
Post on 17-Aug-2015






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Struts is a open source frameworkfrom apache software foundation (ASF) Struts framework is web framework which will help the web developer. to Develop aweb based application with low cost and within less time.Struts frame work was implemented based on the following design pattern Front controller design pattern MVC design patternStruts frame work was implemented based on the following web technologies JSP AS RP Action class Presentation Laer !ontroller Laer!lass "ello#ean e$tends ActionForm %odel &String Fname'String Lname'(((( ((((((( Presentation Laer Set method)et method*%odel Laer Presentation laer ma contains +SP,s Struts !ustom tags Propert file Form(beansFiles re-uired. ((((((Patni ConfidentialActionServlet /e-uestProcessorF0L0SkillA #)ender%FRegister1$ecute(A%2AF2"S/e-2"S/es)&a) !ollect the incoming datab) 3nteract with modelc) Process resultsd) Forward same to +SP STRUTS +D#! DA4 1+# "ibernate 5ebServices%s-l5e need two components. ((((( Struts(!onfig.$ml 5eb.$mlFirst Struts 1$ample3. postproblem.6sp33. ProblemAction.6ava333. ProblemForm.6ava37. problemstatus.6sp7. web.$ml73. 6lc.$mlpostproblem.jspproblemstatus.jspProblemForm.javaPatni Confidential89: taglib uri;8h?>post our problem8=h?>8html.form action;8tr>8td>Problem @itle8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr> propert;8html.option value;8html.option value;>8=td>8=tr>8tr>8td>Problem Description8=td>8td>8html.te$tarea propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>8html.submit value;8=tr>8=table>8=html.form>8=bod>8=html>8h?>problem is posted successfullpackage'import org.apache.struts.action.A'public class ProblemForm e$tends ActionForm&private String title'private String priorit'private String description'public void set@itle(String title)&this.title;title'*public String get@itle()& return this.title'*public void setPriorit(String priorit)&this.priorit;priorit'*public string getPriorit()&return this.priorit'*public void setDescription(String description)&this.description;description'*public string getDescription()&return this.description'** ! Patni Confidentialpackage'import org.apache.struts.action.A'import 6ava$.servlet.http.A'public class ProblemAction e$tends Action&public ActionForward e$ecute(Action%apping am2ActionForm af2"ttpServlet/e-uest re-2"ttpServlet/esponse res)throws 1$ception&ProblemForm pf;(ProblemForm)af'string t;pf.get@itle()'String p;pf.getPriorit()'String d;pf.getDescription()'Sstem.out.println(t)'Sstem.out.println(p)'Sstem.out.println(d)'return am.findForward(Q!an 3 give K (Eero) value for the 8load(on(startup>Q!an 3 give ( (negative) value for the 8load(on(startup>Q5hat are the difference between +A/ and 5A/Q5hat are the use of debug and detail init parametersQ5hat will happen when 3 am not providing 8load(on(startup> for action servletQ!an 3 configure the filters for the struts applicationQ5hen action servlet will be instantiatedQ"ow man instance of action servlet will be createdQ!an 3 replace the action servlet with m own servlet called 6lc action servletQ5hen re-uest processor class will be instantiatedQ"ow man instances of re-uest processor will be createdQ!an 3 replace re-uest processor class with m own class called 6lc re-uest processorQ"ow man instances of action class will be createdQ "ow man instances of form bean class will be createdQ!an 3 take m own name for the struts configuration fileQ5hat is the default value of scope attribute in the action tagQ5hat is the default value of validate attribute in the action tag.5hat is the responsibilit action servletQ 5hat are the responsibilit of the re-uest processor classQ3t is minator to use as F/L pattern in action servlet can 3 use A.6lcQ 5hat are the design pattern used in the strutsQ5hat is the use of debug and detail init parameters providing in action servlet configurationQ!an 3 take same url pattern for multiple servletQ!an 3 change the name of web.$ml to 6lc.$mlQ2uestions2uestions+,-JU)-.//0Presentation la3er%TM* tag libraries 8html.button> 8html.cancel> 8html.submit> 8html.reset> 8html.te$t> 8html.te$tarea> 8html.6avascript> 8html.file> 8html.checkbo$>> 8html.option> 8html.password> 8html.hidden>> 8html.error> 8html.form>> 8bean.write> 8bean.message> 8bean.parameter> 8bean.cookie> 8bean.include> 8bean.define> 8bean.forward> 8bean.siEe>> 8bean.header> 8logic.empt> 8logic.not1mpt> 8logic.parent> 8logic.notParent> 8logic.less1-ual> 8logic.greater@han> 8logic.greater1-ual> 8logic.match> 8logic.not%atch> 8logic.redirect> 8logic.iterate> 8logic.e-ual> 8logic.not1-ual> 8logic.less@han> 8logic.meassageParent> 8logic.forward>Message 4undle. (((( 3t is nothing but simple propert files which contains ke value pairs.Propert files will be used to achieve the internaliEation (3 ?P 0)Following piece of code show that how to use the propert files. ((((((8html.form action;N((((((some action(((((((((L>8bean.message ke;Nlabel.Search.sidN=>Searc'.jsp8html.te$t propert;NsidN=>8br>8html.submit value;NshowN=>8html.form> label.Search sid;8font color;NblueNsiEe;NRN> 1nter Sid8=font>Application Resources ' Label.Search.sid;N1nter(in hindi)Nform(bean is a simple 6ava(bean class which contains private field and public set2 get method form(bean is acontainer of the data which stores the client submitted values.Patni Confidential4ean tag libraries*ogic tag libraries5nter SidS'o$5hen ou writing the form bean that must be the subclass of one of the following.((((((((( ActionForm DnaActionForm 7alidatorForm 7alidatorActionForm Dna7alidatorActionForm Following is the life ccle of the form(bean. (((((((((((((((((((0o 1rror 3f 1rror Found Sou can divide the form beans into two tpes. (((((((((((( Static form Dnamic formStatic #orm. ((((((( following three are the static forms ActionForm 7alidatorForm validatorActionForm5hen ou are using the static form ou need to do the following things .(((((((( Sou need to write a 6ava class b e$tending one of the above static forms. Sou need to declare the fields same as +SP forms. Sou need to write the set=get methods for all the fields. Sou need to override the following reset method.Patni Confidential#rowserActionServlet /e-uestProcessorPopulates the data into form(bean ob6ect/etrieve or create form(bean ob6ectForward to input +SP!alls validate()!alls reset()3nvokes e$ecute()li#e c3cle o# t'e #orm-beanpublic void reset(action%apping am2"ttpServlet/e-uest re-)&*Sou need to override the following validate methodpublic Action1rrors7alidate(action%apping am2"ttpServlet/e-uest re-)&*)ote( (((((((63namic #orm. ((((((((((( following three are the Dnamic forms. DnaActionForm DnavalidatorForm DnavalidatorActionForm5hen ou are using DnaActionForm ou need to do the following. (((((((( 5rite the field declaration inside the struts configuration file(0o need to write 6avaclass with private fieldand set=get method) DnamicForm will be reset automaticall to default values(0o need to override reset method) Dnamic forms will use validation framework for the form validations (0o need to override the validate method)5ample 8html.form action;N=loginN>Fsername.8html.te$t propert;NunameN=>8br>Password . 8html.password propert;NpwdN=>8br>8html.submit value;NloginN=>8=html.form>789Public LoginForm e$tends ActionForm&String uname'String pword'==set=get method Public void reset)action%apping am2"ttpServlet/esponse res)Patni Confidentialreset() method will be used to assign the default values to form fields.Validate() method will be used to appl the validation rule on client submitted data. 5hen ou are using action for our form(bean then ou should override the validate() method. 5hen ou are usingvalidatorForm and validatorFormAction as a super class then ou can use validationFrame5ork for the form validation instead of overriding validate() method.FormUsing ActionForm&Fname;NsriNPword;NnullN'*publicAction1rror7alidate(Action%apping am2"S/ re-)&(((((((((((( (((((((((((((( *78898form(bean name;N=formN tpe;Ncom.6lc.LoginFormN=>78889LoginForm lf;(loginForm)af'Fn;lf.getFname()'Pw;lf.getPword()'8n strutsCon#ig.ml8form(bean name;NlformN tpe;Norg.apache.struts.action.DnaActionFormN>8form(propert name;NunameN initial;NsriN=>8form(propert name;NpwordN tpe;N6ava.lang.stringN=>8=form(bean>8n ActionDnaActionForm df;(DnaActionForm)afFn;df.get(LunameN).toString()'Pw;df.get(LpwordN.toString()'Struts controller laer has the following three components. (((((((( ActionServlate /e-uestProcessor Action!lass Action class is the end for the controller laer and it has client for business component and model laer component.Action class which ou are implementing ma be the subclass of one of the following nine classes. ((((((((((((((?) Action I) DispatchActionB) LoookFpDispatchActionR) %appingDispatchActionJ) 3ncludeActionT) ForwardActionU) SwitchActionP) LocaleActionM) DownloadActionPatni ConfidentialStruts-con#ig.ml3n ActionUsing 63anaActionFormController la3er Action class V?9login.jsp in struts-Con#ig.ml8html.form action;N=login.doN 8action(mapping> public class LoginActione$tends Action 8action path;N=loginN &((((((((((((( (((((((( (((((( name;NlformN public A.F e$ecute((2(2(2()8=login.form> tpe;Ncom.6lc.loginActionN &(((( ((((( (((( ((((( => ((( ((((((((( ((((((((( ((((((((((((* *7889 reg.jsp 8html.form action;N=register.doN public class /egisterActione$tends Action 8action path;N=registerN &((((((((((((( (((((((( (((((( name;NrformN public A.F e$ecute((2(2(2()8=login.form> tpe;Ncom.6lc./egisterActionN &(((( ((((( (((( ((((( => ((( ((((((((( ((((8=action(mapping> ((((( ((((((((((((* *V?9login.jsp in struts-Con#ig.ml8html.form action;N=login.doQmethod;loginN>8action(mapping>public class StudentAction e$tends DispatchAction 8action path;N=loginN &((((((((((((( (((((((( (((((( name;NlformN public A.F login((2(2(2()8=login.form> tpe;Ncom.6lc.StudentActionN & parameter;NmethodN(((( ((((( (((( ((((( => ((( ((((((((( ((((((((( ((((((((((((* *7889 reg.jsp 8html.form action;N=register.doQ%ethod;registerN> public class StudentAction e$tends DispatchAction 8action path;N=registerN &((((((((((((( (((((((( (((((( name;NrformN public A.F register((2(2(2()8=login.form> tpe;Ncom.6lc.StudentActionN &Parameter;NmethodN(((( ((((( (((( ((((( => ((( ((((((((( ((((8=action(mapping> ((((( ((((((((((((* * 5hen ou are using Action class ou need to 5hen ou are using DispatchAction Patni ConfidentialUsing ActionUsing 6ispatc'ActionAction class V1S 6ispatc'Actionclasswrite multiple 6ava class for multiple re-uirements. 5hen ou are using Action class presentation laer components (+sp) and controller laer component are loosel coupled and validation errors. !lass ou can write the single 6ava class for the multiple re-uirement with multiple methods. 5hen ou are using Dispatch action class +sp and action class will be tightl coupled which gives the maintenance. !onsider the following re-uirement. (((((((((( Search.6sp 7alidation error on input dataField is re-uired. (((((((((Student3D is re-uired Sid format must be SD??? (start with SD and W..)5hen e$ception is raised Student3d not found8html.form action;N=search.doQmethod;NsearchN>1nter S3D8br>8html.te$t propert;NsidN=>8html.errors propert ;NsidN=> == @his is displa errors message in +SP8html.errors>Steps to 'andle t'e eception in struts. (((((((((((((Patni Confidential"andling the 1$ceptions and validation 1rrors in struts5nter Sid6ispla3 MMMMMAS RPStudentAction e$tends DispatchAction&A.F search((2(2(2()&Sid;N((((((L'Sto;get3nfo#3d(sid)3f(sto;;null)&@hrow new Student Found1$ception()*1lse&/e-.setAttribute(LS@4N2sto)*(( (((( (((((((((**Studentmodel+D#!%S-l 5ample$$$ At the following in the +SP to populate (displa) the error 5rite the user defined e$ception class package com.6lc'public class student0otFound1$ception e$tends 1$ception&* 5rite one ke value pairs inside the Application/esources.propert file.1rrors.sid.notFound;8font color;NredN siEe;NRN>Student3d0otFound8=font> 5rite the following 1$ception in struts configuration file8action path;N=search name;NsformN parameter ;NmethodN tpe;Ncom.6lc.studentActionN scope;Nre-uestN validate;NtrueN>3nput;Nsearch.6spN>8forward name;NokN path;N=result.6spN=>8e$ception tpe;Ncom.6lc.Student0otFound1$ceptionN path;=search.6spN ke;Nerror.sid.notfoundN=>8=action> 3nside the action class write the following code to throws the 1$ception .@hrow new Student0otFound1$ception()Steps to 'andle t'e validation 5rrors #rom input data. ((((((((((( 5rite the 8html.error> tag in the +sp to displa the error message. 5rite the following entr in the Application/esources.propert;8font color;red siEe;R>Student id is /e-uired8=font>1rrors.sid.format;8font color;red siEe;R> Student 3d format is incorrect8=font> 3nsure the validation are not disabled. 7alidate attribute of action tag must be true.(b default it is alwas true) 3nsure that input +SP,s is specified using input attribute of action tag.8action path;N((((((((((((((L((((( (((((((((( 7alidate;NtrueN == according to above Brd and Rth step 3nput;N=search.6spN> 4verride the validate() method in the form(bean 6ava class(in the case of not using validation framework)public class searchForm e$tends ActionForm&String sid'Patni Confidential8html.errors=>8html.form action;N=search.doQmethod;NsearchN>1nter S3D8br>8html.te$t propert;NsidN=>8html.errors propert ;NsidN=> == @his is displa errors message in +SP8html.errors>8br>8html.submit value;NdisplaN=>8html.form>==set=get methodspublic void reset(Action%apping am2"ttpServlet/e-uest re-)&sid;null'*public Action1rrors validate(Action%apping am2"ttpServlet/e-uest re-)&Action 1rrors errors;new Action1rrors()'if(sid;;nullXX sid.length();;K)&error.add(sidN2newAction1rror('*elseif(Ysid.start with(LSDN)XXsd.length()Y;J)&errors.add(LsidN2newAction1rror(L1rrors.sid.formatN))'*return errors'*User use cases6evelop use casesManager or team leader use casesPatni ConfidentialUse case re&uired #or t'e $eb support application role $ise /egister Login Add problem Add address Fpdate Address Fpdate problem 7iew all problems 7iew problem b date 7iew answerfor the problem Logout /egister login 7iew all problems Add answer to problem Fpdate answer Logout /egister Login 7iew all problems 7iew all developers Assign problem to developer 7iew problem status 7iew the developer status LogoutAdmin use cases Diagram. (((( http.==localhost.MMMM=ds=user=login.6spC 6A4 641:et login.jsp %ome.jsp ?) login.6sp P) 6lc(dev.$ml ?T) DA4Factor3mp.6avaPatni Confidential+;1/ account in#oAddressPost problemVie$ all problemVie$ problem b3 dateUpdate problemVie$ all ans$er #or problem *ogout 5ampleFiles re&uired I) forgotpassword.6spB) fps.6spR) register.6spJ) home.6spT) LoginForm.6avaU) ForgotPasswordForm.6avaM) FserAction.6ava??) web.$ml?I) LoginFailed1$ception.6ava?B) /egistrationFailed1$ception.6ava?R) Fser0otFound1$ception.6ava?J) DA4Factor.6ava?U) FserDA4.6ava?P) +dbcFserDA4.6ava?M) +dbcFtil.6avaIK) Fser@o.6avaI?) Fser3d)enerator.6avaII) Fser table login.jsp89: taglib uri;8h?>Account Login8=h?>8hB>8html.errors=>8=hB>8html.form action;8tr>8td>Fser0ame8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Password8=td>8td>8html.password propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8tr>8td align;8=html.form> forward;8br> forward;8=bod>8=html>#orgotpass$ord.jsp89: taglib uri;8h?>Password Assistance8=h?>8hB>8html.errors=>8=hB>8html.form action;8tr>8td>1nter 1mail 3D8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr>8tr>8td align;8=html.form>8=bod>8=html>'ome.jsp89: taglib uri;8h?>Account Login8=h?>8hB>8html.errors=>8=hB>8td>Password8=td>8td>8html.password propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8tr>8td align;Fser0ame8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8html.submit value;8=tr>8=table>8=html.form> forward;8br> forward;8=bod>8=html>register.jsp89: taglib uri;8h?>0ew Account8=h?>8hB>8html.errors=>8=hB>8html.form action;8tr>8td>First 0ame8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Last 0ame8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>1mail8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Phone8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Dob8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Fser0ame8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Password8=td>8td>8html.password propert;8=tr>8tr>8td align;8=table>8=html.form>8=bod>8=html>#ps.jspApplication.propertiesPatni Confidential8h?>our password has been sent to our mail id8=h?>jlc-dev.mlPatni;8font color;red siEe;R>Fsername is re-uired8=font>errors.login.username.length;8font color;red siEe;R>Fsername lengthmust be ranging from J(?K characters8=font>;8font color;red siEe;R>Password is re-uired8=font>errors.login.password.length;8font color;red siEe;R>Password lengthmust be ranging from T(?I characters8=font>;8font color;red siEe;R>1mail id is re-uired8=font>;8font color;red siEe;R>3nvalid 1mail id8=font>e$ceptions.login.failed;8font color;red siEe;R>3nvalid Fsername or password 3D8=font>e$ceptions.register.failed;8font color;red siEe;R>/egister Failed2@r Again8=font>e$ceptions.fp.notfound;8font color;red siEe;R>0o Fser found with given email 3D8=font>8struts(config>8form(beans>8form(bean name;8put name;N+L!#odN value;N=cp.6spN=>Patni Confidential Problem 8 .((((((( in this +SP,s name are hard coded within the +SP.3n future if the +SP name are modif. ou need to rename all other dependent +SP2 this gives oumaintenance problem.Problem88.((((((( when ou design a laout or template with re-uired stles2 colors etc ou can,t reuse the templates. ou can,t reuse the laout with above implementation .ou should use the template related code in all the +SP,s.Steps to integrate and use tiles #rame$or> $it' struts #rame$or>8plug(in class0ame;Norg.apache.struts.tiles.@ilesPluginN>8set propert propert;Ndefinitions(configN value;N51#(30F=tiles.$mlN=> == herename of the $ml file will bean thing 8=plug(in>8=definition> 3nclude the tiles definition in the +SP,s8 9:taglib uri;N=51#(30F=struts(tiles.tldN prefi$;NtilesN9>8tiles.insert definition;N"omeDefN=>8tiles.insert definition;N!pDefN=> Design the remaining +SP,s re-uired "eader.6sp Footer.6sp %enu.6sp 5elcome.6sp 5hen ou are developing struts based application ou ma need to implement some code to validate theinput (incoming) data. @his we achieve b overriding validate() method and implemented the validation code inside the validate()method 5hen ou are developing multiple +SP,s forms we need to overwrite validate() method multiple times2sometimes ouneedtowritesamecoderepeatedlinevervalidate() methodthis gives thecodeduplication. @his code duplication happens globall be cause ever developer in ever compan has to write thevalidation code to verif the input data. @oavoid this problemand to simplif the validation handling2 Apache has introduced validationframework. 7alidation framework is not a part of struts frame work. 3t should be integrated into the struts e$plicitl.3n validation framework apache has implemented some validation code for commonl re-uirement as Listed below. ((((((((((((((( ?) re-uiredI) minlengthB) ma$lengthR) rangeJ) bteT) floatU) doubleP) emailM) date?K) credit card??) short?I) integer?B) longAll the above validations are implemented in two was. ((((((((( !lient side validation Server side validation Patni ConfidentialValidation #rame$or> B)ot a part o# struts #rame$or>C #ased on our re-uirement2 ou can invoke either client side validation or server side validation or both. Apache has implemented 6ava script code for client side validation and 6ava code for the server side validation . Sou can see the 6ava script code implemented b apache and 6ava class implemented inside the $ml file called validatorCrules.$ml. 5rite the following plug(in tag inside the struts configuration file to enable the validation framework in struts.8plug(in class0ame;Norg.apache.struts.validator.validatorPlug(inN>8set propert propert;NpathnamesN value;N51#(30F=validator(rules.$ml2=51#(30F=mvalidations.$mlN=> 8=plug(in> 5rite the 6sp with form and decide the validations ou wont to do on the fields and invoke the client side validation or server side validation.5ample .(((((((Cp.jsp8html.form action;N=password!hargeN>8html.password propert;NcpwordN=>8br>8html.password propert;NcnpwordN=>8br>8html.submit value;Nchange m passwordN=>8html.form> 8html.errors=>8html.6avaScript=> 1nable server side validationdispla validation errors client side validation 5rite the following inside the struts configuration file.8form(bean name;NcpformN tpe;Norg.apache.struts.validator..Dna7alidatorFormN>8form(propert name;NcpwordN tpe;N6ava.lang.stringN=>8form(propert name;NcnpwordN tpe;N6ava.lang.stringN=>8form(propert name;NcnpwordN tpe;N6ava.lang.StringN=>8=form(bean>8action path;N=password changeN name;NcpformN tpe;Ncom.6lc.ActionN validate;NtrueN input;Ncp.6spN=> %ake sure that validator(rules.$ml document is available in 51#(30F folder. 3dentif the following modification.actionFrame e$ecute((2(2(2()&Dna7alidatorForm dvf;( Dna7alidatorForm)af'!p;dvf.get(LcpwordN).toString()'((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((( * Add the following tags to m7alidation.$ml b specifing the validation re-uired for the individual fields of the cpform.5ample .((((((((((8form(validation>8formset>8form name;cpformN>8field propert;NcpwordN depends;Nre-uiredN>8argK ke;N!urrent PasswordN resource ;NflaseN=>Patni ConfidentialSteps to integrate and use validation #rame$or> instruts #rame$or> 8=field>8field propert;NnpwordN depends;Nre-uiredN>8argK ke;Ncp.npN=>8=field>8field propert;NcnpwordN depends;Nre-uiredN>8argK ke;Ncp.cnpN=>8=field>8=form>8=formset>8=form(validation>8n;&K* is re-uired!;new Password!p.cnp; !onfirm new Password.register%ome.jsp"eader.6sp register.jsp Footer.6sp Step 3.(((( Assume the field called F3D in the form and also add 8html.errors> to displa the error message 8tr>8td>Fser3D8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert ;NFser3DN=>8=td>8td>8html.errors propert;NFser3DN=>8=td> Step 33.((((( Add the validation tags inside validator(rules.$ml for our custom validation.8validator name;NuseridFormatN classname;!FieldchecksN%ethod ;NvalidateFseridFormatNPatni Confidential%o$ to $rite t'e custom Validation using validation #rame$or> in struts5ample o# validation using tiles #rame$or>6ev SupportRegistration #orm UsernamePass$ord5mail6?4 P'oneCredit card no. All rig't reserve rajivs'+/;N6ava.lang.ob6ect2org.apache.commons.validator.field2org.apache.struts.action.Action1rrors26ava$.servlet.http."ttpServlet/e-uestN depends;N L msg;Nerrors.useridFormatN>8=validator> Step 333.((((((( Add one message in file related to the custom validation.1$ample .((((errors.useridFormat;8font color;red siEe;R>&K* is invalid format(e$ F3D;?IBR)8=font> Step 37.((((((( 5rite the 6ava class with the re-uired method which is going to handle the corresponding validation.1$ample .(((((((+L!Field!hecks.6ava Step 7.(((((((( Specif the implemented custom validation for the userid in m7alidation.$ml.1$ample .(((((((((((8field propert ;NuseridN depends;Nre-uired2useridFormatNArgK ke;NFser3DN resource;NfalseN=>8=field>register.jsp89: taglib uri;8h?>/egister Form8=h?>8html.form action;8tr>8td>Fser 3d8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Fser0ame8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Password8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>1mail8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>D4#8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>Phone8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td>!redit!ard8=td>8td>8html.te$t propert;8td>8html.errors propert;8=tr>8tr>8td colspan;8=html.form>8=bod>8=html>Patni Confidentialjlcla3out.jsp89: taglib uri;8table>8tr height;

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