structure of the t-cell antigen receptor: evidence for two cd3

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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 87, pp. 7220-7224, September 1990Immunology

Structure of the T-cell antigen receptor: Evidence for two CD3 Esubunits in the T-cell receptor-CD3 complex


RICHARD S. BLUMBERG*t, STEVEN LEYt, JAIME SANCHOt, NILS LONBERG§, ELIZABETH LACY§,FRANCIS MCDERMOTTt, VICTORIA SCHAD¶, JULIA L. GREENSTEIN¶, AND Cox TERHORSTttLaboratory of Molecular Immunology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115; §Department of Pathology, Program in MolecularBiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10017; and 1ImmuLogic Pharmaceutical Corporation, 1 KendallSquare, Cambridge, MA 02139

Communicated by Alfred Nisonoff, June 21, 1990 (received for review April 10, 1990)

ABSTRACT The T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) consists ofheterodimeric glycoproteins (TCR a,4 or yS) that demonstratehomology with immunoglobulins. Noncovalently associatedwith the afi (or y8) heterodimer are at least five nonvariantproteins (CD3-y, -8, -e, -j, and -ig), which together comprisethe TCR-CD3 complex. The stoichiometry of the antigenreceptor has been assumed to be either apyBvSiCor a(y8e{7g.In this paper we provide several lines of evidence that supportthe notion that the mature TCR-CD3 complex on the cellsurface contains two CD3-E polypeptide chains. Transfection oftwo murine T cell-T cell hybridomas with the human DNAencoding CD3-e protein demonstrated that both murine andhuman CD3-e chains were present within the same TCR-CD3complex. Analysis of thymocytes isolated from transgenic micethat expressed high copy numbers of the human CD3-e geneshowed that the heterologous human CD3-e subunits werecoexpressed with murine CD3-E in the same TCR-CD3 com-plex. Since CD3-e was shown to form disulfide-linked ho-modimers both in human and murine T cells, the two CD3-esubunits present in the TCR-CD3 complex were in directcontact with one another. The presence of two CD3-E poly-peptide chains in close proximity to one another in the TCR-CD3 complex may have important implications for its assemblyand its signal transduction mechanisms.

The T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) on thymus-derived lym-phocytes (T cells), which recognizes antigen in associationwith either class I or class II major histocompatibility com-plex (MHC) products, consists of a heterodimer of glycopro-teins, the a and /3 chain (1). A second form of the TCR, they3 receptor, also exists on a smaller fraction of peripheral Tcells (2). The TCR heterodimers are noncovalently associ-ated with at least five nonvariant polypeptides: CD3-y, -8, -E,-;, and -'r (3, 4). CD3-; exists either as a disulfide-linkedhomodimer or, in the minority of TCR-CD3 complexes, as adisulfide-linked heterodimer with the CD3-i1 chain (4). TheCD3 proteins appear to play an important role in transport ofthe TCR heterodimer to the cell surface and signal transduc-tion after the TCR binds its appropriate ligand.The specific number of polypeptide chains that compose

the TCR-CD3 complex on the cell surface has not beenprecisely determined. The stoichiometry has generally beenassumed to be either a/3y6e4 or a/3^y&e'>r (3, 4). In this paper,we analyze the stoichiometry of CD3-E in the complex byexpression of human CD3-e (CD3-eh) in murine T cells. Weprovide evidence that there are two CD3-E polypeptidechains in close proximity to one another within the matureTCR-CD3 complex expressed on the cell surface.

MATERIAL AND METHODSCell Lines. The cell lines used as recipients for transfection

were BY155.16, a murine T cell-T cell (T-T) hybridomawhich was obtained by fusing BW5147 mouse lymphomacells with T cells from a C57BL/6 mouse primed with humanJY cells (5), and 3D054.8, a murine T-T hybridoma that isI-Ad class II MHC antigen-restricted and ovalbumin specific(ref. 6; 3D054.8 was a gift of Phillipa Marrack, NationalJewish Center, Denver). SL12.4af3 is a cell line produced bytransfection of SL12.4 with the TCR a and P3 mRNAs from anarsonate/I-Ad-specific T-cell clone, AR-5 (7). HPB-ALL is ahuman leukemic T-cell line.

Transgenic Mice. Transgenic mice expressing the CD3-ehgene were made as described (8).

Antibodies. The monoclonal antibody (mAb), SP34, whichis a murine IgG3 mAb and recognizes the CD3-eh protein,was obtained by immunization ofBALB/c mice with purifiedhuman CD3 proteins (9). The anti-murine CD3-E (CD3-Em)mAb 145-2C11 was a gift from Jeffrey Bluestone (Universityof Chicago) (10). HMT 3.2 antibody was obtained by immu-nization of Armenian hamsters with purified human CD3proteins and was donated by Ralph Kubo (National JewishCenter, Denver). HMT 3.2 recognizes the murine CD3-y and-8 subunits (unpublished data; B. Alarcon and C.T.). Leu-4is a murine IgG1 mAb that recognizes the CD3-Eh chain (11,12).

Expression Vectors. The pSRa-Neo-CD3-Eh expressionvector was obtained in the following manner. A 1600-base-pair (bp) Xho I-Xho I fragment of the pCD-E plasmid (13)containing the complete CD3-Eh open reading frame wascloned into the unique Xho I site of the pSRa-Neo expressionvector (provided by Ken Ichi Arai, DNAX; ref. 14). ThepSRa-Neo vector utilizes neomycin (geneticin sulfate) resis-tance as a selectable marker.DNA Transfer into T Cells. Transfection was accomplished

by utilizing electroporation as described (15).Immunofluorescence. Surface expression of antigens was

detected by indirect immunofluorescence as described (7, 15)by using either normal mouse serum as a control or a 1:400dilution of BALB/c ascites containing the Leu-4 mAb and 1,ug offluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-mouse F(ab')2 antibody specific for IgG and IgM heavy andlight chains (Tago). Two-color immunofluorescence was per-formed with the 145-2C11 mAb and a FITC-conjugated goat

Abbreviations: TCR, T-cell receptor; mAb, monoclonal antibody;T-T hybridoma, T cell-T cell hybridoma; MHC, major histocom-patibility complex; CD3-eh and CD3-Em, human and mouse CD3-Esubunits, respectively.*Present address: Division of Gastroenterology, Brigham and Wo-men's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 75 Francis Street, Bos-ton, MA 02115.tTo whom reprint requests should be addressed.


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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990) 7221

anti-hamster antibody specific for IgG and IgM heavy andlight chains (Southern Biotechnology Associates, Birming-ham, AL) followed by phycoerythrin-conjugated Leu4 (Bec-ton Dickinson). Normal mouse immunoglobulin directly con-jugated with phycoerythrin (MsIgG-RD1, Coulter) was usedas a control for nonspecific phycoerythrin immunofluores-cence.

Radiolabeling. Cell surface iodination of lymphocytes withcarrier-free Na'25I (DuPont/NEN) was performed by thelactoperoxidase-catalyzed method as described (15).

Immunoprecipitation and Electrophoresis. Radiolabeled Tcells were lysed on ice with an immunoprecipitation buffercontaining 20 mM Tris HC1, 0.15 M sodium chloride, 10 mMiodoacetamide, 1 mM phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride, and 1mg each of leupeptin, pepstatin, antipain, and chymostatin(small peptidase inhibitors) per ml at pH 7.6 with 1.0%6digitonin with or without 0.12% Triton X-100 as detergents onice. Immunoprecipitates were prepared from the lysates as

described (15) and resuspended in 30 jkd of Laemmli samplebuffer without reducing agents (16). The immunoprecipitateswere analyzed by two-dimensional nonreducing/reducingpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presenceof sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as described (17).

Immunoblotting. Leu-4 immunoprecipitates, separated bytwo dimensional nonreducing/reducing SDS/PAGE, wereanalyzed by Western blotting with the SP34 mAb as de-scribed (18).


Stable Expression of the CD3-eh Subunit on the Cell Surfaceof Two Murine T-Cell Hybridomas. The CD3-eh subunit wasexpressed in an HLA-DR-specific murine T-T hybridoma,BY155.16, and also in an I-Ad class II MHC antigen-restricted ovalbumin-specific murine T-T hybridoma,3DO54.8, by transfection with the pSRa-Neo-CD3-Ehexpression vector. After DNA transfer, neomycin-resistantcells were selected and analyzed by indirect immunofluores-cence by using the CD3-eh-specific mAb, Leu-4 (Fig. 1). Allof the neomycin-resistant transfectant cell lines analyzed(one of which is shown here for each recipient murine T-cellline) were positive for staining with the Leu-4 mAb, whiletransfectants made with the pSRa-Neo vector alone were

negative. The proportion of transfectant cells that expressed




1 2 1log10o mean fluorescence intensity


FIG. 1. Immunofluorescence of BY155.16 and 3D054.8 trans-

fectants. BY155.16 (Upper Left) and 3DO54.8 (Upper Right) andtheir transfectants (Lower Left and Lower Right, respectively) werestained with the Leu-4 mAb as described (heavy line). Nonspecificimmunofluorescence is indicated by the thin line.

the CD3- h protein on their cell surface ranged from 40% to95%.Two-color immunofluorescence was performed to deter-

mine whether the CD3-eh subunit was present on the same

cell as the CD3-Em subunit. At least 60% of the transfectedcells concomitantly expressed the CD3-eh and CD3-Em sub-units (Fig. 2). These results indicated that the CD3-eh subunitwas expressed on the surface of a murine T-cell line inconjunction with the CD3-em chain.Both CD3-eh and CD3-E' Subunits Are Expressed Within

the Same TCR-CD3 Complex. After demonstrating that bothCD3-eh and CD3-Em could be coexpressed on the surface ofthe same T cell, it was important to determine whether bothwere present in the same TCR-CD3 complex. To do this,surface III-labeled protein was immunoprecipitated withsubunit-specific mAbs. When the lysates were immunopre-cipitated with the CD3e- hspecific mAb (SP34) and analyzedby two-dimensional nonreducing/reducing SDS/PAGE,both CD3-Eh and CD3-em subunits could be observed inisolates from the transfected BY155.16 and 3DO54.8 cell lines(Fig. 3A Lower). Similarly, when labeled protein from theBY155.16 cell line was analyzed with the CD3-Em-specificmAb (145-2C11) and an independent mAb that recognized themurine CD3-y- and -6-specific subunits (HMT 3.2), bothCD3-,m and CD3-eh subunits were coisolated in the trans-fectant (Fig. 3B Lower). No components of the TCR-CD3complex were isolated from the untransfected BY155.16 and3DO54.8 cell lines with the SP34 mAb (Fig. 3A Upper), andonly the CD3-em chain was detected with the 145-2C11 andHMT 3.2 mAbs (Fig. 3B Upper). Therefore, it appeared thatthe TCR-CD3 complex on the surface of the BY55.16 and3DO54.8 transfectants contained both CD3-eh and CD3-emsubunits in addition to CD3-y, -5, and -; and the TCR a/'3

heterodimer (indicated in the figures).To confirm that the TCR-CD3 complex on the surface of

the transfectants contained both the CD3-Eh and CD3-Em







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2C1 1-FITC

FIG. 2. Two-color immunofluorescence of 3D054.8 (Upper) anda transfectant of 3DO54.8 (Lower). Both were stained with the145-2C11 mAb and a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugatedgoat anti-hamster F(ab')2 antibody (2C11-FITC; ordinate) followedby Leu-4 directly conjugated with phycoerythrin (Leu4-PE; ab-scissa) as described. Distribution in quadrants for 3DO54.8 are 1,O.0o; 2, 0.24%; 3, 6.76%; and 4, 93.01% and for its transfectant are

1, 0.33%; 2, 60.42%; 3, 1.83%; and 4, 37.42%. Abscissa: log inte-grated green fluorescence. Ordinate: log integrated red fluorescence.

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1 2


Immunology: Blumberg et al.


7222 Immunology: Blumberg et al.



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- 31





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- 31-*6_






34 -'3


-'14 -.

FIG. 3. Immunoprecipitation of CD3-eh from transfectants of BY155.16 and 3DO54.8 cells. Untransfected (Upper) and transfected (Lower)BY155.16 cells (A Left and B) and 3DO54.8 cells (A Right) were radiolabeled with Na1251 by the lactoperoxidase-catalyzed method, lysed withimmunoprecipitation buffer containing 1% digitonin with (BY155.16 cells) or without (3DO54.8 cells) 0.12% Triton X-100, and immunopre-cipitated with the SP34 mAb (A), 145-2C11 mAb (B Left), or HMT 3.2 mAb (B Right). The immunoprecipitates were analyzed on a SDS/12.5%polyacrylamide gel under two-dimensional nonreducing (NR)/reducing (R) conditions. The location ofCD3-Eh (Eh) and CD3-E ' (em) is indicated.The molecular mass markers in kDa are shown on the right.

subunits and to determine what fraction of the CD3-.8hcomplexed with the CD3-Em subunit, an immunodepletionexperiment was performed. An '25I-radiolabeled protein ly-sate from a transfectant of the BY155.16 cell line was firstimmunoprecipitated with either the CD3-em-specific mAb(145-2C11) or the CD3-eh-.specific mAb (SP34). Subse-quently, the supernatants were immunoprecipitated with thealternative antibody, and the isolated protein was resolved bytwo-dimensional nonreducing/reducing SDS/PAGE (Fig. 4).Fig. 4 Left shows the results with the nondepleted lysateusing the SP34 mAb. Prior exposure of the lysate to theCD3-Em-specific mAb, 145-2C11, removed most of the

CD3-.Eh subunit (Fig. 4 Center). However, there did appearto be some residual CD3-e protein after immunodepletionwith the 145-2C11 antibody (arrow). Conversely, after treat-ment with the CD3-Eh-.specific mAb, significant amounts of anormal mouse complex were isolated that only contained theCD3-Em subunit (Fig. 4 Right). These results suggested,therefore, that three types of receptors existed on the cellsurface of the transfectants that contained either the CD3-emor CD3- h subunit, or both.CD3-Eh and CD3-E' Subunits Are Coexpressed Within the

Same TCR-CD3 Complex on the Cell Surface of Thymocytesfrom Transgenic Mice. We have recently described a trans-




-3 I


FIG. 4. Immunodepletion of the CD3-eh subunit from a BY155.16 transfectant. A lysate from radioiodinated material was prepared from thetransfectant of BY155.16 by using an immunoprecipitation buffer containing 1% digitonin and 0.12% Triton X-100. The lysate was eitherimmunoprecipitated directly with the SP34 (Left), or immunodepleted with the 145-2C11 mAb followed by immunoprecipitation with SP34(Center), or immunodepleted with the SP34 mAb followed by immunoprecipitation with 145-2C11 (Right). The final immunoprecipitates wereanalyzed by two-dimensional nonreducing (NR)/reducing (R) SDS/PAGE on a 12.5% gel. The arrow in Center indicates the position of CD3-eh.The molecular mass markers in kDa are shown on the right.


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2C11 SP34



2C1 1 SP34

FIG. 5. Expression of the CD3-Eh protein in 1-month-old hemizygous transgenic mice. (A) Two-color immunofluorescence of wild-,type(Upper) and transgenic (Lower) mouse thymocytes from thymus (Left) and spleen (Right). The ordinate represents green fluorescence (145-2C11mAb), and the abscissa represents red fluorescence (Leu-4 mAb). (B) Immunoprecipitation of the CD3-Eh protein from a transgenic moUse.Lysates of '25I-radiolabeled material were prepared from thymocytes of a wild-type mouse (WT) and transgenic mouse (TE) by using an

immunoprecipitation buffer that contained 1% digitonin. The lysates were immunoprecipitated with the 145-2C11 (2C11) or SP34 mAb and wereanalyzed by two-dimensional nonreducing (NR)/reducing (R) SDS/12.5% PAGE. The location of CD3-,h (6h) and CD3-Em (em) is indicated.The molecular mass markers in kDa are indicated on the right.

genic mouse that expresses the CD3-ch gene (8). In thesemice, the majority ofthymocytes expressed both CD3-Em andCD3-Eh chains on their cell surface as determined by two-color immunofluorescence analysis (Fig. SA). Thymocyteswere isolated from wild-type and transgenic mouse thymusand surface radiolabeled with 1251. Lysates were immuno-precipitated with the 145-2C11 and SP34 mAbs, and theisolated protein was analyzed by two-dimensional nonreduc-ing/reducing SDS/PAGE (Fig. 5B). Both CD3-e h andCD3-Em subunits were coisolated with either the CD3-Em-specific mAb (145-2C11) or the CD3-Eh-specific mAb (SP34)from thymocytes derived from the transgenic animal (Fig. 5BRight) but not the wild-type animal (Fig. SB Left). Similarfindings were observed with lymphocytes obtained from trans-genic and wild-type peripheral lymph nodes (data not shown).These studies showed that a chimeric receptor containing both

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CD3-eh and CD3-em subunits was present on a significantfraction of cells isolated from transgenic mice.CD3-E Subunit Is Able to Form Disulfide-Linked Dimers in

Murine and Human T Cells. Taken together, the precedingstudies indicated that, in transfected T-cell lines and trans-genic mice, TCR-CD3 complexes contained both the CD3-tmand CD3-Eh subunits. To investigate whether the two CDJ-esubunits present in the TCR-CD3 complex interacted withone another, cell surface radioiodinated human and murine Tcells were analyzed for the presence of disulfide-linkedCD3-E homodimers. Analysis of several murine T-cell linesindicated that, in addition to a probable CD3-ye disulfide-linked heterodimer (arrows in Fig. 6 Left), a protein migratedat the position of a disulfide-linked CD3-Em homodimer (£-Ein Fig. 6 Left). Furthermore, as would be expected of theCD3-E protein, this band represented a nonglycosylated



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FIG. 6. Identification of CD3-E disulfide-linked homodimers in human and murine T cells. (Left and Center) A lysate of 1251-radiolabeledmaterial from the murine T-cell line SL12.4aB (Left) and the human T-cell line HPB-ALL (Center) was prepared as outlined, immunoprecipitatedwith either the 145-2C11 mAb (Left) or the Leu-4 mAb (Center) and analyzed by two-dimensional nonreducing (NR)/reducing (R) SDS/12.5%PAGE. The location of the components of the TCR-CD3 complex is indicated. E-E indicates the location of a CD3-E homodimer. The arrowsindicate the location of a probable CD3-ye heterodimer. (Right) Leu-4 immunoprecipitates of the HPB-ALL T-cell line, separated bytwo-dimensional nonreducing (NR)/reducing (R) SDS/PAGE, were analyzed by Western blotting with the SP34 mAb as described. The locationof a CD3-E monomer (E) and disulfide-linked homodimer (E-E) is indicated. The broken line indicates the location of the diagonal. The doublearrow indicates the location of the immunoglobulin heavy chain used in the initial immunoprecipitation.





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protein as determined by its resistance to digestion withN-glycanase (data not shown). Similarly, a band that had thecorrect mobility for a CD3-Eh homodimer was detected on thesurface of human T-cell lines (E-£ in Fig. 6 Center).To ascertain that the indicated protein band in the human

T-cell line represented disulfide-linked CD3-E homodimers, aWestern blotting experiment was performed. TCR-CD3complexes were isolated from the human leukemic T-cell lineHPB-ALL with the Leu-4 mAb, and the protein componentswere separated by two-dimensional nonreducing/reducingSDS/PAGE. Upon electrophoretic transfer to nitrocellulosefilters, the CD3 proteins were detected with a second mAbspecific for CD3-Eh, SP34, combined with '25I-labeled proteinA. The previously identified spot was, indeed, a disulfide-linked CD3-e homodimer (£-E in Fig. 6 Right). However,densitometric analysis showed that 75% of the CD3-E proteinmigrated as a nondisulfide-linked form (E in Fig. 6 Right). Wehave also detected CD3-6 disulfide-linked homodimers inimmunoprecipitates of radioiodinated material from human Tcells, using TCR-specific antibodies (data not shown). Inconclusion, CD3-E disulfide-linked homodimers can be ob-served on the cell surface of human and murine T cells inassociation with the TCR. Therefore, the CD3-E polypeptideshave a propensity to form homodimeric structures.

DISCUSSIONThe results presented in this paper indicated that the TCR-CD3 complex contained two CD3-e subunits. This conclusionwas supported by the use ofgene transfer ofthe CD3-e h cDNAand genomic DNA into murine T cells to produce eitherCD3-Ehexpressing murine T-T hybridomas or CD3-Eh-expressing thymocytes in transgenic mice. Analysis of thesechimeric T cells using species-specific anti-CD3-E mAbs dem-onstrated that the CD3-Eh protein was expressed in the sameTCR-CD3 complex as the CD3-em protein. Immunodepletionexperiments indicated that most of the CD3-Eh protein in all ofthe transfectant cells was present in a TCR-CD3 complex thatalso contained the CD3-em polypeptide chain.The observation that a small fraction of the CD3-Eh and

CD3-Em proteins were disulfide-linked on the cell surfacefurther indicated that E-E homodimers existed within theTCR-CD3 complex. Although not formally proven, it seemslikely that CD3-E chains that are not disulfide-linked arepresent as non-disulfide-linked homodimers. Preliminary re-sults with the COS cell fibroblast transfection system, whichcan achieve a very high level of expression of the transfectedprotein, have shown that >90% ofthe CD3-Eh chains are fromdisulfide-bridged homodimers. Thus, the propensity to formdimers seems to be an intrinsic property of the CD3-E poly-peptide chains. Passage through the endoplasmic reticulumand assembly with the other TCR-CD3 polypeptide chainsmay induce a conformation that does not favor the mainte-nance of interchain disulfide bridges. Indeed, preliminaryobservations with multichain transfections in COS cell fibro-blasts have shown that the percentage of disulfide-linked E-Ehomodimers is reduced dramatically in the presence of theother TCR-CD3 components (C. Hall and C.T., unpublisheddata).A study of the subunit interactions that are involved in the

formation of the TCR-CD3 complex on the cell surface byKoning et al. (19) has recently demonstrated that the CD3-Esubunit may associate exclusively with either the CD3-y or -8chains. We have additional evidence to suggest that these yEand Be subcomplexes may, in fact, exist on the cell surface asa part of two distinct TCR-CD3 complexes. One containsonly the CD3-y subunit and the other contains only the CD3-8subunit (B. A. Alarcon and C.T., unpublished data). Thesecomplexes have been defined with antibodies that recognizeeither the CD3-y or -8 proteins and consist of either a/3yEc2

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87 (1990)

(y-type) or aPSEC2 (8-type). In view of these findings and ourresults, which suggest that the TCR-CD3 complex containstwo CD3-E proteins in close proximity to one another, wepropose that the TCR-CD3 proteins may form complexesthat have a stoichiometry of either ac3ycey2 or af38cEE82. Inaddition, since specific interactions between CD3-E and theTCR-f3 chain have been described (20), it is tempting tofurther speculate on the possible existence of either a{2a/3yEEcYaf2- or {2ap8E&caP3C2-containing complex. Thislatter model predicts, therefore, that the TCR, like immuno-globulins, may be bivalent, with the CD3-E protein providinga bridge between the two binding sites. Finally, the interac-tion of CD3-; and -71 with these various forms of the receptorwould create additional subcomplexes that may play distinctroles in regulating T-cell function (21).

We thank Dr. Paul Bleicher for help in performing the transfectionsand the use of the BY-pSR cell line, Dr. Hans Clevers for help in thedevelopment of the transgenic mice, and Drs. Brigitte Mueller andMark Exley for their careful review of the manuscript. This researchwas supported in part by National Institutes of Health GrantsA115066, A117651, and CA39264. R.S.B. is supported by NationalInstitute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Grant1 K08 DK01886, S.L. is supported by a Science and EngineeringResearch Council-North Atlantic Treaty Alliance Postdoctoral Fel-lowship (GB), and J.S. is a recipient of a Doctores y TecnologosFellowship (Ministerior de Educacion y Crencia, Madrid, Spain).

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