st. mark’s messenger · june 2016 “saved by grace, we are called to celebrate, serve and make...

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St. Mark’s Messenger

JUN E 2016

“Saved by Grace, we are called to Celebrate, Serve and Make Disciples for Christ”

St. Mark’s will be hosting a health fair and blood drive on Sunday, June 26th from 9am – 1:30pm. The Huntsville Hospital Mobile Medical Unit bus will be in front of the narthex. They will be offering complimentary basic health screenings such as height, weight, cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and lung function. Also, Life South will be holding a blood drive in the Fellowship Hall.

No appointment is necessary for either the health screening or blood drive. This event is open to the community also, so feel free to invite neighbors, friends, and co-workers.

Health Fair & Blood Drive


As Luther would say in the Small Catechism, “What does this mean?” “When does this happen?” I have found that church growth happens in Christ-centered, grace-filled, Spirit-led congregations as members understand and practice caring ways of inviting and welcoming people to worship. We often tell people about a favorite restaurant where “the service is good and the food is great.” So we can develop the ability to tell people about St. Mark’s with equal enthusiasm! We can also become more aware of making positive first impressions on worship visitors.

In order to “equip the saints for the work of ministry” [Ephesians 4:12], I will be offering several workshops on Relational Evangelism and Christian Hospitality

during the summer. Each workshop covers the same material and will be offered from 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. on the following Sundays: June 5, 12, 26; July 3, 24, 31.

PLEASE register in advance and sign up in Communication Central.

- Pastor Gary


Grace and Peace from Pastor Gary

Family stories can touch the heart, make us laugh, stir the soul, and remind us of the unique history shared within one’s family. I know that our family gathering in South Dakota this month will be filled with familiar family stories even as new stories will be formed through our shared activities and adventures. Family stories also help the newer members of our family to feel connected and a part of the unfolding story of our lives.

During my first ten months with St. Mark’s, I have had the privilege of hearing many wonderful family stories. I have learned about personal journeys of faith as well as your precious memories of our church family. Your stories bear witness to God’s great faithfulness, goodness, and grace.

I believe that sharing our church family stories with one another will strength the bonds of Christian love and a genuine sense of community and connectedness among us! You can do this in several ways:

Have an interview this summer with Darryl Palm. He is gathering stories and pictures that will be featured in our 65th anniversary celebration.

Take part in your Shepherd Group during its gatherings this summer. Your stories can bless and encourage others.

Be intentional about reaching out to people within St. Mark’s whom you do not know very well. You honor and love your neighbor by visiting with them and listening to their stories.

May God fill your summer days with love, joy, and peace!

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Gary

Have you heard of the 13th month? Council highlighted a gap between giving and actual expenses at the May Congregational meeting and a simple but very impactful solution was offered. Assume this calendar year has 13 months and give accordingly. If each of us prayerfully considers this approach and increases our giving to match then our gap will disappear and the result will position St. Mark’s for continued local and global

missions. Whatever your monthly giving is, matching it for the “13 month” is all that is needed. You will hear more about the “13 month” in the days to come as we include the congregation in our goal to close the gap. Please feel to contact a Council member if you have questions. As always, volunteers for our mission work is also a great way to help. Please keep St. Mark’s and the “13 month” goal in your prayers.

Church Family News

June 5 – New Life

June 12 – Lavish Love

June 19 – Passing On the Faith

June 26 – Summer Fruit

New Council members and officers were elected during our May 1st meeting of the congregation. Plans for meeting all ministry expenses were presented; see the article on the 13th month. Based upon the

results of the Feasibility Study, St. Mark’s will focus upon debt elimination through a capital campaign conducted by Impact Stewardship Resources. The preparation phase for leader training will take place in June and August, and the public phase will begin in September and culminate in October.

We are grateful for the outgoing Council members and the leadership they have brought to St. Mark’s: Rob Caple (President), Jed Deason (Board of Administration) and Betty Hampton (Board of Congregational Care). We are thankful for those stepping forward into new roles: Ted Mueller (President), Jim Birkholz (Vice President), Gloria Woody (Board of Administra-tion) and Gwen Dornbos (Board of Congregational Care). The website and board in the Nar-thex will be updated in July with the new member’s contact information.

Please remember in your prayers these couples who will be united in Christian marriage at St. Mark’s later this year:

Taylor Camp & Kevin Bailey – July 16 Kristen McCall & John Busse – September 24 Kim Meeks & Jesse Carroll – October 22 Rachel Simmons & Joshua Cutter – November 5

Your prayers for healing are appreciated for Patti Cutter, Sue Haenisch, and Barb Kocher as they continue treatment for cancer. Please also remember Barney Davis, Arlene Deppensmith, Kay Kervin, Erica Lorine, and Mary Wiley as they recover from surgeries this spring.

Dorothy McElroy, mother of Glenda Churchey, entered the Kingdom of Heaven on Sunday morning, May 15. May our Lord provide comfort for Glenda and her family.

Our sister in Christ, Ellen Barnett, passed away peacefully at home on May 24. Her ashes will be interred in Pensacola where her son Johnny lives.

Please remember to wear your church nametag when you come for worship. It is helpful for promoting Christian hospitality in God’s House for everyone!


Children, Youth & Family

We’ve wrapped up our Sunday School year until Rally Day on August .14

Our offering this year went to support the ELCA Malaria campaign. We were able to raise $500+. Yay!!

July 11-15 9 am - 12 Noon

This year, we invite you to travel with us to Egypt, to the time of Joseph, and learn how Joseph’s journey took him from the prison to the palace. Joseph’s story is pretty amazing: see how trusting in God, can lead to spectacular results!

Come visit the Egyptian market-place: decorate yourself with hair beads, eye make up & jeweled collars; learn what a sarcophagus is; and how to write hieroglyphics. We’ll even take a look at how our gifts can help those in need in our own country.

Vacation Bible School is a wonderful opportunity for everyone: you are encouraged to invite, invite, invite! A free program, we want you to bring your friends and neighbors and introduce them to St. Mark’s. Make sure you have the date on your calendar - go ahead write it on your friends’ calendars too!!

Registration forms available at

Senior High

JUN E 2016 PAGE 5

Wednesdays With the Word will take a break this summer and resume on August 3.

Also this summer...

Affirm - June 19-24 (for current 6th thru 12th grade) Cost: $425

St. Mark’s @ Lutheridge - July 17-23 (for current 3rd thru 12th grade). Prices vary based on camp

Would you like to be a part of our VBS team this year?

VBS is such a great way to celebrate Bible stories with our kiddos and with

the community. This year we journey to Egypt and learn

Joseph’s story.

Going back to a marketplace style, we’d love to have you be a

part of this great program.

Join our VBS team and celebrate with us!

See Traci for more details.

June 11 @ 9 am Be a part of the fun as we head to Tim’s Ford for

a day of Lake fun! Bring your towel, sunscreen and a life jacket if you have one. We will go out on the lake on the Jaramillo’s boat, paddle board and grill up some yummy Burgers & dogs.

Let’s just enjoy a fun summer day!

We are all so busy in the summer with jobs, camps and vacations, it is easy to lose

touch. I would like to challenge each of you to utilize GroupMe this summer. Plan to go shopping? Send a note on GroupMe for folks

to meet up. Want to go to the movies? Invite friends on GroupMe. As a group we want to go to the lake this June, and have a Six Flags trip on July 30; but there are so many days in between - let’s get together!

Add VBS (July 11-15) & VBS Prep Week (July 5-8) to your calendars: come when you can!

We can work a schedule around you!


Looking for some Lutheran swag?

Adult Education Sunday School

Faith and Discovery: Your God Is Too

Small by J. B. Phillips. Phillips explains the trouble facing many of us today is we have not found a God big enough for our modern needs. The book explores the ways in which we can find a truly meaningful and constructive God, big enough to account for our life experiences. Coordinated by Mike Hamilton. (basement choir room).

Lectionary Bible Study: What is a

lectionary? A lectionary is a list of scripture readings assigned to be read on a particular day. This class will study and discuss the week’s readings used in Sunday worship. Led by Tom Duncan. (old narthex area)


Wednesday: 6:06 AM Devotions, Prayer & Fellowship, in the chapel

Thursday: Coffee, Tea & Thee:

Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer. Interruptions. They're aggravating. Sometimes infuriating. But how we handle inter-ruptions actually tell us more about ourselves. The prophet Jonah's existence was interrupted by a call of God that would require a complete change of life. Led by Didi Kearney at 1 PM, in SS Room # 8.

Opportunities to Serve

Food Pantry

A long-time ministry to serve hungry

families and individuals in the Huntsville

area. Make food donations (please check

“best by” dates if bringing from home) by

bringing this month’s item or any non-

perishable and placing it in the blue bins

in Communication Central. Homeless Camps

An ongoing ministry to serve the homeless

in our area once a month. Contact Cindy

Conrad for more information. The next

visit will be June 12.

These are opportunities for you to share your time, money, and of course, your prayers all year long.

On break for the summer, please let Jed

Deason know if you would like to help with

Blessings in the fall.

Blessings in a Backpack mobilizes communities,

individuals and resources to provide food on the

weekends for elementary school children across America who might otherwise go hungry.

This month’s food pantry item is…

Travel/Hotel Size Soap, Shampoo & Toothpaste

Please place your pantry donations in the blue bins outside the nursery in Communication Central.

JUN E 2016 PAGE 7

Attendance Faithful Giving Weekly Giving

(weekly) to Meet Budget

May 1 249 $26,617 $17,132

May 8 268 $18,661 $17,132

May 15 238 $15,173 $17,132

May 22 258 $17,012 $17,132

Year to Date Totals: $353,697 $359,772

Gods Work Our Hands Day is Sunday September 11th, 2016

We are already looking for ideas and suggestions for service projects. Please add them

to the idea board in the Narthex or email them to Courtney Spadaro at

Thank you Betty! For quite a few years, Betty Hampton and her outstanding associates have cleaned St. Mark’s church. The results have been superior to most commercial services and our facilities are always spotless, at a lower cost to the church. We owe a great thanks to Betty and all who have worked with her. Unfortunately, Betty and company find that it’s time for them to “retire” from this work.

We would like to offer this work to others in the

congregation who might like a part-time job. If you think

this is something you would like to do, contract the church

office or Jim French (256 656 4780) to discuss the details.


He Wrote the Music of My Life!

“In Loving Memory of Irvin Dale White” (August 16, 1949 – April 17, 2016)

There comes a time in every boy’s life when he starts to think he’s smarter than his father. It happened to me when I was about 13 years old. The people I idolized, back then, all had one thing in common. They were tough, and they had swagger and flair. I took a hard look at my father and, in my vast teenage wisdom, I just wasn’t that impressed. I saw a middle-aged married guy, with a bunch of kids, who worked very hard at an unglamorous job. The only thing that was even remotely cool about him was that he was a musician, but the only place he ever played was in church.

Coincidentally, 30 years later, this is almost exactly what I see every time I look in the mirror, and it fills me with joy, because there comes a time in every boy’s life when that boy grows up and becomes a man. As an adult you can once again take a hard look at your father, but this time see him for what he really is, the north-star that has been guiding you your entire life. When I discarded my childhood and took up the mantle of manhood I finally saw my father, and I was in awe of that man. If I could pick one word to describe

my father it would be, consistent. At first, that might not sound very flattering, but think about this, greatness isn’t achieved in one large gesture. It comes from small steps one after the other. It takes time and dedication. Whether it’s your job, your marriage, raising children, or anything else, you can’t achieve greatness without consistency. You have to show up every single day. That’s what dad did, the hard stuff. Looking back I can see his consistent, unwavering love and support around every corner, and in every dark spot of my past. I can’t imagine what our lives would be like if we hadn’t had Dad to lean on along the way. You start to realize exactly how much love your father poured into you along the way. How, without even realizing it, he guided and taught you, shaped and mold-ed you. I still idolize toughness, but I had no idea, back then, what real toughness was. It’s tough to give up the things you want so your family can have the things that they need. It’s tough to love one woman for over 4 decades through sickness and health and make her feel special every day of it. It is incredibly tough to endure a disease that slowly and cruelly robs you of every small comfort we take for granted, and still be able to find joy in the midst of suffering. My father was as tough as they come. If I can aspire to become half the man that he was, I will consider my life to be an overwhelming success.

It reminds me of a man by the name of Horatio Spafford, a 19th century lawyer and devout Christian. He lived in Chicago, and had a thriving law practice. His family included his wife and his five children, 4 girls and a boy. At the very peak of his success his son was killed in a tragic accident. Very shortly after that, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed almost all of his real estate investments. A little while later, he arranged for his family to travel to Europe. Spafford sent his wife and daughters ahead of him while he remained in Chicago to take care of some unexpected last minute business. Several days later he receives notice that his family’s ship had encounter a collision. All of his daughters drowned; only his wife had survived. With a heavy heart, he boarded a boat that would take him to his grieving Anna in England. It was on this trip that he penned those now famous words, When sorrow like sea billow roll; it is well, it is well with my soul. That song has been sung countless times since, and remains as a testament of one man’s faith in God’s plan.

So too, does the song of my father remain. He penned it, on my heart. Line by line, he wrote the music of my life, and I will hear it until the day comes when we can sing it together. (Written and read by Tom White on his father’s funeral service. Tom is a specially gifted guitarist and singer, and he is member of all the St. Mark’s praise teams.)

JUN E 2016 PAGE 9

Brookdale Place Jones Farm, First United Methodist Church, Hospice of North Alabama and Laughlin Service Funeral Home are pleased to announce a new six week grief support group "Life after Loss: A Journey to Healing.” The group will meet on Thursdays, 3:00-4:00 pm, June 2 – July 7 in the Bamboo Room of Brookdale Place Jones Farm, 2815 Carl T. Jones Dr. SE. It is open to the entire Huntsville community at no charge. The facilitator will be The Rev. Carl Malm of The Center for Loss, Grief and Change. Reservations are requested but not required. Light refreshments will be served. For more information or to make a reservation, please phone Brookdale Place at 256 881-6111 or Rev. Malm at 256 883-6539.

“You… Lifted Our Spirits Toward Heaven” Dear Ferdinand,

The Mount Zion Baptist Church SonShiners extend our sincere appreciation for the performance of the Ukulele Community Choir at our Monthly Luncheon on Thursday.

Please extend our heart-felt thanks to each of the Ukulele Community Choir members. You performed a remarkable program that put a smile on the face of everyone, and lifted our spirits toward Heaven.

Thank you, Fred & Carol Curtis SonShiners Coordinators 28 April 2016

Ukulele Community Choir is an open to community music ministry, which from 2010 resides at St. Mark’s Lutheran, under the direction of Ferdinand Murati. Among the UCC members there are many sing-ers and others who play different musical instruments, and the most distinguished among them is the Ukulele. The UCC gives over 10 concerts a year around the Huntsville community, at churches and retirement homes. Through the years, over 100 members have served with the UCC. New members are welcome.


St. Mark’s Faith & Fiction Book Group

Hannah Circle will meet on Monday, June 6, at Taco Mama's (on Pelham,

across from Publix downtown) at 6:30 pm. We are reading Francine Rivers' Redeeming Love in three parts this summer; the first 150 pages (give or take) by the 6th. Please check your email for updates on June's Just Cause cause. And of course, the most important, invite a friend!

Ruth Circle will meet Wednesday, June 1st at 9 AM at the church in room 8.

Bonnie Pearson will lead the Bible Study from Gather magazine. Gisela Rieger is our hostess. Please join us!

Rachel Circle will meet on Monday, June 13th at 6:00pm at The Chocolate

Bar restaurant in downtown Huntsville near Publix. We welcome new mem-bers and guests.

Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday June 14 at 10:45 at Emma’s Tea Room,

401 Pratt Avenue. Please call or e-mail so I may make reservations: 256 883-1953, Looking forward to seeing all of you.

Martha Circle will be eating out in June with Cathey Meeks in charge of

planning. Location will emailed to circle members by Cathey.

The Sound of Gravel by Ruth Wariner is our reading selection for

Saturday, June 4. The group will meet at 9:30 a.m. in Room 8

and Judy Styles will lead the discussion. Our pick for July will be The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende and for August, we will discuss

Queen Sugar by Natalie Baszile. These discussions are open to any

book lovers at St. Mark's who would like to join us.

JUN E 2016 PAGE 11

April 10th

The St. Mark’s Quilt Guild

Saturday, June 11th

10AM - 2PM

in the Fellowship Hall.

All levels of expertise are

encouraged to come work and

fellowship. Beginners to Master,

there are plenty of things to do:

cutting fabric, sandwiching quilts, tying together, sewing

squares, etc.

Free Spirits take a break from June - August. Look for an exciting

return in September.

Thank you to my church family. Thoughts, prayers and card have meant so much to me. It was a tough surgery and will take much longer to be better. With all the caring you spread on others, as well as me, it does make it easier though. Take care and GOD’s blessings and grace be with each of you. Love to all, Arlene Deppensmith

If you are unable to serve as scheduled,

please make arrangements for a substitute

and notify the church office.

June 5, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Traci Billman Mary Soop

Lay Communion

Assistant/Server Lija Abele, Roberts Abele Frank Craig, Anne Knowles, River Skrenes, Austin Harris

Lector Gwen Dornbos Becky Hamilton

Acolyte Ivey Siegel

Greeter Allen Krell Ellen Brusick

Greeter Penny Krell Glenn Dasher

Usher Eric Bale Frank Craig

Usher Bob Dornbos Chris Myers

June 12, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Barry Rogers Jed Deason

Lay Communion


Hannah Williamson, Abby Williamson Katie Folgmann, Sarah Thornton

Lector Herb Hocutt

Acolyte Anya Schappell Lorelee Black

Greeter Karen Szymczyk Ellen Brusick

Greeter Mandy Hiller Glenn Dasher

Usher Mike Price Tim Sieja

Usher Michelle Price Don Sieja

June 19, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Traci Billman Jim BIrkholz

Lector Judy Jung Peter Loux

Acolyte Laura Heim Isabel Folgmann

Greeter Mary Grace Evans Ellen Brusick

Greeter Karen Fletcher Glenn Dasher

Usher Norwood Cutter Janet Duncan

Usher Bill Weiler Gloria Woody

June 26, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Louise Brooks Anne Knowles

Lay Communion

Assistant/Lector Katie Jaramillo, Lynnsey Bodin Brooke Harris, Ivey Siegel

Lector Karl Leo Mike Hamilton

Acolyte Haley Sharpe Sarah Thornton

Greeter Connie Jaramillo Ellen Brusick

Greeter Judy Weiler Glenn Dasher

Usher Austin Harris

Usher Andy Sieja

Worship Assistants

July 3, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Roberts Abele Dave Schultz

Lector Bonnie Mueller Pat Barber

Acolyte Haley Sharpe Lana Leo

Lay Communion Assistants/Servers Katie Jaramillo, Katelynn Bodin

Anne Knowles, Sesalie Satterfeal, Katie Folgmann, Ivey SIegel

Greeter Judy Jung Emma Lou Demirjian, Joyce Brown

Greeter Mandy Hiller Chris Myers

Usher Mary Wiley Chris Myers

Usher Harry Wiley Janet Duncan

July 10, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Gwen Dornbos Frank Craig

Lector Karen Petersen Nancy Lorine

Acolyte Reagan Paulus Lorelee Black

Greeter Allen Krell Emma Lou Demirjian, Joyce Brown

Greeter Allen Krell Chris Myers

Usher Mike Price Anna Lloyd

Usher Michelle Price Butch Lloyd

July 17, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Louise Brooks Pam Birkholz

Lector Lynn Redington Brianne Sieja

Acolyte Robbie Caple Austin Harris

Lay Communion Assistants/Servers Grace Billman, Abby Williamson

Gisela Rieger, Sarah Thornton, Brooke Harris,Zoe Falkenberg

Greeter Karen Cunningham Emma Lou Demirjian, Joyce Brown

Greeter Glenn Cunningham Chris Myers

Usher Brandon Hiller Peg Skrenes

Usher Bill Weiler Norm Skrenes

July 24, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Brenda Holsopple Jed Deason

Lector Barry Rogers Herb Hocutt

Acolyte Austin Harris Holly Hiller

Lay Communion Assistants/Servers Lynnsey Bodin, Gabriel Pittman Sesalie Satterfeal, Polly Falkenberg

Greeter Mary Grace Evans Emma Lou Demirjian, Joyce Brown

Greeter Karen Fletcher Chris Myers

Usher Marlin Williamson Glenn Dasher

Usher Eric Bale Wayne Falkenberg

July 30, 2016 8:30 11:00

Asst. Minister Barry Rogers Anne Knowles

Lector Andy Sieja Peter Loux

Acolyte Anya Schappell Isabel Folgmann

Lay Communion Assistants/Servers Roberts Abele, Aija Abele Jean Loux, Ivey Siegel

Greeter Gwen Dornbos Emma Lou Demirjian, Joyce Brown

Greeter Bob Dornbos Chris Myers

Usher Norwood Cutter Frank Craig

Usher Barry Rogers Carol Craig

Worship Assistants

Please contact the church office if your birthday is in June and it is not listed.

We would love to include you next year.

Carl Altvater

Keith Armstrong

Ellen Barnett

Claire Birkholz

Carley Bodin

Mike Brown

Nina Brumfield

Carla Burkhardt

Robert Burkhardt

Calla Coleman

Josh Cutter

Dena Dana

Sally Dasher

Jed Deason

Derek Emmerson

Roger Erickson

Joy Forst

Zander Gastler

Leah Gradl

Bruce Hiller

Carrie Horst

Lew Ingalls

Michael Ise

Christopher Ise

Judy Jung

Jeff Lienau

Ella Markle

Maggie Markle

Stephen Markle

Jennifer Matthews

Bruce Mullin

Missy Ontiveros

Brian Paulus

Christopher Pedersen

Michelle Pedersen

Aidan Pittman

Gail Pittman

Michelle Price

Nick Radovich

Kinsley Satterfeal

Beth Shepherd

Andy Sieja

Gary Soop

Mary Soop

Norma Stagner

Dale Stevens

Marianne Stevens

Terry Szymczyk

Erica Trapp

Deb Williams


1 6:06 Prayer & Devotion

9AM Ruth Circle

12:45PM Ukulele Choir

5:30PM Handbells

5:30PM SS Teachers (Kids) Meeting

2 1PM Women’s Bible Study

2PM Balance/Tai Chi Class

5:30PM Praise Team


4 9:30AM Faith & Fiction Book Group

9:30AM Altar Guild

10AM Dornbos Shepherd Group

5 8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9:45AM Sunday School

9:45AM Bd of Prop Mgmt

10AM Relational Evangelism

11AM Traditional Worship

6 9:30AM Staff Meet-ing



6PM Hannah Circle

7 1PM Knit & Crochet

6:30PM Winds

8 6:06 Prayer & Devotion

12:45PM Ukulele Choir

4PM Board of Wor-ship

5:30PM Handbells


1PM Women’s Bible Study

2PM Balance/Tai Chi Class

5:30PM Praise Team

7PM Board of Witness & Outreach

7PM Martha Circle

10 11 9AM SR High - Lake Trip

9:30AM Altar Guild

10AM Quilt Guild

12 8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9:45AM Sunday School

10AM Relational Evangelism

11AM Traditional Worship

1PM Homeless Camp Visits


Lutheroad Day Camp

9:30AM Staff Meeting

5PM Bd of Learn-ing


6PM Executive Committee Mtg

6:30PM Rachel Circle


Lutheroad Day Camp

10AM Deborah Circle

1PM Knit & Crochet

5PM Stewardship Committee Meeting

6:30PM Winds


15 Lutheroad Day


6:06AM Prayer & Devotion

12:45PM Ukulele Choir

5:30PM Handbells


Lutheroad Day Camp

1PM Women’s Bible Study

2PM Balance/Tai Chi Class

5:30PM Praise Team

17 Lutheroad Day


12:30PM Downtown Res-cue Mission - Kitchen


9:30AM Altar Guild


Father’s Day


8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9:45AM Sunday School

11AM Traditional Worship

20 Affirm

9:30AM Staff Meeting

5:30PM Church Council Meeting


21 Affirm

10:30AM Deliver Meals on Wheels

1PM Knit & Crochet

6:30PM Winds

22 Affirm

6:06AM Prayer & Devotion

12:45PM Ukulele Choir

5:30PM Handbells

Newsletter Deadline



1PM Women’s Bible Study

5:30 Praise Team




9:30AM Altar Guild

26 8:30AM Contempo-rary Worship

9AM - 1:30PM St. Mark’s Health Fair

9:45AM Sunday School

10AM Relational Evangelism

11AM Traditional Worship


9AM EGA Event

(All Day)

9:30AM Staff Meeting


28 9AM EGA Event

(All Day)

1PM Knit & Crochet

6:30PM Winds

29 6:06AM Prayer & Devotion

9:30AM Telecare

12:45PM Ukulele Choir

5:30PM Handbells

30 1PM Women’s Bible Study

5:30 Praise Team

St. Mark’s Staff Directory

Church Address: 200 Longwood Dr. SE, Huntsville, AL 35801

Church Phone: 256-539-4361 Church Fax: 256-539-4388

Senior Pastor: Extension 15……….…………..……..…..Gary Soop (

Music Director: Extension 17………..………………...Ferdinand Murati (

Dir. of Christian Education: Extension 16………….….….Traci Billman (

Office Manager: Extension 14……..……................………...Emily Jacobs (

Office Assistant: Extension 10…………………....Connie Jaramillo (

Organist/Pianist: ………………......………….. …..,,,,……………..Dr. Mira Kruja (

Travel or Hotel




June’s Requested Items

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