spell books of the ancients

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  • 8/14/2019 Spell Books of the Ancients


  • 8/14/2019 Spell Books of the Ancients


    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 10 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, all magic items in the area of effect will not be detected by a

    Detect Magic spell. The cloaked items are not distinguish-able from any items

    that are not cloaked. The reverse spell, Find the Cloaked Magical Items, will

    uncover any magical items that have been cloaked.

    Nessus' Clothe


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    A Clothe spell creates a full set of clothes in any style chosen by the magician

    to appear on the body of a chosen recipient. Although these clothes may be

    extravagant (full, formal wear for royalty for example), they will never beadorned with any valuable jewels or anything of significant value (fine silk,


    Unless the magician has cast Clothe many times and is comfortable with it,

    the clothes will be of increasingly poor sizing and quality with the more

    details that would normally be required to make it. Thus, although an initiate

    could make a decent simple robe, formal wear would most likely rip, tear, and

    generally fall apart within hours due to lack of craftsmanship. The reverse

    spell, The Humanoid Animal Without Disguise causes all clothes on one recipient

    to vanish.

    The material component for this spell is a mirror or any reflective

    surface, which must be gazed into.

    Nessus' Enchanted Sleep


    Range: 25 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: d4 rounds

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: d4 creatures/level

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell creates a strong desire to sleep to d4 creatures for every level of

    the caster. If they fail, they will fall asleep for d4 rounds. The reverse

    spell, Enchanted Alertness and Raw Energyprohibits sleeping (even by magical

    means) due to a sudden surge in nervous energy and adrenaline.

    The material component for this spell can be either the soothing aroma of

    sweet wild nectar or any powder mixture composed of glitterdust and ground bulbsof a desert cactus.

    Nessus' Irritate


    Range: 15 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 2 rounds/level

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

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    Saving Throw: Negation

    By means of this spell, 1 creature will be irritated by a slight twitch, itch,

    or pain. This irritation affects their movements to the extent that in combat,

    their to hit rolls are penalized by -1 To Hit and damage.

    The reverse spell, Concentrationallows someone to ignore the irritation

    (thus, a spell caster could maintain his/her concentration while casting a

    spell, even in the event of being struck by a weapon).

    The material component for this spell is a mix of smelling salt and the

    pollen from any poisonous plant.

    Nessus' Kronos


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: Caster

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, the caster immediately knows the exact amount of time from theinstant of casting until dusk (or dawn if at night). Although this information

    will come in the form of a volume (such as a drop in the bucket or half full

    pale), the Dungeon Master may reveal the time in standard hours, minutes, and

    seconds for the purpose of simplification. Whatever the case, after this

    initial revelation, the magician is on his own to keep track of the passing time


    The material component for this spell is a clear jewel and small sundial,

    which can also be constructed from simple items nearby (twigs, etc), although in

    this case, the accuracy will be off by d20%.

    Nessus' Magic Mixture


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 day/level

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 potion

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell uses certain substances (salves, oils, powders, pigments, ochres,

    roots, flakes, granules, etc.) to enhance a magical potion. The potion usually

    either acquires a double duration or an additional 1 point of healing/damage per

    hit die, but depending on the potion's effects, the Dungeon Master may opt to

    mold the enhanced effects as necessary.

    Nessus' Phantasmal Script

    (Illusion/Phantasm)Range: 1 foot

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 week/level

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 10 pages/level

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates either words and sentences, a symbolic code, or a syllabic

    pictograph in some language to appear on some variety of paper as the magician

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    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell is cast to exchange the attitude of all within a 25 foot radius from

    the spell caster about 1 or more people of the sorcerer's choice. For example,

    the sorcerer could remove hatred toward a person, place, or thing from some

    sentient creature's minds. Particularly strong sentiments (a Ranger's special

    enemy) may require a bonus to the saving throw.

    The Renegades Believe


    Range: 10 feet

    Components: V or S

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 40 foot radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, unless the person makes their saving throw, they will again believe

    after successfully disbelieving an illusion. They may again attempt to

    disbelieve the next round if the illusion results in damage, but other

    phantasmal effects require a full turn.

    The Renegades Dust Storm


    Range: 0

    Components: S,M

    Duration: 1 turn/level

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 100 foot radius

    Saving Throw: None

    Upon completion of casting, a wind storm with blinding flurries of dust comes

    about. The storm will cover a 100 foot radius centered at a point of the

    sorcerer's choice (within visual range). All attacks within the storm are made

    with a penalty of -1 to hit and damage. The Dust Storm does not completely


    The material component for this spell is desert sand that has not touched

    water for 2 years.

    The Renegades Fine Edge


    Range: 15 feet

    Components: S

    Duration: 1 day

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: special

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell will sharpen one weapon per levels edge for 1 day. This razor

    sharpness will add 1 point of damage per hit. This can be done to metallic,

    wood, bone, or stone weapons, and affects points (piercing) and blades

    (slashing), but has no effect on bludgeoning type weapon. At 5th level, the

    sharpness is even greater, adding a +1 to hit as well. At 10th level, an

    additional +1 damage is added (+1 to hit, +2 damage). This spell has no effect

    on magic weapons, and casting it multiple times does not make the effect

    accumulative. The fine edge can be dulled by normal means (say chopping down a

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    tree), removing the spells effects. The reverse spell, The Renegades Dull Edge

    dulls a blade in the same formula.

    The Renegades Pain


    Range: 20 feet

    Components: S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell will create an illusion of actual damage taking place. If the

    subject casted on fails a saving throw, they will take d4 damage and be stunned

    the next round due to psycho-neurological shock.

    The Renegades Rope Rise


    Range: 60 feet

    Components: S

    Duration: 3 roundsCasting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 50 feet of rope

    Saving Throw: None

    A magical force will cause any rope to move as the sorcerer wishes within the

    area of effect. This rope however, is weak and cannot wield a weapon, much less

    do damage itself.

    If opted, it can tangle around an opponent for 1 round if they fail a

    saving throw at +5. The rope can tie itself in knots, however a certain degree

    of knot tying knowledge is always helpful for the sorcerer so they hold.

    The Renegades Stall Death

    (Necromantic or Abjuration)

    Range: Sight (visual)

    Components: V

    Duration: 1 day

    Casting Time: 6

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell has one purpose, to delay death from a Deathdrain or Die Scum! spell.

    Deathdrain will not drain a point of constitution and Die Scum! will not take a

    hit point for 1 day. The subject must make a system shock roll with a bonus of

    +1%/level of the caster to see if the spell is successful.

    The Renegades Zap

    (Conjuration/Summoning)Range: 10 feet

    Components: V,S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, a bolt of energy will shoot from the sorcerer's fingertip onto any

    creature if the caster successfully makes a to hit roll at +1/level. If the

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    subject wears metallic armor of any kind, there is an additional +d4 added to

    the to hit roll. If the electric energy arc hits, it does 2d6-4 damage, with a

    bonus of +1/level of the caster. Thus, a 2nd level sorcerer would do 2d6-2

    damage. Of course if snake-eyes was rolled (two 1s), the damage would be zero,

    and would never actually heal.

    Zirconans Flaming Needle


    Range: 15 yards

    Components: S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell will cause a small needle to jet forward towards a destination of the

    caster's choosing. The wizard must then make a To Hit roll with a bonus of +4

    to determine if the needle causes damage. If the needle hit successfully, the

    burning needle will do 1 point of damage for d6 rounds + 1 round per level of

    the caster. The flaming needle can be carefully dug out of the skin the second

    round, but it can be the only action that they take that round.

    Zirconans Globe of Warmth


    Range: 10 yards

    Components: V,S

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 7 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates a spherical globe of protection from the effects of cold so

    that all those inside may function comfortably (considering arctic conditions).

    This Globe of Warmth offers no protection against cold based attacks however.

    The sphere will move with the object it was cast on.

    The reverse spell will relieve the agony of hot temperatures (in places

    like the desert or jungle), but again, offers no protection against heat based

    attacks. The duration is based on a d20 roll, adding the level of the caster

    with the following results:

    1.31 round

    4-10 1 turn

    11-18 3d6 turns

    19+ one full day

    Zirconans Heatray


    Range: 7 yardsComponents: S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell causes an illusion that a great ray of heat radiates from one of the

    caster's fingertips. This will singe the victim for d4 damage per level of the

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    wizard if a saving throw vs. spell is failed. Other means of detecting

    illusions will negate the damage as well.

    Zirconans Low Circle


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 2 rounds/level

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 6 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, a thin ring of black will cover the ground in a circle 6 yards from

    the wizard's standing point. This charred ground actually is the only visible

    effect of an immobile cone with a low intensity field of anti-magic, which has a

    6 yard height.

    This area entitles all within it's confines a bonus of +1 to all saving

    throws against magical attacks. Plus, any damage resulting from a magical spell

    is reduced by 1 point per hit die. Breath weapons and devices (such as wands

    and rings) are not effected by Low Circle, but any spells cast out of the cone

    shaped area are dampened in the same fashion as those entering it.

    Zirconans Sensation


    Range: 18 yards

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 2d6 rounds

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    With this spell, the caster attempts to stimulate the nerves and glands of the

    subject, thus making them very susceptible to suggestion. They are entitled a

    save at +1, but if failed, they will adhere to subtle suggestions (of course,

    language compatibility is required).

    It should be noted that they will not do anything diametrically opposed to

    their nature unless they fail their save miserably (Dungeon Master's

    discretion), and even then they should receive another save without the bonus.

    Zirconans Sterilize


    Range: Touch

    Components: S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    This will sterilize a wound as to guarantee no infection sets in, thus hastening

    the rate of healing. Although this spell can only be cast once per wound, 1

    point of damage will be healed in d6 hours (in addition to normal healing).

    Pain will result from this spell, but no actual damage will result from it

    unless it is cast on more than 4 wounds. In that case, d3 damage will ensue.

    The material component for this spell is flame.

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    2nd Level

    Nessus' Appearance


    Range: 5 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, the facial, body, and head hair on the subject will alter itself as

    to the caster's desire. Thus, the hair could change color, style, thickness,

    become curly, grow many feet in length, or fall off.

    These changes cannot be mutations, they must be seen in the natural

    selective processes of the creatures breed. Thus, although the magician could

    use this spell to thicken and darken a female humans natural facial hair (giving

    her a beard), the magician could not give her a zig zagged, green mustache with

    each hair as thick as one of her fingers!

    In any case, these changes take one full round to manifest themselves and

    once complete are permanent. It should be noted that the caster does not attainany telekinetic powers over the hair, so could not, for example, cause a

    creature's hair to grow and wrap around it's neck, thereby strangling it!

    Another aspect of Appearance is the strange chance for mysterious results

    to occur in place of the intended effect. Each time this spell is cast, roll a

    d20. If the result is within 1 point of the caster's intelligence score, either

    the teeth or finger/toe nails will be altered (albeit in less drastic of a way!)

    The reverse spell, Normalcy of the Features cancels the effects of

    Appearance and other spells which affect body hair, restoring them to the point

    at which they would normally have become.

    The material component for this spell is a chemical compound (made of

    carotene and a dissolved hair of a Wemic) that takes a full day to brew for each

    batch, which will go sour in 2d12+8 days.

    Nessus' Discover


    Range: 10 yards

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 5 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    Discover allows the magician to be able to distinguish the power(s) of some

    magical item. The chance of success is 25% +5% per level of the caster for each

    power, and it takes a full round to figure out each power (if multiple). Some

    powers are specifically protected, and thus reduce or prohibit the chance for

    success (such as with artifacts). The reverse spell, Power Protection, reducesall chances of a certain magical power of an item to be discovered by magical

    means by 20% +3% per level of the caster.

    Nessus' Endurance


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Special

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    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: up to 1 day

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    The recipient of this spell has one valuable ability, an immunity to one non-

    magical attack for one hit. Not only does Mirror Attack protect the subject

    from this blow, but the unfortunate tyrant that struck it must make a saving

    throw against spell, modified by any dexterity defensive adjustment bonuses (or

    penalties) or be subject to striking them self.

    Thus, if Vorlath "The Destroyer" clubbed Nessus while protected by Mirror

    Attack, Vorlath must save vs. spell (with a bonus of 2 to his roll because of

    dexterity) or roll damage on himself. Of course, any successive blows landed by

    Vorlath would do normal damage. It should be noted that only one Mirror Attack

    may affect a creature at a time, and it's powers disappear upon the first blow


    The material components for this spell are a small mirror and the swirling

    dust from any sandstorm or tornado, which will continue to spin and twist around

    in a specially prepared vial. The dust will be expended when cast.

    Nessus' Photographic Memory


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 day

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: caster

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, the caster can read either one spell level or one page per level of

    the magician, and have every word, symbol, glyph, image, or whatever be locked

    into his memory as if on a photograph or detailed painting.

    This memorization requires only a brief scanning of the page, making it

    convenient to quickly memorize spells (although not guaranteeing the

    concentration necessary to cast it). Photographic Memory does not signify any

    additional spells, however, and in the event of the magician memorizing a spell

    beyond his/her ordinary limit, the knowledge will be there without the under-

    standing, thus making actual spell casting of the extra spell impossible.

    The material component for this spell can be a small lens or a pure,

    triangular crystal.

    Nessus' Reveal


    Range: 20 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 roundCasting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 5 yard radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    Reveal will temporarily negate the effects of an Enchantment/Charm spell that

    affects the mind(s) of those in the area of effect, who will then be able to

    distinguish the truth that they have been enchanted. When this occurs, they are

    entitled to another saving throw to break the Enchantment/Charm spell's effects

    (if still applicable). Note that under some conditions, the recipient of Reveal

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    may not want to learn the truth, and thus are entitled to a saving throw against

    spell to avoid Reveal's effects.

    The material component for this spell is the pungent aroma given off from

    concentrated vinegar extract. A spicy syrup made of the hot peppar vegetable

    can be used as well, but in this case there is a 25% chance of spell failure.

    Nessus' Shadow Invisibility


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 3 rounds/level

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, the subject displays an echo-image that is actually 3 to 5 feet

    distance from their true physical being. This image is an enchanted illusion,

    having no actual substance whatsoever.

    The recipient of Shadow Invisibility will have this tracing echo-image to

    anyone who could see (or otherwise visually locate) them upon completion of

    casting, even if only in the periphery or reflection, and including those lifeforms that normally see invisible creatures.

    However, if someone had their back turned and could not possible see the

    spell's recipient, this spell will have no effect on their mind. If the Shadow

    Invisibility creature attacks, they are entitled to an Armor Class bonus of 3

    (falling between a blur and actual invisibility), but no bonus to attack rolls.

    The material component for this spell is the glistened coat of a small

    chameleon and a hollow sphere of opaque glass, which must be smashed.

    Nessus' Spell Stone


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, the magician endows one lodestone with the special ability to store a

    spell of any level, which can then later be released by the originally chosen

    recipient. First Nessus' Spell Stone is cast, then the spell to be stored is

    cast on the stone, which will absorb the magical energies without any actual

    effects taking place. For instance, Nessus cast this spell, then followed it up

    with a Fireball, which was then stored in the stone. That spell can then be

    released from the spell stone at any time within the next day by a simple vocal

    command or somatic gesture. The time to release the stored spell is 1 segment,

    and cannot be disrupted. It is important to note that each magician can cast

    only one Nessus Spell Stone per day, and the absorbed spell cannot be replaced.The spells duration is variant depending on the level of the caster. Under 5th

    level, it is 1 day. From 6th to 10th, the spell absorbed can be stored 1 week.

    From 11th to 15th, the duration is 1 month, and 16th level and above it will stay

    in the stone indefinitely till released.

    The reverse spell, Stoned Spell, attempts to disrupt the spell casting of

    another magician. This requires the stone comes in contact with the other spell

    caster, requiring a to hit roll (no armor bonus to the opponents AC, as the

    stone only needs to actually touch), and will do 1 point of damage (strength

    bonuss are applicable). Even if the Spell Stone does touch the opponent, they

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    are entitled to a normal saving throw vs. spell with wisdom bonuses applicable

    to determine if they have sufficient willpower to hold the spell's magical

    energies together. The material component of this spell is a lodestone.

    The Renegades Bookbind


    Range: Touch

    Components: S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: 1 book

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell will magically lock a book shut, and it can only be opened safely by

    the spell caster. If any other creature forces the book open with a successful

    Bend Bars/Lift Gates roll, the book will explode, destroying the book and

    delivering 2d8 damage to all within a 5 foot radius, no save allowed. The

    reverse spell negates Bookbind.

    The material component for this spell is a skeleton key made of bone.

    The Renegades Flashback(Summoning)

    Range: 3 feet

    Components: V,S

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    The mage attempts to summon power from another place to deflect a spell's

    effects away from the sorcerer or back on to his opponent. However, this spell

    can backfire as easily as it can work correctly. There is a 20% chance of

    immediate spell failure for Flashback.

    Once applied, the spells duration is up to 1 turn/level. To determine

    what happens to the other spell cast on the subject, roll a d6 with the

    following results:

    1-2 the spell dissipates harmlessly

    3 the spell is rebounded back to the original caster

    4-5 the incoming spell is unaffected

    6 the opponent's spell is enhanced, doubling its effects

    Flashback will have only function on spells cast directly on the caster, and

    will do nothing to stop an area of effect spell. This spell is usually only

    used in the most dire of circumstances.

    The Renegades Foodbite


    Range: 250 feet

    Components: V,MDuration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 food item

    Saving Throw: None

    Foodbite will change the chemical content of some sort of food (apple, pasta,

    bread, etc.), implanting it with a twist of ingestive poison. If the food is

    eaten, the subject will take 2d6+1 damage 1 turn later. The subject is entitled

    to a saving throw if the meal is magical.

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    It should be noted however that it takes 2d10 rounds to transform into the

    poison, which does have a somewhat noxious taste. Anyone who takes a bite is

    entitled to an Intelligence check to see if they discard the foul food before

    taking any damage.

    The material component for this spell is powdered hallucinatory mushrooms

    which have grown from the fresh dung of a musk ox herd.

    The Renegades Hex


    Range: 14 feet

    Components: S

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 object

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When Hex is cast, the sorcerer can change 1 object of their choice into a

    crumbly stick 2-4 feet long. The possessor of the item may save vs. spell to

    avoid the effects.

    The object will only remain a stick as long as it remains in the

    possession of the owner. So if the owner of a bastard stick dropped it, thestick would suddenly become a bastard sword, but only until it is touched again

    by it's owner. If broken while a stick, the object is broken as well. No magic

    items may be changed.

    The Renegades Lockjaw


    Range: 26 feet

    Components: V

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, the victim's jaw will lock shut, thus making it impossible to eat

    solid food and making verbal communication a real challenge. If cast on a spell

    caster, any spells with verbal components will fail if they fail an intelligence

    check (one check per spell with a verbal component).

    All attempts to force the jaw open will only result in damage to the

    victim of Lockjaw, and if pried hard enough, it may be opened, but only at the

    cost of breaking the victim's jaw which takes many moons to heal properly. The

    clerical spell, Remove Paralysis, Remove Curse, Heal, and Dispel Magic will

    unlock Lockjaw's effects.

    The Renegades Mystic Projectile


    Range: Visual Sight

    Components: V,SDuration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    Once cast, the sorcerer chooses who or what will be struck by a ghostly green

    aura that appears to be thrown by the sorcerer, but will automatically hit any

    target within the spell's range. The Mystic Projectile does d4+1 damage and if

    the target fails a saving throw, they will fall unconscious for d4-2 rounds.

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    The sorcerer gains an additional Mystic Projectile at every odd level (3

    at 5th, 4 at 7th, etc.) to a maximum of 14 projectiles. Each Mystic Projectile

    may be hurled at a different target, and all can be thrown in the same round.

    The Renegades Steamspell


    Range: 5 feet

    Components: S,M

    Duration: 1 round

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 foot radius

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell sprays out a cone of steam into an area of the sorcerer's choice.

    The sorcerer must make a successful to hit roll at +7, and if not successful, no

    steam can be conjured. If the result hits, the steam does d4 steam damage the

    first round and d4 hot water damage the second round to all who get sprayed.

    Also, if the subject hit fails a saving throw vs. spell, they will suffer -2 to

    hit the next round.

    The material components for this spell are a droplet of pure rain water

    and a hollow piece of wood (such as a flute or blowgun) which is used to spraythe water.

    Zirconans Aural Flash


    Range: 50 yards

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 round

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: visual

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, there an extremely bright and captivating flash which suddenly

    appears from a point within 50 yards of the caster. All creatures save the

    caster who see this Aural Flash must make a saving throw or be mesmerized for

    one round while they attempt to discern what exactly the Aural Flash was.

    This includes those allied to the wizard unless they first cover their

    eyes. The light emitted from this spell will be visible for miles and certainly

    bright enough to read by (albeit briefly!). The saving throw has modifications

    depending on range and the direction faced when cast as below.

    -4 within 2 yards

    -2 2 to 10 yards

    0 11 to 50 yards

    +2 50 to 100 yards

    +4 100 to 200 yards

    auto 200+ yards

    -8 staring directly-4 facing

    -2 seeing its reflection (on a mirror, glass, or water)

    +2 thin shield (hands)

    Zirconans Cold Fireball


    Range: 4d12 yards

    Components: V,S

    Duration: Permanent

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    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 20 foot radius

    Saving Throw: 1/2

    When cast, a fireball of ice cold, blue flames appears in the wizard's hand and

    is hurled towards the intended target. The Cold Fireball travels up to 4d12

    yards, exploding at the designating place or time the wizard declared

    (hopefully), inflicting 2d6 damage + d4/level of the caster. In addition to the

    normal saving throw for half damage, the caster must make a roll to hit with a

    +5 bonus. If he or she misses, half damage is taken. So, if the caster misses

    the to hit roll and the target successfully makes their saving throw, only 1/4

    damage would be taken. It should be noted that should the range roll be low (6

    or below), it is possible for the caster to hit him self with this spell.

    Zirconans Foxfire


    Range: 5 yards

    Components: V,M

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 fireSaving Throw: None

    By means of this spell, the caster alters a normal fire into a green-flamed

    Foxfire which will temporarily add 1 hit point per level of the wizard to all

    who touch it's flames.

    This hit point is illusionary and will be lost in 1 turn/level of the

    wizard. But if damage is taken before then, the Foxfire hit points will be used

    before the creature's actual hit points. Only 1 Foxfire spell can affect a

    creature at a time.

    The material components for this spell include the bark of a treant,

    powdered coal, and an extract of alligator hide which are all tossed into the


    Zirconans Freeze


    Range: 15 yards

    Components: V

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: Special

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell will cause an area of liquid up to 5 x 5 yards/level of the wizard to

    become solid due to instantaneous heat loss. The frozen area can be traversed,

    holding the weight of approximately 1 ton before breaking. Liquids other than

    mild temperature water (such as a boiling cauldron, molten lava, or blood) are

    not affected. This area is susceptible to melting due to fires or the suchafter the spell's duration is up.

    Zirconans Heat Shield


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

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    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell reduces the damage caused by temperature attacks by 1 point/hit die.

    Heat Shield will only be effective if the subject succeeds in making a saving

    throw with a bonus of +1 for every other level of the caster (+2 at 4th, +3 at

    6th, etc.).

    Zirconans Sword of Fire


    Range: 0

    Components: S,M

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 sword

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates a sword that is completely composed of fire to appear in the

    caster's hand (who is immune to the heat). Any other creature that tries to

    grasp the sword takes d4 damage/round. This sword acts as a +2 to Hit weapon

    and can be wielded as a proficient weapon by the caster. It will inflict 2d4+1

    damage upon any successful hit to any size creature. The sword's fire ismagical and thus will not be extinguished or reduced if it comes in contact with

    cold or water.

    The material component for this spell is any gem with a tint ranging from

    red to yellow that has a value of at least 250 gold pieces.

    3rd Level

    Nessus' Blade Poison


    Range: 5 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 turnCasting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 object

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, one object is coated with a light film of insinuative poison. If the

    object causes a cut or breaks the skin of a creature, that creature is poisoned

    and must make a saving throw against poison the following round or take 2d6

    damage and be paralyzed for d4 rounds. If the save is made, no effects occur.

    The reverse spell, Blade Poison Nullificationnegates the effects of Blade

    Poison and likewise has chance to nullify other forms of insinuative poison.

    The percentage chance is determined by adding the wisdom score and level of the

    magician with a d12 roll.

    An example of this was when Nessus was crossing the wastelands at 7th

    level (with a wisdom of 11). Adding this to the 10 that was rolled, Nessus hada 28% chance of nullifying the venomous poison that awaited within the viper's

    gaping jaws. Luckily, he rolled a 09 on percentile dice, thus transmuting the

    venom into a harmless liquid (for 1 turn!).

    The material component for this spell can be the venom of vipers, spiders,

    bees, wasps, hornets, Moray Eels, or Sting Rays. Each has their own perspective

    saving throw bonus and damage penalty, as shown below.

    Poison Source Save Dmg.

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    Eel, Sting Ray +2 0

    Insect +3 -6

    Snakes +1 -2

    Spiders 0 -4

    Nessus' Forcewarp


    Range: 15 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 5 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell temporarily alters the electromagnetic spectrum in the area of

    effect. The most noticeable effect is that any metal objects suddenly acquire a

    strong magnetic pull. This attraction causes metal weapons to cling to armor,

    and armor to itself (arm plates to chest armor).

    Forcewarp has a variable strength based on the following 2d6 roll. If

    metal arm or leg and chest armor is worn, or if any metal weapons cling to armor

    or any other metal objects, an open door roll with a minimum strength determinedby the following rolls are required to pull them free.

    Roll Min. Str.

    1-4 4

    5-6 7

    7 11

    8-9 14

    10-12 17

    Also, any incoming metal tipped or shafted arrows receive a bonus of +2 to hit

    their target. If any lightning storms are occurring at the time, any creatures

    wearing anything metal are twice as likely to be struck.

    The reverse spell, Inverse Forcewarpnegates any magnetism within the area

    of effect, and repulses lightning so that it is twice as likely to not be


    The material component for this spell is a horseshoe shaped magnet of at

    least 3 inches length.

    Nessus' Paranoia


    Range: 15 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell's effects vary on the amount of trust a creature shows on his

    surroundings. If the creature is extremely paranoid to begin with, their saving

    throw will be penalized accordingly, but if they normally have a high degree of

    trust, their save may be entitled to a bonus (DM's discretion and kept secret).

    If the creature fails their save, they will begin to suffer visions of

    terrible creatures stalking them. These horrible monsters may actually become

    quasi-real and cause physical harm to the spell's recipient, and although the

    amount will vary, these creatures cannot actually kill since they literally

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    originate in the recipient's mind (unless they cause him/her to jump from a

    cliff that is!).

    The subject is entitled to one saving throw every day (precisely at

    midnight) to negate Paranoia's effects. The reverse spell, Trusting Alliance

    of the Mindnegates these and other natural fears in sentient creatures

    (arachnophobia, Dragon's Fear, etc.) for the same duration (and requiring the

    same successful saving throw).

    The material component for this spell is a blood crystal.

    Nessus' Parc Harm


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Special

    With this spell, the magician can attempt to hypnotize one creature who is

    allowed a saving throw only if it is higher level than the magician or if the

    caster's commands contrast it's nature. Bonuses or penalties may be applicable(DM's discretion).

    If the magician succeeds in hypnotizing the creature, he may then ask it

    to perform a certain task or convince it that it is actually taking damage from

    an attack. If the latter is chosen, only 1 point of actual damage can be

    inflicted every round, but the creature may believe that is taking up to the

    caster's level in damage per round.

    If the creature takes enough enchanted damage that they would normally

    die, they must make a system shock roll with failure resulting in real death.

    If the roll is made, the spell is automatically broken, revealing the true

    damage taken.

    With the other route, if the magician tries to persuade the creature to

    perform a task, a common language must be shared to insure communication (unless

    the request is obvious). The reverse spell Parch Arm, not only negates this

    spell's effects, but allows free-thought and body control for anyone while under

    hypnosis. This self-control is undetectable by the hypnotist.

    The material component for this spell is a small golden medallion which

    must be dangled in front of the spell's recipient.

    Nessus' Riddle Door


    Range: 25 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 door

    Saving Throw: None

    Riddle Door causes one door to be locked with a riddle being the key. The

    riddle will automatically be magically voiced anytime some creature approaches

    the door (exact distance determined by the magician).

    When locked, the door may be opened with normal force (such as kicking it

    in, in such case requiring an open doors roll) unless the door could not be

    forced normally (as with the case of a 10 foot thick, iron barred gate!).

    The caster must choose the riddle, but it must have an achievable answer

    that can be discerned to some degree by the question (in other words, Riddle

    Door is not just a password spell). The reverse spell, Jeopardy has the same

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    effects, except instead of giving a riddle, it voices an answer, which must then

    be given a proper question in order to pass ("Why don't I know what the herbal

    root Melange is?" definitely would not work!).

    The material component for this spell is a piece of any colored chalk used

    to draw a special glyph directly above the door. Even if the glyph is erased,

    the magical effects will still be in place.

    Nessus' Solidify


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 50 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, all inanimate materials, such as liquids within 50 yards of the

    caster become solid. This solidification does not denote any temperature nor

    volume change, but does denote a hardening and cohesion reminiscent of a stone.

    It is breakable (like rock) from blows, chips, and other energy waves, but the

    force must be sufficiently strong to do this.If any creature (other than microscopic bacteria) were immersed or covered

    in the liquid at the time, the spell has no effect. The reverse spell,

    Fluidize temporarily eases the molecular cohesion of solids (with a consistency

    declared by the caster, but limited in viscosity range from water to honey to

    tar). In this case, only a 2 yard radius is affected.

    The material component for this spell is any stable gelatin.

    Nessus' Spell Resistance


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 10 yard radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell adds a bonus to the saving throws vs. spell to all creatures within a

    10 yard radius of where this spell was cast. The bonus varies on the level of

    the caster as follows:

    up to 5th +1

    6th-8th +2

    9th-14th +3

    15th+ +4

    If Nessus Spell Resistance was cast in addition to Nessus Magic Resistance, an

    additional 1% per level magic resistance is applied. The reverse spell, SpellVulnerability, applies a penalty to any saving throw against spell in the same

    formula, and may be combined with Magic Vulnerability in the same fashion.

    The material component for this spell is a preserved flower from the

    Harmony Plant, which blooms only once each year. The flower will be destroyed

    when cast.

    Nessus' True Image


    Range: 15 yards

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    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 20 yard radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    Upon completion of casting, all illusions within the area of effect are

    weakened. All creatures are allowed a saving throw against the illusions at +3.

    It should be pointed out however that True Image would not affect spells that

    are strictly Phantasms at all. The reverse spell, False Image, strengthens an

    illusion, thus penalizing any saving throws made against them by -3.

    The material component for this spell is a pair of spectacles (glasses),

    which must be worn by the magician.

    The Renegades Dragonluck


    Range: 10 feet

    Components: V,M

    Duration: 3 rounds

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 15 foot radiusSaving Throw: None

    This spell creates an area of effect up to 15 feet away from the sorcerer,

    inside of which the subjects will have greater success against dragons. There

    is a bonus of +4 against a dragon's breath weapons, the subject receives a 10%

    magic resistance against dragon spells, they are immune to dragon fear, and if

    the dragon enters the sphere, all attacks on it receive a bonus of +1 to hit and

    +3 damage.

    The reverse spell makes it's recipients more vulnerable to dragons,

    reversing the normal bonus's of Dragonluck.

    The material component for this spell can be either a tooth, talon, or 5

    scales of any dragon. The tooth or talon wouldn't be destroyed when cast, while

    the scales would be destroyed.

    The Renegades Dust Cloud


    Range: 10 feet

    Components: S,M

    Duration: d6 rounds

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 3 foot radius cone

    Saving Throw: Special

    The sorcerer throws some dust into the air, and this dust magically swirls

    upward. Once the dust lands back on the ground (1 round in calm conditions), it

    creates a 15% chance of spell failure for all who the dust touches.

    This chance increases by 5% for every level the caster of Dust Cloud isabove an enemy spell caster. If he is lower level, there is no % penalty.

    Armor class adjustments (dexterity, magic, etc) can be added to the saving throw

    for negation.

    The material component for this spell is desert dust that has not touched

    water for 3 full years.

    The Renegades Feign Life


    Range: Sight (Visual)

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    Components: V,S

    Duration: 2 days

    Casting Time: 1 round

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    By means of this spell, a dead creature's body appears to have faint signs of

    being alive; slight breathing, shallow pulse rate, warm body temperature,

    possible slow REM eye movements, and an occasional nerve twitch.

    The creature will still appear to be unconscious and the signs of life

    will be so weak that to most semi-intelligent minds, it may still appear to be

    dead. Feign Life can be dispelled at any time by the spell caster.

    The Renegades Shriek Back


    Range: Touch

    Components: V

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 35 foot radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    Shriek Back causes a loud and high pitched tone that paralyzes and can even

    cause damage. Those within 15 feet (except the sorcerer himself) must save vs.

    spell or be paralyzed and take d6 damage.

    Those within 35 feet must make a save at +2 or take d4 damage. A saving

    throw must be made every round in the noisy area, but the damage can only be

    taken once. If damage is taken, the victim will be almost totally deaf for d4+1


    The Renegades Snakebite


    Range: 30 feet

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 5 foot radius

    Saving Throw: Special

    Snakebite summons d12 x 100 tiny, venomous snakes from deep within the ground.

    These snakes will attack any creature within a 5 foot radius of a center point

    chosen by the sorcerer.

    Then, roll a d12 to determine the number of snakes that actually bite

    (they hit automatically since no sentient mind can possibly keep track of the

    slithering movements of 100 to 1200 snakes!). Each bite inflicts d4 damage +d4

    poison damage if a save vs. poison is failed.

    The Renegades Sphere Protection(Abjuration)

    Range: 5 feet

    Components: V,M

    Duration: 1 spell

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

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    When cast, the recipient of this spell will gain a 30% magic resistance from one

    particular sphere of magic declared upon casting. Only one Sphere Protection

    spell can be cast on a creature at a time.

    Note that as with normal magic resistance, the percentage may be higher if

    the opponent sorcerer is under the 10th level. Sphere Protection can absorb but

    one spell before disappearing.

    The reverse spell, Sphere Vulnerability, reduces the magic resistance and

    penalizes the saving throws by 2 against one sphere of magic for a creature, no

    save allowed.

    The material components for this spell are a pure crystal which contains

    every visible color in the spectrum of a rainbow, and a shark's tooth. The

    latter is destroyed when cast.

    The Renegades Summon


    Range: Infinite

    Components: V

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1-3 creatures

    Saving Throw: None

    Once cast, the spell caster thinks of up to three specific creatures with

    sentience (thinking intelligence), and causes a little voice in their head to

    think that they are needed by the sorcerer.

    They must roll a successful save vs. spell at +1/level of the caster, if

    failed, they believe they are simply suffering paranoid delusion. Otherwise

    they will understand the urgency of the situation (or lack thereof). However,

    no direct communication or verbal messages can be sent.

    Zirconans Flame Sword


    Range: Touch

    Components: S,M

    Duration: 2 rounds/level

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 weapon

    Saving Throw: None

    Upon completion of casting, one weapon of the caster's choice temporarily gains

    a magical fire. This fire will add +1 to Hit and an additional d4+1 damage,

    while not damaging the creature that wields it in any way (unless they strike

    themselves that is!).

    The material component for this spell is a vial of liquid coal,

    phosphorous, and metal shavings.

    Zirconans Heat Spectrum

    (Illusion/Phantasm)Range: 21 yards

    Components: S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1-7 creatures

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell causes an illusionary spectrum of visible light to stream out from

    the wizard's hand on up to 7 creatures. Each must make a save vs. spell or take

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    7d4 damage divided up as the caster wishes onto all creatures that failed their


    For example, say Zirconan cast Heat Spectrum onto 5 Justiciars (law men).

    3 of them missed their save, so he divvies up the damage mostly equally (2d4 to

    2 of them, 3d4 to the other).

    Zirconans High Circle


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 6 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates an immovable hemispherical area of anti-magic around the

    caster's standing point in a 6 yard radius dome. This hemisphere is only

    visible by a thin, flaming circle on the ground (regardless of whether

    combustible materials are present) and a nearly transparent, golden hue.

    This field gives anyone within it a bonus of +2 on saving throws against

    spell and reduces all damage caused by spells by 2 points/hit die (not tomention effecting spell's cast out of the hemisphere in the same way!). As with

    Low Circle, breath weapons and devices (such as wands, amulets, and rings) are

    not effected by High Circle, but any spells cast out of the hemisphere are

    dampened just as those entering it.

    If High Circle is cast in accord with Low Circle, the bonus to the saving

    throws is added (for a total of +3), while the reduced magical damage is not

    (thus, retaining the highest value, which is -2 points/hit die.).

    Zirconans Ice Barrier


    Range: 30 yards

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 turn/level

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: Special

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell is an attempt to make anyone who witnessed the casting believe that

    there is an impenetrable barrier of ice between them and the caster, but only if

    they fail a saving throw vs. spell with wisdom bonuses applicable.

    The barrier's size is d20 x d20 yards2. If believed the barrier is

    unbreakable and cannot be passed, although it will not actually have any

    substance nor hold anything on top of it. Anyone who failed their initial save

    are only entitled to one save every turn to become disenchanted with their

    somewhat illusionary mirage.

    Zirconans Ice Bridge(Conjuration/Summoning)

    Range: 10 yards

    Components: S

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 10 yards2/level

    Saving Throw: None

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    This spell will cause ice to come into being in any basic shape that the wizard

    chooses. This bridge or sheet of ice can hold any weight not exceeding 1 ton

    per level of the caster (regardless of thick-ness). The ice harbors no special

    abilities (such as movement), and it melts as normal ice would. Once the

    duration expires, the bridge vanishes.

    Zirconans Magic Loop


    Range: 1 yard

    Components: V,S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 item

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, a circular, ovular, or elliptic loop with a diameter of about 1 foot

    will appear in the air (the location being the wizard's choice). The edges of

    this loop will be coated with either fire or ice, again caster's choice.

    The wizard can then reach into the Magic Loop and attempt to grab one non-

    magical item that will be created spontaneously (thus not replacing the actual

    article already in existence . . . like the genuine Sacred Orb of Dragons). Thechance of success is determined by multiplying the caster's level x 9% and

    adding 1% for every point of charisma.

    Although the items retrieved out of the Magic Loop will be real, their

    microscopic fibers are actually composed of a quasi-real substance usually

    detectable in more precious gems or metals. In any case, the object chosen must

    fit through the Magic Loop in order to be retrieved!

    4th Level

    Nessus' Delay


    Range: 10 yardsComponents: V,S,M

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell is used to delay the completion of another spell. First, the spell

    being delayed is cast, and Delay is used as a substitution for it's final

    gesture or component (the following round, of course). The caster of that spell

    may then turn his/her attention elsewhere for up to 1 turn per level. Anytime

    before this duration ends, the magician may release the suspended magical

    energy, casting the spell in one segment's time.

    Obviously, this would not allow multiple actions in a round (like casting

    two spells), although the Delay spell could be cast, allowing a little extratime for other minor actions (such as movement, taking out a weapon, etc.) If

    Delay is cast on an unwilling subject, a saving throw vs. spell is allowed.

    The reverse spell,Accelerate, reduces another spell or spell casters

    casting time by 1 segment per level of the caster of Accelerate (with a minimum

    of 1 segment).

    The material component for this spell is a web of timethread or an


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    Nessus' Enchanted Vision


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 3 rounds/level

    Casting Time: 1 round

    Area of Effect: 100 yard radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, all creatures in the area of effect who fail a save vs. spell are

    unable to detect the recipient of this spell in any way, simply because they

    lack the faith that they can actually sense them (using visual, audio,

    olfactory, or even in some creatures, taste). The recipient will still be

    completely visible, but the creatures simply refuse to acknowledge their

    presence. The creature cast on may attack as if invisible even to creatures

    that normally detect invisibility.

    The reverse spell, Enchanted Blindness, negates the effects of Enchanted

    Vision or Shadow Invisibility and furthermore momentarily causes anything

    invisible to appear (although in this case, the duration is only 1 segment).

    The material component for this spell is a hollow sphere of thick, opaque

    glass, which must be smashed.

    Nessus' Hesitate


    Range: 30 yards

    Components: S

    Duration: Instantaneous

    Casting Time: 3

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell is used to cause another spell caster who is in the process of

    casting a spell to forget one tiny part of their casting, thus ruining the

    spell. The opponent magician is allowed a save vs. spell at -3 to determine if

    they can hold their spell together with sheer willpower. In any case, the

    caster of Hesitate must get the initiative, thereby having the effect take place

    when the opponent magician is casting. Hesitate has no effect on spells which

    only require 1 segment to cast.

    Nessus' Ingestive Poison


    Range: 15 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 2 turns

    Casting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: 1 item

    Saving Throw: None

    When cast, one object which is usually eatable, becomes poisonous. If this

    object is consumed, a saving throw vs. poison must be made the following round.

    If the save is failed, 5d6 damage ensues and they will be completely paralyzed

    for d8 rounds. Even if the save is successful, d6+1 damage is still inflicted,

    and is accompanied by mild hallucinations.

    It should be noted however, that the damage listed is the maximum

    potential, and will only be taken in its entirety if the entire object is

    consumed. For instance, if an apple was the recipient of Ingestive Poison, and

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    a Gnomish Tinkerer only took a small bite, the maximum damage might only be d6

    and paralyzation for d2-1 rounds upon failing his save.

    This spell will not have any effect on liquids, and the object or piece of

    food cast on must be at least the size of a prune.

    The reverse spell, Ingestive Poison Nullificationoffers an immunity to

    this spell and a possibility that other forms of food poisoning can be digested

    harmlessly as well. This chance to nullify other forms of poison is determined

    by adding the wisdom score and double the level of the magician with a d12 roll.

    This is the percent chance of being immune to any particular form of Ingestive

    Poison (for the duration of the spell, that is).

    The material component for this spell is a sprinkled mixture of rotted

    meat, bat guano, and one of the following components. As with Blade Poison,

    each component modifies the damage inflicted and saving throw.

    Poison Source Save Dmg.

    Blowfish +2 -3

    Ginkgo Tree Nuts +1 -6

    "Smiling" Desert Toad 0 -9

    Wild Mushrooms +3 0

    Nessus' Itch Spell(Enchantment/Charm)

    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, the first creature that touches the caster must save vs. spell or

    undergo an incredible urge to itch itself. In fact, the sensation is so strong

    that the creature will actually scratch itself so hard and frantically that it

    will do d6 damage every round to itself.

    Of course, this damage would be modified depending whether itching is

    possible (more for a razor clawed raptor, less for a fish). Thus, if the victim

    of this spell were bound, in full plate mail, or otherwise unable to scratch

    itself, much less damage would be inflicted. Furthermore, any attack rolls made

    while under the influence of the Itch Spell are penalized by -3 to hit and

    damage, whether they can scratch their insatiable itch or not.

    The material components for this spell are an oil that must first be

    applied to the magician's skin, a powder made from Ivy extract or Poison Oak

    leaves that have been dried and ground, and a single, living flea.

    Nessus' Literacy


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: PermanentCasting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, one touched creature will have the ability to read and write in one

    chosen language that is known by the caster. The reverse spell, Cult of the

    Oral Tradition causes the subject to forget how to speak and/or write one

    language which is chosen by the magician. Of course, in this case a saving

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    throw is recommended and if failed the duration of Literacy is only one day per

    level of the caster.

    The material component for this spell is a metallic medallion with an

    intricate inscription carved into it's surface.

    Nessus' Sound


    Range: 10 yards

    Components: S

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 10 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell negates the effects of spells that cloak or cover up noise (such as

    Silence), thus allowing noise waves to flow and ripple through matter and the

    air as normal. The reverse spell, Quiet Solitude and Vibrational Stillness

    silences all noise in the area.

    The Renegades Blanket

    (Evocation/Invocation)Range: 15 feet

    Components: S,M

    Duration: 1 round/level

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    A blanket will appear and fly toward 1 target of the sorcerer's choice. Roll a

    d20 and add the level of the spell caster, comparing it to the dexterity and

    level of the target. If the result of the roll is higher, the blanket covers

    the upper body (head, arms, and chest) of the victim, clinging to it. This

    will make them blind and clumsy (-5 on their to hit rolls, +1 to hit them), not

    to mention inhibiting them from using their arms effectively. They can attempt

    to tear the blanket off themselves, but it requires a Bend Bars/Lift gates roll

    to succeed, and only 1 attempt can be made per round.

    If the result of the roll is lower, the blanket swoops but misses for that

    round, in which case concentration must be maintained to attempt another swoop

    next round. Regardless, when the duration ends, the blanket will simply no

    longer cling to them. Any piece of cloth large enough will suffice as the

    material component in this spell, and is not destroyed in the casting process

    (though may be by the one covered by it).

    The Renegades Component


    Range: Touch

    Components: V or S

    Duration: SpecialCasting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell can be a substitute for one component used in casting a spell. For

    instance, if the recipient of Component was a tied and bound spell caster

    needing to utilize a spell with a somatic component to escape, they could simply

    replace Component for the usual somatic gestures to unleash the magical energy.

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    The Renegades Die Scum!


    Range: 20 feet

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell creates a disease in the victim of the sorcerer's choice. The victim

    can make a saving throw with a bonus or penalty pending on the level difference

    with the sorcerer (1/1 ratio). If the save is failed, the terrible disease is

    fully contracted in d10 days.

    Symptoms appearing the first day include a diminished vitality, sore

    joints, sporadic muscle spasms, tender splotches of black growing on the skin,

    and discharge of white pus from the pores.

    The real damage however is the permanent drain of hit points caused by Die

    Scum! The day of contraction and every day thereafter, 1 hit point is lost

    permanently. Although actual levels are not drained, the drain of hit points

    will continue until death at 0.

    The progression of the Die Scum disease is marked by slow loss of thesenses, complete loss of energy, graying of hair, burning shivers, and

    eventually limb rot. Although Die Scum! is not contagious, few people will want

    to accompany someone with this foul smelling and visually disgusting ailment.

    The effects of Die Scum! can only be negated through a Heal, Restoration,

    Limited Wish, or Wish spell. Dispel Magic may also be used, but it only has a

    chance of success equal to 5% for every level that spell caster is above the

    sorcerer who cast Die Scum! May mercy be laid upon those who suffer the wrath

    of this terrible spell!

    The material component for Die Scum! is a small piece of rotting flesh

    from any creature that has been killed by disease, and is destroyed when cast.

    The Renegades Disruption


    Range: 70 feet

    Components: V,S

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: 1 spell

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell is an attempt by one sorcerer to disrupt the spell casting of

    another. The opposing sorcerer receives a saving throw with a bonus or penalty

    hinging on the level difference between the two (again, 1/1 ratio). If they

    fail their save, the spell is disrupted with the following results on a d6 roll:

    1-3 simple spell negation

    4-5 the disrupted spell affects only he who cast it6 EXPLOSION! Add the levels of both sorcerers and multiply by d6. This

    damage is taken by everyone within 7 yards, no save.

    The Renegades Insect Storm


    Range: 50 feet

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 1 round

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    Area of Effect: 15 foot radius

    Saving Throw: None

    The sorcerer summons a swarm of bees, wasps, hornets, and other nasty biting and

    stinging insects which will attack any area of the sorcerer's choice for 1 turn.

    These insects sting and bite without a hit roll, doing d20 damage minus

    the body armor of the victim each round. So, if a 13 resulted from the d20 roll

    and the victim was wearing plate mail (exclude any shields), 5 points of damage

    would ensue that round. If any damage is taken, the victim must make a

    save vs. paralyzation or take an additional 2 points of damage and be partially

    distracted the following round (-2 to hit, -2 damage, +2 Armor Class).

    The Insect Storm is vulnerable to smoke and fire, not entering areas with

    high concen-trat1st Level

    The Renegades Summon Slyme Elemental


    Range: 15 feet

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: 1 SlymeSaving Throw: None

    This spell summons a quantity of slyme and goup the area, probably appearing

    through cracks in the walls and floor. This slop is alive and will obey mental

    commands of the spell caster.

    Slyme Elemental

    AC 5 hit Dice 8 (48 HP)

    move 5"

    THAC0 12

    # of Attacks 1-4

    Dmg/Attack Special

    Slyme Elementals can only be damaged through magical (spell, weapons, etc.) or

    elemental (fire, steam, etc.) means. Any normal weapon which strikes it will

    corrode in 1 segment. The Slyme Elemental also cannot be harmed by any bludgeon

    attack (magical or not).

    A Slyme Elemental attacks by lashing out with an appendage, and can

    mentally control up to 4 appendages. The total damage inflicted is only 2d8,

    and must be divided equally among each successful hit. Any metallic armor that

    is struck by the slyme instantly corrodes unless it is magical.

    Zirconans Coat


    Range: 90 yards

    Components: S,M

    Duration: 1 day/levelCasting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: Special

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell will cover an area of 50 yards per level of the caster with a thin

    strip of nearly frictionless ice-like material. If any creatures move onto this

    surface, they must make one dexterity check per round to see if they fall or

    maintain their balance.

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    Of course, the contours beneath the surface (such as rocks, hills, and

    pits) are covered as well, so there should be things that can offer some sort of

    traction (unless Coat was cast on the flatlands!). This surface is durable

    enough that it cannot be gouged or scratched in any non-magical way.

    The material component for this spell is an icicle and an opaque gem with

    an appraised valued of over 100 gold pieces.

    Zirconans Cone of Fire


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: 45 yard cone

    Saving Throw: 1/2

    Upon completion of casting, a Cone of Fire will spray out from the caster's

    palm, up to 45 yards distance. All creatures caught in the torrential inferno

    must save vs. spell or take 36 points of damage, only half if the save is made.

    It should be noted that the angle that the Cone of Fire's spread can range

    from a maximum angle of around 45 degrees to an approximate minimum of a 5degree angle. The fire will also ignite all flammable materials it comes in

    contact with.

    The material component for this spell is a mixture of powdered coal,

    phosphorous, and a bottle of glowing green swamp gas.

    Zirconans Freezing Fireball


    Range: 45 yards

    Components: V or S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 5

    Area of Effect: 10 yard radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, an illusionary white fireball will be created and launched in any

    desired direction. This Freezing Fireball will explode at a designated distance,

    delivering 2d10 damage per level of the caster to any creatures within 10 yards

    of the explosion (d10 for the burning fireball damage, d10 for the freezing


    All those who are in the area of effect are entitled first to a saving

    throw to disbelieve the illusion, and a second save at -2 for half damage if

    they fail to disbelieve the Freezing Fireball.

    Zirconans Slow Cold


    Range: 35 yards

    Components: V,MDuration: d4 turns

    Casting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: 5 yard radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, an area centered at a point of the wizard's choice suddenly becomes

    very cold. Any and all creatures within the area of effect must save vs spell

    at -3 or be limited to half movement and action rate (including attacks,

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    running, spell casting, etc.) for d4 turns. This spell has no effect on cold

    blooded creatures.

    The material component for this spell is an icicle.

    Zirconans Statue


    Range: Sight

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: d10 rounds

    Casting Time: 4

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    Statue creates a replica of one creature that is composed of ice, which is the

    material component for this spell. If the creature who it mirrors looks at it

    (even if only a glance out of their peripheral vision), they must make a save

    vs. spell at -6.

    The Statue (being made of water) melts at a normal rate, thus after only

    mild temperatures and time, the Statue will be warped to the point where is

    hardly resembles it's intended model. When this happens, the penalty to the

    saving throw is adjusted accordingly, perhaps even entitling a bonus. If thesave is failed, roll a d6 with the following results:

    1-2 stunned (incapable of movements)

    3-4 violently insane (incapable of rational thought)

    5-6 obey all commands (incapable of willpower)

    5th Level

    Nessus' Bravery


    Range: 10 yards

    Components: V,S,MDuration: d4 turns

    Casting Time: 5

    Area of Effect: 15 yard radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, an area of effect centered at the point of choice seems to obtain a

    special type of focus and clarity to the senses and mind, giving all those

    within it a complete immunity to all forms of fear, magical or otherwise.

    However, only 2 hit dice of creature(s) per level of the caster may be

    effected. Unless specified, those with the highest hit dice will be affected


    The reverse spell, Cowards! does the opposite, inciting panic, fear,

    doubt, and fundamental questions in the mind to surface. In this event, a

    saving throw vs. spell must be made, with failure indicating a full-blownretreat in panic (towards a place that is considered "safe"). If the save was

    successful, a morale check is still required to avoid fleeing, although, at

    least if this is failed, the retreat can be a strategic one.

    The material component for this spell is a drop of humanoid sweat filled

    with subtle pheromones.

    Nessus' Consciousness


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    Nessus' Rapid Growth


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 1 turn

    Area of Effect: 1 mile radius

    Saving Throw: Negation

    When cast, all creatures within the area of effect, centered on the spot where

    the caster stood upon completion of casting, will age at 10 times their normal

    rate. Each creature is allowed one saving throw per year to break the curse.

    A bizarre aspect of Rapid Growth, is the fact one can cause an infant to

    become a fully matured (wo)man within 2 years of birth, although a system shock

    roll penalized by 25% must be made each year to survive this phenomenal

    transition. In any case, an unfortunate side effect of Rapid Growth is

    automatic and incurable sterilization.

    The material component for this spell is the web of a spider and a strand

    of timethread no shorter than 10 feet in length.

    Nessus' Respirative Poison(Evocation/Invocation)

    Range: 15 yards

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 6

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell causes a cone of misty and murky poison, greenish in color to

    silently spray out from the caster's mouth. Whoever makes the fatal mistake of

    breathing these vapors must make a saving throw vs. poison every turn they are

    breathing the noxious fumes.

    If the save is failed 4d12 damage is taken and they will be paralyzed for

    a full turn. Even if the save is successful, d12 damage is taken from the

    slight exposure of the Respirative Poison with exposed sensitive areas (eyes,

    ears, and the mucus membranes in the nose). The noxious cloud of pollution will

    disperse and evaporate into the atmosphere in d20+5 rounds (depending on the

    humidity and wind conditions) In a sealed chamber, the cloud is permanent.

    The reverse spell, Respirative Poison Nullificationnegates the poisonous

    effects, but do not heal any damage taken. The reverse spell likewise has a

    chance to nullify other forms of respirative poison for 1 creature. The

    percentage chance is determined by adding the wisdom score and triple the level

    of the magician with a d12 roll.

    The material component for this spell is a sealed vial filled with a drop

    of fluid from the breath gland of a Green Dragon, a vial full of fumes acquired

    from the shaft of an active volcano, and the spray cloud from one of the

    following creatures.

    Poison Source Save Dmg.

    Black Octopus +3 -12

    Puff-Flower Pollen +2 0

    Fungal Spore Bombs 0 -8

    Stink Creature +1 -4

    The Renegades Dream World


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    Range: Infinite

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 dream

    Casting Time: 1 round

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell can be cast on a creature that the sorcerer has met at least once.

    When the subject next sleeps, they will enter into a special kind of dream. In

    this dream, the subject will function and have all of the powers that they would

    normally have, but will be unable to exercise any form of special dream control.

    The dream can only be departed from if the subject is wakened, dies in the

    dream, a Dispel Magic is cast, or the sorcerer chooses to end the spell. Once

    awakened, roll d6 x d6. If this number exceeds the subjects intelligence, the

    dream is not remembered. If it equals of is less that their intelligence score,

    the dream is remembered and any thus will be able to earn experience points as

    if the dream was real life.

    The contents of the dream are determined by the DM, but almost always

    contain monsters from the subject's darkest fears.

    The Renegades Hand of Grey(Abjuration)

    Range: Sight (visual)

    Components: S,M

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 1

    Area of Effect: Special

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell uses the hand from a deceased guardian or hero to negate

    mezmorization from such things as the Hand of Light and many enchantment/charm

    spells. The Hand of Grey must be presented visually and be seen in order to

    break the mezmorization, but if this is done, they will be immune to that form

    of entrancement for one full day.

    It should be noted that the hand will most likely have a disgusting

    appearance (being rotted, smelly, and all), and special preparations should be

    made so that is does not decompose completely.

    The Renegades Hand of Light


    Range: Sight (visual)

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: Special

    Saving Throw: Negation

    This spell uses the hand of a dead criminal or villain to render all those towhom it is displayed into a motionless state if they fail a saving throw vs.

    spell. They will remain motionless for d12 rounds after the hand is removed

    from their sight. Of course, to be effective, they must be able to see the Hand

    of Light (even if only with their peripheral vision). When entranced, neither

    food nor warmth nor water is necessary to ensure survival, but fresh air is

    still required.

    The Renegades Improve


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    Range: 20 feet

    Components: S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 device

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell is only for use within the realm of Dragonlance. Gnomish devices and

    technology are known for their sudden and disastrous failures. Improve is a

    spell that attempts to blend magical energy with technology to improve the

    chances that the device will work properly. When cast, add d4+1 to the device's

    chance of success. The reverse spell, Degrade, subtracts d4+1 from the chance

    of success.

    The Renegades Sphere Protection II


    Range: 5 feet

    Components: V,M

    Duration: 1 spell

    Casting Time: 5

    Area of Effect: 1 creatureSaving Throw: None

    Sphere Protection II will give it's recipient a 50% magic resistance and a +3 to

    any saving throws against one specified sphere of magic. Only one Sphere

    Protection II can be placed on any creature at a single moment in time (although

    Sphere Protection I can still be used for a different sphere).

    The sphere may include newer, unorthodox ones (such as chaos or elemental

    fire) if desired. As with Sphere Protection I, the protection offered is

    temporary, but in this case, it can absorb 2 spells before dissipating.

    The reverse spell, Sphere Vulnerability IIreduces magic resistance and

    penalizes saving throws accordingly.

    The material component for this spell is a spectrum crystal, and a canine

    of a Sabre-Toothed Tiger. The latter is destroyed when cast.

    The Renegades Temporary Permanency


    Range: 15 feet

    Components: V,S

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 5

    Area of Effect: 1 spell

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell will extend the duration of any other spell. The amount that the

    other spell will be extended is determined by multiplying the normal duration by

    the level of the caster +d6. These extended effects can still be dispelled by

    normal means. Temporary Permanency has no effect on instantaneous spells.

    Zirconans Climate


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: d4 days/level

    Casting Time: 2

    Area of Effect: 1 mile diameter

    Saving Throw: None

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    When cast, the surrounding weather will cooperate with the caster in regards to

    one of the following aspects: temperature range, barometric pressure, humidity,

    wind, or precipitation.

    However, it should be noted that the other conditions will be completely

    unaffected, thus if rainfall were selected in barren desert, it would most

    likely evaporate so quickly that it could barely support any plant life.

    In any case, the climatic change from this spell can never reach the

    threshold of death to a creature (as would be the case with 2000 Fahrenheit, a

    tornado, or pressure that could crush coconuts!). Also, only one Climate spell

    can affect a particular area at a time.

    The material component for this spell is the eye of an alligator, which is

    not destroyed when cast.

    Zirconans Fire and Ice


    Range: Sight

    Components: V,S

    Duration: d4 rounds

    Casting Time: 5

    Area of Effect: 1 creatureSaving Throw: Negation

    This spell creates a simultaneous dual effect: the inner body temperature and

    skeletal structure of the recipient rapidly decreases into a frozen inferno

    while the outer flesh begins to burn intensely for d4 rounds. Needless to say,

    the pain is excruciating.

    Although there is no save, the victim of this spell can roll a d100. If

    the results exceed triple it's constitution score (for animals, guestimate by

    their health and environment), the damage is d6 x d6/round (check each round).

    If the result is less, there is no damage, but terrible pain nevertheless.

    If the recipient wishes to partake in any action during the affected time

    span (other than writhe around in pain), they must successfully make an

    intelligence check at -4 (to test their willpower).

    Zirconans Heat Radiance


    Range: 0

    Components: S

    Duration: Permanent

    Casting Time: 5

    Area of Effect: Special

    Saving Throw: Negation

    A great pulse or wave of heat will radiate from the wizard's body, appearing to

    be nothing more than a transparent and symmetric ball of fluctuating or bent

    light like one would find over normal flame. All creatures within 30 yards must

    make a save at -1 or take d8 damage/caster's level. Any sentient creatureswithin 50 yards get to make the save at +4, and if failed only take d4 damage

    per level of the wizard.

    Zirconans Iceman


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: 1 turn/level

    Casting Time: 5

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    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: None

    Iceman is a spell that will alter the apparent temperature of a creature's skin

    (virtually freezing it), as to give them a bonus of -d8 on their Armor Class,

    while not restricting their movement in any way. Although no cold damage will

    be taken by the transition of this spell, it does not offer any added protection

    against cold based attacks. Furthermore, any heat based attacks will have a

    bonus of +1 per hit die damage.

    The material component for this spell is an icicle and the crushed tooth

    of an alligator.

    Zirconans Sky Circle


    Range: 0

    Components: V,S

    Duration: 1 turn

    Casting Time: 5

    Area of Effect: 8 yard radius

    Saving Throw: None

    This spell creates a golden, shimmering spherical area of anti-magic around the

    wizard's standing point in a 6 yard radius and an ultra-thin, donut shaped ring

    of flame directly above (with the same radius).

    The fire is merely of aesthetic value, while the shimmering field gives

    anyone within it's bounds a bonus of +3 on saving throws against spell and

    reduces all damage caused by spells by 3 points/hit die (not to mention

    effecting the spell's that are cast out of the sphere in a parallel manner!).

    As with Low Circle and High Circle, breath weapons and devices (such as

    staffs, rods, wands, amulets, weapons, and rings) are not effected by Sky

    Circle, but any spells cast out of the sphere are dampened just like those

    entering it.

    If Sky Circle is cast in accord with either Low Circle or High Circle, the

    bonus(s) to the saving throws are added (for a total of either +4, +5, or +6),

    while the reduced magical damage is not (thus, retaining the highest value, or

    -3 points damage per hit die).

    6th level

    Nessus' Contact Poison


    Range: Touch

    Components: V,S,M

    Duration: Special

    Casting Time: 6

    Area of Effect: 1 creature

    Saving Throw: 1/2

    When this spell is evoked, a quantity of poison is created in a specially

    prepared vial. This poison is the type that can be absorbed directly through

    the skin, delivering d8 damage per level of the magician.

    This poison can be any of the primary colors (red, blue, or yellow), but

    never clear. Although there is only one dosage of Contact Poison created (about

    5 drops worth), it must be handled with extreme care, for even the caster is

    vulnerable to its damaging effects.

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    If any creature absorbs the Contact Poison, it is entitled to a saving

    throw against poison to take half damage. The poison is not fully stable

    outside the vial (when exposed to open air), and will degrade in

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