,106.00 $ 1,694.00 $ 6,729.00

$ 17,656.00 $ 20,653.00 $ 17,709.00 $ 21,800.00 $ 22,738.00 $ 27,768.00 $ 128,324.00Total $ 246,033.00

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To whom it may concern,

I have examined the records, financial statements, invoices, etc. that were provided to me for the Middleton Baptist Church for year-end December 31, 2015. The examination included such reviews and procedures that I considered necessary.

In my opinion, the Financial Statements present fairly the financial position of the church as of December 31, 2015.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith A. French


January 19th 2016

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GOVERNANCE BOARD REPORTModerator’s Report 2015

The Governance Board had five meetings and one retreat during the year. The main discussion topics revolved around the staffing of the various committees with qualified men and women who the Board felt were called to these positions. We were given the task of replacing Bob Poley as the Chair of the Deacons and were blessed when Muriel Bent agreed to step in as the interim chair. We also had to seek a replacement for Jamie Earnshaw when she stepped down as the Administrative Assistant. Through prayer and guidance, we extended a call to Dan Simoneau who we believe God called to this position for such a time as this. The Chairs of the various committees have also been active in seeking new members for their respective groups. This has proved to be a challenge in some ways but eventually we were able to present a full slate of candidates to the congregation earlier in December. We are also able to report that the number of Deacons has increased to twelve in accordance with the changes that were made to our Constitution.

In addition to staffing issues the Board spent time in prayer as we discussed the future of our initiatives and the impact that our ministry has had over the past five years in reaching our communities for Christ. As a result of our conversations at the Board level, we felt that feedback from the congregation in the form of a survey was appropriate. This survey was made available to the congregation over a period of several Sundays. The results of these surveys will help to guide the Board and the committees of this church as we trust in God to reveal His will through the voices of His people at MBC. These survey results will also provide opportunities for church members to use their gifts, talents and abilities in service to the Lord.

Finally, we presented the congregation with the opportunity to become directly involved in ministry to a refugee family from Iraq. The response to this adventure of bringing and supporting this family has been extremely positive and we pray that the support will continue after the family arrives in Middleton. God is not done with MBC. There will be new issues and opportunities to serve Him in the context of the church in the upcoming year!


Derek McCoombsModerator

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The following is the Church Clerk’s report presenting a breakdown of numbers of significance this past year;

Received by Baptism: 5 Received by Christian Experience: 3 Received by Transfer: 6

Total Increase: 14

Loss Due to Death: 7

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Thurber

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The Committee of Deacons met bi-monthly during the year. Chairman Bob Poley resigned the end of June due to transfer of residence. We have missed his leadership.

During the year, members of the Committee prepared and served communion monthly and also provided refreshments for the Sunday morning coffee hour on a monthly basis.

Following a change in the Constitution which allows for a Committee increase from eight to twelve members, I am pleased to announce that we have a full roster of twelve deacons to serve, taking effect following the annual meeting. Three of the present deacons have declined to reoffer following their term of three years.

In closing I wish to say it has been a privilege to serve on the Committee of Deacons during these past three years. I wish every blessing on the incoming Committee as they seek to serve our Lord in this capacity.

Respectfully submitted,

Muriel F. Bent

Vice Chair

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MBC Missions Committee Report 2015

Another busy year has passed with MBC demonstrating its heart for mission’s work in many different ways - locally, regionally, in other apart of Canada and internationally. The community outreach work begun five years ago connecting our church family with AEES and MRHS staff and students has continued, thanks to the many devoted volunteers who donate to and prepare staff luncheons, the Monday morning hot breakfast program, monthly high school student lunches, teacher and student snacks and the early dismissal enrichment programming. The outreach at Sunset Meadows through bible study, special meals and an open invitation to the LAFF program has also continued again thanks to faithful church members.

Several Valley organizations gave presentations or updates during the year and donations were made to them including: Twelve Baskets Food Bank, Open Arms Ministry and the Valley Pregnancy Centre. The Halifax Chaplaincy is also supported as part of our mission’s mandate, making it possible for our church members to receive visitation when they are inpatients at Halifax area hospitals.

John Spurr working at Circle Square Ranch in Arden Ontario gave us a clear idea in September with his video of the fine work he is doing through InterVarsity; and the many ways he is impacting young lives.

MBC has been during 2015, and will continue to be in early 2016, represented internationally on short term mission trips by several fine women who are presently or in the recent past have been MBC members. Hunter MacDougall worked as part of a contingent in Guatemala for a month; Jennifer Smith went to Prague in the Czech Republic with an Acadia Divinity College mission group; Muriel Bent travelled to Lebanon with a Canadian Baptist contingent; Linda Thorsen recently departed for Crakow, Poland for three months to teach English as a Second language; and Lindsay Miller left for Macedonia for four months with SEND International. 

Our Canadian Baptist Missionaries in Kenya, Erica and Aaron Kenny continue with their amazing work with Somali women and others and we are proud to be supporting them through financial giving and prayer. We normally designate the month of February to focus on their work - seeking monetary and prayer partnership   between members of our congregation and the Kennys.

We have also financially supported Paul Estabrooks with the Persecuted Church program and James Eagles with Intercede International for indigenous missions.

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2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORTThis year has also been a wonderful but challenging one as Middleton Baptist began the ten-month journey to sponsor a refugee family. It has been a long process which will culminate in the arrival of our Iraqi family on the 25 of January 2016. It has also been an exciting time partnering with other churches, private citizens in the area as well as the Rotary Club. We praise God for all that He has led us to do as a congregation during this past   year on both familiar and less well known paths.

In His Service 

Jill Cox


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Opening Balance at January 1st, 2015 $3284.64

Total Deposits Jan 1st 2015 to Dec 31st 2015 $119.00 ________ $3403.64


Bank Charges $24.00 Mission Trips - Hunter MacDougall $300.00 Jennifer Smith $600.00 Muriel Bent $694.00 Lindsay Miller $1000.00 ________ $2618.00


Balance at December 31, 2015 $785.64

In His Service,

Jill H Cox

ChairMissions Committee

Page 30



I have examined the applicable records of the Muriel Bent Short Term Mission Fund including bank statements for the year ended December 31, 2015.

All accounts and disclosures are in order.

The Muriel Bent Short Term Mission Fund Report 2015 is accurate and correctly represents the financial records.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Robin McCoombs

Page 31



The Finance and Stewardship Committee (FSC) is responsible for the day to day financial concerns and cash flow management of MBC. In this capacity the Committee prepares an annual budget in conjunction with the Senior Pastor and Treasurer and monitors the cash position of the church on a weekly basis. The Treasurer prepares a weekly financial update and provides this not only to the FSC but to the congregation as a whole via the bulletin.

As an Atlantic Baptist Convention Church, Middleton Baptist and its congregation own and operate the church facility; and have complete responsibility for financial operations. In this operating model, unlike many local churches in Middleton, there is no oversight body or denominational headquarters that can help fund an annual budget. It is entirely up to our congregation and the Lord’s provision for each individual giver.

The MBC has been in operation for 154 years and it is highly unlikely that there has ever been an easy time to balance a budget. The budget is made up of all the various “uses” of funds that are projected to be required during the 12-month period. This budget attempts to reflect the constant changes that are experienced from time to time, as MBC changes its social and community responsibilities.

There are many “uses” of funds but clearly the major expenditures are associated with the programming that MBC has decided as a congregation to support, and the personnel and material requirements of these programs. Secondary “uses” of funds cover such important matters as building repairs and maintenance, which includes heating expenses and utilities. The Church has little control over the price of oil or the severity of the winter. What we can control however, is the conservation of heat once it is generated and the use of electricity by turning off lights when not required. As stewards of the funds that are provided to us, we all need to take responsibility in these areas. In 2015 the difficulty of the winter created a situation whereby Church was cancelled twice and had very reduced attendance on two other Sundays. As well, during the combined service associated with the Heart of the Valley Days there was no collection taken. The combined impact of these five events was a revenue shortfall in excess of $20,000 or 6% of the entire budget. This creates a serious financial situation as little ‘catchup’ collection is received except from those with preapproved contributions that are automatically withdrawn from the contributor’s bank account. The Governance Board strongly endorses this method of giving as it provides a dependable cash flow for the Church, regardless of the weather.

The roof overhaul work continued in 2015 with the office area of the Family Life Center and Tower area completed, at the cost of approximately $9,000. This program will continue in 2016. The combination of lower oil prices during 2015 and a more efficient furnace and controller system that

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2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORTwas installed in December 2014, significantly reduced the oil bill budgeted for $20,000, but which was actually $9,286. In the prior year the oil bill had been $21,618.

The committee has been very busy with extra fundraising events during the year including: The February Talent and Treasure Auction; the Mother’s Day takeout lunch sale; the Heart of the Valley Days yard sale; the Fall International Dinner and the December Plum Pudding sale. The church received a great deal of support from outside the committee to manage all these great events which generated $7,325 in total, somewhat below the $10,000 budgeted. This is extra money used to support a variety of special programs within the church.

I am happy to report that regardless of a significant budgeted revenue shortfall of some $20,000 we were cash positive at year end 2015. While we did not meet budgeted revenue, we also did not spend to the budgeted expense levels; due in large part to the reduced oil bill mentioned above.

This is a tremendous accomplishment and an affirmation that Lord is continuing to bless the work that is being carried out at MBC. As Chair of the committee I wish to thank all of you who have worked tirelessly to raise extra funds, and who have simply given of your own resources to support the ongoing ministry at Middleton Baptist Church.

God bless you all …

Greg Cox


Page 33



1. The Board of trustees met formally and informally throughout the year to discuss the ongoing and new issues, concerning the church structure. The Board members were Arthur Bent, Charles French and Kirk Thurber. The work listed was carried out either by the Trustees or by contract. Following are the projects carried out last year.

- installed new CO detector in the furnace room

- rebuilt the front fire exit stairs

- tested and repaired the fire alarm system

- inspected and tested the handicapped lift/elevator

- tested the emergency exit lights monthly

- installed new first aid kit

- painted interior wall areas showing water leak

- radiators checked for effective operation, bleed valves installed

- striped and waxed the Family Life Centre floor

- install vanity in upstairs washroom

- tested all the fire extinguishers

- re-shingled the south and west side of the office roofs

- repaired a section of the east stone foundation wall

- repaired and painted stained glass windows in the sanctuary

- replaced the existing dishwasher in the main kitchen

2. Following is the list of projects on the books for the next and/or future years.

- re-shingle the east and west roofs attached to the sanctuary (cost $20,000)

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2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORT- flat roof areas to be investigated and repaired

- re-point and brace chimney

- replace broken window in back door

- repair and paint stained glass windows in the sanctuary

- erect new church signs in front/back of the church

3. The Church Insurance policy was transferred in October 2014 to Ecclesiastical Insurance Office from Palmer Atlantic, as recommended by Convention of the Atlantic Baptist Churches. The annual premiums were reduced this past year by $389.00/year, as we were paying too much based on the church replacement value. This decision was based on the appraisal done by Ecclesiastical Insurance Oct 2015.

4. The fire alarm inspection contract with Simplex Grinnell was cancelled, as their charge-out rates were considered too high. The current contract is with Valley Alarms Ltd for the annual inspection and future repairs.

5. The original janitorial contract was awarded for period Jan 2014 to Dec 2014. Provisions were make in the contract for an additional 2 years, subject to the approval of the Trustees. The contract was approved for the 3rd year from Jan 2016 to Dec 2016.

6. The commitment and dedication of Charles, Arthur and Kirk towards the maintenance and effective operation of the Church structure is commendable and very much appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,

George Amirault


Page 35




Our choir members have had another very busy year preparing for our Sunday services. April found us working on a special collection of favorite anthems with the theme “an invitation to die and live to reign and to come”. It was well received.

We were pleased to have Carolyn Hicks and Brad Thurber join our ranks. Welcome!

The Christmas Cantata – “The Heart of Christmas-A Journey of Joy” was presented to the congregation on December 19th and include Kirk Thurber joining the tenor section. Thanks so very much Kirk and a special thank you to our director Joey Gosbee for all his patience and direction.

Judith C. Mosher


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This year has been an exciting year for mom2mom! Our numbers continue to grow! Also the depth of conversation, fellowship has been wonderful to see.  This year we have been focusing on Dr. Kevin Leman's parenting series. It is biblically based advice on all kinds of different parenting topics. We have found the sessions to be very helpful, practical and encouraging.  Big thank you to all of our volunteers who watch the little ones, and also big thank you to Kirk and Diane Thurber who prepare our wonderful meals. 

Excited to see God at work in 2016!

Respectfully submitted by:

Lisa Smith

Mom2Mom Group Coordinator

Page 37



This ministry has clear rewards and challenges as well. It is wonderful to welcome the youngest members into church, as well as giving opportunity for new moms to enjoy the services.  

The challenges lie in recruiting volunteers. We are very grateful to all of our wonderful volunteers! More volunteers would be a wonderful addition to this ministry.

 It was hoped that a nursery make over would happen in 2015, but after several attempts to organize this, unfortunately did not come together.  It is hoped that this year painting and purchase of updated equipment would take place. 

Respectfully submitted by

Lisa Smith 

MBC Nursery coordinator 

Page 38



I believe that our four teams of ushers functioned quite effectively last year. At least there were no complaints to which I was made aware.

We have had two or three members join our team this year which is encouraging.

An updated list and scheduled will be posted shortly.

Those teams short of members appreciate the extra assistance from the congregation with taking up offerings especially the ones who do it consistently in the balcony area.

Respectfully submitted,

Graham Thompson

Head Usher

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The Muriel Bent ANW continued to support missions under the umbrella of CBM and local charities (from our Secret Pal fund). We support John Spurr who is with InterVaristy at Circle Square Ranch in Ontario. We also supported Faith Holwyn and her Groups of Hope program. Since Faith has passed this on to Brenda Halk, we will continue to support her work. We ended the year with 31 members which is a very encouraging number for which the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 pm for social time and 2 pm for regular meeting. Every meeting begins with reading the Covenant and Mission Statement. We meet in the Ladies’ Parlour and church sanctuary if the program requires use of the screens. Our programs were as follows:

January: The Great Canadian Women’s Bible Study program was presented by Shelley Reycraft and Barbara Baxter. The theme was the creation and fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Special offering was for victims of rape in the Congo.

February: No meeting. Special offering was Crandall University.

March: The annual Women’s World Day of Prayer service was held at our church at 7 pm on March 6th. Four churches took part. The program was written by the women of the Bahamas and that theme was presented throughout the presentation. At our regular meeting we learned more about our retired missionary, Muriel Bent, and the many jobs she had in her active days with CBM and her many interesting adventures and aid related short term mission trips since retirement. We all know that Muriel is not retired from service locally either as she is always involved with volunteer work. Special offering was to Acadia Divinity College.

April: Jill Cox spoke to us of the plan to bring a Syrian/Iraqi refugee family to Middleton under the auspices of Middleton Baptist Church and perhaps others would want to share in this endeavor. Jill will serve on a committee regarding this project. Annapolis/Digby Association meetings were held in Lawrencetown on April 25th and Bernice MacLean was the only one to attend from our group. On May 29th, Ann Drost spoke about managing mission money. Special offering was to Mission Aviation Fellowship Attn: Mike Davis.

May: Special guest speaker was Michael Veenema who is Chaplain at Waterville Youth Centre and Pastor of Pereaux Baptist Church. Ethelyn Mosher introduced Michael and he told us of the work he is involved with at the Youth Centre and thanked us for the support our Young Peoples’ group has given. He asked us to continue to assist them financially and prayerfully. Special offering for John Spurr – Circle Square Ranch. We were asked to partner with our youth who will be attending Tidal Impact in St. John and Moncton in June. Several ladies supported them in prayer and let them know of their interest in this powerful meeting of Maritime youth. Seven members attended the ABW/UBWMU convention at Crandall University in Moncton May 22nd-24th. This is always an inspirational and enjoyable time and recommend it to anyone who is able to attend.

June: Several members attended the annual ABW/UBWMU Annapolis/Digby Association luncheon and meetings at Bridgetown Baptist Church. We did not have a meeting in June as some of us met at the Driftwood Restaurant for dinner in lieu of a pot luck dinner at the church.

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2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORT July & August: No meetings

September: No meeting as we attended the memorial service for our dear sister Marion Cox. Special offering was for Faith Holwyn Groups of Hope.

October: Celebration of Joy was hosted by our group with area ABW groups in attendance. Guest speaker was Caroline Hay of Paradise Baptist Church who spoke on the process of bringing a refugee family to Bridgetown. This is of special interest to us as our church will soon be welcoming a family. Plans are going well with the guidance and hard work of our church committee and other assistance. Lisa smith was grateful for help with her MOM’s group – snacks and interaction with the children and mothers.

November: Many of our members attended the Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer at Nictaux Baptist Church on Monday 2nd November at 2 pm. We were privileged to have Faith Holwyn and Brenda Halk attend our regular meeting and spoke to us of past activities of Groups of Hope and Brenda’s plan to continue this program. Area ABW groups joined us in welcoming them and renewing their support when Brenda takes over in January. Special offering was for the Sharing Way.

December: Our Christmas potluck and Christmas party was held in the Ladies’ Parlour and Vestry on Dec 15th and was very well attended with 31 present and Pastor Danny as our guest for dinner. After a program of reading and carols and a charade game the guessing of “Who is your Secret Pal” took place. Most everyone had kept the secret all year. Gifts were opened and displayed and thanks were given. After wishes of Merry Christmas, we all went home with a wonderful feeling of fun, fellowship and awareness of the true meaning of Christmas. Special offering was for Chrysalis House and Secret Pal fund will be divided between Deacon’s Fund and Student Intern Jeff Baggaley.

We look forward to 2016 and trust that our new members will enjoy the fellowship of our group and our endeavors to support missions locally and globally. There is always room for more members!

Barbara Baxter


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Another busy year has come to a close. We do a variety of functions/events: dinners, luncheons, barbeques, birthday/anniversary parties & funerals receptions.

We have men serving on our committees as well, for which we are thankful. They are a great help cooking, barbequing, handling those large pots and running the dishwater. If you would like to serve on one of these committees, regardless of gender, please call me at 902-825-3062. New people to committees are a breath of fresh air as many of us are getting advanced in age, plus a number of us like to go south in the winter, we also have families all over the place who we’d like to visit. Each committee takes on two months of the year and for big events we call on whoever we can find home.

During the past year we did the Middleton Fire Department’s Annual Banquet, luncheons, potlucks, fundraisers (mostly soup luncheons - for mission work, & Bonnie’s Bistro – for youth work and building repairs), four funeral receptions, donated sandwiches for “Relay for Life”, Barbeque in the park in July, Rose Hines 90th and Dot Beals 85th Birthdays in November. A number of us help with local schools and Senior’s Home Mission projects.

In closing, I would like to thank those who served so faithfully.

Here’s the listing of the Social Committee for 2016

Overall Chairperson: Bonnie Johnson

Feb/Mar June/SeptBonnie Johnson (Chair 902-825-3062) Marie Phinney (Chair 902-825-6481)Janet Boates Diane AldredFrances Burns Dorothy BealsLois Foster Valerie BrakeJoy Hartlen Audrey ConnellBetty LouLohnes Noreen ElliotDoreen Noble Ethelyn MosherHelen Rodgers Mary MuiseJacqueline Thompson Audrey PearleMarie Vansickle Eleanor DeWolfeJean Prosser

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April/May Oct/NovKirk Thurber (Chair 902-765-8783) Sheilah Thompson (Chair 902-825-4657)Joan Bent Star BarkerJanice Comeau Lucie ComerClaire Diggins Judy FrenchBrian Harvey Bernice MacLeanMary Harvey Leslie MorrisKaren McCabe Judy MosherJanice Miller Marilyn RawdingRobert Prosser Helen SchaffnerAmanda Robar Marilyn StevensonDiane ThurberCheryl Tufts

Dec/JanBonnie Johnson (cell 902-825-3062)Juanita AnnisCharlotte BennettJennifer BurbridgeJill CoxDoreen CrossEmily JenkinsCarol MitchellLinda Thorsen-WadmanGloria Troop

For any information please contact me at 902-825-3062.May God Bless You in 2016

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie JohnsonChairperson for the MBC Social Committee

Page 43



Opening Balance as per Bank Book @ January 1, 2015 $4,193.80

Disbursements for 2015 plus any bank fees charged ($5,805.45)

Receipts for 2015 plus interest earned $4,700.00 __________Receipts Less Disbursements $3,088.35

Closing Balance as per Bank Book @ December 31, 2015 $3,088.35

RECEIPTS: Money received. i.e. From catering to four funeral receptions; annualFiremen's Banquet; two special birthday celebrations; as well as events as outlinedin the Social Committee Report.

DISBURSEMENTS: Money paid out for helping purchase a new dishwasher for the lower kitchen; money paid to KB Cabinetry to help with upgrades in kitchen and a vanity; registration for 2 – 3 people to take a course in handling food; along with supplies, food, etc required for all events that took place during 2015 which our church was involved in; along with paper products tea, coffee and all other supplies needed by the kitchen in general. (Refer Social Committee Report for details)

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda HinesTreasurer, Social Committee

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We the library workers, Dorothy Beals, Lois Foster, Eileen Clark and myself continue to do various tasks.

We have added books that people have graciously given us and “weeded out” those that were older and had never been borrowed. Those that were weeded were put out one Sunday for people who wished to take them.

Please remember it is “your” library and we encouraged everyone to use it. More books were borrowed this year than in previous years, so let’s continue borrowing!

I do thank those who do not leave their bulletins in the library.

Respectfully submitted,

Bernice MacLean

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New Business


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Middleton Baptist Church Budget 2016 Budget Report

Budget 2014 YTD 2014 Budget 2015 YTD 2015 Budget 2016RevenueTithes and Offerings $ 251,425.00 $ 245,904.00 $ 251,425.00 $ 232,866.00 $ 251,425.00Loose $ 5,000.00 $ 4,373.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,562.00 $ 5,000.00Church Envelopes $ 400.00 $ 235.00 $ 400.00 $ 262.00 $ 250.00Church Bulletins $ 500.00 $ 353.00 $ 500.00 $ 330.00 $ 400.00Music /Choir Offering $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 42.00 $ 100.00Children's Church Sun School $ 200.00 $ 60.00 $ 200.00 $ 60.00 $ 100.00Vacation Bible School $ 1,000.00 $ 335.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 95.00 $ 1,000.00Anniversary Offering $ 2,000.00 $ 3,032.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,730.00 $ 2,500.00Easter Offering $ 2,000.00 $ 2,482.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,311.00 $ 2,500.00Thanksgiving Offering $ 2,000.00 $ 1,873.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,210.00 $ 2,200.00Christmas Offering $ 3,000.00 $ 2,047.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,831.00 $ 3,150.00Building Fund/Repair Fund $ 6,000.00 $ 18,516.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 4,709.00 $ 4,000.00Building Use Income $ 5,000.00 $ 2,210.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 2,330.00 $ 3,000.00Stewardship $ 10,000.00 $ 9,417.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 7,325.00 $ 8,000.00sub-total incl loose(notTithes) $ 37,400.00 $ 45,233.00 $ 37,400.00 $ 29,797.00 $ 32,200.00

$ 288,825.00 $ 291,137.00 $ 288,825.00 $ 262,663.00 $ 283,625.00

*Mission Restricted $ 25,000.00 $ 23,116.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 20,275.00 $ 25,000.00*United in Mission $ 17,500.00 $ 14,867.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 12,813.00 $ 17,500.00*Iraqi Family $ 15,902.00*not added to incomeTransfersGST Refund $ 3,000.00 $ 2,244.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,615.00 $ 3,000.00Investment Interest $ 3,000.00 $ 3,390.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,654.00 $ 3,655.00CoxMcIntosh Interest $ 2,500.00 $ 600.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00Transfer from Holding Acct. $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00sub-total Transfers $ 8,500.00 $ 6,234.00 $ 15,500.00 $ 9,769.00 $ 16,155.00TOTAL INCOME $ 297,325.00 $ 297,371.00 $ 304,325.00 $ 272,432.00 $ 299,780.00

ExpensesSenior Pastor Salary $ 42,976.00 $ 42,976.00 $ 43,960.00 $ 43,960.00 $ 44,959.00SP Housing $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,240.00SP Travel $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00SP Books & Education $ 1,500.00 $ 1,624.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 2,180.00 $ 1,500.00 Sub-total $ 62,476.00 $ 62,600.00 $ 63,460.00 $ 64,140.00 $ 64,699.00

Pastor Family MinistriesSalary $ 32,512.00 $ 32,512.00 $ 33,222.00 $ 33,222.00 $ 33,946.00PFamMin Housing $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,120.00PFam Min Travel $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00PFamMin Books & Education $ 700.00 $ 713.00 $ 700.00 $ 688.00 $ 700.00 Sub-total $ 42,212.00 $ 42,225.00 $ 42,922.00 $ 42,910.00 $ 43,766.00

PastorCongregationalCareSalary $ 19,190.00 $ 19,190.00 $ 19,595.00 $ 19,595.00 $ 19,987.00PCC Travel $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00PCC Books & Education $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 395.00 $ 400.00

$ 20,590.00 $ 20,590.00 $ 20,995.00 $ 20,990.00 $ 21,387.00

Sub-total Pastoral Staff $ 125,278.00 $ 125,415.00 $ 127,377.00 $ 128,040.00 $ 129,852.00


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Page 2Budget 2014 YTD 2014 Budget 2015 YTD 2015 Budget 2016

Administrative Assistant(s) $ 11,466.00 $ 11,466.00 $ 11,695.00 $ 11,688.00 $ 13,650.00Supply Organist $ 2,006.00 $ 225.00 $ 450.00 $ 300.00Organist/Choir Director $ 9,636.00 $ 7,097.00 $ 8,616.00 $ 8,616.00 $ 8,788.00Pastoral Intern $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00Sub-total Support Staff $ 22,102.00 $ 21,569.00 $ 21,536.00 $ 21,754.00 $ 23,738.00 Sub-total All Salaries $ 147,380.00 $ 146,984.00 $ 148,913.00 $ 149,794.00 $ 153,590.00

Employer ExpensesCanada Pension $ 5,000.00 $ 6,963.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,730.00 $ 6,000.00EI $ 3,600.00 $ 3,524.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 3,427.00 $ 3,600.00CBM Pension $ 8,600.00 $ 7,361.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 7,954.00 $ 8,200.00Group Insurance $ 2,585.00 $ 2,128.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,146.00 $ 2,200.00Medical/Dental $ 4,000.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 3,400.00Workers Compensation $ 1,000.00 $ 797.00 $ 800.00 $ 769.00 $ 800.00Staff Christmas Bonus $ 1,000.00 $ 825.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 825.00 $ 900.00 Subtotal Employer Exp. $ 25,785.00 $ 24,898.00 $ 24,200.00 $ 24,151.00 $ 25,100.00Total Salaries & Expenses $ 173,165.00 $ 171,882.00 $ 173,113.00 $ 173,945.00 $ 178,690.00

Administrative ExpensesBank Charges $ 100.00 $ 102.00 $ 100.00 $ 102.00 $ 100.00OfficeSupplies/Other $ 1,000.00 $ 2,303.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,590.00 $ 1,500.00OfficeSupplies/Paper $ 1,000.00 $ 666.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 919.00 $ 1,000.00OfficeSupplies/Printing $ 1,300.00 $ 1,218.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,716.00 $ 2,000.00Postage $ 500.00 $ 506.00 $ 500.00 $ 365.00 $ 500.00Church Envelopes $ 480.00 $ 473.00 $ 500.00 $ 505.00 $ 500.00Mileage Reimbursements $ 500.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00Church Phones $ 1,400.00 $ 1,698.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,668.00 $ 2,000.00Cell Phone $ 100.00 $ 91.00 $ 480.00 $ 446.00 $ 500.00Internet Access $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00Computers $ 1,000.00 $ 1,580.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 0.00 $ 2,000.00Professional Services $ 1,250.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00Bookkeeping Services $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 5,304.00Copier Contract $ 1,600.00 $ 921.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 888.00 $ 900.00Copier Lease $ 3,030.00 $ 2,765.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,560.00 $ 3,000.00Audio/Visual Repair & Main $ 33.00 $ 1,000.00Website $ 250.00 $ 149.00 $ 250.00 $ 0.00 $ 300.00Ministers Hospitatility $ 700.00 $ 637.00 $ 1,000.00 Sub-total Admin $ 18,510.00 $ 17,672.00 $ 19,830.00 $ 16,629.00 $ 21,604.00

Building & GroundsRoof Project $ 8,000.00Electricity $ 5,000.00 $ 4,607.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,727.00 $ 4,000.00Water $ 800.00 $ 681.00 $ 800.00 $ 442.00 $ 500.00Sewer $ 500.00 $ 497.00 $ 500.00 $ 358.00 $ 500.00Fuel $ 20,000.00 $ 21,618.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 9,241.00 $ 15,000.00Security $ 250.00 $ 551.00 $ 250.00 $ 880.00 $ 250.00Insurance $ 5,800.00 $ 5,518.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,190.00 $ 6,500.00Janitor Contract $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00Repairs/Maint $ 6,000.00 $ 22,476.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 8,713.00 $ 10,000.00Fire Alarm Inspection $ 800.00 $ 762.00 $ 800.00 $ 885.00 $ 900.00Equipment Maintenance $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,454.00 $ 500.00Repairs/Maint Fire Equip $ 200.00 $ 2,558.00 $ 200.00 $ 0.00 $ 200.00Lift Service Contract $ 600.00 $ 490.00 $ 600.00 $ 490.00 $ 500.00

$ 55,450.00 $ 74,758.00 $ 59,150.00 $ 47,380.00 $ 61,850.00


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Page 3Budget 2014 YTD 2014 Budget 2015 YTD 2015 Budget 2016

Christian EdLibrary/Resource $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 0.00 $ 100.00Children's Church $ 1,500.00 $ 2,178.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,646.00 $ 2,000.00Nursery $ 500.00 $ 221.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 33.00 $ 1,500.00Youth Van Rental $ 300.00 $ 750.00 $ 688.00 $ 750.00Family Outreach Events $ 1,500.00 $ 791.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 502.00 $ 1,000.00Youth Group $ 2,000.00 $ 2,011.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00AdultSundaySchool/SmGroups $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 62.00 $ 200.00VBS $ 1,800.00 $ 1,698.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,831.00 $ 2,000.00Moms Group $ 700.00 $ 674.00 $ 700.00 $ 1,014.00 $ 1,000.00Perfoming Arts Camp $ 557.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,559.00 $ 1,400.00Childrens Dance Ministry $ 127.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Sub-total Christian Ed $ 8,600.00 $ 8,257.00 $ 11,450.00 $ 9,335.00 $ 11,950.00


Music Supplies $ 1,000.00 $ 663.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 583.00 $ 1,000.00Copyright Licensing $ 430.00 $ 440.00 $ 500.00 $ 440.00 $ 520.00Instrument Acq & Maintenance $ 1,600.00 $ 1,688.00 $ 500.00 $ 247.00 $ 500.00 Sub-total Music $ 3,030.00 $ 2,791.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,270.00 $ 2,020.00

Evangelism/OutreachSpecial Speaker Expense $ 600.00 $ 200.00 $ 600.00 $ 677.00 $ 700.00Deacons Board $ 500.00 $ 659.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 500.00Governance Board $ 1,000.00 $ 686.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,630.00 $ 1,000.00Seniors Ministry $ 100.00 $ 87.00 $ 100.00 $ 244.00 $ 200.00Community Outreach $ 3,000.00 $ 2,243.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,461.00 $ 3,000.00Sub-total Evangelism/Outreach $ 5,200.00 $ 3,875.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 5,012.00 $ 5,400.00

Ministry Expense

Gifts $ 1,000.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 735.00 $ 800.00Church Supplies General $ 200.00 $ 311.00 $ 500.00 $ 677.00 $ 500.00Church Family Events $ 545.00 $ 500.00 $ 501.00 $ 500.00 Sub-total Ministry $ 1,200.00 $ 2,206.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,913.00 $ 1,800.00

*Mission Outreach $ 25,000.00 $ 23,116.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 36,677.00 $ 25,000.00*United in Mission $ 17,500.00 $ 14,867.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 12,813.00 $ 17,500.00*not added to expenses

Intervarsity - John Spurr $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00

CBM Randy&ElizabethLegassie $ 600.00 $ 300.00other missionary $ 600.00 $ 600.00Jesus to the Nations $ 150.00 $ 150.00Harvest House MinistriesHalifax Hospital Chaplaincy $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Subtotal $ 2,450.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,300.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 2,450.00


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Page 4Budget 2014 YTD 2014 Budget 2015 YTD 2015 Budget 2016

Other ExpensesConvention & SeminarsConvention $ 1,000.00 $ 1,213.00 $ 700.00 $ 306.00 $ 1,000.00

DonationsAaron Ministries $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00Crandall University $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00Acadia Divinity College $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00Pine Grove Cemetery $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00Our Daily Bread $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00Royal Canadian Legion Wreath $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 Sub-total Donations $ 5,885.00 $ 5,885.00 $ 5,885.00 $ 5,885.00 $ 5,885.00

Transfer from Holding Acct. $ 7,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 7,000.00to purchase new signs

Dues & FeesDues & Fees $ 130.00 $ 130.00 $ 130.00 $ 31.00 $ 131.00

Total Expenses $ 285,270.00 $ 290,669.00 $ 288,758.00 $ 263,406.00 $ 299,780.00

Income/Expenses $ 12,055.00 $ 6,702.00 $ 15,567.00 $ 9,026.00 $ 0.00



Governance Board CHAIR/Moderator - Derek McCoombs


MEMBER AT LARGE - Brenda Ellison

MEMBER AT LARGE - Carol Mitchell





EX OFFICIO - Danny Smith

Missions Committee Jill Cox (Chair)Joan Bent

Ellen Simpson

Linda Thorsen

Karen Bauer-Ramsay

Property Management Committee Kirk Thurber (Chair)

Greg Miller

Charles French

Arthur Bent

Deacons Committee Lucie Comer (Chair)

Maureen Patterson

Bonnie Johnson

Ron Habinski

Doreen Cross

Carl Wadman

Charles French

Melissa Westcott

Ric Morrison

Leslie Morris

Lee Reece

Karen Bauer-Ramsay

Page 50

2015 CHURCH ANNUAL REPORTStewardship & Financial Management Committee Greg Cox (Chair)

Helen Rodgers

Ellen Simpson

Kathy Nickerson

Carol Mitchell

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