spirit of abundance€¦ · spirit of abundance module 3 [0:00:00] welcome, everyone. it's...

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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Spirit of Abundance www.theabundantmystic.com

Module 3

[0:00:00] Welcome, everyone. It's Edward here for our third meeting for the Spirit of Abundance Program. I am so happy to have you here with us, with me. I'm happy that we are all here together. For this third week, we will be diving into the second manifestation key of intention tonight as well as going into the element of fire. Fire and intention, we will be covering tonight. If you have any questions on the webcast, you can just type those in. I would love to hear your experiences with the first manifestation key of vision, how your week went with those, as well as any questions you have about the work you're doing with the 33-day journey and how that is going. All right. So let's begin by coming together, coming into resonance, coming into our field of intention, coming into the field of abundance, coming into our sacred safe space together. So take a moment to just gently allow your eyes to close, feeling yourself dropping into presence, coming into resonance with your inner being. As you focus on your breath, feeling the distractions of the day, the thoughts of the day, the fears, the doubts, the worries and concerns drifting away into the background as you feel yourself becoming more fully present, more fully available to take in and receive the powerful information, insights, processes, tools and, of course, the energy that we'll be exploring here on this call. As you take a deep breath in, this time, feel it bringing you into your inner sanctuary space. Feel the breath, the air moving you, guiding you into that sanctuary in the center of your head so that you can connect with your inner guidance, your inner wisdom. As you exhale, with each exhale, feel your body relaxing, releasing tension, opening to take in more of the information, the inspiration, the energy so that can you receive what is being shared on this call on many, many levels. You can take it in through your mind. You can take it in through your emotional body. You can take it in through your spirit and soul as energy information. The more open, the more relaxed you are, the more you can take in the powerful information and process it and integrate it on multiple levels at the same time. Remember the information I'm sharing, the processes I'm sharing are layered on multiple levels. You can take it in in multiple ways, process it, integrate it, and allow it to percolate and become usable energy, usable information on those multiple levels. Let's come together into our virtual sacred circle, imagining all of us from all over the world coming together into the circle, into sacred space together, coming into this place surrounded by an energy field of unconditional love that supports us, protects us, surrounds us and ensures that everything that happens here in this circle happens in a way

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

that is aligned with the highest good of all, that is aligned with your highest good, feeling the safety of this space, feeling your body relax, feeling your mind relax as it feels itself grounding into this safe, protected space, coming together into this virtual circle, coming together into this field of abundance, this field of intention, joining together, entraining with all of us, whether we're here on the live call or listening to the replay, entraining together into this powerful group field with the focus, the intention, the desire to create more prosperity, more personal prosperity while serving others, while making this world a better place, and while deepening and expanding our relationship and connection to the divine. [0:05:39] That is why we are here, to become abundant mystics. Let's all take a breath into that, feeling deeply what it means for you to be an abundant mystic. With this final exhale coming into full presence, we're going fingers and toes, opening eyes, coming into this field, into this circle, prepared to receive the powerful information. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Thank you all for being here. I am very excited to have you here with us and I am excited. It's funny. My daughter, as I was preparing, was asking me, "Are you excited?" At one point, it's interesting, someone actually wrote me an email while I was doing The Abundant Mystic telesummit a while back. It might have been a comment on it and said, "How can you be excited for every call? You say you're excited on every single one of these calls. You just got to be faking it." I found that so interesting because The Abundant Mystic speakers that I was talking to, they're all the people who I most want to talk to and most have these conversations with. So, of course, I was excited, and I thought to myself, "How could this person think that I would be anything other than excited to be on these calls and talking with these people?" So I apologize if I say "I'm excited" too much but I am. I'm extremely excited. When my daughter was asking me, I'm like, "Yes, I'm very excited too for this call." So I am very, very excited, and I'm excited that we're going to be talking about intention. This is a powerful manifestation key. The energy of fire is an energy that is very exciting to me. Just the energy itself, the element of fire, obviously, it's the element that connect us with passion, that connects us with enthusiasm and excitement. So the element of fire is in fact the element of excitement. So yes, I am excited for tonight's call. I'm excited for all of our calls together. I am deeply grateful and appreciative that you are with us tonight. So I want to begin and just open it up for some shares from the week. You were working with vision. You were working with your grandest version or the greatest vision you've ever had, and creating your five-year ideal life vision. I would just love to hear some shares. So if you're on the webcast, go ahead and chat those in. Just do some quick shares about any insights that came to you, any stumbling blocks that you may have felt, any challenges you may have felt, and we'll share a few of those.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Let's see. Nancy actually wrote as we were in that meditation. She says, "I'm taking it into my heart, into my smart heart." Yes, Nancy, that is beautiful. It is so beautiful. There's a beautiful quote that I love from Black Elk, the Native American chief who said, "May we see not only with our two eyes, but may we see with a one eye that is our heart." It's so true that when we see with our heart, we see often more clearly than when we see with our eyes. It's very easy to be deceived by what we see through our eyes. But when we see with our heart, our heart is a very truthful perceiver. The messages that it gives us after it sees things are very clear and very truthful. So when you do see with your heart and when you perceive with your heart, it is a wonderful thing. Let's see. So thank you, Sue and Nancy, for talking about excitement. [0:10:00] Yes. I love that, Sue. I understand being very excited. We should be passionate about what we do. Indeed, indeed. It is interesting to feel when people -- it's actually a good point to point out that when you are really excited and passionate about what you do, people who have not found their passion yet, people who have not found the thing that turns them on and started to do the work in the world that is their purpose and their mission, it will trigger them. It often will trigger them. It will make them feel like they're missing out on something. So it's another reason to hold on to your excitement, hold on to your enthusiasm and your passion. Make it real for you. Don't let other people derail you. Don't let other people take you off track when you're feeling your passion, when you're feeling your excitement, when you're feeling your enthusiasm. That's your sign. That's your indication that you are heading in the right direction. When other people see that, other people who are already there will support you and encourage you and say, "Yes. Go, go, go." They'll become your cheerleaders and your support. But other people who aren't there, they may try to trip you. They may try to stop you or hold you back. So just be aware of that. It's just part of the way it is. So don't feel like it's bad or they're being bad or wrong. Just be aware of that. As much as you can, as you begin to come more fully into connection with your purpose, your passion, your mission, your excitement, your enthusiasm, you will begin to attract the people into your life who are already there as well, and the people who are perhaps not quite there but want to be there and want to learn from you and grow with you. So it's great. Thank you both. Nancy also talked about passion and excitement. So thank you, Nancy and Sue, for reflecting that. All right. We've got some comments here. Rachel from Connecticut. We just took the train down through Connecticut from Boston to Delaware. So we took the train right all the way through the state. So Rachel said, "I felt some burnout lately. So my vision is more of a feeling state than a new (external source of abundance) grounded into rhythms of earth, sun and moon, releasing what doesn't work, relaxed and connected to my home. From this powerful way of being who knows what's possible? A glimmer of the possibility of working from home." This is a beautiful reflection, Rachel.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

I love that you've really turned around what for many people would be a stopping point, this place of burnout. It's so easy to get into a place of burnout and a feeling of burnout in this world where we tend to be in go, go, go mode. I love that you haven't succumbed to that place of burnout and allowed it to stop you. Instead what you've done is you've turned within and you've gone into that feeling state. That's a wonderful, wonderful place to be because that is ultimately your source of abundance, that inner source of abundance, that inner feeling, that inner experience of abundance. The fact that you're grounding into the rhythms of earth and sun and moon, that is actually what gets us into burnout when we're not connected to the inner rhythms, both our own inner rhythms and the inner rhythms of our world. It's very important. One of the reasons that I'm so excited that we're bringing the elements into this work that we're doing together is that it connects us to the natural world; it connects us to the world of the sun and the moon and the earth, stars, the seasons. When you get disconnected from that, which we all tend to do, it's very easy to get disconnected from the natural world, it's very easy to get burned out. So Rachel, I love that you have turned that burnout around and really use it as an opportunity to drop more deeply into that feeling state, drop more deeply into that inner source of abundance, that deep, deep source of abundance and that you're grounding into those rhythms. I love that you're opening up to the possibility of working from home. You didn't say it but it sounds like that's something that feels good to you. I love that you're feeling relaxed and connected to your home. So stay open to that possibility. Perhaps that is a piece of a vision that's wanting to come in as you move through the 33-day journey and maybe that working from home becomes a big part of that vision. So keep us posted on that. Thank you, Rachel. [0:15:13] Doreen from Prince Edward Island, a beautiful place, writes, "Regarding my vision, what came to me is that I am an expression, a conduit for love, peace, joy, and abundance. This came when I asked what life had for me. Beyond that it was difficult to tune into a specific vision." Well, Doreen, I have to say that is a pretty spectacular grand vision. You are absolutely an expression, a unique expression, and you are a conduit for love, peace, joy, and abundance. The prayer of St. Francis reminds us that we can be an instrument of peace, of love, of joy for spirit, for God, for source, whatever word you use for that divine creative force that moves through us all and that is your grandest, greatest vision, absolutely. So take the opportunity in this moment as you are opening to that to really feel it, to really experience it, and to allow it to begin to express itself through you and as you. And at the same time, continue to work on your visioning exercises, the processes, the worksheets in the 33-day journal, and see if you can begin to tease out and open to some of the more specific ways that you are going to manifest that love, peace, joy, and abundance. How does

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

life want you to express and manifest love, peace, joy, and abundance? Because yes, you are an expression of that. You are a conduit for that divine love, peace, joy, and abundance, but there are specific ways that life is wanting you to express it. So begin to open to that. Yes, I can even feel you beginning to open more fully to that even now. And as we go into the intention work on this call, you're going to find that the fire energy will begin to help clarify and crystallize that vision so that you can bring it down into some more specific ways to express it. Beautiful. Thank you, Doreen. Let's see. Terry from Salt Lake City writes, "I started a heavy metal detox as I began this program. Awesome. What a good timing. Not a coincidence." No, definitely not a coincidence. "As someone pointed out heavy baggage to let go off. Yes, indeed it is. Finding old layers, more ancient layers of beliefs falling away as I envision my next five years. Great adventure. Wee!" I love it, Terry. Thank you. Thank you. Now there is excitement. And yeah, wow, what great timing to begin a detox, a heavy metal detox at the same time with this program. And if you're on the forum, the Facebook forum, and I will be back on there more often once I get back from my family trip here back east, but that's a great place to share what's going on Terry when you're doing this because if any of you have done a heavy metal detox or any kind of detox, you know that there can be a few days in there when you just don't feel so good. So that will be a good time to go in and share and even share some of the stuff that comes up not from a place of blame or victim but just to share, "Hey, you know, I'm going through the detox and I'm feeling some stuff come up and I could use some support." Awesome. And I love your energy and I love your attitude, Terry. It's such an attitude and energy of abundance, that great adventure. That's really why we're here to be exploring and journeying on this great adventure. So thank you, thank you. All right. Let's see. Sue from Mason City writes, "I have had many little ideas this past week that I am getting close. Many times recently articles or sayings regarding failure came to me. It seems to be saying don't give up before the miracle happens." Indeed. Don't give up before the miracle happens, Sue. And it's interesting there is a Chinese proverb that I don't remember it exactly, but basically, it says we often stop right before we get to the door. We are walking. We are looking for the door. We are looking for the door. And often we stop right before we get there. It's just around the next bend. [0:20:07] It's interesting on the train right down here, my daughter was listening to the Magic Tree House book. The one that she listened to, she had to find a teaching Jack and Annie, the girl and boy in the Magic Tree House, had to find a writing that was about a learning. The learning they had to find was "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again." So yes, as Terry said, we're on a great adventure. Sue, as you are holding, don't give up before the miracle happens. There is so much available to you. And I would really

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

encourage you to, especially when you find yourself in a time or in an experience where it feels like things aren't working, to really acknowledge the blessings in your life, and to really acknowledge that on some very important level, there is deep transformation happening. Because in my experience, the deepest transformation, the deepest awakenings happen when we're in that place when things don't seem to be working. When things seem to be challenging, when life seems to be challenging, when things seem to be not coming together easily, those are the times when the inner work is happening, where we're recalibrating, we're realigning our internal systems. We often can't feel it. It feels uncomfortable because we're stretching out of our comfort zone. But when we come out, when we come out on the other side, you realize that something profound has shifted. That's when you realize that all of those "mistakes" and "failures" were really important for you because they opened you up to this new understanding, this new awareness, this new level of consciousness that would not have come if you haven't had these opportunities through these "failures" and "mistakes" and "challenges." So beautiful. Thank you for sharing that, Sue. Yes, don't give up before the miracle happens. It is on its way. In fact, we could even change that saying. It's not about don't give up before the miracle happens. It's to recognize that the miracle is happening right now. Recognize that this is a miracle right now. I mean, geez, just the fact that we are alive on this call connecting, taking in this energy, that, in and of itself, is a miracle. So don't give up before the miracle happens, and don't forget that each moment is a miracle. Beautiful. Okay. Let's see if there's anything else. We got Nancy. Let's see. A couple of things here from Nancy. "My passion is to have homeless, jobless, moneyless people trade their gifts and talents for money at support gatherings, that I am now calling creative -- and she spells it funny, C-R-8-T-I-V-E -- creative good gatherings. This would be a distraction to people using guns and weapons, that people want peace and harmony, not violence. I plan to have meetings at our local library to discuss this among local citizens who desperately need support financially. Baby steps." Nancy, this is so cool. I love that you are just so zeroed in. It really feels like you've almost taken it down to the intention level. But tonight when we do the intention process, I have a feeling you're going to get some very clear next steps because you've really, obviously, done a lot of work on clarifying the details of this issue, and it's so beautiful. Let's see. It was Doreen who said, "The vision to be an expression or a conduit for love, peace, joy and abundance." Doreen, just look at what Nancy came up with. Not to compare but just to say, "Wow, that is such a creative way to express yourself as a conduit for peace, love, joy and abundance." So all of us can take a look at that and say, "Wow!" Sometimes it feels like everything has been done. Sometimes it feels like, as I say, there's nothing new under the sun. That may be true. I don't know. [0:25:00]

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

But we, you, each of us, every single one of us has a unique take and a unique perspective. You are here. There is an infinite number of ways that whatever is not new under the sun can be expressed in the world, and your job is to find what your unique take is on all those things that are not new under the sun and to find new ways of expressing them in the world. So don't worry about whether it's new or not. Just focus on how you are going to express it in a way that is absolutely unique that no one else could ever express it. Okay, beautiful. I will give another 30 seconds if anyone wants to share. I love, love, love all of these shares. What beautiful insights and experience and awakening you guys have had this last week. Let's do one more check over here. So far none. So I'm going to go over and grab my notes and I'll come back and give one more final check before we move on. Okay. Good, good, good. I just want to also open up if there any questions about the actual 33-day journey, the process. You are welcome to post them now, and I can give you some feedback on that. Hopefully it's going smoothly and you're moving along well into that. It's time for you to be moving on to the fire meditation in the morning. Because we're going through this as a group, normally I would say if you're doing this on your own, like if you're starting this later and you're not going through those as a group, you can take your time and circle around. If you missed a day, you can go back and start where you left off. But because we're going through this live at this point, it's good to stay on track so that we're all in the same element; we're all in the same energy. So now, in the next day or so, if you haven't already, will be a good day to shift to the element of fire and use the element of the fire elemental energizer meditation in the morning and then you can kind of jump ahead, if you need to, to day 8 in the Action Guide and Journal. That's the first day that would be with the working with fire, the element of fire. Okay, good. No more questions over there and no more shares. So let's go ahead and move on. So today we're going to talk about intention. Intention is the second manifestation key. As you all know by now, vision is the first manifestation key. We've been working with vision for the last week or so, and hopefully you have some sense of what your vision is. Whether it's the grand, grand, big, big potentially multi-life vision that Doreen was talking about of being a conduit for love, peace, joy, and abundance or whether it's a more specific, clear, refined vision that Nancy was talking about, somewhere in there, somewhere within that spectrum, you hopefully have some sense of your vision why you are here, why you have come to this world, why you have taken this specific form that you have in this life, why you have the specific life experiences and the education that you have had. All of those things contribute to the unique expression that you are able to bring to this world, the unique vision that you are here to manifest in the world. And as we move to the second key we begin to refine it even more. Now, let's talk about the difference between intent. Well, what happens with intention as you're working from vision down to intention? We're really coming down from this big, big

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

experience, big expression of who we are -- our purpose, our mission, our vision. And then as we're coming down, intention begins to refine it, to clarify it, to crystallize it into ultimately, when we get to the fourth manifestation, we get the action into actionable steps. Remember last week I shared that we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in one year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in five years. Well, we want to get to the place where we have this big, big vision that is calling us, ultimately a vision that we may never manifest in this lifetime. That would be something to be excited about, something that will take us the rest of our lives to manifest and perhaps will never be manifested. Perhaps someone else will leave our legacy of this vision to others to complete after we're gone because the vision is so big, so bold, so grand, and so vast that we leave it someone else to complete and continue. As we come down to the second manifestation key of intention, then we begin to move into this place where it becomes more specific, it becomes more clear, it begins to crystallize into very, very clear, refined, specific expressions that we want to manifest. Now, I talked a little bit about desire last week. I want to continue this talk about desire in relationship to intention because there is a big difference between intention and desire. Now, remember, I said last week desires are great, desires are wonderful, desires are what help us expand, desires are what keep us in this place of wanting to grow, wanting to expand, wanting to evolve. And desires are something that we have all the time. It's impossible -- I don't know about impossible -- but for most people that are below the level of mastery, life mastery, desires happen all the time. We go through our days. Everything that happens in our days activates desire. If you're going to a store, you have a desire to find a parking space close to the store. You have a desire to -- maybe you're going in just to find one thing. So you have a desire to find it quickly. You may have a desire or have a thought, "Oh, wouldn't it be great if that was on sale?" You have a desire that the checkout line is short or if there are multiple checkout lines, when you're going to check out, multiple cashier lines, you have a desire that you choose the shortest one or the fastest one. You have all these desires every moment. You desire to have a good breakfast. You desire that the day is going to be nice. You desire that, "Oh, it looks like it's going to rain. Well, I hope it doesn't rain until I get home." All of these things are desires that are coming all the time. Your mind is just something that just churns out desires. It's really important that you get into the habit of allowing these desires to be okay. There is so much stuff in the spiritual world about desire being bad. As soon as you make a desire bad, you push it away and create this charge around it. This is especially something that's true when it comes to money. The idea that, "I want more money; I desire more money," as soon as you put that on there, that term of want or desire, or especially need, need is a very difficult energy. The word "need" has so much negative connotation, negative energy associated with it. So as soon as that gets put on to something, it's very easy to get to this place of -- some part of you starts saying, "Oh, well, it's not okay

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

for me to want that. I shouldn't want that. There are people starving, and I shouldn't want more money or I shouldn't want a bigger house or I shouldn't want a better car or I shouldn't want this or I shouldn't want that." So it's very important to get into a space of accepting the flow of desires without judging them, without judging them as wrong or bad or that they're not okay. It doesn't mean -- now, this is important. It doesn't mean that you're going to go after every desire. There is absolutely no way that you can go after every desire because your mind is constantly throwing desires up into your awareness. So there is no way that you can go after every desire. [0:35:16] I mean, just look at an experience you've had recently. We've all had an experience recently where there are two or more things happening that we want to do. So I want to go to dinner with a friend, but I'm also invited to a party, and there's a concert that I want to go to. There are three things that are happening that evening that I want to do. I have desires to do all three. Obviously, I can't do all three. It doesn't make any of those desires wrong; it doesn't make them bad. It just means that I have to choose, and that's where intention comes in. But when we allow desires to just bubble up to the surface and just be without judging them, then we don't get attached to them. Remember, we talked about how it's not the desires that are the problem. It's the attachment to the desires that gets us into trouble. It's when we're attached to those desires and the outcome that we start getting into difficult situations. When you allow the desires to bubble up, then you can begin to feel into whether these desires are actually coming from a higher place or a sort of lower mind place. So we're going to be talking about that a little bit more later. In the process you'll be able to experience the difference between more of a higher spirit-based or higher guidance-based desire, versus a more lower… Again, I don't want you to feel that lower and higher are judgmental. This isn't about a hierarchy. It just means that as an abundant mystic, as someone who has a high level of consciousness, a high level of awareness, one of your intentions ultimately should be to allow the desires that you choose more often as you expand in your consciousness to be guided by spirit, guided by your higher expressions, your higher self rather than by your lower self, your ego self, your body self. It doesn't mean you start denying yourself pleasures and enjoyment and all the things that can create a beautiful life. Absolutely not. You want to enjoy this life. You want to experience the goodness, the richness, the beauty of this life. Some of that will mean things like going out to beautiful restaurants, going on great vacations and seeing places you want to see, living in a house that really nurtures you and feels like a sanctuary space and a beautiful place that you want to be.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

All of those things contribute to your capacity to show up and serve in this world. When you deny yourself those things because you think desires are wrong, because you think desires are bad or because you think that service has to come first, then what happens is you start serving from a place of obligation, you start serving from a place where, ultimately, you end up feeling resentful and you end up feeling like you are serving others but not taking care of yourself. It's interesting. Someone actually wrote me an email about the one-on-one mentoring that I have available. She's actually not in a place where it's appropriate for her at this point. But I wrote her an email back and I said, "It's really important that you serve from a place of fullness." She was obviously wanting to do great work in the world. She has great, oh, just amazing skills and experiences and such a beautiful heart-based desire to serve people in need. I pointed out to her that if she is serving from a place, especially the market that she wants to serve, which is going to be not a very financially abundant market, if you're constantly serving people who can't afford to pay you and you're not taking care of yourself, you are constantly going to be serving from a place where your cup is not full. [0:40:18] So you're going to be using your reserves to serve people. And when you're using your reserves, you're going to be constantly in a state of burnout as I think Rachel was saying. And I'm not suggesting, Rachel, that that's what's happening with you, but in this case I said, "Take care of yourself first. Fill your own cup." And in some cases that means indulging some of the desires that will allow you to live a life where you can continuously fill your cup. So desires are good. Don't get attached to them. Let them bubble up, and then the desires that bubble up and continue to bubble up, because what happens as you bubble up, like imagine there is a bubbler or boiling water, they bubble up and they pop and they go away, right? The bubbles bubble up, they pop, they go away. So as long as you don't get attached to them, they pop, they go away, they pop, they go away. You see it. Here is a desire, pop, goes away. When you begin to see a desire coming up over and over, that's a clue that it's probably something to pay attention to. Now, it also could mean that it's a desire that you are attached to, and there is a different feeling when that bubble comes up, that desire comes up and it's a feeling of attachment. Often it feels grasping. It feels like imagine that here comes a bubble coming up to the surface, and you feel like you just have to protect that bubble and keep it from popping. That feeling of "Oh, I can't let it pop, I can't let it pop, I can't let it pop," and then pop, it goes away, and oh, and you feel like oh, you feel deflated. You feel like you've popped. That's a sign that that's a sort of ego mind-based desire and one that you are attached to. Whereas imagine this scenario. A bubble comes up. You see it and you're like, "Oh, that's interesting," and pop, it goes away, and you're like, "Oh, okay, it's gone." It comes up again. It comes up. "Oh, there that is again. Oh, interesting. I kind of like that." Pop, it goes away.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

"Oh, okay, there it goes." It comes up again. "There it is. Oh, hmm. Maybe I should pay attention to this." Pop, it goes away. Then it comes up another time and you're like, "You know what? This is the fourth time I have really felt into this desire. I'm going to hold on to this one. This feels like it's coming from a real place, a spirit place, a higher guidance place." And then you take it in and that's when it begins to shift from desire to intention. That's when it begins to shift into this place where you're going to actually focus on it. Because intentions are almost like the next level of desire. Okay. You can say they are lasting desires. They are desires that keep coming back. Not the desires that you're attached to but the desires that keeps showing up in your life. And as they keep showing up, these then become the desires that you choose to deliberately focus on. They are the desires that you choose to actively pursue. So that's really when you make the shift from desire to intention; and when you give yourself the space to allow the desires to come up without judging them and without being attached to them, then you can begin to watch that flow. The bubbles of desires come up and begin to get a sense of which ones are wanting to stick, which desires keep wanting to come back, and those are the ones that you want to bring into your awareness and run them through your intention processes. We'll go through that tonight and see whether they feel like they are ready to come out in the world in the form of action. I want to talk a little bit about Napoleon Hill for a minute because he was the author of "Think and Grow Rich," one of the very first kind of a classic, classic self personal development book that is many people say the beginning of the law of attraction way back in the early part of the century. And he talks about burning desires, the start of all attraction, the start of all manifestation. [0:45:04] And I didn't make the connection with this until this time through this program that it's interesting that he used the word "burning desire" and it's interesting that fire is the element associated with intention. Because I really consider when I read "Think and Grow Rich," what he is talking about with burning desire is really intention. It's really what he is talking about is intention, something that you are so committed to you are willing to do whatever it takes, this burning desire, this desire that is so strong in you that you are committing to it and you are willing to go out and work and do whatever it takes to manifest it in the world. That is the kind of energy that will allow you to manifest what you want in the world. Now, it's interesting to think that that piece of the puzzle was left out when "The Secret" came out, this idea of doing whatever it takes, of actually committing to something with all your heart, with all your soul to manifest it in the world. That is the energy of excitement, that is the energy of enthusiasm, that is the energy of passion, and that is the energy that will get you through those times when it feels like there are challenges or things are not working or things are failing. Because if you want something so much that it is a burning desire, a powerful, passionate intention, you will get through those periods of challenge, you will get through those periods of failure, and you will manifest what you want.

Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 12

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Yes, absolutely, there will be times when manifestation is easy and effortless and that is so wonderful to experience. And I guarantee you that when you are working to create your grand vision, your great vision, there will be times when there are challenges, that you face challenges, that you feel like you're on the wrong path, that you feel like you're failing. And it's in those times when having a burning desire, having the passion of your powerful intention, that is what will get you through those times as you are rearranging your inner world so that you can become big enough to manifest your vision, your intention in the world. Because that's really what's happening. That's really what's happening. It's not that something is happening out there. It's not that you're making something happen out there. What is really happening on a mystical level when you are creating your desires in the world, you're creating your intention in the world, you're building your vision in the world, what is happening is that you are rearranging yourself so that you can be big enough to allow that reflection to happen outside of you in the world. And so those times when you feel challenged, those times when you feel that things are not working, those are the times when you need that passion, you need that energy of excitement and enthusiasm. Those are the times when you need the energy of fire to help fuel you. And it's interesting too to know that fire, the element of fire, the energy of fire, one of the things that it does is it actually burns away what is not needed. It burns away the things that are distractions. When you create a fire, all that's left at the end of that fire is the metal, the rocks, the metal, the solid things, the things that are of substance. Everything else was just fuel to burn the fire. Fire, heat, it tempers steel. When you think of a sword, a great sword that's hand-forged in the fire, it is that fire that melts the steel and then the steel reforms, and it's that melting process and that reforming going from the heat to the cold, the heat to the cold, melting and being hammered, I know it sounds a little kind of hard core and I'm not suggesting it needs to be hard core, but I am suggesting that fire, the element, is a powerful ally if you are willing and open to let it clear away your distractions, clear away the parts of you that would be distracted and sort of move out of and away from your focus, your intention. [0:50:10] So the element of fire, intention, commitment, when you feel a burning desire you are making a commitment to create something, to manifest something. And to be quite honest, commitment is actually a rare thing these days. It can be scary to commit to something. I am sure you've all had the experience of really committing to something and then not getting it and then someone telling you that you're not going to get it or you should give up or you're wasting your time. And so to commit to something and to put all of your heart behind it and all of your soul and just all of your intention behind it can be very scary because what if you don't get it?

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

What if you don't get it? This is just coming to me. It's a personal, very personal story, but it really describes and expresses this idea of commitment. Many of you who have been with me for a while, you know that I'm adopted. And for many, many years love, like true love, was something that I wanted with all of my heart, but I was never willing to commit to it because I had the experience as an infant of having love taken away from me. That thing that I wanted more than anything else to be with my mother was taken away from me. And so for so many years in my life I was unwilling to open my heart again and commit to loving someone because of that experience of feeling like a commitment. What if I do not get it? I have committed so fully in that moment as an infant. I so fully wanted to be with my mother. And when I was taken away from her, that experience of not getting what I wanted was so painful. I can feel it. Most people think, well, there is no way a newborn can feel that. Trust me. A newborn can feel that pain and I carried that pain. And I'm not saying that to say that I'm a victim or to blame anyone or to abdicate my own responsibility. I'm just saying it took me a long time to get to the place where I was willing to say yes to love again, to really committing to love. So I understand how hard it can be to commit to something that you really want because what if you don't get it? Well, remember how I was talking about your vision? You might not get it in this lifetime. You might not manifest it in this lifetime. And you know what? That is okay because really what is more exciting, as someone said in the comments, is this great adventure we're on, this great adventure we're on. We may not make it to the top of that mountain, but we're going to have a damn good time getting there and getting as far as we can. So commit to something. Commit to something. Set an intention and say yes and say yes, I'm going to do whatever it takes. I'm going to go through the challenges, I'm going to go through the failures, and I'm going to come back and I'm going to make it. I'm going to just like have fun and I'm going to recognize that there are going to be times when it's hard, and I'm going to get as far as I can get. And in that commitment, there is so much power that opens up. And I think it's Goethe who says when you really make that commitment, when you finally say yes, the whole universe aligns behind you. The whole universe conspires to support you when you make a commitment to something. So set your intentions high. Don't go for easy things. Go for the gusto, go for the gold, and really you will see that just by setting that intention, just by making that commitment, you will have so much energy behind you. I want to talk a little bit about the spiritual aspect of intention and this gets back to the idea of what life, what God, what source wants to create through you. I talked a little bit about it in describing the bubbles that come up.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

[0:55:00] The bubbles that keep coming up and keep coming up and keep coming up, those are probably coming from a spiritual place. You're perceiving those from a more spiritual aspect, mystical aspect of yourself. There is nothing wrong with the desires that come from your human self, the ego self. There's nothing wrong with those. Actually, it can be very beneficial to indulge those desires once in a while, to show your human self that you are taking care of it, whether that means going out for a nice dinner or getting yourself a present or doing something nice to yourself. Those can be very, very beneficial because they not only appease your ego mind and your human self, but they also serve to fill your cup in some ways. They also serve to remind of that your abundance is flowing, your abundance is flowing. You can do those things. You can go out to a nice dinner. You can get yourself a gift. You can go on vacation. They serve a very valuable purpose. And also know that within the experience of desire, there are also desires that are very clearly coming from a higher place. They're coming from a spiritual place. It's almost like life, God, source, the divine is bringing desires to you so that you can experience what it is to have a spiritual desire, a desire that is coming straight from the source, what does it feel like to have a desire that comes straight from God through you, something that God wants to create, that life wants to create through you. There's a very, very clear experience and feeling when a spiritual desire comes through you. As you open more to your desires without getting attached to them and without judging them, you will begin to feel the difference between your human desires and the desires of life coming through you. Equally so, don't get attached to those desires either. It's very easy to say, "Well, I can't indulge my human desires. I can't have this, that or the other thing because that's a human desire." But when a spiritual desire comes through, you say, "Oh, well, I have to do that because that's coming from God, that's coming from life." No. You have to stay detached from those as well. You have to stay detached from those as well. Because what I found is that life, God, spirit, whatever you call that divine force moving through everything, it doesn't work in human time. It has no conception, it has no concept of what it's like to be in human form, in human body, in this place where time and space limits what can happen. So life, God, spirit, the divine will, as you open, send you, in my experience, many more desires, spiritual desires, than what you can create in any given time. So you have to stay equally detached from your spiritual desires. But what is important is to be able to recognize what's a human desire and what's a spiritual desire, and begin to just discern those so that you can begin to put -- I would say, it's important to put more emphasis on the spiritual desires and more focus on the spiritual desires without being attached to them so that you drive yourself crazy because as you open up, as you become a channel for the divine, for God, for source, for spirit, more and more desires are going to come through you; more and more guidance is going to come

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

through you. I guarantee you, it's going to be more than you're able to create in a given time, and you have to let go of that. I know I have driven myself crazy. It's actually a very inefficient way to work to say, "Oh, I'm going to create this and I'm going to create that and I'm going to create that." I've tried that and I've done that. I've created all these things. But I drive myself crazy. I stress myself out trying to keep up with all of these spiritual desires that are coming through and the guidance that's coming through. It also makes it very difficult to create abundance in this world, because people can't follow you, they can't keep up with you. [1:00:09] So just be aware of the spiritual aspect of desire and intention, but remain detached, equally detached from spiritual desires as you are from human desires. Okay, let's talk about -- just going to look through my notes here, I want to make sure we don't go too far over tonight. I want to talk a little bit about how to set your intentions, but first, I want to talk about intention killers. These are things that get in the way of clearly setting your intentions. Intention killers are around us all the time. They are within our awareness. They are within our mind. They're within other people. Other people can be channels for our intention killers, and we always have to be on the lookout for them. I'm going to go through them very quickly; and as you begin to set your intentions, just be on the lookout for them. I'll just share them first and then I'll speak a little more about them. The five main ones that I've listed here are need, fear, doubt, confusion, and uncertainty. Need obviously is that energy I talked about at the beginning of the call where you're in a place where it's very difficult to set an intention without being attached to it. Need is, in fact, the energy of the attachment. When you feel like you need something, whether it's because you need money, you need food, you feel you need love, you feel you need validation, whatever it is, that is an energy of attachment. You are looking for external validation. You are looking for external evidence of something that ultimately can only come through an internal experience. If you've gotten this far in life, you know that your needs are always met. If you look back to some point in your life, it may be years ago, it may be just a few days ago or maybe earlier today when you felt you really, really needed something. And when you look at the fact that you are here now listening to this call, you'll realize that you, in fact, did not need that thing. Whether or not you got it, you are here. And in that moment when you felt that energy of need, if you really needed it, you would have died instantly, right? Need -- that's what need is. This energy of need is this experience of "If I don't get this, I'm going to die," right? I'm exaggerating a little bit but not much. Because what happens is that attachment energy, it is coming from this fear of obliteration, this fear of not existing anymore, this fear of dying. And that is the energy of need. If I don't get this, I will not exist anymore.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Sometimes the feeling that we need validation, we need someone to recognize us, we need someone to acknowledge us, we need someone to love us, that can feel like a life or death situation. The same thing with money. If you're in a place where you're not sure whether you're going to be able to pay the rent or have enough money to buy food, that can feel like a life or death situation. So to have that energy of need is going to absolutely stop your intentions in their tracks. So as soon as you feel that energy of need coming in, it's super important to stop and do whatever you can to shift out of that energy of need. Fear is another intention killer. There's something wrong with some fear to be in your space. And in fact, when you are stretching, when you are expanding, when you are moving out of your comfort zone, there's going to be some level of fear. But when you allow fear to get into your intentions, it will stop the intentions. Because if you're afraid, whether you're afraid of what people will think, you're afraid that you'll fail, you're afraid that you will succeed; whatever it is, that fear will stop your intentions. It will just stop the flow of energy of your intentions. [1:05:14] The same thing with doubt, and doubt we will talk about more when we get to beliefs because doubt, in essence, is a negative belief. I don't believe I can do that. That's doubt. I don't believe that it's possible for me to create this or manifest it. So that doubt is really a negative belief. We will talk about negative beliefs and limiting beliefs next week. But if you feel doubt merging into your intentions, then it's time to take a step back, pause and clear the doubt. The same thing with confusion. Confusion and uncertainty are similar in that confusion is just kind of like, oh, you just have no idea which way to go. Confusion is like you haven't even set your intention. Uncertainty is when you have multiple intentions and you're not sure which one to set. So confusion is like you just don't know and you're just like there are so many different ways you could go that there is no clarity at all. Uncertainty is you have two, three, four intentions that you're having trouble choosing between. That is something that you will have to do. When you're setting intentions you will have to let go of some things that you want. That's something that we'll do in the process with the element of fire is you will have to sacrifice some of your intentions in order to focus on one of your intentions. Remember that sacrifice means to make sacred. To sacrifice your other intentions means to make it sacred. And when you do that, it doesn't mean you're giving them up forever. It just means that you're choosing to focus on one and you are releasing the hold that the other intentions have on your energy so that you can focus all of your energy, all of your passion, all of your fire on the one intention that you choose. I will talk about little intentions and big intentions because you got to understand that there are many, many different levels of intention. You can set your intention every day.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

You can set your intention every moment. What we're going to be looking at today in the process is the big intention, the big intention you're taking from your vision that you're going to put into action in the world. But within your day, there are many times that you can set an intention. If you've studied the law of attraction, you've probably heard the term segment intending. It means that for each individual segment of your day, for each individual portion of your day, you're setting a very clear intention. So perhaps when you wake up your first intention is that your morning is smooth and easy, and you go through your morning ritual or your morning routine. And then as you're getting ready to drive to work you get into your car and you set your intention that the commute is easy and open, and you get to work on time in a relaxed manner. And then you have a meeting at some point during the day and you set your intention for that segment that the meeting is beneficial and efficient and the outcome is in the highest good for everyone involved. So those are individual little intentions that you can set throughout your day. In our house we set an intention every morning as we are getting ready. Whether I'm taking my daughter to school or Michelle is going off to her office, we will stop and say, "What's your intention for the day?" And we'll go through and we'll just take a moment to feel in. And my daughter is so funny. She just kind of has gotten into the habit of saying, "Peace, love, harmony, and joy." Is that peace, love, harmony, and joy. I think that's it. Oh, ease maybe is in there too, I can't remember, but she says that's her intention. I say, "That's great intention." But what I usually do is I will stop for a minute and I will feel in to what is my intention for the day. Sometimes my intention is to be open to receive. Sometimes my intention is just simply ease and grace. "Today I want to experience ease and grace." [1:10:08] Sometimes my intention is focus. If I'm feeling that I'm at a place in a project where I really need the energy focus, I will set my intention to be focused. So I will just stop. And you can do this in the morning when you're meditating. You can do it when you first get out of bed. You can do it when you're eating breakfast or having your tea or coffee. Just ask yourself, what's your intention for the day? You have that in your daily Action Guide and Journal. One of the morning actions is to set your intention. So that's a great time to actually practice setting your intention for the day. What do you intend for the day? What do you intend to experience for the day? What energy will support you during the day? That is a beautiful way to set your intention. And then when we go on to the process here in just a moment, you're going to experience what it's like to take your vision and to allow the element of fire to help you clarify what the specific intention is that you are going to commit to. And this is a beautiful thing and this is something that it may be that the intention that comes to you is something that you're just

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

going to do tomorrow. Beautiful. It may be that the intention that comes to you is something that's going to take a week or a month or a year. You don't know. But what you will find is that as you begin to clarify and crystallize your intentions, the specific actions that you need to take will start to become clear, and we will start to work with action in two weeks when we get to the fourth manifestation key of action. Next week we'll be looking at belief and clearing out some limiting beliefs. Let's go ahead and jump into intention. I just want to open it up quickly if there are any questions. I know this is a lot of information, so if there are any questions, go ahead and post them on the webcast and I will check up quickly. Let's see. Nancy says, "Clear the doubt with being uncertain and then shifting to be more certain just as confusion can shift to being unclear and then to more clarity. Shift the word and experience to the opposite one in the dictionary, shifting from duality to oneness." I'm just reading into this again Nancy. Clearing the doubt with being uncertain and then shifting to being more certain just as confusion can shift from being unclear and then to more clarity. Yup, indeed. Shift the word and experience to the opposite one in the dictionary, shifting from duality to oneness. Yeah, I'm not so sure it's about an either/or, and this is one of the places where I'm really working in my own life with this idea of oneness versus duality. And I'm feeling like it's not about either/or. It's really about both. It's really about acknowledging and honoring our bothness, our bothness as aspects, unique aspects of the oneness in this experience of duality, and to experience them both really is what makes us human. And certainty/uncertainty, it's beautiful to have the certainty of intention and it's beautiful to also be open to the mystery of how it's going to unfold. That's the other thing about being detached from the outcome. You can have this beautiful intention, this beautiful vision, be totally committed to it. This is your burning desire. You are doing everything and anything you need to to make it happen and you're also being completely open to how it's going to unfold and being in this beautiful place of allowing life to unfold it in a way that is completely mysterious, completely uncertain to you. So Nancy, it's beautiful that you're in this place of certainty, uncertainty, duality, oneness because it's really a place of both, both/and, both/and, going from certainty to uncertainty, being clear and totally clear on what you're intending and being totally open to the mystery and how it's going to unfold because you never know. You never know. Okay, beautiful. [1:15:00] That's the only comment or question I am seeing. So let's go ahead and move into the process here. I'll check the questions once more. Good. Okay. So if you're not already, while you are getting comfortable, I'm going to take a sip of water and then we will dive in. So go

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

ahead and get yourself into your comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed and where you will be quiet. Okay. And let's begin. Begin by focusing on your breath. And as you begin to feel your breath moving in and out, gently let your eyes close, and begin to find your way into your intuitive space in the center of your head. Begin to feel the breath moving you from the center of your head back into the middle of your head, that space between your ears, the very center of your head, that space where the golden light, the golden flame is in your center of your head. That is your inner sanctuary space. That is the space where you can connect to your inner guidance, your higher guidance. And as you find your way to that space, as you feel yourself dropping into that inner sanctuary space, feel yourself coming more fully into your body, feel your energy coming more fully into your body. The process of manifestation happens within this world of physicality, within this world where you are a body. So in order to manifest effectively it is important for you to be in your body. It is important for you to inhabit your body. It is important for you to be an embodied spirit. So feel yourself coming back home. Feel yourself coming back into your physical body. And begin to feel the earth beneath you. Feel the earth, the energy of the earth, the physical earth below you, the planet on which we are all traveling together, this beautiful Gaia. Feel yourself being supported by her energy. Feel yourself being held by this earth. And allow that energy of the earth that draws you down, the energy of the earth draws you down, and it's what gravity is. Gravity pulls you down, draws you down. Feel that energy of gravity pulling you down even more into your body, deeper into your body. Allow that energy of earth, the energy of gravity to pull you down even more deeply, more completely into your sanctuary space in the center of your head, filling your inner vision opening, your inner perception opening, expanding all around you so that you can see, feel, hear, taste, touch, smell, know the information that is coming from your higher self. Beautiful. And begin to feel your inner vision opening whether you see or don't see, whether you feel, whether you know, whether you touch, taste, smell, whether you get symbols or colors or tones. Just allow that inner vision within you to open. [1:20:05] And as you sit comfortably, safely, feeling protected, feeling secure, remembering that this space we are in is safe, is protected. Feeling that relaxing your body, relaxing your mind, allowing you to more fully engage with your inner vision as you feel yourself comfortably seated in your sanctuary space begin to call upon your grand vision, your great vision. Begin to open to the vision of your life that you have been opening to. Allow it to come to you this vision of your life, this vision of your life that life is wanting to create through you, the vision that life wants for you, the vision that life wants from you.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Play with that vision for a moment. Notice any new details. Notice if anything has fallen away. Notice if there are any more specific elements in this vision as you observe it, as you feel it and experience this vision of your life, this vision of life wants for you. And as you play with and in this vision of life begin to open to the energy of fire, the element of fire. Begin to feel this element coming in gently, gently, gently. Obviously, fire can be a very powerful and even destructive element. All the elements have that capacity. In this moment we're calling in the element of fire very gently, very gently, coming in, warming, nurturing, providing light, providing heat. Begin to connect with this element of fire. Let's connect with the element of fire through the energy of the sun. This is a wonderful way to begin to connect with the element of fire. Feel the sun shining on your vision. Feel the rays of sunlight shining on your life vision. And begin to notice as the light comes down, as the warmth from the sun comes down, where the light from the sun, where the beams of light, the rays of light are shining on your vision. What elements, what aspects of your vision is the sun encouraging you to focus on? It's almost as if the sun is shining a spotlight onto a certain specific aspect of your life. Just take a moment to notice, to feel. And then almost as if someone is holding, imagine that the divine, that spirit, that God is holding a magnifying glass between the sun and your vision. The intensity of this heat increases from this fire, the sun's fire, and it begins to burn away your vision, begins to burn through your vision. [1:24:59] Remember to let go of attachment. Just watch as the sun, the fiery element, the fiery energy comes and begins to burn away your vision, burning away the pieces of your vision that are not for this moment. They may come back. But this energy of fire, the element of fire is burning away the aspects of your vision that are not for this moment so that what remains, you will see, is for here and now. And now, the divine magnifying glass that increased the heat of that sun's fire is taken away and your vision now is there for you. The burning has stopped and what remains? Allow yourself to feel the specific piece of your vision that remains after the rest has been burned away. What is the one piece, the one aspect of your vision that remains? Feel it, see it, know it, hear it. Trust that there is insight coming to you. Trust that there is knowing coming to you of your intention. This is your intention. This is the intention that you are taking from your vision that you will commit to if you choose to. This is the intention that will become your burning desire. This is the intention that you will put all of your manifestational energy behind, focusing your capacity to create in the world, this desire. This is the intention that you will focus on. Feel the excitement we were talking about in the beginning of the call, the excitement. Even if you can't feel the specific elements of this, even if you can't feel or know or see exactly

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

what it is, feel excited. Let yourself feel the passion of the fire that has burned away what is not for now leaving you only with what is here for you right now to focus on. Even if you can't feel it, feel that passion, feel that fire energy fueling you, exciting you, opening you to your passion. Let yourself hold on to this knowing and let yourself open to receive more information. Over the next days, in your dreams, in your waking visions, allow yourself to open to more clarity that comes through guidance, through messages during your day so that this intention over the next few days becomes very clear, so that you become very clear about what you are committing to, what you are manifesting in the world. Feel it. Allow it to grow inside of you even if it's just a seed. Even if it's just a seed, allow that seed of intention to be planted within you, knowing that it will be growing, growing, growing over the next few days as you open to guidance, to messages, to insights. Begin to allow this intention, specific piece of your vision, begin to let it go. Let it go, letting it go into the mystery, even while you hold on to the commitment. [1:30:10] Let the expression of it release to the mystery so that it can unfold in ways that you may not be able to imagine. Release it. Let it go as you come back fully into your sanctuary thanking the element of fire, thanking the energy of the sun for assisting you, for clearing away what is not for now, not for here, not for this time, so that you could open more fully to the clarity of what is for now, what is for here. And begin to bring your awareness back, begin to become aware of your body, feeling the pressure of your body in the chair or on the floor, wiggling your fingers as you bring full awareness back, wiggling your toes as you become fully aware of your body, of my voice, and with a clear breath in and out opening your eyes gently and coming fully, fully back. Okay. So your intention that came to you in this process will unfold. It will grow. It will expand. It will gain clarity. You have started a process in this meditation that will continue to unfold. You have started an awakening process, a clarifying process, a refining process that will continue over the next few days. Allow it to continue. Open to the clarity. As you listen to the fire elemental energizer in the mornings, you will connect more fully to the energy of the sun and the element of fire and it will continue to help you clarify to clear away what is not for here and now, what is not for this time so that you can really focus on what is for you in this time, what is for you in this place, in this moment. I would encourage you to take notes, to maybe keep a journal with you, get a small little notepad. Be awake and on the lookout for messages. Listen when people recommend books especially if you hear a book recommended several times. Listen for ideas that come through when you're in those moments where you're not fully in your conscious mind,

Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 22

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

when you're in the shower just kind of doing your thing, when you're driving, when you're in that field, when you're cooking, when you're cleaning. Those are moments when insights can come. Be open to them and allow them to help you refine this intention that you are going to be focusing on, that you're going to be committing to over the next period of time. And then next week we will be working with the manifestation key of beliefs so that you can clear out the beliefs that are in the way of you attaining and achieving this intention. The limiting belief that get in the way of your ability to manifest what you want, you'll be learning a powerful process for releasing those. So let me share with you your joy work and your daily awareness practice. Your joy work is to two things. Obviously, continue with your daily Action Guide and Journal. [1:35:02] Continue listening to the elemental meditation, the elemental energizer meditations in the morning. Listen to the evening induction meditation. If you haven't downloaded them, the guided versions have been up for a few days, so they're in your members' area. They are really powerful when you listen to the guided version. They are powerful when you listen even without the guided version, but if you haven't listened to the guided version yet, it will be helpful for you especially if you have trouble with closing down your mind before going to bed and going to sleep. Then also with your joy work, stay open. Stay open to guidance. Stay open to messages about your powerful intention. And then your daily awareness practice is to be aware of the intentions you are setting in each moment. So pay particular attention this week. Pay particular attention this week to your intentions in the morning. If you only do one of the morning actions in your daily action guide, do your intention. Set your intentions each morning. And become aware of the intentions that you set throughout the day. You may want to spend this week being aware of what Abraham-Hicks call segment intending where you are setting an intention for each individual segment of your day. So that's your daily awareness practice and your joy work. So we are just over 90 minutes, and I am happy to stay on and answer any questions or if you want to share your insights or anything that came up for you during the process, I would be happy to take that in. Nancy has shared, "My intention is to reach and contact people with money and have them experience how they can benefit by contributing their money in exchange for talents." And then, "Americans can serve Americans and we regrow as a nation who will need to take baby steps to think this through." Beautiful, Nancy. I love that. Again, that's a powerful vision and you're beginning to refine it. You can already see that that has refined from the

Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 23

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

beginning. So continue to stay open to how this continues to refine and clarify with the element of fire and with your attention to what your intention is. Rachel writes, "I want to listen to this process again," and yeah, I would definitely recommend listening to this processes multiple times. "I did get a sense that there is a different vision intention on the far side of my grounding down and recovering from burnout. For now my intention is the grounding. For now I want to plant a peach tree in my yard." I love it. I love it, Rachel. That is a beautiful intention. I love that it came through this process. That is such a powerful way to reconnect to the natural -- to the element. It's a powerful way to connect to that natural world. It's a powerful way to help you ground. And yes, I would agree with you. Intuitively, I feel that you're right on, Rachel, that there is a new vision and intention that is wanting to bubble up for you and that right now what you are focusing on is really getting yourself, filling your cup because it's very hard to fill into a powerful vision and intention when your cup is running on empty. So the more that you can fill your cup, the more you will be able to open to the big vision that is wanting to manifest through you. So beautiful insights, Rachel. Sue writes, "My intention is to open people to the ideas and reality that energy healing is not only possible but is real and available right now." Beautiful, Sue. And one thing to keep in mind is just consider how to phrase that and how to move forward with that in a way that it doesn't carry an energy of like conversion or that energy of kind of convincing people because the last thing you want to get into is to convince people that something is real and available. [1:40:17] Trust that the people who are ready to open to this idea are going to find their way to you and that they will experience it and experience your work in a way that is going to open them to the reality of energy healing. But beware of the trap that some people fall into, some healers fall into of trying to feel like you have to convince people. And I will tell you I had this experience. I don't know if you saw on the Facebook group that when I was visiting my parents up in Massachusetts before coming down to Michelle's family that my dad was in the emergency room one morning and he just got so many different various illnesses and ailments and things. And for years, for years, I wanted to convince him of the power of energy healing, convince him of the -- that so much of what he is experiencing is coming from unexplored emotions, the stuck energies in his body, old stuff from his family. And this trip has been really beautiful to experience that I could just let him be and I can just allow him. I can give him the freedom to walk his path. And even though for me it's sad many times to watch that he is really failing and fading and there is a sadness there, but there is a peace in me around knowing that it's not my job to convince him or to change him or and especially not to heal him because I spent many years when I first learned the energy healing work way, way back when. I spent many years in many ways unconsciously trying to heal him and it wasn't helping me or him. So

Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 24

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

beautiful intention, Sue. Just maybe that was more for me to hear than for you, but in case it was for you to hear, there you go. Terry asks if I will have this process extracted so we can listen to it by itself. Yes, I will. It will take a day or two to get that. The full recording will be available tomorrow, tomorrow morning, but the process itself will be available in the next few days. So I will send out an email when that's available. And the visioning process is available if you missed that email from last week. That is available. All right, I believe that's it for questions. So I will wait here for another 30 seconds or so in case there is something coming in. And if not, I will so look forward to connecting with you next week for the belief work, and I will be checking in on the Facebook group. I'm trying to get on there once a day. You guys can support each other as well. Get on there and share your stuff. This is your group. So get on there and start sharing. And after this week I will be back in California on late on Tuesday. And then remember next week that we meet on Wednesday. I will send out a couple of emails reminding you about that, but we're meeting Wednesday next week. I will be flying next Tuesday, and after that I will be much more active on the Facebook group with you. If for some reason you haven't joined the Facebook group, go and make sure you sign up, but you have to ask to be invited and I approve you to get into the group. All right, everyone, no more questions coming in and no more intentions to share. Oh, Nancy has one. Let's see. Oh, it's something about my dad. "Has your dad experienced that he is not sick and that he is really unhealthy trying to be more healthy? This is a shift from old to new." Yeah Nancy, it's exactly, and you know I did. It's tough when you've got parents who -- well, in this case I will speak for myself that there is a parent who is just not open to even the idea that there could be something that could shift in his mindset. [1:44:58] So that has been many years of frustration and now I'm just at peace with it, and just loving him up as much as I can and trusting that he is on his path and it's perfect for him and it's not my job to convince him. I'm just going to show up the best way that I can and be as conscious as I can. And if he see something in me that makes him curious and want to explore some other possibilities, I will be happy to share them with him. So thank you for that, Nancy. Thank you all for being here tonight, and I will let you know when the process is posted. The recording will be posted tomorrow in your members' area. Thank you all so, so much. I love you all so much. Many, many blessings, love, and abundance, and joy coming to you, and we will speak again very soon. Goodnight, everyone. [1:46:00] End of Audio

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