st. mark's news april 2012

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Monthly newsletter for Episcopal Church in Austin, TX.


April 2012

St. Mark’s News Volume 15/Issue 4

Page 1

From the Rector

The definition of the word Episcopal simply means, “of or relating to bishops; of, relating to, or involving church

government by bishops.” It is this governance by bishops that is at the center of our self-definition as a

denomination. The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, of which St. Mark’s is a part, currently has two bishops: our

Diocesan, +C. Andrew Doyle, and our Suffragan, +Dena Harrison. On June 2 the Diocese will elect a second

suffragan bishop, whose office will be in Tyler. A suffragan bishop is an elected assistant bishop. Nominations

have to be submitted to the Diocese by March 22 and I expect we will know who the candidates are soon after that.

On Saturday, May 12, there will be a “walk-about” at Camp Allen during which the candidates will be introduced.

The election will be at the Cathedral in Houston on June 2. To win the election the candidate must have the majority

of both clergy and lay votes. Delegates will be the same as those who represented us at the February Diocesan

Council: St. Mark’s clergy, Danielle Adkins, Beth Chenoweth, Andrew Poynot, and Pattie Rose.

The retirement of our former suffragan bishop, +Rayford High, did not make national or international news, nor will

our election of his successor. The announced retirement that recently made both national and international news is

that of the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. Williams will

resign his post in December and in January will take the position of Master of

Magdalene College at the University of Cambridge. Dr. Williams is 61, and was

appointed the 104th

Archbishop of Canterbury in 2002. His ten-year tenure has

been a time of conflict in the Anglican Communion, of which the Episcopal

Church is a part. Archbishop Williams has had the unenviable task of trying to

maintain the unity of a communion divided by global differences of opinions

having to do primarily with the ordination of gay clergy and bishops and to a

lesser extent of women bishops. Dr. Williams said that serving as archbishop has

been “an immense privilege” and that his decision to step down had not been an

easy one. In reflecting on growing divisions within the Anglican Church he said

there are some conflicts that would not go away “however long you struggle with

them.” He also said that his successor, the 105th

Archbishop of Canterbury, will

have to have the constitution of an ox and the hide of a rhinoceros.

So, how will his successor by chosen? The responsibility for choosing the next Archbishop of Canterbury rests with

the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC). Its task is to submit the name of a preferred candidate (and a second

appointable candidate) to the Prime Minister who is constitutionally responsible for tendering advice on the

appointment to the Queen. There are 16 voting members on the CNC: the chairperson who is a lay person appointed

by the Prime Minister; a Bishop elected by the House of Bishops; the Archbishop of York; six representatives from

the Diocese of Canterbury; six representatives elected by the General Synod (3 clergy and 3 lay); and a member of

the Primates meeting of the Anglican Communion. There are also several non-voting members of the Commission.

The Commission will have an initial and extensive consultation process to determine the needs of the Diocese of

Canterbury, of the Church of England, and of the Anglican Communion. They will most likely start the process at

the end of May. Once the preferred candidate has been chosen, his name will be given to the Prime Minister, who


From the Rector .......................... 1

Holy Week Calendar ................... 2

Vestry Highlights ......................... 3

Outreach...................................... 4

Parish Life ................................... 4

Christian Formation ..................... 7

April Caffeine Ministry.................. 9

April Anniversaries ...................... 9

April Birthdays ............................ 10

April ROTA ................................. 11

The April Calendar can be found

on-line at

April 2012

Page 2

will then commend it to the Queen. Once the Queen has approved the chosen candidate his name will be announced

and then the College of Canons of Canterbury Cathedral will formally elect him.

There are six principal aspects to the job of the Archbishop of Canterbury:

1. He is the bishop of the Diocese of Canterbury.

2. He is a Metropolitan, with jurisdiction over 30 Dioceses in the Province of Canterbury.

3. He is the Primate of All England, the “chaplain to the nation.”

4. He is the focus of unity for the Anglican Communion.

5. He has a national and international role as an ecumenical leader.

6. He has a national and international role as in interfaith leader.

You may well ask, what difference does any of this make? Will we be directly affected by this next election of a

new Archbishop of Canterbury? No, we are unlikely to be directly affected by whoever is chosen. But it matters

insofar as we are constituent members of the Anglican Communion. It matters insofar as we are all members of the

body of Christ. It matters insofar as our Lord prayed, “…that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I

am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” It matters insofar as the

witness and the unity of the Anglican Communion matters. I am, however, thankful that I don’t qualify!


Holy Week Calendar

Palm Sunday, April 1 (no Christian Formation classes) – At all three services we read the Passion Gospel; at 9:00 and 11:00 we gather first in the Parish Hall to get our palms, and then the service begins on the lawn area outside the Columbarium garden. We process into the Church, singing Glory, laud and honor to thee, Redeemer King! And not long after that hymn of praise we are shouting “Crucify him, crucify him,” and so begins our walk on the way of the cross.

7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I, and Passion Gospel.

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II, and Passion Gospel. Pick up palms in Parish Hall; gather on the lawn area outside Columbarium garden for procession to the church.

11:00 a.m.

Monday – Wednesday, April 2 – 4 – Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the Chapel at 6:00 p.m.

Monday 6:45 p.m. Seder in the Parish Hall

Maundy Thursday, April 5

7:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the church: the Mack Wilberg Requiem.

Good Friday, April 6

Noon Stations of the Cross – Meditation Trail

2:00 p.m. Liturgy for Good Friday – Church

Holy Saturday, April 7

8:00 a.m. Contemplative Prayer – Grace Chapel

9:00 a.m. Altar Guild work party

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia the Day of Resurrection

7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

10:00 a.m. Easter egg hunt (no Christian Formation classes)

11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

April 2012

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Vestry Highlights

Meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, the St. Mark’s Vestry:

Received the report of the discernment committee charged with considering Mary Ann Huston’s vocational goal of

ordination to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church. Her committee (Meredith Childs, Mike Thomasson, Michael Meigs,

Karen Milton, Mike Davis+, and Diana Stangl) were unanimous in their support, as was the vestry. The vestry signed the

required forms to be submitted to the Diocese.

Heard from the rector that our contract for the soda machine in the Parish Hall has been changed because we are a low-

volume account. Elizabeth+ also reported that she has interviewed two possible candidates for Curate (both of whom are

interviewing several other places), and that in the fall we will have 3 seminarians: Jeremiah Griffin, Jonathon Hansen, and

Vivian Orndorff.

Noted that as of February we were at 117% of budgeted income.

Approved appointments to the Endowment Committee: Reappointed John DeMarines as member and chair of the

committee, term to end in December of 2014; newly appointed Brian Kelly for a term to conclude in December of 2013;

reappointed Kevin Cromack to a term concluding December of 2012.

Received a most recent leak report: most leaks repaired in the past week seem to have worked, with the exception of the area

at the entry to the pantry.

Noted that Will Smith completed his Eagle Scout project in the large island the weekend of March 17 – the larger stones in

the pathways withstood the rains!

Heard that Bill Kibler and Mary-Alis Kelly are once again engaged in wood working on our behalf: this time on a portion of

the deck outside Elizabeth’s office.

Received other committee reports and were asked to help with several upcoming parish events, particularly the Meditation

Trail clean up, the Golf Tournament on May 12 and the Chicken BBQ/picnic on May 19.

2012 St. Mark’s Scholarship Golf Tournament

Presented by St. Mark’s Men’s Group

to endow scholarships for high school graduates

When: Saturday, May 12, 8:00 a.m. Shotgun Start Where: Jimmy Clay Golf Course Format: Four-man scramble—Enter your own team or we will match you up. Register / Pay By April 12: $55 per player Register / Pay After April 12: $65 per Player Entry Fee includes:

Green fees, Cart, practice balls

New Scramble Format (handicap or avg. score Required)

Great Prizes!

Refreshments and Door prizes!

Awards Luncheon! To register, contact Phil Aboussie (512-447-2255) or John Cooper (512-771-0507;

Call for Scholarship Applicants

St. Mark’s Men’s Group Scholarship Application Requirements

1. Submit a completed St. Mark’s Scholarship Application. Contact Mike Brode at or 512-422-8420 to receive application. The neatness and completeness of the answers are important. Attach extra sheets if necessary.

2. Submit an acceptance letter or equivalent that the applicant has been accepted into a college, university, junior college, or an accredited trade or vocational school within six months of the time of the application.

3. Submit two letters of recommendation, one from an adult, non-relative member of St. Mark’s and one from a high school teacher. 4. Submit an essay of no less than 200 words and no more than 400 words on the following topic: “How Being at St. Mark’s Has Formed

Me as a Christian.” 5. Submit a list of youth activities and accomplishments at St. Mark’s for the past four years.

6. Turn in the application and other documents to the St. Mark’s church office by May 1, 2012.

April 2012

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1house at a time - Saturday, April 28

St. Mark’s Environmental Stewardship Committee and the Outreach Committee are inviting as many of us

as are available on April 28 to work on a house sponsored by 1house at a time. Rather than being

involved in the construction of a new home, as we have been when we work with Habitat for Humanity,

we will spend the day making someone’s home more energy efficient.

This is from a letter St. Mark’s received in appreciation for our participation in a project in January:

Did you know that the number two cause of homelessness, second only to mortgage

payments, is the inability to pay utility bills? 1house at a time helps at-risk

homeowners stay in their homes by reducing utility costs. In 2011, nine low-income

homeowners were helped with home energy and water renovations.

As is the case with Habitat for Humanity, they will put all willing hands to work, no matter what our level of

expertise. So, save the date and plan on working with us. More specific information about “our” house

will be forthcoming! Sign up sheets are posted in the Parish Hall; for more information call Scottie Aplin

at 512-788-3442.

Parish Life

Help Us Prepare for our Easter Egg Hunt—

Donate Eggs by April 6

We need enough eggs for all the children who attend on

Easter Sunday!

If you have children who will be hunting eggs, please bring at least one dozen

stuffed plastic eggs per child to the church before April 6. There will be a

collection bin in the Parish Hall.

If you can, please donate extras so we’ll have enough for visiting children.

Sharing Faith Dinners

Thursday, April 26

On Thursday, April 26 you are invited to share your faith with others in the Diocese. St. Mark's has six member homes

that will be hosting dinners: Diane and Charles Brewer, Jim and Millie Casparis, Suzann Dvorken, Lisa Martin, Jim and

Becky Nolan, and Elizabeth+ and Philip+ Turner.

In order to participate in the event you will need to register as an “attendee” by going to

From the web site you will choose a location in which to attend the dinner. You may choose any location shown on the

map. It does not have to be a St. Mark’s location. Then on April 26 you will report to your assigned location no later than

6:30 p.m. for dinner and a moderated discussion where you will share your personal stories and faith experiences. Don’t

be shy, sign up today! The deadline for signing up is April 16.

April 2012

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Women of St. Mark's March came in full speed ahead with the season of Lent. A huge "Thank you" to all the ladies who provided

yummy-to-the-tummy soups for the soup supper.

UTO - The United Thank Offering (UTO) remains vital after so many years because it has been based on the sound

theological premise that it is good to give thanks to God. Ladies, you & your family members are invited into the daily

thankfulness of acknowledging your blessings and dropping money into the little blue boxes. The money collected allows

the UTO Committee to grant out every penny of the offerings. Please allow the little "blue box" to be a daily reminder of

how you & your family can change the lives of others with your "change."

ECW Retreat at Camp Allen. The Diocese of Texas Episcopal Church Women’s Spiritual Growth Retreat will be held

April 20-21 at Camp Allen. All women are invited to this wonderful event. What does it mean to live a life sold out to

Jesus? How do we live ‘Deep in the Heart of Jesus’? Can God see me as precious when my heart is not pure? This year’s

ECW Spiritual Growth Retreat 2012, Denim & Diamonds, led by Carla McDougal, will focus on how God sees each of

his children through His son Jesus Christ ~ Diamonds in the Rough, Created to Glisten. Based on a

Western theme, Denim & Diamonds is filled with fun ideas, skits, activities, and in depth scripture

lessons. Registration forms and more information can be found at


Potluck & Bunco. Ladies, save the date of April 23 for BUNCO! Set-up begins at 6:30 p.m. in the

Parish Hall followed by a pot luck meal. Let's roll the dice and see who comes out a winner and who

comes out a loser.

The rains have come…The BBQ Pits will be fired up!

St. Mark’s Annual Chicken BBQ Picnic will be Saturday, May 19, at 5:00 p.m. Our delicious smoked

chickens will be sold along with sausage links and peach cobbler. Those

attending should bring a potluck side dish to share and your favorite beverage

to have with your dinner. Tickets will be sold at the door. Remember, you can

also take some of these delectable chickens and sausage links home with you

for later eating (they last great in the freezer).

Sign-up sheets will be posted in the Parish Hall as the event gets closer. Lots

of help is needed with the event--cooking at the pits, delivering chickens and

sausages to the kitchen, wrapping cooked chickens and sausage for take out,

setting up tables and chairs, and serving and cleaning up. Mark the date--May 19--on your calendars!

Is it time to add or update your photo for the St. Mark’s Family Photo Quilt?

Dave Elkins will be taking photos on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, April 1 and 8, from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Your freshly decorated quilt square will be

added to the St. Mark’s parish quilt hanging on the rock wall in our Parish Hall. Look for Dave in the Common Room.

April 2012

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Garden Guild When Charles and I first joined Houston’s Episcopal Church of the Epiphany in 1974, the building was brand new, and like all new buildings in Houston, the church grounds had been scraped and covered with sandy loam. At that time, some enterprising members of the vestry came up with “Operation Grow Together.” This was a brilliant idea! The grounds were then sectioned off in 20 x 20 foot squares with string, squares of grass were provided, and on the appointed Saturday, enthusiastic members, Charles and I and our 3 toddlers included, chopped out plugs of grass and planted them. In about an hour, the grounds were all plugged, and by the end of the summer, the lawn had indeed grown together as had our congregation. I have never forgotten that experience. It was inspiring, fun, and meaningful.

I was recently reminded of this story. Our informal “Adopt a Spot” project among garden guilders is once again showing that Episcopalians like to “grow together.” Drew Edgerton and his Eagle Scout island project for paths and benches a few years back was the starting point for the beautification that has taken place in the center of the parking lot. Al McKinney’s recent, wonderful refining and replanting of the island then inspired James Wier to create a beautiful cross; and on the weekend of March 17 another Eagle Scout, Will Smith, laid larger stones in the walkways to prevent erosion and planted a number of new plants across the island. Before a soup supper last night, the sun was just right, the roses, snapdragons, and pansies were dancing, the paths glittered, and the new salvias recently added by Al were truly beautiful. The once untamed island has become a garden! Al also recently trimmed up the altheas and bed alongside the driveway, too. (Elizabeth thinks that longtime St. Mark’s gardener Susie Bain may be whispering in Al’s ear!) At the sidewalk, Dee Ann Thomasson’s triangle garden, the new bench area, and her transplanted poinsettias welcome everyone. I already knew St. Mark’s was a happy place and the garden shows it.

On the corner, the beds under Becky Nolan’s and Roberta Pazdral’s care are tidy and ready for spring. Further away, where Natalie Peery had the “wild and wooly” freshly cleared near the columbarium garden looks so nice, and inside the garden her gifts of roses and vines are flourishing. Tom Delameter’s fall grooming of the space inside still looks good, and he will be ready to work when it doesn’t. Out at the barbeque area, Casey Edgerton’s Eagle project last year brought order out of chaos, and I hear there is yet another Eagle project to take place near the parking pad that Jonea Raney and Jim Casparis created from 12 yards of decomposed granite! Veteran poison ivy soldier, Cynthia Archer, has the dreaded weed hiding, because it knows she is on the lookout for it! These ideas have all come from a love of these grounds and the desire to make a difference.

If you have an idea that helps us grow together and makes a beautiful difference, let us know! The earth laughs in flowers!

Diane Brewer, coordinator

Where is the Calendar?

It’s on our newly redesigned web site! Link to it directly:

From this page, you can print yourself a copy or add church events to

your personal Google calendar. Best of all, it’s always up-to-date!

April 2012

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EfM…What is it? Education for Ministry

Are you looking to enhance your spiritual life and gain a fuller knowledge of the Bible, and what it means to you as

a Christian walking through the 21st century? Then EfM (Education for Ministry) may be just the program for you.

Classes will be held at St. Mark’s on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-9:00 p.m., beginning next Fall.

The EfM program is preparation for the ministry to which we all are called. It is that vocation for which we pray at

the end of the Eucharist: "And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve

you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord."

Lay persons face the difficult and often subtle task of interpreting the richness of the church's faith in a complex and

confusing world. They need a theological education that supports their faith and also teaches them to express that

faith in day-to-day events. As the emphasis on lay ministry has grown, EfM has come to play an important role by

providing a program that develops an informed and knowledgeable laity.

This program does not evaluate or recommend individuals for ordination. Many people think that one must be

ordained in order to be "a minister;” however, all baptized Christians are called to be active participants in the

church's total ministry. This TOTAL MINISTRY is nothing less than the exercise of the church's vocation to

continue the ministry of Jesus. He reconciled the world to God. We are called to incarnate that reconciliation in our

own time and in our own place through worship, service to others, and by proclamation of God's Word to all people.

The seminar group, which consists of 6-12 participants and trained mentor, is the nucleus of the Education for

Ministry program. The group meets weekly over the course of a nine-month academic year. Each meeting lasts 2 ½-

3 hours.

Through study, prayer, and reflection, groups move toward a new understanding of the fullness of God's kingdom.

Weekly assignments are given and students are responsible for setting their own learning goals; 2-4 hours in study

and preparation are needed each week. Members have an opportunity to share their insights and discoveries as well

as to discuss questions. Through discussion and guided reflection, the seminars furnish an opportunity to deepen

understanding of the reading materials.

More important is the development of skills in theological reflection. The goal is to learn to think theologically. By

examining their own beliefs and their relationship to our culture and the tradition of our Christian faith, participants

can learn what it means to be effective ministers in the world. In coming to terms with the notion that everything we

do has potential for manifesting the love of Christ, we discover that our ministry is at hand wherever we turn.

The seminar is supported by a life of prayer and regular worship. EfM groups are encouraged to develop a pattern of

worship appropriate to their situations. Liturgical materials are furnished with the course materials. More

information regarding EfM will be provided in the next newsletter. If you are interested in more detail, please

contact Lisa Martin at 512-431-7716.

Christian Formation

Adult Formation

There will be no Adult Formation on Palm Sunday (April 1) or Easter Sunday (April 8).

On Sunday, April 15 we will begin a four-week series, taught by Susie Comer+ on Intentional Christian

Communities (e.g. Sojourners, Koinonia, L’Arche). Classes are held at 10:00 a.m. in Grace Chapel.

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For Children and Youth (by Cathy Nelson, Director of Religious Education)

St. Mark’s will celebrate Palm Sunday on April 1 with a procession led by the choir before the services. Families

are invited to pick out palm fronds to carry as they process around the church grounds. This is a wonderful way to

bring to life a piece of the story of Jesus’ return to Jerusalem before his crucifixion and resurrection.

During the days of Holy Week, other parts of the story will be commemorated during services, including a Seder

Meal on Monday evening. Maundy Thursday is a moving service when families will hear the stories of the

Passover meal and Jesus’ last supper with his followers. All are invited to help strip the altar, carrying items out of

the church in silence, in preparation for the washing of the altar. The Stations of the Cross walk along the

meditation trail at noon on Good Friday is a wonderful way to experience the story of Jesus’ path to the cross.

Depending on the age of your children, the services can help them participate in their own reenactment of this most

important story of Christianity, and prepare them for the celebration of the mystery of Easter.

No Christian Formation classes will be held for children on Palm Sunday or Easter. On Palm Sunday, there will be

palm fronds and instructions for making crosses on tables in the Parish Hall at 10:00 a.m.

Easter Sunday is April 8 and we will have our Easter Egg Hunt on the church grounds at 10:00 a.m. Parent and

youth help is needed! The youth help hide the eggs during the 9:00 a.m. service, and direct children to their hunting

areas, helping out as needed. Families will gather in the Parish Hall just before the egg hunt. Each family is asked

to bring at least a dozen pre-stuffed eggs per child for the hunt. Place your donations in the plastic bins in the

Parish Hall by April 6. Thank you!

On April 15, church school classes for children will resume:

The Godly Play class for pre-kindergartners and kindergartners and Godly Play Two class for 1st and 2

nd graders

will hear a Ukrainian Folk Tale about Easter Eggs, a story about Jesus’ ministry called Jesus and the Twelve and

then explore how all Christians come to the altar together in The Good Shepherd and World Communion.

The 3rd

, 4th

and 5th

grade class will use the Living the Good News curriculum to explore the lectionary as the

Church makes its way through the season of Easter.

Middle School class will meet in the Day School building with Kathy Genet and Harry Lipp for service projects.

One of their latest projects produced beautiful Anglican rosaries that are being enjoyed by some of our


High School class will meet with Danielle Adkins in the Bennett Wing classroom. Each Sunday, the class will

have visitors introducing new topics of conversation and activities.

Summer Activities for St. Mark’s Children

Vacation Bible School for children 4 years through 6th

grade will be held on June 4 through 8.

Registration for VBS available on our web site (

school/). There will be childcare for young children of parent leaders. A VBS team will be

formed next month to begin planning. Please talk to Cathy Nelson if you are interested in

helping with VBS this year. We’d love to share this great experience with both you and your


Summer camp information is here! Camp Allen camps and events for children ages 8 through

18 years open on June 3. Check the board in the Parish Hall for applications, or go to Camp

Allen’s web site,, for on-line registration,

registration forms, information, and the calendar for campers and counselors.

April 2012

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April 1 Early Mary-Alis and Brian Kelly

Late Marcy & Sam Greer

April 8 Easter

Early St. Mark's Marthas

Late Mary Ann & Michael Huston

April 15 Early Nancy & Bill Kibler

Late Pam & Daivd Johns

April 22 Early Laura Merrit & JP Kloninger

Late Maria & Scott Lubek

April 29 Early Jeannie & Glen Lightsey

Late Sookie & Greg Knapp

Early: Arrive 15 minutes before 9 a.m. service, make lemonade, set out cookies, etc. (Coffee will already be made.) Late: After 11 a.m. service, replenish cookies, and other supplies. After hospitality time, clean

up all containers. Complete instructions are in the kitchen above the coffee maker. *If you are unable to make your time, contact the vestry member above to make other arrangements.

April Anniversaries Carol & Rich Oppel 04/01

Jennifer & Reed Shaw 04/04

Amanda & David Lindeman 04/05

Clara & Paul Berndt 04/06

Margaret & Dean Corbae 04/09

Shannon & Matt Schulz 04/10

Sarah & Philip Tso 04/10

George & John DeMarines 04/11

Cindy & Dan Bogard 04/12

Jodi & Jay Doran 04/16

Greta & Henry Olivas 04/18

Bridget & Whitney Bludworth 04/21

Irene & Herschel Carrico 04/25

Vanessa Davila & Jon Green 04/25

Ester & Gary Taylor 04/25

Erin & Michael Portman 04/26

Shelly Botkin & Ryan Marquess 04/27

Danielle & Bill Adkins 04/28

Millie & Jim Casparis 04/29

Mai & John Rogers 04/29

April 2012

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April Birthdays

Brian Davis 04/01 Samantha Harwood 04/12

Alyssa Gallardo 04/01 Jodi Doran 04/14

Nancy McCandless 04/01 Patricia Rogers 04/14

Kathryn Hall 04/02 Micah Antill 04/15

Clarence Bonnen 04/03 James Keahey 04/15

Beth Brode 04/04 Andrew Poynot 04/15

Christopher Mitchell 04/04 Delda Skinner 04/15

George Pazdral 04/04 Robert Hicks 04/18

Kelly Cromack 04/05 Robert Pace 04/18

Jaylon Loyd 04/05 Thomas Huston 04/19

Gary Taylor 04/05 Adelaide Harwood 04/21

Chuck Bryant 04/06 Arthur Portman 04/21

Kevin Farley 04/06 Dee Ann Thomasson 04/22

Sylvia Fitz 04/06 Ellie Reshetnikov 04/23

Michael Stangl 04/06 Mia Green 04/25

Carlisle Farley 04/07 Stephanie Clark 04/26

Vicenzo Moreno 04/07 Kenneth Hicks 04/26

James Pazdral 04/07 Erin Portman 04/26

Jesse Poynot 04/07 Jack Whalen 04/26

Cynthia Cabler 04/08 Michael Alder 04/27

Karen Milton 04/08 Terry Secrest 04/27

Vivian Reshetnikov 04/08 Elisa Turner 04/27

Katy Livingston 04/09 Emmaline Baxter-Harwell 04/28

Shannon Schulz 04/10 Shirley Schwartz 04/28

Martin Bludworth 04/11 Irma Glover 04/29

Zoe Mahaffey 04/11 Jason Smith 04/29

Asher Poynot 04/11 Sara Thiessen 04/29

Amber Ramsey 04/11 Bonnie Nolan 04/30

April 2012

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April ROTA


Palm Sunday

April 8 Easter Sunday

Youth Sunday

April 15 April 22

Youth Sunday April 29 May 6


0 a





LECTOR **see end of ROTA Jill Collins Amelia Sondgeroth Pattie Rose Jonea Raney Jon Dullnig

LEM Jonea Raney Jonea Raney Pattie Rose Stephen White Jill Collins Stephen White

ACOLYTE Jonea Raney Jonea Raney Pattie Rose Stephen White Jill Collins Stephen White

USHERS Ed Shipsey

Al McKinney

Beth Chenoweth

Mary Smith Judith & Jon Dullnig

Jonea Raney

Jill Collins

Danielle Adkins

Stephen White

Ed Shipsey

Al McKinney


0 a





LECTORS **see end of ROTA Youth Phil Aboussie (1)

Mary-Alis Kelly (2) Youth

Lynn Edgerton (1)

Brian Kelly (2)

Karen Dulaney-Smith


Glenn Lightsey (2)

LEM Jeremiah Griffin

Robert Chambers

Mary Cromack

Robert Pace

Robert Pace

Lynn Edgerton

Bill Kibler

Jeremiah Griffin

Jeremiah Griffin

Carol Oppel

Robert Pace

Mike Thomasson


Carson Buckner

Davis Fuhrman

Ethan Fuhrman

Carol, Kim B. Mary

Connor Fuhrman

Ariel Smith

Davis Fuhrman

Ethan Fuhrman


Connor Lightsey

Suzanne Lightsey

Kava Dann-Lipp

Abigail Goff

Carol (Bpt)

Carson Buckner

Abbe Kelly

Clay Buckner

Will Kelly

Carol, Kim B., Mary

Casey Edgerton

Matt Forrest

Ben Forrest

Sam Forrest

Carol, Kim B. Mary

Blake Cooper

Ariel Smith

Kava Dann-Lipp

Quinn Lipp

Carol, Kim B. Mary


Dan Bogard

Dee Ann


Dick Wells

Dodie Wells

Mike Brode

Phil Aboussie

Ross Ramsey

Samuel Smith

Ken Whalen

Ariston Awitan III

John Edgerton

Casey Edgerton

Kevin Cromack

Mark Breen

Mike Brode

Ken Whalen

John Edgerton

Mark Breen

Dee Ann Thomasson

Dick Wells

Dodie Wells

GREETERS Jodi & Jay Doran Meredith Childs

Kevin Cromack Cindy & Dan Bogard

Kim Buckner

Michael Meigs Cindy & Dan Bogard TBD


0 a





LECTORS **see end of ROTA Mary Ann Huston (1)

Rex White (2)

Barbara Dody (1)

Kimberly Horne (2)

Becky Janes (1)

Andrew Poynot (2)

Andrea Michael (1)

Jim Crowson (2)

Liz Davis (1)

Dave Elkins (2)

LEM Robert Pace

Jim Casparis

Jeremiah Griffin

Dru Cabler

Mary Ann Huston

Gary Taylor

Jeremiah Griffin

Liz Davis

Brenda White

Jay Brown

Jim Casparis

Robert Pace


Paul Corbae

Max Genet

Asher Eaton

Jay Brown

Jay, Mary Ann, Kim

Carey Stangl

Sara Thiessen

Claire Cabler

Luke Thiessen

Jay, Mary Ann, Kim

Wenlan Lawrence

Sophie Lawrence

Asher Eaton

Julia Comer

Jay Brown (Bpt)

Jay, Mary Ann

Wes Johns

Patrick Camp

Claudia Janes

Max Genet

Jay, Kim

Sara Thiessen

Winston Baxter-


Emmaline Baxter-


Luke Thiessen

Jay, Mary Ann, Kim

Alison Camp

Patrick Camp

Joseph Genet

Julia Comer

Jay, Mary Ann, Kim


Carolyn Wier

James Wier

Bo Overstreet

John De Marines

Jim Casparis

Charles Brewer

Bob Peterek

Manuel de la Rosa

Jim Nolan

Henry Olivas

Lark Anthony

Jim Keahey

Yvonne Chavez

Frank Severn

Jean Severn

Jay Doran

Jodi Doran

Carolyn Wier

Jim Casparis

Henry Olivas

Frank Severn

Carolyn Wier

James Wier

Bo Overstreet

John De Marines

GREETERS Jean & Frank Severn Shelly Botkin

Ryan Marquess Judy & Dave Elkins Lark Anthony Judy & Dave Elkins TBD








Jonea Raney-TC

Carolyn Wier

Henry Olivas

Karen Milton



Millie Casparis-TC

Judy Elkins

Lynn Edgerton

Tina Stonebarger

Diana Stangl-TC

Dodie Wells

Barbara Dody

Mary Irvine

Meredith Childs-TC

Helen Anderson

Bev Hicks

Dee Ann Thomasson-


Bee Dolan

Doris Edgar

Liz Davis

Jonea Raney-TC

Carolyn Wier

Tina Stonebarger

Judy Elkins

Depositor Frank Severn Diane Brewer Jim Casparis John De Marines Bo Overstreet Jim Nolan

WED. 6 p.m. April 4 April 11 April 18 April 25 May 2 May 9

Lector Jill Collins Pattie Rose Jonea Raney Rex White Dodie Wells Meredith Childs


Passion Gospel: 7:30 a.m. — Jon Dullnig, Jonea Raney, Jill Collins, Pattie Rose, Amelia Sondgeroth, Stephen White

Passion Gospel: 9:00 a.m.— Bill Kibler, Michael Fuhrman, Meredith Childs, Mary-Alis Kelly, Nancy Kibler, Mike Thomasson

Passion Gospel: 11:00 a.m.—Michael Meigs, Karen Milton, Jim Crowson, Robert Pace, Phil Aboussie, Suzann Dvorken

April 2012

Page 12

Vestry Committees Staff

Beth Chenoweth, Sr. Warden Andrew Poynot, Jr. Warden

Vestry members: Danielle Adkins, Dan Bogard, Susan Bonnen, Kim Buckner, Beth Chenoweth, Meredith Childs, Lynn Edgerton, Kathy Genet, Becky Janes, Brian Kelly, Al McKinney, Bo Overstreet, Ross Ramsey, Rex White

Acolytes: Jay Brown, Carol Oppel,

Mary Cromack & Kim Kiplin

Altar Guild: Millie Casparis

Building Committee: Amelia


Christian Formation:

Cathy Nelson


Clarence Bonnen

Daughters of the King:

Jonea C.S. Raney

Women of St. Mark’s:

Yvonne Chavez and Judy Elkins

Facilities: Ray Smith

Finance: Mary Cromack

Outreach: Becky Poynot and Laurie


Parish Life: Brenda White

Pastoral Care/Health Ministry:

Jonea C.S. Raney


Amelia Sondgeroth

Ushers: Henry Olivas


The Rev. Elizabeth Zarelli Turner

Assistant Rector

The Rev. Susie Comer

Director of Religious Education

Cathy Nelson

Organist/Director of Music

Mark Reed

Seminarians Robert Pace

Jeremiah Griffin

Youth Ministers Emily Mathis Eric Panter

Head of Day School

Gina Newton

Parish Administrator Joanne Foote

Newsletter Editor

Becky Janes

Deadline for the May 2012 St. Mark’s News is

Monday, April 16, 2012. Please submit your article by email as an attachment


St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 2128 Barton Hills Drive Austin, TX 78704 512.444.1449


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