sun & moon yoga studio 2012 summer newsletter

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Sun & Moon Yoga Studio 2012 Summer Newsletter. breathe. stretch. relax. repeat.


Summer 2012

Hindsight is 20/20by Annie Moyer

What if we had eyes in the back of our head? The yogi’s answer is that eyes are not the only instrument for seeing.

True, we live in a forward-facing world. Almost all the sense organs are oriented in or near the front plane of the body. Our hands naturally reach forward to conduct daily activities of self-care, to operate the instruments of our work and transportation, and to embrace each other as we maintain our human connections. In all these instances, our eyes see first what’s in front of us. Often, the seeing ends there.

Moreover, the physical strength and power we require to function in the world is often accessed through front plane of the body. Inevitably, the first instruction for accessing core strength is to engage the belly, or draw in the muscles of the abdomen. And on a superficial level, flat bellies and “six-pack abs” are the holy grail of the fashion and pop-fitness world.

And yet we know there’s something back there, behind us. It’s an odd and true fact that we’ve never actually seen our own back. We’ve only seen reflections of it. Would it look different if we could see it first-hand? We’ll never really know. Likewise, we’ve never really seen the true self that lives inside our physical structure. We only see reflections of it in others – in the work we do, the things we create, the world we interact with, and the people we love and care for. The problem with relying exclusively on these reflections is that we rarely flex the muscle of intuition, which allows us to sense and feel what’s actually present. If we can merge just enough strength in the belly and forward vision to assert ourselves in the world, and also bring awareness to the rear, perhaps we can awaken the rest of our “seeing” powers. With this training, we get better at tuning into that “knowing” sense, and thus feel whether the outer reflections are accurate and guiding us in the right direction, or distorted reflections of fear/doubt/anger/grief.

In this shift, we can create balance in our lives. We can prevent assertion from turning into aggression. We can mingle power and control with compassion and insight. We can tune into faith, wisdom, and love – those gems that we know are there but can’t see with our eyes.

Try this simple practice to wake up the back body’s wisdom:

• Sit in a comfortable position with your torso lengthened. • Take your palms and place them on the back of your head and take a few deep, deliberate breaths as

you feel the gentle pressure of your hands. • Move your hands so that one palm is behind one shoulder, and the other is behind your mid-back.

Breathe again, deeply and deliberately. Switch hands and repeat.• Then move both palms to gently press the lower back hips. Breathe into that space.

Now, bring awareness to the areas of concern in your life. Bring them in through the gates of the front body where you can acknowledge them and where they normally hold sway, but this time send them to cycle through the open wings of the back. Does their grip loosen? Does your wise inner being provide answers and comfort, not with words or sights but with soothing sensations of ease? If so, you’ll know without question that the keen vision you’ve been seeking out in front of you has been riding piggy-back the whole time.


Almost two years ago, when I began getting up at 6:00 in the morning for the 6:30 All-Levels class in Arlington, it was dark and cold outside. Not only did the alarm rouse my husband and my dog, it also awoke my higher and lower selves; the higher one, radiant in yoga garb, gently nudging me with a golden mat. My lower self, kicked back in the pillows, urging me to roll over into the warmth of sleep, suggesting that there were plenty of other classes later in the day. Tactfully, my higher self would hit the fast forward button and reveal to me the lovely way I would feel when I returned home after class. That was usually enough to silence my lower self (until the next alarm) and propel me out of bed.

The parking lot was deserted because Curves had not yet opened. And the cubbies at the studio were laughably empty. There were usually four of us – Ron, Gail, John and me – and sometimes Enid, would join us too. A kind of silent solidarity existed among us, as if we were members of a secret society (or demented cult). We met twice a week but we were the invisible yogis and yoginis at Sun & Moon, never crossing paths with another class either leaving or arriving, never meeting other teachers, never progressing through level 1, to 2 to 2/3 and upward.

Our original teacher Pauline, always cheerful and positive even in the gloom, guided us through our asanas, sometimes challenging us, sometimes deferring to our still asleep, stiff bodies. At some point after the class began, she would sneak out to the front and lock the door. Without someone as sentry at the desk, who knew who would wander in?

But like many secret societies, a faint air of superiority could be detected among us (how unyog-ish of me to suggest this!). It was not the superiority of being more enlightened or heaven knows more flexible, but rather of knowing something special that others might not. We all knew that starting the day practicing yoga just made the day better. It wasn’t as if this were some universally acknowledged higher truth among us, and perhaps I am being presumptuous in speaking for the others, but the quiet of an empty studio and a practice uncontaminated by the detritus of a busy day created a tone for the rest of the day. The early imprint of a quiet mind and mindful body did not make rush hour disappear or work aggravations evaporate or adolescent struggles subside, but it did create a reservoir of resilience. Like starting a journey with a full tank of gas, rather than running on fumes.

Gradually it got lighter in the mornings. And warmer. And then really warm then cooler. Occasionally there were only two of us in class and a few others drifted in and out. Sometimes my lower self gave up prodding me altogether. I was already up before she had a chance to make her case. Pauline’s shoulder demanded an operation and the fabulous Charlotte Raich, Michelle Provenzano, and Jane Phelan arrived to take over her classes. Slowly those who had just dropped in at dawn to do a desperate make-up began to register for the class. Now there are three 6:30 morning classes and at one, I counted 15 people.

How did this happen? Who knows. But our secret society is clearly not so secret any more.


Voices from the Path: Dawn WarriorsBy Marianne Szegedy-Maszak

Wake Up With Us This Summer!

Please join us for a FREE TRIAL at the first morning class this summer.

Tuesday July 106:30 am


Practice yoga with Michelle and Charlotte and then refresh with fruit and tea afterward. Bring a friend. All are welcome. Notice how great you feel for the rest of the day.

Fairfax Morning Schedule: Note our early-bird classes in Fairfax as well. Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays at 7:00 am w/Cynthia L.,

and Wednesdays at 5:30 am w/Cynthia M.

Let’s start with boat pose. In the full expression of this posture you balance on or near the tailbone, while your back and legs form a “V” shape. If your tailbone is sensitive, you can place a folded blanked on top of your mat. Sit with the soles of your feet on the floor in front of you and hold on to the backs of your thighs. As you inhale, actively lengthen the spine, sitting up as straight as possible. Still holding your legs, lift one foot so that the shin is parallel to the floor. Then lift the other foot. Notice where your abdominal muscles are working to keep the spine extended and try to release any gripping in your thigh muscles. If your hamstring muscles permit, you could try straightening your knees, forming the classic “V,” still holding the backs of your thighs. Bring your feet back to the floor and take a few deep belly breaths.

The next stage is to once again bring the shins parallel to the floor. This time, try to release one hand, straightening the elbow and reaching forward. You may need to experiment to find the best place for your body to balance. As you firm your belly, perhaps you can reach the second arm forward. If this still feels comfortable, try to straighten your knees, pointing your toes up toward the ceiling. Ideally you will keep the spine long and the belly muscles engaged. Bring your feet back to the floor, lie down on your back, and give yourself a full body stretch, breathing deeply to release the abdominal muscles.

Now for half boat. Return to sitting with the soles of your feet on the floor in front of you. Holding on to the backs of your thighs again, this time draw the belly in rounding the lower back and resting the sacrum on the floor. Right away, you should feel the lower abdominal muscles engage as they do when you “tuck” your pelvis under. Keeping the low belly firm, again lift one foot, shin parallel to the floor. Then lift the other foot. This time you will balance on your sacrum, a broader more stable surface than the tailbone. As with full boat, you can experiment with releasing one hand, straightening the elbow and stretching it forward. If you can keep your low belly strongly engaged and drawing inward, try letting go with the second hand. Your feet should be at about the same level as your eyes. You could try to straighten the knees, but only if you can keep the low belly engaged. Then return the feet to the floor, recline once more, and take a few belly breaths before continuing your practice.


Navasana (Boat Pose)by Enid Kassner

We’ve all heard about the importance of strengthening our “core” – the area around the abdomen, low back, and pelvis. A powerful core can help us maintain good posture, protect the vulnerable lower back, and assist with balance poses. Yet relatively few yoga asanas specifically target the abdominal area. As a result, this critical work often is overlooked in our practice. Two related postures that can help energize your core are boat pose (Navasana), which concentrates on the upper abdominal region, and half boat pose (Ardha Navasana), which focuses on the lower abs.

Elaine McShulskis demonstrates Navasana

Photo by Christie Zepeda Photography


Teacher Feature Meet Jane Phelan

You began as a trained modern dancer. What led you to practice yoga, and what did you learn from dance that is valuable in your yoga practice?

I went to my first yoga class on Capitol Hill in the 1980s because a dancer friend was teaching. My life at the time revolved around modern dance: teaching, performing, and choreographing. I was not drawn to a yoga practice at all back then. It wasn’t until I began taking classes in the 1990s at Sun & Moon with Iyengar-inspired teacher Oya Horiguchi, that I noticed something significant: I felt beautiful and grounded in yoga class, from the inside out, as if I had everything I needed to be fully alive. From childhood, my passion for modern

dance translated into emotional self-expression because I would lose myself, and the yoga evoked a same-but-quite-different feeling that was somehow calming and stabilizing, and brought about a different kind of self-awareness. All these years later, I am just beginning to understand how powerful yoga is in yoking together all these aspects of the creative self, and self in the wider world.

How would you describe your relationship to yoga?

As I was mulling over how my yoga practice has evolved, I thought of the movie, “The Way,” where the travelers begin their journey on the Camino de Santiago in Spain with an idea of why they think they want to walk this spiritual path. Some just walk for the exercise and the beautiful scenery; many as a religious pilgrimage, an opportunity to dedicate their hearts and minds to every step of the journey. What becomes clear, as they travel individually and in small communities that evolve, is how they begin to identify their quests differently. Their realizations and reflections open their hearts to embracing so much more about life than they had previously thought. This analogy for me explains the constantly growing significance of a journey: we set out with a commitment to continue, without a clue to the enormous blessings we will realize. Yoga is very much like that for me. “Buen camino,” an expression loosely translated as “good journey,” reminds us that we are all travelers with so much to discover, once we commit to a path. My yoga journey, as both student and teacher, surprises me with gifts and reflections I had not expected.

Why did you opt for yoga teacher training at Kripalu?

On holidays over the years, I would find yoga classes wherever I was visiting, and when I felt the class was especially worthwhile, I would ask the teacher where they had trained. Enough of them responded, “Kripalu,” that I got “curiouser and curiouser” and eventually, I jumped into the magic of Kripalu myself, where I will complete the 500-hour teacher training in August 2012. My instinct to become a part of Kripalu has brought me much joy and peace, with roots going deep into exploring yoga as a “buen camino,” extending beyond the mat into every facet of my life.

What is most valuable for you for your students to get out of your class – why is this primary?

The most profound offering I can imagine for my students is that they begin to feel their own authentic connection between mind and body that can be an infinite source of well-being and harmony. I feel my teaching reflects my fourteen years of mindfulness meditation practice; it’s such an integral part of everything I do, and the way I process conflict and challenges.

“May my practice be an offering of the heart.”


ARLINGTON STUDIO3811 Lee Highway Arlington, VA 22207

From Rt. 66 heading East: Take Exit 72 (Spout Run/Lee Hwy). Turn left onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy. until you reach the third light. Turn right onto N. Pollard. Park in lot on your right. The studio is on Lee Hwy. on the right in a small strip of stores.

From GW Parkway/Alexandria:Take the Spout Run Exit (left exit) off GW Parkway. Turn right onto Lee Hwy. Continue on Lee Hwy. and at the fourth light turn right onto N. Pollard. Park in lot on your right. The studio is on Lee Hwy. on the right in a small strip of stores.

First ClassFree!If you have never taken a class at our studio, we would like you to try a class on us. We hope that if Sun & Moon is the right studio for you that you'll sign up for one of our many offerings.You may want to give this coupon to a friend.Bring this coupon to the studio for your first class.

This offer is valid one time to local residents who have never attended class at Sun & Moon.

Arlington Fairfax City703.525.YOGA (9642)


Day/Time Class Instructor Start Date Fee Studio

MONDAY 10:00am-11:15am Level 1 Judith Lyon/Faith Halter 9-Jul $120 A10:15am-11:45am Level 2 Asya Haikin 9-Jul $120 B12:00pm-1:15pm Gentle Asya Haikin 9-Jul $120 A12:15pm-1:30pm Meditation Jackie Shaffer 9-Jul Donation B4:00pm-5:15pm Level 1 Karin Caffi 9-Jul $120 B4:30pm-6:00pm Level 2/3 Jackie Shaffer 9-Jul $120 A5:30pm-6:30pm Mat Pilates 1 Danielle Marquez 9-Jul $104 B6:15pm-7:45pm Level 3/4 Alex Levin 9-Jul $120 C6:15pm-7:45pm Level 2 Amir 9-Jul $120 A6:45pm-7:45pm Mat Pilates 1/2 Danielle Marquez 9-Jul $104 B8:00pm-9:30pm Vinyasa 1/2 Michelle Provenzano 9-Jul $120 B8:00pm-9:15pm Level 1 Amir 9-Jul $120 A

TUESDAY TUESDAY 6:30am-7:30am All Levels Charlotte R./Michelle P. 10-Jul $104 A

10:00am-11:15am Level 1 Judith Lyon/Faith Halter 10-Jul $120 B10:15am-11:45am Level 2 Annie Moyer 10-Jul $120 A11:30am-12:30pm Feldenkrais Madeline Helbraun 10-Jul $104 B12:00pm-1:30pm Level 3 Annie Moyer 10-Jul $120 A4:30pm-6:00pm Level 2/3 Jackie Shaffer 10-Jul $120 A4:30pm-5:45pm Level 1 Tanja Szabo 10-Jul $120 B

6:15pm-7:45pm Level 2 Jackie Shaffer 10-Jul $120 A6:15pm-7:30pm Level 1 Suzanne Morgan 10-Jul $120 B7:30pm-8:45pm Gentle Asya Haikin 10-Jul $120 C7:45pm-9:15pm Level 2/3 Laura Dillon 10-Jul $120 B8:00pm-9:15pm Level 1 Heidi Panetta 10-Jul $120 A

WEDNESDAYWEDNESDAY 6:30am-7:30am All Levels Charlotte Raich 11-Jul $104 A

9:30am-11:00am Level 2 Jackie Shaffer 11-Jul $120 A9:30am-11:00am Vinyasa All Levels Kristin Heinz 11-Jul $120 B11:15am-12:30pm Level 1 Jackie Shaffer 11-Jul $120 A11:30am-12:45pm Moms & Babies Jane Phelan 11-Jul $120 B4:30pm-6:00pm Level 2/3 Annie Moyer 11-Jul $120 A6:15pm-7:30pm Level 1 Jackie Shaffer 11-Jul $120 B6:15pm-7:45pm Level 2 Annie Moyer 11-Jul $120 A8:00pm-9:15pm Level 1 Elaine McShulskis 11-Jul $120 A8:00pm-9:30pm Level 2 Roger Panetta 11-Jul $120 B

THURSDAY THURSDAY 6:30am-7:30am All Levels Michelle Provenzano 5-Jul $104 A10:30am-12:00pm Level 2 Alex Levin 5-Jul $120 B

10:30am-11:45am Level 1 Annie Moyer 5-Jul $120 A6:15pm-7:30pm Level 1 Carol Stehl 5-Jul $120 A

6:30pm-7:45pm Prenatal Maureen Vasquez/Beth Ebner 5-Jul $120 B6:30pm-8:00pm Yoga for the 12 Steps*

*no class 8/2 or 8/23

Lynne Dreyer 5-Jul $90 C

7:45pm-9:15pm Level 2 Suzanne Morgan 5-Jul $120 A

FRIDAY FRIDAY 9:30am-10:45am Level 1 Jane Phelan 6-Jul $120 B10:15am-11:45am Level 2 Jackie Shaffer 6-Jul $120 A11:00am-12:30pm Level 3 Judith Lyon/Lilly Draney 6-Jul $120 B11:45am-12:30pm Meditation Jackie Shaffer 6-Jul Donation A4:30pm-5:45pm Gentle Pauline Howard/Faith Halter 6-Jul $120 B6:30pm-8:00pm All Levels Alfia Khaibullina 6-Jul $120 B

SATURDAY SATURDAY 8:00am-9:00am Mat Pilates 1/2 Nirinjan Devi 7-Jul $104 B9:15am-10:15am Mat Pilates 1 Nirinjan Devi 7-Jul $104 B9:15am-10:30am Level 1 Amir 7-Jul $120 A10:45am-12:15pm Level 2 Amir 7-Jul $120 A10:45am-12:15pm Vinyasa All Levels Kristin Heinz 7-Jul $120 B12:30pm-1:45pm Prenatal Pauline Howard 7-Jul $120 B

SUNDAY SUNDAY 8:00am-9:00am T’ai Chi John Sherburne 8-Jul $104 B9:00am-10:30am All Levels Enid Kassner 8-Jul $120 A9:15am-10:45am Level 3 Alex Levin/Jackie Shaffer 8-Jul $120 B10:45am-12:00pm Level 1 Enid Kassner 8-Jul $120 A11:00am-12:30pm Level 2 Anne Jablonski 8-Jul $120 B4:30pm-6:00pm Vinyasa 2 Alfia Khaibullina 8-Jul $120 B6:30pm-7:30pm Meditation Jane & Garrett Phelan 8-Jul Donation B



OUR MISSIONSun & Moon Yoga Studio is a place for people to experience and study hatha yoga. We believe in a holistic approach, giving our students a well-rounded education, and bringing in teachers with eclectic backgrounds. We believe in combining alignment techniques of the body with breath techniques for calming and balancing the mind and the belief and faith that our work feeds us and is fed by the spirit of uni-versal energy present in all.

While this schedule is current as of the printing, there may be changes prior to and after the start of the quarter. Please check our website at for the most up-to-date information.


FAIRFAX CITY STUDIO9998 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031

From Rt. 29/211: Take Rt. 236 East (Main Street). Pass downtown Fairfax City. We’re located on the left in Main Street Center.

From I-495: Take Rt. 236 West (Little River Turnpike). Little River Turnpike turns into Main Street. We’re located on the right in Main Street Center.

From Rt. 123: Take Rt. 236 East (Main Street). We’re located on the left in Main Street Center.


Day/Time Class Instructor Start Date Fee Studio


10:15am-11:45am All Levels Carol Confino 9-Jul $120 B

11:00am-12:30pm Level 2 Deb Hertz 9-Jul $120 A

12:00pm-1:15pm Gentle Carol Confino 9-Jul $120 B

3:45pm-4:30pm Kids (ages 5 to 11) Cynthia Maltenfort 9-Jul $104 A

4:30pm-5:45pm Level 1/2 Carole Rodero 9-Jul $120 B

6:00pm-7:30pm Level 3 Vicki Christian 9-Jul $120 B

6:15pm-7:45pm Level 2 Dena Jensen 9-Jul $120 A

7:45pm-9:15pm All Levels Vicki Christian 9-Jul $120 B

8:00pm-9:15pm Level 1 Deb Hertz 9-Jul $120 A

TUESDAY 7:00am-8:00am All Levels Cynthia Lim 10-Jul $104 B

9:30am-10:45am Level 1 Raima Larter 10-Jul $120 A

10:00am-11:30am Level 2 Annette Hyde 10-Jul $120 B

11:45am-1:15pm Adaptive Yoga Noralea Dalkin 10-Jul $120 B

4:30pm-6:00pm Level 2 Rixie Dennison 10-Jul $120 B

6:00pm-7:15pm Level 1 Terry Strayer 10-Jul $120 A

6:15pm-7:45pm Level 2/3 Rixie Dennison 10-Jul $120 B

7:30pm-8:45pm All Levels Terry Strayer 10-Jul $120 A


5:30am-6:30am All Levels Cynthia Maltenfort 11-Jul $104 B

9:00am-10:30am Level 2 Cynthia Maltenfort 11-Jul $120 B9:30am-10:45am Level 1 Elaine McShulskis 11-Jul $120 A

10:45am-12:15pm All Levels Anna Mikheeva 11-Jul $120 B

4:30pm-5:45pm Gentle Cynthia Lim 11-Jul $120 A

6:00pm-7:30pm Level 2 Carol Confino 11-Jul $120 A

6:00pm-7:30pm Level 3 Pat Pao 11-Jul $120 B

7:45pm-8:45pm Mat Pilates 1/2 Stacy Oliver-Skaggs 11-Jul $104 A

8:00pm-9:15pm Level 1 Carol Confino 11-Jul $120 B


7:00am-8:00am All Levels Cynthia Lim 5-Jul $104 B

10:15am-11:45am Level 2/3 Judith Lyon/John Sherburne 5-Jul $120 B

10:45am-12:15pm All Levels Carol Confino 5-Jul $120 A

12:30pm-2:00pm Level 2 Vicki Christian 5-Jul $120 A6:15pm-7:30pm Level 1 Carole Rodero 5-Jul $120 A

6:30pm-7:45pm Prenatal Melanie Mustone 5-Jul $120 B7:45pm-9:15pm Level 2 Frank Wooldridge 5-Jul $120 A


7:00am-8:00am All Levels Cynthia Lim 6-Jul $104 B

10:00am-11:30am All Levels Kelly Tynes 6-Jul $120 B

10:15am-11:45am Level 3 Stacy Oliver-Skaggs 6-Jul $120 A

11:45am-1:15pm Adaptive Yoga Noralea Dalkin 6-Jul $120 B

12:00pm-1:15pm Level 1 Deb Hertz 6-Jul $120 A

6:45pm-8:00pm Journey through the Chakras Rixie Dennison 6-Jul $120 B


9:00am-10:30am Level 3 Annette Hyde 7-Jul $120 B

9:15am-10:30am Level 1 Dena Jensen 7-Jul $120 A

10:45am-12:15pm Level 2 Rixie Dennison 7-Jul $120 B

10:45am-12:00pm Level 1 Annette Hyde 7-Jul $120 A

SUNDAY 9:00am-10:00am Mat Pilates 1/2 Nirinjan Devi 8-Jul $104 A

9:15am-10:30am Level 1 Carol Confino 8-Jul $120 B

10:15am-11:45am All Levels Michelle Provenzano 8-Jul $120 A

10:45am-12:15pm Level 2 Carol Confino 8-Jul $120 B

1:00pm-2:00pm Gentle Carol Confino 8-Jul $104 B

4:30pm-5:30pm Middle and High Schoolers Cynthia Maltenfort 8-Jul $104 A5:00pm-6:15pm Prenatal Vicki Christian 8-Jul $120 B

5:45pm-7:15pm All Levels Cynthia Maltenfort 8-Jul $120 A

7:00pm-8:00pm Meditation Jon Waterman 8-Jul Donation B

Class Descriptions TEACHER BIOS: For a listing of Sun & Moon teachers, please go to our website at and click on “about sun&moon” and then “our teachers.”

Level 1: A basic introduction to yoga breathing, postures, and relaxation. Intended for beginners with no previous experience, or those looking for a gentle and basic ongoing practice.

Level 2: Refines the basics and provides more detailed alignment instructions and breath work.

Level 3*: Teaches more advanced standing and seated poses, pranayama, and begins integrating inversions, deeper backbends, and meditation techniques.

Level 4*: Intensifies an already-strong asana practice by developing a deeper internal and energetic understanding of yoga. Inversions, arm balances, wheel and lotus poses are included, as well as advanced pranayama and meditation. Students are expected to have a home practice. 

All Levels:  Includes the basics as well as options for deeper practice. These classes are appropriate for all but rank beginners.

Combination Classes (i.e. Level 1/2):  For those comfortable in the lower level, and interested in exploring the next.

Adaptive Yoga: A slow-paced class which combines yogic breathing, deep relaxation, and gentle movement to restore strength, range of motion and vitality. The practice will be modified for individual needs.

Feldenkrais: This combination of awareness and movement can reveal and alter behaviors responsible for chronic stress, tension, and pain; facilitate recovery from injury and improve creativity and skills. The focus is not on what you do but on how.

Gentle Yoga:  Basic poses at a slow pace. Ideal for beginners and/or students with health concerns.

Journey through the Chakras: The yoga tradition speaks of seven spinning energy vortexes which represent the windows to the soul. These sacred centers carry us on our journey toward a greater awareness and vitality. Each week addresses

asana, pranayama, chanting, and meditation to navigate the chakra system, moving up each week from the first chakra to the seventh.

Kids: Play and work with poses to increase flexibility and strength, develop coordination and posture, and explore relaxation and stress reduction tools. Yoga stories and/or visualizations will be presented in each class. For elementary ages.

Mat Pilates 1: This exercise system focuses on correct breathing, posture, and core strengthening.

Mat Pilates 2: The progression in this class is faster than Pilates 1 and provides an energetic, full body workout. Prior Pilates experience necessary.

Meditation:  Learn to cultivate a deeply satisfying inner quiet and mindfulness. Includes short dharma talks and various meditation tools and practices. Open to beginners and advanced students alike. No registration necessary.

Middle and High Schoolers: A playful yet disciplined practice of asana, prana-yama, and relaxation, intended to help reduce stress and promote strength, self-esteem, focus, balance, and positive body images.

Moms & Babies:  Bring along your baby, from infant to almost crawling, for this welcoming postnatal class that emphasizes how yoga can help you stay physically and emotionally strong and centered during baby’s first months.

Prenatal Yoga: An all-levels course to support and empower expectant mothers. Learn ways to ease aches and pains, make the body comfortable during pregnancy, and use the breath to calm and steady the mind.

T’ai Chi: An introduction to Yang-style T'ai chi —a martial art emphasizing breath, focus, and relaxation.  By practicing a sequence of slow, gentle, and flowing movements combined with mental concentration, the class will learn Cheng Man-Ch'ing's 37 posture form.

Toddlers Together: A fun romp for caregivers and toddlers. We will incorporate asana, stories, music, and creative movement to experience the joy and heartfelt wisdom of yoga with a child-like flow. 16 mos – 4 yrs, adult/child.

Vinyasa 1**: A fast-paced, challenging practice that builds stamina and strength through a series of flowing poses. Students should be comfortable coming quickly into standing poses with good alignment and should be practicing at Level 2 or above. Appropriate for beginning Ashtanga-style and power yoga practitioners.

Vinyasa 2**: Adds more advanced poses and challenging transitions to the fast, flowing pace of Vinyasa 1. Open to Level 3+ students or those comfortable with Vinyasa 1 and ready to expand. Appropriate for experienced Ashtanga-style and power yoga practitioners.

Yoga for the 12 Steps: Traditional 12-Step programs offer a remedy for a wide range of dependencies, but they do not address the physical dimension. In this class we practice movement, breathing, and conscious relaxation to develop awareness of and balance between the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Both yoga and 12-Step philosophies are woven to provide a framework for authentic living and personal growth. This is not a meeting. It’s a weekly space for anyone seeking a retreat from the challenges of life.

* Classes at Level 3 and above involve more difficult levels of practice; teachers may invite students to join a lower level class when appropriate.

**Vinyasa classes are not recommendeduntil a student has completed at least two quarters of Level 2.



You and Sun & Moon: Summer 2012Fun and Free

Raise Your Voice for the Yoga of DevotionKirtan is a soulful, musical, chanting celebration of the divine. It’s fun, exhilarating, and opens the heart through voice and sound.

Join our special summer guest leaders

Bhakti Tree Sat 8/18 5:30p - 7:00p Arlington

Donations only, to support Yoga for Good

Wake Up with Us This Summer!First early-morning Tuesday class of the summer quarter is FREE in Arlington! Come experience the joy of yoga first thing in the morning. We’ll have complementary fruit and tea afterward.

Tues 7/10 6:30a - 7:30a Arlington

Making Connections

You and the Summer SunSalutes to the Sun with John Sherburne

Sat 7/14 1:30p - 3:30p Arlington

You and Your BikeYoga for Bicyclers with Enid Kassner

Sat 7/28 1:30p - 3:30p Arlington

You at Work Office Yoga with Christie Zepeda

Sat 8/4 1:30p - 3:30p Arlington

You and Your DogYoga for Dogs: Compassionate Training

& Healing with Suzanne Morgan Sat 6/16 3:00p - 4:30p Fairfax

Sat 8/11 3:00p - 4:30p Arlington

4-3-2-Oneness: Bliss is Back!

Fairfax Camps for Kids• Tues 6/26 - Thurs 6/28 w/Corinne Krill & Mary Beth Quick

• Tues 8/7 - Thurs 8/9 w/Cynthia Maltenfort & Annette Hyde

Arlington Camps for Kids• Mon 6/25 - Thurs 6/28 w/Jane Phelan & Sylvia Cacciato

• Mon 7/2 - Fri 7/6 (no camp 7/4) w/Beth Ebner

• Mon 8/27 - Thurs 8/30 w/Jane Phelan & Sylvia Cacciato

Kids’ camps are appropriate for children rising into elementary school grades (including kindergarten).

All camps run 1:00p - 4:00p

Stretch Yourself Silly Cool Down, Chill Out

Yoga & the Real World: Camp for Teens

with Annie Moyer & Mike RickerMon 7/16 - Thurs 7/19

1:00p - 4:00p

Teens’ camps are appropriate for rising middle schoolers through rising high

school seniors, ages 12 to 18.

Count your way down to essential wellness with our Summer Bliss program.

4 individual healing sessions: massage, nutrition consult, acupuncture, and reflexology

3 yoga classes per week: choose from our full summer class line-up, including early morning, Pilates, T’ai Chi, Chakra Journey, and beginning to advanced yoga

2 sangha gatherings to open and close the circle of community

1 blissed out yogi!

Returning this summer: More Bliss for program participants and a guest. Bring a friend for yoga nidra (deep relaxation), dharma talk & meditation, yoga nature stroll, and sunrise bliss yoga.

$432 for the full program. For an average of one hour a day, make self-healing the centerpiece of your life this summer and beyond.

General Information and Fees

REGISTRATION INFORMATIONSun & Moon classes are offered weekly on a quarterly basis. We are a school of yoga with our classes structured to provide a well-rounded curriculum over an entire quarter. We recommend that students register for the full quarter, although we do allow students to attend with partial registration and/or on a drop-in basis.Please read all of our policy information before filling out the registration form on the following page. We accept beginners or new students at any time throughout the quarter as long as space is available in your class choice. If you are joining the quarter late, partial registration is available at a discount, provided that you sign up for six or more classes. Local students who have never been to Sun & Moon before, and are considering registering for classes, may take their first class free to determine if Sun & Moon is the right studio for them (ask our staff for terms and information).We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, checks, or cash. A $35 fee will be charged for checks returned to Sun & Moon.REGISTER EARLYRegistration is on a first-come, first-served basis. You have the option to register online, or by mail, fax, or phone. Please note, we will contact you only if the class you have chosen is full.SINGLE CLASS/DROP-INSA “drop-in” class is one you are not registered for. The rate for the drop-in class is dependent on whether you are currently registered for the quarter. We offer our students who are registered in the current quarter the discounted registration rate for an additional drop-in class. Students who are not registered in the current quarter pay the full drop-in fee. Note that though we always welcome drop-ins, occasionally space will not be available in a fully-subscribed class.FEES75- and 90-minute classes: $15/class for minimum of 6 per quarter $20/class to drop-in45- and 60-minute classes: $13/class for minimum of 6 per quarter $15/class to drop-in

Work Exchange VolunteersMuch gratitude to this dedicated group of helpers who keep the studios running: Abhaya Schlesinger, Ann Nolan, Anna Gibbs, Barb Lewis, Barbara Green, Belkis Hazera, Bharti Temkin, Bonnie Awosika, Carole Rodero, Chris Clardy, Chrissy Boylan, Christina Black, Claudette Ferron, Claudia Vandermade, Colleen Riley, Corie Brown, Cynthia Lim, Cynthia Maltenfort, Deanna Green, Deb Hertz, Deb Martin, Debbi Pierce, Debbie Kidd, Debi Wilson, Deborah Hrouda, Dee Hester, Desiree Garcia, Diana Davidson, Emily Miller, Fran Tancretti, Heather Hendy, Hilde Carney, Ilene Cranisky, Jane Collins, Jean DasGupta, Jennifer Eubank, J.K. Klimek, Josette Weeks, Judy Greenblum, Karen Uhlir, Kathleen Stemplinski, Kathryn Dame, Katie Rose McConnel, Katie Yowler Coyle, Kelly Kaelin, Kim Grant, Kimberly Mosser, Kristina Kunkel, Laura Motsch, Lindsay Fox, Lisa Gunther, Lise Sajewski, Lynnette Le Mat, Mandy Shaver, Margaret Ayers, Margaret Byesss, Marilee Muchow, Marsha Lederman, Mary Beth Quick, Mary Blackwell, Mary Thomas, Mary Welton, Megan Peritore, Melanie Mustone, Melissa Farrelly, Melissa Foor, Michelle Negrelli, Mona Neff, Nancy Powell, Olynda Dalesandro, Penny Peters, Robert Kahn, Ronnie D’Errico, Sandra Kilburn, Sara Beckwith, Shobha Sahgal, Stacy Oliver-Skaggs, Stephanie Crews, Susan Bennett, Tarey Lea, Tom Wanat, Vicki Florian, Victoria Kaus, Yasmine Rassam, Yumiko Almasov.

Volunteer at one of our studios in exchange for yoga classes. Shift availability varies. Please check with the studio where you’d like to volunteer. Call 703.525.9642.

Studio Staff Amir Tahami, Annie Moyer, Cynthia Maltenfort, Kasey Richardson, Kris Healy, Lee Bory, Tali Auble, Vicki Christian

MAKE-UPSWe invite you to make up a missed class in any other class within the current quarter at either studio. You may also make up classes in advance of a future absence within the current quarter. When you are doing a make-up, sign in at the front desk and inform the teacher. All make-ups must be taken during the quarter for which you are registered; they may not be carried over to the next quarter. Classes cancelled due to inclement weather may be made up during the quarter. Call the studio or visit our website to find out if your class has been cancelled.REFUND AND CREDIT POLICYKeeping in mind our liberal make-up policy, we understand that life circumstances sometimes get in the way, and yoga has to wait. If you decide you must ask for a credit or a refund, they are available for the number of classes remaining in the quarter, based on the date we receive your request (not the date you last attended). Therefore, please fill out a refund/credit request form as soon as you know you can no longer attend your classes.Refunds will incur the following administrative fees: $40 for classes, $5 for workshops. Refunds are given by check and may take up to six weeks to process. A Letter of Credit is valid for one year from the date issued, and incurs no administrative fee. Letters of Credit apply to classes and workshops only, and cannot be redeemed for cash or merchandise.Letters of Credit for workshops are available up to the day before the event. No refunds or credits are given the day of or after the workshop.WHAT TO WEAR AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATIONComfortable clothes such as shorts, footless tights, or leggings with a t-shirt or tank top. Please do not wear baggy sweats or pants (this inhibits the teacher’s ability to spot misalignments). Please remove shoes before entering the yoga rooms. We have men’s and women’s changing areas. No heavy perfume/cologne or noisy jewelry, please. For your safety, please leave valuables locked and hidden in your car. Cell phones must be silenced; for the benefit of all, we strongly discourage cell phones in the yoga room. Sun & Moon Yoga Studio, Ltd. reserves the right to dismiss (with or without a refund) any student who disrupts the harmony of the class and/or studio environment.



Arlington Studio 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207 Fairfax City Studio 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 703-525-YOGA (9642)


For online registration go to:


Sun & Moon offers a $10.00 discount to students 60 years and older, OR students registering for two or more weekly classes during the same quarter. Discounts apply to full quarter registrations only.


Yoga is a wonderful gift to longtime practitioners and beginners alike. We have gift certificates available for classes and workshops in any amount.


We offer free yoga in exchange for those interested in volunteering to work at the yoga studio. Contact the studio where you’d like to volunteer.

Registration – Summer 2012703-525-YOGA (9642)

One form per person please.

Name ___________________________________________________________________ Date _______/_______/_______ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip __________________________

Phone (day) __________________________________ (evening) ___________________________________ (cell) ___________________________________ Email _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please make payment to Sun & Moon for full amount. You may drop off, fax, or mail to:Arlington students, mail to 3811 Lee Highway, Arlington, VA 22207 Fax: 703-525-5524 Fairfax students, mail to 9998 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22031 Fax: 703-934-9481

For mail in or Faxed registrations only:

Visa MC Disc# _________________________________________Exp. Date ___ /____

Signature __________________________________________________________________

Class Day Time Start Date Teacher Location Cost

Arlington __Fairfax __

Arlington __Fairfax __

One $10 discount is available per student per quarter. Discounts apply for full quarter registration only.Check box to indicate discount: Senior (60 years or older) OR Multiple Classes _

One $10 discount is available per student per quarter. Discounts apply for full quarter registration only.Check box to indicate discount: Senior (60 years or older) OR Multiple Classes _

One $10 discount is available per student per quarter. Discounts apply for full quarter registration only.Check box to indicate discount: Senior (60 years or older) OR Multiple Classes _

One $10 discount is available per student per quarter. Discounts apply for full quarter registration only.Check box to indicate discount: Senior (60 years or older) OR Multiple Classes _

One $10 discount is available per student per quarter. Discounts apply for full quarter registration only.Check box to indicate discount: Senior (60 years or older) OR Multiple Classes _

One $10 discount is available per student per quarter. Discounts apply for full quarter registration only.Check box to indicate discount: Senior (60 years or older) OR Multiple Classes _

Office Use: Reg. Book Cash Reg. CC Proc.

Circle: V/MC/Disc/CA/CK# ____________

PR________ GC#_________ GC$_________

SMYS credit_______

NAME____________ Date rec’d _________

Database by__________________________

SIGN HEREBy signing here, I declare myself to be responsible for my own health and safety while participating in class. I have read and understand the make-up and refund policy. _____________________________________________________


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Save the dates for some amazing teacher visits this fall!


Sanskrit and the 8 Limbs of Yoga


Prajna Yoga’s “From the Ground Up” Anatomy & Asana of the Lower Body

BARBARA BENAGH11/9 - 11/11

“More than just a wonderful pathway into al l of the dimensions of yoga, with skilled and wonderful

teachers, the program has turned out to be a gateway into myself.  This, and the meaningful friendships I’ve made, have been life-changing.”

-- Ruth Ann Lowery, 2010-11 graduate

Our In-Depth programs offer opportunities for privileged study with some of the nation’s premier master teachers, set the stage for life-long study, and focus on the rich and deep traditions of classical yoga.

Join our basic 200-Hour Foundations program, or extend your study to our 350-Hour Proficiency or our500-Hour Fluency programs, starting fresh this September.

If you’re ready to delve deeply into the art and science of teaching and living your yoga, contact Alex Levin, Director of Teacher Training, at

Sun & Moon In-Depth 2012-13 Advanced Studies and Teacher Training

Photos by Christie Zepeda Photography

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