st. john's college newsletter - issue 1

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College Newsletter, Issue 1 dated 02/02/2012.




From The Principal

“The aim of education should be to teach the child to think, not what to think” John Dewey


I am very excited about starting the 2012 school year as Principal of St John’s Greek Orthodox College and can assure you that I will work diligently in order to ensure that your child reaches academic success. Together, we can make a difference in your child's education through hard work, determination, dedication and confidence in their education. It is with pride that I undertake this role in leadership and with the staff. We aim to help your child SUCCEED.

We are running school improvement projects to add a sparkle to our school ahead of commencement of the new year. We have installed fans in the Senior College, painted school lockers in House Group colours, replaced the tables and chairs in five classes of the Senior College, installed nets at both the Junior and Senior College to eliminate the presence of pigeons in our school yard, painted staircase rails. We are in the process of installing new goalposts for the oval and new artificial turf for the Junior oval. We are obtaining new educational resources, adding more flat screens to classes and awaiting the arrival of four interactive boards and new furniture for the Year 12 Common room. For the first time we are providing a Lenovo laptop for each Senior College student focusing on introducing new technologies and alternative methods of teaching.

Our focus as staff is to continue to build upon the excellent academic opportunities that exist at St John’s Greek Orthodox College and to improve the overall levels of success in our students. Additional enrichment opportunities will be provided to students in Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Choir and Physical Education. More information will be available as we finalize plans for all our clubs and extracurricular activities that will be offered in 2012. I am looking forward to an exciting year filled with more opportunities and possibilities for each and every student of St John’s.

With warmest wishes and God’s blessing. Dr Harry Ladopoulos Principal

NEWSLETTER: ISSUE # 1 3 February 2012

Important Dates


Week 1 Coburg Festival –School Representatives, 10.00am-2.00pm

Week 2

Monday 6 Agiasmos Service, 8.30am

Parent Teacher Interviews, 4.00-8.00pm

Parent Welcoming Afternoon, 3.30-6.30pm

Junior School Orientation Evening, 6.00-7.00pm Wednesday 8 Prep Rest Day

ISV VCE Teachers Meeting

Week 3 Monday 13 Junior School Assembly, 8.40am Tuesday 14 Parent Helper’s Training, 2.30-3.15pm Wednesday 15 Prep Rest Day

Week 4 Wednesday 22 Last Prep Rest Day Thursday 23 Whole School Liturgy, 900am


ST JOHN’S COLLEGE 21 Railway Place West, Preston 3072 Telephone (03) 9480 5300 Facsimile (03) 9480 4314



Parents’ Association

On behalf of the Parents’ Association, I would like to

wish everyone a prosperous 2012.

May we work together to build on the foundation that

others before us have started.

A very warm welcome to our new Principal Dr.

Ladopoulos. We wish him all the very best and look

forward to working closely with him for the benefit of

our children.

This year brings on new challenges for the Parents

Association. Our main aim this year is to support the

Principal, staff and students with whatever they may


Our first event that we will be

holding is a sausage sizzle at the

“Welcoming afternoon” on Monday

6th February 2012.

This year our main goal is to

purchase “Smart Boards” which are

electronic interactive boards which

enhance the learning of our children.

Our first General meeting will be

held on the 7th of February 2012

at 6.30pm.

We would like to invite all

parents, guardians and

grandparents to attend.

Hope to see you there.

Barbara Tsimeris

PA 2012 Secretary

Senior College News

Blessing Service (Agiasmos)

This Monday 6th Of February His

Grace Bishop Ezekiel of Dervis will

conduct the Blessing Service

(Agiasmos) to mark the

commencement of the new school

year. Parents are welcome to

attend this service in the College Gym at 8:45 AM.

Congratulations to our 2011 VCE students St John’s Greek Orthodox College congratulates its Year 12 students for their excellent performance in

the 2011 VCE Examinations, with 85% of them already having secured their first-choice degree in tertiary education. Their success is once again testament to the effective working relationship between students, parents, and teachers at St John’s College. We are all proud of their achievements and dedication and we wish them the very best for the future. In 2011 our students achieved commendable scores, with 16% of our students having attained an ATAR score over 80, 46% having an ATAR score over 70, while 8% of them ranked in the top 10% of the state’s university entrants. This year’s VCE students achieved one of the highest average ATAR scores in the performance records of the College. The College performed on or above the state mean in the following subjects: Business management English – Written context and Analysis English (ESL) Greek Legal Studies Physical Education

Συγχαρητήρια ςτουσ απόφοιτουσ του κολεγίου του Αγίου Ιωάννη για το 2011 Το Κολζγιο του Αγ. Ιωάννθ εκφράηει τα κερμά του ςυγχαρθτιρια ςτουσ τελειόφοιτουσ μακθτζσ του για τθν εξαιρετικι απόδοςθ ςτισ εξετάςεισ του VCE, με to 85% των μακθτϊν ζχοντασ ιδθ εξαςφαλίςει τθν ειςαγωγι τουσ ςτθν πανεπιςτθμιακι ςχολι τθσ πρϊτθσ επιλογισ τουσ.



Η επιτυχία τουσ είναι για μια ακόμθ φορά απόδειξθ τθσ αποτελεςματικισ δουλειάσ και ςυνεργαςίασ μεταξφ των μακθτϊν, γονζων και κακθγθτϊν του Κολεγίου. Είμαςτε περιφανοι για τισ επιδόςεισ ςασ και ευχόμαςτε ςε όλουσ ςασ καλι ςυνζχεια ςτο μζλλον. Το 2011 οι μακθτζσ μασ πζτυχαν αξιόλογα αποτελζςματα, 16% εκ των οποίων κατοχφρωςαν βακμό ATAR πάνω από 80, 46% με βακμό πάνω από 70, κακϊσ το 8% των μακθτϊν μασ ιταν ανάμεςα ςτο 10% των μακθτϊν ςτθ Βικτόρια με τισ υψθλότερεσ βακμολογίεσ ειςαγωγισ ςτο πανεπιςτιμιο. Αυτι θ επιτυχία ςυγκαταλζγεται ςτισ μεγαλφτερεσ του Κολεγίου για τθν ειςαγωγι ςτθν τριτοβάκμια εκπαίδευςθ. Το Κολζγιο πζτυχε υψθλότερα ι ίςα αποτελζςματα από το μζςο όρο ςτθ Βικτόρια ςτα ακόλουκα μακιματα: Business management English – Written context and Analysis English (ESL) Greek Legal Studies Physical Education

St John’s Leadership Team We are delighted to announce our administrative team for the upcoming new year that will bring their skills and sensitivities needed to the school’s management system in order to operate more efficiently and support the timely completion of various school tasks and responsibilities. Mrs Agatha Anamourlis – Dean of Primary School: Curriculum P-6, Assessment and Reporting, Junior School Welfare, Orientation & Transition programs, Junior School Parents Communication, NAPLAN, Special Needs and Events. Ms Helen Bourgazas – VCE/VET Co-ordinator, Head of English & Humanities: Subject Curriculum 7-12, Assessment and Reporting, VASS Operator, Timetable Organiser and Events. Mr Derek Sherwood – Head of PE & Daily Organizer: Subject Curriculum P-12, Assessment and Reporting, Staff Welfare, Senior School Welfare, Senior School Parents Communication, Timetable Organiser and Events.

Mr Rodney Springer – Head of Maths, Science & Technology: Subject Curriculum 7-12, Assessment and Reporting, Timetable Organiser and Events. Mr Peter Patsis – Business Manager: Finances, School Support Staff, Saturday School, IT Infrastructure, OH&S. May God bless them in the fulfilment of their responsibilities.

New teachers

We are pleased to welcome three new teachers at St

John’s College for the 2012 school year.

Ms Anna Arvanitis has experience across the curriculum

in Art Education teaching visual, media and textile art

for several years in Victorian schools. She will teach

different kinds of techniques and movements of art in

two separate workshops at St John’s and will set free

our students’ creativity and imagination. She will be

teaching classes from Year 3 to VCE level.

Mrs Foteini Chochlaka is an experienced music, drama and dance teacher with practice in teaching at Greek Language and Victorian schools. She will undertake the creation of St John’s Choir and will give the opportunity to our students to learn different musical instruments while incorporating ancient theatre in the Drama lessons. She will be teaching classes from Prep to Year 8. Both teachers will be in charge of setting the

foundations for the new Cultural Department of St

John’s College and will enhance our art and culture

curriculum, which we strongly believe will improve the

school’s profile in the wider Greek and local


Mrs Anastasia Papadakis an experienced qualified

Greek Language teacher, seconded from the Consulate

General of Greece in Melbourne will teach Years Prep-


St John’s College welcomes Miss Kristen Minogue to the

teaching staff. Miss Minogue joins Mr Sherwood in the

Health and PE Department teaching primary and

Secondary PE and Health as well as Year 7 Science.

Knowledge of the fitness industry and a keen athlete

herself , Miss Minogue will contribute greatly to the




We are very excited to have such interesting and

experienced new people joining our team and are sure

that the community will welcome and support them.

Wishing them God’s blessing in their new teaching


Senior School Parent-Teacher interviews

On Monday 6th of February Parent-Teacher interviews

for Year 7-12 will take place from 4:00-8:00pm.

Appointments should be made by calling the College

Office on 94805300 until Monday midday. This year

Semester 1 Examination will held between 29th March

to 5th of April, therefore these interviews will be helpful

in preparing the students for the above examinations. It

is a College expectation that parents attend these

Interviews and the staff and I looking forward to seeing

you there.

Medical Conditions

Please provide medical action plans if your child has a

medical condition. Parents have to hand

a new medical action plan for 2012 even

if they have completed one last year.

Playground Supervision

A reminder to parents that playground supervision by

teachers before and after school is outlined below:

Junior School – Agora 8:10-8:30 AM

Junior School - Car park 3:10-3:30 PM

Senior School – Gate 8:10-8:30 AM & 3:10 – 3:30PM

Parents are advised to drop off their children between

the designated times in the morning from 8:10-8:25 AM

and to collect their child by 3:30 PM in the afternoon.

When entering in the St John’s car park with your

vehicle note that the speed is 5Km. This is for your child


Lateness to School

Students must arrive at school by 8:25 AM. Late comers

will miss out on the use of their laptop for

the day and also will miss out on the vital

introduction to the first lesson. Continual

late comers will be reported to Dean of

the Junior School and the Student

Welfare Coordinator.

New Uniform for the Senior School The Senior School students are now able to buy the new sports uniform, which includes a full suit, of shorts, polo shirt and tracksuit. Please note that there will be a 12 month transition period in order to purchase the new uniform. All students must have the new uniform by 2013. VCE girls white blouse is optional there for may continue to wear their summer school dress.

Dr Harry Ladopoulos Principal

Junior College News

A very warm welcome to the 2012 school year. It is wonderful to see all the children and families. The Prep students have transitioned smoothly and certainly impressed me as they confidently walked to the Gymnasium and took part in the whole school assembly. The Junior College is filled with many happy students and enthusiastic staff. We are looking forward to what promises to be a year of change, review and improved learning outcomes and benchmarks. We would like to welcome all our new families and new teachers Mrs Arvanitis, Mrs Chochlaka and Mrs Papadatos who have joined us in the Junior School. We wish them all a very long and rewarding journey. “Happy children make happy learners”

Junior College Staff 2012 The Junior College staff for 2012 are as follows: Principal: Dr C Ladopoulos Dean of the Junior School: Mrs Anamourlis Prep Team Mrs R Kordas 1-2 Team Miss Lefebvre Ms Hanos 3-4 Team Mrs L Curtis Miss Adamo 5-6 Team Mrs Vlahos Mrs A Anamourlis



Visual Arts Ms Arvanitis Dance, Drama & Music Mrs Chochlaka Physical Education Mr Sherwood Miss Minogue Modern Greek Team Mrs Papakonstantinou Mr Salmanidis Miss Balaouras Mrs Papadakis Library Miss Balaouras Special Needs Mrs H Vlahos

Curriculum Information Evening On Monday the 6th of February all Junior College families are invited to attend our curriculum information evening from 6 – 7pm. This will be an opportunity to hear about what is planned in the area of curriculum and to meet your child’s teacher. The evening will take place in the following classrooms. Prep – Prep room Years 1 & 2 – Miss Lefebvre’s’ room Year 3 & 4 – Miss Adamo’s room Year 5 & 6 – Mrs Anamourlis’ room

Medical Information To ensure that the school is able to support your child with any severe medical conditions or needs, we ask that parents complete a medical action plan. The medical action plan must be completed by the parents and the family doctor. A photo of the child needs to be attached to the medical action plan. Blank medical plans are available from the front office. All staff are made aware of student medical conditions so that appropriate procedures is followed if a situation arises. Please ensure that all medical plans are completed by Monday 14th of February.

Allergy Awareness St John’s College is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our students and have therefore adopted an allergy awareness policy to protect students who are at risk of an allergic reaction. We encourage all parents to support the nut free policy

that the school follows. Parents are asked not to provide nut products such as nutella, peanut butter or any other food containing nuts. Please encourage your child not to share food with others. UNIFORM It is very pleasing to see the Junior School wearing the uniform correctly and with pride. Students must wear their blazers to and from school. If it is too hot, then teachers will notify students to take off their blazers. Hot Weather At St John’s College we adhere to a sun smart policy and hence require all students to wear their school hat. The NO HAT NO PLAY policy is strictly enforced during terms 1 & 4. Please provide cold water for students to drink throughout the day. When the weather is extremely hot students follow a special program after lunch. I would encourage parents who wish to pick up their child to do so by 2:00pm to avoid interruptions to the daily programme.

School Diary The school diary is an important tool of communication between the home and school. The diary is used to record homework /upcoming events and notices from teachers. We encourage parents to check and sign the diary

each night and use it to inform teachers of any concerns or to make appointments. The cost for the diary is covered by the curriculum levy.

Hats and Water You will have noticed that we have had a few hot days in the last week. St John’s is committed to

ensuring that our students are well protected from the dangers of the sun. I strongly urge parents to provide cold water on these days and a hat.

Homework All students are expected to read every night. Prep to 2 students will be set weekly tasks to complete. Years 3-6 will have set homework on a daily basis except on Friday. If you feel that your child requires extra work or if homework coincides with extra curricula activities outside the school please do not hesitate to consult the class teacher and make necessary arrangements. Homework is meant to be a positive and productive time at home. It is essential that if homework proves to be too difficult, causes tension or becomes a negative



time then the activity needs to stop. Parents are asked to contact the class teacher to indicate the concern. (a note in the student diary will suffice). LATENESS It is imperative that students come to school on time. School commence at 8:30am. Latecomers miss out on the vital introduction to the lesson. Furthermore students who arrive late cause disruption to the class. All continual late comers will be reported to the Dean of the Junior School and will result in a detention. BUYING FROM THE CANTEEN

Parents are reminded that students from P- 2 are not allowed to purchase items from the canteen. A lunch order will need to be written out even if ti is

only a snack. Students from Years 3 – 6 are allowed to purchase items from the canteen but are reminded that lunches need to be ordered via the

lunch order system. JUNIOR SCHOOL LEVY The Junior School Curriculum levy is used to cover swimming, tri-skills, class excursions, incursions and interschool sport for years 4,5 and 6. The levy does not cover camps. Parents are reminded that the levy needs to be paid by Friday10th of February. If the levy has not been paid by the due date then your child will not be allowed to participate in the scheduled activity. HEAD LICE

Head lice are very common so there is no need to be alarmed, however they should be quickly treated to prevent them from spreading. Please examine your child’s hair regularly in order to prevent lice. Encourage your child not to share their hats and please ensure your child comes to school with their hair tied back.


All students are asked to bring in an Art Smocks to be used during art lessons.


A book club operates in the Junior School. Book Club order forms are sent home throughout the year. Payment

can be made using a credit card or cheque. No cash is accepted. JUNIOR SCHOOL ASSEMBLY A special assembly will be held on Monday 13th of February to welcome our Preps and new students to our school. A certificate will be presented to these students by Dr Ladopoulos. JUNIOR DANCE GROUPS Trials are being held for the Senior (Yrs 7 – 12) and Junior( Yrs 2 – 6) dance groups If you would like child to try out for either of this groups then they need to attend one of the following sessions. Senior Dance group - Monday 3.15 – 4.15pm Junior Dance group -Thursday 3.15- 4.15pm VENUE: Multipurpose Hall in the Junior School Mrs Chochlaka would like a couple of parents to help her to tidy up the costume room. If you are available to assist please go and see her. Your assistance would be very much appreciated.

PARENT HELPER TRAINING If you would like to become a parent helper in the Junior College and hold a current Working with Children check then you are invited to attend a training session being held on

Tuesday 14 February from 2.30 – 3.10pm in the Learning Strategies room. Please leave your name in the front office if you would like to attend. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. There are a number of after school activities that have been scheduled for term 1. Most activities are free. Parents will need to register their child if they wish to participate in any of the activities. Please refer to the attached sheet.



Wow! It was pleasing to see all the preps with big

smiles. There were no tears from the preps but

lots from the parents. They were all excited to

see their buddies. They had a great day but

couldn’t wait to get

home to tell their Mum

and Dad about all the

exciting things they

did. Mum and Dad

couldn’t wait to see

them too!

Mrs R Kordas

Prep Teacher

Please feel free to email me with any concerns or suggestions. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed year. Kindest regards

Agatha Anamourlis Dean of the Junior School



Prior to the students starting back in 2012, all of the staff at St John’s College undertook a number of Personal Development sessions including their regular First Aid training. They spent a day practising CPR, bandaging and incident scenarios to ensure they are well prepared for any emergencies. Mr D Sherwood Head of Sports and Heath

Students interested in joining the Debating Club please see Mr Savopoulos a.s.a.p to register. Debating practice takes place at 12.15pm (period 5) on Wednesdays in room 5. Mr John Savopoulos Debating Organiser

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

The Education Maintenance Allowance forms are now being distributed to families. You may

also collect one from the Junior and Senior College Office.

All EMA forms need to be completed and lodged at the school by Wednesday 29 February 2012.

Any late applications may not be accepted.




A number of activities have been organised for the Junior School this year. All activities apart

from the Cooking & French Club are free of charge. All students must be collected at the

conclusion of each activity.


MARCH, 2012

If you would like your child to participate in of the following activities please complete the

registration form below and return it to your child’s classroom teacher by Friday 10 February,


Child’s Name:______________________________________________

Year Level: ___________________________________________

Parent contact details

Name:_________________________ Contact details: ____________________________

Please tick the activity that you would like your child to participate in. (Only one activity per



Junior School Art Club (3.15 – 4.15pm)

AASC Cricket (3.15- 4.15pm)

Senior Dance Group (Yrs 6 – 10)


Cooking Club (3.15 – 4pm) $25 for 7weeks


HOMEWORK CLUB (3.15 – 4pm)



AASC Hockey

FRENCH CLUB (3.15 – 4.15pm)

Cost involved for this activity. Please contact Mr Callahan. Ph: 0432 719 034


Junior Dance Group (3.15 – 4.15pm)


AASC – SOCCER (3.15 – 4.15pm)

Senior Media Club (3.30-4.30Pm)

PARENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________ DATE: __________________

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