st. john paul ii catholic church

Post on 09-Jun-2022






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St. John Paul II Catholic Church

March 17, 2019


Facebook: St. John Paul II Parish

Bulle!n Deadline: Mondays 9am;

Email bulle�,

or call either parish office.

�is Week in Our Parish Sunday, March 17 7:45am Mass-St. Joe Hill Chapel 9:30am Mass-St. Joe Hill Chapel 11:15am Mass-St. Paul Chapel 2:00pm Men’s Bible Study-SJH Campus 6:30pm Religious Educa.on-SJH Campus 6:30pm Rosary for Healing-St. Joe Hill Chapel

Mass-�me Nursery and Children’s Liturgy of the Word available at 9:30a and 11:15a Masses

Monday, March 18 8:30am Communion Service-St. Paul Chapel 6:30pm Ma2hew Bible Study-SJH Campus 6:30pm Fearless & Free-SJH Campus

Tuesday, March 19 6:30pm Mass-St. Joe Hill Chapel 7:00pm Cenacles of Life-St. Joe Hill Chapel 7:00pm RCIA-SJH Campus 7:00pm Hai. Commi2ee-SJH Campus 7:00pm Liturgy Commi2ee-SJH Campus

Adora�on begins at 7pm at St. Joe Hill Chapel

Wednesday, March 20 8:30am Mass-St. Paul Chapel 9:00am Prayer Blanket Ministry-SJH Campus 9:30am St. Paul Study-SJH Campus 6:30pm Spiritual Enrichment Group-SJH Campus

Thursday, March 21 8:30am Mass-St. Paul Chapel 9:00am Pickleball-SJH Campus Gym 9:00am Quilters-SJH Campus 6:30pm Spiritual Life Commission-SJH Campus 6:30pm Finance Council-SJH Campus 7:00pm Ladies’ Club Card Party-SJH Campus, p5 Friday, March 22 11:15am Confessions-St. Joe Hill Chapel 12:00pm Mass-St. Joe Hill Chapel 5:00pm Fish Fry-St. Joe Hill Parish Hall 7:00pm Sta.ons of the Cross-St. Joe Hill Chapel

Adora�on ends at Noon at St. Joe Hill Chapel

Saturday, March 23 4:15pm Confessions-St. Paul Chapel 5:00pm Mass-St. Paul Chapel

Mission Statement: Building God’s Kingdom by growing disciples & making

disciples through love of God & neighbor.

St. Joe Hill Chapel 2605 St. Joe Road West Sellersburg, IN 47172

(812) 246-2512

St. Paul Chapel 216 Schellers Avenue Sellersburg, IN 47172

(812) 246-3522

Mass Intentions for the Week:

St. John Paul II Catholic Church March 17, 2019

Monday, March 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem

8:30am Communion Service

Tuesday, March 19 St. Joseph

6:30pm Dennis Bowe

Wednesday, March 20

8:30am Joe & Virginia Toby

Thursday, March 21

8:30am Mary Jane Kruer

Friday, March 22

12:00pm Renn-Harrington Families

Saturday, March 23 St. Turibius of Mogrovejo

5:00pm Carl ’Buzz’ Waiz, Jim Waiz, Don Wheatley

Sunday, March 24 3rd Sunday in Lent

7:45am Juanita Yost, Helen Moore

9:30am Charles ’Butch’ Meyer, Brian Young

11:15am Patrick Day, Norbert & Anna Dilger

2nd Sunday in Lent Luke 9: 28b-26

Ques�ons to Ponder: 1. Jesus always goes away for prayer when he is facing a major event. Does prayer come into your mind when you are facing major decisions? When has it been evident to you that your prayer has been answered? 2. The word “exodus” is used by Moses in this reading. How does his use of exodus relate to what happened in Egypt and what is about to happen in Jerusalem? 3. O,en we hear Jesus tell the apostles not to tell anyone what they have seen. Why does he do this?

Hamburger & Tuna Helper-like

Meal Kits


My Dear Friends, Today’s readings are filled with imagery of the covenant rela�onship we have with God. In the first reading, God enters into a covenant with Abram. The ritual that cements this cove­nant might sound odd to us, but was common in Abraham’s �me. When two par�es entered into a treaty or serious agree­ment they would walk between the bodies of animals, which had been split in two. The animals were a cau�onary sign, for if either party broke the treaty they could expect to share the animal’s fate. In the covenant between Abram and God, how­ever, only one party walks between slain animals; the smoking fire pot and the flaming torch represent God, who enters into a covenant of unending fidelity to Abram and his descendants. Even when the human par�es of this covenant fail, God re­mains faithful. In the gospel Moses and Elijah appear on the mountain with Jesus and speak “of his exodus / that he was going to accom­plish in Jerusalem.” With the first exodus, God saves the peo­ple of Israel from slavery, forms them as his people, and then delivers them into the Promised Land. With Jesus’ exodus (his death and resurrec�on) we are freed from the slavery of sin, formed as the Body of Christ, and made ci�zens of the king­dom of God. For the second �me in the Gospel of Luke the voice of God claims Jesus as God’s son. The first moment was at his bap­�sm when “the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form”. At the �me the voice of God proclaimed, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” At the Jordan River the voice from heaven speaks directly to Jesus, but on the mountain where Jesus goes to pray with his closest compan­ions the voice addresses those around Jesus – Peter, James, and John – telling them, “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” These words are addressed to us when we encounter our Lord in the Word and the Eucharist, “Behold, here is Jesus the cho­sen one, listen to him.” In the second reading St. Paul also reminds us of the Chris­�an iden�ty that defines us: “Our ci�zenship is in heaven.” We hear the promise of what is to come, “He will change our lowly body / to conform with his glorified body / by the power that enables him also / to bring all things into subjec�on to himself.” On the mountain Peter, James, and John see Jesus’ “glory” when “his face changed in appearance / and his cloth­ing became dazzling white.” We might wonder how this expe­rience of encountering Jesus as he truly is, transfigured in glo­ry, affected them in the life of faith. As Chris�ans our ul�mate goal is to be Christ­like, to reflect the dazzling glory of Christ in all of our interac�ons and so to bring honor to God. In our pursuit of this goal the more clearly we see Jesus, the more clearly we see the way to our own transforma�on in Christ. As we con�nue on with our Lenten journey, let us consider how we might show in both word and deed that we are Christ’s. Even when we fail, our merciful God invites us to con­�nue living ever deeper into this covenant of love.

Your Brother in Christ, Jesse Schuler Director of Music and Liturgy

Fridays in Lent at St. John Paul II Catholic Church

Weekly Fish Fry: St. Joe Hill Campus


Sta(ons of the Cross: Fridays at 7pm March 22 St. Joe Hill Chapel March 29 St. Paul Chapel April 5 St. Joe Hill Chapel

April 12 St. Paul Chapel

Via Dolorosa

Please pray for those in need of healing: Please pray for those in need of healing: Please pray for those in need of healing: Please pray for those in need of healing: Ruth Adams, Norma Balen�ne, Paula Bouvier, Mike Broderick, Edwin ‘Gene’ Brown, Walter Brumleve, Jr., Jon Church, Darlene Coleman, Margaret Davis, Virginia H. Davis, Suzanne Doerr, John Drescher, Viola Eckert, Spencer Emily, Roy & Sharon Everi,, Mark Fraley, Tim Geswein, Mary-Margaret Grimes, Jim & Rose Hardy, Allan Hinton, Anna Mae Hinton, Mike Hurley, Eugene Hollkamp, Norma Hollkamp, Kevin Kirchgessner, Flora Kukla, Joseph F. Kukla II, Ralph Lilly, Ron Long, John Lozier, Rhe, Luecke, Carrie Majors, Mandy Masterson, Michael McKinley, Monroe McRichie, Chuck Mensching, Ruth Missi, Mary Noonan, Dana O’Neil, George & Mary Jean Popp, Jim Popp, Margie Rauck, Janet Rauck, Mike Rauck, Wilma Rauck, Florence Renn, Charlie Rothbauer, Libby Rothbauer, Marcella Rumpel, Jane Sistrunk, Wilma Smith, Ma,hew Thacker, Jackson Thomas, Midge Tiller, Angela Tribbey, Dot Triple,, James David Turk, Claude Vest, Geri Vest-Wade, Larry Vornholt, Virginia Waiz, Rowena Wanninger, Ruth Ann Warth, Sherry Welch, John Wieseka, Steve Williams, Aline Wright New

Weekend of March 23-24, 2019

Time Eucharis!c


Lectors Ushers Servers Sacristan Rosary


CLOW Greeter



St. Paul 


Francis Conroy

Mary Conroy

Dana Schowe

Donna Deely

Mike Waiz

Mary Jo Trester





Steve Niesse

Sharon Turk

Gene Deely

M Ernstberger

Nya Thurman











St. Joe Hill 


A. Sumpter*

Tiffany Frey**

Julie Conrad

Meredith Lucas

Mary Jo


Mark Burgin

Jim Eurton

Ryan Frey

Isabelle Frey

Anderson Frey

Joseph Renners

Eli Graf











St. Paul 


Karen Ehalt* Bob Tichy Dinah Tichy Tom Renn Jennifer Renn Janelle Lewis Chris Rosio



Mike Landers

Tim Manning

Brian LaMaster

Kayla Collins

David Dunn

Jack Slater

Henry Bueter

Isaac Ohlmann

Brook. Schneider

Lily Geifer
















St. Joe Hill 


Tony Koenig*

A. Strenk**

Bradley Koenig

Karen Strenk

Jean Strenk

Barbara Kemp





Bob Ehalt

Mike Higdon

Mark Higdon

Chuck Jones

Alice Wade

R LaMaster

R Baquerizo












* Tabernacle  **Choir/Handicap 

Please remember our ac�ve military family & friends: • Timothy Oliver (Navy)-grandson of Marcella Rumpel • Jacob Oliver (Marines)-grandson of Marcella Rumpel • Doran Mar�n (Navy)-son of Charlo,e & Patrick Wright • Noah Villarreal (Army Na�onal Guard)-son-in-law of Charlo,e

& Patrick Wright • CW4 Jus�n A. Popp (Army Ranger & Apache Pilot)-son of

Kenny & Teri Popp • Jenna Rose Sanders (Air Force) - daughter of Jimmy L &

Rosemary Sanders and granddaughter of Marcella Popp • Joachim Traub (Marines) - son of Kevin & Marina Traub • Ma,hew Youngers (Navy) - son-in-law of Kevin & Marina Traub • Master Sergeant John Emery (Army) • Michael Leon (Air Force)-son of Mary & Joe Leon • Ian Lovan (Special Forces Security) • Noah Yost (Navy)-grandson of Alfred Yost

Your Gifts to God and Parish:Your Gifts to God and Parish:Your Gifts to God and Parish:Your Gifts to God and Parish: Bulle�n Collec�on Totals for 3-3-19

Budgeted Weekly: $ 20,813

Collec�on March 3, 2019: $ 17,391

Over/(Under): $ (3,422)

YTD Budgeted: $749,268

YTD Actual: $731,425

YTD Over/(Under): $ (17,843)

February Outreach CollectionFebruary Outreach CollectionFebruary Outreach CollectionFebruary Outreach Collection:

Chris�an Service Commission 25% $ 1,043.17 St. Vincent DePaul 25% $ 1,043.15 Speed Food Pantry 50% $ 2,086.34

Thank you!


Total Pledged: $ 6,730,417.69

Collected last month: $ 64,235.76

Cash Collected to Date: $ 3,124,652.62

GiLs in Kind (GIK) $ 545,000.00

Total Cash & GIK to Date: $ 3,669,652.62

Percent Collected to Date: 55%

Building God’s Kingdom by growing disciples & making disciples through love of God & neighborBuilding God’s Kingdom by growing disciples & making disciples through love of God & neighborBuilding God’s Kingdom by growing disciples & making disciples through love of God & neighborBuilding God’s Kingdom by growing disciples & making disciples through love of God & neighbor....

Lenten Studies/Ways to Grow in your faith 

Mission Rosary Workshop

St. Joe Campus/Ma�hew Room

March 31, 2019

2-3:30pm We are on a “Mission” to create 200 Mission  

rosaries for Mission Sunday.  To accomplish this, we 

are gathering as a group to make rosaries. No expe­

rience necessary. All materials will be supplied; just 

bring a willing spirit and a desire to help spread 

peace... One. Rosary. At. A. Time.

Lenten Women’s workshop...

We strive for peace but o(en get in our own way.  In this 

workshop, we will explore what God has to tell us as well 

as hear from Biblical and Saintly examples about self­

compassion.  Join us for the next Blessed is She video work­

shop hosted by Julie Hogan, Peaceful and Present: Prac�c­

ing Self­Compassion and Silencing Your Inner Cri�c.  It will 

be held on Tuesday, April 2 at 11 am at the St. Joe Hill Cam­

pus in the Ma0hew Room. A light lunch with be provid­

ed.  Please RSVP to Kris5na by Sunday, March 31 at  Come journey and pray 

together with other women of all ages in our parish family! 


Save the Date for the Next Workshop

Tuesday, May 14 at 11 am

"Women of Virtue: How to Live like Mary"

Marriage Enrichment

Morning Saturday, April 13 at 9:30­11:30 am 

SJH Campus ­ Ma0hew Room 

Topic: The Art of Listening and  


Presented by: Jane and John Herbst 

Child care will be available with 

RSVP only.  Please register by  

April 7th at h-ps://­

enrichment. Contact Kris5na Seipel with ques5ons  


Ques5ons? Contact Meredith Gardner at

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (New Albany) is hos5ng its annual Spring Prayer Breakfast (for those experiencing loss or grief) on Saturday, April 6 from 9-10:30am in Wagner Hall (church basement). Michelle Fessel – Pastoral Associate of St. Mary Catholic Church, Lanesville ­ is our featured speaker. The 5tle of her talk is “Finding Hope in Easter”. Come join us for prayer, breakfast, and an informa5ve presenta5on. This event is free. Please RSVP by phone (812­945­2374) or by email ( by April 3.  

Win this



See page 6



Teens...looking for job experience? JPII Preschool and Day­care is looking for a part­5me employee M­F from 3­6pm. Earn money by playing with children and having fun!  Contact Ruth at for details; see page 5.  Desiring an occasional babysiKng job? We have some upcom­ing programs needing babysi0ers. You can be paid or obtain service hours. Contact Joan at

Grades 9-12: Our Lady of Providence Senior High School (

Preschool & Child Care has been providing quality child care 

and educa5on since 1988.  The programs are designed to 

s5mulate the physical, social, emo5onal, and intellectual    

developmental needs of each child. 

3, 4, & 5 Year Old Preschool

Full & Part-'me Child Care

Before & A,er School Care

Summer Care for Ages 3-12

All preschool­age children enrolled in the daycare a0end  

preschool classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday  

mornings.   A(er school care is available for children who 

a0end St. John Paul II Elementary, Silver Creek Elementary, 

and Silver Creek Primary.  For more informa'on on our programs or to set up a tour, contact the Preschool & Child Care Director, Ruth Lile 812-246-5890 or

Blue Ribbon School of Excellence


105 St. Paul St. Sellersburg, IN 47172

812-246-3266 Fax-812-246-7632


Are you being called to work with

children? St. John Paul II Preschool & Child

Care may have the perfect job opportunity

for you. We are looking for an energe5c,

fun loving and caring person to work in

our child care programs. The hours are

3:00p-6:00p Monday thru Friday. For

more details, contact Ruth Lile at

812-246-5890 or email:

Great a�er-school job for teens! 

St. John Paul II

Preschool & Child Care

Springfest was a huge success!

Thank You to Donors,

German American Bank,

and Huber’s Preferred Meats.

Thank you to all who made this such a terrific

St. John Paul II Catholic Church

Save the Date for VBS 

"Mission Beyond" 

June 18-20 at 6:30-8 pm 

St. Joe Hill Campus 

Ages 4-10 

Registra)on and volunteer info 

coming soon! 


Summer 2019 Theme—our parish mission statement:

“Building God's Kingdom by growing disciples and

making disciples through love of God and neighbor” 

         Ladies Club Annual Card Party 

 Join us on this Thursday, March 21st at 7:00pm on the St. Joe Hill Campus -Parish Hall building. ALL ages welcome!  This is an evening of fun, games, raffles (including a beau)ful quilt made by our own Parish Quilters), and many delicious desserts.  Bring your own group or we will find one for you.  Each table plays their own game: Euchre, Bingo, board games, etc.  Everyone in the parish is asked to help by dona'ng two desserts--pie is par'cularly popular. We also need items for Door Prizes and Raffles.  If you own a business, or know of one that would like to make a dona)on, please call Cathy Thomas at 812-786-1261 or either parish office (St. Joe Hill 812-246-2512 or St. Paul 812-246-3522).    Food will be available for purchase - BBQ, hot dogs, nachos, and potato chips.  

                       Thanks in advance for helping make this the great event it always is each year!

THANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOUTHANK YOU: This bulle)n is furnished to the Parish without charge.  The adver)sements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be bur­dened.  Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity.  

The high school faith forma)on group hosted Marian University and the  Missionary Disciple Ins'tute this past Sunday.   

Look who’s becoming Catholic! This year our parish community is blessed to welcome several members to our Catholic faith.  They will become Catholic at the Easter Vigil.  In the back of each chapel, you will find envelopes with their name and photo on theme.  Please leave them a word of encouragement or welcome.  Introduce yourself to them and share a liBle bit about how you are involved at our parish and what you love most about our faith.  They will receive these notes at Easter )me.  Lastly, please remember them and their sponsor in your prayers during their final )me of prepara)on. 

On Saturday, March 9 we celebrated the Rite of Elec)on and Call to Con)nuing Conversion with others in RCIA in our Dean­ery with Archbishop Thompson:  Angela Higdon, Nate Gavin, RJ Gavin, Kennedy Williams, Derek KaBer, Mindy Bush, Kevin Bean, Alex Dilger, Heather Baird, Bill Baird, and MaB Baird 

Save the Date Who:  All parishioners What:  Parish Morning of Service  When:  Saturday, October 19, 2019  We are compiling a list of organiza)ons that could benefit from our services.  It could be a pain)ng project, leaf raking or other light yard work, cleaning and organizing, socializing with shut­ ins….the list is as broad as your imagina)on!  Know of an  organiza)on in need of our services? Email the details to  Barbara at or Linda PraB at lrpra/  

St. John Paul II Pastoral TeamSt. John Paul II Pastoral TeamSt. John Paul II Pastoral TeamSt. John Paul II Pastoral Team

Father Tom Clegg, Pastor


John Frossard, Business Manager


Barbara Smith, Parish Secretary


Dolores Snyder, Director of Evangeliza'on


Kris'na Seipel, Director of Religious Educa'on


Dawn Schepers, Youth Minister


Jesse Schuler, Director of Liturgy & Music


Karen Haas, School Principal


Ruth Lile, Preschool & Child Care Director


Andrea Bowles, Parish Bookkeeper


Joan Dilger, Bulle'n Editor


Baptisms: Typically celebrated at weekend Masses.  A Baptism Preparation Session is required for  parents. The next session is April 7, 2019 immediately following the 11:15am Mass at the St. Paul Chapel.

Confessions: Available Friday mornings at 11:15am at the St. Joe Hill Chapel and Saturdays at 4:15pm at the St. Paul Chapel.  You may also contact Fr. Tom at  812­246­2512 to schedule an appointment.  

Marriage: Please contact Fr. Tom at 812­246­2512 at least six months prior to planned wedding date.  The  marriage preparation process will be explained at that time.  

Anointing of the Sick: If you are aware of an  upcoming medical event for which you would like this sacrament, you may contact Fr. Tom to schedule the sacrament at 812­246­2512. In case of an  emergency, contact Fr. Tom at  502­553­3770.   

Confirmation: Preparation can begin upon  completion of eighth grade or anytime throughout high school; more information is available at or contact Dawn Schepers. For adults interested in Confirmation, contact Kristina Seipel. 

Sacraments & Sacramental PreparationSacraments & Sacramental PreparationSacraments & Sacramental PreparationSacraments & Sacramental Preparation 

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