sugar planter (west baton rouge, la.) 1860-04-07 [p ]€¦ · parishof west baton rouge, sixtn...

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EDITOR AND PROPRIETOROmee Near the Perry LaIndlg,



3neeiiptl o

n--3 a year. due invariarbly at the

time of subocn'bing ; iT not then paid, or within

three months thereafter,five dollars willbe charged.No subscription will be taken for a less term than

six months; no paper discontinued untilarrearagesare paid.

Term to Clbso.-Where a club of not less than

ten names is sent, with the cash. the paper will be

furnished at $2 50 each subscriber. and an cdei-

tional copy to the person furnishlng the list.

Where a Club of not less than twenty is furnishedwith the cash. the paper will be forwarded at $2 25

each subscriber, and two additional copies for the

agent.AdvYrtl nEg.-Advertisements not exceeding eight

lines. $1 for the first, and 10 cents for every subse-

quent insertion : those of greater length in propor-tion. A liberal discount to those who advertise bythe yearA In all cases we reserve to ourself the right of

encluding any advertisement we may think proper;It being understood that our advertising rates cover

esly such as we think proper to insert.


and other Notices. executed with neatness and des-

patch. In all cases, cash on delivery.





=pl ft'59t

JAMES C. STAFFORD,Akttorne1 y t tswea ,




D R. MARSHALL POPE offers his Professlonal services to the citizens of West Baton

Rouge. Office at B. R. Chine's. Esq.Sept. 17th. 1859.

Josir R. WmLLIAS ...... .....G•nsoc W. TrctaXr



NEW ORLEAWS, LA.may 14th'69tf


EATTERS.No. 40 Chartrue Street.


A .T Q3ubrooa,3) ESPECTFULLY offers his services to the people

West Baton Rouge as tnpegulahrly eonmisionndARISSH SURVEYOR. Mr A., mea alwy be

fraed at the residence of his father, about ore mileabove the Ferry Landing. Orders for suiryfingtpassally attended to'Dee 5th-tf.


CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEWELRY,Lafsyette Street, next door to Bogel'rs Dnrug ges

EEPS constantly on hand, a large aul besatihj. assortment ofClOCKS. WATVTh aan J•WsELST m which he ers to tfhe -eitk oftPst andWes Ialot ouge and vie4ty, on rea.soabistiermsWee.lit lO I






OPPOSITE PIPER & BRADFORD'8.SLAZING, GRAINiN(. Gilding. Marbling and PaperSHanging neatly executed. Particular attention t

paid to Plain and Fancy p

M igns .mitations of wood and stone finishd in the best I

style. d

-rPicturesan't ILooki g Glasses made to or'er.I )rders for Plantation work solicited.-" aSor. It

(Ebwarb & W milliam 3ogel.[Successors to Edward Bogel.]


Baton Reoge.EEP constantly on hand alarge and well selectedstock of FRESH DRUGS, SELECT MEDICINES

and pure chemicals.-ALSO--

Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs,Glassware, Patent Medicnes,

Toilet Artletes, Perfumery, MedicalWinei and Liquors, Chewing and

Smoking Tobseco, Havanna Cigars,Matches, Garden Seeds, Fluid Lamps,

Gans, Pistls, Revolvers, Cutlery, etc., etc...p All of which will be sold at reasonable prices.

"yGive us a call at the old stand on Lafayette St-lasyly. EDWARD & WILIJAM BOGEL*

C.W. pOPs ....................... OUIS WORCESTER

POPE & WORCESTER,Attorneys and C.uanelors at Law,


Eaton Donge, La.t..WILL PRAt•- their profession in the par-

'- "'" -a "urne Iberville Pointishes of East and West Raton _, -Coup-., East and West Feliecaa, te•unpremv•A ortof Louisiana, and the United States Circuit Courtsat New Orleans. oct22

Dr. D. L. MelTRICK,

Surgeon Dentist,MAIN 8REET,


A RTIFICIAL Dentures inserted in the most approSred style, sod satisfaction m•arre•sin or no

charge, and Surgery performed strictly accordmngtoscience ; all the valuable modern improvements adopted. nov26'59

JOHN TILANO,Manufacturer of all kinds of work inTin. Copper, Sheet-Iron and


Oppoeste Beat's aile, Baton Rouge, La.ONoTANLY owuband, ageeral assortment of Tin

%JWae, at wholesale and retail.A' Gutters and Spouts put up at a short notice.n Orders from adjoining parishes promptly at-

tended to. Repairing atteanded to with netness anddespatch. nov26'59

DrVID N. saRow ....................... AT. W. POPEPliaqemie, I West Baton Rouge,

Iberville, La. ( Baton Rouge P.O. La

BarroveR det Pope.

Attorneys & Counsellors at Law.SLL PRACTICE THEIR PROFESSION oin the Far-ishes of East and West Baton Rouge. Iberville,

Pelatoaupee and West Felicoana. Also in the Sn.preme Court ofLoulsian, sand the'United States Dis.triet mad CircuitCourts, at New Orleaps.




Improved Gaslight Apparatus.HE undersigned respectfully calls the attentionof Planters and the public generally, to his GaiLight Apparatusl and its established economy

andadvanfages over any other kind of light, forP.b-lie Building. Private Ridenceu , Sugar Hou.e, etc. Hi has abundant conclusive and .atisfac-tory testimonials, where his Gas light Apparatus isin operation! that there is a ravine of 75 per money, besides all the lthor that has necessarilybestowed on Oil Lamps or any other kind of liquisnow in use. The Capitol at Baton Rouge is now litup by one of my


aRS fight Appantsntof which I have the testimonials of Gov. R. C. WIcK-u•FFE, and of Messrs. B ULIn (1mftRms, Sergeant at-Arms of the Senate, and J. IH. PiutALT,, Sergeant-atArms of the House, who say

"Your ' Improved (,as Light Apparatus ' as ap-phlied to the State House, is admirable in all its ar-rangements, and all that could be desired."

I have also the testimonials of Dr. JemU PsRKIN•,of East Baton Rouge, and W. W. Iron, of Assump-tion. who have my apparatus attached to their su-garihousas, which I woulnhke sugar planters to ex-amine.

nov2''59 D. I. TIGHE.,l-Address allletters to D. R. Tighe, Baton Rouge,

La., and they will meet with promt attention.

New Livery Stable.C ASTLE& KEAN. having purchased the well known

Stables on Third street. formerly owned by oBb-ert Beal, beg leave to inform the lpublc generally_that as soon as practicable, they intend t1o fi Ultheir establishment in a manner not to be siirpassedby any other Livery .:table in the South. They willhave a new supply of carriages. Iluggies. and othervehicles, as well as Carriage, Ilugy. and Saddle Itor-as--In fact every accoimmodation for travelers. pleaare parties, and others, can be had at reasonable and

;atisfactory rates HE5 RY A. CA.STLE,A. MILTON KEA1.

Having sold to Messrs. Cattle & Kean the Livery4table on Third street, known as Beal's liveryStable." I take this method of rrc.immendling mysuccessors to my patrons and the travelling commu-uity, believing that they will give full satisfaction toall their customers.

ROBERT BEALBaton Rouge, La., April 21, 1559.

Cooperagel CooperngellTHE UNDERSIGNED, having located at the FerryLanding of this parish, is now fully prepared to

urnish planters and others with HOG.HBEADS, BAR-RELS and HALF BARRELS, which he fully guarran.tees in every particular.

W- ALL orders received and promptly attended toA share of patronage is respectfully solicited.' ?



Omle on Laurel Stist. Eaten Roune, La

Henry J. H5yas,Juwsttee of tims Peace,

coURT HOUS), e st ATON ROUGE.WULattend to the Csileeteod of all Notes, Drafts,

Accounts, kc., whith' my be given to him for col-,hepton.,

A Post Mee, Bfon Roage.

I`lT OU•IDINGS.-I have eow on handSano very large and elegant stock of GILT MOULD-

INGS, from one to six incies in width, and can cutture or looking-glass frames to order. Shop on

Main street, opposite the Storer of Messrs. Piper&Bradford.noA27tf CHARLES G. WILSON.


BATCF ROUGE, L.A.ITFILL EXECUTE in afaithful and workmanlike manTV ner, Pi. contracts for building or other work inis line. whi h may be confided to him.

Orders a'-,resed ae him hrough the Postofice ilmeet with prompt attent-an.

To Architects, Builders. Contractors, Plantersand Others.THE IJNDERSIGNEII would respectfully inform

Builders, Planters and the community at large.that he is now fully prepared tI manutactu re by steampower, at short notice and moderate prices, rval. Gothicor Beviled Window sauh, all kinds of Pannel and SashDoors, either fixed or revolting Door and WindlowBllnts, Door and Window Frames, Base, Mioulding, Re.

laining, Tongueing and Grooving, turning of everydescription.

Plank dressed to order of any width under two feet,and of any thickness under three inches. Timbersdressed perfectly trui of any ,length under thirty-fivefeet long and twenty inches square

jB* All orders alddressed to me th,-ough the PostOBice, or S. M. Hart & Co., of Bakas Rouge, will meetwith prompt attention.jan 5 J. W. BROWN

The .aew 1Drug Store.R. DURBIN DAY,



FINE TOILET AND bIIAVINO SfAPT, FINEHair and Tooth Brushes. Surgical and Dental

Instruments, Medicine Chest', Trusses and Suppor-ters efall kinds, Fresh Garden Seeds.

PURE SPICES,And all the genuine Patent Medicines of the day,SUPERIOR INDELIBLE INK.


EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING.My Medicines have all been selected with care and

are all warranted pure and genuine.FINE POCKET CUTELERY,

Razors and Scissors.


Carefully prepared pt all hours.

I hope by strict attention to business, and bykeeping the very best articles, to receive a reasona-able share of patronage. R. D. DAY.

jan 28


OVER MR. ASHER'S STORE,On Lanahytte Street.

IS the place to get a fine picture ; one that will notfade.

We retnrn our thanka to the citizens of BatonRouge and vicinity for thbir liberal patronage, andpromise to continue to une all our skill in taking aGOOD PICTURE and at a rAiL PRiCE

Our friends are invited to call and examine specimens at any time. If thd pictures taken in our gal-lery are not superior to any taken in other Galleriesin this city, we do not ask your patronage. If theyare, it is to your advantage to give us your patron-age.

We shall endeavor to please our friends.Call and as, over Asher's Store, on Lafayette

Street, Baton Rouge.January 26th, 1860. L. T. DAVID.

Heghead HoopsTHE subseriber has onhland. ready for delivery, in

quantities to suit parehasers, 60,000 Hogshead Hoopsput up mn bundles. They are of the best quality, andare already split and trimmed. For sale at my plan-tation, three miles above the Ferry Landing of thisparish.

Oct 8-tf. DAVID PIPES.

RAILROAD NOTICE.-From and after thefirst d.y of September, 18~9, the ears will leave

forGrosse Tete at 4 o'clock. and the Ferry Boat willteave the Ferry Landing at 3)j o'clock.

C. H. KEESE,as 11 Tonduete VB. R., G. T., & O. R. R.


SIXTn JtDICtAL DitRI(e T.In the matter of the Succession of Francois Frobo s

dec'd. No. 553.

IATHEREAC Reive Trahan. widow Francois Ferbois,VI has filed a final tableau and acocurt of her adc

ministration in the above Succession fir homoUlga-tion-

Notice is hereby given that all legal opposifein tothe Homologation of the same must be filed in theClerk's office of this Parish within thirty days fromthe first publication thereof.

W. B. C'HAMBERLIN, Clerk.Clerk', office, March 3d, 1860.

ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE.Paroisse de O0est Baton Rouge.

OOUR DU SIXIEME DISTRICT JUDICIAIRE.Dans l'affaire de Ia Succession Francois Frebos, de-

cedee. No. 591.

• TTENDU qu' Rieve Trahan, veuve Frances Frei bos, a enregistre un tableau and compte finalde son Administration dans Ia susdite succession-

Avis et par ces presentes donlne que toute opposi-tion legale a l'homologatio n dit dit tableau derra etretaitr au Iureau du Greffier de estte paroisse dans lestrente jours qut suivront Ia premiere publication decet avis.

W. B. CHAMBERLIN, Greffier.Bureau du Greffier, Mars 3me, 1860.

STATE OF LOUISIANA.Parish of West Baton Rouge.

SIXTH DISTBICT COURT.In matter of the Fnccession of William G. Bozeman

dec'd. No 561.NA .1. SM•TII (widow Bozeman) Curatrix, hasfiled a final account of Jier Administration ofsaid estate. and calls upon all parties interested to

show cause why the same should not be homologatedand make the judgment of said Court within thirtydays froml tie first publication hereof.

W. B. CHAMBERLIN, Clerk.Clerk's Office. Maarch 3d, 1860.


COcR DU iIXIEME DIOBRICT JUDICIAIRI.Dans l'aflaire de Ia Succession de W. G. Bozeman,

decedee. No. 501.A TTENDUI que Anna J. Smith (veuve Bozeman,)Curatrice. a ce jour enregistre an compte final

de son Administration dana la dite Succession-Aris est par ces presentees donne quo toute opposi-

tion legale a l'homologation do dit tableau sera en-registre dans la bureau duGreiller dela dite Paroissedans les trente jours qui auivront la premiere publi-cation de cet avis. W. B. CHAMBERI.AIN,

mars 3me. 1860. Greffier.


Parish of West Baton Rouge.STXTH DISTRICT COURT.

In matter Succession of Ellen Doiron, deceared.No. 602.

B-Y VIRTUE of a commiasion of sale bearing dateMarch 7th 1860 to me directed from the Hon 6th

District Court of the State of Louisiana, for the Par-ih of West Baton Ronge, in the above entitled Sue-Mton, will be offered at public auction, at the resi-dence of Ellen Doiron in this Parish, on

Saturday, the 14'h day of April,1860, at 11 o'clock, A. x;, the following describedslave belonging to the Succession of the late ElienDoiron. to-wit :

IfUIS, negro man aged about 41 years.Terms of ,ale-One tenth Cash on the day of sale.

and the balance payable in three equal installmentsand on the first day of March of the years of 1961,1862 and 1863-the purchaser to furnish his notesendorsed to ihe satis action of the Tutrix, and mort-gage retained on said slave until the fill anil nonipayment thereof-the notes oi be made pay-ble atthe office of the Recorder of this Parish. and bearinginterest at the rate of eight per cent per annumfrom and after due until paid.

Wst. WIITF. Sheriff.West Baton Rouge, March 10th, 1860



Pans l'affaire de la Succeesion de Elien Doiron, decede No. 602.

EN VERTUI d'un ordre de vente en date du 7 MarsE 186i0. a moi addresse par l'Honorable Coiur duixiecmo District Ju.,iciaire de l'Etat de la .ouisiane

et da la paroisse si-dit, I sera offTrt on vents pub-liqne au plus offrant et dernier encherrlasseur, a laresidence de veuve Elien Doiron. en cette paroissce,

Samedi, le 14 Avril, 1S60,a 11 heures A. M.. les proprietes ci-apres decrites ap-vartenant a la dite succession de feu Elien 0osron,savoir:-

lOUlqi necre homme age de quarante-un ans.(Condiiti ns de la vente-Un dixieme comptant le

jour de la vente. et la balance payable en trois termseg:nix. le Ter de Mars des annees 1861, 1862 et 1563.I'acquerllur fournira sea billets endocses a la sati--faction de la Tutrice, et hvpotheque retenue sur ledit ecclvre jusqu'au parfait payment--les dlt billetsfait payable au bureau du Recorder dte cette paroisseportnt hllit pour cent d'interet apres eclheancejus-qu'an parfait paiment.

WM, WHITE.Mars 10me 1860. 0heriff.



In matter Succession of Aveline Hehert, widow JeanTuillier, decersed. No. 572.Sr1IIERFAS Leon Tuillier has filed a flnal tableau

and acount of his administration of the aboveSuccession-

Notice is hereby given that all legal opposition tothe homologation of said account must be filed in theoffice of the Clerk of this parish, within thirty days,from the firt publication hereof.

W. B. CHAMBERLIN,Clerk's Office, March 10, 1860. Clerk.

ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE. \Parolsse d'Ouest Baton Rouge.


Dana laffaire de Ia iuccession n'Aveline Hebert, wye.Jean Tuillier, decede. No. 572.

A TTENDU que Leon Tuillier administratenr de lasusdite nuetession, a earegistre le tableau final

, son administration-Avis est par le present donne que toute opposition

a l'ho-nologation do dit tableau, devra etre faite danslea treate jours qui suiviont la premiere publcationde cetteavso, au bureau do Greffier de cette parolsse.

W. B. CHAMBERLIN,Bureau du Grefiter. Mars 10. 1860. Greffler.


Parish of West Baton Rouge,SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT.

In the matter of the Succession o Wmin. G. Boze-man, dec'd. No. 561.

"HW tEREAS Frederick Munzeshelmer as Addhais-trator of the Copartnership effects of said Es-

tate, has filed a provisional account of his adminis-tration in the same.

NOTICE is hereby given, that all legal oppositionto the homologation of said account must be filed inthe Clerk's Office of said Parish, within thirty daysfrom the publication hereof.

WM. CHAMBERLIN, Clerk.Clerk's Office, March 21, 1860.

ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE.Paroise de Ouest baton Rouge. "

cOnR DU aXnmsa DISlTI•.

Dans l'affaire de la Succession de Wm. G. Bozeman,decede. No. 561.A TIENDU que Frederick Munzeoheimer comme,

adminmstrateur des proprietes de Wim. G. Boze-man, qu' etaient en societe contre le dit Bozeman etle dit Administrateur a enregistre un tableau provi-soire de son administration dans la dite Succession-

Avis est'par ces presentes donne que toute opposi-tion legale a l'bomologation du d•t tableau devreetre faite au Burean au Greflier de cette Paroussiadans les trente jours qui suivront la premiere punblcation des presentes.

W, B. CHAMBERLIN, Grefier.Bureau du Grefier, Mars 24,1880,


Pariah of Iberville.SIXTH DISTRICT COURT.

o matter of the tate of F:unuel McFalddfn - No.-PY Virtue of a commission to me directed from,

the Hlou. Saixth Iletrict Court, for th' Parith ofTherville, in matter ,of t'he above Slcr•-.i,•, Learingcate the 2.l1 day o t'Fchrunarv, A. D., 1fi0. t will offerat public sale, to the lat and hligheat holder, on thopremi in this par in this parish. in the Town of St. IMichel,

Tuesday, the Sth day of May 1860,A. D., 1860. at 11 o'cleck, A X., the follo sing descri-bed property, to-wit :

A certain Iot of ground opposite. the Town of BatonRouge. in this parish, fronting with the ,iississippiriver, bounded above by lands of Villeneuve Blana.chard. below by lands of Dr. J. C. Patrick, and inthe rear by public road, together with all, and singu-lar the buildin•s and improvements thiert.n-now.outside of the leve and of I ttle value.

2d. Another Lot of ground also, ,ituated, lyingand being in this pari.h, measuring sixty feet frontmore or less to the Public Road. with the depththereunto belonging, in the direction of the Missis-nippi river. bounded above by lot. belonging to theSuccession of A. Collier, and below by the roadwhich separates said lot from that of VilleneuveBlanchard, with all, and singular the buildings andimprovemenut thereon-now outside of the levee andof very little value.

Terms of Sale--Cash.T. BRERERON, Deputy Sheriff.

West Batob Rouge, March 24th, 1860.

NotioeTo State and Pariah Tax Payers.N OTICE is hereby gIven to rest•e•t and non-resident of State and Parish Tax Payers. of the Par-

ish of West Baton Rouge, that their State and ParishTaxes, tor the year A. D., 1859. are now die, sadthat they are hereby requested to call at once at theSherdffs Oilee and make payment of the same.

Notice is also given to Pedlers, keepers of CoffeeHouses and Bar rooms, and all other persons pursu.Ing trades and ocaptatons which require State andParish . that Licences are now due for theyear 1860,O&" etr special attention is called toSection 4th, act of the Legislature of the Stateof Louisiana, approved 15th day of March. A. D 1855.

Win. WHITE, Sheriff.West Eaton Rouge, March 17th, 1860.

Remoral.D R. OTTO KRATZ begs leave to inform his friends.j and patrons in the Parish that he has removedhis office to the residence of V. LeBlanc, Esq., aboutseven miles above the Ferry Landing.

West Baton Rouge, Feb. 4th. 1860.

Public Notice.O•WING to frequent tres.passes which have beenc committed from time to time by persons passing

tlhrough my fields, this is to give notice that I wilhereafter prosecute any and all persons thus ofending. J. W. BEAUCIIAM .

Poydras Bayou, March 10th, 1860.


Paroisse de Iberville.CIeH DU ann DISTRICT InDICIAIRE.

Dans t'afair de Io succession de Samuel McFadden,decedee.ENvertu d'une commission a moi addresse par laE cour do Sjxieme District Judictaire dana et pour

la paroisse lberville et Etat susdit, dans l'affaire dela succession de Samuel McFadden, en date du 24Fevrier 1860 j'olfriraien vents pubhique an plus of.fraut et deruier encherrisseur our lea lienux

Mardi, le Sme jour de Mai 1860,all heurs A. i., led proprietes survante, savoir :

Un certain morcean do terre oppose a la ville deBaton Rouge. en cette paroisse de Ouest Baton Rouge,laisant face an fleuve Misisippi, borne en haut parterrain de Villeneuve Blanchard. en bas par terre deDr. .. C. Patrick et en arriere per un themin publi-qru. avec tontes lea batioses et ameliorations qu i s'ytroirent.

Uu antre morceau de terre egalement situe encette ;aroirse. messurant os,ixantr pie's de face,pluo an molnms, an chemin puhlique. avec Ia profonr'enr y appartenant (danis la direction du fluve) born-

en haut par terrain oppartenant a la suiceescron deA. Collier. et en has par le chemm qui le separe deV. Blanchard. avec toutes ler batisses et amellora-tionn qui .'y trouvent.

Condition de Is vente-Comptant.T. BERGERoN, Deputy Sheri.ff

March 31st. 1900.


COtUR ) DIt IXIIO DISTRICT JtIICtAItE.Dansa 'affaire de la Succession de John Collings, de

cedee. No. 484.E N VERTC d'une commission a moi addresse dansS'affaire ci-dessus, par la Cour lu Sixieme Dis-

trict Judiciaire, dans et pour la dite paroisse et Etatsusdite, en du 31 pour de mars 1860, 11 sera offert enuvelte publiquc au plus effrant et dernier encherris-seur. sur les lea lieux sur le Bayou Poydras en cetteparoisse-

Jendi 10Ome jour de Mai 1860,a 11 heures A. X., toutes les proprietes ci-apron de-crites et appartenant a la dite succession, savoir:-

Ter re.ler. rn certain morceau de terre etant situer dans

la paroisse d'Ouest Baton Rouge. ct designer comlmele quart Nord-est de la Section vingt -quatre dans leToanship six du Range dix Eat, contenant cent soix.ante 80-100 acres, eonnue sous le nom

d e "hMille

Tract."2me. Un autre morceau de terre aussi situer en

cette paroisse., et designer comme le quart SId-ouestde lz Section vingt quatre, dans le Township six duRange dix Est. contenant cent soixants 80-100 acres-

3me Un autre morceau de terre aussi situe encette paroisse, etant le quart Sud-eat de In Sectionvingt trois, dans le Township six du Range dix Est,contenaet cent sixante 45-100 acres.

4me. Un autre morceau de terre aussi situe danscette paroisse. etant le quart Sud-est de la Sectionviugt quatre dans le Township six du Lange dix Est,contenant cent soixante 80-100 acres.

5me. Es un autre morceau de terre aunsi sitne encette paroisse et designer comme le quart Nord-estde Ia Section vingt-cinq, dans le Township six, duRange dix Est, contenant cent soaxante 85-100 acres,ensemble avec toutes lea batisses et ameliorationsqui s'y trouuent.

Esclaven.Anna, negresse, agee apeu-pres soixante ans,Mary Anna. negrite, agee de douze ans,Ellen, negrease, agee de trente ans et sea 3enfans,

Uan, age do neuf ans,)Eliza Ann, agee de siz ans. etZephora, agee de quatre ans. )

Clarice, agee de douze ana,Avet, negre bomme, age de trente ans,John, negre bomme, age de ttente ansLotty, negresse, agee de vingt-sept ans et seo deux

enfans,Louisa, agee de Sept aos etLenny, agee de deux ans, J

Lewis, negre hemme, age de trente-cinq ans,Bryant, negre homme, age de quarante-cinq ans"Trois mulets, quarante tetes de betes-a-cornes, on

lot de cochons, un lot de charrue, deux waggons, unepair rons de diable, deux pair de boeufs, no lot d'nu-tils, un lot d'outils de forgeron, vingt mille pieds debose de charpente. tn lot de pelles et scie, une viellepeondule et no pistolet, etc.

Co.rnmoxY DE LA VirrE.-Les effete mobiliersseront veadnu comptani pour toute sommes de centplastres et an dessous; et pour toutes sommes an dela et an dessus de cent piastres, payable le ler deMars prochbain 1861, lea acquereurs fourniront letrsbillets endosses a la satisfacticn du Tuteur payablea I'of ice do Recorder de cette paroisse, portant inte-ret a ratson de buit pour cent par an depuis date jus-qu,au parfait palment Les terres et les esclaves se-rsnt vendus payable un sixieme comptant payable lejour de la vente, et Ia balance payable en dinq termsegaux, stir le premier jour de Mars de chacune desannees 1861, 1862. 1863, 1864 et 1865. lea acqnereur.fourniront leurs billets avec seerrite personelleetapr,,uves, payable a l'ofiice du Recorder de cette par-oisse, et portant interets a raison de huit potr centpar an du jour de la vente jusqu'au paiment plein etfinal et hvpotheque retenue sur leo terre et lea es-claves jusqu'au paiment final.

WM. WHITE,March st 1860 Sheriff.

Cast 3teel.SQUARE and Octagonal, all thicknesses. at



LIXTh DISTRICT COURT.In matter succession of John IH. Collings, de, eased.

No. 484.

BY virtue of a commission to me directed in the- above entitled and numbered nsueession from

Sthe sixth Fistrict Court is and for the Pariah andf St-te aforesaid, of date the 31st daiy of March A. I).

1350, w:ll be offered for sale at public auction, to theSlast and highest bidder, on the premises on BayouPovdras in this Parish, on

Thursday 10th of May, 1860,at 11 o'elook, A. M , the following d. scribed proper-ty belonging to the Estate of John Collings, deceas-ed, to-wit :

Land.1st. A certain tract of Land situated and ,eing

in the Parish of West Baton Rouge, designated asthe North Etst Quarter of section twenty-tour, inTownship •,i. of rnge ten East-containind onehundred aLd sixty, and eighity one-hundreds acrse-known as the " f!ill Tract."

2nd. Anotler tract of Land also situated in thisParish, and designated as the Bouth-west Quarter ofsection twenty-four, in township six of range tenEast-containing one l.undred and sixty and eightyone hundredths acres.

3rd. Another tract of land also stunated in thisParish, being the south-eass quarter of sectiontwenty-three, in township afil of range ten cast-containing oie hundred and sixty and forty-five onehundredt: s acres.

4th. Another tract of Land situated also in thisParish, being the south east quarter of sectiontwenty four in township six of range ten cast-containing one hundred and sixty and eighty one-hundredthsl acres.

5th. Another tract of Land also situated in thisParish, and designated as the north-west quarter ofsection twenty five, in township six, of range teneast-containing one hundred and sixty and eighty-five one-hundredths acres.

To.ether with all buildings, fixtures and improv-ments of every kind, on, and attached to said fivetracts of Land.

Slaves.Anna; negro woman, aged about sixty years,Mary Anna: negro girl, aged twelve years,Ellen; negro woman, aged twenty years, and her

three children,Dan; aged nine years,Eliza Ann;six years,Zephora; four years,Clartce; aged twelve years,

vret; negro men t od thirty years,John; negro - thirty years,Lofty; negro , aged twenty-seven years, and

her two children, ,Louisa; seven years;Lenny; aged two years,Lewis; negro man, aged thirty- Bri years,Bryant: negro man, aged forty-five,Three mules, Forty head of cattle, one lot of hogs;

one lot of ploughs, two waggons, one pair timberwheels, Four yoke of oxen, tool chest and tools, onelot Blachsmlth tools, twenty thousand feet of Lum-ber, one lot of spades and saws, one old clock, onepistol, &c.

Termsor Sale.The Movable Effeets to be sold cash r all

sums of one hundred dollars`"sams over aq*daw tims nvI thefrst day of March aret, tL; p 1k4 ahtheir notes endorsed to the sat of TUtIr,payable at the oflee of the Recorder of this parish,and bearing eight per cent interest per annum fromthe day of sale 'till paid.

The Lands and Slaves to be sold-payable one-sixthcash on the day of Sale, and the ballance to be pay-able in tie equal instalments, and on the first day ofMarch of each of the years. 1861, 1862, ,1863, 1864,and 1865--the purchasers to furnish their notes withapproved personal security, payable at the offiee ofthe Recorder of this Parish, and bearing interest atthe rate at eight per cent per annum, from the dayof the sale 'till final payment, and mortgage withvenders privelege retaine on the Land and Slaves un-til the full and final payment thereof

WM. WHITE,March st, 1860. H theriif.



Wylie & Egana vs. Frame A. Woods. No. 1053.BY Virtue ofa writ of fi. ta. to me directhd in theabove numbered and entitled suit from the Sixth

District Court. of the Pl-rish of West BatonRouge, of date the 234 day of March, 1860, will beoffered for sale at public ancti.n, to the last andhighest bidder, on the premises, in this parish, on

Saturday, 5th day of May next,1860, at 11 o'clock, A. x . all the right, title and interest of the defendant Frame A. Woods, in and tothe following described and mortgaged property, to-wit:

14t. A certain tract of land established as a SugarPlantation, situated in this parish of West BatonRouge. and measuring four arpents in front on theriver Mississippi wilth a depth of forty arpents, beingbounded shabove by lands now, or heretofore, belong-ing to .lerome Hebert, and below by lands formerlybelonging to Jean Doiron, with the buildings and im-provements thereunto belonging.

2d. And also the following slaves attached to andemployed in the cultivation of said plantation, viz :

Mary. a negress, then aged thirty-nine years,Mike, a negro, then aged forty nine years.Milly. a negresse, then aged forty-four years,Eliza. a negresse, then aged thirty-four years.Anderson, a negro, then aged twenty-four years,Josey. a mulatto, then aged twenty years,Francois, a negro then aged eighteen years,little Mary, a negress, then aged seventeen years,Alfred, a negro, then aged tourteen years,Little John, a negro, then aged twenty-one years,Little Joe, a negro, then aged twenty-nine years,Yellow Mary, negresse, then aged four years,Lydia, a negresse, then aged seventeen years,Jack, a negro, then aged fourteen years.Nathan. a negro, the aged fourteen years,Ellen, a negresse, then aged thirty-five years,Rachel, a negresse. then aged thirty-one years,johnny, a negro, then aged eight years,All slaves for life.To pay and satisfy the Balance due on a certain

twelve months Bond, subscribed to said Frame A.Woods and J. C. Woods, is solido, in favor of WilliamH. Dillingham for the sum of Nine Thousand andFifty-two 61-100 Dollars. ($9052 61) with eight percent. interest thereon from the 7th day of February,1857, until paid, subject to a credit of Four Thous-and Five Hundred Dollars, (54,500 00) paid on the28d of February, 1858-and also a credit of ThreeThousand Dollars ($3.000) paid on the 11th of April,1859. Also, one 10-100 Dollars Clerk's costs, andSheriff's costs that may accrue.Terms of bale.-''Cash."

T. BERGERON, D. 8.West Baton Rouge. March 31st, 1860.



Win. A. 3illingham vs. -rame A. Woods. No.1496.

BY virtue of a writ of B. fa. to ;ne directed inthi above numbred and entitled suit, bearing

date the nineteenth day of March, A. D., 1860, fromthe Sixth District Court in and for the said Parishand State, will be offered for sale at public Auction,to the highest and last bidder, on the premiss, inthis Parish, on

Saturday, the 5th day of May next,1860, at 11 o'clock A. M. all the right title and m-terest of the defendant trame A. Woods, in and tothe following described and mortgaged property, towit1st. A certain tract of Lnd established as a'

" Sugar Plantation" situated in this Parish of WestBaton Rouge and measuring four arpents in front onthe Ri ver Mississippi with the depth of forty arpents,being bounded above by lands now or heretofore be-longing to Jerome Hebert, and below by lands form-erly belonging to Jean Doiron, with thebuildings and.improvements thereon and appurtenances thereuntobelonging.

2nd. And also the following Slaves attached to,and employed in the cultivation of said Plantation,via .

Mary, a negress, then aged 39 years;Mike, a negro then aged 49 years;Milly, a negress then aged 44 years;Eliza, a negress then aged 34 years;Anderson, a negro then aged 24 years;Josey, a mulatto then aged20 years;Francois, a negro then aged 18-years;Little Mary, then aged 17 years;Alfred, a negro then aged 14 yearsiLittle Joe, a negro then aged 29 years;Yellow Mary, then aged 4 years;Little John, a negro then aged 21 years;Lydia, a negresd the aged 17 years;]Jack. a negro then aged 14 years;

Nathan, a iegro ihle aged 14 years;Ellen, a negress then aged 38 years;Rachiel, a negress then aged 1 -years;Johnny, a negro then aged 8 years. .All Slaves for Life-to pay and satisfya jadgement

rendered in favor of the Successirn of Wm. H. Dil-Ingham, in the sum of eight thousand dollars ($8,-000,)'on the following terms and conditions to wit :Cash for a sufficient amount to pay the sum of twothousand six hundred and sixtys-ix twenty-threeone hundredths dollars, with eight per ceqt interest,from the twenty-first of January 1853, until paid.and for ballanee, the purchaser to assume the pay-ment of the two last i',stalments dIue plaintiff on thejudgement, each for thesum of twenty-six hundredand sixty six and sixty-six twenty-three one-hln-dreth dlollars, with eight per cel.t from Januari21st 18; 3ultil paid. payable-s,ue on the 19th ;fJanuary 18I1, and the other on the 19th January,1862. Should there t e a. balla.ssaeer ining oterfrom the saleand above said ]li•tallentis, the pur-chaser to furnish his promissory notes of an equalamount bearing eight per cent interest. from day ofsale, and payabla respectivelyon the 19th of Januaryof the years 1860 and 1862 to the order of defendants,with nmortgage and confession of judgement retained.

THEO. RERGERON,March 31st 1860. Deputy Sheriff.

STRAY.FJIAKEN up by W. D. Winter, at the upper end of

this Parish, on the 20th inst., a BAY MAREMULE, about two years old. wilhout any visiblemark or brand. If said mule is not claimed withinthe time prescribed by law (30 days) it will be soldby the undersigned, Justice of the Peace 11th Ward,in front of the Store of Day & Landry, Hermitage,on Wednesday. May 2nd, 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M.,to pay costs, &c.

LEMUFL P. DAY.March 31, '60. Justice of Peaecllth' Ward.


Omee of the Southern Mutual Insurance Co. 1of Baton Rouge.

IN conformity with the requirements of their Char-ter, the Soutnrran MuVrAL lsasCasne ColArT, pub-lish the following statement :Amount of premiums received from Febru-

ary lst, 1859, to Feb. 1st, 1860..... ...$7,43,63as POLLOWa

Premiums on Fire Risks, 57,276 87" " Marine " 13,046 66" " River " 5,110 10

---- 75,433 63Premiums on untermisated risks February

e1st, 1859..............................$40,243 22

$115,676 85Less premiums on Risks not termineated 49,814 48

Nett earped presamsu for the year ei$g t.., :,1st February, 1860..... ....... 65,8 S37

Losses paid duiring the iasa mod :i'aso Hsaem wsquan? I

On F 1ire .t ......... $1Q,747 3s." s •, •sa ............ ", 94'"Rive rlRsks........ .... 6,53 60 .

$18,079 99Expenses during year as above 7,372 70

Nelt earned Profts for the perar eding February 1st, 180 .........................40o, 4 6

The bCe i **.following assets :0re, hr iums....... ..i$u2,060650

S " ' bgmaa' due on StockNotes .............. ........... 170,941 82

Cash balaence on 4hand.. .. ........109,209 e16

Total Assets......... .... 322,211 48

-F.~! E e r ry; -, 1.,: 1 .Bateo Rouge, February $rd, 3$I0.

STATE OF LOUISIANA,-Pamse o EaslRBaow Roses, Neb -i i $d 0

Be it renmemberad, That on this Arst d of sfry, 1860, before me the nsbseeribe,: a Jitiu of'thePeace in and for the parish aforesaid, persieally speared Wm. S PIke, and F• ; Rebert, Seeretary ofthe Southern Mutual insurance Company .of MenRouge, who being duly sworn aeecording to law, dodepose sad say that the above aeconnts are junaadtrue, and a transcript from the books of said Coin-

[Signed.] WY. S. PIKE, President.F. E. Hassur, Secretary'Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Srit day

of February, 1860.[Signed.] P. A. WATLKR 5

Justice of the Peace.


Office Southern Mutual Insurance Co. IBaton Rouge, Feb'y. 4th, 1860 }

At a meeting of the Board of Directors,held this day, it was ResotudyTo pey Si: percent. interest on the outstanding Scrip, Eightper ce*t. to Stockholders on premiums paid btthem for the year ending the lot pfFebrdiy,1860, and to declare a dividend of Ffty percent. on the nett earned premiums of the Com-pany for the year ending 31st January, 1860,for which certificates will be issued on andafter the 1st day of Mardi next.

k was further Resolved, To rqdeem the out-standing Scrip for the year 1857, on presen-tation at the office of the Company.

[07 The Stockholders are hereby notihedthat an election for Ten Directors and Pit.teen Trustees, to serve for the ensuing year,will be held at the office of the Company, onThursday, the 15th day of Marc•h~ 1960,

F. E. HEBERT,Feb. 11th, 3m. Secretary.


M•NGFS,-On and after Tuesday, Sept., 1st, the carswill leave Bayou Grosse Tete daily, at 8% o'cilek,a•i .and returning, leave the river at 4 pm. n

I he steam ferry boat ""i-uy South'.will makethree trips a day to the terminus d., tie."oad vris

Leaves Baton Rouge at...... .... .. ." .

Allfreight for th evening train mudtan shippedI p. m., that trip being madeexclusivelyfoX frpight.,

Tb-ough tickets and excursion ticketd tb? sale' othe sunny SouthA An excursion train will run tot acommodite

pleasure parties, on application beiag madq1 t9 .t*Superintendent the day previous.

aug 10th C. IL KEFSE, Con4lWtor.

New In fsore.40 bbls bi-ljt of .

S o20 bblsPolarwhale w al, o sl8 " Castor ol

10 " Linseed oil,2000 Ibs White I~da,

10 dozen Champagne,

8000 cbpoie brandH+van e:cigars180 000 German cigars,

S0 casks Scotch Ale,a bbls Blue Lick Warer,8-- " c-hoiePeach Whnsky2 " " Monopnshela, do _5 different kinds of French Brandy at

dffernit prices, ..80 dozen Barnum's Fluid Lamps,40. reams'Wrapping paper;,80 boxes Chinese Furp-crakers.

Allthp above articles are edrid at New Orlead-Ties, either for cash or on credit

BD. a'L DrLsg gk.

TATEWt SAWS-4nother latge aud.assorted loty4f sa Ti*ttlsi.pta

Cogs-cut Saws "-one of the best lime-saving tool.ever Invented. For sale by

eer ,oor*f tlsett,4s ~ orid!, etrets.

St.Wf •T'S CeR ng tSCSv.0 -- .4 ...

TEWARD'S large oven, air tipht summer and win-Ster cooking stovre, improved it 1869 'The seostcomplete stove of the age--conmsn)elses fuld, siadat the same time • s all the a .eies ts


blebelonging to the culinary eapstmsnt. We luyavthem of assorted sires and' will 'soll' them at 'NewOrleans prices--expenses o •traspppOr4,ion. addpSt.Call and examine.

LARGUIER L LANbuFE,Agent for the above.

sept. 3y. Corner Laf. and Florida stree

t~rrht Cna -

brairs Beaxercst 'IlL- f SEAULEG CANS,TAruws & HonGesre do do doLLtDLows IsIALSLuL do do do


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