spirit of abundance - amazon s3€¦ · spirit of abundance module 1 [0:00:00] well, hello,...

Spirit of Abundance www.theabundantmystic.com Module 1 [0:00:00] Well, hello, everyone. Welcome. Edward Mills here and very, very happy to have you here with us for this first session of the Spirit of Abundance. Thank you all for being here. I am very excited to dive in and explore the Spirit of Abundance with you today and throughout the next seven weeks or so. It's going to be a fun journey that we are going to be on together. So let's go ahead and jump right in. I want to tell you, to begin with, just to give you a little overview of the course and where we'll be heading. And then we'll do a little intention setting for the course. And then later on we'll do a process that's going to help you clear out the old habits. I'm going to share with you why scarcity and lack is actually a habit and why that's actually a really good thing when you learn that it's not your reality. Let's set the stage for this course here. We're waiting for a few more people to come in. And before I go into the process, I want to give them some time to get in. So let's start with a little outline overview of where we're going to go, what you're going to get over the next seven weeks or so and what you're going to get out of this. On today's call we'll go into habits and why you're going to be able to really break out of the habit of scarcity, the habit of lack, and create and install new habits and, in fact, new rituals of abundance and prosperity in your life. And that when you do, when you install those new habits that your outer world, your external world will actually begin to reflect the experience, your inner experience of abundance much more efficiently and rapidly. We'll talk about consistency and why consistency is really important. Then, as you go through the 33-day journey that we'll be going on together starting next week, you're going to actually have the step-by-step process that will train you, train your body, train your mind, train you to create consistency in your life. Because it doesn't matter how big the steps you take; what matters is how consistent you are. I'd much rather see you take consistent, small, simple steps than take big, big, massive action one day and then forget about it for the next week. You're going to learn how to activate all four manifestation keys and why it's so important to manifest all four of these manifestation keys. Because what I've discovered is that even if one of these manifestation keys is not active in your life, it slows down the manifestation process because they all work together; they all weave together in this brilliant tapestry of abundance and prosperity. So when you learn how to manifest all four of them and to do it consistently, it's amazing how rapidly you will find abundance coming into your life.

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Page 1: Spirit of Abundance - Amazon S3€¦ · Spirit of Abundance  Module 1 [0:00:00] Well, hello, everyone. Welcome. Edward Mills here and very, very happy to have you here

Spirit of Abundance www.theabundantmystic.com

Module 1

[0:00:00] Well, hello, everyone. Welcome. Edward Mills here and very, very happy to have you here with us for this first session of the Spirit of Abundance. Thank you all for being here. I am very excited to dive in and explore the Spirit of Abundance with you today and throughout the next seven weeks or so. It's going to be a fun journey that we are going to be on together. So let's go ahead and jump right in. I want to tell you, to begin with, just to give you a little overview of the course and where we'll be heading. And then we'll do a little intention setting for the course. And then later on we'll do a process that's going to help you clear out the old habits. I'm going to share with you why scarcity and lack is actually a habit and why that's actually a really good thing when you learn that it's not your reality. Let's set the stage for this course here. We're waiting for a few more people to come in. And before I go into the process, I want to give them some time to get in. So let's start with a little outline overview of where we're going to go, what you're going to get over the next seven weeks or so and what you're going to get out of this. On today's call we'll go into habits and why you're going to be able to really break out of the habit of scarcity, the habit of lack, and create and install new habits and, in fact, new rituals of abundance and prosperity in your life. And that when you do, when you install those new habits that your outer world, your external world will actually begin to reflect the experience, your inner experience of abundance much more efficiently and rapidly. We'll talk about consistency and why consistency is really important. Then, as you go through the 33-day journey that we'll be going on together starting next week, you're going to actually have the step-by-step process that will train you, train your body, train your mind, train you to create consistency in your life. Because it doesn't matter how big the steps you take; what matters is how consistent you are. I'd much rather see you take consistent, small, simple steps than take big, big, massive action one day and then forget about it for the next week. You're going to learn how to activate all four manifestation keys and why it's so important to manifest all four of these manifestation keys. Because what I've discovered is that even if one of these manifestation keys is not active in your life, it slows down the manifestation process because they all work together; they all weave together in this brilliant tapestry of abundance and prosperity. So when you learn how to manifest all four of them and to do it consistently, it's amazing how rapidly you will find abundance coming into your life.

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Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 2

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

And then, of course, we're going to connect deeply with the four elemental energies. I'll do a little process here in just a moment so that you can meet the elemental energies, if you haven't yet, and we're going to be diving deep in to our connection with them over the next few weeks. And again, that's earth, air, water, and fire. Those energies are incredibly powerful and really, really will help you clear and cleanse and open your space and activate your capacity to manifest more of what you want. And when we talk about the manifestation keys, by the end of this course, you're going to have a bigger vision. You're going to have a connection to your bigger vision, the grandest version of the greatest vision you've ever imagined and even more than you've ever imagined. That vision is going to fuel you and propel you and give you the juice you need to move forward in your life. You're going to have permission to dream bigger than you've ever dreamed before. We're going to explore intentions and you'll be able to crystallize and clarify your intentions so that you can focus and narrow yourself, so that you can get some of that juice and really pour it in behind your intentions and keep moving forward. You'll learn how to break through old disempowering beliefs so that you can embrace and install. We'll actually install new beliefs in your system so that those beliefs can empower you as you take focused, clear actions. And those are, of course, the four manifestation keys: vision, intention, belief, and actions. [0:05:14] And ultimately, what you're going to get out of this is that you are going to know, by the end of these seven weeks, you're going to know deep in your heart, and in fact, in your mind and most importantly in the very cells of your body, you're going to embody the knowing that abundance is who you are, that abundance is your birthright. And with that knowing in your body, in your heart, in your mind, in your spirit, that spirit of abundance is going to move you forward in your life in a way that abundance will just unfold in ways you never could have imagined. It's going to be wonderful to experience. So I am very excited that you are here and I'm very excited to hear about your success stories as we go through this, and you'll have time to share on the calls as we go through. I will be opening up the lines throughout the calls to take your questions, to take your feedback. Let's do this. Let's begin with a short welcoming process. This is where we'll come into alignment, we'll come into a space of connection, we'll come into a sacred space of safe container. And I will introduce to you, if you haven't already met them, to the four elements, the elemental energies. And they are really going to be our companions and in some ways our guide through this process. So let's go ahead and do that. And obviously, I'm not going to say this every time we do a process. But whenever we're doing a process or a meditation, it's very important that you take care of yourself and take

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

care of others. Taking care of others means that you're not doing something that would endanger anyone else if you're on a call, if you're in a process and you're going into a trance state or closing your eyes, so no driving and no operating heavy equipment. Taking care of yourself means that you are in a space and a place where you will not be disturbed, where you will be quiet and calm for as long as we are in the process. So please just take care of yourself and take care of others as we're going into this work together. It is very deep work. It is very profound transformational work that we'll be doing, and it's important that you have the ability to take care of yourself while we're doing it. So let's go ahead and come in to resonance. We'll begin just by gently, gently settling to your body. And as you are ready and feeling comfortable, just let your eyes gently close. Feel your energy, feel your mind slowing down, calming down, relaxing. Feel your body relaxing as you close your eyes. And as we come together into this field of abundance, this field where the spirit of abundance flows through our space, flows through us, we are actively inviting the spirit of abundance to come into our circle. And so we come together with intention, with respect and gratitude into this sacred space together, this safe contained sacred circle. If it helps for you to imagine, you can imagine that we are in a circle together. Even though we are all over the world, listening to this at different times, either in live or on the recording, we are all participating in this at once. We are all here together in this sacred space in the one time, the now time. [0:09:58] And so we come together with this powerful intention to awaken to the spirit of abundance, to open and expand our capacity to create lives of personal prosperity while continuing to deepen our connection to the divine and make this world a better place. And as we come together, we breathe in, taking a deep breath in, and letting it out gently as our bodies relax. Feel your body relaxing. Another deep breath in, feeling your mind relax as the breath comes in; and as you release the breath, feeling your body relax. Now, let's welcome the elements into our circle, the elements who will be here to hold us and support us and clear and cleanse us. We will be connecting with them much deeper over the next few weeks, each of the elements in turn, but on this call, let's just meet them, let's say hello. So, let's begin with the earth. The earth is here, the earth, that beautiful calming, nurturing energy beneath us, always beneath us, always below us, this earth upon which we walk, upon which we stand, the earth from which our very bodies are made. This energy is here with us to say hello, to greet us. Feel the pulsing of the earth beneath you, that slow, low, gentle nurturing, pulsing of the earth coming into your body, calming you, bringing you more fully into your body. And let us all offer gratitude, appreciation to the earth for being

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

here with us. Thank you, earth, for being here with us, for holding us, supporting us always. Good. And now fire comes, and fire comes today very gently as a warming flame. Perhaps you see the flame in front of you, a gentle flame burning in front of you, warming you, warming you, providing you with light and warmth. It's here today to say hello, to greet us as we greet the energy of fire, and we offer our gratitude and appreciation to the energy of fire that has so much power to share with us. We will be learning how to work with that energy soon, but for now we just say hello and welcome the energy of fire with gratitude. And now, we welcome the energy of air, the energy of air that comes in swirls playfully around us, swirling and dancing and moving and caressing us with its presence. Perhaps you can imagine your hair blowing as the wind comes through. You can feel the air on your skin, on your face, on your arms as it moves around you, clearing you, cleansing you. Feel it even now, its playful energy clearing your space, clearing the space around you, opening you to be more present for this call today. And we welcome the energy of air with gratitude, with appreciation. Welcome, air. Thank you for cleansing us and being here with us. And finally we welcome the energy of water, the flowing, flowing, cleansing, clearing energy of water that can cleanse our emotional body. [0:15:00] Today we will just feel that flow of water around us, perhaps through us, knowing that it has great, great gentle power to cleanse and to clear and to release old emotions and stuck energy. But today we will just become aware of the element of water. We will greet it and welcome it with appreciation and gratitude. Welcome, water. And thank you to all of the elements for being here. Thank you so much. We will be so grateful when we dive more deeply with each of you over the next few weeks. Thank you for being here and supporting us, and clearing us, healing us, guiding us. Thank you, thank you. And now, as you feel the presence of the elements, allow them to stay as they choose as you begin to return your awareness to your body, to this call, to my voice, wiggling your fingers, wiggling your toes. And gently, gently, gently opening your eyes and coming back to full attention to the call. Beautiful. Oh, that feels good. Throughout the call, if you have a question or a comment, or you want to share anything feel free to share it. If you're on the webcast, you can type it in. If you're on the call, you can go ahead and click in to the webcast and share it. And if you have questions on the call, you can start to. I won't always have time to take questions on the phone, but if we do have time, I will definitely open it for questions at the end, but I may not have time during the call.

Page 5: Spirit of Abundance - Amazon S3€¦ · Spirit of Abundance  Module 1 [0:00:00] Well, hello, everyone. Welcome. Edward Mills here and very, very happy to have you here

Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 5

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

All right, so welcome again everyone and a big, big welcome to the four elements who are here. Thank you all for being here. This is going to be a great, great journey. This is a program that has evolved over the last few years, and I am very, very excited about the addition of the elemental repatterning process, the way the elements connect to the four manifestation keys and the elemental meditations that I've added for the morning process. So I really, really think it was already an incredibly powerful program, and I really feel like with the new additions, you are going to get -- oh, gosh -- so much out of this. And I'm excited to go through it with you. My daughter is going to be doing it again as well. She loves going through this program and she'll be joining us as well. So I may share her insights as well as we go through, as we're doing it. Let's do a few logistical things and then we're going to set some intentions together. First of all, I just want to let you know that it's really important. One of the biggest things that you can get from this program is a deepened capacity for discernment. And what I mean by that is this. I don't believe that anyone knows everything there is to know about abundance. I certainly don't, and I will never claim to know everything about abundance. And anyone who tells you they know everything about abundance I believe is either lying, or deluded, or in the rare case they may actually be a fully realized enlightened master, in which case, yeah, go for it. Listen to what they say. They probably do know everything about abundance. But I am not a fully realized enlightened master and, therefore, what I say in this class is what I believe and know to be true for me in this moment. [0:20:00] Everything I share with you, I believe and know to be true for myself. Now, in this moment, now, what that means is that, it may or may not be true for you. And it really may or may not be true for me a year from now. As I evolve and grow, I might discover that's something I'm teaching you now actually is not true for me when I am a year from now. So when I say use your discernment, what I mean is feel into what I'm saying, feel into what I'm sharing, and feel into whether it's true for you in this moment. Now, this is a very, very important skill to have all the time. And if you just get this one skill, if you can develop and enhance your ability to bring discernment to your life, that will be such a huge, huge important piece in your life. Discernment is a little bit tricky because your comfort zone, your ego, your comfort zone is going to want you to believe that some things that actually are true for you aren't. And so as we through this program, I'm going to be encouraging you to learn how to tell the difference between what is true for you, what is real for you that may feel difficult, and what is not true for you, what is not going to move you forward that may feel easy.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

And we'll talk more about that later when I talk about habits, but I just want you to begin to sort of put on the filter of discernment and use that throughout this course as I'm speaking, as I'm sharing, as you're going through the processes in your guidebook, as you're going through the meditations. Feel into it and begin to tune into what is real, what is true, what is true from your higher minds, from your inner guidance versus what is true from ego, from your comfort zone. We will be talking a lot more about that as we go through, but I just wanted to set the stage for that. Okay, so let's do this. I want to share my intentions for the course, and then we're going to do a very short intention setting process where you get to set your intentions for this program. So let's go ahead. I'm going to share mine, and then I'll take you through this process, and then I'll open it up and I want to hear your intentions. I basically have three intentions. I have more but three main intentions. One is an external intention for you, one is an internal intention, and the third is just kind of a feeling I want to have as we go through this. The first intention is the external intention. My intention for you is that as we go through these next seven weeks, I want you to have the experience of at least one abundance miracle in your life. What I mean by that is that I want you to experience and acknowledge and celebrate one unexpected check in the mail or one unexpected relationship that improves or some health issue that gets better, or money just showing up in some way that you never imagined could happen. Who knows? Something that is too much of a coincidence to be anything other than abundance showing up in a "miraculous way." Because when you are connected to the spirit of abundance, when you are connected to the deeper inner space of abundance, that is when miracles can happen. Miracles are nothing more than our perception of reality being challenged. See, we perceive reality in a certain way, and anything that is outside of that perception of reality is perceived as a miracle because we can't explain it based on our previous perception and belief about reality. So a miracle doesn't really mean that it's miraculous. It just means that it doesn't fit within our nice, clean, comfortable container of reality. So my intention for you in the external world is that you have one miraculous experience during these next seven weeks. It can be big, it can be little, it doesn't matter. Just something that gives you at least one and many of you will have more than one, but I want you to have at least one where something happens where it challenges your perception of reality and you look at it and your mind would say, "That's a miracle. There's no way that could have happened." That's the first intention. [0:25:20] The second intention is actually a little more important and this is the inner peace and what this intention is I want you to deepen your understanding, your inner understanding of what true abundance means. So that means by the end of this program, you're going to know what abundance feels like inside, you're going to know what it feels like to hold

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

within you the experience of true abundance regardless of how your external circumstances appear. The reason why this is so important is that when you deepen into this inner understanding of true abundance, that is when the outer experience of abundance begins to shift and transform and very quickly expand and grow. So the second intention is that by the end of our time together, our seven weeks together, you are going to have this at a much deeper, solid, embodied understanding of true abundance within you, and that that inner compass, it's like an inner compass, will guide you in a way that abundance will begin to flourish in your external life. And then the third intention is really just that we have fun together. I must admit that for many years, I've been doing this spiritual development thing now for well over 20 years, and I will admit that there have been times when I've been a little darn furious about it. I've taken myself too seriously, I've taken this work too seriously, and it's not that fun when it's not fun. So my third intention is that we have fun together, that we're playful, that we're willing to explore, that we look at this as if we're going on an adventure together, and we're going on this adventure. We don't know where we're going. The end is somewhere over there. We don't know where it is, but we know that our next step is right here. Our next step is right in front of us, so we're going to take that next step and we're going to have fun, we're going to play together, and we're going to enjoy it. And especially when we get into the 33-Day Abundance Action Guide and Journal starting next week, we're going to have a lot of fun going through those actions together. Okay, so those are my intentions. I'm just going to take you through a very short, little exercise here that will open you to your intentions, and then I'd love to hear some of your intentions because we're creating this field together, so our intentions will actually have a very, very profound impact on what happens and how this program unfolds. So, let's go ahead and come back into our process place, our meditation space, and take a deep breath in. And as you exhale, let your body relax. Let your eyes gently close one more time. Let the deep breath in and out, body relaxing, and letting your mind, your perception, your awareness drop down into the center of your head, to the place right between your ears. You might want to imagine a golden ball, a ball of golden light right in the center of your head, between your ears. Don't worry too much if you can't get there right now. We'll be doing a lot more work around getting into this inner sanctuary space, the space from which you can perceive your inner guidance, your higher guidance, but for now, just feel that golden light drawing your perception towards it, into the very center of your head. [0:29:57] And because we are in this container together, because we are doing this work in resonance, in alignment, it actually becomes easier. We entrain to each other. As I deepen into my inner sanctuary, you all are able to entrain more easily into that space of inner guidance. So just allow yourself to feel into the resonant field that we're in that will open you to your inner guidance. Beautiful.

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Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 8

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Now, I want you to open your imagination. I want you to open to possibility and potential. I want you to let go of limiting beliefs as much as possible, knowing that we'll be working a lot to release those beliefs in a few weeks. But for now, just open as much as you can to the limitless potential and possibilities that are available to you. And I want you to allow yourself to look out into your future, not your distant future, but just eight weeks out, eight weeks into the future, the end of September. And I want you to just allow yourself to imagine in this realm of infinite, unlimited possibility and potential, what is different in your life? What has changed? How do you feel? So open to this new experience of life that you have in just eight weeks. Let yourself feel it. Let yourself see it. Let yourself know it. Let yourself bask in this potential life experience that's waiting for you in just eight weeks. And as you feel into that, see if there's one specific physical, real-world difference or change that you notice, that you want to focus on, and also if there's one internal experiential difference, one feeling within you that is different or transformed that you want to focus on. And allow those to crystallize within you. Allow them to take shape, take form within you. And allow these differences to form into intention; intentions that you can articulate and share with the group. Let them formulate in your body, in your heart, and in your mind, so that you can put words to the intention for your physical world and the intention for your internal energetic world. Excellent. Don't worry if there was nothing specific that you saw. Trust that they were the feeling that came through and trust that these intentions will make themselves known to you over the course of our time together. We'll be visioning next week and working with intention the week after. So this is just a quick taste, a quick dropping-in. And as you're ready, wiggle your fingers and toes, and bring your intentions back with you, coming back to the call. Let's take a moment to hear some of your intentions. Go ahead and share them on the chat, on the webcast. If you're on the phone and you would like to quickly share your intention, you can press *2 and that will raise your hand and you're be able to share your intention right on the line here with us. So again, on the webcast, go ahead and enter it in. *2 on the phone will raise your hand. [0:35:13] And while we're waiting, I've got a question from Mary Katherine about having fun, and this is a great question. "What if we have been trained to not have fun with anything? I know that's a broad question, but regarding your third intention of feeling that we have fun together, well, that can be a challenge perception I would like to let go and may need help with. Thanks in advance for any help with this." That's a great question, Mary Katherine, and I have a feeling you're not the only one who has been trained to not have fun together. That was a big part of my issue when I began my spiritual journey. I thought that spirituality had to not be fun, had to be serious. In fact, in

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

many aspects, many areas of life, it's the same thing. I wasn't supposed to -- I wasn't allowed to have fun. I didn't deserve to have fun. So yeah, the way you begin to shift out of that and that's a belief that you can work on when we do our belief work together in a few weeks, but the way to begin to do that is to give yourself permission to have fun. Take little baby steps and maybe even today or tomorrow start doing one fun thing each day. You might even want to right down a list of everything you can think of that you really enjoy, everything you can think of that you feel is fun, whether it's watching a funny movie or walking in nature or, I don't know, playing golf might be fun for your, or I don't know what's fun for you but you do. And if you don't, if you think you don't know what's fun for you, just get out a pen and paper and just ask the question. Go into that inner sanctuary space. Get as close as you can to that inner sanctuary space and bring the question with you. What is fun for me? And then just start writing. Don't let the belief that you can't have fun get in the way. Just let your inner guidance guide your hand, guide your pen, as you write down all the things that are fun for you. And then start going and doing those things. Start doing at least one fun thing every day. And if you do that, I guarantee you that in a month or two months you will have gone a long, long way to having fun and feeling like you deserve fun and you can have fun. So, great question, Mary Katherine. Thank you so much for that. Okay, let's see some intention. And again, *2 will raise your hands and enter them into the chat webcast and I'll read them up. Let's see. We've got one from Sue. Here it says, "I want to be confident, sure of myself, and able to have fun in all of life." Awesome, Sue. Nancy says, "In eight weeks, two months, August 5th to October 5th, I plan to have my house decorating over, start doing some writing, and have fun and playfulness with my beloved, provided we get back together as we're off right now. What a miraculous miracle all of that would be." Awesome. Change to that Nancy to "What a miraculous miracle all that will be." Beautiful. Let's see. Nancy adds, "The more I'm out in nature, the more fun I will have." Beautiful. Yeah, nature is a big one for me too, absolutely. Terry says, "Fall equinox in Manitou Springs on my half acre bit of earth." I love that. "Planning my house with my daughter and my new community, new adopted family, new profession, taking up permaculture. And the miracle is it's all PF." I love the paid for. I've never seen that Terry. That's great. "It's all PF." Beautiful. Mary Katherine. "My intention for end of September 2014 is to be able to pray out loud for myself and for others with confidence and feel my natural ability that I feel in my heart manifest in words and writing out loud. Awesome, Mary Katherine.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

I'm going to give you a permission to pray out loud right now. Go ahead. Just a quick prayer. How about praying for fun? How about -- let's see. Let's see what prayer wants to come through for you Mary Katherine. [0:40:00] Fun is my birthright. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Say that prayer, Mary Katherine, right now if it feels okay to you., ad look at that. If you do, your intention is already done. Fun is my birthright. Thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, let' see. Anyone on the phone want to share? *2 will raise your hand. Otherwise, we will go ahead and move on. Nancy wrote back. "Oh, yes. Will have, not would have. Thanks." You are welcome, Nancy. Okay, good. I often find in these groups that it takes a while for people to feel comfortable in raising their hand and chatting in live. So it's okay if you want to be quiet. All right, let me check the Q&A one more time. Great intentions, everyone. What I want to do -- Nancy, I love you. "I pray that more people pray for fun." Beautiful. Yes, indeed. The world will be a much better place when we all lighten up and have a little more fun with everything we're doing. Okay. So what I want to do now is whether or not you shared your intention, whether you're on the live call or on the webcast or listening to the replay, just take a moment. We're just going to take about, I don't know, 20 or 30 seconds and just share your intention into the field. Share your intention into the collective field of intention that we are sharing. And as I said, our intentions are co-creating the field. I have an outline for these calls, but I don't script them out. So whatever intentions come in to the field, that's going to inform what comes out, what comes through me and comes to you. So let's just take about 20 seconds here. I'll be silent and just share your intention with our circle. Okay, excellent. Can you feel how that kind of deepened us? Beautiful. Excellent. Mary Katherine. "I do pray for fun which is my birthright." Thank you, thank you, thank you. So be it. Amen, amen, amen. Amen, amen, amen. Beautiful, Mary Katherine. Thank you for sharing that. Okay. Let's go over just a few of the logistics and then we're going to get into habits and changing habits. So I just want to let you know that we have our six live calls plus the live bonus coaching and healing call at the end. We'll be meeting on Tuesdays at 4 p.m. Just note that on the fourth week, I believe, instead of the Tuesday, we'll be meeting on Wednesday. So instead of August 26, we're meeting on August 27 at 4 p.m. I'll actually be traveling on that Tuesday.

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If you can't make a live call or if you want to listen to the recordings or the processes, the recordings will be available in your members' area definitely within 24 hours and usually much sooner than that. Transcripts will be available within a week or so after. And then we'll be posting the processes and meditations from the live calls as separate recordings, and those will be available within 48 hours after the live call. So that way if you want to go back and listen to just the process, you don't have to listen through the entire call, although I encourage you to listen to the calls again. There's going to be a lot of great information. I really am layering information into these calls in a way that you'll get deeper and deeper insights as you go through and listen to them again. So I encourage you to feel free to go back and listen to the full calls again. Right now, there's other content available in your members' area as well. You've got your evening integration and sleep induction meditations. There will be one more of those coming. There will be one that is guided. The two that are there now are non-guided but they will still take you into a very, very powerful integrative restorative sleep, and the guided version will be up by the end of this week. [0:45:08] The morning elemental energizing meditations, they are up there now, but those are the non-guided ones, and I encourage you actually to hold off on those and start those when we start the actual 33-day challenge, which will start next week. By then you'll have the guided version up for the element of air. That's the first one that we'll start with next week. I'm not going to talk to you about how to use these. I'm going to post a recording with detailed instructions on how you'll be using these meditations and that will be up there in the next couple of days. Okay. Some of you have already jumped in and joined our Facebook community. Come and join us if you haven't. This group is just starting out, and that's a great place for you to meet and connect with other Spirit of Abundance members as well as the awakening circle. So I'll be in there. I'll also have other abundance coaches coming to support you. The link is there in your members' area. If you have any trouble getting in to your members' area, LisaMarie is our amazing customer support person. You might also connect with Jessica as well. LisaMarie will absolutely help you get in to the members' area if you're having any trouble. Okay. Let's talk about the 33-Day Abundance Action Guide and Journal. This is actually one of the most important pieces of this program. This is going to help you break the habit of scarcity and implant habits and rituals of abundance into your life. We're going to be beginning together next week, because we want to go through this. As much as possible, we want to go through this together so that the energy builds in the field in our collective field. So we're going to start next Monday, August 11th. Again, I'll have instructions for you; for the way you're going to be using the meditations in the morning as well as how to use the Action Guide and Journal. The introduction to the Action Guide and Journal actually gives you instructions on how to use it, so you can get that there.

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Now, I do encourage you to print out the Action Guide and Journal. I've actually tried to do it. I'm definitely a tree hugger, and I like to save resources whenever possible. I tried doing this without printing it out and it just doesn't work. It just doesn't work because you do have to write things in your action guide. So I encourage you to print it out. You can recycle it obviously when you're done or hold on to it. You're going to have notes in there so it might be something to hold on to. I have actually three binders from the last three times I've gone through it with notes that I've taken. So you might want to hold on to it, but use recycled paper. You can also print it double-sided. I set it up so that when you print it double-sided, the daily actions for each day open facing each other. Put it in a binder, a three-ring binder and you're good to go. Now, before next week, go ahead and read through the introduction section. There is a commitment certificate to sign. I encourage you to sign that. That's more for you than for me. It just encourages you to really follow through on this, to really say, "Yes. I'm going to do this. I'm going to see this through to the end." Because let's face it, this course could be the absolute, miraculous, going to change your life, going to have you successful, abundant, healthy in love by the end of the seven weeks. But if you don't follow through, it's not going to make any difference. Here's the thing. If you follow through, if you do the 33-Day Action Guide, if you show up on these calls or listen to the replays, your life will be so much different and you won't even recognize it in eight weeks. So please go ahead and sign that and make a commitment to yourself to follow through. It will make a huge difference in your life. Now, next week, we're going to be working with vision, the element of air and the manifestation key of vision. So in the Daily Action Guide, in the introduction, there are several fun and powerful visioning exercises. I encourage you to do some or all of them before next week. [0:50:04] What that will do is that will get your self-conscious mind focusing on your vision, focusing on expanding into what is next. What's the bigger vision? What's coming for me? What does life want to create through me? And then when we do the visioning process next week and dive into the element of air, you'll already have all this stuff percolating that will come through your higher guidance, your inner guidance when we do the process next week. So I really encourage you to take some time. At least read through them and ideally do some of them. They're fun, they don't take too much time, and it really will help you start to clarify your bigger, grander vision, which is so important when it comes to expanding into more abundance. I want to talk about a question that sometimes comes up about kids, spouses, partners, and friends. Sometimes people ask, "Can I go through this with my partner, with my friend, with

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

my kid?" The answer is kind of a qualified yes. Kids, almost always yes, especially young kids. The first time my daughter Ella went through this with me, she was eight, and she loved it and it was so fun going through it with her and doing the exercises. She didn't do all of them, but the gratitude in the evening we did, and we still do that every single day. We said our intentions every morning; we do that every day still. So, yeah, kids for sure. Spouses, absolutely, if they want to, okay? You can't twist someone's arm. You can't make someone do this. This is very important that I'm going to actually say be very careful who you share this work with, including partners, including spouses. Now, I'm hoping that most of you have partners and spouses that are supportive of this kind of work and perhaps even want to do this work with you, and that's wonderful, that's fantastic. I have a feeling that some of you may have spouses or partners or family members who think that what you're doing is a little crazy. I would not encourage you to invite them to join you. In fact, I would encourage you to keep what you're doing not secret, but don't go around saying, "Oh, I'm doing my abundance actions today." Just do it in your own space. Don't tell them about it. What you're going to find is that the way they're going to become interested in what you're doing is when they see how your life changes. They're not interested in learning about the spirit of abundance. They're interested in having a better life. So when they start to see that your life changes, then they're going to ask you, "What are you doing? What was that program you did? Maybe I'll go through it." But be careful and be careful with friends as well. Some friends are going to be really interested and really supportive, and other friends are going to look at you like you're totally crazy, all right? So just be aware of that. If you do have a partner or a friend who wants to join and actually go through the program with you, I would encourage you to have them join. We actually have set it up so that family members, friends, spouses, if you have someone who wants to join, they can get in for half price. So just send an email to [email protected] and ask them for the special partner, family member registration form, and they can get in for half price. Because here's the thing. We have a community here. We have a community on these calls. We have a community in the Facebook group. But if there's someone in your life who actually will support you in this and that you can support, and you create this mutual support system right there in your house, in your neighborhood, in your town, that is going to hugely benefit both of you. [0:55:02] And I absolutely want to support you in making that happen. So that's why I'm doing that half price for family members and friends. But remember, it's got to be someone who really

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

wants to do it. You can't twist their arms and say, "Oh, they got half price. Come and do it." They really got to want to do it. But if they do, send an email to [email protected] and we'll hook you up with that special form, that special registration page. Okay, let's see. Good. Good. Good. All right. I think what I'm going to do, I'm going to go on, and then if there are questions about logistics at the end, I will take them because I want to make sure I get through the content today. So if you have questions about any of the logistics, any of what we're going to be doing, just making note of them, write down a note and then I'll stay on the line at the end and answer any questions you might have about logistics and anything else. But let's talk about habits, and I want to start by talking about unlearning. Because, basically, what we're going to be doing throughout this program is unlearning. I had this experience many years ago when I was a karate student, and I had been studying at a very, very traditional karate school, karate dojo, and had been studying with a karate master who studied in the '50s, which was known as the golden age of karate. He studied in Okinawa which is the birthplace of karate, and then it kind of moved up into Japan. And he brought a very traditional approach to karate back to the United States, which is very different than most karate schools now, and he still holds that traditional belief that it's many, many years before you really are a black belt. And so I had been studying for six years at this school, very intensively, usually three or four times a week. The workouts were between two and six hours on Saturdays. We started at 2:00 in the afternoon. And I remember one time we went from 2:00 till 6:00 or 7:00. We ordered in pizza for dinner, had pizza, and then worked out again until 11:00 at night. So it was like a nine-hour workout. We had visitors from Japan and so Sensei wanted to really impress them, I guess. But it was obviously very intense, three to four times a week, two to four, sometimes six hours of workout, and it was six years before I received my black belt. And I was obviously pretty excited about it. There was definitely a little bit of ego in there. At the time I was in my 20s, so I was still driven a lot by ego, and it was definitely a part of the excitement and the enthusiasm. It was just maybe a month, two months after I got my black belt that I was reading a martial arts magazine and it was an interview, and I forgot who was being interviewed. But he was talking about how in traditional martial arts, traditional karate, the concept is that when you get to black belt, it's not that you have really learned anything. It's that in traditional karate, when you get to that first level of black belt, there's actually ten degrees of black belt. When you get to black belt, in traditional karate, the idea is that you have now unlearned enough that you're ready to actually start learning. And you can imagine that kind of burst my bubble a little bit. Here I was thinking I have learned all these great stuff and I was now black belt and blah, blah, blah, and here was this really pretty masterful karate master saying, "Well, you basically have just unlearned

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

enough that now you can begin to learn." And unfortunately, in this world, we learn so much about money and abundance that is just wrong, that it's important that in order to create abundance, we have to unlearn it. [1:00:00] We have to unlearn all that we've learn from our well-intentioned, well-meaning parents and teachers and employers and friends. We come into this world immersed in a space, in an energy of true abundance. We are true abundance. We are true abundance. Now, when we come into this world, we have that knowing that true abundance is our birthright, that true abundance is who we are. We come into this world in that space. But then, as we learn, as we come into this world and our parents teach us, and our friends teach us, and our employers and bosses and colleagues and family members teach us that it's a world of lack, it's a world where we need to be afraid, it's a world where we have to work hard to get things done, we have to make it happen, we have to do this and do that. And we get rewarded when we're good, and we get punished when we're bad, and we get abundance come to us when we're good and abundance is withheld from us when we're not. We learn these things about abundance that are just not true. When we come into this world, we're like fish swimming in an ocean and the ocean is abundance. We come into this world as this field of abundance in this field of abundance, but then we're taught that we're actually not in this field of abundance. We're taught that the field of abundance is somewhere else. We're taught that this ocean of abundance is out there somewhere. In most cases, we're taught that it's out there far, far away and that we have to work and struggle and strive to get to it, to get back to it. The crazy thing is that we're actually still swimming in this ocean of abundance. We cannot not be in the field of abundance. It is who we are. We are abundance. You are abundance. You are swimming in this field abundance right now. But what we have to unlearn is we have to unlearn all the perceptions, all the beliefs, all the thoughts, all the faulty ways of thinking that make us perceive and believe that that ocean of abundance is somewhere out there, somewhere outside of ourselves, somewhere far away, and that we have to be good and do good and work hard and struggle, and then maybe someday we'll get there. There is no there to get. Abundance is here right now. And that is the unlearning that have to happen and that is what we'll be doing in this course. You'll be unlearning these beliefs, these thoughts, these perceptions that the ocean of abundance is something you have to attain, somewhere you have to get, something you have to achieve, and something you have to do. And as you unlearn it, you begin to get glimpses, you begin to feel to experience, to know that, "Yes, here I am in this ocean of abundance." You get to experience that more and more. You get to know that more and more. You get to catch yourself more and more when you

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act and think in ways that continue to perpetuate this idea that abundance is out there somewhere. And then you catch yourself, you can smile hopefully. Sometimes I'm able to smile when I catch myself and say, "Oh, yeah, let me remember that abundance is right here. I'm swimming in the field of abundance." The poet John Keats wrote this: "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of the imagination." "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affections and the truth of the imagination." How cool will it be when you're living like that? When your imagination is more true than your perceptions, and when your heart's affections, when you feel them, your heart's affections as holy impulses from the divine? [1:05:08] Are you ready? Are you ready to jump into the ocean of abundance? No, that's not even the right way to say it because you're already in it. Are you ready to remember that you are already in the ocean of abundance? Are you ready to allow yourself to fully embrace your abundant nature? Let's go ahead. Let's begin the unlearning process right here, right now. Go ahead and begin the process of unlearning these faulty beliefs about abundance. So go ahead and, again, let's get comfortable. I'm going to take a sip of water here while you get comfortable. Good. Okay, let's come back into our field of resonance. Take a deep breath in; and as you breathe in, let your mind relax and as you breathe out, let your body relax. As you breathe in, let your perception begin to drop back into your inner sanctuary space, that place in the center of your head. And as you breathe out, let your body relax even more. And if your eyes are not already closed, go ahead and gently allow your eyes to close, and begin appreciating the abundance of the breath. Begin to appreciate how easily the breath comes to you easily, effortlessly, filling your body. And then when you're full, easily and effortlessly releasing. You don't have to push the breath out. You don't even have to pull the breath in. Just open to receive and open to release the cycle, the flow of abundance in and out, relaxing, coming into your inner sanctuary in the center of your head, coming into that place of inner guidance right between your ears, that golden ball in the center of your head, that golden light where you can open to receive your higher guidance. Beautiful. Now, let your breath return to normal, just in and out easily, effortlessly. And join me in a space of imagining. Come into this space, this place, this field of imagining where you can play and explore and imagine. Imagine in this moment that you're choosing to come into this world again. You're coming into this life again. You're being born into this world. And as you're being born into this world, you carry with you the knowledge, the knowing, the awareness that this is a world of abundance. It's a world where there is more than enough for everyone and there is more than enough for you. You know in this place of imagining, you know that all of your needs are and will forever be easily and effortlessly met.

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[1:10:13] Imagine what it feels like to know that deep, deep in your bones, deep in your blood, the knowing that all of your needs will always and forever be easily met. Feel the ease in your body as you imagine yourself coming into the world with that knowing. And now, begin to bring that place of knowing, the knowledge of your abundant nature, bring that into your present life experience. Staying in your inner sanctuary, bring this inner knowing of your true abundant nature into the present moment. And as you do, you may very well notice places in your body, in your mind, where you feel friction, where you feel resistance. You may notice places where your body resists this knowing of your abundance, where your mind resists this knowing of abundance. That is okay. Just notice these places in your body. Don't go into the story. Don't get into the reasons. As much as possible just stay in this place of inner knowing, this place of inner vision, and just notice where you're holding in your body, in your mind these places of friction. Because right now, you're going to begin letting go of some of those places of friction. You're going to begin the unlearning process. You're going to begin to unlearn some of what this world has taught you about abundance that is not true. And you're going to begin to embrace a new story. You're going to begin to step into your new story of the true abundant nature of you and of this world. So, in this moment, if there is an area of your body where you feel friction, I want you to focus your awareness there. If there is more than one area, just pick one. Pick the place in your body that feels the most light and ready in this moment. And again, stay in your inner sanctuary. Don't get drawn into the conflict. Don't get drawn into the friction. That is how the friction keeps you out of your truth. There may be emotions, there may be stories, there may be ideas or thoughts or beliefs that come up as you become aware of this place in your body. As much as possible, keep bringing yourself back to that place of inner vision so that you can stay somewhat detached from that place of friction, that place where what you know to be true on a deep level is in conflict with what you have been taught about abundance by this world. [1:15:00] As you stay in your inner sanctuary, your inner vision, allow yourself to begin to breathe into that place in your body. Use your focused intention to send breath to that area of your body. So if it's your solar plexus, you would breathe and send the breath into your solar plexus with no other intention than just to breathe into that area. If it's your belly, you send it down to your belly. If it's your throat, you send the breath to your throat. Wherever it is, just using your imagination, using your intention, send your breath to that area. You're not trying to change it; you're not trying to shift it; you're not trying to do anything with it.

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And what you will find is that as you just simply breathe into this place of conflict without judging it, without needing to change it, the breath itself will begin to dissolve the friction. As you breathe in to that place of friction, the breath will actually begin to open, clear, cleanse, release, relax and dissolve that friction. Can you feel that? Do you feel how the call has just shifted? There's an opening that's happening as we are releasing, unlearning one of the untruths about abundance, letting it go. You don't have to worry about the stories; you don't have to worry about the beliefs; you don't have to worry about the thoughts. Just allow the breath to release, relax, open, cleanse, clear, dissolve. And don't worry if this process does not release all of the tension, all of the friction. You can come back and do this process again. It's a very simple process and it's very powerful. When you stay in your inner sanctuary and you breathe into those places of tightness, of friction, of conflict without judgment, without needing to have anything shift, you allow the breath to clear and cleanse for you. Good. Beautiful. Now, begin to bring your breath back to normal, allow your breath to return to normal, just in and out gently and easily. If there's any residual energy that you're feeling, I encourage you to do this process again after the call. But be gentle with yourself. It may not all be ready to go in this moment. It may not all be ready to go. That unlearning may not be ready to complete itself today. Come back to it tomorrow. And as you take one more deep breath in, giving thanks to the breath and the air that helped you cleanse. Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes. And with the next breath in and out, let yourself come out of meditation, come out of the process and come back to the call. [1:20:00] Okay. Very beautiful. I could feel the peace coming in. Many, many of you were able to let go of a lot of some untruth that you've been carrying around, and that was a very simple sort of a starter exercise to get the process started. So, beautiful work everyone. If you want to share anything, feel free to enter that in the webcast. Let's see. Nancy wrote in, "YES! I am abundant already and I invite more in and so is everyone else. And may they experience more also." Yes, Nancy, thank you. That is so right, so true, so perfect. As you move through this work, I want you to think about the difference between reality and habit. Here's what I mean. If you believe, and some part of you does believe that whatever level of abundance you have now, some part of you believes that is your "reality." It believes that that is the way the world is, the way you are, and that it is reality.

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And when you consider shifting or transforming or changing reality, the idea of changing reality feels very daunting, right? I mean think about something in the real world that you would really like to change, whether it's a war happening somewhere or violence or yeah, anything, when you think about trying to change that, it can feel really difficult, it can feel hopeless, it can feel like there's no way I can do that. And so, when you have a belief, when you perceive that your financial situation, your abundance situation, your health situation, when you perceive that it is your reality, the thought of changing it can feel incredibly daunting, incredibly difficult, incredibly challenging, so challenging that it feels hopeless to the point where you may not even want to try. And that's why when you begin to realize that scarcity in any form, in any form, whether you're barely able to pay your bills each month or whether you're stuck because you don't have quite enough money for a down payment on a house you want or a new car or you're stuck because you feel some health challenge, or there's not an abundance of love in your life, whatever it is, whatever you feel scarcity, imagine for a moment that it's not your reality. Go back to that imagining space, and imagine that it's not your reality. Wherever you are financially, wherever you are with abundance, it's not your reality. What it is, it's a habit. It's a habit. And think about the possibility of changing a habit. Every single one of you on this call has changed many, many habits in your life. Some of you have changed habits that are really big like you stopped smoking or you've started a regular exercise program or you've started meditating or you've stopped eating food that wasn't working for you. Those are all habits that you've changed. Now, they may not have been easy to change, they may not have been easy, but you know that you can change your habits. You know that you know how to change your habits and that you can do it. So, if abundance, if scarcity is a habit, then wow, you can change it. Just imagine that for a minute. Scarcity, lack, whatever level of scarcity or lack you're feeling in whatever areas of your life, just imagine that it's just a habit that you can change. It's like "Whoa, really?" Yeah. [1:25:00] Pretty cool that you can change your habit and that's what we're going to be doing. We're going to be changing the habit of scarcity and turning it into a habit of abundance. Okay, beautiful. Let's see. I'm going to do a couple of them. I'm going to give you your joy work assignment, your daily awareness practice, and then I'll open it up for questions. If you have any questions, I will open it up. And I just want to let you know that this first call always tends to go a little bit long because I've got all the logistics to go over and stuff. So from now on, we hopefully will be a little

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Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

less than 90 minutes, although I'm always happy to stay on for 90 minutes or so to answer questions and do coaching work with you. Let's see, joy work assignment. Print out your daily action guide. Sign the certificate in the beginning, the commitment certificate in the beginning. And then go through the visioning exercises in the introduction so you're ready for next week when we go into the visioning process. Daily awareness practice. Three of the words that are the biggest block to abundance are these three words: "I know that." Those three words are one of the biggest blocks to abundance. So I want you to get this week into the practice of catching yourself saying, "I know that." My daughter, she's kind of mostly past her why, why, why, why phase, but she still asks a lot of questions. We've been through the phase of "How do they make cars?" "I don't know." "How do they make toilet paper?" She asks like really just questions that I too ask. "How do they make toilet paper?" "I don't know." "How do they build a house?" "I kind of have an idea, but…" And then I'll say, "Let's come up with some ideas and then maybe we'll go and look it up." But it's been a great opportunity to just say, "I don't know," because I don't. I don't know always know. And then she'll also ask the big questions like, "How did God make me?" "I can't look that one up, but we can play around with it." I can say, "I don't know. Let's feel into it. Let's see if we can have some ideas about how God made us." So, get into the habit of being in the place of "I don't know," or even asking yourself, "Do I really know that?" Like when you catch yourself saying, "I don't know," say, "Do I really know that? Do I really know that? Is that true what I know or what I think I know?" And then when you get into that habit, you're going to begin to see that things begin to shift and you open up to other possibilities. Because as soon as you say, "I know that," what happens? What happens when you say, "I know that"? All other possibilities go away. The field of imagination closes. I'll be talking a little bit about the quantum field. But as soon as you say, "I know that," boom, all other possibilities collapse and you've like narrowed it down. So when you're in this habit of saying, "I know that," you're closing out all possibilities. So if you know that money is not going to come in to pay the bill, boom, you've just closed down all the possibilities that money can't come in. If you know that there's only one way for money to come in, through your job, boom, all other possibilities close down. So this "I know that" thing is one of the biggest blocks to abundance. So this week, your awareness practice is to soften that, soften that, catch yourself when you're going into "I know that," and either say, "I don't know," or say, "Do I really know that? Is that really true?" And see how that makes a difference in your life.

Page 21: Spirit of Abundance - Amazon S3€¦ · Spirit of Abundance  Module 1 [0:00:00] Well, hello, everyone. Welcome. Edward Mills here and very, very happy to have you here

Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 21

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Okay, beautiful. Thank you all so much. I'm going to stay on the line and answer any questions that you might have. We are officially done here, and we'll be back next week at the same bat-time, same bat-channel. Again, if you haven't been to the Facebook group, go ahead and sign up for that, and I'll be over there letting you in. You do have to be approved, so it may take a little while for someone to get over there to approve you, but know that we'll get you in. If you have questions, go ahead *2 on the line. This is also a time where if you are feeling like something got stuck in one of the processes and you want to just take a little time, I can take a look energetically at what's going on and try to help you clear some stuff, we can do that. *2 will raise your hand. [1:29:58] If you are on the webcast and you have a question or you want to share something, I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that you've had. And if there are no questions, we can end it just about at 90 minutes, which is a good thing. So I'll give you another moment to raise your hands, *2. I'll go check the webcast. Oh, let's see. Mary Katherine has a good question that was actually from a while ago. "Any tips for people around us who project envy towards us whenever our life improves, regarding keeping our practice private, yet other people or families see our positive result?" Yeah. Mary, it's interesting. What you're going to find is that people are going to start dropping out of your life. And obviously, if they're your family, they're not going to fully drop out of your life, but you'll end up spending less time with them if they're envious and jealous of what's happening in your life because that vibration of envy and jealously is not an abundant vibration. It's a very low vibration. So as you begin to come into a higher vibration or higher abundance vibration, they're just not going to want to be around with you because it's going to be uncomfortable for them. So they're going to start kind of removing themselves from your life. You don't actually have to do anything. What you can do is just keep your space clean and clear as much as possible. We'll be doing some energy work so that you're learning how to clear and cleanse your space. If you haven't listened to the webinar, go ahead and get that. I'll post the link for that. There are some good tools on it. You can fast forward to the parts where I'm talking about this program, but there are some really good, just simple energy tools for keeping your space clear and clean. That will be really helpful for you as you're going through this program, especially if there are people around you who are not going to be supportive of you. So great question, Mary Katherine. Let's see. No question? *2, last chance, last call. And I'll do one more last call on the webcast as well. Let's see. I'm not seeing anything there. Okay.

Page 22: Spirit of Abundance - Amazon S3€¦ · Spirit of Abundance  Module 1 [0:00:00] Well, hello, everyone. Welcome. Edward Mills here and very, very happy to have you here

Transcript – Spirit of Abundance 22

Copyright 2014 Edward Mills The Abundant Mystic: www.theAbundantMystic.com

Beautiful, everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Much love, many blessings and so much abundance coming your way. I love all of you and look forward to connecting with you over these next few weeks. If you have any questions, shoot an email to [email protected]. Any trouble getting into your members' content area, same thing, [email protected]. I will talk to you again next week and see you in the forum. Thank you all so, so much. Bye-bye for now. [1:33:11] End of Audio